This section is only available in English; all data uploaded in the present section shall be provided in English.
Entry ID | Project code (eg. ROHU-….): | Project title: | Project Partner: | Date: | City: | County: | Country: | Link: | Image 1: | Image 2: | Summary / Objective of the event (EN): | Summary / Objective of the event (RO / HU): |
2 | 115 | FROM ONE BRIDGE TO ANOTHER - DE LA UN POD LA ALTUL – HÍDTÓL HÍDIG | Sălacea Commune, Local Government of Hortobágy Village | 29/06/2018 | Sat Otomani, Comuna Sălacea | Bihor | Romania | The project launch conference will include a press conference, open to mass-media representatives from both sides of the border. The project launch conference will aim at ensuring proper information for relevant actors regarding the added value and the benefits of the planned thematic route and ecouraging them to get involved, as well as at supporting mass-media representatives in promoting the project. | Prin prezenta, avem plăcerea să vă invităm să participaţi la conferinţa de lansare a proiectului, care va avea loc în data de 29.06.2018 începând cu orele 12.00, în Conacul medieval Komaromi din satul Otomani. Ezennel tisztelettel meghívjuk a projekt nyitókonferenciájára, melyre 2018. június 29-én, 12.00 órai kezdettel, az ottományi Komáromi kúriában kerül sor. | |||
6 | ROHU-41 | Safer communities in the cross-border area by improved disaster management | Municipality of Földeák | 14/06/2018 | Földeák | Csongrád | Hungary | Public Safety day of the project Safe Area (ROHU-41) ,, Safer communities in the cross-border area by improved disaster management" organized under the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Cooperation Program. Program: | A SafeArea (ROHU-41) - "Safer communities in the cross-border area by improved disaster management" című projekt - keretében megrendezésre kerülő ,, Együtt a közbiztonságunkért" nyílt nap 2018. június 14. Program: | |||
7 | ROHU-41 | Safer communities in the cross-border area by improved disaster management | Municipality of Földeák | 15/06/2018 | Apátfalva | Csongrád | Hungary | Public Safety day of the Safe Area (ROHU-41) ,,Safer communities in the cross-border area by improved disaster management" organized under the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Cooperation Program. Program: | Földeák Községi Önkormányzat, mint a projekt társ partnere, tisztelettel meghívja Önt az Interreg V-A Románia-Magyarország Együttműködési Program - SafeArea (ROHU-41) - " Safer communities in the cross-border area by improved disaster management" című projekt - keretében megrendezésre kerülő ,,Figyelj rám, hogy vigyázhassak rád!" nyílt napra. Program: | |||
8 | ROHU-14 | Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area | Municipiul Salonta | 27/06/2018 | Salonta | Bihor | Romania | | | The ROHU-14 project opening conference will be aimed at informing and increasing the interest of the participants about the project, its activities and expected results. | Conferința de deschidere a proiectului ROHU-14 are ca obiectiv informarea și creșterea interesului participanților cu privire la proiect, activitățile și rezultatele estimate ale acestuia. A ROHU-14 projekt nyitókonferenciájának célja a tájékoztatás és a közérdeklődés növelése a projekt tevékenységei és eredményei irányt. | |
9 | ROHU103 | "Joint protection of cross-border natural values Carei-Nyiradony" | UAT Municipiul Carei, Gúth-Keled Idegenforgalmi és Természetvédelmi Közhasznú Egyesület | 14/06/2018 | Carei | Satu Mare | Romania | | Opening conference of the ROHU103 IRIS project titled „Joint protection of cross-border natural values Carei-Nyiradony" | Conferinta de deschidere a proiectului ROHU103 IRIS „Protejarea comună a valorilor naturale transfrontaliere Carei-Nyiradony“ A ROHU103 IRIS „A határmenti természeti értékek közös védelme Nagykároly-Nyíradony” című projekt nyitókonferenciája | ||
10 | ROHU14 | Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area | Municipality of Békés | 26/06/2018 | Békés | Békés | Hungary | | Opening conference in Békés will be aimed at informing and increasing the interest of the participants about the project, its activities and expected results. | A ROHU-14 projekt nyitókonferenciájának célja a tájékoztatás és a közérdeklődés növelése a projekt tevékenységei és eredményei irányt. Projekt partnerek: Vezető Partner - Nagyszalonta Önkormányzata, Milvus Egyesület, Körösök Völgye Natúrpark Egyesület, Békés Város Önkormányzata. | ||
11 | ROHU-7 | Joint Challenge and Joint Cooperation for the Management of Cross-Border Natural Heritage | Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 27/06/2018 | Békéscsaba | Opening conference for project ROHU-7 “Joint Challenge and Joint Cooperation for the Management of Cross-Border Natural Heritage” | Az "Együttműködés a határon átnyúló természeti örökség közös kihívásaiban" elnevezésű ROHU-7 projekt nyitókonferenciája | |||||
12 | ROHU14 | Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area | Municipality of Békés | 26/06/2018 | Békés | Békés | Békés |ó.pdf | Opening conference in Békés will be aimed at informing and increasing the interest of the participants about the project, its activities and expected results. | A ROHU-14 projekt nyitókonferenciájának célja a tájékoztatás és a közérdeklődés növelése a projekt tevékenységei és eredményei irányt. Projekt partnerek: Vezető Partner - Nagyszalonta Önkormányzata, Milvus Egyesület, Körösök Völgye Natúrpark Egyesület, Békés Város Önkormányzata. | ||
13 | ROHU-41 | Safer communities in the cross-border area by improved disaster management | Municipality of Földeák | 23/06/2018 | Csanádpalota | Csongrád | Hungary | The Local Grovernment of Földeák, as partner of the project, invites you to attend the Public Safety day of the Starts at 9:00 AM on 23 June 2018 | Földeák Községi Önkormányzat, mint a projekt társ partnere, tisztelettel meghívja Önt az Interreg V-A Tűzoltó gépjármű és felszereléseinek bemutatása - Rendőrség speciális bemutatója: Intézkedéstaktikai bemutató | |||
15 | ROHU-80 | Cross-Border Integrated Monitoring Risk Prevention and Disaster Management Centre ( JOINTRESCUE ) | Volunteer Firefighters Association from Tyukod | 05/07/2018 | Nagyar | Szabolcs-Szatmár Bereg | Magyarország | We are therefore pleased to invite you to the opening conference of the project, which will take place on 5 July 2018, at 10.00 am, in Luby Castle (4922 Nagyar, Petőfi Sándor út 6.), which will present the objectives and activities of the project. The conference agenda is attached to this invitation. | Ezennel tisztelettel meghívjuk a projekt nyitókonferenciájára, melyre 2018. július 5-én, 10.00 órai kezdettel, Luby-kastélyban (4922 Nagyar, Petőfi Sándor út 6.) kerül sor, s melyen bemutatásra kerülnek a projekt célkitűzései és tevékenységei. A konferencia napirendje jelen meghívóhoz van csatolva. /Prin prezenta, avem plăcerea să vă invităm să participaţi la conferinţa de deschidere a proiectului, care va avea loc în data de 05.07.2018 începând cu orele 10.00h, în sala de sedințe a Castelul Nagyar Luby (4922 Nagyar, Petőfi Sándor stradă 6.), în cadrul căreia vor fi prezentate obiectivele şi activităţile proiectului. Agenda conferinţei este ataşată prezentei. | |||
16 | ROHU-11 | Flood risk management improvement on the Mures river in the cross border area | Alsó-Tisza-vidéki Vízügyi Igazgatóság | 10/07/2018 | Szeged | Csongrád | Hungary | Project opening conference, which is open to the media. During this event, the representantives of the Lead Partner Administrația Bazinală de Apă Mureș together with the Project Partner Alsó-Tisza-vidéki Vízügyi Igazgatóság will present the objectives, activities and the expected results of the common project. | Conferința de deschidere a proiectului. Cu ocazia acestui eveniment, reprezentanții Liderului de Proiect Administrația Bazinală de Apă Mureș împreună cu Partnerul de Proiect Alsó-Tisza-vidéki Vízügyi Igazgatóság vor prezenta obiectivele proiectului comun, activitățile propuse și rezultatele așteptate. Sajtónyilvános projekt nyitó konferencia. A rendezvény alkalmával a Vezető Partner Maros Vízügyi Igazgatóság és a projekt partner Alsó-Tisza-vidéki Vízügyi Igazgatóság képviselői ismertetik a közös projekt célkitűzéseit, tevékenységeit és a várt eredményeket. | |||
17 | ROHU84 | Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion | ASOCIATIA SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENTA IN SITUATII SPECIALE- SARTISS | 30/07/2018 | Sintion, comuna Bors | Bihor | Romania | This activity aims at promoting the project in the mass-media and at the level of the main stakeholders (local and national authorities, other public institutions, citizens, enterprises from the Euroregion and NGO's). | Obiectivul principal al acestui eveniment este de a promova proiectul Crossrisks, atat in mass-media locala, cat si la nivelul principalilor actori relevanti in domeniul abordat de acest proiect (autoritati locale si nationale, cetateni, intreprinderi din judetul Bihor, ONG-uri, alte institutii publice). | |||
18 | ROHU 103 | Joint protection of cross-border natural values Carei-Nyíradony | Municipality of Carei (LB) and Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature Protection (PB) | 19/07/2018 | Nyíradony | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary |ívó_Invitatie_workshop_2018.07.19.pdf | | The first professional workshop is organized on the Hungarian side of the border in Nyíradony-Szakolykert on 19.07.2018. During the workshop the participants of the project Partners, external experts and other interested people will be informed about the aims and achievements of the project with professional experts. The aim of the workshops is sharing the Best Practices and the transfer of knowledge and experiences in connection with natural and environmental | 2018.07.19-én kerül megrendezésre az első szakmai Workshop Nyíradony-Szakolykertben a Gencsy kúriánál, ahol az érintettek és meghívottak tájékoztatást kapnak a projekt célkitűzéseiről szakértők által. A Workshop célja a környezet- és természetvédelemmel összefüggő legjobb gyakorlatok megosztása, figyelemfelhívás a veszélyeztetett fajok megőrzésére, a természeti és nemzeti parkok megőrzésére és védelmére, a természeti értékek megóvására a természeti örökség védelmére. | |
19 | ROHU80 | „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” | Comunele Odoreu, Păuleşti, Viile Satu Mare si Halmeu, Tyukodi Önkéntes Tűzoltó Egyesület | 01/08/2018-03/08/2018 | Tyukod-Odoreu-Păuleşti-Viile Satu Mare-Halmeu | Satu Mare - Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Romania - Hungary | "Field study and networking” camp – a 3-day camp organized with the aim of exchange of experiences in the five partner localities and surroundings: Tyukod-Odoreu-Păuleşti-Viile Satu Mare-Halmeu – getting to know the settlements, discussions and networking on best practices and former experiences. | Excursie – „studiu de teren și networking” de 3 zile - pe traseul localităţilor implicate în proiect: Tyukod-Odoreu-Păuleşti-Viile Satu Mare-Halmeu – cunoașterea locațiilor, discuţii şi networking despre bunele practici în fiecare localitate. Három napos „terepgyakorlat és networking” – a projektben résztvevő települések vonalán: Tyukod-Szatmárudvari-Pálfalva-Szatmárhegy-Halmi – terepismeret, ismerkedés és networking a települések jó tapasztalatairól. | |||
20 | ROHU29 | Conservation and protection of ecosystems endangered by lack of thermal and freshwater in crossborder area. | Oradea Metropolitan Area | 28/08/2018 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | Opening conference of the project "Conservation and protection of ecosystems endangered by lack of thermal and freshwater in crossborder area" | Conferinta de deschidere a proiectului "Conservation and protection of ecosystems endangered by lack of thermal and freshwater in crossborder area. " | |||
21 | ROHU53 | Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 14/08/2018 | Bodaszőlő | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | | Organization of international nature conservation volunteer camp partly in order to facilitate the implementation of practical nature conservation tasks, and partly in order to the involvement and awareness raising of young people, annually, in the target area of Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek. Occassionaly 10 days, with the participation of 25 volunteers +3 organizers ( camp leader, professional leader and educator). Volunteers spend at least - on average - 6 hours/day volunteer working, in exchange receiving the full pension (providing youth accomodation, 4x meals a day (including two hot meals), professional management) furthermore we ensure knowledge enhancement and recreational programs. The orgaziners are responsible for providing the tools nedded for the voluntary actions, the local transportation and the labor protection as well. The recruitment of the camp participants is undetaken by the co-operating partners (Green Circle, Ecotop and San Martin) within their own circle, and through the social media (eg. Facebook) and other nature protection and/or other organizations who deal with volunteering. The transport of the Romanian participants (between the venue and Nagyvárad (Oradea) is carried out by the organizers by minibus, and the participation in the camp for the volunteers is for free. | NAGYERDŐ Természetvédelmi Önkéntes Tábor A tábor olyan jelentkezőket – elsősorban fiatalokat – várunk, akik elkötelezettek a természetvédelem és a fenntarthatóság ügye iránt és szívesen vállalnak önkéntes tevékenységet ennek érdekében. Tábor ideje: 2018. augusztus 21- 30. Részvételi díj nincs! Várjuk önkéntesek jelentkezését! Sunt aşteptaţi tineri interesaţi de protecţia mediului şi dezvoltarea durabilă şi doresc să se implice în acţiuni de voluntariat în domeniile respective. Pe perioada taberei tinerii, îndrumaţi de instructori specializaţi, vor fi implicaţi în activităţi practice ( acţiuni de igienizare, eradicarea plantelor invazive, construire de adăposturi artificiale pentru animale). Perioada: 21 – 30 august 2018 Nu se percepe taxă de participare! Vă aşteptăm! | |
22 | ROHU 41 | Safer communities in the cross-border area by improved disaster management | Földeák | 22/05/2018 | Földeák | Csongrád | Hungary | The aim of the opening conference in SafeArea (ROHU-41) - "Safer communities in the cross-border area with improved disaster management" is to raise public awareness and raise public awareness of the activities and results of the project | A SafeArea (ROHU-41) - "Safer communities in the cross-border area by improved disaster management" című projekt - keretében megrendezésre kerülő nyitókonferencia célja a tájékoztatás és a közérdeklődés növelése a projekt tevékenységei és eredményei irányt. | |||
23 | ROHU-10 | Joint development of the voluntary emergency response and disaster management capacity in the eligible border area | Comuna Diosig | 25.08.2018 | Diosig | Bihor | Romania | The partnership implementing the VOLUNTEER project is happy to announce all those interested that the opening conference will be organized on the 25th of August, at the Zichy Castle in Diosig, Romania. The event will start at 17,00 and the participants will have the opportunity to find out details about the circumstances which generated the project idea, about the goals of the partner organizations, the results they are aiming at through the project, and the activities which are planned to be carried out in the upcoming years. | Organizațiile care implementează în parteneriat proiectului VOLUNTEER au deosebita plăcere să anunțe pe toți cei interesați că în data de 25 august se va organiza conferința de deschidere a proiectului, de la ora 17,00, la castelul Zichy din Diosig. Participanții vor avea posibilitatea de a afla detalii despre circumstanțele care au generat ideea de proiect, despre obiectivele organizațiilor partenere, despre rezultatele pe care acestea le urmăresc prin implementarea proiectului, respectiv despre activitățile care vor fi realizate în următorii ani. A VOLUNTEER projekt megvalósításában résztvevő szervezetek szeretettel meghívnak minden érdeklődőt a projekt nyítókonferenciájára, amely Augusztus 25-én 17 órától kerül megrendezésre, a bihardiószegi Zichy kastélyban. A jelenlévők részleteket tudhatnak meg a projekt létrejötének körülményeiről, a partnerszervezetek céljairól, az elvárt eredményekről, illetve a következő években megvalósításra kerülő tevékenységekről. Örömmel várunk mindenkit! | |||
24 | ROHU 126 | Conservation, protection and promotion of nature on both side of the Romanian-Hungarian border | Bihor County Council | 13/09/2018 | Vadu Crisului | Bihor | Romania | Launching conference of the project will take place on 13.09.2018 at 11 o'clock at the Business Incubator for Cross-border Tourism Development in Vadu Crisului, Bihor County. | Conferința de lansare a proiectului va avea loc în data de 13.09.2018 de la ora 11:00, la Incubatorul de Afaceri pentru Dezvoltare Turistcă Transfrontalieră din Vadu Crișului, județul Bihor. | |||
25 | ROHU-35 | Greening footprints | Szent István University - Arboretum of Szarvas | 13/09/2018 | Szarvas | Békés | Hungary | The Opening Conference of the project ROHU-35 „Greening footprints” will be held in Szarvas on the 13th of September. This event is a good opportunity for us to present our development plans to public, and to strenghten the professional relationship among the experts of the partner organisations. During the conference presentations will be held about the Hungarian and Romanian project plans, afterwards we would like to show the gardens of the Arboretum, where the thematic route and new attractions will be built up. As an optional programme the participants can visit the turistic sites of the Arboretum of Szarvas. | 2018. szeptember 13-án rendezzük Szarvason a “Greening footprints” ROHU-35 projekt nyitórendezvényét. A rendezvény célja egyrészt, hogy a résztvevők számára bemutassuk a projekt terveit, másrészt, hogy a partnerek szakmai képviselői bemutatkozzanak az érdeklődőknek. Az előadások között a magyar és román tervek bemutatása szerepel, majd terepbejárásra kerül sor, amely az Arborétum kertrészleteit és a megvalósítási helyszíneket érinti. A programot fakultatív lehetőségek (turisztikai látványosságok megtekintése) egészítik ki. | |||
26 | ROHU-79 | Joint Conservation Management and Development of Information Infrastructure of Protected Areas along the Romanian and Hungarian Course of Tur River | Hortobágy National Park Directorate, Societatea Carpatina Ardeleana - Satu Mare | 19/09/2018 | Hortobágy | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | The Hortobágy National Park Directorate invites you to a project opening ceremony with a press conference on 19th September, 2018. | A Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park szeretettel meghívja Önt a 2018. szeptember 19-én 10 órakor kezdődő sajtókonferenciával egybekötött projektmegnyitó rendezvényére. | |||
27 | ROHU62 | ,,BORDELESS GREEN CORRIDOR” - ,,HATÁRTALAN ZÖLD FOLYOSÓ” (JOINTGREENCORR) | Csenger Város Önkormányzata | 26/09/2018 | Csenger | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye | Magyarország | Organizing lectures and competitions for primary school students in the spirit of ecological, environmental education, involving NGOs, local institutions and other organizations working in the Csengeri micro-region. Presentation of the project and the water and flora of Szamos. | Az ökológiai, környezetvédelmi nevelés szellemében általános iskolás diákoknak szóló előadás és verseny szervezése, a Csengeri kistérségben működő környezetvédelmi és természetvédelmi civil egyesületek, helyi intézmények és egyéb szervezetek bevonásával. A projekt és a Szamos vízi és növényvilágának bemutatása. | |||
28 | ROHU-41 | Safer communities in the cross border area by improved disaster management | Valcani Commune | 12/10/2018 | Valcani | Timis | Romania | Valcani Commune organize awareness raising campaign for children. First event will be in Valcani. The purpose of these events is that with usage of illustrative materials, children will learn most important to-do-task in different situations and they will get familiarized with first aid techniques. Location of the event is cultural center from Valcani starting with 10.00 hour. | Comuna Valcani organizează campanii de prevenire pentru copii. Prima campanie are loc în Valcani. Scopul evenimentului este acela de învăța copiii cum să acționeze în situații de urgență, precum și de a se familiariza cu tehnici de prim ajutor. Evenimentul va avea loc la căminul cultural din Valcani, începțnd cu ora 10. | |||
30 | ROHU-41 | Safer communities in the cross border area by improved disaster management | Valcani Commune | 20/10/2018 | Valcani | Timis | Romania | For improving their capacity of risk prevention and management, the 30 volunteer from Valcani will participate at a training session. They will be prepared before each joint practical exercise which will be organised by PP for all the 2 involved units. We will offer 12 training events in this period, 4 before each joint practical exercise. Each event will have the duration of 4 hours. Along these training the 30 local volunteer will acquire technical, theoretical knowledge regarding preparation works, risk prevention, risk management, proper action plan in different risk situations. All these will be held by specialized experts in the domain. | 30 de pompieri voluntari din Valcani vor participa la cursuri profesionale de pregătire pentru situații de urgență. Ei se vor pregăti înaintea fiecărui exercițiu comun pe care îl vor desfățura alături de partenerul din Ungaria. Vor fi 12 sesiuni de formare, fiecare a câte 4 ore, în care voluntarii își vor însuși cunostințe teoretice și practice, privind situațiile de urgență. | |||
31 | ROHU53 | Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 25/10/2018 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | | Field exercises for professionals | Exerciții fizice pentru profesioniști / Terepgyakorlat szakemberek számára | |
32 | ROHU80 | „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” | Comunele Odoreu, Păuleşti, Viile Satu Mare si Halmeu, Tyukodi Önkéntes Tűzoltó Egyesület | 24/10/2018 | Odoreu | Satu Mare | Romania | Organisation of the joint workshop titled „Performance criteria related to the creation and equipping of voluntary services”. | Organizare workshop comun | |||
33 | 138 - BABYROHU | Babies across borders – connecting health services in the field of obstetrics - gynecology and neonatal care between Emergency Clinical County Hospital Pius Brînzeu Timișoara and the Pediatric Clinic of Szeged | TIMIS COUNTY - Lead Beneficiary - Partner no.1, UNIVERSITY OF SZEGED - Project Beneficiary no. 2 , EMERGENCY CLINICAL COUNTY HOSPITAL PIUS BRINZEU TIMISOARA - Project Beneficiary no. 3 | 12/11/2018 | Timișoara | Timis | Romania | Press release on the start of the implementation of the project "Babies across the borders - connecting health services in obstetrics - gynecology and neonatological care between Clinical Emergency Hospital Pius Brînzeu Timişoara and the Pediatric Clinic of Szeged " - ROHU 138, considering that on 03.10.2018 was signed the financing contract no.113219 - Conceptual Note phase. | Comunicat de presă privind începerea implementării proiectului " Copiii dincolo de frontiere - conectarea serviciilor de sănătate în domeniul obstetrică - ginecologie și de îngrijire neonatologică între Spitalul Clinic de Urgență Județean Pius Brînzeu Timișoara și Clinica de Pediatrie din Szeged" - ROHU 138, având în vedere că în data de 03.10.2018 s-a semnat contractul de finanțare nr.113219 - faza Notă Conceptuală. | |||
34 | ROHU84 | Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdú Bihar Euroregion | Hajdú Bihar Megyei Katasztrófavédelmi Igazgatóság | 12/11/2018 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | - | The opening event of the project will take place on November 12, 2018 at 10:00 am in Hotel Lycium in Debrecen. Program: | A projekt nyitórendezvényére 2018. november 12-én 10:00 órakor kerül sor, a debreceni Hotel Lyciumban. „Conferinta de deschidere a proiectului va avea loc la data de 12 Noiembrie 2018 de la ora 10, la Hotel Lycium in Debrecen. | ||
35 | ROHU80 | „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” | Comunele Odoreu, Păuleşti, Viile Satu Mare si Halmeu, Tyukodi Önkéntes Tűzoltó Egyesület | 14/11/2018 | Halmeu | Satu Mare | Romania | Organisation of the joint workshop titled „Civil protection: the ecological accident: manifestation, effects and methods of intervention, warning and evacuation of population”. | Organizare workshop comun „Protecție civilă: accidentul chimic - manifestare, efecte și modalități de intervenție” „Polgári védelem: a kémiai baleset – megnyilvánulás, hatások és beavatkozási módok” közös workshop szervezése | |||
36 | ROHU-41 | Safer communities in the cross border area by improved disaster management | Valcani Commune | 14/11/2018 | Valcani | Timis | Romania | Valcani Commune organizes the awareness raising campaign for young parents. The target group is selected from the parents, who's children are attending the kindergarten. It is an 2 hours long event, focusing on the risks and accidents occurred in household and first aid techniques. | Comuna Valcani organizează campanii de constientizare pentru tinerii părinți. Grupul țintă a fost ales dintre părinții ai căror copii frecventează grădinița. Este un eveniment de 2 ore, care va avea ca temă riscul si accidentele care se pot produce în gospodării, precum si tehnici de prim ajutor. | |||
37 | ROHU271 | ,,The Minority Question in the ROHU cross-border area: Slovak Culture, Tradition and History without Borders” | Commune of Sinteu (lead beneficiary) | 15/01/2019 | Sinteu | Bihor | Romania | Launching conference | Conferinta de lansare a proiecutului / Projektindító konferencia | |||
38 | ROHU179 | ,,Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania - Hungary cross border region”. | Town of Alesd (lead beneficiary) | 30/01/2019 | Alesd | Bihor | Romania | Opening conference | Conferinta de lansare a proiecutului / Projektindító konferencia | |||
39 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modernity - Crossborder Cultural Cooperation | Municipality of Jimbolia | 17/01/2019 | Jimbolia | Timiș | Romania | Opening press conference - project „Tradition and Modernity - Crossborder Cultural Cooperation“ ROHU 316 | Conferința de presă de lansare a proiectului „Tradiție și modernitate – cooperare culturală transfrontalier“ ROHU 316 | |||
40 | ROHU28 | Development of flood protection centre of Szanazug and rehabilitation of the penstock and hydro-mechanical equipment in Tulca | Körös Valley District Water Directorate | 23/01/2019 | Gyula | Békés county | Hungary | The opening event of ,,Development of flood protection centre of Szanazug and rehabilitation of the penstock and hydro-mechanical equipment in Tulca" ROHU28. | A ,,Szanazugi árvízvédelmi központ fejlesztése és a Tulcai zsilip és vízgépészeti berendezéseinek rekonstrukciója" című, ROHU28 azonosítószámú projekt sajtónyilvános projektindító rendezvénye. | |||
