1. The actual status of the Programme in total values:

Updated on 31.03.2024

Total Number  ERDF (EUR)   Priority axis  Number (PA)
Programme allocation 189,138,672.00  PA 1-6  177,790,352.00
 TA  11,348,320.00
Project proposals submitted 263 332,295,572.36  PA 1-6  246 319,930,477.37
 TA  17 12,365,094.99
Projects selected for financing 116 188,956,822.82  PA 1-6  99 177,780,282.55
 TA  17 11,176,540.27
Projects contracted 116 193,114,982.06  PA 1-6  99 181,938,441.79
 TA  17 11,176,540.27
Projects terminated 2 2,522,609.06
PA 1-6  2 2,522,609.06
Savings from finalized projects (final report approved by the MA)   2,498,830.39
PA 1-6    2,498,830.39
ERDF unused 1,045,129.40  PA 1-6  873,349.66
TA 171,779.73
ERDF Contracting Rate  PA 1-6  99.51%
PA 1-6 and TA 99.45%
Projects under implementation 12  -  PA 1-6  12*  -
 TA  0  -
Projects finalized  103 188,093,542.61  PA 1-6  86 176,917,002.34
 TA  17 11,176,540.27
Payment applications submitted to the COM 49 160,612,809.08
Absorption rate 0 84.92%

* 11 projects financed under Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme were declared as not-finalised projects, as defined under Art 3, letter j) of the Romanian Government Emergency Ordinance 36/2023 and 1 project as non-functional, as defined under Art 3, letter i) of the same Government Emergency Ordinance

2. Indicators set up at the Programme level

Updated on 30.11.2023

Priority axis ID Indicator  Measurement unit, where appropriate Final target (2023) Forecasted to be reached * Achieved ** Out of which approved***
PA1 - Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources (Cooperating on common values and resources) CO09 Sustainable Tourism: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions Visits/year 61,000.00 159,723.00 77,267.00 77,267.00
PA1 - Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources (Cooperating on common values and resources) C023 CO23 Nature and biodiversity: Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status ha 105,000.00 108,791.44 63,352.00 62,112.00
PA1 - Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources (Cooperating on common values and resources) 6/b 1 Number of measurement points positively affected by the interventions (after the completion of the project) Number 7 9 - 0
PA2 - Improve sustainable cross-border mobility and remove bottlenecks (Cooperating on accessibility) CO13a Roads: Total length of newly built roads, of which: TEN-T km 12 12.14 - 0
PA2 - Improve sustainable cross-border mobility and remove bottlenecks (Cooperating on accessibility) CO14 Roads: Total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads km 18 20.06 - 0
PA2 - Improve sustainable cross-border mobility and remove bottlenecks (Cooperating on accessibility) 7/c 1 Number of cross-border public transport services developed/improved Number 17 17 16.00 16.00
PA2 - Improve sustainable cross-border mobility and remove bottlenecks (Cooperating on accessibility) 7/c 2 Total length of newly built bicycle road km 17 20.44 20.44 20.44
PA3 - Improve employment and promote cross-border labour mobility (Cooperating on employment) CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training Persons 26,000.00 31,595.00 28,605.00 5,569.00
PA4 - Improving healthcare services (Cooperating on healthcare and prevention) 9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services Number 3,724,226.00 3,911,505.00 2,656,887.00 2,656,887
PA4 - Improving healthcare services (Cooperating on healthcare and prevention) 9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment Number 73 163 79 74
PA5 - Improve risk-prevention and disaster management (Cooperating on risk prevention and disaster management) 5/b 1 Population safeguarded by improved emergency response services Number of people 2,100,000.00 2,588,361.00 1,721,735.00 1,721,230.00
PA6 - Promoting cross border cooperation between institutions and citizens (Cooperation of institutions and communities) 11/b1 Number of institutions directly involved in cross border cooperation initiatives Number 36 38 32 32
PA6 - Promoting cross border cooperation between institutions and citizens (Cooperation of institutions and communities) 11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives Number 30,000.00 18,455.00 30,583.00 30,583.00

* Cumulative value - outputs to be delivered by selected operations [forecast provided by beneficiaries]

**Output indicators reported as achieved by the projects under implementation

** *Output indicators approved by MA based on PROJECTS' FINAL REPORTS

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