RO legislation


  • Law No. 315/2004 concerning the regional development in Romania, with subsequent completions and modifications
  • Law No. 500/2002 on public finance, with subsequent completions and modifications
  • Law No. 273/2006 regarding local public finance, with subsequent completions and modifications
  • Law of local public administration No. 215/2001, with subsequent completions and modifications
  • Law No. 335/2007 regarding the chambers of commerce
  • Law No. 202/2002 regarding equal opportunities for men and women
  • Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and real estate advertising, with subsequent completions and modifications
  • Law No. 10/1995 regarding the quality of constructions
  • Law No. 213/1998 concerning the public property and its juridical regime
  • Law No. 50/1991 regarding the authorization of the execution of works, with subsequent completions and modifications
  • Law No. 350/2001 regarding the territory arrangement and urban planning, with subsequent completions and modifications
  • Law No. 5/2000 regarding the management of national territory - section III - protected areas
  • Law No. 278/2013 on industrial emissions
  • Law No. 22/2001 for the ratification of the Convention on the impact assessment on environment in cross-border context, adopted at Espoo on 25 February 1991
  • Law No. 86/2000 for the ratification of the Aarhus Convention, signed on 25.06.1998, concerning the access to information, the participation of the public in the decision making process and the access to justice regarding the environment issues
  • Law No.98/2016 regarding public procurement, with subsequent completions and modifications
  • Law No. 99/2016 regarding the sectoral procurement, with subsequent completions and modifications
  • Law No. 100/2016 regarding concession contracts for works and services, with subsequent completions and modifications
  • Law No. 101/2016 regarding the remedies and review procedures for the award of the public procurement contracts and for the organization and functioning of the National Council for Solving Complaints, with subsequent completions and modifications

Government Decisions:

  • Government Decision No. 1072/2003 regarding the authorization by the Construction State Inspectorate of the technical-economical documentation for the investment objectives financed through public funds
  • Government Decision No. 28/2008 regarding the approval of the framework content of the technical-economic documentation concerning public investments, and of the structure and methodology for elaborating the general estimate for investment objectives and intervention operations - REPEALED by Government Decision No. 907/2016, on 27.02.2017
  • Government Decision No. 1865/2006 for the modification of the thresholds regarding the competencies for approving the technical-economic documentation for new investment objectives
  • Government Decision No. 445/2009 on the assessment of certain public and private projects on the environment, with further amendments - REPEALED by Law No. 292/2018, on 09.01.2019
  • Government Decision No. 564/2006 on the framework of public participation to the elaboration of certain pans and programmes concerning the environment
  • Government Decision No. 1076/2004 establishing the procedure for the elaboration of the impact assessment for plans and programmes
  • Decision No. 878/2005 on the public access to information regarding the environment
  • Government Decision No. 518/1995 regarding certain rights and duties of the Romanian personnel sent abroad for undertaking temporary missions, with subsequent completions and modifications
  • Government Decision No. 1860/2006 concerning the rights and duties of the personnel of public authorities and institutions during the delegation and posting in other locality, as well as for moving in the locality, in the work interest - REPEALED by Government Decision No. 714/2018, on 01.01.2019
  • Government Decision No. 714/2018 concerning the rights and duties of the personnel of public authorities and institutions during the delegation and posting in other locality, as well as for moving in the locality, in the work interest
  • Government Decision no. 878/2005 on public access to environmental information, with subsequent amendments
  • Government Decision no. 210/2007 amending and supplementing certain acts transposing the acquis communautaire in the field of environmental protection, as amended and supplemented
  • Government Decision No. 395/2016 approving the Methodological Norms for the application of provisions concerning the award of public procurement contract/framework agreement of Law no. 98/2016 on public procurement, with subsequent completions and modifications

Government Ordinances:

    • Government Emergency Ordinance no. 64/2022 on May 11, 2022
    • Order of the Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration no. 1329/21.09.2021.
    • Government Ordinance No. 15/2021 regarding the adjustment of the price of works contracts in progress
    • Government Ordinance No. 26/2000 regarding associations and foundations
    • Government Ordinance No. 34 /2006 regarding public procurement, with subsequent completions and modifications - REPEALED by Law no. 98/2016, on 26.05.2016
    • Government Ordinance 77/2014 on the national procedures regarding state aid, and amending and supplementing Competition Law no. 21/1996;
    • Government Emergency Ordinance No. 195/2005 regarding the environmental protection
    • Government Ordinance No. 137/2000 on the prevention and sanctioning of all forms of discrimination
    • Ordinance No. 43/1997 regarding the regime of roads, with subsequent completions and modifications
    • Government Emergency Ordinance No. 68/2007 on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage
    • Government Emergency Ordinance No. 12/2007 and Government Decision No. 210/2007 for the completion and modification of several legal acts that are transposing the acquis communautaire in the field of environmental protection
    • Government Ordinance No. 129/2000 regarding professional training, with subsequent completions and modifications
    • Government Ordinance No. 57/2002 concerning the scientific research and technological development, with subsequent completions and modifications
    • Government Emergency Ordinance No. 85/2008 for the stimulation of investments
    • Government Ordinance No. 29/2015 on the management and use of external grant and national public co-financing for European Territorial Cooperation Objective, for the 2014-2020 period, and its Implementing rules
    • Emergency Government Ordinance No. 57/2007 on the regime of protected natural areas, conservation of natural habitats, wild flora and fauna, with further amendments
    • Government  Order No. 5687/1799/2017
    • Government Ordinance No. 8 of august 4, 2017 for amending and supplementing Ordinance No. 29/2015
    • Emergency Government Ordinance No. 66/2011 on the prevention, detection and sanctioning of irregularities in obtaining and using the European funds and/or the national public funds related to them, with subsequent completions and modifications
    • Order on the approval of standard forms for interim evaluation reports related to procurement procedures/public procurement framework agreements, contracts/sectoral framework agreements and works concession and service concession contracts
    • Order No. 1068/1652/2018 for approving the Green Public Procurement Guide covering minimum environmental protection requirements for certain groups of products and services required at the level of technical specifications



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