
Ez a tartalom csak angol nyelven érhető el, mivel a pályázati űrlap angol nyelvű és csakis angol nyelven kell kitölteni.

Priority AxisProject ideaOrganization nameOrganization typeCountryProject partnerEstimated budgetEstimated durationNumeEmailPhone number
4: Improving health-care services

Improvement of preventive and curative cancer-related healthcare services for the population living in the region of Hungarian-Romanian border
a)To develop a common innovative protocol for histologic and molecular diagnosis in cancer that will significantly improve the diagnostic precision and the therapeutic approach.
b)To set up of a cross-border web based Multilanguage IT platform in order to monitor the cancer risk factors in the cross-border region and to inform the local authorities and the oncologic patients about the results obtained.
c)To assess the oncologic health status of the population in the cross-border region.
d)To evaluate pathogenic potentials of relevant cancer-related risk factors for cross-border region on human health.
e)To develop, based on objectives (c) and (d), of specific prevention and treatment schemes for different cancer types.
f)To evaluate the socio-economic impact on the oncologic population, regarding the quality of life and the alteration of educational process and work productivity in order to raise awareness among the local authorities regarding this problem.
Expected result:
To develop an effective regional network based on innovative technological solutions for the diagnosis and treatment of oncologic patients, with the goal to improve the basic services and to increase the quality of life and life expectancy for the population living on the both sides of the Romanian-Hungarian border.

Pius Brinzeu County Clinical Emergency Hospital Timisoara - OncoGen CentrePublic Health InstituteROYES2,000,000 Euros24Virgil Paunescu[email protected]+40 723 383 737
4: Improving health-care services

Improvement of preventive and curative allergy-related healthcare services for the population living in the region of Hungarian-Romanian border.
a)To Set up the Allergology Compartment in Timisoara County Hospital ”Pius Brinzeu” as regional organization to monitor and treat allergic diseases.
b)To set up a cross-border web based Multilanguage IT platform in order to monitor the airborne pollen concentration in the cross-border region and to inform the local authorities and the allergic patients about the results obtained.
c)To assess the respiratory health status of the exposed population in the cross-border region.
d)To evaluate pathogenic potentials of relevant airborne pollens for cross-border region on human health and to establish the exact periods of greatest allergenic impact.
e)To develop, based on objectives (c) and (d), of specific prevention and treatment schemes for different allergens.
f)To evaluate the socio-economic impact on the exposed population, regarding the quality of life and the alteration of educational process and work productivity in order to raise awareness among the local authorities regarding this problem.
Expected result: To decrease the incidence of allergic diseases by developing joint prevention programs for the population of the cross-border region.

Pius Brinzeu County Clinical Emergency Hospital TimisoaraPublic Health InstituteRONO, partner search600,000 Euros24Carmen Panaitescu (Bunu)[email protected]+40 721 434 100
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Creating an educational network for regional cooperation consolidation (cooperation on librarianship, organizing cultural events, film festival and scientific conferences).

Central University LibrarySchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search500.000 Euro18Manuela Zanescu[email protected]+40 740 241 428
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

I propose a project in which our health institution provide emergency medical assistance and medical transport for patients on both sides of the border, with beneficial results for patients in both countries.

SERVICIUL DE AMBULANTA JUDETEAN TIMISPublic Health InstituteRONO, partner search500.000 Euro24Monica Nagy[email protected]+40 723 531 611
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

The main idea is the increasing tourist activity in a single area that integrates common values of the historical and cultural heritage. All the touristic attractions should be included into a circuit. Ineu town mainly aims to include in the project a medieval fortress (Fortress Ineu). The town also Ineu, could include natural areas the project with a good practices sports tourism practices and gastronomic traditions actions. Partners other than local authority would be accepted if they are eligible.

Municipality of IneuLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search10 - 14 mil. Euro36Calin Abrudan[email protected]+40 742 306 675
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

We are interested in starting a cultural exchange platform in the form of an annual event/sports competition/festival/camp that will bring together people and traditions from both sides of the border.

Primăria PetrișLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search30.000 Euro12 monthsIrina Onescu[email protected]+40 747 090 176
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

We have two main objectives:
1. Petriș needs to aquire a FIRE TRUCK in order to improve the response and intervention time in case of a fire emergency.
2. Petriș needs to consolidate its main valley/river bed and build dams and bridges along its course, in order to prevent flooding and other damages that may result in case of a natural disaster.

Primăria PetrișLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search150.000 - 300.000 Euro12 monthsIrina Onescu[email protected]+40 747 090 176
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

We have two main objectives:
1. Petriș needs to aquire a FIRE TRUCK in order to improve the response and intervention time in case of a fire emergency.
2. Petriș needs to consolidate its main valley/river bed and build dams and bridges along its course, in order to prevent flooding and other damages that may result in case of a natural disaster.

Primăria PetrișLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search150.000 - 300.000 Euro12 monthsIrina Onescu[email protected]+40 747 090 176
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

We are interested in starting a cultural exchange platform in the form of an annual event/sports competition/festival/camp that will bring together people and traditions from both sides of the border.

