1. The actual status of the Programme in total values:

Updated on 15.01.2025

Total Number  ERDF (EUR)   Priority axis  Number (PA)
Programme allocation 189,138,672.00  PA 1-6  177,790,352.00
 TA  11,348,320.00
Project proposals submitted 263 332,295,572.36  PA 1-6  246 319,930,477.37
 TA  17 12,365,094.99
Projects selected for financing 116 188,956,822.82  PA 1-6  99 177,780,282.55
 TA  17 11,176,540.27
Projects contracted 116 193,114,982.06  PA 1-6  99 181,938,441.79
 TA  17 11,176,540.27
Projects terminated 2 2,564,186.16
PA 1-6  2 2,564,186.16
Savings from finalized projects (final report approved by the MA)    10,748,785.90 PA 1-6    10,748,785.90
ERDF unused 9,336,662.01  PA 1-6  9,164,882.27
TA 171,779.73
ERDF Contracting Rate  PA 1-6  94.85%
PA 1-6 and TA 95.06%
Projects under implementation 6  -  PA 1-6  6*  -
 TA  0  -
Projects finalized  108 179,802,010,00  PA 1-6  91 168,625,469.73
 TA  17 11,176,540.27
Payment applications submitted to the COM** 53 181,920,029.83
Absorption rate 96.18%

* 6 projects financed under Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme declared as not-finalised projects, as defined under Art 3, letter j) of the Romanian Government Emergency Ordinance 36/2023.

** the ERDF amount requested from COM was calculated by applying the percentage of 85% co-financing from ERDF for all eligible amounts included in the payment applications sent to COM, respectively 50% for TA, according to art 120/point 3 of EU Reg 1303/2013.

2. Indicators set up at the Programme level

Updated on 30.11.2023

Priority axis ID Indicator  Measurement unit, where appropriate Final target (2023) Forecasted to be reached * Achieved ** Out of which approved***
PA1 - Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources (Cooperating on common values and resources) CO09 Sustainable Tourism: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions Visits/year 61,000.00 159,723.00 77,267.00 77,267.00
PA1 - Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources (Cooperating on common values and resources) C023 CO23 Nature and biodiversity: Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status ha 105,000.00 108,791.44 63,352.00 62,112.00
PA1 - Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources (Cooperating on common values and resources) 6/b 1 Number of measurement points positively affected by the interventions (after the completion of the project) Number 7 9 - 0
PA2 - Improve sustainable cross-border mobility and remove bottlenecks (Cooperating on accessibility) CO13a Roads: Total length of newly built roads, of which: TEN-T km 12 12.14 - 0
PA2 - Improve sustainable cross-border mobility and remove bottlenecks (Cooperating on accessibility) CO14 Roads: Total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads km 18 20.06 - 0
PA2 - Improve sustainable cross-border mobility and remove bottlenecks (Cooperating on accessibility) 7/c 1 Number of cross-border public transport services developed/improved Number 17 17 16.00 16.00
PA2 - Improve sustainable cross-border mobility and remove bottlenecks (Cooperating on accessibility) 7/c 2 Total length of newly built bicycle road km 17 20.44 20.44 20.44
PA3 - Improve employment and promote cross-border labour mobility (Cooperating on employment) CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training Persons 26,000.00 31,595.00 28,605.00 5,569.00
PA4 - Improving healthcare services (Cooperating on healthcare and prevention) 9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services Number 3,724,226.00 3,911,505.00 2,656,887.00 2,656,887
PA4 - Improving healthcare services (Cooperating on healthcare and prevention) 9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment Number 73 163 79 74
PA5 - Improve risk-prevention and disaster management (Cooperating on risk prevention and disaster management) 5/b 1 Population safeguarded by improved emergency response services Number of people 2,100,000.00 2,588,361.00 1,721,735.00 1,721,230.00
PA6 - Promoting cross border cooperation between institutions and citizens (Cooperation of institutions and communities) 11/b1 Number of institutions directly involved in cross border cooperation initiatives Number 36 38 32 32
PA6 - Promoting cross border cooperation between institutions and citizens (Cooperation of institutions and communities) 11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives Number 30,000.00 18,455.00 30,583.00 30,583.00

* Cumulative value - outputs to be delivered by selected operations [forecast provided by beneficiaries]

**Output indicators reported as achieved by the projects under implementation

** *Output indicators approved by MA based on PROJECTS' FINAL REPORTS

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