The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme continues to support hospitals in managing the COVID-19 pandemic

The Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration in Romania (MPWDA), as Managing Authority of the Programme, announces the approval of a new amendment to the financing contract, for project ROHU-401, in the field of healthcare. The approved modification will allow the purchase of medical equipment that is so very needed in the treatment of COVID-19.
6 May 2020

New financing contracts concluded in the frame of the Programme

The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme announces the signing, by the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration in Romania, as Managing Authority, of 3 new financing contracts, for projects falling under state aid, receiving funding under the 3rd Open Call. Also, it was signed the financing contract for the strategic project ROHU452, being financed in the frame of the 3rd Restricted Call.
5 May 2020

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