41 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modenity - Crossborder Cultural Coperation | Csanádpalota | 19/01/2019 | Csanádpalota | Csongrád county | Hungary | Bollernap is a traditional event held in every winter in Csanadpalota. 5 person from each locality will participate and try their skills. The event wants to preserve a century old tradition linked to the preparation of different type of sausages. The gastronomy events aims to promote the cultural and natural heritage, to increase the interest of all community members in preserving traditions and fostering dialogue and cross-border cooperation. The public will discover the cultural and natural heritage in the border region and will be able to identify common features and differences. | Bollernap este un eveniment tradițional ținut în fiecare iarnă în Csanadpalota. 5 persoane din fiecare localitate vor participa și își vor încerca abilitățile. Evenimentul dorește să păstreze o tradiție veche legată de pregătirea diferitelor tipuri de cârnați. Evenimentele de gastronomie urmăresc promovarea patrimoniului cultural și natural, sporirea interesului tuturor membrilor comunității pentru păstrarea tradițiilor și încurajarea dialogului și a cooperării transfrontaliere. Publicul va descoperi patrimoniul cultural și natural din regiunea de frontieră și va putea identifica caracteristicile și diferențele comune. A Böllérnap egy hagyományos rendezvény, melyet minden télen tartanak Csanádpalotán. Az meghívott településekről 5 fő vesz részt. Az esemény egy évszázados hagyományt kíván megőrizni a különböző ízvilágú kolbászok készítésével. A gasztronómiai rendezvények célja a kulturális és természeti örökség előmozdítása, a közösség minden tagjának érdeke a hagyományok megőrzése és a kapcsolatok fenntartása a határokon átnyúló együttműködés előmozdításában. A nyilvánosság felfedezi a határ menti régió kulturális és természeti örökségét, és képes lesz azonosítani a közös vonásokat és különbségeket. | |||
42 | ROHU-268 | Development of community cooperation through cultural and sport events between Fülöp and Buduslău | Fülöp Község Önkormányzata | 24/01/2019 | Fülöp | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | The Opening Conference will offer the proper support for the starting and sharing information about the project. Totally 50 participants are expected to take part on the project Opening Conference. The aim of the Opening Conference is to mediate our cooperation initiative at the county level and to offer information about the project for the participants and for the partners citizens. In the framework of the conference with the helps of power point presentations we will offer information about the project (information regarding to Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Program, information regarding to our project objectives, activities, future duties, etc) and power point presentation will be sustained by each locality partner representatives. | RO: Conferința de Deschidere reprezintă o oportunitate să distribuim informații despre proiect. În total 50 de participanți sunt așteptați la Conferința de Deschidere a proiectului. Obiectivul Conferinței de Deschidere este să promoveze inițiativa noastră de cooperare la nivelul județului și să ofere informații despre proiect participanților și locuitorilor. În cadrul conferenței cu ajutorul prezentărilor power point vom oferi informații despre proiect (informații cu privire la Programul INTERREG V-A România-Ungaria, informații despre obiectivele proiectului, activități, sarcini ce urmează a fi realizate) și prezentări power point realizate de reprezentații partenerilor despre fiecare localite. HU: A Nyitó Rendezvény megfelelő lehetőség, hogy népszerűsítsük a pályázatra vonatkozó információkat. Összesen 50 fő résztvevőt várunk a pályázat Nyitó Rendezvényére. A Nyitó Rendezvény célja, hogy népszerűsítse együttműködési kezdeményezésünk megyei szinten és információkat nyújtsunk a pályázatról a résztvevőknek és lakosságnak. A Konferencia keretében power point előadások segítségével információkat nyújtunk a pályázatról (információk az Interreg V-A Románia-Magyarország Programról, információkat a pályázat célkitűzéseiről, tevékenységeiről, feladatokról amiket el fogunk végezni) és power point bemutató amelyeket a két település vezetője mutat be mindkét településre vonatkozóan. | |||
43 | ROHU179 | ,,Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania - Hungary cross border region”. | Town of Alesd (lead beneficiary) | 30/01/2019 | Alesd | Bihor | Romania | Cross-border meeting aimed to investigate the possibilities for increasing the capacity of the local public administrations in planning and monitoring the local budgets. | Intalnire de lucru transfrontaliera care are ca scop investigarea posibilitatilor de imbunatatire a capacitatii administrative de a planifica si monitoriza bugetul local. | |||
44 | ROHU179 | "Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania-Hungary cross border region" | Szarvas Város Önkormányzata / Municipality of Szarvas | 21/02/2019 | Szarvas | Békés | Hungary | | | | On the 21 st February the 1st cross-border exchange of experience named workshop will be organized in one of the five partners of the ROHU179 INTERREG project, namely in Szarvas, Hungary. It is organized in the first reporting period and will aim to present the pilot actions planned to be implemented by the Municipality of Szarvas. Discussions related to experience in tourism promotion and in digital education programs will be of special interest. | 2019. február 21-én kerül megrendezésre Szarvas városában, Magyarországon a ROHU179 INTERREG projekt keretén belül az 1. határmenti tapasztalatcsere elnevezésű workshop. Ezt a műhelymunkát a projekt első jelentéstételi időszakában tartjuk a pályázati ütemtervnek megfelelően. A műhelymunka Szarvason a projekt keretében megvalósítandó fő tevékenységek részletes bemutatásáról fog szólni, emellett turisztika témában szeretnénk beszélgetésre invitálni a jelenlévőket, valamint a programban vállalt digitális oktatásról is szó esik. |
45 | ROHU179 | ,,Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania - Hungary cross border region”. | Commune of Sinteu (beneficiary) | 12/02/2019 | Sinteu | Bihor | Romania | Cross-border meeting regarding the usage of IT equipment in the public sector, ensuring the public safety in the dispersed settlements and supporting the access of the local community to modern communication tools. | Întâlnire de lucru transfrontalieră privind utilizarea echipamentelor IT în sectorul public, siguranţa publică în localităţile disparate, instrumente moderne de comunicare cu cetățenii. | |||
46 | ROHU-300 | Common challenges - common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourism | Municipality of jimbolia | 05/02/2019 | Jimbolia | Timiș | Romania | Opening Press Conference for the project: Common challenges - common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourism | Conferință de presă de lansare a proiectului: Provocări comune - soluții comune: cooperare instituțională în domeniul turismului | |||
47 | ROHU179 | "Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania- Hungary cross border region" | Municipality of Alesd, Municipality of Marghita, Commune of Sinteu, Municipality of Szarvas | 05/02/2019 | Berettyóújfalu | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | The aim of the conference is the first event of Berettyóújfalu, as part of the official project ROHU179 „Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania - Hungary cross border region". The representatives of the leadership of the partner institutions, who will be speaking of their achievements and challanges, will attend the conference. Moreover, the joint project implementation team who will present the project. | Berettyóújfalu Város Önkormányzata első partneri találkozót tart a ROHU 179 azonosítószámú pályázat keretein belül 2019. február 05-én 10 órától. | |||
48 | ROHU179 | ,,Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania - Hungary cross border region”. | Municipality of Marghita (beneficiary) | 27/02/2019 | Marghita | Bihor | Romania | Workshop and exchange of experience regarding the on-site supervision practices of the partner local public administration (site supervisions, control activities, etc). | Workshop si schimb de experienţă cu privire la activităţile administraţiei publice în ceea ce priveşte controalele efectuate (ex. în teren, urbanism, taxe locale etc). | |||
49 | ROHU-300 | Common challenges - common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourism | Municipality of Jimbolia | 05/02/2019 | Jimbolia | Timiș | Romania | Opening Press Conference for this project: Common challenges - common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourism. The Municipality of Jimbolia acting as Lead Partner is going to organize a joint press conference in Jimbolia. To this event will be invited mass-media and representatives of the partners from both countries. In addition, at this conference the project partners will present the objectives of the project. | Conferință de presă de lansare a proiectului Provocări comune – soluții comune: cooperare instituțională în domeniul turismului. Orașul Jimbolia, în calitate de lider de proiect, va organiza o conferință comună de presă la Jimbolia, La această conferință vor fi invitați reprezentanți ai mass-media din ambele țări. | |||
50 | ROHU 53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 21/02/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény-Bodaszőlő | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungari | SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT PRACTICAL TRAINING THEMATICS THEORETICAL BLOCK FORESTRY KNOWLEDGE • Forest management in the Böszörmény City Forest once and today Occupation Venue or Starting Point: We recommend training to forest management professionals and workers, as well as beginners and practitioners. Participants will receive a certificate in full! Participation is free of charge (pre-registration only)! Learn more and apply: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | FENNTARTHATÓ ERDŐGAZDÁLKODÁS GYAKORLATORIENTÁLT KÉPZÉS TEMATIKÁJA ELMÉLETI BLOKK ERDÉSZETI ISMERETEK • Erdőgazdálkodás a böszörményi Város-erdőn egykor és ma A foglalkozások helyszíne illetve kiindulópontja: INTEGRÁLT KÖZÖSSÉGI SZOLGÁLTATÓ TÉR A képzést ajánljuk erdőgazdálkodással foglalkozó szakembereknek és munkásoknak, valamint kezdő és gyakorló természetvédőknek. A foglalkozásokon hiánytalanul résztvevők tanúsítványt kapnak! A részvétel díjmentes (csupán előzetes regisztrációhoz kötött)! Bővebb tájékoztatás és jelentkezés: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |||
51 | ROHU 53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 28/02/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény-Bodaszőlő | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT THEORETICAL BLOCK / PLANNING KNOWLEDGE KNOWLEDGE February 28, 2019 (Thursday), at 14:00 • The flora of the Nyírség forests Occupation Venue or Starting Point: INTEGRATED COMMUNITY SERVICE SPACE We recommend training to forest management professionals and workers, as well as beginners and practitioners. Participants will receive a certificate in full! Participation is free of charge (pre-registration only)! Learn more and apply: [email protected] ---------------------------------------------- | FENNTARTHATÓ ERDŐGAZDÁLKODÁS ELMÉLETI BLOKK / NÖVÉNYTANI ISMERETEK 2019. február 28-án (csütörtök), 14.00 órai kezdettel • A nyírségi erdők növényvilága A foglalkozások helyszíne illetve kiindulópontja: INTEGRÁLT KÖZÖSSÉGI SZOLGÁLTATÓ TÉR A képzést ajánljuk erdőgazdálkodással foglalkozó szakembereknek és munkásoknak, valamint kezdő és gyakorló természetvédőknek. A foglalkozásokon hiánytalanul résztvevők tanúsítványt kapnak! A részvétel díjmentes (csupán előzetes regisztrációhoz kötött)! Bővebb tájékoztatás és jelentkezés: [email protected] | |||
52 | ROHU 53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 07/03/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény-Bodaszőlő | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT THEORETICAL BLOCK / ANIMAL KNOWLEDGE March 7, 2019 (Thursday), at 14:00 • The fauna of the Nyírség forests Occupation Venue or Starting Point: We recommend training to forest management professionals and workers, as well as beginners and practitioners. Participants will receive a certificate in full! Participation is free of charge (pre-registration only)! Learn more and apply: ---------------------------------------------- The Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény oak woods is a series of basic ecological and nature conservation, sharing of plant and zoological knowledge and the transfer of sustainable forestry skills necessary for the natural forest management of a Natura 2000 forest area (3 theoretical and 2 practical training sessions). | FENNTARTHATÓ ERDŐGAZDÁLKODÁS ELMÉLETI BLOKK / ÁLLATTTANI ISMERETEK 2019. március 7-án (csütörtök), 14.00 órai kezdettel • A nyírségi erdők állatvilága A foglalkozások helyszíne illetve kiindulópontja: INTEGRÁLT KÖZÖSSÉGI SZOLGÁLTATÓ TÉR A képzést ajánljuk erdőgazdálkodással foglalkozó szakembereknek és munkásoknak, valamint kezdő és gyakorló természetvédőknek. A foglalkozásokon hiánytalanul résztvevők tanúsítványt kapnak! A részvétel díjmentes (csupán előzetes regisztrációhoz kötött)! Bővebb tájékoztatás és jelentkezés: [email protected] | |||
53 | ROHU 53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 07/03/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény-Bodaszőlő | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT THEORETICAL BLOCK / ANIMAL KNOWLEDGE March 7, 2019 (Thursday), at 14:00 • The fauna of the Nyírség forests Occupation Venue or Starting Point: We recommend training to forest management professionals and workers, as well as beginners and practitioners. Participants will receive a certificate in full! Participation is free of charge (pre-registration only)! Learn more and apply: ---------------------------------------------- The Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény oak woods is a series of basic ecological and nature conservation, sharing of plant and zoological knowledge and the transfer of sustainable forestry skills necessary for the natural forest management of a Natura 2000 forest area (3 theoretical and 2 practical training sessions). | FENNTARTHATÓ ERDŐGAZDÁLKODÁS ELMÉLETI BLOKK / ÁLLATTTANI ISMERETEK 2019. március 7-án (csütörtök), 14.00 órai kezdettel • A nyírségi erdők állatvilága A foglalkozások helyszíne illetve kiindulópontja: INTEGRÁLT KÖZÖSSÉGI SZOLGÁLTATÓ TÉR A képzést ajánljuk erdőgazdálkodással foglalkozó szakembereknek és munkásoknak, valamint kezdő és gyakorló természetvédőknek. A foglalkozásokon hiánytalanul résztvevők tanúsítványt kapnak! A részvétel díjmentes (csupán előzetes regisztrációhoz kötött)! Bővebb tájékoztatás és jelentkezés: [email protected] | |||
54 | ROHU-297 | A Cross-Border Open Model of A Digital Museum Database | Administrative Territorial Unit of Tasnad | 21/02/2019 | Tăşnad | Satu Mare | Romania | The project opening workshop will take place in Tasnad, as part of the project ROHU297 „A Cross-Border Open Model of A Digital Museum Database”. It will give the opportunity to present the launch of the project, and a meeting for the complete project team. The workshop will focus on the issues of evidence and preservation of archaeological sites, with a special focus on Tasnad and its region. | A nyitórendezvény Tasnádban kerül megrendezésre, a ROHU297 kódszámú, „A digitális múzeumi adatbázis határokon átnyúló nyílt modellje” című projekt részeként. A rendezvény lehetőséget nyújt a projekt hivatalos elindítására, valamint a teljes projektteam találkozójára. A workshop a leletekre és a régészeti lelőhelyek megőrzésére összpontosít, különös tekintettel Tasnádra és környezetére. | |||
55 | ROHU-289 | Connecting the traditions of the Crisul Repede Valley | Local Government of Vadu Crișului, Local Government of Körösszegapáti | 27/02/2019 | Vadu Crișului | BIHOR | Romania | | We invite you to participate in the launching conference of the project, which will be held on the 27th of February 2019 at 11 pm, in the exhibition hall of the Tourist Business Incubator in Vadu Crisului. The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary program will be implemented during the 2014-2020 programming period, continuing the funding of cross-border cooperation in the Romanian-Hungarian border area through the European Regional Development Fund, with the support of the European Union and the governments of the two states. | Vă invitam ca să participaţi la Conferinţa de lansare al proiectului, care va fi pe data de 27 februarie 2019 orele 11, în sala de expoziţie al Incubatorului de afaceri pe turism din Vadu Crişului. Programul Interreg V-A România-Ungaria va fi implementat în perioada de programare 2014-2020, continuând finanțarea cooperării transfrontaliere în zona de graniță româno-ungară, prin intermediul Fondului European de Dezvoltare Regională, cu sprijinul Uniunii Europene și al guvernelor celor două state. In cadrul sesiunii a doua de depuneri, a Axei prioritare 6: Promovarea cooperării transfrontaliere între instituţii şi cetăţeni proiectul “Connecting the traditions of the Crisul Repede Valley-Interconectarea traditiilor de pe Valea Crisului Repede”, cu numărul ROHU 289 a fost depus împreuna cu comuna înfraţită Körösszegapati din Ungaria si are un buget total de 79.999 Euro, din care Vadu Crisului ca si lider 42.384 Euro si Körösszegapati 37.615 Euro. | ||
56 | ROHU-285 | Healthy Traditions – Science for Next Generation | West University of Timisoara | 14/02/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | West University of Timisoara has the pleasure to invite you to participate in the opening conference of the “Healthy Traditions – Science for Next Generation” project (eMS ROHU 285), funded by the European Union under the Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme. The project is implemented by “Iris Research” Association from Arad (Romania) as project leader and West University of Timisoara (Romania) and “Nicolae Balcescu” Romanian Highschool from Gyula (Hungary) as project partners. Target group: representatives of public authorities, diplomats, local population, media representatives, students, teachers, anthropologists, ethnologists, sociologists, doctors, pharmacists. | Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara are plăcerea de a Vă invita să participați la conferința care marchează deschiderea proiectului Healthy Traditions – Science for Next Generation (eMS ROHU 285), finanțat de Uniunea Europeană în cadrul Programului Interreg V-A România-Ungaria. Proiectul este implementat de Asociația „Iris Research” din Arad, în calitate de beneficiar și de Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara și Liceul Românesc „Nicolae Bălcescu” din Gyula, în calitate de parteneri. Evenimentul la care Vă invităm va avea loc joi, 14 februarie 2019, cu începere de la orele 11.00, în amfiteatrul A01 al Universității de Vest din Timișoara (incinta principală a instituției, Timișoara, bd. Pârvan nr. 4, parter). Grup tinta: representanti ai autoritatilor publice, diplomati, populatie locala, reprezentanti media, studenti, elevi, profesori, antropologi, etnologi, sociologi, medici, farmacisti. A Timişoara Nyugati Egyetem meghívja Önt, hogy vegyen részt az Európai Unió által az Interreg V-A Románia-Magyarország program keretében finanszírozott "Egészséges hagyományok - Tudomány a következő generáció számára" (eMS ROHU 285) projektben célcsoport: állami hatóságok, diplomaták, helyi lakosság, média képviselők, diákok, tanárok, antropológusok, etnológusok, szociológusok, orvosok, gyógyszerészek képviselői | |||
57 | ROHU-180 | Drug prevention without borders | Fundatia Diaspora | 22/02/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | Invitation to the opening conference of the project entitled Drug prevention without borders (ROHU 180 - NoDrugs) | Invitație la conferința de deschidere a proiectului Prevenirea fără frontiere a consumului de droguri (ROHU 180 - NoDrugs) Meghívó a Kábítószer megelőzés határok nélkül című projekt (ROHU 180 - NoDrugs) nyitókonferenciájára | |||
58 | ROHU-300 | Common challenges - common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourism | Municipality of Jimbolia | 25/02/2019 | Buziaș | Timiș | Romania | On the 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th of February 2019 in Buziaș, Timiș County is going to take place the first workshop organized by the Municipality of Jimbolia. | În perioada 25-28 februarie 2019 va avea loc primul atelier de lucru organizat la Buziaș, jud. Timiș de către partenerul lider Orașul Jimbolia. | |||
59 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 09/03/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | VOLUNTARY NATURE PROTECTION PROGRAM Participation is subject to pre-registration, delivery and professional guidance of the participants, as well as equipment and supplies. | ÖNKÉNTES TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI PROGRAM Részvétel előzetes bejelentkezés alapján, a résztvevők szállításáról és szakmai irányításáról, valamint eszközökről és ellátásról a szervezők gondoskodnak. ------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM DE PROTECȚIE NATURALĂ VOLUNTARĂ Participarea este supusă preînregistrării, livrării și îndrumării profesionale a participanților, precum și a echipamentelor și materialelor. | |||
60 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 29/03/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | ÖNKÉNTES TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI PROGRAM Részvétel előzetes bejelentkezés alapján, a résztvevők szállításáról és szakmai irányításáról, valamint eszközökről és ellátásról a szervezők gondoskodnak. | ÖNKÉNTES TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI PROGRAM Részvétel előzetes bejelentkezés alapján, a résztvevők szállításáról és szakmai irányításáról, valamint eszközökről és ellátásról a szervezők gondoskodnak. ------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM DE PROTECȚIE NATURALĂ VOLUNTARĂ Participarea este supusă preînregistrării, livrării și îndrumării profesionale a participanților, precum și a echipamentelor și materialelor. | |||
61 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 17/04/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | VOLUNTARY NATURE PROTECTION PROGRAM Participation is subject to pre-registration, delivery and professional guidance of the participants, as well as equipment and supplies. | ÖNKÉNTES TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI PROGRAM Részvétel előzetes bejelentkezés alapján, a résztvevők szállításáról és szakmai irányításáról, valamint eszközökről és ellátásról a szervezők gondoskodnak. ------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM DE PROTECȚIE NATURALĂ VOLUNTARĂ Participarea este supusă preînregistrării, livrării și îndrumării profesionale a participanților, precum și a echipamentelor și materialelor. | |||
62 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 19/04/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | VOLUNTARY NATURE PROTECTION PROGRAM Participation is subject to pre-registration, delivery and professional guidance of the participants, as well as equipment and supplies. | ÖNKÉNTES TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI PROGRAM Részvétel előzetes bejelentkezés alapján, a résztvevők szállításáról és szakmai irányításáról, valamint eszközökről és ellátásról a szervezők gondoskodnak. ------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM DE PROTECȚIE NATURALĂ VOLUNTARĂ Participarea este supusă preînregistrării, livrării și îndrumării profesionale a participanților, precum și a echipamentelor și materialelor. | |||
63 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 18/04/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT - The Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény oak woods is a series of training courses for the basic ecological and nature conservation, sharing of plant and zoological knowledge and the transfer of sustainable forestry skills for the natural forest management of a Natura 2000 forest area. MARITIME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT (Practical Occupation) April 18, 2019 (Thursday), 14:00 Occupation Venue or Starting Point: Integrated Community Provider Space We recommend training to forest management professionals and workers, as well as beginners and practitioners. Participation is free of charge (pre-registration only)! Learn more and apply: | FENNTARTHATÓ ERDŐGAZDÁLKODÁS - A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 erdőterület természetszerű erdőműveléséhez szükséges alapvető ökológiai és természetvédelmi, valamit növény- és állattani ismeretek megosztását és fenntartható erdőművelési készségek átadását szolgáló képzés sorozat. MADÁRVÉDELMI BERENDEZÉSEK (Gyakorlati foglalkozás) 2019. április 18-án (csütörtök), 14.00 órai kezdettel A foglalkozásokhelyszíne illetve kiindulópontja: Integrált Közösségi Szogáltató Tér A képzést ajánljuk erdőgazdálkodással foglalkozó szakembereknek és munkásoknak, valamint kezdő és gyakorló természetvédőknek. A részvétel díjmentes(csupán előzetes regisztrációhoz kötött)! Bővebb tájékoztatás és jelentkezés: ---------------------------------------------------- MANAGEMENTUL FORESTULUI DURABIL - Pădurea de stejar Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény este o serie de cursuri de pregătire pentru conservarea ecologică și naturală de bază, împărtășirea cunoștințelor despre plante și zoologice și transferul de competențe forestiere durabile pentru gestionarea naturală a pădurilor din zona forestieră Natura 2000. MARIME DE PROTECȚIE ECHIPAMENTE (Ocupație Practică) 18 aprilie 2019 (Joi), ora 14:00 Ocupație Locul sau punctul de plecare: Spațiul furnizor comunitar integrat Vă recomandăm formarea profesioniștilor în domeniul managementului forestier și a lucrătorilor, precum și pentru începători și practicieni. Participarea este gratuită (numai preînregistrare)! Aflați mai multe și aplicați: | |||
64 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 18/04/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT - The Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény oak woods is a series of training courses for the basic ecological and nature conservation, sharing of plant and zoological knowledge and the transfer of sustainable forestry skills for the natural forest management of a Natura 2000 forest area. BIRD PROTECTION EQUIPMENT (Practical Occupation), April 18, 2019 (Thursday), 14:00 Occupation Venue or Starting Point: Integrated Community Provider Space We recommend training to forest management professionals and workers, as well as beginners and practitioners. Participation is free of charge (pre-registration only)! Learn more and apply: | FENNTARTHATÓ ERDŐGAZDÁLKODÁS - A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 erdőterület természetszerű erdőműveléséhez szükséges alapvető ökológiai és természetvédelmi, valamit növény- és állattani ismeretek megosztását és fenntartható erdőművelési készségek átadását szolgáló képzés sorozat. MADÁRVÉDELMI BERENDEZÉSEK (Gyakorlati foglalkozás) 2019. április 18-án (csütörtök), 14.00 órai kezdettel A foglalkozásokhelyszíne illetve kiindulópontja: Integrált Közösségi Szogáltató Tér A képzést ajánljuk erdőgazdálkodással foglalkozó szakembereknek és munkásoknak, valamint kezdő és gyakorló természetvédőknek. A részvétel díjmentes (csupán előzetes regisztrációhoz kötött)! Bővebb tájékoztatás és jelentkezés: -------------------------------------------------- MANAGEMENTUL FORESTULUI DURABIL - Pădurea de stejar Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény este o serie de cursuri de pregătire pentru conservarea ecologică și naturală de bază, împărtășirea cunoștințelor despre plante și zoologice și transferul de competențe forestiere durabile pentru gestionarea naturală a pădurilor din zona forestieră Natura 2000. PĂSĂRI DE PROTECȚIE ECHIPAMENTE (Ocupație Practică) 18 aprilie 2019 (Joi), ora 14:00 Ocupație Locul sau punctul de plecare: Spațiul furnizor comunitar integrat Vă recomandăm formarea profesioniștilor în domeniul managementului forestier și a lucrătorilor, precum și pentru începători și practicieni. Participarea este gratuită (numai preînregistrare)! Aflați mai multe și aplicați: | |||
