With the closure of the Written Procedure 24, approving the Minutes of the 4th Interreg V-A ROHU MC Meeting and the adoption of DECISION No 49 from July 24, 2018, a series of acceleration and simplification actions enter into force and are to be applied to projects under implementation in the framework of the Programme, for the benefit of beneficiaries.
26 July 2018

New financing contracts have been concluded in the framework of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme

The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme announces the signing, by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration of Romania, as Managing Authority, of a new financing contract, in the frame to the first Open Call, for the project ROHU35. The total value of the project is of 1,663,232.70 EUR, out of which 1,340,577.23 EUR from the European Regional Development Fund.
18 July 2018

4th Monitoring Committee (MC) Meeting

The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme is pleased to announce that with the occasion of its 4th Monitoring Committee (MC) Meeting, held on June 28-29, 2018 in Arad, Romania, very important decision has been made in what concerns the financing of 10 Concept Notes, under the Restricted Calls, worth 50% of the total ERDF programme budget, i.e. more than 94,5 mil. EUR, ERDF.
2 July 2018

Monitoring Systems


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