Primăria PetrișLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search30.000 Euro12 monthsIrina Onescu[email protected]+40 747 090 176
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Main objective is to lay down the basic elements of a cross-border service system for music pedagogic and performing arts individuals and vocal ensembles active in an amateur field but parallel especially talented to achieve results in semi-professional and professional market circumstances. Direct objective is to ensure the service and infrastructural environment for a pilot-project aiming to analyse on the one hand the impact of the transfer of professional competencies and know-how on the artistic performance quality as a core market characteristic and on the other hand the influence of the creative industry services provided among special incubatory circumstances. Quantitative measures to achieve are as follows: 4-5 occasions of master courses led by internationally well-known and professionally highly experienced choral music experts; 1 occasion of an international conference regarding the creative industry approach of amateur and semi-professional music pedagogic experts, vocal groups and individuals; 1 website as a platform providing online market service area and accompanying that a multi-platform based application for the same purpose; at least 30% increase in the number of cultural goods consumers attending the two participating ensembles’ concerts during the project period. Civic organizational cross-border cooperation and exchange of experiences between 2 or more organizations; increase in the number of long-term (institutionalized) partnerships via a web- and application based platform; improvement of the capacities of the organizations in activities toward creative industry approaches.

AcapellArt Kulturális EgyesületNGOHUNO, partner search12500018Péter Magyar[email protected]+36 70 600 6512
4: Improving health-care services

Promotional actions for health screening and providing information to prevent and diagnose diseases with high frequency in the eligible area

Humanamed srlOther typesRONO, partner search60000036 monthLaurentiu Chiana[email protected]+40 722 407 288
4: Improving health-care services

Develop toxicological services and create a Addictology part in Hospital(6 beds)

Clinical Hospital C.F. OradeaOther typesROYES50000024Chipurici Marius[email protected]+0724226540
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Our main idea is to renovate the castle in the village of Zsadány Fancsikapuszta. The main objectives besides the monument restoration and preservation of heritage is a well-marketable tourism package which would hopefully increase the economic status of this disadvantageous settlement and the district and contributing to support the aims of rural development and this project is belived to have a multiplicative effect in its long run. The cultural and tourism cooporation between the two nations can also attain good heights due to this project.

Bozsód-Rét Nonprofit Ltd.NGOHUNO, partner search170000030Dr. Péter Horváth[email protected]+36 30 594 5122
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Dotare Serviciul Voluntariat Situatii de Urgenta

COMUNA DUDEŞTII NOILocal AuthorityRONO, partner search200.000,00-500.000,0012-30 luniOneț Nicu Viorel[email protected]+40 721 228 514
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Development of Green Infrastructure - Protection of natural heritage in urban areas

Timișoara City HallLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search2,000,000.00-5,000,000.00 EUR12-30 monthsBere-Semedi iudit[email protected]+40 731 540 932
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Purchase a new fire truck

LIEBLING COMMUNELocal AuthorityRONO, partner search-12-30 monthsRoşu-Ciobanu Corina[email protected]+40 729 078 996
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Volunteer Emergency Services, volunteer training, Equipment Acquisition

ZERIND COMMUNELocal AuthorityRONO, partner search250,000.00 EUR12-30 monthsAlexandru Simandi[email protected]+40 728 842 181
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Construction of a recreation Park named "Tarzan Park"

Municipality of CsongradLocal AuthorityHUNO, partner search1.234.00012-24Ujszaszi Erika[email protected]+36 20 502 2988
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Water tourism developmant

Municipality of CsongradLocal AuthorityHUNO, partner search167.00012-24Ujszaszi Erika[email protected]+36 20 502 2988
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Graphical art house; Special Picture Depo - Exhibition Hall; Univrsal picture WEB site; Istok Margit Music Hall; Pages Cinema and Cultural Common House , Tematic Tourist Programme; Tematic Route trough Chureches

Local Governmant of MakoLocal AuthorityHUNO, partner search2.500.00012-36Paksi Pauleta[email protected]+36 62 511 859
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Risk prevention in the area

Local Governmant of MakoLocal AuthorityHUNO, partner search170.00024Paksi Pauleta[email protected]+36 62 511 859
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Exercises; Develop risk pervention managemant; Develop civil protection and fire fighter associations; Training base in Bekescsaba; Personel protecting equipmants; communication; Pre-alert system

Disaster Management Protectorate Bekes CountyOther typesHUNO, partner search200.00012Tímár Tamás[email protected]+36 303667614
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Risk prevention, disater management, cross border dister manageent, risk mangement

Police Department KisvardiaOther typesHUNO, partner search150.00012Zoltan Szabolcs Szalay[email protected]+36 309150694
2: Improve sustainable cross-border mobility and remove bottlenecks

Create Hi-Efficiency, Low-Noise, Multi-Modal fast connection between the Timisoara International Airport and the cities of Szeged, Mako, Arad, Lugoj and Timisoara.
- Elaborate concept
- Design, plan, study, authorise
- Build infrastructure
- Purchase equipment and services
- Create logistic platform and tools
- Develop network and marketing connections
- Run, optimize and coordinate efficient operation
Result: One Multi-Modal HUB and transport infrastructure for fast and efficient public mobility and associated cross-border services.

