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* Indicate a mandatory question
1. Is living next to a border an opportunity or a disadvantage?
Examples: an advantage because there are more choices to get a job; a disadvantage as things can get complicated like public transport or setting up a business; etc.
2. Where is the biggest potential for territorial cooperation in your area?
Examples: pollution of the rivers; lack of public transport across borders, being easily employed in the neighbouring country; joining forces for tourism; etc.
3. What currently works well in this cooperation and should be either preserved or reinforced?
Examples: joint natural park; exchange of practices; effective networks, etc.
4. What currently does not work well in this cooperation and should be improved?
Examples: energy connectivity; different nature preservation practices in a shared river basin; etc.
5. What are the major obstacles for a good cooperation in your area?
Examples: low level of economic development, distance from big cities; little willingness to cooperate; little knowledge of Interreg programmes, incompatible levels of competences at regional or local level, different languages, different levels of salary etc.
6. Are there things you would like to do under Interreg but cannot? Why?
Examples: to build a joint waste water treatment plant; too complex rules; not enough budget, inadequate geography, excessive controls; overlaps with othen EU programmes; too few calls for proposals; usual same beneficiaries; etc.
7. What is the most important novelty that you would like to see in the future Interreg?
Examples: simpler procedures, more beneficiaries, more innovative projects, more people to people, more infrastructure, etc.
8. Is there a need for some infrastructure projects? Please give some examples.
Examples: yes, we need a joint sport centre instead of none or two; yes, we need to improve navigability on international rivers; yes, we need to have the missing transport links (rail and roads, bridges...), yes, climate adaptation and risk-management measures should be done together; etc.
9. What should be done to facilitate the work with your counterparts in another country (governance)?
Examples: the decisions need to be taken more quickly and better coordinated; we need more coordination involving central government, etc.
10. What would be the cooperation project of your dreams?
Examples: nature protection, a joint hospital to have less transport to get to the nearest one; a network of cities that suffer from excessive tourism; a bridge over the river, a common school, etc.
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