REGIOSTARS, the annual competition organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policies (DG REGIO), has reached its 16th edition. Over the years, the competition has become a mark of excellence for EU-funded innovative and inclusive projects in terms of regional development. In this context, the Managing Authority encourages beneficiaries of projects implemented […]
31 March 2023

Life is more colourful in a greener environment

Eye-catching natural attractions, unspoiled habitats and millions of animal species, this diverse region opens up to us when we look down from the western Carpathian Mountains through the gorge valley of Crişul Repede River towards the Körös-Maros National Park. This wonderful cross-border area inspired the representatives of the Don Orione Beneficence Charity Society (RO) to […]
27 March 2023

The intervention capacity of the ROHU cross-border network on risk management in emergency situations has been improved

The CBN|ROHU72 project aims to improve the institutional cross-border cooperation network, increase interoperability, and preventive and mitigating capacity in emergency situations by addressing specific risks, ensuring resilience, and developing disaster management systems. To achieve such objectives, 5 institutions from 3 counties have joined forces within the project’s partnership, having a total budget of € 2,682,782.50, […]
14 March 2023

The realm of the Great Bustards is getting ready to welcome its visitors

The project, "Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba cross border area, ROHU-14 – The Nature Corner", has only a few more activities left to complete until 30 June 2023, which will mark the end of its implementation period. Launched in March 2018, the project started as a cross-border, public-private partnership between the Municipality of Salonta (project leader), Milvus Transylvania West Association, the Municipality of Békés and Körösök Völgye Natúrpark Association from Hungary.
6 March 2023

Monitoring Systems


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