Timisoara International Airport "Traian Vuia"Other typesROYES13 mil. euro42Nick Birsan[email protected]+40742117883
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Organize an international exercise.
- develop risk assessment documents - practise rescue plans;
- main tasks: cooperate special teams (Fire-fighting, Urban Search and Rescue, Hazardous Material, Water Rescue, Boat units, Industrial units, etc...);
- 5-6 days term;
- start in Arad county - finish in Békés county;
- international participants (8-10 nations);
- update the international procedures (external-internal directives);
- lesson-learned meetings, workshop, conferences;
- education and training for the volunteers;
- exchange of experiences!

Békés County Disaster Management DirectorateLocal AuthorityHUYES2,4 M12-18Tamás Timár[email protected]+36 30 366 7614
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

The Bees - Natural heritage

Comunitatea pentru învățrea PermanentăNGORONO, partner search250.0009 monthRodica Pana[email protected]+40 722 709 292
3: Improve employment and promote cross-border labour mobility

Bees didactical farm

Comunitatea pentru învățrea PermanentăNGORONO, partner search250.0009 monthRodica Pana[email protected]+40 722 709 292
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Conservation and safeguarding of nature parks/Creation of thematic routes.

West University of TimișoaraOther typesRONO, partner search2.000.00030 monthPăuțu Sorina/Megan Ovidiu[email protected]+40 745 269 321
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Promovarea biodiversității în zona Pomezeu-Roșia-Remetea-Dobrești

Asociația Comunelor din RomâniaOther typesRONO, partner search425.00024Teodora Ivan[email protected]+40 740 789 280
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Part of an biodiversity integrated project, farmers trading on traditional agricultural practices, preservation of landscape, community facilitation and developmant.

Centrul de Asistență RuralăNGORONO, partner search500.00030Bernecker Alina[email protected]+40 722 778 987
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Amenajarea cursului pârâului Peța/ Promovare biodiversitate pe sit Natura 2000

Primăria SîntandreiLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search425.00024Mărcuș Ioan[email protected]+40 744 146 799
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Eliminarea riscurilor la inundații/Lucrări de amenajare a teritoriului

Primăria SîntandreiLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search500.00024Mărcuș Ioan[email protected]+40 744 146 799
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Îmbunătățirea calității apei

Primăria SîntandreiLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search1.000.00024Mărcuș Ioan[email protected]+40 744 146 799
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Arsenic monitoring from ground water/Study regarding arsenic removal/mapping the area

Politehnica University of TimișoaraOther typesRO-- choose --400.00018Negrea Adina[email protected]+40 723 649 897
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Realizare canalizare pluvială/ Colectare ape pluviale, înmagazinare și epurare în cursuri de apă

Primăria Dudeștii NoiLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search700.00012Nicu-Viorel Oneț[email protected]+40 731 333 383
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Prevenirea inundațiilor care sunt tot mai frecvente

Primăria Dudeștii NoiLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search300.00012Nicu-Viorel Oneț[email protected]+40 731 333 383
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Risk assessment in cross-border region

Inspectorate for Emergency Situations "Vasile Goldis" AradLocal AuthorityROYES200,000.0024 monthsCosmin Turcuș[email protected]+40 744 522 540
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Video surveillance system for risk prevention, and emergency response.

Municipality of RecasLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search200,000.0012 monthsBoldizsar Rozalia[email protected]+40 744 758 780
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Aquisition of a fire truck and related necessary equipment to provide fire protection in the area.

Valcani CommuneLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search170,000.0012 monthsBuicu Dragoș Ioan[email protected]+40 723 398 601
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Purchase of a new fire truck and related necessary equipment for a proper intervention in case of disasters

Municipality of BuziasLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search-12-30 monthsDămian Cristina[email protected]+40 756 031 183
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Development of Voluntary Service for Emergency Situations of Nadlac (endowment)

Municipality of NadlacLocal AuthorityROYES200,000.00-Iasovics Claudiu[email protected]+40 741 150 257
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Risk analysis (disaster risk)/ Building up civil protection module exercises on civil protection/ Exercises on civil protection(consequences management of disasters)

ASOCIAȚIA TERITORIALĂ ATAC DE ACȚIUNE CIVICĂNGORONO, partner search-24 monthsLucaciu Marcel[email protected]+40 755 090 004
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Mobil NBC laborator

Politehnica University TimisoaraSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search300,000.0024 monthsVasile Rădvan[email protected]+40 724 187 854
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Development of training unit (facility)/ Purchase of equipments

Timiș CountyLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search--Lucia Pătruică[email protected]+40 735 875 445
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Protecting and promoting the nature and biodiversity-create a structure of intervention in case of disasters

Association for Community Development of Bistra ForestNGORONO, partner search500-600,000.0018 monthsCristian Bucureștianucristian.bucurestianu@pă 721 320 699
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Disaster prevention and exchanges of experience

DUMBRĂVITA COMMUNELocal AuthorityROYES400,000.0012 monthsGal Ladislau[email protected]+40 735 547 582
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Implementation of the Risk Management System for monitoring and mitigating accidental and Environmental Risks, avoiding large scale disasters

NATIONAL R & D INSTITUTE FOR. WELDING AND MATERIAL TESTING. ISIM TIMIŞOARA.Research InstituteRONO, partner search--Sandu Crâsteți[email protected]+40 768 188 993
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Prevention, disaster training population / Purchase of equipment

DUMBRĂVITA COMMUNELocal AuthorityRONO, partner search400,000.0012 monthsVerginia NEGURĂ[email protected]+40 723 178 972
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management


Center for promoting lifelong learning – CPIPNGORONO, partner search--Daiana HUBER[email protected]+40 721 362 036
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Watershed management plans.