65 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 25/04/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT - The Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény oak woods is a series of training courses for the basic ecological and nature conservation, sharing of plant and zoological knowledge and the transfer of sustainable forestry skills for the natural forest management of a Natura 2000 forest area. RESTORING ADVENTURE PLANTS (Practical Occupation) April 25, 2019 (Thursday), at 14:00 Occupation Venue or Starting Point: Integrated Community Provider Space We recommend training to forest management professionals and workers, as well as beginners and practitioners. Participation is free of charge (pre-registration only)! Learn more and apply: | FENNTARTHATÓ ERDŐGAZDÁLKODÁS - A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 erdőterület természetszerű erdőműveléséhez szükséges alapvető ökológiai és természetvédelmi, valamit növény- és állattani ismeretek megosztását és fenntartható erdőművelési készségek átadását szolgáló képzés sorozat. ADVENTÍV NÖVÉNYEK VISSZASZORÍTÁSA (Gyakorlati foglalkozás) 2019. április 25-án (csütörtök), 14.00 órai kezdettel A foglalkozásokhelyszíne illetve kiindulópontja: Integrált Közösségi Szogáltató Tér A képzést ajánljuk erdőgazdálkodással foglalkozó szakembereknek és munkásoknak, valamint kezdő és gyakorló természetvédőknek. A részvétel díjmentes (csupán előzetes regisztrációhoz kötött)! Bővebb tájékoztatás és jelentkezés: ---------------------------------------------------- MANAGEMENTUL FORESTULUI DURABIL - Pădurea de stejar Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény este o serie de cursuri de pregătire pentru conservarea ecologică și naturală de bază, împărtășirea cunoștințelor despre plante și zoologice și transferul de competențe forestiere durabile pentru gestionarea naturală a pădurilor din zona forestieră Natura 2000. RESTAURAREA PLANURILOR DE ADVENȚIE (Ocupația practică) 25 aprilie 2019 (joi), ora 14:00 Ocupație Locul sau punctul de plecare: Spațiul furnizor comunitar integrat Vă recomandăm formarea profesioniștilor în domeniul managementului forestier și a lucrătorilor, precum și pentru începători și practicieni. Participarea este gratuită (numai preînregistrare)! Aflați mai multe și aplicați: | |||
66 | ROHU-158 | Development of a Cross-Border Inclusive Space and Knowledge Center | Green 14 - Association for Sustainable Development of Békés - Bihor Euroregion | 01/03/2019 | Békéscsaba | Magyarország |ívó_előlap.jpg |ívó_hátlap.jpg | The Green 14 Association, as the leading partner of the project, invites you to the project opening event of X-PARC 2.0 (ROHU 158) project in the framework of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary 2014-2020 Program, which will take place on March 1, 2019 in Békéscsaba, in the Körösök Völgye Látogatóközpont (5600 Békéscsaba, Széchenyi liget) | A Zöld 14 Egyesület, mint a projekt vezető partnere, tisztelettel meghívja Önt az Interreg V-A Románia-Magyarország | ||
67 | ROHU-277 | CHESS START RO-HU - joint development of a cross-border chess-based social inclusion tool | Dávid Sport Club | 08/03/2019 | Nyíregyháza | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | | The Bethlen Cup chess-competition on 8 March, 2019. There will be about 300 participants and more guests there. | 2019. március 08-án kerül megrendezésre a Bethlen Kupa sakkverseny. 300 résztvevővel és még több vendéggel. | ||
68 | ROHU80 | „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” | Comunele Odoreu, Păuleşti, Viile Satu Mare si Halmeu, Tyukodi Önkéntes Tűzoltó Egyesület | 27/02/2019 | Ville Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | Organisation of a joint training on "First aid" | Organizare training comun pe tema "Prim ajutor" | |||
69 | ROHU80 | „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” | Comuna Odoreu | 06/03/2019 | Odoreu | Satu Mare | Romania | Organisation of a joint simulation/exercise at the glass factory of S.C REAL GLASS S.R.L in Odoreu | Organizare exercitiu comun: simulare accident tehnologic produs la S.C REAL GLASS S.R.L Odoreu | |||
70 | ROHU-53 | Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | COMUNA SÂNMARTIN | 14/03/2019 | Sânmartin | Bihor | România | | Opening conference of the ROHU-53 project titled „ Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | Conferinta de deschidere a proiectului ROHU-53 „ Conservarea și protejarea patrimoniului natural transfrontalier al județelor Bihor – Hajdú Bihar “ A ROHU-53 Bihar és Hajdú-Bihar megye határon átnyúló természeti örökségének megőrzéséért és védelméért" című projekt nyitókonferenciája | ||
71 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 22/03/2019 | Debrecen-Józsa | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | WASTE COLLECTION ACTION IN THE FOREST Disposal of illegal landfills in the Natura 2000 area of the Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény. Welcome to volunteers! Organizers take care of protective and work equipment as well as refreshments. Meeting & Departure: | ERDEI SZEMÉTSZEDŐ AKCIÓ Illegális hulladéklerakók felszámolása a Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 területen. Önkéntesek jelentkezését várjuk! Védő- és munkaeszközökről, valamint frissítőről a szervezők gondoskodnak. Találkozó és indulás: --------------------------------------- ACȚIUNE DE COLECTARE A DEȘEURILOR ÎN FOREST Eliminarea depozitelor ilegale de deșeuri în zona Natura 2000 a zonei Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény. Bun venit la voluntari! Organizatorii se ocupă de echipament de protecție și de lucru, precum și de băuturi răcoritoare. Intalnirea si plecarea: | |||
72 | ROHU-268 | Development of community cooperation through joint cultural and sport events between Fülöp and Buduslău | LB | 15/03/2019 | Fülöp | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | One sport competition will be organized in Fülöp. The team of Comuna Buduslau and Fülöp Község will play football. The aim of the sport competitions is to develop the cooperation between the two communities citizens. Each players will wear special T-shirts with program logos. In this way, the event will offer information about the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungaria Program. Throught sport events we wants that the two communities citizens to become closer and to know better each other. | În Comuna Fülöp va fi organizat un eviniment sportiv. Grupurile sportive ale Comunei Buduslau si Fülöp se vor intrece in competitii sportive si anume fotbal. Scopul acestei competitii sportive este sa dezvolte cooperarea dintre cetatenii celor doua comunitati. Fiecare jucator va fi imbracat cu tricouri speciale avand logo-ul programului, astfel evenimentul va oferi informatii despre programul Interreg V-A Romania-Ungaria. Prin aceste evenimente sportive dorim ca cetatenii celor doua localitati sa se cunoasca mai bine si sa fie mai apropiati unul de altul. Fülöp községben került megrendezésre egy sport rendezvény. Érbogyoszló és Fülöp sport csapatai futballban versenyeznek.A sport rendezvény célja, hogy erősítse a két közösség lakosságának együttműködését. Minden játékos egy saját pólót kap majd amin a Program lógója látható, így a rendezvény hozzájárul az Interreg Románia-Magyarország Program népszerűsítéséhez is. A rendezvényeken keresztül szeretnénk elérni, hogy a két közösség lakossága közelebb kerüljön egymáshoz és jobban megismerjék egymást. | |||
73 | ROHU-181 | Improve cross-border cooperation between public institutions of Nădlac-Sântana-Elek-Doboz | Nadlac City; Santana City; Municipality of Elek; Municipality of Doboz | 20/03/2019 | NADLAC | ARAD | ROMANIA | Opening press conference for project ROHU-181 -"Improve cross-border cooperation between public institutions of Nădlac-Sântana-Elek-Doboz" | Conferinta de presa de deschidere a proiectului ROHU-181 -"Improve cross-border cooperation between public institutions of Nădlac-Sântana-Elek-Doboz" | |||
74 | ROHU80 | „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” | Comuna Păuleşti | 20/03/2019 | Păuleşti | Satu Mare | Romania | Organisation of a joint workshop on the "Activities of the Local Committee for Emergency | Organizare atelier de lucru comun „Activitatea Comitetului local pentru situații de urgență pentru intervenție in caz de inundație”, Közös workshop szervezése: „A sürgősségi helyzeteket kezelő helyi bizottság tevékenysége árvíz esetén” | |||
75 | ROHU271 | ,,The Minority Question in the ROHU cross-border area: Slovak Culture, Tradition and History without Borders” | Commune of Sinteu (lead beneficiary) | 29/03/2019 | Sinteu | Bihor | Romania | "The Slovak Minority Issue" Workshop | Atelierul ,,Problema minoritatii slovace" | |||
76 | ROHU-180 | Drug prevention without borders | Diaspora Foundation | 05/04/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | Invitation to Drug prevention training. For supplementary information, or for registration to the training, contact Diaspora Foundation: [email protected] | Invitație la Training de specialitate – prevenirea consumului de droguri Cui se adresează: profesori, psihologi, reprezentanți ai organizațiilor de tineret, persoane care se ocupă cu grupuri de tineri Pentru participare sau alte informații contactați Fundația Diaspora: [email protected] | ||
77 | ROHU-297 | A Cross-Border Open Model of A Digital Museum Database | County Museum of Satu Mare | 11/04/2019 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | An international scientific conference will be organized by the County Museum of Satu Mare (RO) and the Jósa András Múzeum (HU): | O conferință științifică internațională va fi organizată de Muzeul Județean Satu Mare (RO) și Muzeul Jósa András (HU): | |||
78 | ROHU-277 | CHESS START RO-HU - joint development of a cross-border chess-based social inclusion tool | CREST Association, STEA Association and DAVID Sport Club | 01/04/2019 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | | Between 1 – 5 April 2019, CREST Association organizes in Satu Mare a 5 day training program for 12 participants (employees and volunteers within the project partner NGOs: CREST Association, STEA Association and DAVID Sport Club on the topic „ Life skills development programs for children”. This is an important organizational capacity building activity for the project partners, since the training will address key issues regarding the methodology of life skills development programs and how to build such a program, having as a central element the chess activity. Based on their experience in social services and in chess training, during the practical part of this training course, the participants will be guided by the trainer to put together their specific know-hows and to jointly analyze, select and build an uniform pattern of the main instruments of the “life skill development programs through chess” implemented within the project with children from Satu Mare and Nyiregyhaza. | În perioada 1 – 5 aprilie 2019, Asociatia CREST organizează la Satu Mare un program de formare de 5 zile pentru un număr de 12 participanți (angajați și voluntari în cadrul organizațiilor partenere în proiect: Asociația CREST, Asociația STEA și David Sport Club) pe tema „Programe de dezvoltare a abilităților de viață la copii”. Aceasta reprezintă o importantă activitate de dezvoltare a capacității organizaționale a partenerilor, având în vedere faptul că acest curs va aborda aspecte cheie cu privire la metodologia programelor de dezvoltare a abilităților de viață și cum se construiesc astfel de programe, având ca element central activitățile de șah. Bazându-se pe experiența și know-how-ul lor specific în domeniul serviciilor sociale și cel al antrenamentelor de șah, în parea practică a acestui curs, participanții vor fi ghidați de către formator pentru a-și pune în comun know-how-urile specifice astfel încât să analizeze, să selecteze și să construiască o formă unitară a principalelor instrumente ale „programului de dezvoltare a abilităților de viață prin șah” implementat în cadrul proiectului cu copii din Satu Mare și Nyiregyhaza. | ||
79 | ROHU-156 | Traditions over the time and across the border | Mórahalom Városi Önkormányzat | 29/03/2019 | Mórahalom | This event aim to preserve cultural diversity and traditions. The event will be organized in order to develop cooperation between people in the border area, to support the development of the two communities. Mórahalom is organizing an event for the presentation of the creations of the contemporary artist from Mórahalom and Pecica.The camp will be organized for a period of three days. Th first day will be 29th March. The participants will be painters, sculptors etc. They will create in the framework of a creative camp. At the end of the camp, there will be an exhibition of their works. | Ez az esemény célja a kulturális sokszínűség és hagyományok megőrzése. A rendezvényt a határ menti emberek közötti együttműködés fejlesztése érdekében szervezik, hogy támogassák a két közösség fejlődését. Pécskai és mórahalmi kortárs művészek alkotásait mutatja be Mórahalom. Március 29-én kezdődik a tábor és 3 napig tart. A résztvevők pl:szobrászok, festők, kézművesek....stb. A tábor záró napján az elkészült alkotásokból kiállítást szervezünk. | |||||
80 | ROHU-29 | Conservation and protection of ecosystems endangered by lack of thermal and freshwater in crossborder area | Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute for Nuclear Research | 23/04/2019 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | A professional workshop of the project ROHU-29 is organized by the Hungarian partner in the MTA Atomki on 23.04.2019. at 10 am. During the workshop the participants of the project Partners, external experts and other interested people will be informed about the state of the project and achievements of the project with professional experts. | 2019.04.23. napján 10 órától szakmai workshop kerül megrendezésre a ROHU-29 projekt keretében a MTA Atomki székhelyén, ahol az érintettek és a meghívottak tájékoztatást kapnak a projekt előrehaladásáról a bevont szakértők, előadások által. | |||
81 | ROHU-280 | Cultural Cooperation among Citizens from the Salonta-Gyula Cross-border Area | Municipality of Salonta | 10/04/2019 | Salonta | Bihor | Romania | | Project launching conference | Conferința de lansare a proiectului | ||
82 | ROHU-180 | NODRUGS | Fundatia Diaspora | 05/04/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | If you work in a helping profession, you are a teacher, a social worker, a psychologist, and you are interested in working with young people, wanting to learn more about the development of addiction, the drug use habits of young people, apply! | Ha segítő szakmában dolgozol, pedagógus, szociális munkás, pszichológus hallgató vagy és érdekel a fiatalokkal való közös munka, szeretnél többet megtudni a függőség kialakulásáról, a fiatalok szerhasználati szokásairól, jelentkezz! | |||
83 | ROHU - 315 | ComSport-Together for the creation of an active social group | Consiliul Local Curtici (Municipality of Curtici) | 24/04/2019 | Curtici | Arad | Romania | | Invitation to the opening conference of the project entitled | Invitație la conferința de deschidere a proiectului Meghívó a “Együtt egy aktív társadalmi csoport létrehozásáért“projekt (ROHU 315 COMSPORT) nyitókonferenciájára | ||
84 | ROHU-208 | Improving quality management of cross-border rivers: Cris (Koros), Mures (Maros) and Tisa (Tsza) | Compania de Apa Arad | 08/04/2019 | Arad | Romania | | The Opening Conference will be held on 15 April 2019, starting at 10:00. The main purpose of this conference is to present the project to the public and in particular the objectives to be achieved, the way how they will be accomplished and the final result. The event will be attended by the Compania de Apa and project implementation team and the Hungarian project partners from Szegedi Vizmu, local and county officials and representatives of the press. | In data de 15 aprilie 2019, incepand cu ora 10:00 va avea loc conferinta de deschidere a proiectului. Scopul principal al acestei conferinte este de a prezenta publicului acest proiect si in special obiectivele ce trebuie realizate, modul in care acestea vor fi efectuate și rezultatul final. La eveniment vor fi invitati pe langa conducerea Companiei de Apa și echipa de implementare a proiectului si partenerii de proiect maghiari de la Szegedi Vizmu Zrt., oficialitati locale și judetene si reprezentanti ai presei. | |||
85 | ROHU-218 | Cooperation for the conservation and promotion of traditional gardening | Excelsior Association | 18/04/2019 | Arad | Arad | Romania | Presenting to the press, and thus to the general public, the project, it`s objectives and activities. | Prezentarea catre presa si astfel publicului general, a proiectului, obiectivelor si activitatilor propuse. | |||
86 | ROHu-158 | Development of a Cross-Border Inclusive Space and Knowledge Center | Excelsior Association | 18/04/2019 | Arad | Arad | Romania | Presenting to the press, and thus to the general public, the project, it`s objectives and activities. | Prezentarea catre presa si astfel publicului general, a proiectului, obiectivelor si activitatilor propuse. | |||
87 | ROHU280 | Co-cultured | Gyula Municipality - Project Partner | 17/04/2019 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | Opening conference of project "Cultural cooperation among citizens from the Salonta-Gyula cross-border area" Location: Gyula Town Hall (Ceremony hall) 9.30-10.00 Registration 10.00-10.30 Greetings of the mayors (Gyula and Salonta) 10.30-12.00 Introduction of the project and the "Toldi" film 11.30-12.00 Roundtable abaut the film-making "Toldi" 12.00 End of the conference 12.00-13.00 Buffet lunch | A "Kulturális együttműködés Nagyszalonta-Gyula határon átnyúló térség lakossága között" projektnyitó konferenciája 9.30-10.00 Regisztráció 10.00-10.30 Városvezetői beszédek 10.30-12.00 A projekt bemutatása, a Toldi film bemutatása 12.00 A konferencia vége 12.00-13.00 Büfé ebéd | |||
88 | ROHU-204 | Shared problems, joint solutions - improving cooperation between Arad and Bekes public administration (WorkMix) | Békés Megyei Önkormányzat /Békés County Government/ | 09/05/2019 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary |ékés-County.jpg | In collaboration with the LP and PP3, PP2 will organize a study tour with workshop in Békés county between 09.05.2019 -10.05.2019 (Specific objective 1: Improvement of the activity of the Arad-Bekes Joint Committee). | A Békés Megyei Önkormányzat (Projekt Partner 2) a Vezető Partnerrel és társ partnerrel (PP3) együttműködve megszervezi az Arad-Békés Megyei Vegyes Bizottság nyitóülését, mely egy tanulmányút is lesz egyben. | ||
89 | ROHU 289 | Connecting the traditions of the Crisul Repede Valley | Local Government of Vadu Crișului | 22/04/2019 | Vadu Crisului | Bihor | Romania | Within the framework of the project from April 22-25, 2019, a Cross border folkdance camp will be held at Vadu Crisului with the participation of folk dances from Vadu Crisului and Körösszegapáti. | In cadrul proiectului in perioada 22-25 aprilie 2019 la Vadu Crisului se va desfasura o Tabra de dansuri populare, cu participarea formatiilor de dansuri populare din Vadu Crisului si Körösszegapáti. | |||
90 | ROHU-256 | Crossborder Youth Community | Asociația Kécenlét | 24/04/2019 - 28/04/2019 | Cheț | Bihor | România | | The HEVAT spring break youth camp will took place in Cheț during 24-28 April 2019. The aim of the camp is to facilitate the encounter between Romanian and Hungarian youth, spend leisure time together and learn to cooperate (in sports activities, artistic workshops, debates, nature walks, competitions etc.), cultural exchange, improve young people's knowledge on life skills and self-development, as well as on religious culture. | Tabăra HEVAT va avea loc la Cheț în perioada 24-28 Aprilie 2019, cu participarea a minim 300 de tineri din regiunea transfrontalieră România-Ungaria. A HEVAT tavaszi tábor 2019 április 24-28. között kerül megrendezésre Magyarkécben, 300 romániai és magyarországi, a határmenti térségben élő fiatal részvételével. | ||
91 | 271 | The Minority Question in the ROHU cross-border area: Slovak Culture, Tradition and History without Borders | Sinteu Commune | 10/05/2019 | Békéscsaba | Békés | HUngary | | Presentation in topic: The areas of existence and representation of our Slovak communities: levels, forms of activity. Language of workshop is slovak. | Előadások az alábbi témában: A szlovák közösségeink érvényesülési és képviseleti területei : szintek, tevékenységformák. Program szlovák nyelvű. | ||
92 | ROHU406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 10/05/2019 | Arad | Arad | Romania | The opening conference of the project ROHU406: "Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County" will be held on 10 May, 2019, in Arad. | Conferința de deschidere a proiectului ROHU406 va fi organizata la data de 10 Mai, 2019, la Arad. A ROHU406 projekt nyitókonferenciája 2019. május 10-én kerül megrendezésre, Aradon. | |||
93 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 18/05/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT PAVILON Presentation of the natural values of the Natura 2000 area and the conservation of the ROHU53 project for the local and interested population of the oak forests of Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA TEN PAVILON Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
94 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 26/05/2019 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT PAVILON Presentation of the natural values of the Natura 2000 area and the conservation of the ROHU53 project for the local and interested population of the oak forests of Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA TEN PAVILON Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
95 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 07/06/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT PAVILON Presentation of the natural values of the Natura 2000 area and the conservation of the ROHU53 project for the local and interested population of the oak forests of Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA TEN PAVILON Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
96 | ROHU-183 | SAFE BORDER, SAFER LIFE | Prefecture of Bihor County, Hajdu Bihar County Police, Oradea Regional Border Police, Bihor County Police | 10/05/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | The kick-off conference of the project ROHU 183 SAFE BORDER, SAFER LIFE has the objective of promoting the project and the programme at community level. | Obiectivul conferinței de lansare a proiectului este promovarea proiectului și a programului în comunitatea locală./A projekt indítási konferencia célja a projekt és a program népszerűsítése a helyi közösségben. | |||
97 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 22/05/2019 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | NATURE CONVERSATION COMPETITION -RULING ROUND Final round of 3 rounds for students, which the organizers expect from the top 130 teams to provide information on general nature conservation and Natura 2000 concepts, on protected plant and animal species, especially in Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény. Location and time: May 22, 2019 (Wednesday) | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI VETÉLKEDŐ - DÖNTŐ FORDULÓJA Diákok számára szerezett 3 fordulós vetélkedő döntője, amelyre a mintegy 130 nevező csapatból a legjobb tucatnyi csoportot várják a szervezők, hogy általános természetvédelmi és Natura 2000 fogalmakból, védett növény- és állatfajokkal kapcsolatos – különös tekintettel a Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesekben is honos – ismeretekből adjanak számot. Helyszín és időpont: 2019. május 22. (szerda) ------------------------------------- CONCURSUL CONVERSĂRII NATURALE - ROUND Runda finală de 3 runde pentru studenți, pe care organizatorii o așteaptă de la cei 130 de echipe de vârf pentru a oferi informații despre conservarea generală a naturii și despre conceptele Natura 2000, pe speciile protejate de plante și animale, în special în Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény. Locația și ora: 22 mai 2019 (miercuri) | |||
98 | ROHU-280 | Cultural Cooperation among Citizens from the Salonta-Gyula Cross-border Area | Municipality of Salonta | 18/05/2019 | Salonta | Bihor | Romania | | The Municipality of Salonta invites you to the Long Night of Museums | Municipiul Salonta vă invită cu drag la Noaptea Muzeelor | ||
99 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modenity - Crossborder Cultural Coperation | Csanádpalota | 25/05/2019 | Csanádpalota | Csongrád county | Hungary | "Talleria" Children's Day - One-day Children's Festival, City of Csanádpalota has been paying great attention to children's day for years. Every year on the last weekend of May is the day of the child. On this day, children will arrive from Romania. The kids' day is arranged for children from 2 to 16 years and offers them the opportunity to participate in many traditional games where they can win the "Tallers". Tallers can use it to make small gifts. The child's activity has a dual role, on the one hand, it strengthens the relationship between the children on the 2 sides of the border, and on the other hand they can learn new habits. | We want to make the kids feel really good at this event. We want to see happy smiling faces all day. | |||
100 | ROHU - 374 | Cross-border joint training centers | “Bartók Béla” Theoretical High School | 27/05/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | Invitation to the Opening press conference of the project entitled Cross-border joint training centers (ROHU 374 - TwinS) With the occasion of the opening conference we will present the project’s objectives and activities. | Invitație la conferința de presă de deschidere a proiectului Centre de formare transfrontaliere (ROHU 374 - TwinS) Cu ocazia conferinței de presă, va avea loc prezentarea obiectivelor proiectului respectiv a activităților prevăzute. Reprezentanții presei vor fi informați despre activitățile ce urmează a fi implementate, respectiv despre lucrările ce urmează a fi dezvoltate în cadrul proiectului pe ambele părți ale graniței. Meghívó a Határon átnyúló képzési központok című projekt (ROHU 374 - TwinS) nyitó sajtótájékoztatójára A nyitókonferencia keretében bemutatásra kerülnek a projekt célkitűzései és tevékenységei. A sajtó képviselői betekintést nyerhetnek a határ mindkét oldalán megvalósítandó tevékenységekről és a tervezett építkezési munkálatokról. | ||
