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ROHU Programme basics

What is ROHU Programme

Who we are
The Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme (ROHU Programme) is a territorial cooperation programme between two member states, Romania and Hungary, funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), with a total allocation of 175,940,025.00 EUR (out of which 80% ERDF, in amount of 140,752,020.00 EUR).
Our vision
The vision for the ROHU Programme is a greener, more resilient, and cohesive cross-border region between Romania and Hungary, with enhanced understanding of cooperation opportunities, increased trust and reduced barriers to cooperation, towards Agenda 2030 common targets with a more sustainable cooperation framework.
Topics we cover
ROHU Programme contributes to 3 EU priorities, a greener and more social Europe and strives for better cooperation governance through capacity building and people-to-people actions.
Who can benefit

Main categories of applicants:

  • Public authorities
  • Bodies governed by public law
  • Non-profit organisations governed by private law
  • EGTCs
Our history - Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary

Facts and figures

Partner countries/regions
Eligible counties
The Programme Area consists of 8 counties, 4 in Romania (Arad, Bihor, Satu Mare and Timiș) and 4 in Hungary (Békés, Csongrád-Csanád, Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg).
Available budget
Programme budget
The Programme is funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), with a total allocation of 175,940,025.00 EUR (out of which 80% ERDF, in the amount of 140,752,020.00 EUR).
Number of topics

Thematic scope
The 3 Policy objectives selected for financing are: a greener Europe, a more social Europe and a better cooperation governance.

Co-financing rate
Co-financing rates for project partners
The European Union provides up to 80% of the funds needed for cooperation.
Project type and duration

2 types of Calls and projects: Open and Restricted Calls
Normal projects
Project duration: 12-30 months;
Operations of Strategic Importance (OSI) projects
Project duration: up to 36 months;

Institutional architecture

Organization overview
The institutional architecture of the Programme in charge with the Programme management and implementation includes the following bodies:
Internal bodies
Public-facing bodies

National Control Bodies
National Control Bodies (NCB) are designated by each Partner State to ensure the Managing Authority on the compliance of expenditure incurred by the national project partners with Community (EU) and national rules, by carrying out appropriate verifications, covering administrative, financial, technical and physical aspects of the operations.

The National Control Body for the Romanian Program partners is hosted by the Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation Oradea (BRECO).

The National Control Body for Hungarian Program partners is hosted by the Széchenyi Program Office (SzPO)

Crossborder cooperation projects

Search for projects

Explore the projects we fund in each of our 3 topics. Find out what issues they are tackling and the policy changes taking place in regions across Europe.

Please be aware that, because the Programme has just started, some topics will have few or no results.

Greener Europe: Renewable energy / Climate change & disaster risk prevention / Biodiversity
More social Europe: Health care / Culture & tourism
Better cooperation governance: Enhance institutional capacities / Enhance efficient public administration / People to people actions
Project results

Get an insight into the results achieved by our crossborder projects from 2014-2020 period:

Results 2014-2020Projects library 2014-2020
Get help and support

We’re here to help you and support you in project implementation. You can find us at Contacts  - Joint Secretariat

News and events

You can find our latest news at

News & Events 2021-2027

Programme documents

Get a better understanding of the ROHU Programme. Download its key documents below.

The Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme document outlines the Programme strategy and its priorities.

Programme documents 2021-2027

Monitoring Systems


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