Fauna & Flora InternationalNGORONO, partner search-24Iain Trewby[email protected]+40 786 256 428
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Habitat restoration

Fauna & Flora InternationalNGORONO, partner search500.00024Iain Trewby[email protected]+40 786 256 428
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Soil protection and sustainable use of this natural resource.

Statiunea de Cercetare si Dezvoltare Agricola Lovrin (Timis)Research InstituteRONO, partner search-12Pîţu Sorin Daniel[email protected]+40 724 836 418
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Awareness-raising campaigns regarding the soil protection- responsible use of pesticides.

Statiunea de Cercetare si Dezvoltare Agricola Livada (Satu Mare)Research InstituteRONO, partner search-12-18Pop Natalia Oana[email protected]+40 757 248 670
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

The objective will be met through a series of cooperation activities as follows:
- Comparative study Romania-Hungary regarding the regulatory framework and needs analysis for cooperation in the social security field;
- Developing by CBC of 2 public policies, one for each country, regarding the areas of benefits management and social inspection;
- Capacity building for the border area deconcentrated bodies of the two institutions, staff of mayor's offices and NGOs regarding the new policy;
- Inter-institutional agreement and implementation of an online information exchange tool.

Bihor County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection - AJPIS BihorOther typesRONO, partner search340000 euro18 monthsUrsu Corneliu[email protected]+40 728 144 372
4: Improving health-care services

Building a pulmonology department and specialized outpatient clinic inside the hospital area and provision of furniture and medical equipment.

Faget City HospitalPublic Health InstituteRONO, partner search500.00024-30 monthsMaria Elena Stamurean Vargias[email protected]+40 740 077 518
4: Improving health-care services

General Objective:
Improving the quality of healthcare in Țara Beiușului microregion to ensure a real, equal access of all about 100.000 citizens to high quality health services

Specific Objectives:
1. High performance equipment endowment of Emergency Receiving Center within Stationary 1 of Beiuș municipal Hospital ''Episcop Nicolae Popoviciu''

2. Endowment by purchasing an ambulance equipped with specific equiment identified as needed.

Expected Results:

1. Increase the number of stabilized patients at Beiuș Emergency Receiving Center.

2. Increase the efficiency of Beiuș Ambulance Service.

PRIMARIA MUNICIPIULUI BEIUSLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search200.00016SERB BEATRICE[email protected]+40 769 237 216
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

General Objective:

Efficient fire service by equipping with high performance tools.

Specific Objective:

1. Increasing efficiency while reducing the intervention time of the fire service by acquiring a performant firetruck accordingly equipped.

2. Increasing the number of equipment for rapid intervention by purchasing 3 portable motopomps that limits the gravity of damage done by floods.

Expected Results:

1. A properly equipped high performance fire truck.

2. 3 flood intervention portable motopomps.

PRIMARIA MUNICIPIULUI BEIUSLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search350.000 12SERB BEATRICE[email protected]+40 769 237 216
4: Improving health-care services

Development of Information Centre, training of specialists, IT platform, in the field of preventive health care service in order to increase access to high-quality preventive health care services.

Public Health Department of Bihor CountyPublic Health InstituteRONO, partner search300,000.0012-18 monthsDr. Călin Sonea[email protected]+40 733 233 377
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

”Partnership for a better future” - Promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions

Bihor County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection - AJPIS BihorLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search340,000.00 EUR12-18 monthsURSU CORNELIU[email protected]+40 728 144 372
4: Improving health-care services

Investments to improve health care infrastructure and equipment Emergency Admission Compartment

Clinical Emergency Hospital Avram Iancu ORADEAPublic Health InstituteRONO, partner search300,000,00 EUR12-24 monthsCarmen Nistor Cseppento[email protected]+40 729 901 40
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Investments to improve health care infrastructure and equipment of the Emergency Admission Unit

Clinical Emergency Hospital Avram Iancu ORADEAPublic Health InstituteRONO, partner search300,000.00 EUR12-24 monthsDr. Carmen Nistor Cseppento[email protected]+40 729 901 400
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Restoration and rehabilitation of the 1767 "Urbarialhaus", a former school for the local noble-men, and commerce buro.
This will be accomplished through structural consolidation works, refurbishment of the interior space, repair works at the interior and exterior finishes using traditional building techniques, and repairs at the plumbing and heating system with regards to the historic heritage of the building.

Sântana City HallLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search160000018Laurian Negrau[email protected]+40 723 573 506
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Tormac municipality needs to aquire a fully equiped 4x4 FIRE TRUCK in order to improve the response and intervention time in case of a fire emergency and disasters.