101 | ROHU 200 | ”Crossborder events for crossborder citizens” | PB2 | 19/05/2019 | Tarian Village, Girisu de Cris Commune | Bihor | Romania | |ţie-ziua-satului-Tărian.pdf | The Girişu de Criş Mayoralty, invites you on Sunday, 19 May 2019, to take part in the 15th edition of a Tărian Village Day. The 2019 edition is part of the ROHU 200 Crossborder Events Cross-border Citizens Program, funded by the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Program through the ERDF - the European Regional Development Fund and co-funded by the partner countries in the program, Romania and Hungary. Program of May 19, 2019: | Primăria Comunei Girișu de Criș organizează duminică, 19 mai 2019, cea de-a XV-a ediție a Zilei Satului Tărian Anul acesta, evenimentul este inclus în activitățile proiectului ROHU 200 ”Crossborder events for crossborder citizens”, finanțat prin Programul Interreg V-A România-Ungaria prin FEDR - Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională și cofinanțat de statele partenere în program, România și Ungaria. Programul zilei de 19 mai 2019: | |
102 | ROHU179 | "Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania-Hungary cross border region" | Szarvas Város Önkormányzata / Municipality of Szarvas | 28/05/2019 | Szarvas | Békés | Hungary | | The Municipality of Szarvas invites you to the Meeting of the local decision making bodies of the Project Partner Towns under the project titled ROHU179 ABBTROHU "Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania-Hungary cross border region", funded by the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary 2014-2020 Program. | Ezúton tisztelettel meghívjuk Önöket a Szarvas Város Önkormányzata által megszervezésre kerülő Nagykonferenciára, melyen a partnervárosok helyi döntéshozó testületei vesznek részt. A konferencia az Interreg V-A Románia-Magyarország Program 2014-2020 támogatásával a "Közigazgatási híd a román-magyar határmenti városok között" című és ROHU179 azonosítószámú projekt keretében jön létre. | ||
103 | 289 | Connecting the traditions of the Crisul Repede Valley | Körösszegapáti Nagyközségi Önkormányzat | 24/05/2019 | Körösszegapati | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | The aim of the handcrafts camp is to help form acquaintances between the handcrafts masters of the two villages (Vadu Crișului and Körösszegapáti), getting to know each other’s traditions and to encourage co-production. Besides this, it is also important to preserve traditions by trying to involve the youth in this type of activities, raising their interest in traditional folk crafts. | A kézműves tábor célja, hogy segítse az ismerkedést a két falu kézműves mesterei között, megismerjék egymás hagyományait és ösztönözze a közös alkotást. Ezen túlmenően fontos a hagyományok megőrzése a fiatalok ilyen típusú tevékenységekbe való bevonásával, és a hagyományos népi kézművesség iránti érdeklődésük növelése. | ||
104 | ROHU-162 | Cluster for Geography, Heritage and Sustainable Development in Bihor - Hajdu Bihar Crossborder Area | Bihor Destination Management Agency | 30/05/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | Opening Conference. The project opening conference will be organized in Oradea, at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel (starting at 10:00h), and will be open for mass-media representatives and also for the stakeholders from Bihor and Hajdu-Bihar counties. The goal of this event is to inform the relevant actors regarding the activities and goals of the project. | Conferința de deschidere a proiectului. Evenimentul de deschidere va fi organizat la hotelul DoubleTree by Hilton Oradea, începând cu ora 10:00 fiind invitați să participe reprezentanți ai mass-mediei și ai factorilor interesați din județele Bihor și Hajdu-Bihar. Scopul acestei conferințe este de a informa publicul interesat cu privire la activitățile și obiectivele proiectului. | ||
105 | ROHU-348 | Bridge to the cross-border labor market | Diaspora Foundation | 10/06/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | Invitation to the opening press conference of the project entitled - Bridge to the cross-border labor market (ROHU 348 - BRIDGE) With the occasion of the opening conference we will present the project’s objectives and activities. | Invitație la conferința de presă de deschidere a proiectului - Piața forței de muncă transfrontalieră (ROHU 348 - BRIDGE) Cu ocazia conferinței de presă, va avea loc prezentarea obiectivelor proiectului respectiv a activităților prevăzute. Reprezentanții presei vor primi informați despre activitățile ce urmează a fi implementate, respectiv despre lucrările de renovare propuse pe ambele părți ale graniței. Meghívó a Határon átnyúló munkaerőpiac című projekt (ROHU 348 - BRIDGE) nyitó sajtótájékoztatójára A nyitókonferencia keretében bemutatásra kerülnek a projekt célkitűzései és tevékenységei. A sajtó képviselői betekintést nyerhetnek a határ mindkét oldalán megvalósítandó tevékenységekről és a tervezett felújítási munkálatokról. | ||
106 | ROHU-289 | Connecting the traditions of the Crisul Repede Valley | Local Government of Vadu Crișului | 01/06/2019 | Vadu Crisului | Bihor | Romania | | | The program of the Salt Fair is part of the series of events organized jointly by Kőrösszegapáti and Vadu Crișului villages. After the arrival on the river of the raft loaded with salt to the vicinity of the football field, an official opening is going to take place. The program of the next two days is even more colourful. Gulash soup cooking contest will take place on the football field, followed by the march of the folk groups along the village and performances of the folk groups coming from along the Crișul Repede river, followed by opening speeches of the invited guests. There will be a pigeon show followed by the awarding ceremony of the winners of the cooking contest and stage performances of solo artists and bands | Programul Târgului de la Vama Sarii face parte din seria de evenimente organizate în comun de satele Kőrösszegapáti și Vadu Crișului. După sosirea pe râu a plutei încărcate cu sare în vecinătatea terenului de fotbal, va avea loc o deschidere oficială. Programul din următoarele două zile este și mai colorat. Concursul de gatire a supelor va avea loc pe terenul de fotbal, urmat de marșul grupurilor populare de-a lungul satului și spectacole ale grupurilor folclorice care vin de-a lungul râului Crișul Repede, urmate de deschiderea discursurilor invitaților invitați. Va avea loc un spectacol de porumbei urmat de ceremonia de premiere a câștigătorilor concursului de gătit și a spectacolelor de teatru ale unor artiști și formații solo. | |
107 | ROHU-277 | CHESS START RO-HU - joint development of a cross-border chess-based social inclusion tool | CREST Association, STEA Association and DAVID Sport Club | 01/06/2019 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | | | | CREST Association in partnership with STEA Association and DAVID Sport Club from Hungary organizes on the 1-st of June 2019 the International Chess Competition for Children and Youths entitled „ The 1 June 2019 Cup”. Interested kids and juniors (members and non-members of various chess clubs) are invited to join one of the competition's 7 levels. The contest will take place in Satu Mare, starting at 11.00 in the sports hall of Sports High School, Ioan Slavici Street nr.54. The purpose of the event is to support the development of the life skills of participating children from Romania and Hungary coming from different social backgrounds, by providing excellent opportunities for positive interaction in a fair-play spirit. | Asociația CREST în parteneriat cu Asociația STEA și Clubul Sportiv DAVID din Ungaria organizează în data de 01.06.2019 la Satu Mare concursul de șah internațional cu titlul „Cupa 1 iunie 2019”. Copiii și tinerii interesați (legitimați și nelegimitați la diverse cluburi de șah) sunt invitați să înscrie la 7 grupe de nivel. Concursul va avea loc la Satu Mare, cu începere de la ora 11,00 în sala de sport a Liceului cu Program Sportiv, strada Ioan Slavici nr.54. Scopul evenimentului este acela de a susține dezvoltarea abilităților de viață a copiilor participanți din România și Ungaria proveniți din diferite medii sociale, prin asigurarea unor excelente oportunități de interacțiune pozitivă în spirit de fair-play. |
108 | ROHU-285 | Healthy Traditions - science for next generation | „Nicolae Balcescu” Primary School and College | 31/05/2019 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | "Cook with your ancestor" is the first workshop of the project “Healthy Traditions - science for next generation” (ROHU 285 TSH) financed under Interreg ROHU Programme and will take place on Friday 31.05.2019 at 11 o’clock at the premises of the „Nicolae Balcescu” Primary School and College in Gyula, Hungary. Participants – young volunteers from Arad, Timisoara and Gyula and their families – will gather to create a unique experience of cooking on traditional recipes. The objective of this workshop is to emphasize to the young volunteers and their families (people from different areas and generations) the culinary traditions of the region. A surprise show will follow the tasting of the ready-cooked food. Sharing emotions included. | "Cook with your ancestor" az Interreg ROHU program keretében finanszírozott “Healthy Traditions - science for next generation” (ROHU 285 TSH) projekt első műhelye 2019. május 31-én, pénteken 11 órakor lesz megrendezve a „Nicolae Balcescu” Általános Iskola és Kollégiumban, Gyulán. A résztvevők - az Arad, Temesvár és Gyula fiatal önkéntesei és annak családtagjaik - gyűlnek össze, hogy egyedülálló élményt nyújtsanak a hagyományos receptek elkészítésével. A műhely célja, hogy megismertesse az összes résztvevőt a származási helyüktől és a generációjától függetlenül, a régió kulináris hagyományairól. A készítmények kóstolása után egy meglepi előadás. Érzelmekkel teli program lesz ! "Cook with your ancestor" este primul workshop organizat in cadrul proiectului “Healthy Traditions - science for next generation” (ROHU 285 TSH) finantat prin programul Interreg ROHU si se va desfasura vineri 31.05.2019, ora 11 la Liceul Romanesc "Nicolae Balcescu" din Gyula, Ungaria. Participantii – voluntarii din Arad, Timisoara si Gyula si familiilor acestora – se vor intalni pentru a crea o experienta inedita de preparare a hranei dupa retetele traditionale. Workshopul urmareste familiarizarea tuturor participantilor, indiferent de originea sa si de generatia careia ii apartine, cu traditiile culinare specifice zonelor de unde provin. Degustarea preparatelor va fi urmata de un spectacol surpriza. Bucuria impartasita este inclusa in program! | |||
109 | ROHU62 | "Borderless green corridor" | Asociatia Interaction2050 | 03/06/2019 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | Workshop on the "Impact of the exploitation activities of sand and gravel from the beds of Somes river on the Natura 2000 site" | Workshop ”Impactul activităților de exploatare a nisipului și pietrișului din albia râului Someș asupra sitului Natura2000” / | |||
110 | ROHU-62 | ,,HATÁRTALAN ZÖLD FOLYOSÓ” (,,CORIDOR VERDE FĂRĂ FRONTIERE” - „BORDERLESS GREEN CORRIDOR”) | Csenger Város Önkormányzata | 31/05/2019 | Csenger | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye | Magyarország | Organizing a lecture and team competition on environmental education, biodiversity, natural and cultural heritage with the involvement of environmental and nature protection NGOs, local institutions and other organizations operating in the Csengeri micro-region. Presentation of the project, as well as the flora and fauna of the Szamos and its rural heritage. | A környezetvédelmi nevelés, a biodiverzitás, a biológiai sokféleség, a természeti és kulturális örökség bemutatásával kapcsolatos, középiskolás diákoknak szóló előadás és csapatverseny szervezése a Csengeri Kistérségben működő környezetvédelmi és természetvédelmi civil egyesületek, helyi intézmények és egyéb szervezetek bevonásával. A projekt, továbbá a Szamos flórájának és faunájának, illetve vidéki örökségének bemutatása. | |||
111 | ROHU-62 | ,,HATÁRTALAN ZÖLD FOLYOSÓ” (,,CORIDOR VERDE FĂRĂ FRONTIERE” - „BORDERLESS GREEN CORRIDOR”) | Csenger Város Önkormányzata | 31/05/2019 | Csenger | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye | Magyarország | Organizing a lecture and team competition on environmental education, biodiversity, natural and cultural heritage with the involvement of environmental and nature protection NGOs, local institutions and other organizations operating in the Csengeri micro-region. Presentation of the project, as well as the flora and fauna of the Szamos and its rural heritage. | A környezetvédelmi nevelés, a biodiverzitás, a biológiai sokféleség, a természeti és kulturális örökség bemutatásával kapcsolatos, középiskolás diákoknak szóló előadás és csapatverseny szervezése a Csengeri Kistérségben működő környezetvédelmi és természetvédelmi civil egyesületek, helyi intézmények és egyéb szervezetek bevonásával. A projekt, továbbá a Szamos flórájának és faunájának, illetve vidéki örökségének bemutatása. | |||
112 | ROHU-300 | Common challenges - common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourism | Csanádpalota Városi Önkormányzat | 01/06/2019 | Csanádpalota | Csongrád county | Hungary | Today Tourist Info Point was opened in Csanádpalota. | Each partner creates a tourism information center in the project, which will function as part of the institution. The three-man staff already attended one training session to see their work 100%. | |||
113 | ROHU-315 | ComSport-Together for the creation of an active social group | Municipality of Pusztaottlaka | 16/06/2019 | Pusztaottlaka | Békés | Hungary | | On 16th of June, 2019 a community building event will be organized, where people have the opportunity to get to know each other and to develop long-term relationships. Participants may attend various sports activities, gastronomy and diverse cultural programs. | 2019. június 16-án egy közösségépítő rendezvény kerül megtartásra, ahol minden résztvevő megismerheti egymást és kapcsolatokat építhet. Több különböző sport tevékenységen, gasztronómiai és különböző kulturális programokon vehetnek részt az érdeklődők. | ||
114 | ROHU-399 | Green Skills Platform for Sustainable Employment Development | Fundația pentru Cultură și Învățământ “Ioan Slavici” | 19/06/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | Launching Conference of ROHU-399 project: “Green Skills Platform for Sustainable Employment Development”. Location: Fundația pentru Cultură și Învățământ “Ioan Slavici” Time: 19.06.2019 – 4 p.m. Objectives: project and partnership presentation | Conferinţa de lansare a proiectului ROHU-399: “ Platforma competenţelor ecologice pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a ocupării forţei de muncă” Location: Fundația pentru Cultură și Învățământ “Ioan Slavici” Data: 19.06.2019 – ora 16.00 Obiective: prezentarea proiectului şi a parteneriatului Zöld készségek platformja a fenntartható foglalkoztatás fejlesztéséhez című projekt (ROHU-399) nyitó konferencia Helyszín: Ideje: Program: | |||
115 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re | Zöld Kör | 14/06/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT PAVILON | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR | |||
116 | ROHU-300 | Common chaallenges - common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourim - ProTourism | Csanádpalota Városi Önkormányzat | 18/06/2019,19/06/2019,20/06/2019,21/06/2019 | Szeged | Csongrád county | Hungary | Within the ROHU 300, Chanad Palota is now organizing the first Workshop. The partner settlements also come in 3-3 with a trainer and an interpreter who will help the staff of the Hungarian Tourist Info Point in the translation. | The 9 people who attended the first training already learned a lot from each other. In the second part, we will continue to develop our strategy to meet all expectations as an Info Point employee. | |||
117 | ROHU-162 | Cluster for Geography, Heritage and Sustainable Development in Bihor - Hajdu Bihar Crossborder Area | Bihor Destination Management Agency | 19/06/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | | | Specialists in the field will present the use of digital geographic data and available free GIS software. The general objective of the workshop is to get participants familiarized with the software (GIS) and with the prospects of using it, in order to carry out specific tasks at their working places. The operational objectives of the workshop include: understanding the GIS's spatial relationship; ways to represent elements in GIS; explaining the underlying principles of GIS representations; use of digital geographic data and available GIS software for spatial analyses etc. | Câțiva specialiști în domeniu vor prezenta utilizarea datelor geografice digitale și a software-ului GIS disponibil. Obiectivul general al workshop-ului este de a familiariza participanții cu conceptul SIG (Sisteme Informatice Geografice) și cu perspectivele de utilizare a software-ului GIS, în scopul îndeplinirii unor sarcini specifice în domeniul în care activează. Obiectivele operaționale ale seminarului includ: înțelegerea relației spațiale a GIS; modalități de reprezentare a elementelor în GIS; explicarea principiilor fundamentale ale reprezentărilor GIS; utilizarea datelor geografice digitale și a software-ului GIS disponibil pentru analiză spațială etc. |
118 | ROHU-180 | Drug prevention without borders | Diaspora Foundation | 24/06/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | | Invitation to participate to a 6 days long Summer Camp. The youth camp will be organized in Timisoara in the period 24-29.06.2019, which is designated for young people aged between 15-18 years old. The thematic of the camp is about drug prevention. If you are interested, you are pleased to contact us! | Invitație de participare la o tabără de vară de 6 zile. Tabăra cu tematica de prevenire a consumului de droguri va fi organizată în Timișoara în perioada 24-29.06.2019 și este destinată tinerilor în vârstă de 15-18 ani. Dacă ești interesat de acest eveniment, te invităm să ne contactezi! Meghívó egy 6 napos nyári táborba. Egy ifjúsági, drog-megelőző tábort szervezünk Temesváron 2019.06.24-29 között, 15-18 éves fiatalok számára. Ha érdekel a tábor, és szívesen részt vennél, várjuk jelentkezésed! | |
119 | ROHU – 374 | Cross-border joint training centers | Katház Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. | 20/06/2019 | Szeged | Csongrád | Hungary | Invitation to the Opening press conference of the project entitled Cross-border joint training centers (ROHU 374 - TwinS) | Meghívó a Határon átnyúló képzési központok című projekt (ROHU 374 - TwinS) nyitó sajtótájékoztatójára | |||
120 | ROHU62 | "Borderless green corridor" | Asociatia Interaction2050 | 12/06/2019 | Odoreu | Satu Mare | Romania | Rewarding event for the winner schools of the contest ‘The Best at Recycling’ for the collection of plastic waste (PETs) at the Mayor’s office of Odoreu, on 12.06.2019 starting with 13h. | Festivitatea de premiere a scolilor castigatoare a consursului de colectare a deseurilor (PET-uri) "Cel mai tare la reciclare", la sediul Primariei Odoreu, in data de 12.06.2019, incepand de la ora 13h. A "Legjobb Újrahasznosító" PET-palack gyűjtő környezetvédelmi verseny nyertes iskoláinak díjazási ünnepsége, melyre 2019. június 12-én, 13h órai kezdettel kerül sor az udvari polgármesteri hivatalban. | |||
121 | ROHU-53 | Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | Asociația Pescarilor Sportivi Aqua Crisius | 15/06/2019 | Coada Lacului | Bihor | Romania | | The Aqua Crisius Association invites you to the VI-th edition of the Carpathian Bat Day, a feast of the protected area of the Valley of Hell. This edition is organized within the framework of the INTERREG Na-Tu-Re project "Conservation and protection of the cross border Natural heritage of Bihor-Hajdú-Bihar counties". The event is organised in partnership with the Bihor destination Management Agency. | Pentru al VI-lea an consecutiv, organizăm Ziua Liliacului Carpatin, o sărbătoare a ariei protejate de pe Valea Iadului. Această ediție este organizată în cadrul proiectului INTERREG Na-Tu-Re ”Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties”. Evenimentul este organizat în parteneriat cu Agenția de Management al Destinației Bihor. | ||
122 | ROHU-280 | Cultural Cooperation among Citizens from the Salonta-Gyula Cross-border Area | Municipiul Salonta | 22/06/2019 | Salonta | Bihor | RO | | • Traditional seating of local people (”șezătoare”) including traditional song recital ("doina") will take place at the Zilahy Lajos Cultural center from Salonta | Sezatoare + Recital de doine / Hagyományos kaláka és éneklés PROGRAM: Locația: Casa de Cultura Zilahy Lajos, Salonta / | ||
123 | ROHU-280 | Cultural Cooperation among Citizens from the Salonta-Gyula Cross-border Area | Municipiul Salonta | 21/06/2019 | Salonta | Bihor | RO | | | • There will be a 2 day long theater festival in the courtyard of the Arany Janos Museum, 21-22.06.2019 | Festival de teatru / Színház Festivál PROGRAM: Vineri, 21.06.2019, ora 20:00 - Concert de operetă Dansatorii și cântereții Teatrului Kalocsai vor susține un mare concert de operetă spre bucuria pasionaților genului muzical, invitata serii fiind actrița și vedeta Fodor Zsóka. Sâmbătă, 22.06.2019, ora 21:00 - Spectacolul de teatru: Hippolyt, lacheul Spectacolul Teatrului Kalocsai, Ungaria Locația: scena în aer liber din curtea Muzeului memorial Arany János, Salonta ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM: 2019 Június 21, péntek, 20.00 óra - Operett nagykoncert Fergeteges operett nagykoncerttel örvendezteti meg a műfaj rajongóit, fiatalokat és idősebbeket a Kalocsai Színház ének és táncművészei és az est sztárvendége, Fodor Zsóka, színművész. 2019 Június 22, szombat, 21.00 óra - Színházi est: Hippolyt, a lakáj A Kalocsai színház vendégjátéka Helyszín: szabadtéri színpad az Arany János Múzeum kertjében, Nagyszalonta | |
124 | ROHU 122 | Cross-border climbing | Sport Club Gecko | 28/06/2019 | Oradea | Romania | Romania | The project launch conference will aim at ensuring proper information for relevant actors regarding the added value and the benefits of the planned activities and ecouraging them to get involved, as well as at supporting mass-media representatives in promoting the project. The project launch conference will be a take place on 28th-29th of June, in the fortress of Oradea. On the 28th of June the event will start at 15.00 PM. | Prin prezenta, avem plăcerea să vă invităm să participaţi la conferinţa de lansare a proiectului, care va avea loc în data de 28.06.2019- 29.06.2019. În data de 28.06.2019 evenimentul va începe de la ora 15.00 în cetatea din Oradea. Conferința de lansare a proiectului are ca scop furnizarea informațiilor adecvate pentru actorilor relevanți în ceea ce privește valoarea adăugată si beneficiile activităților planificate și încurajarea acestora de a se implica, precum și sprijinirea reprezentanților mass-media în promovarea proiectului. Ezennel tisztelettel meghívjuk a projekt nyitókonferenciájára, melyre 2018. június 28-29 én kerül sor. Június 28-án az esemény 15 órától kezdődik, a nagyváradi várban. A projekt nyitókonferencia célja, hogy megfelelő tájékoztatást az érintett feleknek a tervezett tevékenységek hozzáadott értékéről és előnyeiről, valamint a média képviselőinek támogatásáról a projekt előmozdításában. | |||
125 | ROHU-162 | Cluster for Geography, Heritage and Sustainable Development in Bihor - Hajdu Bihar Crossborder Area | Bihor Destination Management Agency | 20/06/2019 | com. Roșia | Bihor | Romania | | Field-Trip / Know-How Transfer The activity aims at the exchange of experience between Hungarian and Romanian partners in the field of education, focusing mainly on identifying methods of transmitting information on the local horizon to the secondary and high school students. We want to discover together some beautiful places in the South of Pădurea Craiului ecotourism destination, and to share personal experiences regarding the way information is transmitted in an informal framework. Proffessors from the Faculty of Geography, Tourism and Sport - University of Oradea, representatives of the Bihor Destination Management Agency and Érmelléki Népfőiskolai Egyesület (Érmelléki Folk-High School) and local schools teachers will participate. | Field-Trip / Transfer de cunoștințe Activitatea are ca scop schimbul de experiență între partenerii maghiari și români în domeniul educației, axat în principal pe identificarea de metode transmitere a informației în ceea ce privește orizontul local, elevilor de gimnaziu și liceu. Dorim ca în cadrul acestei activități să descoperim împreună câteva locuri frumoase din sudul destinației de ecoturism Pădurea Craiului și să împărtășim experiențe personale în ceea ce privește modul de transmitere a informației în cadru informal. Vor participa reprezentanți ai Agenției de Management al Destinației Bihor, cadre didactice din cadrul Facultății de Geografie, Turism și Sport - Universitatea din Oradea, reprezentanți ai partenerului maghiar Érmelléki Népfőiskolai Egyesület (Érmelléki Folk-High School) și profesori din învățământul preuniversitar. | ||
126 | ROHU - 283 | Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities | Marghita Municipality | 20/06/2019 | Marghita | Bihor | Romania | Opening press conference for presenting the project ROHU-283 and its financing sources. | Conferinta de deschidere a proiectului ROHU-283 pentru prezentarea proiectului si a surselor de finantare ale acestuia. | |||
127 | ROHU-54 | Cooperating on risk prevention and disaster management in the Zerind-Újkígyós crossborder area (RiskMan) | Újkígyós Town (Újkígyós Város Önkormányzata) | 22/06/2019 | Újkígyós | Békés | Hungary | A workshop will be organized in Ujkigyos in order to improve the knowledge of the local population regarding the prevention and intervention, reaction in case of emergency situations. | 2019. június 22-én workshop kerül megrendezésre Újkígyóson, min. 15 résztvevővel a helyi szolgáltatások javítása érdekében, a helyi lakosság vészhelyzet esetén történő feladataival kapcsolatban. | |||
128 | ROHU-54 | Cooperating on risk prevention and disaster management in the Zerind-Újkígyós crossborder area (RiskMan) | Újkígyós Town (Újkígyós Város Önkormányzata) | 22/06/2019 | Újkígyós | Békés | Hungary | Opening conference in Újkígyós for a minimum of 30 participants from the Zerind-Újkígyós cross-border area - project members, representatives of public authorities, emergency situations services, stakeholders, local population, media representatives. It will be 2-hour-long and aimed at informing and increasing the interest of the participants about the project, its activities. | Nyitó konferencia megrendezésre kerül sor Újkígyóson min. 30 résztvevővel a Zerind-Újkígyós határ menti területről. A konferencia időtartama két óra, célja a résztvevők informálása és érdeklődésének növelése a projekt vonatkozásában, a jelenlévők tájékoztatása a projektben tervezett tevékenységekről. | |||
129 | ROHU-422 | ROHU422 ”Green Transport – Development of Sustainable Mobility in the Twin Towns Jimbolia and Mórahalom | Orasul Jimbolia | 27/06/2019 | Mórahalom | Csongrád | Hungary | The subject of the event is the opening conference. It is possible to present the project, to introduce it and to meet the partners and talk. The goal is a meaningful day about the project. | Az esemény tárgya a nyitókonferencia. Lehetőség nyílik a projekt bemutatására, megismertetésére,valamint a partnerek találkozására, beszélgetésre. A cél egy tartalmas nap ami a projektről. | |||
