PA 1 aims at cooperating on common values and resources, cooperation achieved through two selected investment priorities, each having a specific objective.
Specific Objective 1.1: Improved quality management of cross-border rivers and ground waters
This specific objective corresponds to Investment Priority 6/b, investing in the water sector to meet the requirements of the Union's environmental acquis and to address needs, identified by the Member States, for investment that goes beyond those requirements.
Types of eligible actions include, among others:
Specific Objective 1.2: Sustainable use of natural, historic and cultural heritage within eligible area
This objective corresponds to Investment Priority 6/c, conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage.
Types of eligible actions include, among others:
PA 2 aims at cooperating on cross-border accessibility through two selected investment priorities, each of them having a specific objective.
Specific objective 2.1: Improved cross-border accessibility through connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure
This specific objective corresponds to Priority Investment no. 7/b, Improving regional mobility through connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure, including multimodal nodes.
Types of indicative actions include, among others:
OBS: Investments related to such studies should have a reasonable likelihood of being implemeted by identifying possible sources of funding. They shall also be part of the strategic planning for transport in the eligible area.
Specific objective 2.2: Increased the proportion of passengers using sustainable – low carbon, low noise – forms of cross-border transport
This objective corresponds to Investment Priority no. 7/c, Developing and improving environmentally-friendly (including low noise) and low-carbon transport systems, including inland waterways and maritime transport, ports, multimodal links and airport infrastructure, in order to promote sustainable regional and local mobility.
Types of indicative actions include, among others:
OBS: Investments such related to such studies should have a reasonable likehood of being implemented by identifying possible sources of funding. They shall also be part of the strategic planning for transport in the eligible area.
OBS: With the regard to improving railway transport, the Programme with its fairly limited budget can only undertake to induce and catalyse investments from other sources (like mainstream OPs of the two countries) by supporting the preparation phase (feasibility studies, engineering designs) of the development of railway infrastructure developments between the two countries.
PA 3 aims at cooperating on employment, cooperation achieved through one selected investment priority, having a specific objective.
Specific Objective 3.1: Increased employment within the eligible area
This specific objective corresponds to Investment Priority 8/b, Supporting employment-friendly growth through the development of endogenous potential as part of a territorial strategy for specific areas, including the conversion of declining industrial regions and enhancement of accessibility to, and development of, specific natural and cultural resources. The actions to be supported may differ from territory to territory, examples could include:
Types of indicative actions include, among others:
The following actions can be implemented based on strategies:
PA 4 aims at cooperating on health-care and prevention, cooperation achieved through one selected investment priority, having a specific objective.
Specific Objective 4.1: Improved preventive and curative health-care services across the eligible
This specific objective corresponds to Investment Priority 9/a, Investment in heath and social infrastructure which contributes to national, regional and local development, reducing inequalities in terms of health status, promoting social inclusion through improved access to social, cultural and recreational services and the transition from institutional to community-based services.
Types of indicative actions include, among others:
PA 5 aims at cooperating on risk prevention and disaster management, cooperation achieved through one selected investment priority, having a specific objective.
Specific Objective 5.1: Improved cross-border disasters and risk management
This specific objective corresponds to Investment Priority 5/b, Promoting investment to address specific risks, ensuring disaster resilience and developing disaster management systems.
Types of indicative actions include, among others:
PA 6 aims at cooperation of institutions and communities, cooperation achieved through one selected investment priority, having a specific objective.
Specific Objective 6.1: Intensify sustainable cross-border cooperation of institutions and communities
This objective corresponds to Investment priority 11/b, Promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions (ETC-CB).
a) Cooperation for institutions
Types of indicative actions include, among others:
Instead of one-off cooperation initiatives, projects that can sustain cooperation in the long-run are favoured.
b) Cooperation for citizens
Types of indicative actions include, among others:
Small-scale joint initiatives in the fields of sport, culture and leisure - cultural events, performances, festivals, sports competitions, extracurricular cooperation of schoolchildren – exchange programmes, trainings promoting cultural diversity and joint traditions, with the aim of creating sustainable networks and cooperation.