Comuna TormacLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search27000012Csaki Karol[email protected]+40 728 043 022
5: Improve risk-prevention and disaster management

Tormac municipality needs to aquire a fully equiped 4x4 FIRE TRUCK in order to improve the response and intervention time in case of a fire emergency and disasters.

Comuna TormacLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search27000012Csaki Karol[email protected]+40 728 043 022
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens


Our project idea is to create a convenient and professional space for meetings with a capacity of 20-30 people. This multi-media room can be used for small interviews or team workshops. We want to rehabilitate a room in order to transform it into a modern space keeping the costs for management and maintenance at minimum.
We will provide the attendees with the services, facilities and technology needed to conduct meetings such as: safe and secure Internet and WiFi, flipchart, whiteboard, projector, access to printer, scanner and photocopier, computers, new and modern furniture, multi-media equipment, multifunctional office equipment, anti-luminous blinds, audio equipment, LED TV screen, video conferencing system, teleconferencing system, meeting recorder system, plotter, office plugs, etc.
This conference room, once built, will be used to hold training courses, seminars, press conference, live broadcasts, video conference, and training sessions as part of the exchange of experience with the partner city in this project. We mention that in Timisoara City Hall, at this moment, there is no multi-media meeting room.

One of the most important internal objectives of today's public institutions is to maintain the best employees and this is possible through good working conditions. When employees have an optimal work environment, they will be more motivated and dedicated to the job and institution.
In order to have the best employees, we need to meet all the main job needs. People want safety, comfort and protection from the institution they work in. In addition to this project idea, we want to create a working environment where employees feel good, so we will rehabilitate an office that will be used to generate projects with European funds to ensure the technical and organizational conditions involved in developing working norms and appropriate working conditions. We are confident that rehabilitation of an office and good working conditions are very strong motivational factors. This will have an enormous influence on the success of implementing projects with European funds.

We also consider that one of the key elements regarding our activity as public administration is keeping in contact with others public bodies, outside our city and country, in order to commonly stimulate the efficacy of our services. Therefore, another crucial component of our idea is to create a system (both formally and effective) in which the transfer of good practices to take place, including a series of meetings, exchanges of experiences and joint workshops in different areas of our activity, with an emphasis on European structural and other types of international funds.

Timisoara City HallLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search180000 euro12 monthStir Daniela[email protected]+40 766 527 646
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Actions to improve access to Specialized Social Services infrastructure for disadvantaged groups by means of cross-border cooperation between the two specialized institutions trough:
- exchange of experience and strengthen the institutional capacity;
- awareness-raising activities targeted to specific groups and community;
- harmonized standards, protocols for carrying out the specific activity, development of Best Practices Guide.
PA 6, Ip. 11/b1

General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection BihorOther typesRONO, partner search170,000.00 EUR18 monthsSebastian COVACIU[email protected]+40 731 137 246
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Setting up sustainable networks between the two countries RO-HU to support young people/ disadvantaged groups by involving the local stakeholders, in small-scale joint initiatives in the fields of sport, culture and leisure, awareness-raising campaigns promoting cultural diversity and joint traditions among the local community
PA 6, Ip. 11/b2

General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection BihorOther typesRONO, partner search140,000.00 EUR18 monthsSebastian COVACIU[email protected]+40 731 137 246
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Construction of a recreation Park named "Tarzan Park"

Primaria Comunei Topolovatu Mare jud. TimisLocal AuthorityROYES130000024Razvan Andrei[email protected]+40 256 332 027
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Water tourism developmant

SERVICIUL APA SI CANAL TOPOLOVATU MARELocal AuthorityRONO, partner search250 00024Razvan Andrei[email protected]+40 256 332 027
4: Improving health-care services

Improvement of laparoscopic surgical treatment for the population living in the region of Hungarian-Romanian border.

"Pius Brinzeu" County Clinical Emergency Hospital Timisoara, 1st Surgical ClinicPublic Health InstituteRONO, partner search1500000 euro24Murariu Marius-Sorin[email protected]+40 748 331 286
4: Improving health-care services

Improvement of surgical treatment in chronic venous diseases for the population living in the region of Hungarian-Romanian border.

"Pius Brinzeu" County Clinical Emergency Hospital Timisoara, 1st Surgical ClinicPublic Health InstituteRONO, partner search1000000 euro24Olariu Sorin[email protected]+40 740 275 580
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Diversification of information for an efficiant education
Louncing a school radio
Live transmissions from the important events of the school
Colaboration and experiance changes with the hungarian partners.

High school nr. 18 from TimisoaraSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search1500012Marcus Carmen Daniela[email protected]+40 745 526 177
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Cultural and youth cooperation between organisations.
Event and Media Center Szeged include the following fields:
- Szeged Television
- Event Center
- Inner City Movie
- Szeged Beach, Apartnemts and Camping
- Youth Development Center

Event and Média Center of SzegedNGOHUNO, partner search100000-12000036Iván Jávorszky[email protected]+36 30 948 9610
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Experiance change

DGASPCLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search340.00018Erika Stark[email protected]+40 727 816 426
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Cicling tourism

Colegiul Tehnic Emanuil UngureanuSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search100.00030Odobescu Fitz Patricia[email protected]+40 726 434 802
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Diversification of the communication for an efficient education.

Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 18 TimisoaraSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search180.00012Marcus Carmen Daniela[email protected]+40 745 526 177
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Cooperation among pupils and teachers
Promoting cultural values

Scoala Gimnaziala Eftimie Murgu LugojSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search100.00018Camelia Roman[email protected]+40 723 515 338
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Experiance change, school camps

Colegiul Tehnic Emanuil UngureanuSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search340.00018Minodora Giuchici[email protected]+40 736 668 698
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Gastro festival

Colegiul Economic Francesco Saverio NittiSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search100.00030Iliescu Julia[email protected]+40 745 593 088
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Cooperation between two english bilingual high schools, sport copetitions

Liceul Teoretic William Shakespeare TimisoaraSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search64.00018Subin Angelia[email protected]+40 721 721 925
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Experiance change, organisation of summer camps, cultural experiance

Scoala Gimnaziala BalintSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search60.00018Eugen Kristof[email protected]+40 752 097 230
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Cultural and tradition experiance

Scoala Generala nr. 6 TimisoaraSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search15.00024Nicoleta Neculita[email protected]+40 767 414 772
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Multiculturalism and cultural exchange

Scoala Gimnaziala nr.3 LugojSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search60.00018Savulescu Medina[email protected]+40 745 264 167
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Cultural and sport experance change

Scoala Gimnaziala JimboliaSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search100.00024Geambazu Mihaiela[email protected]+40 736 360 785
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Modern and efficiant ways to learnlenguages, educational events

Liceul Tehnologic Sf. Nicolae DetaSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search68.00018Sonia Budugan[email protected]+40 723 071 337
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Cultural experience,

Colegiul Tehnic Henri CoandaSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search60.00018Marica Gabriela Crenguta Bratu[email protected]+40 723 232 431
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Experience change

Banat-Triplex CofiniumEGTCRONO, partner search100.00024Koszo Miklos[email protected]+36 20 406 9121
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Our students (the target group) are preparing in the field of Services, the specialization of Banqueting Organizer (for high school students), and at the vocational school they are preparing to become chefs / waiters.

We are interested in developing projects on cultural diversity (we think about activities that will involve raising awareness of cultural differences, the importance of tolerance, the group membership, the specific traditions and habits of each project partner country - we also have a students' folk / folkloric ensemble, so we can involve the traditional music and dances, too).

We would like to target having a healthy lifestyle as well (we take into account the benefits of sport in the life of teenagers - thus, we think abut having sports competitions, finding ways to improve the students' eating habits - both by learning how to cook / prepare healthy food and by ensuring the conditions for better-quality services - especially because we have students accommodated in the school's hostel, who dine at the school's cafeteria).

This type of project we have in mind would also include the endowing of the workshop - classrooms in the partner schools (the equipment / machinery necessary for the workshops) and the canteen (especially with furniture), something that will help the future generations of students perform as well.

"Henri Coanda" Technical CollegeSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search6000018Olivia-Alexandra Tudoran[email protected]+40 746 823 766
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Szeged Event and Media Center Nonprofit Ltd. (Szegedi Rendezvény- és Médiaközpont Nonprofit Kft.) looking for partner(s). Our institutions include:
- Szeged TV - reaching 300 000 people around Szeged for 24 hours/day.
- Event Center (Ifjúsági Ház/IH Rendezvényközpont) - one of the biggest event center in Szeged, organising 700 events/year - including concerts, exhibitions, fairs, balls -, visiting 83 000 persons/year (2016).
- Inner City Cinema (Belvárosi Mozi) - including 3 cinema rooms, reaching 78 000 movie fun/year (2016)
- D2 - Youth and Media Center, organising program for Szeged youth including Media Club, Dance Club etc.
- Partfürdő (Szeged Tisza Beach) Camping and Apartment - 16 hectare green in the city center, great location for summer events.
- SZIN (Szegedi Ifjúsági Napok - Szeged Youth Festival) - the oldest youth 4 days long festival in Hungary.
- Zsigmond Vilmos Film Festival - is an International 4 days film festival in Szeged, reaching 302 films from 47 countries (2016).
The project focusing to cultural and youth cooperation between Romania and Hungary - especially Szeged.

Szeged Event and Media Center Nonprofit Ltd.NGORONO, partner search100000-12000036Iván Jávorszky[email protected]+36 30 948 9610
4: Improving health-care services

Cross-border initiatives for health education and prevention, for improving the lives of rural communities, minorities, vulnerable and older people.

Public Health District Authority BihorPublic Health InstituteRONO, partner search300,000.00 EUR18 monthsDr. Călin Sonea[email protected]+40 733 233 377
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Cross-border initiatives for health education and prevention, for improving the lives of rural communities, minorities, vulnerable and older people.

Public Health Directorate of Bihor CountyPublic Health InstituteRONO, partner search300,000.00 EUR18 monthsDr. Călin Sonea[email protected]+40 733 233 377
6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens

Enhancement of cross border institutional cooperation, for developing an integrated framework in the field of public health care and natural thermal waters.