130 | ROHU53 | Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 04/07/2019 | Kisvárda | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT PAVILON Presentation of the natural values of the Natura 2000 area and the conservation of the ROHU53 project for the local and interested population of the oak forests of Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA TEN PAVILON Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
131 | ROHU-256 | Crossborder Youth Community | Asociația Kécenlét | 24/04/2019 | Cheț | Bihor | România | | HEVAT Camp - a 5 days long Cross-border Youth Camp for youth aged 14-29 during the Spring Break Please see details on the project and event Facebook page. Participation at the activities and access is free. | HEVAT tábor - határon átnyúló 5 napos tábor 14-29 éves fiatalok részére a Húsvéti vakáció idején. Az eseményről friss részleteket a projekt és a tábor Facebook oldalán közlünk. A részvétel ingyenes! | ||
132 | ROHU179 | ,,Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania - Hungary cross border region”. | Municipality of Marghita (beneficiary) | 10/07/2019 | Marghita | Bihor | Romania | Joint meeting of the local councils of the five participating local public administrations. The participants will be provided a detailed overview of the milestones of project implementation and will discus specific challenges the local decision making bodies are facing in their regulatory activity. The organizers will invite also representatives of the county councils and parliamentarians from the partner regions in order to raise the awareness about the importance of cooperation among local municipalities in the border regions. | Ședința comună a consiliilor locale ale celor cinci administrații publice locale participante. Participanților li se va oferi o prezentare detaliată a etapelor de punere în aplicare a proiectului și vor fi discutate provocările specifice cu care se confruntă organismele de decizie la nivel local în activitatea lor de reglementare. Organizatorii vor invita, de asemenea, reprezentanți ai consiliilor județene și parlamentari din regiunile partenere, pentru a crește gradul de conștientizare cu privire la importanța cooperării între municipalitățile locale din regiunile de frontieră. | |||
133 | ROHU53 | Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 05/07/2019 | Kisvárda | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presentation of the natural values of the Natura 2000 area and the conservation of the ROHU53 project for the local and interested population of the oak forests of Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presentation of the natural values of the Natura 2000 area and the conservation of the ROHU53 project for the local and interested population of the oak forests of Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | |||
134 | ROHU53 | Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 05/07/2019 | Kisvárda | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presentation of the natural values of the Natura 2000 area and the conservation of the ROHU53 project for the local and interested population of the oak forests of Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA ACTIVITĂȚII DE CREȘTERE A CUNOȘTINȚELOR TENTE Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: | |||
135 | ROHU-292 | Strengthening cooperation between communities in the Körös Valley | Comuna Zerind | 12/07/2019 | Zerind | Arad | RO | | | Date: 12-14.07.2019 | Festivalul Văii Crișurilor 12-14.07.2019 Körösök Völgye Fesztivál 2019.07.12-14. | |
136 | ROHU-54 | Cooperating on risk prevention and disaster management in the Zerind-Újkígyós cross-border area | Comuna Zerind | 14/07/2019 | Zerind | Arad | RO | | | Project opening conference | Conferința de lansare a proiectului / Projekt nyitó rendezvény | |
137 | ROHU53 | Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 19/07/2019 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presentation of the natural values of the Natura 2000 area and the conservation of the ROHU53 project for the local and interested population of the oak forests of Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA ACTIVITĂȚII DE CREȘTERE A CUNOȘTINȚELOR TENTE Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
138 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 20/07/2019 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA ACTIVITĂȚII DE CREȘTERE A CUNOȘTINȚELOR TENTE Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
139 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 21/07/2019 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA ACTIVITĂȚII DE CREȘTERE A CUNOȘTINȚELOR TENTE Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
140 | 283 | Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities | Berettyó Cultural Center | 27/06/2019 | Berettyóújfalu | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | The Press Conference of the Project ROHU-283 „Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities” will be held in Berettyóújfalu on 27th of June 2019. The aim of the event is the introduction of the project. Location of the event: Nadányi Zoltán Művelődési Ház (4100 Berettyóújfalu, Bajcsy-Zs. u. 27.) | 2019. június 27-én kerül megrendezésre Berettyóújfaluban a „Fenntartható, határokon átnyúló együttműködés Margitta és Berettyóújfalu polgárai között” ROHU-283 projekt sajtórendezvénye. A rendezvény célja a projekt bemutatása. A rendezvény helyszíne: Nadányi Zoltán Művelődési Ház – Erdéli Gábor-terem (4100 Berettyóújfalu, Bajcsy-Zs. u. 27.) | |||
141 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modernity Crossborder Cultural Cooperation | Csanádpalota Városi Önkormányzat | 01/07/2019,02/07/2019,03/07/2019,04/07/2019,05/07/2019,06/07/2019 | Csanádpalota | Csongrád county | Hungary | Youth Camp: The program is implemented with the participation of 30 young people, aged 10-16. Children in the camp will have the opportunity to participate in different activities: sport, freetime- and cultural activities. | All participating groups will have the opportunity to teach the other participants their traditional games, meals and other habits. | |||
143 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modernity Crossborder Cultural Cooperation | Csanádpalota Városi Önkormányzat | 06/07/2019 | Csanádpalota | Csongrád county | Hungary | The Municipality of Csanádpalota City organizes a series of city day events in August each year. This year, this event will be richer in the framework of a cross-border ROHU project. We also welcome guests from the two partner settlements. | The City Day not only moves the town's population but also the neighborhood. We managed to make a very colorful program compilation. So the programs starting in the morning will last until dawn the next day. We hope everyone will feel very well. | |||
144 | ROHU-62 | ,,HATÁRTALAN ZÖLD FOLYOSÓ” (,,CORIDOR VERDE FĂRĂ FRONTIERE” - „BORDERLESS GREEN CORRIDOR”) | Csenger Város Önkormányzata | 01/07/2019 | Csenger | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye | Magyarország | Organizing an environmental and nature protection forum of the ROHU-62 project dealing with current environmental issues and topical issues, assumptions and problems directly and directly affecting the Szamos River, its wildlife, cultural heritage within the framework on biodiversity, involving environmental authorities, civil protection associations, local and regional institutions, other relevant organizations and persons on both sides of the border. | Aktuális környezetvédelmi kérdésekkel, illetve a Szamos folyót, annak élővilágát, kulturális örökségét közvetve és közvetlenül érintő aktualitásokkal, feltevésekkel, problémákkal foglalkozó környezetvédelmi és természetvédelmi fórum rendezése a ROHU-62 projekt keretén belül a biodiverzitás jegyében, a határ két oldalán működő környezetvédelmi hatóságok, természetvédelmi civil egyesületek, helyi és térségi intézmények, egyéb releváns szervezetek, személyek bevonásával. | |||
145 | ROHU-62 | ,,HATÁRTALAN ZÖLD FOLYOSÓ” (,,CORIDOR VERDE FĂRĂ FRONTIERE” - „BORDERLESS GREEN CORRIDOR”) | Csenger Város Önkormányzata | 01/07/2019 | Csenger | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye | Magyarország | Organizing an environmental and nature protection forum of the ROHU-62 project dealing with current environmental issues and topical issues, assumptions and problems directly and directly affecting the Szamos River, its wildlife, cultural heritage within the framework on biodiversity, involving environmental authorities, civil protection associations, local and regional institutions, other relevant organizations and persons on both sides of the border. | Aktuális környezetvédelmi kérdésekkel, illetve a Szamos folyót, annak élővilágát, kulturális örökségét közvetve és közvetlenül érintő aktualitásokkal, feltevésekkel, problémákkal foglalkozó környezetvédelmi és természetvédelmi fórum rendezése a ROHU-62 projekt keretén belül a biodiverzitás jegyében, a határ két oldalán működő környezetvédelmi hatóságok, természetvédelmi civil egyesületek, helyi és térségi intézmények, egyéb releváns szervezetek, személyek bevonásával. | |||
146 | ROHU-62 | BORDERLESS GREEN CORRIDOR | Municipality of Csenger City | 01/07/2019 | Csenger | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Hungary | Organizing an environmental and nature protection forum of the ROHU-62 project dealing with current environmental issues and topical issues, assumptions and problems directly and directly affecting the Szamos River, its wildlife, cultural heritage within the framework on biodiversity, involving environmental authorities, civil protection associations, local and regional institutions, other relevant organizations and persons on both sides of the border. | Aktuális környezetvédelmi kérdésekkel, illetve a Szamos folyót, annak élővilágát, kulturális örökségét közvetve és közvetlenül érintő aktualitásokkal, feltevésekkel, problémákkal foglalkozó környezetvédelmi és természetvédelmi fórum rendezése a ROHU-62 projekt keretén belül a biodiverzitás jegyében, a határ két oldalán működő környezetvédelmi hatóságok, természetvédelmi civil egyesületek, helyi és térségi intézmények, egyéb releváns szervezetek, személyek bevonásával. | |||
147 | ROHU-331 | Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region | Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 05/07/2019 | Békéscsaba | Hungary | ROHU-331 opening conference | ROHU-331 nyitókonferencia | ||||
148 | ROHU-156 | Traditions over the time and across the border | Mórahalom Városi Önkormányzat | 06/07/2019 | Mórahalom | Csongrád | Hungary | This event aim to preserve cultural diversity and traditions. The event will be organized in order to develop cooperation between people in the border area, to support the development of the two communities. | A rendezvény célja, hogy megőrizze a kulturális sokszínűséget és hagyományokat. A rendezvény célja, hogy támogassa a határ két oldalán élő közösségek közötti együttműködést és támogassa a fejlődésüket. | |||
149 | ROHU-204 | Shared problems, joint solutions - improving cooperation between Arad and Bekes public administration (WorkMix) | Békés Megyei Önkormányzat /Békés County Government/ | 17/07/2019 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | According to the work plan five professional meetings will be held in Bekes County. The meetings will focus on the following fields: risk prevention and disaster management, tourism, health, culture, heritage and cross border relations, transport and infrastructure. PP2 organizes the meeting of the health subcommittee on 17 July 2019 at 10.00 AM in collaboration with the LP in Bekes County. | A projekt célja az Arad-Békés Megyei Vegyes Bizottság infrastrukturális és intézményi környezetének megteremtése, találkozók ütemezése. Szükségessé vált a bizottság újraszervezése öt munkacsoport mentén. A munkacsoportüléseken az alábbi területekre tevődik a fókusz: kockázat-megelőzés és katasztrófa védelem, turizmus, egészségügy, kultúra, örökség és a határokon átívelő kapcsolatok, közlekedés és infrastruktúra. Az üléseken részt vesznek: a két megyei tanács/önkormányzat képviselői, az érintett területek közintézményeinek képviselői. | |||
150 | ROHU-204 | Shared problems, joint solutions - improving cooperation between Arad and Bekes public administration (WorkMix) | Békés Megyei Önkormányzat /Békés County Government/ | 17/07/2019 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | According to the work plan five professional meetings will be held in Bekes County. The meetings will focus on the following fields: risk prevention and disaster management, tourism, health, culture, heritage and cross border relations, transport and infrastructure. PP2 organizes the meeting of the transport and infrastructure subcommittee on 17 July 2019 at 14.00 PM in collaboration with the LP in Bekes County. | A projekt célja az Arad-Békés Megyei Vegyes Bizottság infrastrukturális és intézményi környezetének megteremtése, találkozók ütemezése. Szükségessé vált a bizottság újraszervezése öt munkacsoport mentén. A munkacsoportüléseken az alábbi területekre tevődik a fókusz: kockázat-megelőzés és katasztrófa védelem, turizmus, egészségügy, kultúra, örökség és a határokon átívelő kapcsolatok, közlekedés és infrastruktúra. Az üléseken részt vesznek: a két megyei tanács/önkormányzat képviselői, az érintett területek közintézményeinek képviselői. | |||
151 | ROHU-331 | Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region | Bihor County Employment Agency (AJOFM Bihor) | 22/07/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | SAVE THE DATE! CAREER PROJECT OPENING CONFERENCE! | CONFERINȚA DE DESCHIDERE A PROIECTULUI CAREER / CAREER PROJEKT NYITÓ RENDEZVÉNY Agenția Județeană de Ocupare a Forței de Muncă Bihor anunță organizarea conferinței de deschidere a proiectului ROHU-331 CAREER, la Oradea, la data de 22 iulie 2019, de la ora 11. Mai multe detalii legate de eveniment vor fi disponibile în curând! A Bihar Megyei Fogalkoztatási Ügynökség szervezésében, Július 22-én 11 órától kerül megrendezésre Nagyváradon a ROHU-331 CAREER projekt nyitó rendezvénye. Hamarosan jelentkezni fogunk további információval a rendezvényt illetően. | |||
152 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modernity - Crossborder Cultural Cooperation | Municipality of jimbolia | 21/07/2019 | Buziaș | Timiș | Romania | Summer Folk Dance Camp The event is going to take place in Buziaș, Romania starting on the 21st of July 2019 until the 27th of July 2019. The program will be rich in cultural and recreational activities, among which there will be the dance classes and music, pottery, woodcarving, painting. | Tabără de vară de dansuri populare | |||
153 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modernity - Crossborder Cultural Cooperation | Municipality of jimbolia | 21/07/2019 | Buziaș | Timiș | Romania | Summer Folk Dance Camp - The event is going to take place in Buziaș, Romania starting on the 21st of July 2019 until the 27th of July 2019. The program will be rich in cultural and recreational activities like: dance and music, pottery, woodcarving and painting. | Tabără de vară de dansuri populare - Evenimentul va avea loc în Buziaș, România, începând cu data de 21 iulie 2019 până pe 27 iulie 2019. Programul va fi bogat în activități culturale și recreative: dans și muzică, ceramică, sculptură în lemn și pictură. | |||
154 | ROHU115 | From one bridge to another, – De la un pod la altul – Hídtól hídig | Hortobágy Község Önkormányzata | 25/07/2019 | Hortobágy | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | HORTOBAGY NATURAL PROTECTION VOLUNTEER CAMP The Hortobágy Nature Reserve Volunteer Camp awaits applicants - mainly young people - who are committed to nature protection and sustainability and are willing to volunteer | HORTOBÁGY TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI ÖNKÉNTES TÁBOR A Hortobágyi természetvédelmi önkéntes tábor olyan jelentkezőket – elsősorban fiatalokat – várunk, akik elkötelezettek a természetvédelem és a fenntarthatóság ügye iránt és szívesen vállalnak önkéntes -------------------------------- HARTOBAGY PROTECȚIE NATURALĂ VOLUNTAR CAMP Tabăra de voluntariat a rezervației naturale Hortobágy așteaptă solicitanții - în special tinerii - care se angajează să protejeze natura și sustenabilitatea și sunt dispuși să se angajeze voluntar | |||
155 | ROHU 215 | “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality” | PB3 | 18/07/2019 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | The first press conference dedicated to the promotion of the Project ROHU 215 “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality” - acronym 4FORH2O, will take place in July 18th 2019, starting 11,00 local time, at the headquarter of ALFOLDVIZ Zrt, Dobozi street, no. 5, Bekescsaba, with the participation of all the involved partners. | Primăria Comunei Borș organizează în data de 18 iulie 2019, o conferință de presă dedicată promovării proiectului “Dezvoltarea de soluții comune pentru creșterea calității apei potabile”, acronim 4FORH2O, cod eMS ROHU 215. Evenimentul va avea loc la sediul partenerului din Ungaria, firma ALFOLDVIZ Zrt, strada Dobozi, nr. 5, Bekescsaba, cu participarea tuturor partenerilor implicați în proiect. | |||
156 | ROHU80 | „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” | Comuna Halmeu | 18/07/2019 | Halmeu | Satu Mare | Romania | We kindly invite you to the joint exercise in case of an "ecological accident in the neighbourhood of the Halmeu-Diakovo border-crossing point at the headquarter of UNICOM TRANZIT S.A." | Prin prezenta, avem plăcerea să vă invităm la exercițiul comun în cazul unui „accident ecologic în vecinătatea punctului de frontriera Halmeu – Diakovo produs la UNICOM TRANZIT S.A.” Ezennel tisztelettel meghívjuk Önöket a bevetési szimulációnkra, melynek fő témája az „Ökológiai baleset a Halmi - Nevetlenfalu határátkelőnél lévő UNICOM TRANZIT S.A. cégnél”. | |||
157 | ROHU 126 | “Nature preservation, protection and promotion on both sides of the Romanian-Hungarian border” | Center for Protected Areas and Sustainable Development Bihor | 28/07/2019 | Vadu Crisului, Suncuius, Bratca | Bihor | Romania | This is the first event organised in the framework of the activity Nature photography thematic workshops aimed to involve children from the local communities form the project's area Bratca, Vadu Crişului, Şuncuiuş, Korrosszegapati (HU) in the discovery, promotion and conservation of the local natural and cultural heritage. The event is split in two section: a theoretical introduction in nature photography, followed by a practical section. About 8-10 children are expected to take part in this event and learn the theory and practice of nature photography. At the end of the workshops, the best photos of nature will be displayed for two weeks in the communities within the two sites involved in the project (Bratca, Vadu Crişului, Şuncuiuş, Korrosszegapati), but also in the cities of Oradea and Debrecen. | Acest eveniment este primul dintr-o serie de 5 ateliere practice de organizate in cadrul activitatii Ateliere practice de fotografie in natura, avand scopul de a implica copii si tinerii pasionati de protectia naturii, din comunitatile de pe arealul proiectului: Bratca, Vadu Crişului, Şuncuiuş, Korrosszegapati (HU) in descoperirea, promovarea si protectia patrimoniului natural si cultural al zonei. Evenimentul va avea doua parti: o parte teoretica, de introducere in tehnica fotografiei in natura, urmata de o parte practica. In jur de 8-10 copii sint asteptati sa participe la acest prim atelier, pentru a deprinde tainele fotografiei in natura. La finalul celor 5 ateliere practice, cele mai bune fotografii vor fi selectate, pentru a fi expuse in cadrul unor expozitii foto, pe parcursul a doua saptamani, in localitatile implicate in proiect Bratca, Vadu Crişului, Şuncuiuş, Korrosszegapati (HU), cat si in Oradea si Debretin | |||
158 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modernity - Crossborder Cultural Cooperation | Comuna Carpinis | 20/07/2019 | Iecea Mica | Timis | Romania | Every year the orthodox church from Iecea Mica organize a church festival, with a large participation. In the frame of our project we would like to invite to participate at this event, which will be organized on the 20th July 2019. The event will be organized in the center of Iecea Mica. | În fiecare an, la Iecea Mică se organizează Ruga Bisericii. În cadrul proiectului nostru vă invităm să participaţi la acest eveniment, care va avea loc în data de 20 iulie 2019. Evenimentul va fi organizat în centrul localităţii Iecea Mică. Minden évben Kisjecsa (Iecea Mica) településen megszervezik az ortodox búcsút. Jelen projektünk keretében meghívjuk Önöket, hogy vegyenek részt ezen a rendezvényen, mely 2019. július 20-án kerül megrendezésre. Az eseményt Kisjecsa település központjában szervezzük. | |||
159 | ROHU217 | Institutional cooperation in research activities for specialists training and usage of computational intelligence for fundamenting companies financial decisions | University of Debrecen | 30/07/2019 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | Subject of the workshop: Cooperation between Debrecen and Oradea companies, business development for businesses | A workshop témája: Együttműködések Debreceni és Nagyváradi cégek között, üzletfejlesztési lehetőségek vállalkozások számára | |||
160 | ROHU-140 | The development of the bike track from the Salonta - Békéscsaba cross border area | Municipality of Salonta | 31/07/2019 | Salonta | bihor | Romania | Project opening conference | Municipiul Salonta vă invită cu drag la conferința de lansare a proiectului ROHU-140 [RO] PROGRAM 11.00-11.30 ÎNREGISTRAREA PARTICIPANȚILOR 11.30-12.00 MESAJE DE ÎNTÂMPINARE 12.00-13.00 PREZENTAREA PARTENERILOR ȘI A PROIECTULUI 13.00-13.30 CONFERINȚĂ DE PRESĂ 13.30-14.00 PRÂNZ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [HU] PROGRAM 10.00-10.30 REGISZTRÁCIÓ 10.30-11.00 KÖSZÖNTÉSEK 11.00-12.00 A PROJEKTRÉSZEK PARTNERI BEMUTATÁSA 12.00-12.30 SAJTÓTÁJÉKOZTATÓ 13.30-14.00 ÁLLÓFOGADÁS | |||
161 | ROHU-140 | The development of the bike track from the Salonta - Békéscsaba cross border area | Sarkad Town | 30/07/2019 | Sarkad | Békés | Hungary | | Project launching conference | Projekt nyitórendezvény / Conferința de lansare a proiectului ROHU-140 [HU] PROGRAM 10.00-10.30 REGISZTRÁCIÓ 10.30-11.00 KÖSZÖNTÉSEK 11.00-12.00 A PROJEKTRÉSZEK PARTNERI BEMUTATÁSA 12.00-12.30 SAJTÓTÁJÉKOZTATÓ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [RO] PROGRAM 10.00-10.30 ÎNREGISTRAREA PARTICIPANȚILOR 10.30-11.00 MESAJE DE ÎNTÂMPINARE 11.00-12.00 PREZENTAREA PARTENERILOR ȘI A PROIECTULUI 12.00-12.30 CONFERINȚĂ DE PRESĂ | ||
162 | ROHU-280 | Cultural Cooperation among Citizens from the Salonta-Gyula Cross-border Area | Municipality of Salonta | 23/08/2019 | Salonta | bihor | Romania | | Cross-Border Film Festival, Salonta, 23-24-25 august 2019 | Festivalul Filmului de Frontieră, Salonta, 23-24-25 august 2019 Határmenti filmek fesztiválja, Nagyszalonta, 2019. augusztus 23-24-25 | ||
163 | ROHU80 | JOINTRESCUE "BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PROTECTION AND DISTRIBUTION CENTER" | Volunteer Firefighters Association from Tyukod | 26/07/2019 | Tyukod | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Hungary | ROHU 80 | ROHU80 ROHU80 | |||
164 | ROHU 215 | “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality” | PB3 | 01/08/2019 | BORS Commune | Bihor | Romania | | The Borș Commune is organising the second press conference dedicated to the promotion of the Project ROHU 215 “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality” - acronym 4FORH2O. The project is implemented through the INTERREG VA Romania – Hungary Programme, Priority PA6 - Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens (Cooperation of institutions and communities), Programme Priority Specific Objective SO11/b Intensify sustainable cross-border cooperation of institutions and communities. The Lead Beneficiary is APA CANAL NORD VEST S.A. - Romania and its partners are ASOCIAȚIA INTERCOMUNITARĂ ZONA NORD VEST and Borș Commune from Romania and ALFÖLDVÍZ Regional Water Utility Services Ltd., from Hungary. The implementation period is between 01.11.2018 and 30.04.2020 and the allocated budget is of 267.488,00 EURO, out of which ERDF is 227.364,80 EURO and Cofinacement is of 40.123,20 EURO. The press conference will take place in August 1st, 2019, starting 12,00 local time, at the Bors Commune headquarter - Local Council Bors, with the participation of all the involved partners. | Primăria Comunei Borș organizează în data de 01 august 2019, o conferință de presă dedicată promovării proiectului “Dezvoltarea de soluții comune pentru creșterea calității apei potabile”, acronim 4FORH2O, cod eMS ROHU 215. Proiectul ROHU 215 – 4FORH20 este implementat în cadrul Programului INTERREG V-A ROMÂNIA – UNGARIA, Axa prioritară 6 - Promovarea cooperării transfrontaliere între instituții şi cetățeni, Prioritatea de investiție 11/b Consolidarea capacității instituționale a autorităților publice și a părților interesate şi o administrație publică eficientă prin promovarea cooperării juridice şi administrative şi a cooperării între cetățeni şi instituții. Beneficiarul principal este APA CANAL NORD VEST S.A. iar partenerii săi sunt ASOCIAȚIA INTERCOMUNITARĂ ZONA NORD VEST, COMUNA BORȘ și ALFÖLDVÍZ Regional Water Utility Services Ltd. - ALFÖLDVÍZ Zrt Conferința de presă va avea loc în data de 01 august 2019, cu începere de la ora 12:00, la sediul Primăriei Comunei Borș, cu participarea tuturor partenerilor implicați în proiect. | ||
165 | ROHU401 | Improving health-care standards in prevention, identification and treatment of cardiovascular and gynecological diseases in crossborder area | INSTITUTE OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES TIMISOARA, COUNTY HOSPITAL ORADEA, UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN | 26/07/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | România | The project opening conference will include a press conference, open to mass-media representatives. The opening conference will present the objectives, activities and beneficiaries of this project and expertise of the .partners | Conferinta de deschidere a proiectului va include o conferinta de presa la care vor participa reprezentanti mass-media. Conferinta va prezenta obiectivele, activitatile si beneficiarii acestui proiect precum si expertiza partenerilor. | |||
166 | ROHU80 | JOINTRESCUE "BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PROTECTION AND DISTRIBUTION CENTER" | Volunteer Firefighters Association from Tyukod | 31/07/2019 | Tyukod | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Hungary |ági-fórum-meghívó-és-napirend_ro.doc |ági-fórum_meghívó_programterv_hu.doc | ROHU | ROHU80 ROHU80 | |
167 | ROHU 265 | LET'S CELEBRATE OUR TRADITIONS TOGETHER | LB | 30/07/2019 | CETARIU Commune | BIHOR | ROMANIA | First Press Conference for the project ROHU 265, “LET'S CELEBRATE OUR TRADITIONS TOGETHER” acronym TOGETHER | Primăria Comunei CETARIU organizează în data de 30 iulie 2019, o conferință de presă dedicată promovării proiectului “Sărbătorim împreună tradițiile locale”, acronim TOGETHER, cod eMS ROHU 265. | |||
168 | ROHU-158 | Development of a Cross-Border Inclusive Space and Knowledge Center | Zöld 14 - Békés - Bihor Eurorégió Fenntartható Fejlődéséért Egyesület | 11/08/2019 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Magyarország | | | | Lavender Festival - cross-border and local handicraft fair! | Levendula Fesztivál - határon átnyúló és helyi kereskedők kézműves vására! |
169 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 11/08/2019 | Barabás | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
170 | ROHU-268 | Development of community cooperation through joint cultural and sport events between Fülöp and Buduslău | Fülöp Község Önkormányzata | 03/08/2019 | Fülöp | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary |át_modified.pdf | The event entitled "Day of the traditional meals from Hajdú Bihar and Bihor counties" has the basic objective to promote the two counties special meals, to offer information about the two partner localities, Buduslau from Romania and Fülöp from Hungary and to improve the cooperation between the two localities. | Evenimentul denumit "Ziua Mancarurilor Traditionale din judetele Bihor si Hajdú-Bihar" are ca si obiectiv de baza promovarea mancarurilor speciale din cele dou judete, evenimentul doreste sa ofere informatii despre cele doua localitati partenere in proiect, Comuna Buduslau din Romania si Comuna Fülöp din Ungaria si sa imbunatateasca cooperarea dintre cele doua localitati. | ||
171 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 16/08/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
172 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 17/08/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA TEN PAVILON Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
173 | ROHU 265 | “LET'S CELEBRATE OUR TRADITIONS TOGETHER” | KABA City Local Government, Hungary | 03/08/2019 | CETARIU Commune | BIHOR | ROMANIA | | | Summer children & youth events - children and youth - event connected with children summer vacation - for 2 days, in the Commune there will be organized competitions between teams from both communes - folk groups, artists, sportive competition. Saturday - August 3 Sunday - August 4th | Activitatea dedicată copiilor & tinerilor - timp de 2 zile - respectiv 3 și 4 august, în contextul Zilelor Comunei Cetariu, se vor organiza competitii sportive si artistice intre echipe din Cetariu și Kaba. Sâmbătă - 3 August Duminică - 4 August Augusztus 3 - Szombat Augusztus 4 – Vasárnap | |
174 | 289 | Connecting the traditions of the Crisul Repede Valley | Körösszegapáti Nagyközségi Önkormányzat | 09/08/2019 | Körösszegapati | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | |ívó-ROHU-289_hu_Kun-László-fesztivál.pdf | | The Kun László Festival is a multicultural event which offers entertainment and recreational possibilities for the local people of the region. The diversity and quality of the 2 days event is guaranteed by exhibitions, stage performances, programs for children, musical shows of the various cultural groups. During the Kun László Festivals people have the possibility to get to know the history of the village, the culture and folk traditions of the region. Apart from the presentation of the cultural groups of the region we offer, historical playhouses, traditional handcrafts workshops, as well as interactive shows and sports competitions. | A Kun László Fesztivál egy multikulturális esemény, amely szórakoztató és rekreációs lehetőségeket kínál a régió helyi lakosainak. A 2 napos rendezvény sokszínűségét és minőségét a kiállítások, a színpadi előadások, a gyermekprogramok, a különböző kulturális csoportok zenei műsorai garantálják. A Kun László Fesztivál ideje alatt az emberek megismerkedhetnek a falu történetével, a régió kulturális és népi hagyományaival. Az általunk kínált régió kulturális csoportjainak bemutatása mellett történelmi játszóházak, hagyományos kézműves műhelyek, interaktív bemutatók és sportversenyek lesznek. |
175 | ROHU446 | Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Education Centre of Cultural and Historical Heritage | Municipality of Debrecen | 14/08/2019 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar County | Hungary | Kick-off event of the Flagship Project ROHU446 Partners of the project are: Summary | A ROHU446 kódszámú, EduCultCentre Flagship projekt nyitó rendezvénye, melynek során a partnerek bemutatják projektjüket a nyilvánosság és a sajtó képviselői előtt és ezzel kezdetét veszi a projekt megvalósítása. Partnerek: | |||
176 | ROHU446 | Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Education Centre of Cultural and Historical Heritage | Municipality of Debrecen | 14/08/2019 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar County | Hungary | Kick-off event of the Flagship Project ROHU446 Partners of the project are: Summary | A ROHU446 kódszámú, EduCultCentre Flagship projekt nyitó rendezvénye, melynek során a partnerek bemutatják projektjüket a nyilvánosság és a sajtó képviselői előtt és ezzel kezdetét veszi a projekt megvalósítása. Partnerek: | |||
177 | ROHU198 | Open Doors for Culture and Tradition in EUrope | Town of Alesd (lead beneficiary) | 31/08/2019 | Alesd | Bihor | Romania | The conference is organized by the management of the Alesd Town Hall, as the Lead Beneficiary, respectively by the leadership of the Kaba Town Local Self-Government, as project partner. The purpose of the event is the official launch of the ROHU198 project "Open Doors for Culture and Tradition in EUrope". The conference will be attended by representatives of the management of the partner institutions and the joint project implementation team who will present the project. | Conferinţa este organizată de către conducerea Primăriei orașului Aleșd, în calitate de Beneficiar Lider, respectiv de către conducerea Autoguvernării locale a orașului Kaba, în calitate de partener în cadrul acestui proiect. Scopul evenimentului este lansarea oficială a proiectului ROHU198 ,,Open Doors for Culture and Tradition in EUrope” (Porți deschise pentru cultură și tradiții în Europa). La conferinţă vor fi prezenţi reprezentanţi ai conducerii instituţiilor partenere şi echipa comună de implementare a proiectului care vor prezenta proiectul. | |||
178 | ROHU 265 | LET'S CELEBRATE OUR TRADITIONS TOGETHER | PB2 | 17/08/2019 | KABA | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | | Press conference in the framework of the Interreg "LET'S CELEBRATE OUR TRADITIONS TOGETHER" project (Acronym "TOGETHER", eMS code: ROHU-265). | Kaba Város Polgármesterének megbízásából tisztelettel meghívom Önöket az Interreg „Ünnepeljük együtt hagyományainkat!” című pályázat keretében (Rövid címe „EGYÜTT”, eMS kód: ROHU-265) megrendezésre kerülő sajtótájékoztatóra. A rendezvény időpontja 2019. 08. 17. délelőtt 10:00 óra. Helyszíne Kaba Város Polgármesteri Hivatala (HU4183 Kaba Szabadság tér 1.). | |
179 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 23/08/2019 | Bodaszőlő | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | | Organization of international nature conservation volunteer camp partly in order to facilitate the implementation of practical nature conservation tasks, and partly in order to the involvement and awareness raising of young people, annually, in the target area of Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek. Occassionaly 10 days, with the participation of volunteers +organizers ( camp leader, professional leader and educator). Volunteers spend at least - on average - 6 hours/day volunteer working, in exchange receiving the full pension (providing youth accomodation, 4x meals a day (including two hot meals), professional management) furthermore we ensure knowledge enhancement and recreational programs. The orgaziners are responsible for providing the tools nedded for the voluntary actions, the local transportation and the labor protection as well. The recruitment of the camp participants is undetaken by the co-operating partners (Green Circle, Ecotop and San Martin) within their own circle, and through the social media (eg. Facebook) and other nature protection and/or other organizations who deal with volunteering. The transport of the Romanian participants (between the venue and Nagyvárad (Oradea) is carried out by the organizers by minibus, and the participation in the camp for the volunteers is for free. | NAGYERDŐ Természetvédelmi Önkéntes Tábor A tábor olyan jelentkezőket – elsősorban fiatalokat – várunk, akik elkötelezettek a természetvédelem és a fenntarthatóság ügye iránt és szívesen vállalnak önkéntes tevékenységet ennek érdekében. Tábor ideje: 2019. augusztus 29- szeptember 1. Részvételi díj nincs! Várjuk önkéntesek jelentkezését! Sunt aşteptaţi tineri interesaţi de protecţia mediului şi dezvoltarea durabilă şi doresc să se implice în acţiuni de voluntariat în domeniile respective. Pe perioada taberei tinerii, îndrumaţi de instructori specializaţi, vor fi implicaţi în activităţi practice ( acţiuni de igienizare, eradicarea plantelor invazive, construire de adăposturi artificiale pentru animale). Perioada: Nu se percepe taxă de participare! Vă aşteptăm! | |
180 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 23/08/2019 | Bodaszőlő | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | | NAGYERDŐ Nature Conservation Volunteer Camp (2nd) Organization of international nature conservation volunteer camp partly in order to facilitate the implementation of practical nature conservation tasks, and partly in order to the involvement and awareness raising of young people, annually, in the target area of Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek. Occassionaly 10 days, with the participation of volunteers +organizers ( camp leader, professional leader and educator). Volunteers spend at least - on average - 6 hours/day volunteer working, in exchange receiving the full pension (providing youth accomodation, 4x meals a day (including two hot meals), professional management) furthermore we ensure knowledge enhancement and recreational programs. The orgaziners are responsible for providing the tools nedded for the voluntary actions, the local transportation and the labor protection as well. The recruitment of the camp participants is undetaken by the co-operating partners (Green Circle, Ecotop and San Martin) within their own circle, and through the social media (eg. Facebook) and other nature protection and/or other organizations who deal with volunteering. The transport of the Romanian participants (between the venue and Nagyvárad (Oradea) is carried out by the organizers by minibus, and the participation in the camp for the volunteers is for free. Camp Time: August 23 - September 1, 2019 There is no entry fee! Volunteers are welcome! | NAGYERDŐ Természetvédelmi Önkéntes Tábor A tábor olyan jelentkezőket – elsősorban fiatalokat – várunk, akik elkötelezettek a természetvédelem és a fenntarthatóság ügye iránt és szívesen vállalnak önkéntes tevékenységet ennek érdekében. Tábor ideje: 2019. augusztus 23- szeptember 1. Részvételi díj nincs! Várjuk önkéntesek jelentkezését! Sunt aşteptaţi tineri interesaţi de protecţia mediului şi dezvoltarea durabilă şi doresc să se implice în acţiuni de voluntariat în domeniile respective. Pe perioada taberei tinerii, îndrumaţi de instructori specializaţi, vor fi implicaţi în activităţi practice ( acţiuni de igienizare, eradicarea plantelor invazive, construire de adăposturi artificiale pentru animale). Perioada: Nu se percepe taxă de participare! Vă aşteptăm! | |
181 | ROHU-297 | CROSS-BORDER OPEN MODEL OF A DIGITAL MUSEUM DATABASE | Csenger Város Önkormányzata | 22/08/2019 | Csenger | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye | Magyarország | The 2nd workshop in Csenger will focus on the following topics: | A Csengerben tartott 2. workshop a következő témákra összpontosít: | |||
182 | ROHU-180 | Drug prevention without borders | Diaspora Foundation | 21/08/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | Invitation to a Summer Camp within the project: Drug prevention without borders We invite you to participate to a 6 days long Summer Camp. The youth camp will be organized in Timisoara in the period 21-26.08.2019, which is designated for young people aged between 15-18 years old. The thematic of the camp is about drug prevention. If you are interested, you are pleased to contact us! | Invitație de participare la o tabără de vară de 6 zile organizată în cadrul proiectului Prevenirea fără frontiere a consumului de droguri Meghívó egy 6 napos nyári táborra a Kábítószer megelőzés határok nélkül című projekt keretén belül | ||
183 | ROHU-277 | CHESS START RO-HU - joint development of a cross-border chess-based social inclusion tool | CREST Association, STEA Association and DAVID Sport Club | 25/08/2019 | Chiscau | Bihor | Romania | | Between August 25 - September 1, within the project "CHESS START RO-HU - Joint development of a cross-border instrument of social inclusion based on chess", code ROHU-277, CREST Association in partnership with STEA Association and DAVID Sports Club from Hungary organizes in Chiscau (Bihor county) the camp and the international chess competition "CHESS START". The event is attended by a total of 50 children, of whom 25 are from Satu Mare (Romania) and 25 from Nyiregyhaza (Hungary), accompanied by chess instructors, psycho-pedagogues, social workers and social-educational animators volunteers from both countries. The participants were selected from among the children who during this year participate in the chess-based life skills development program built and implemented within the cross-border partnership made between the three non-governmental organizations mentioned above. There are children from different social backgrounds, a significant part coming from vulnerable groups, while others are chess players from sports clubs in Romania and Hungary. The purpose of this event is to provide in-depth opportunities for further development of participants' life skills through sustained interactions between children in Romania and Hungary with common passions and interests starting from the chess game. | În perioada 25 august – 1 septembrie, în cadrul proiectului "CHESS START RO-HU - Dezvoltarea în comun a unui instrument transfrontalier de incluziune socială bazat pe șah", cod ROHU-277, Asociația CREST în parteneriat cu Asociația STEA și Clubul Sportiv DAVID din Ungaria organizează la Chișcău (județul Bihor) tabăra și concursul internațional de șah „CHESS START”. La eveniment participă un număr total de 50 de copii, dintre care 25 sunt din Satu Mare (România) și 25 din Nyiregyhaza (Ungaria), însoțiți de instructori de șah, psihopedagogi, asistenți sociali și voluntari animatori socio-educativi din cele două țări. Participanții au fost selectați dintre copiii care pe parcursul acestui an participă la programul de dezvoltare a abilităților de viață bazat pe șah construit și implementat în cadrul parteneriatului transfrontalier realizat între cele trei organizații non-guvernamentale mai sus menționate. Sunt copii din diferite medii sociale, a parte semnificativă provenind din grupuri vulnerabile, iar alții fiind șahiști la cluburile sportive din România și Ungaria. Scopul acestui eveniment este să ofere oportunităţi aprofundate de continuare a dezvoltarii abilităților de viață ale participantilor prin interacțiunile susținute între copiii din România și Ungaria cu pasiuni și interese comune pornind de la jocul de șah. | ||
184 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 06/09/2019 | Szarvas | Békés | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
185 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 06/09/2019 | Szarvas | Békés | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
186 | ROHU 161 | O-IKT (Sport-Health-Tourism-Youth) | Dél-alföldi Teleházak Regionális Közhasznú Egyesülete/ | 06/09/2019 | Szeged | Csongrád | Hungary | | | Orienteering map correction course The Dél-alföldi Teleházak Regionális Közhasznú Egyesülete organises a training course in contribution with Tájékozódási Futásért Foundation and Aradi Condor Club The goal is to incrise number of those young people who can do proper mapping work with modern technical devices, both sides of the border, via the number of areas suitable for orienteering sports, mostly in romanian regions. Orienteering maps represent the relief - mountains and valleys changes -, water structures, roads and paths, different (artifical) objects, vegetation and with different colours the viability of an area. All the orienteering map markers are contained in the unified orienteering map symbols. Orienteering maps are more detailed than the known turist maps. The level of course: adult Number of students: max. 14 person, in order they have applied (7 person romanian, 7 person hungarian participants). Young people between 18 and 30 years old have priority. Expected knowledge: basic PC using skills and knowledge of orienteering map symbols and rules of orineteering racnig. Material conditions of participate: it is offered to use own notebook, in case you do not have laptop or notebook, please contact us. OCAD 11. software is needed. (The bid requester is responsible for recriutment, Dél-alföldi Teleházak Regionális Közhasznú Egyesülete ensures administration of the training). Course time: 9 days theory (in 3 days sections) 5 days practice, all in all: 14 days, 98 hours. Thematics of course: Language of course: hungarian/romanian Place and date of course: Place, date, conditions of Exam: Kaszolya, 24 November 2019. The course ends with a certification. Conditions of getting the certification are: active participate on lessons, correction of a 1 km2 area, vaild only if the student does not miss more than 10% of practice hours. Fees of the course: free of charge Deadline to apply: 30 August 2019 We will send a confirmation mail accepting your application. We would like to announce that photos and videos may be recorded during the course, that we are able to use for illustraions and for promotional porpuses. | Tájékozódási futó térkép helyesbítő tanfolyam A Dél-alföldi Teleházak Regionális Közhasznú Egyesülete a Tájékozódási Futásért Alapítvánnyal és az Aradi Condor Clubbal képzési programot szervez „Tájékozódási futó térképhelyesbítő tanfolyam” elnevezéssel, a képzés megvalósításához keresünk 2 fő oktatót, Célunk a határ mindkét oldalán korszerű technikai eszközök felhasználásával növelni a térképhelyesbítéshez értő és gyakorló fiatal szakemberek és ezen keresztül a tájékozódási sportok számára használható területek számát, főképpen a romániai területeken. A tájfutó térképek a terep domborzati viszonyait – hegyek és völgyek váltakozását –, a vizeket, utakat, a különböző tereptárgyakat, a növényzetet és a terep járhatóságát különböző színű jelekkel ábrázolják. A tájfutó térképeken használt térképjeleket az egységes tájfutó jelkulcs tartalmazza. A tájfutó térkép részletesebb, mint az ismert turistatérképek. A képzés szintje: felnőtt képzés Képzési idő: 9 nap elmélet (3 napos modulokban) 5 nap gyakorlat, összesen: 14 nap, 98 óra, Képzés tematikája: Képzés nyelve: román/magyar Képzés helyszíne és időpontjai: Vizsga helyszíne, időpontja, feltételei: 2019.11.24 Kaszolya. A képzés tanúsítvánnyal zárul. A tanúsítvány kiadásának feltétele az órákon való aktív részvétel, résztvevőnként 1-1 km2-nyi terület javítása, azzal a feltétellel, hogy a hiányzás mértéke nem haladhatja meg a kontaktórák számának 10%-át. A képzés díja: ingyenes A jelentkezés határideje: 2019. 08.30. A jelentkezés elfogadásáról írásos visszaigazolást küldünk. Invitație Nr. înregistrare: 2019/tjt/1 Curs de reambulare a hărții de Orientare Asociația Regională de Beneficii Publice Dél-alföldi Teleházak, împreună cu Fundația Pentru Orientare și clubul de turism Condor Club Arad, organizează un program de instruire cu numele „Curs de reambulare a hărții de Orientare” Scopul nostru este de a crește numărul tinerilor calificați în domeniul reambulării hărților și practicarea orientării turistice și sportive prin utilizarea mijloacelor tehnice moderne de pe ambele părți ale graniței, în special în România. Hărțile de orientare prezintă modele de teren - alternând prin munți și văi, ape, drumuri, diferite alte repere, reprezentând vegetația și alergabilitatea terenului prin diferite culori. Simbolurile utilizate la hărțile de orientare sunt determinate în legenda standardizată de către Federația Internațională de Orientare. Harta de orientare este mai detaliată decât hărțile turistice cunoscute. Nivelul de pregătire: pregătire pentru adulți Limbajul cursului: român/maghiar Locația și data cursurilor: Prețul cursului: Gratuit Limită de înscriere: 2019. 08.30. O confirmare scrisă a cererii dvs. va fi trimisă prin e-mail. Informații despre curs se pot solicita prin: Gureanu Dorel; e-mail: Vă informăm că fotografiile și videoclipurile realizate în timpul cursurilor / deplasărilor pot fi utilizate în scopuri ilustrative sau promoționale. | |
187 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modenity - Crossborder Cultural Coperation | Csanádpalota Városi Önkormányzat | 07/09/2019 | Csanádpalota | Csongrád county | Hungary | Gastronomy Day has been a traditional event in Csanádpalota for years. In such cases, people cook or bake different cuisines and use the mysteries of gastronomy. They make very delicious and delicious food. The jury will try to evaluate the food in the afternoon. | It is very important to have a good relationship with our two partner settlements. Of course, we invite them as the number one guest at the event. Cross-border relations have been very important to the city for decades. It is important to know each other's customs and traditions. And the gastronomy day in the city will introduce you to each other's cooking habits. | |||
188 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 07/09/2019 | Szeged | Csongrád | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
189 | ROHU-406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture / Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 13/09/2019 | Arad | Arad | Romania | | | The project aims at the personal development of the inhabitants from the border that will contribute to the improvement of the employment growth, to meet the demands of the market and to reduce the labor deficit, which is typical for the area. Within this event will be presented Database Platform on investment areas in Arad and Békés counties. Beneficiaries: Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development and Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | Proiectul vizează dezvoltarea personală a locuitorilor de la graniță care să contribuie la îmbunătățirea creșterii ocupării forței de muncă, să răspundă cerințelor pieței şi să reducă deficitul forței de muncă, care este tipic pentru zonă. În cadrul acestui eveniment va fi prezentată Platforma cu Baza de date privind zonele de investiție din județele Arad și Békés. Beneficiari: Fundația Județeană pentru dezvoltarea întreprinderilor Békés şi Camera de Comerț, Industrie şi Agricultură Arad. | |
190 | ROHU198 | Open Doors for Culture and Tradition in EUrope | Town of Alesd (lead beneficiary) | 31/08/2019 | Alesd | Bihor | Romania | Open Border Festival | Festivalul Granitelor deschise | |||
191 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modernity - Crossborder Cultural Cooperation | Comuna Carpinis | 07/09/2019 | Carpinis | Timis | Romania | Gastronomy festival in Carpinis. Program: | Festival Gastronomic la Cărpiniș. Program: Gasztronómiai fesztivál Gyertyámosban Program: | |||
192 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 08/09/2019 | Szeged | Csongrád | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
193 | ROHU-406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture / Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 12/09/2019 | Arad | Arad | Romania | | | | The project aims at the personal development of the inhabitants from the border that will contribute to the improvement of the employment growth, to meet the demands of the market and to reduce the labor deficit, which is typical for the area. Within this event will be presented Database Platform on investment areas in Arad and Békés counties. | Proiectul vizează dezvoltarea personală a locuitorilor de la graniță care să contribuie la îmbunătățirea creșterii ocupării forței de muncă, să răspundă cerințelor pieței şi să reducă deficitul forței de muncă, care este tipic pentru zonă. În cadrul acestui eveniment va fi prezentată Platforma cu Baza de date privind zonele de investiție din județele Arad și Békés. |
194 | ROHU-406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture / Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 13/09/2019 | Arad | Arad | Romania | | | | The project aims at the personal development of the inhabitants from the border that will contribute to the improvement of the employment growth, to meet the demands of the market and to reduce the labor deficit, which is typical for the area. Within this event will be presented Database Platform on investment areas in Arad and Békés counties. | Proiectul vizează dezvoltarea personală a locuitorilor de la graniță care să contribuie la îmbunătățirea creșterii ocupării forței de muncă, să răspundă cerințelor pieței şi să reducă deficitul forței de muncă, care este tipic pentru zonă. În cadrul acestui eveniment va fi prezentată Platforma cu Baza de date privind zonele de investiție din județele Arad și Békés. |
195 | 283 | Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities | Berettyó Cultural Center | 14/09/2019 | Berettyóújfalu | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | The International Gastronomic Festival of the Project ROHU-283 „Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities” will be held in Berettyószentmárton on 14th September 2019. The Festival includes concerts, cooking competition, food tasting and activites. Loction of the event: Morotva Liget in Berettyószentmárton | 2019. szeptember 14-én kerül megrendezésre Berettyószentmártonban a „Fenntartható, határokon átnyúló együttműködés Margitta és Berettyóújfalu polgárai között” ROHU-283 projekt Nemzetközi Gasztronómiai Fesztiválja. A Fesztivál keretein belül koncertek, főzőverseny, népi játszótér és óriáspalacsinta sütés lesz. Az esemény helyszíne: Berettyószentmárton – Morotva Liget | |||
196 | ROHU 200 | "Cross-border events for cross-border citizens" | Körösnagyharsány Községi Önkormányzat | 07/09/2019 | Korosnagyharshany | Bekes Megyei | Hungary | Invitation Korsnagyharsány Municipality invite you to participate in September 7th 2019 to the press conference and cooking contest organized in the context of the project "Cross-border events for cross-border citizens", - CCC, ROHU 200. The project's press conference will start at 11,00, local time, at the Korsnagyharsány local council headquarter. At the event will participate delegations from the 3 Romanian partners, namely Toboliu Commune - Lead beneficiary, Nojorid and Girisu de Cris communes, as project partners. We are waiting you all! | MEGHÍVÓ Kérjük, erősítse meg részvételét 2019. szeptember 4-ig, 14:00 óráig, e-mailben a feketetimil [email protected] címen (Tóthné Fekete Timea - projektmenedzser). Jelenlétére feltétlen számítunk, várjuk válaszát. Máté Pál polgármester | |||
197 | ROHU-181 | Improve cross-border cooperation between public institutions of Nadlac-Santana-Elek-Doboz | Doboz | 04/09/2019 | Doboz | Békés | Magyarország | Team building in September 2019 | 2019. szeptember 4-5-6-án 3 napos konferenciát rendez a ROHU-181 pályázat részeként Doboz. 2019. szeptember 05. 2019.szeptember 06. | |||