Public Health Directorate of Bihor CountyPublic Health InstituteRONO, partner search400,000.00 EUR18 monthsDr. Rahotă Daniela[email protected]+40 733 233 378
4: Improving health-care services

The e-health platform will have the following major features:
• Authentication: users can log in using either an ccount they create on this platform, or a 3rd party account from a service provider they already trust, like Facebook, GMAIL, or Twitter, securely and reliable, using OAUTH2 prtoocol.
• Users can edit/update their personal information on this platform.
• Patient will be notified by SMS about medical events like: consultations, visits, surgeries, investigations, blood analysis results availability, etc
• Authorization: implementing a precise security policy, patients can acces only their own medical records while doctors can edit only medical records of patients they treat.
• Patient can make online appoiments to available doctors.
• Doctors can upload, and edit medical records of patients they treat and share them for research purposes if patients agree.
• The platform will offer long-term storage of medical attributes and will have functions that ensure data are accurate, complete and consistent during any operations. Data Integrity will be ensured by Authorization mechanism that guarantee data are accessible only to those authorized.
• Inventory Logger: is a software module that keep track of a chronological series of audit records related to internal and external actions.

Developing active microwave imaging techniques for mammography applications. Extending telemedicine infrastructure for diagnosis and treatment.

Microwave images are maps of the electrical properties distributions in the body. The electrical properties of different tissues can be correlated with their physiological state. Detecting cancer through microwave imaging is based on this contrast of electrical properties. The tissue dielectric properties in the microwave region depend on molecular constituents, ion concentration, mobility, free water and limited water concentration, and tissue temperature.
The motivation to develop a microwave imaging technique for breast cancer detection is the significant contrast in the dielectric properties of normal and malignant breast tissues at microwave frequencies. More microwave attenuation in normal breast tissue is low enough to make signal propagation feasible even through large breast volumes. In addition, microwave technology is non-invasive, non-ionizing and eliminates unconscious compression of the breast. The reduced size and physical accessibility of the breast compared to other internal organs is also an additional advantage.
"Early detection is the best protection" is the philosophy that runs screening programs for breast cancer. An integral component of these programs is represented by X-ray imaging of the compressed breast. However, X-ray mammograms suffer numerous limitations, such as: 25% undetectation of breast cancer, difficulty investigating women's generous bust images correctly and producing inconclusive results.
Diagnosis often involves waiting for additional images or biopsies. These limitations of X-ray mammography provide a clear incentive to develop a complementary imaging tool to help detect and diagnose. An ideal tool for breast screening should be low risk, be sensitive to tumors, detect breast cancer at a curable stage, be non-invasive and simple to perform, cost-effective and widely available, involve discomfort minimum and provide easy interpretation and consistent results.
For reliable detection of small malignant tumors, significant and consistent contrast between malignant and normal mammary tissues is required. At microwave frequencies, the sensitivity, specificity and ability to detect small tumors is the dielectric contrast between normal and malignant breast tissue. Breast malignant tissues show a considerable increase in the limited water content compared to normal tissues and hence a high dielectric constant.
There are three methods for imaging microwave breast tissue. These are passive, hybrid and asset approaches.
Passive microwave imaging
The principle of operation is based on the increase in tumor temperature compared to healthy breast tissues when exposed to microwaves. This method includes radiometers for measuring temperature differences in the breast. Images show the temperature measured on a quadrant of the breast. For diagnosis, images of the suspected lesion and the corresponding area of the other breast are compared.
Hybrid microwave imaging
The hybrid approach, especially microwave-induced acoustic imaging, uses microwaves to illuminate the chest. Due to the higher conductivity of malignant breast tissue, more energy is deposited in tumors, resulting in selective heating of these lesions. Tumors expand and generate pressure waves detected by ultrasound transducers. Two image reconstruction methods, namely thermoacoustic tomography (CT) and scanning thermo-acoustic tomography (SIT), will be proposed.
Active microwave image
There will be two classifications of microwave active images:
1. Confocal Microwave Technology (CMT) uses backscatter methods to deduce the locations of significant microwave speakers. The breast is illuminated with a broadband pulse with a number of antennas and the same antenna collects the signals. Relative arrival times and transmitted signal amplitudes provide information to determine the location of the scatter. This approach identifies only the presence and location of strong breast scatters instead of completely rebuilding the dielectric properties profile;
2. Microwave tomography imaging has a mural scatter problem where the chest is illuminated by a microwave transmitter, and the scattered fields are measured in many locations. The shape of the object and the spatial distribution of the complex permittivity are obtained from the scattered and collected fields. Due to the relationship between object dimensions, discontinuity, separation and contrast in the properties of the inhomogeneities compared to the wavelength, the wave suffers a multiple dispersion inside the object. This results in a non-linear relationship between the measured scattered fields and the object function.