198 | ROHU-181 | Improve cross-border cooperation between public institutions of Nadlac-Santana-Elek-Doboz | Doboz | 05/09/2019 | Doboz | Békés | Magyarország | Team building in September 2019 | 2019. szeptember 4-5-6-án 3 napos konferenciát rendez a ROHU-181 pályázat részeként Doboz. | |||
199 | ROHU-181 | Improve cross-border cooperation between public institutions of Nadlac-Santana-Elek-Doboz | Doboz | 06/09/2019 | Doboz | Békés | Magyarország | Team building in September 2019 | 2019. szeptember 4-5-6-án 3 napos konferenciát rendez a ROHU-181 pályázat részeként Doboz. | |||
200 | ROHU 265 | “LET'S CELEBRATE OUR TRADITIONS TOGETHER” | CETARIU Commune | 07/09/2019 | CETARIU Commune | BIHOR | ROMANIA | | | INVITATION The CETARIU Commune invites you to participate on September 7, 2019, at the traditional annual event, the GRAPE FESTIVAL. This year, the event is part of the activities included in the project "We celebrate local traditions together", acronym TOGETHER, eMS code ROHU 265. | INVITAȚIE Primăria Comunei CETARIU vă invită la participați în data de 07 septembrie 2019, la evenimentul anual tradițional, FESTIVALUL STRUGURILOR. Anul acesta, evenimentul face parte din activitățile incluse în proiectul “Sărbătorim împreună tradițiile locale”, acronim TOGETHER, cod eMS ROHU 265. | |
201 | ROHU-218 | Evergreen | Körös-Maros Alaptvány | 13/09/2019 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | | "Cooperation for the conservation and promotion of traditional gardening“ (EVERGREEN) project start press conference | "Együttműködés a hagyományos kertészet védelme és előmozdítása érdekében" (EVERGREEN) projekt nyitó rendezvénye | ||
202 | 283 | Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities | Berettyó Cultural Center | 19/08/2019 | Berettyóújfalu | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | International Folk Dance Festival of the Project ROHU-283 „Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities” will be held in Berettyóújfalu on 19th August 2019. The Festival includes international folk dancers, concerts, firework. Location of the event: Szent István tér in Berettyóújfalu. | 2019. augusztus 19-én kerül megrendezésre Berettyóújfaluban a „Fenntartható, határokon átnyúló együttműködés Margitta és Berettyóújfalu polgárai között” ROHU-283 projekt Nemzetközi Néptánc Fesztiválja. A Fesztivál keretein belül folk kavalkád, koncertek, tűzijáték lesz. Az esemény helyszíne: Berettyóújfalu – Szent István tér | |||
203 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 14/09/2019 | Hajdúhadház | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
204 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 15/09/2019 | Hajdúhadház | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
205 | ROHU-180 | Drug prevention without borders | Szent Gellért Társaság a külhoni magyarság támogatásáért | 09/09/2019 | Szeged | Csongrád | Hungary | | Interactive Multimedia Exhibition Opens in Szeged with the title Intermediate Transitions - Drug! | Köztes Átmenetek- a drog című interaktív, multimediális kiállítás nyílik Szegeden! | ||
206 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 16/09/2019 | Debrecen-Józsa | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | WASTE COLLECTION ACTION IN THE FOREST Disposal of illegal landfills in the Natura 2000 area of the Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény. Welcome to volunteers! Organizers take care of protective and work equipment as well as refreshments. Meeting & Departure: | ERDEI SZEMÉTSZEDŐ AKCIÓ Illegális hulladéklerakók felszámolása a Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 területen. Önkéntesek jelentkezését várjuk! Védő- és munkaeszközökről, valamint frissítőről a szervezők gondoskodnak. Találkozó és indulás: --------------------------------------- ACȚIUNE DE COLECTARE A DEȘEURILOR ÎN FOREST Eliminarea depozitelor ilegale de deșeuri în zona Natura 2000 a zonei Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény. Bun venit la voluntari! Organizatorii se ocupă de echipament de protecție și de lucru, precum și de băuturi răcoritoare. Intalnirea si plecarea: | |||
207 | ROHU-398 | "CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Mănăstirea Izbuc | 14/09/2019,15/09/2019 | Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări | Bihor | Romania | | | - Târg locale de produse gastronomice eco si bio, care vor fi promovate ca potențiale produse locale de turism - Vor fi prezenți circa 20 de producători locali de produse de gastronomie obținute din produse bio sau ecologice și obținute prin tehnici tradiționale de prepeparare și conservare - Se vor organiza degustări de produse eco și bio (panificație tradițională(pâine, plăcinte, prăjituri...), produse din lapte și brânzeturi, carmangerie și mezeluri traditionale crude și uscate, produse conservate prin uscare, conserve de legume, carne, legume și fructe, miere, sucuri și siropuri naturale) - Se vor găti demostrativ produse specifice bucătăriei din zona Crișanei (plăcinte cu diverse umpluturi, patiserie coaptă sau friptă, pește și produse din pește, toros, bogracs, toros, sarmale...) - Program de muzică religioasă, susținut de coruri bisericești, și alte momente artistice specifice zonei rurale | (HU) EcoFood: helyi bió- és gasztrókézműves termékek vására az Izbuc-i kolostor udvarán, Bihar megyében, Romániában. (EN) EcoFood: market with local bio and gastronomic products at the Izbuc Monastry, in Bihor county, Romania. | |
208 | ROHU 200 | “Crossborder events for crossborder citizens” acronym CCC | Nojorid Commune | 15/09/2019 | Nojorid Commune | Bihor | Romania | | NOJORID Commune organizes on September 15, 2019, the Autumn Festival. | Primăria Comunei NOJORID organizează în data de 15 septembrie 2019 Cu deosebită considerație, | ||
209 | ROHU-277 | CHESS START RO-HU - joint development of a cross-border chess-based social inclusion tool | CREST Association, STEA Association and DAVID Sport Club | 13/09/2019 | Nyiregyhaza and Magy | Hungary | | | On September 13, 2019, in the Magy and Nyiregyhaza localities of Hungary, a new cross-border cooperation event takes place within the project "CHESS START" RO-HU - 277 - an international chess competition "The Circle of Friends of chess players from Magy", with the involvement of 50 children, of which 25 are from Romania and 25 from Hungary. The purpose of this event is to provide children from both countries with new opportunities to socialize and develop their life skills together, interacting in a new context. Experience puts them in a position to integrate new acquisitions in terms of behavior and attitude, having a beneficial effect on them, leading to increased self-control and the development of their social skills. Children have the opportunity to get to know each other, to discover each other specific elements of their culture, realizing through chess activities that they have common passions and interests. After the competition the children will have the opportunity to visit the zoo in Nyiregyhaza, one of the most famous in South-East Europe, continuing to share unforgettable moments together. This is an important event included within the Life skills developement program built and implemented within this project by social workers educators and chess trainers from Romania and Hungary. | In data de 13 septembrie 2019 are loc în localitățile Magy și Nyiregyhaza din Ungaria un nou eveniment de cooperare transfornalieră în cadrul proiectului "CHESS START" RO-HU -277, un concurs internațional de șah „Cercul prietenilor șahiști din Magy” la care participă un grup de 50 de copii dintre care 25 sunt din România și 25 din Ungaria. Scopul acestui eveniment este acela de a oferi copiilor din cele două țări noi oportunități de a socializa și de a-și dezvolta împreună abilitățile de viață, interacționând într-un context nou. Experiența îi pune în situația de a integra noi achiziții în ceea ce privește comportamentul și atitudinea, având un efect benefic asupra lor, ducând la creșterea autocontrolului și dezvoltarea abilităților lor sociale. Copii au ocazia să se cunoască, să descopere reciproc elemente specifice culturii fiecăruia, dându-și seama prin activitățile de șah că au pasiuni și interese comune. După concurs copiii vor avea ocazia să viziteze grădina zoologică din Nyiregyhaza, una dintre cele mai renumite din Sud-Estul Europei, continuând să împărtășească momente de neuitat împreună. Acesta este un eveniment important care face parte din programul de dezvoltare a abilităților de viață prin șah construit și implementat în cadrul acestui proiect de către asistenți sociali, educatori și antrenori de șah din România și Ungaria. | ||
210 | ROHU280 | Co-cultured | Gyula Municipality - Project Partner | 20/09/2019 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | | The closing conference of ROHU280 Co-cultured project in Gyula: 20.09.2019 | ROHU280 Co-cultured project closing conference in Gyula 10.30-11.00 Registration | ||
211 | ROHU331 | Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region | Government Office of Békés County | 02/10/2019 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Within the framework of project ROHU331 entitled "Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region" the Government Office of Békés County is organizing a Workshop on 2nd October 2019 with the aim of transferring large knowledge and experiences gained at organizing events especially the carrer guindance fair. The Worskhop is addressed to the technical personnel of the partner organizations, but also interested institutions, organizations from both sides od the border. The estimated number of participants is 25. | A ROHU331 számú "Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region" című projekt keretében a Békés Megyei Kormányhivatal szervezésében 2019. október 2-án kerül megrendezésre a kormányhivatal több évtizedes rendezvényszervezés terén, különös tekintettel a pályaválasztási vásár megszervezése és lebonyolítása kapcsán szerzett tapasztalatainak átadását célzó Workshop, melyen a projektpartnerek valamint egyéb - román és magyarországi - érdekelt szervezetek képviselői vesznek részt. A Workshop tervezett létszáma 25 fő. | |||
212 | ROHU445 | Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cultural incubator for performing arts | Szigligeti Theatre | 01/10/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | Kick-off event of the project ROHU445, Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cultural incubator for performing arts. The event is intended to inform the public about the objectives of the project and to give a deeper insight into the work the project partners are doing and their expected results. | A nyitórendezvényt a nagyváradi Szigligeti Színház rendezi a debreceni Csokonai Színház és Debrecen Megyei jogú Város Önkormányzatának részvételével. | |||
213 | ROHU-156 | Traditions over the time and across the border | Mórahalom Városi Önkormányzat | 25/09/2019 | Mórahalom | Csongrád | Hungary | Organizing an event related to autumn traditions: | Őszi szüreti szokások bemutatása: | |||
214 | ROHU-380 | VERBA DOCENT | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 20/09/2019 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | Launching fork lift operator training course. Launching tractor driver training course | Targoncavezető tanfolyam elindítása. Mezőgazdasági vontató képzés elindítása. | |||
215 | ROHU-380 | VERBA DOCENT | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 21/09/2019 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | Launching English language training course. | Angol nyelvi képzés elindítása. | |||
216 | ROHU-380 | VERBA DOCENT | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 19/10/2019 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | Launching the Brewer training course. | Sörfőző képzés elindítása. | |||
217 | ROHU449 | ntegrated project for sustainable development in the mountain area of Bihor County, improvement of access and development in health care services in case of medical interventions for emergency situations - FA Phase | Local Government of Berettyóújfalu City,Municipality of Oradea ,Municipality of Marghita,Municipality of Salonta,Town of Alesd,Municipality of Beiuș,University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy,Mountain and Cave Rescue Service of Bihor County / Mountain Rescue Asociation of Bihor County,Gróf Tisza István Hospital,CRIȘANA” Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of Bihor County | 23/09/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | | The project launch conference will be organized on 3 October 2019 from 11 a.m. at Hilton Double Tree Hotel in Oradea (Aleea Strandului, nr.9), as one-day event with the participation of apx. 100 persons, including local and regional stakeholders involved in healthcare and mass-media representatives from both sides of the border. Planned agenda of the event: | Conferinta de lansare va avea loc in data de 03 oct.2019, cu participarea a cca.100 persoane interesate in domeniul sanatatii din zona transfrontaliera, precum si a reprezentantilor mass-media din ambele parti. Agenda evenimentului: inregistrarea participantilor, cuvant de bun venit, sustinerea de prezentari legate de activitatile preconizate in proiect cu accent deosebit asupra importantei cooperarii transfrontaliere si a impactului avut asupra consolidarii UE prin intermediul programului Interreg ROHU, pauza de cafea, conferinta de presa, workshop tematic cu participarea cadrelor medicale si a agentilor interesati, bufet suedez. | |
218 | ROHU 200 | "Cross-border events for cross-border citizens" | TOBOLIU Commune | 28/09/2019 | TOBOLIU Commune | BIHOR | ROMANIA | | Press conference, final conference & cooking contest and concert TOBOLIU Commune organizes on 28 September 2019, the annual event "Cabbage Festival". | Primăria Comunei TOBOLIU organizează în data de 28 septembrie 2019 | ||
219 | ROHU-180 | Drug prevention without borders | Szent Gellért Társaság a külhoni magyarság támogatásáért | 24/09/2019 | Hódmezővásárhely | Csongrád | Hungary | Drug prevention self-awareness camp: | Drogprevenciós önismereti tábor: | |||
220 | ROHU-315 | ComSport-Together for the creation of an active social group | Municipality of Pusztaottlaka | 05/10/2019 | Pusztaottlaka | Békés | Hungary | | On 5th of October, 2019 a community building event will be organized, where people have the opportunity to get to know each other and to develop long-term relationships. Participants may attend various sports activities, gastronomic and cultural programs. | 2019. október 5. napján egy közösségépítő rendezvény kerül megszervezésre, ahol az embereknek lehetőségük nyílik egymás megismerésére és hosszútávú kapcsolatok kiépítésére. A résztvevők különféle sporttevékenységeken, gasztronómiai és kulturális programokon vehetnek részt. | ||
221 | ROHU-54 | Cooperating on risk prevention and disaster management in the Zerind-Újkígyós cross-border area | Újkígyós Town | 04/10/2019 | Újkígyós Town | Békés | Hungary | Opening event Program: | Nyitórendezvény | |||
222 | ROHU-54 | Cooperating on risk prevention and disaster management in the Zerind-Újkígyós cross-border area | Újkígyós Town | 04/10/2019 | Újkígyós Town | Békés | Hungary | Workshop Program: | Workshop | |||
223 | ROHU - 380 | Adult education in the field of healthy life and sustainable living environment | Asociația pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale și Culturale ale Banatului și Crișanei ”Excelsior” / Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 30/09/2019 | Arad | Arad | Romania | Opening conference of „Adult education in the field of healthy life and sustainable living environment”, acronim Verba Docent project | Asociația pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale și Culturale ale Banatului și Crișanei ”Excelsior” din Arad în parteneriat cu Fundația pentru Dezvoltare Rurală și Agricultură Ecologică „Körös-Maros” din Gyula (Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány) are plăcerea de a vă invita la conferința de lansare a proiectului ROHU–380: “Educarea adulților în domeniul vieții sănătoase și a mediului de viață sustenabil”/„Adult education in the field of healthy life and sustainable living environment”, acronim Verba Docent, finanțat prin Programul Interreg V-A România-Ungaria. | |||
224 | ROHU396 | Cross-border cooperation in the prevention and complex treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases in Békés-Timis counties | Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital Timisoara | 01/10/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | | | WORKSHOP INNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN SCREENING, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR AND PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASES | Workshop : ABORDĂRI INOVATIVE ÎN SCURTARE, DIAGNOSTICĂ ȘI TRATAMENTUL BOLILOR VASCULARE CARDIOVASCULARE ȘI PERIFERALE |
225 | ROHU-53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 24/10/2019 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | | Field exercise for professionals Further information and application: [email protected] | Exerciții fizice pentru profesioniști / Terepgyakorlat szakemberek számára Bővebb tájékoztatás és jelentkezés: [email protected] | |
226 | ROHU-280 | Cultural Cooperation among Citizens from the Salonta-Gyula Cross-border Area | Municipality of Salonta | 17/10/2019 | Salonta | Bihor | Romania | | | The Municipality of Salonta invites you to the ROHU-280 Project's Closing Conference | Municipiul Salonta vă invită cu drag la Conferința de încheiere a proiectului ROHU-280 / | |
227 | ROHU-204 | Shared problems, joint solutions - improving cooperation between Arad and Bekes public administration (WorkMix) | Békés Megyei Önkormányzat /Békés County Government/ | 09/10/2019 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | According to the work plan five professional meetings will be held in Bekes County. The meetings will focus on the following fields: risk prevention and disaster management, tourism, health, culture, heritage and cross border relations, transport and infrastructure. PP2 organizes the meeting of the culture, heritage and cross border relations subcommittee on 9 October 2019 at 10.00 AM in collaboration with the LP in Bekes County. | A projekt célja az Arad-Békés Megyei Vegyes Bizottság infrastrukturális és intézményi környezetének megteremtése, találkozók ütemezése. Szükségessé vált a bizottság újraszervezése öt munkacsoport mentén. A munkacsoportüléseken az alábbi területekre tevődik a fókusz: kockázat-megelőzés és katasztrófa védelem, turizmus, egészségügy, kultúra, örökség és a határokon átívelő kapcsolatok, közlekedés és infrastruktúra. Az üléseken részt vesznek: a két megyei tanács/önkormányzat képviselői, az érintett területek közintézményeinek képviselői. | |||
228 | ROHU-204 | Shared problems, joint solutions - improving cooperation between Arad and Bekes public administration (WorkMix) | Békés Megyei Önkormányzat /Békés County Government/ | 09/10/2019 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | According to the work plan five professional meetings will be held in Bekes County. The meetings will focus on the following fields: risk prevention and disaster management, tourism, health, culture, heritage and cross border relations, transport and infrastructure. PP2 organizes the meeting of the tourism subcommittee on 9 October 2019 at 13.00 PM in collaboration with the LP in Bekes County | A projekt célja az Arad-Békés Megyei Vegyes Bizottság infrastrukturális és intézményi környezetének megteremtése, találkozók ütemezése. Szükségessé vált a bizottság újraszervezése öt munkacsoport mentén. A munkacsoportüléseken az alábbi területekre tevődik a fókusz: kockázat-megelőzés és katasztrófa védelem, turizmus, egészségügy, kultúra, örökség és a határokon átívelő kapcsolatok, közlekedés és infrastruktúra. Az üléseken részt vesznek: a két megyei tanács/önkormányzat képviselői, az érintett területek közintézményeinek képviselői. | |||
229 | ROHU271 | ,,The Minority Question in the ROHU cross-border area: Slovak Culture, Tradition and History without Borders” | Commune of Sinteu (lead beneficiary) | 13/10/2019 | Sinteu | Bihor | Romania | “Living Slovak Museum: A Museum of Slovak Culture and Traditions” Event | ”Muzeul vieții slovacilor: un muzeu al culturii și tradițiilor slovace” | |||
230 | ROHU-297 | A Cross-Border Open Model of A Digital Museum Database | Municipality of Csenger | 31/07/2019 | Csenger | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | An archaeological field research is organized for expert participants. The program will focus on a case study of an archaeological site in Csenger, including site visit, field work and a workshop. The workshop will be held on July 31, and the theme will be the following: The role of archeology in the restoration of monuments. | A projekt keretében régészeti terepi kutatást szerveznek a szakértők számára. A program egy Csengerben található régészeti lelőhely esettanulmányára összpontosít, ideértve a helyszíni látogatást, a helyszíni munkákat és egy workshopot. A workshop július 31-én kerül megrendezésre, a témája a következő lesz: A régészet szerepe a műemlékek helyreállításában. | |||
231 | ROHU-399 | GREEN SKILLS PLATFORM FOR SUSTAINABLE EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT | Novum Association; Szoter Association | 19/10/2019 | Szeged | Csongrad | Hungary | | 11.00 – Welcoming the participants | Dezbateri privind abordarea trainingurilor din cadrul proiectului. | ||
232 | ROHU397 | New approaches in the prevention and therapy of common cancers | Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital Timisoara | 08/10/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | | | WORKSHOP: INNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN SCREENING, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF COLORECTAL AND CERVICAL CANCERS 11:00 – 11:30 Colorectal cancer screening international guidelines – Prof. Dr. Roxana Sirli - “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara 15:15 – 16:45 Round table: Colorectal cancer screening different approaches – Dr. Oprea Maria-Olimpia, Prof. Dr. Univ. Raica Marius, Prof. Dr. Roxana Sirli, Prof. Dr. Tamás Molnár, Prof. Dr. Sporea Ioan, Dr. Musta Ioan, Dr. Dema Sorin 16:45 – 17:15 IBD and the risk for colorectal cancer – Dr. Musta Ioan - Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital Timisoara | Workshop: APROACHE INOVATIVE ÎN PROGRAMARE, DIAGNOSTICĂ ȘI TRATAREA CANCERELOR COLORECTALE ȘI CERVICE 11:00 - 11:30 Ghid internațional de screening pentru cancerul colorectal - Prof. Dr. Roxana Sirli - Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Victor Babes” Timișoara 15:15 - 16:45 Masă rotundă: screeningul cancerului colorectal diferite abordări - Dr. Oprea Maria-Olimpia, prof. Dr. Univ. Raica Marius, prof. Dr. Roxana Sirli, prof. Dr. Tamás Molnár, prof. Dr. Sporea Ioan, Dr. Musta Ioan, Dr. Dema Sorin 16:45 - 17:15 IBD și riscul de cancer colorectal - Dr. Musta Ioan - Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Urgență Timișoara |
233 | ROHU 126 | “Nature preservation, protection and promotion on both sides of the Romanian-Hungarian border” | Center for Protected Areas and Sustainable Development Bihor | 07/10/2019 | Vadu Crisului, Suncuius, Bratca, Oradea, Korosszegepati, Debrecen | Bihor, Hajdu-Bihar | Romania, Hungary | After running 5 photo workshops in the area of Padurea Craiului, more than 50 pictures taken by the participants in these workshops were selected and will be exhibited in various public locations in Vadu Crisului, Suncuius, Bratca, Oradea, Korosszegepati, Debrecen, between 9.10.2019 till 31.10.2019. The access in the exhibitions are free of charge and both tourist and locals are welcome to visit them. | Dupa derularea a 5 ateliere de fotografie in zona Padurea Craiului, peste 50 de fotografii realizate de catre participantii la workshop au fost selectate, ele facand parte dintr-o expozitie itinerarnta care va poposi in cateva locatii publice din Vadu Crisului, Suncuius, Bratca, Oradea, Korosszegepati si Debretin, in perioada 9.10.2019 pana in 31.10.2019. Accesul in spatiile expozitionale va fi gratuit, fiind asteptati in calitate de vizitatori atat localnici cat si turisti. | |||
234 | ROHU80 | „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” | Comunele Odoreu, Păuleşti, Viile Satu Mare si Halmeu, Tyukodi Önkéntes Tűzoltó Egyesület | 19/09/2019 | Paulesti | Satu Mare | Romania | | Organisation of a joint simulation exercise for alarming and evacuating the population in the case of hydro-meteorological phenomena | Simulare interventie/exercitiu comun de alarmare si evacuare a populatiei in caz de fenomene hidro- Intervenciós szimulació/ riasztás és a lakosság evakuálásának közös gyakorlata hidro-meteorológiai jelenségek | ||
235 | ROHU80 | „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” | Comunele Odoreu, Păuleşti, Viile Satu Mare si Halmeu, Tyukodi Önkéntes Tűzoltó Egyesület | 03/10/2019 | Viile Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | | Organisation of joint simulation exercise in the case of a forest fire produced in the hilly surroundings of Viile Satu Mare commune | Simulare/exercitiu comun in cazul unui incendiu produs in zona deluroasa a comunei Viile Satu Mare Intervenció szimuláció/ közös gyakorlat Szatmárhegy dombvidékén keletkezett tűz esetén | ||
236 | ROHU-285 | Healthy Traditions - Science for Next Generation | West University of Timisoara / Universitatea de Vest Timisoara | 10/10/2019 | Timisoara | Tmis | Romania | Cultural heritage workshop "Walk with your ancestors" has an ethnographic thematic: education for cultural heritage. The aimof the workshop is raising awareness of the cultural identity among the young generation. The workshop will start with a round table “Healthy Traditions - Science for Next Generation (eMS ROHU 285) project: Ancestors. Which ancestors? Lands, traditions, archive” and continue with 3 sessions focused on scientific approach of the Romanian village: “(Re)cognition of the archives. Case study: Foaia românească collection (1951 - 2018)” - Otilia Hedeșan Ethnographic Research Leader in the project, “Bread - yesterday and today. Narrations on deprivation and abundance” - Monica Vlad, “The land of milk and honey or manipulation of utopian images in the official discourse on the socialist village” - Corina Popa, ethnographer. The workshop will take place at the West University of Timisoara. The coordination team - WUT project team - has extended experience on the subject and held doctorate in ethnology. Target group: representatives of public authorities, diplomats, local population, media representatives, students, teachers, anthropologists, ethnologists, sociologists, doctors, pharmacists. | Atelierul „ La pas cu strămoșii” are o tematică etnografică: educație pentru moștenirea culturală. Scopul atelierului este de a sensibiliza tânăra generație cu privire la identitatea culturală a românilor din regiune. A "Lépésben az őseinkkel" műhelynek etnográfiai tematikája: a kulturális örökség oktatása. A műhely célja, hogy felhívja a fiatal generáció figyelmét a a környéken élő románok kulturális identitására. | |||
237 | ROHU-283 | Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities | Municipiul Marghita | 12/10/2019 | Marghita | Bihor | Romania | | "Toamna Marghiteană" is the first joint cross-border cultural events organized in Marghita within the project ROHU-283. | „Toamna Marghiteană” este primul eveniment cultural transfrontalier comun organizat la Marghita în cadrul proiectului ROHU-283. | ||