Universitatea din OradeaSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search45000028Bittenbinder Maria[email protected]+40 259 408 222
3: Improve employment and promote cross-border labour mobility

A pályázat célja az egyetemi oktatási folyamat és az emberi erőforrások fejlesztése annak érdekében, hogy a felsőoktatási képzés során, a hallgatók megfelelő gyakorlati ismeretekre tegyenek szert, annak érdekében, hogy a diploma megszerzése után sikeresebben helyezkedjenek el a munkaerőpiacon.
- alap- és gyakorlati készségek kialakulásának biztosítása a fizikoterápia szakirány végzősei számára
- a tudatosság növelése, a figyelem ráirányítása a hasznos tudás megszerzésének fontosságára, az erre vonatkozó igény kialakítása, ami megkönnyíti az átmenetet az iskolából a munka világába
- ”Orvosi rehabilitáció- fizikoterapeuta életpályamodell” – informáló és felvilágosító kampány szervezése hallgatók számára, szórólapok terjesztése, előadássorozat szervezése, informálás a pályázat honlapján, stb.
- Karrierépítési tanácsadás, saját portfólió létrehozása
- Felsőoktatási intézmények közötti, valamint a munkáltatói piac szereplőivel (állami és magán rehabilitációs szervezetek és intézmények) partneri kapcsolatok kialakítása, hallgatói gyakorlat lehetővé tétele a foglalkoztató intézményekben, a határ mindkét oldalán, nyílt napok szervezése az egyetemeken, tanulmányi utak szervezése a hallgatóknak,
- a gyakorlati oktatás hangsúlyozása, egy közös interaktív munkafüzet létrehozása, a tantervvel egybehangolt, meghatározott témákörökkel, tanévekre és féléves oktatásra lebontva, mely lehetővé teszi a megfelelő gyakorlati tudás elsajátításának nyomonkövetését, a megfelelő készségek kialakulásának ellenőrzését, a hallgatók értékelését.

Universitatea din OradeaSchool Education InstituteRONO, partner search40000024-28Bittenbinder Maria[email protected]+40 259 408 222
4: Improving health-care services

Dotarea instituțiilor de învățământ cu aparate care să faciliteze accesul persoanelor cu dizabiltăți și dotarea unui centru de zi pentru această categorie.
Sprijinirea copiilor cu handicap motor privind accesul la școală, precum și participarea lor la diferite evenimente, excursii, examene.
În acest sens există elevatoare diferite modele care ar ajuta elevii în scaun cu rotile să urce scările, astfel ar avea acces la ore.

Asociația Vise Împlinite SînmartinOther typesRONO, partner search7000048Mare Timea[email protected]+40 745 207 218
4: Improving health-care services

Dotarea instituțiilor de învățământ cu aparate care să faciliteze accesul persoanelor cu dizabiltăți și dotarea unui centru de zi pentru această categorie.
Sprijinirea copiilor cu handicap motor privind accesul la școală, precum și participarea lor la diferite evenimente, excursii, examene.
În acest sens există elevatoare diferite modele care ar ajuta elevii în scaun cu rotile să urce scările, astfel ar avea acces la ore.

Asociația Vise Împlinite SînmartinOther typesRONO, partner search7000048Mare Timea[email protected]+40 745 207 218
4: Improving health-care services

The project will develop the infrastructure of health - care services and monitorized the impact of food diets on the health of the consumers.

University of OradeaSchool Education InstituteROYES50000024Timar Adrian[email protected]+40 784 148 474
4: Improving health-care services

Manufacture of self-service Self-Serve Beer,and other drinks.
We create technology to help you deliver great service.Self service bar. Each new product works seamlessly with SelfServiceBar – and when we find great products created by other companies, we integrate with them too. And we’re so determined to deliver products that really work, we bought our own pub in Romania,or other countries.
You can serve yourself a drink with a credit card.There is no queue in club,No need to wait for barman.
We make money from sales and maintenance.You can sell or rent the product.

SelfServiceBarOther typesROYES200.000.0012 monthsSzabo Armin[email protected]+40 742 425 322
4: Improving health-care services

Manufacture of self-service Self-Serve Beer,and other drinks.
We create technology to help you deliver great service.Self service bar. Each new product works seamlessly with SelfServiceBar – and when we find great products created by other companies, we integrate with them too. And we’re so determined to deliver products that really work, we bought our own pub in Romania,or other countries.
You can serve yourself a drink with a credit card.There is no queue in club,No need to wait for barman.
We make money from sales and maintenance.You can sell or rent the product.

SelfServiceBarOther typesROYES200.000.0012 monthsSzabo Armin[email protected]+40 742 425 322
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Regularization and Development of a Cleiciova river, through the supply from the Chisindiei Valley, for a clean and nature-friendly environment.

Comuna Buteni, judetul AradLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search150000024Mircea Braiti[email protected]+40 726 209 970
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

Construction of a civic center in the village
Cuied, by intubating and regularizing a valley, we reduce the risk of floods, landslides and of course we will have an environment conducive to the development of our community.

Comuna ButeniLocal AuthorityRONO, partner search60000018Mircea Braiti[email protected]+40 726 209 970
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources

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chaicleakQSEGTCHUNO, partner search   [email protected] 81448625493
1: Joint protection and efficient use of common values and resources TaylorwsiIMOther typesHUNO, partner search  Trent J. Hauber[email protected]85344636729

Monitoring Systems


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