238 | ROHU-29 | Conservation and protection of ecosystems endangered by lack of thermal and freshwater in crossborder area | ADI Zona Meropolitana Oradea | 17/10/2019 | Baile 1 Mai | Bihor | Romania | | We invite you to the OPEN DAY event, in the natural reserve Pârâul Pețea - Lac cu Nuferi (Ochiul Mare) in Băile 1 Mai. The natural reserve will be open to the public on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2019, from 12.00 to 17.00. | ADI Zona Metropolitană Oradea vă invită la ZIUA PORȚILOR DESCHISE, în rezervația naturală Pârâul Pețea - Lacul cu Nuferi (Ochiul Mare) din Băile 1 Mai. Acesta va fi deschis publicului JOI, 17 OCTOMBRIE 2019, între orele 12.00 - 17.00. Ghizi ai partenerului AquaCrisius vor însoți participanții și vor oferi informații referitoare la istoricul rezervației. De asemenea, vor fi organizate ateliere de lucru pentru copii și adulți (pictură pe ceramică, bijuterii handmade etc). Pentru grupuri organizate de elevi/preșcolari se asigură transportul la eveniment, în limita bugetului disponibil și pe bază de pre-comandă. | ||
239 | ROHU-331 | Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region | Bihor County Employment Agency (AJOFM Bihor) | 23/10/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | AJOFM Bihor is organizing on 23-24th of October a Large Scale Job and Career Orientation Fair. The event is part of the CAREER project, financed by the Romania-Hungary 2014-2020 CBC Programme, and will be hosted in Oradea Fortress. The participants will have the opportunity to contact an important number of companies which will present the professional competences they are looking for, but also recruiting agencies, schools and vocational training providers which will display their educational offer. Thus, the main goal of the event is to facilitate the interaction on the labor market between the offer and demand, as well as to provide career orientation services for youngsters and other individuals interested in developing their careers based on their personal and professional competences. Everybody interested is welcome to participate! Please follow the local media for more details related to the event. | AJOFM Bihor organizează între 23 și 24 octombrie un Târg de Forță de Muncă și Orientare în Carieră. Evenimentul face parte din proiectul CAREER, finanțat prin intermediul Programului de Cooperare Transfrontalieră România-Ungaria 2014-2020, și va fi găzduit de Cetatea Oradea. Participanții vor avea oportunitatea de a contacta un număr important de firme și agenții de recrutare care vor prezenta competențele profesionale pe care le caută pe piața muncii, dar vor putea afla detalii și despre oferta educațională a școlilor și furnizorilor de pregătire vocațională. Astfel, principalul obiectiv al evenimentului este de a facilita interacțiunea pe piața muncii dintre cerere și ofertă, repectiv de a oferi servicii de orientare în carieră pentru tineri și persoane interesate în dezvoltarea carierei pe baza competențelor personale și profesionale. Sunt așteptați toți cei interesați! Pentru detalii suplimentare legate de eveniment, vă rugăm să urmăriți presa locală. | |||
240 | ROHU 35 | Greening Foodprints | Szent István Egyetem - Szarvasi Arborétum/Episcopia Romano-Catolică Oradea | 16/10/2019 | Szarvas | HU332, Békés | HUNGARY/MAGYARORSZÁG | | Study trip in Szarvas (5540 Szarvas, I. kk. 9.): 30 pers., project staff and interested stakeholders/representatives of the project target group. | Sedinta de lucru in Szarvas, 30 persoane, echipa de proiect, parteneri si grup tinta. | ||
241 | ROHU 35 | Greening Foodprints | Szent István Egyetem - Szarvasi Arborétum/Episcopia Romano-Catolică Oradea | 16/10/2019 | Szarvas | Bekes | HUNGARY/MAGYARORSZÁG | study trip in Szarvas: 30 pers., project staff and interested stakeholders/representatives of the project target group | Intalnire de lucru la Szarvas pentru echipa de proiect si factorii interesati. | |||
242 | ROHU-398 | CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR | Körösszegapáti Román Ortodox Parókia | 17/10/2019 | Berettyóújfalu | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | Somelier training course for 20 participants - 17-20 October 2019 With the help of specialized information they will acquire, the trainees will improve their skills in identifying, analyzing, associating and serving wines. Further information and application: [email protected] or +40 730 777 770 telephone no. | Sommelier képzési tanfolyam 20 fő részére, az alábbi modulokkal: A tanfolyam ideje: 2019. október 17-20 (9 órától – 18 óráig). A záró vizsga napja: 2019. október 20. A tanfolyam helyszíne: Bella Costa Étterem és Vendégház, 4100 Berettyóújfalu, Dózsa György u. 28. A kurzus vizsgával zárul, amelynek sikeres teljesítésével a résztvevők nemzeti és nemzetközi szinten elismert sommelier oklevelet kapnak magyar és angol nyelven. Bővebb tájékoztatás és jelentkezés: [email protected] vagy +40 730 777 770 telefonszámon. | |||
243 | ROHU-399 | Green Skills Platform for Sustainable Employment Development | Fundația pentru Cultură și Învățământ “Ioan Slavici” | 22/10/2009 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | Setting up Green Campaigns following the 11 steps of an Image Campaign (Teamwork) | Construire ”campanii verzi” ăn echipe si prezentarea acestora. | ||
244 | ROHU-224 | Development of the internal water system of common interest on the Muresel Channel, Ier Connecting Channel and Ier Channel | National Agency of Land Improvements (RO) / Lower Tisa District Water Directorate ( HU) | 30/10/2019 | Arad | Arad | Romania | The launch conference will be held on October 30, 2019, with the participation of about 50 people: the beneficiaries of the project, the representatives of some institutions, as well as the media representatives. Agenda of the event: registration of participants, word of welcome, support of presentations related to the activities envisaged in the project, with special emphasis on the important cross-border cooperation and the impact on the consolidation of the EU through the Interreg ROHU program, coffee break, press conference, buffet lunch. | Conferinta de lansare va avea loc in data de 30 oct.2019, cu participarea a cca.50 persoane: beneficiarii proiectului, reprezentanții unor institutii, cât și reprezentanti mass-media. Agenda evenimentului: inregistrarea participantilor, cuvant de bun venit, sustinerea unor prezentari legate de activitatile preconizate in proiect, cu accent deosebit asupra importantei cooperarii transfrontaliere si a impactului avut asupra consolidarii UE prin intermediul programului Interreg ROHU, pauza de cafea, conferință de presă, bufet suedez./ Az indító konferenciát 2019. október 30-án tartják, mintegy 50 ember részvételével: a projekt kedvezményezettjei, egyes intézmények képviselői, valamint a média képviselői. A rendezvény napirendje: a résztvevők regisztrációja, üdvözlő szó, a projektben tervezett tevékenységekkel kapcsolatos előadások támogatása, különös tekintettel a fontos határokon átnyúló együttműködésre és az EU konszolidációjára gyakorolt hatásra az Interreg ROHU program révén, kávészünet, sajtótájékoztató, svédasztalos ebéd. | |||
245 | ROHU396 | „Cross-border cooperation in the prevention and complex treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases in Békés - Timis counties” | Békés Megyei Központi Kórház | 28/10/2019 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | | | WORKSHOP: INNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN SCREENING, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR AND PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASES | WORKSHOP: A KARDIOVASZKULARIS BETEGSÉGEK SZŰRÉSÉNEK, DIAGNOSZTIKÁJÁNAK ÉS KEZELÉSÉNEK INNOVATÍV MEGKÖZELÍTÉSE | |
246 | ROHU 202 | Mures/Maros that binds us | Diaspora Foundation | 29/10/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | Invitation to the opening press conference With the occasion of the opening conference we will present the project’s objectives and activities. Location: Kós Károly Community Center, Timisoara, Str. Putna No. 7 | Invitație la conferința de presă de deschidere a proiectului Cu ocazia conferinței de presă, va avea loc prezentarea obiectivelor proiectului respectiv a activităților prevăzute. Reprezentanții presei vor fi informați despre localitățile ce urmează a fi incluse în proiect, respectiv despre activitățile ce urmează a fi implementate pe ambele părți ale graniței. Locație: Centrul Comunitar Kós Károly, Timișoara, Str. Putna Nr. 7. Meghívó nyitó sajtótájékoztatójára A nyitókonferencia keretében bemutatásra kerülnek a projekt célkitűzései és tevékenységei. A sajtó képviselői megismerhetik a projektbe bevont településeket, illetve betekintést nyerhetnek a határ mindkét oldalán megvalósítandó tevékenységekről. Helyszín: Kós Károly Közösségi Központ, Temesvár, Putna utca 7. szám | ||
247 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modernity - Crossborder Cultural Cooperation | Comuna Carpinis | 26/10/2019 | Carpinis | Timis | Romania | Carpinis Commune, Timis County, Romania invites you to participate in the religious event organized on October 26 in the project "Tradition and modernity - Cross-border cultural cooperation", financed by the European Union within the Romania-Hungary Interregional Program. 09:00 - 11:00 Prayer Sf Dimitrie Izvoratorul de Mir | Comuna Carpinis, județul Timiș, România vă invită să participați la evenimentul religios organizat pe data de 26 octombrie în cadrul proiectului "Tradiție și modernitate - Cooperare culturală transfrontalieră", finanțat de Uniunea Europeană în cadrul Programului Interreg V-A România-Ungaria. Programul evenimentului este urmatorul: Gyertyámos község, Temes megye, tisztelettel meghívja Önöket az október 26-án megrendezésre kerülő vallásos rendezvényre. Az esemény a "Hagyomány és modernitás - Határon átnyúló kulturális együttműködés" című projekt keretében valósul meg. A rendezvényre 2019. október 26-án kerül sor a település ortodox templomában és a helyi kultúrházban. A rendezvény programja: | |||
248 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modernity – Cross-Border Cultural Cooperation | Municipality of Jimbolia | 05/11/2019 | Jimbolia | Romania | Romania | The conference will have a double role: it will help to disseminate the results of the project and also will help the participant experts to exchange experience and good practices. From each locality will participate 10 persons, according to the project. The conference will last 2 days: 5-6th of November 2019. | Conferința va avea un rol dublu: va ajuta la diseminarea rezultatelor proiectului și la schimbul de experiență și bună practică între experții participanți. Din fiecare localitate vor participa câte 10 persoane, conform proiectului. Conferința va dura două zile: 5-6 noiembrie 2019. | |||
249 | ROHU-84 | NTEGRATED CROSS-BORDER APPROACH FOR IMPROVING THE COOPERATION AND JOINT PREPAREDNESS ON RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT AT THE LEVEL OF BIHOR HAJDU-BIHAR EUROREGION | Asociatia Serviciul pentru Asistenta in Situatii Speciale-SARTISS | 08/11/2019 | Hotel International, Baile-Felix | Bihor | Romania | - Presenting of good pratices regarding the territorial cooperation in the field of civil protection; | - Prezentarea unor exemple de bune practici in ceea ce priveste cooperarea teritoriala in domeniul protectiei civile; | |||
250 | ROHU48 | Development of an integrated response capacity to cross-border emergency situations | Town of Alesd (lead beneficiary) | 05/11/2019 | Alesd | Bihor | Romania | The purpose of the event is the official launch of the ROHU48 project "Development of an integrated response capacity to cross-border emergency situations". | Scopul evenimentului este lansarea oficială a proiectului ROHU48 ,,Dezvoltarea unei capacități de răspuns integrate pentru situații de urgență transfrontaliere". | |||
251 | rohu 398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Agentia de Management al Destinatiei Bihor | 22/10/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | The place where the authorized professional training service is provided is Oradea. | Locația de prestare a serviciului autorizat de formare profesională competențe antreprenoriale este Oradea. | ||
252 | rohu 398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Agentia de Management al Destinatiei Bihor | 23/10/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | Organizing and conducting a Training Program to obtain the certification of "Trainer", code COR 242401 | Organizarea și desfășurarea unui program de instruire pentru obținerea certificării de „Trainer”, cod COR 242401 | ||
253 | rohu 398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Agentia de Management al Destinatiei Bihor | 28/10/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | Organizing and conducting a Training Program to obtain the certification of tourist pension administrator, COR Code 515203 | Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de administrator pensiune turistică, Cod COR 515203 | ||
254 | rohu 398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Agentia de Management al Destinatiei Bihor | 28/10/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | Authorized professional training services barman, code COR 5132 and waiter (waiter), code COR 513102 within the project “CREATING AND DEVELOPING A POLYCENTRIC CROSSBORDER NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTY BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR ”(ROHU 398 project code, acronym: ForTour BHHB) The place of providing the authorized services of professional training trainers is Oradea, a place made available by the bidder | Servicii autorizate de formare profesională barman, cod COR 5132 și ospătar(chelner), cod COR 513102 în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB) | ||
255 | rohu 398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Agentia de Management al Destinatiei Bihor | 09/10/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | Organizing and conducting a Training Program to obtain the certification of BUCĂTAR, COR Code 512001 for 40 persons Within this program, 40 participants selected following a public announcement will be trained and registered in the beneficiary's database. | Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de BUCĂTAR, Cod COR 512001 pentru 40 de persoane În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 40 de participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului. | ||
256 | rohu 398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Agentia de Management al Destinatiei Bihor | 30/09/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | The authorized training of 10 persons as hotel director, COR Code 141105. The courses last for 6 months and are held in Oradea. | Formarea autorizata a 10 persoane ca director hotel, Cod COR 141105. Cursurile au o durată de 6 luni si sunt tinute in Oradea. | ||
257 | rohu 398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Agentia de Management al Destinatiei Bihor | 21/10/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | Authorized training services for tourist pension administrator, Code COR 515203 within the project "CREATING AND DEVELOPING A POLYCENTRIC CROSSBORDER NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJ" ROHU 398 project, acronym: ForTour BHHB) The location of the authorized professional training services, Oradea, the location made available by the bidder | Servicii autorizate de formare profesională administrator pensiune turistică, Cod COR 515203 în cadrul proiectului ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB) Locația de prestare a serviciilor autorizat de formare profesională, Oradea, locație pusă la dispoziție de ofertant | ||
258 | rohu 398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Agentia de Management al Destinatiei Bihor | 14/10/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | Organization and development of a Training Program to obtain the certification of hotel technician, COR code 422401 Within this program 100 participants will be trained following a public announcement and registered in the beneficiary's database. The location of the authorized professional training services, Oradea, the location made available by the bidder | Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de tehnician hotelărie, Cod COR 422401 În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 100 de participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului. Locația de prestare a serviciilor autorizat de formare profesională, Oradea, locație pusă la dispoziție de ofertant | ||
259 | rohu 398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Agentia de Management al Destinatiei Bihor | 17/10/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | Organizing and conducting a Training Program to obtain the certification of sommelier, COR Code 513103. | Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de somelier, Cod COR 513103. | ||
260 | rohu 398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Parohia ortodoxă Iosia-Nord Oradea | 23/10/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | Organizing and conducting a Training Program to obtain the certification of cultural reference specialist, according to COR code 262207 Within this program 30 participants will be trained following a public announcement and registered in the beneficiary's database. | Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de referent de specialitate așezământ cultural, conform cod COR 262207 În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 30 de participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului. | ||
261 | ROHU396 | Cross-border cooperation in the prevention and complex treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases in Békés-Timis counties | Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital Timisoara | 31/10/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | | Awareness forum for the general public on lifestyle and the risk of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases During the events, the three medical experts of the LP will present valuable information for the general public in order to encourage them to develop healthier lifestyles that will prevent the risk of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases. | Forum de conștientizare pentru publicul larg cu privire la stilul de viață și riscul de boli vasculare cardiovasculare și periferice În cadrul evenimentelor, cei trei experți medicali ai LP vor prezenta informații valoroase pentru publicul larg, pentru a-i încuraja să dezvolte stiluri de viață mai sănătoase, care să prevină riscul de boli cardiovasculare și periferice. | |
262 | ROHU-450 | "Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs" | Lead Partner: Csongrád County Health Care Center – Hódmezővásárhely-Makó, Hungary, Project Partner: Association of Vincentian Sisters of Charity - Satu Mare, Romania | 14/11/2019 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania |!Agumv-rdq5YGlpMg1XwkZGlWKFcekg?e=nX3Bmp | Opening conference of ROHU-450 “Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs” implemented within the framework Priority Axis 4 - Improving health-care services. | Conferința de deschidere a proiectului „Dezvoltarea și testarea unor programe eficiente de screening și prevenție ROHU-450” implementat în cadrul Axei prioritare 4 „Îmbunătățirea serviciilor de îngrijire a sănătății”. A „Hatékony Szűrési és Prevenciós Programok Fejlesztése és Tesztelése - ROHU-450” projekt nyitókonferenciájára, mely a 4-es számú Prioritás Tengely „Egészségügyi szolgáltatások fejlesztése” keretében valósul meg. | ||
263 | ROHU-218 | Evergreen | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 15/11/2019 | Gyula | Békés County | Hungary | Seed Exchange Fair | Vetőmag Börze | |||
264 | ROHU-300 | ProTourism | Csanádpalota Városi Önkormányzat | 11/11/2019,12/11/2019,13/11/2019,14/11/2019 | Gyula | Békés county | Hungary | This is the fourth workshop in the ROHU 300 programme. 9 person will participate from the 3 cities (Csanádpalota, Jimbolia, Carpinis). During this workshop they gonna learn IT skills. The 4 day workshop will be organized in Gyula, Békés County, Hungary. | Ez a ROHU 300 program negyedik workshopja. A 3 városból 9 fő vesz részt (Csanádpalota, Jimbolia, Carpinis). A műhely során megtanulják az informatikai készségeket. A 4 napos workshopot Békés megyében, Gyulában rendezik meg. | |||
265 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modenity - Crossborder Cultural Coperation | Csanádpalota Városi Önkormányzat | 27/11/2019 | Csanádpalota | Csongrád county | Hungary | On December 01, 2018, the ROHU 316 Cultural Cooperation competition started in Csanádpalota. Many events were held during the year. These include City Children's Day and City Day. Cooperation between settlements has a long history. The work of the past year will be closed at this event. | 2018. december 01-el elindult Csanádpalotán a ROHU 316 Kultúrális együttműködés pályázat. Egy éven keresztül rengeteg rendezvény került megtartásra. Köztük a Városi Gyermeknap a Városnap is. Az együttműködés a települések között már régi múltra tekint vissza. Ezen a rendezvényen az elmúlt egy év munkája kerül lezárásra. | |||
266 | ROHU-183 | Safe border, safer life | Hajdú-Bihar County police - [HU] HBMRFK | 04/09/2019 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | September 4-5, 2019 On this day a conference will be held with representatives of the project partners. | 4-5 septembrie 2019 În această zi va avea loc o conferință cu reprezentanții partenerilor din proiect. 2019. szeptember 4-5. napján konferencia kerül megtartásra a projektpartnerek képviselőinek részvételével. | |||
267 | ROHU-180 | Drug prevention without borders | Diaspora Foundation | 09/11/2019 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | Invitation to Club event organized for young people. | Invitatie la activitate de club. | |||
268 | ROHU80 | „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” | Comunele Odoreu, Păuleşti, Viile Satu Mare si Halmeu, Tyukodi Önkéntes Tűzoltó Egyesület | 15/11/2019 | Odoreu | Satu Mare | Romania | „Efficient solutions for emergency situations in the cross-border area” workshop | Workshopul „Soluționarea eficientă a situațiilor de urgență din zona transfrontalieră” | |||
269 | ROHU-316 | Tradition and Modenity - Crossborder Cultural Coperation | Csanádpalota Városi Önkormányzat | 27/11/2019 | Csanádpalota | Csongrád county | Hungary | The closing press conference of the ROHU 316 competition will be held on 27.11.2019. | 2019.11.27-én kerül megrendezésre a ROHU 316 pályázat záró sajtótájékoztatója. | |||
270 | ROHU-80 | JOINTRESCUE "BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PROTECTION AND DISTRIBUTION CENTER" | Volunteer Firefighters Association from Tyukod | 25/11/2019 | Nagyar | Szabolcs-Szatmár Bereg | Hungary | ROHU-80 JOINTRESCUE project closing conference in Nagyar | Conferința de închidere a proiectului ROHU-80 JOINTRESCUE Nagyar ROHU-80 JOINTRESCUE projekt záró konferencia Nagyar | |||
271 | ROHU-380 | Verba Docent | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 29/11/2019 | Gyula | Launching Fork lift operator training course. | Targoncavezető képzés elindítása. | |||||
272 | ROHU 215 | “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality – 4FORH2O” | BORS Commune | 21/11/2019 | Bors Commune | Bihor | Romania | The Bors Commune partner will organize the first 2 events in the series of 4 "open days". | Partenerii proiectului vor organiza primele 2 evenimente din seria de 4 "zile deschise". | |||
273 | ROHU 215 | “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality – 4FORH2O” | BORS Commune | 22/11/2019 | Bors Commune | Bihor | Romania | The Bors Commune partner will organize the first 2 events in the series of 4 "open days". | Partenerii proiectului vor organiza primele 2 evenimente din seria de 4 "zile deschise". | |||
274 | ROHU217 | ,,The Minority Question in the ROHU cross-border area: Slovak Culture, Tradition and History without Borders” | Commune of Sinteu (lead beneficiary) | 27/11/2019 | Sinteu | Bihor | Romania | The conference is organized by the leadership of the Commune Hall of Sinteu, as Lead Beneficiary, respectively by the leadership of the Organization of Slovaks Csaba, Békés County, Hungary, as Project Partners. The purpose of the event is the official closure of the ROHU271 project “The Minority Question in the ROHU cross-border area: Slovak Culture, Tradition and History without Borders”. | Conferinţa este organizată de către conducerea Primăriei comunei Șinteu, în calitate de Beneficiar Lider, respectiv de către conducerea Organizației Slovacilor din Csaba, Judeţului Békés, Ungaria, în calitate de Parteneri de proiect. Scopul evenimentului este închiderea oficială a proiectului ROHU271 ,,The Minority Question in the ROHU cross-border area: Slovak Culture, Tradition and History without Borders” (Problema minorității slovace în regiunea transfrontalieră româno-maghiară: cultură, tradiții și istorie fără frontiere). | |||
275 | ROHU392 | Integrated response for medical assistance in the cross-border region | UAT Comuna Moftin | 03/12/2019 | Moftin | Satu Mare | Romania | Official launching of the project, presentation of its objectives, activities and partnership. | Lansarea oficiala a proiectului, prezentarea obiectivelor acestuia, activitatilor, parteneriatului. | |||
276 | ROHU-183 | SAFE BORDER, SAFER LIFE | Prefecture of Bihor County, Hajdu-Bihar County Police, Oradea Regional Border Police, Bihor County Police | 05/12/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | The joint training of the Romanian and Hungarian police workers aims to improve institutional capacity to better respond to challenges brought up by migration in Bihor-Hajdu-Bihar cross-border region. The training consists of both theoretical and practical exercises, which will be implemented in the refurbished facilities developed within the project, with the equipment acquired within the project. The themes of the training do not address the general public, as they are focused on border management and public order. The recruiting of the trainees is done in a transparent matter, respecting the non-discriminatory participation principle. | Instruirea comună a polițiștilor români și maghiari are scopul de a îmbunătăți capacitatea instituțională în vederea gestionării provocărilor migrației în regiunea transfrontalieră Bihor-Hajdu-Bihar. Instruirea constă în exerciții teoretice și practice, care se vor desfășura în cadrul facilităților modernizate prin proiect, cu echipamente achiziționate în cadrul proiectului. Temele instruirii nu se adresează publicului larg, acestea fiind focusate pe managementul migrației și ordine publică.Recrutarea personalului instruit se face în mod transparent, cu respectarea principiului non-discriminării. | |||
277 | ROHU-385 | HEY! - Helping the Employment of Youth in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties | Asociatia AGES | 28/11/2019 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | The objective of the event is the official launching of the project to the general public, combined with the presentation of a research study results about the labor market in Satu Mare (RO) and Szabolc-Szatmar-Bereg (HU) counties, focused on youth between 17-35 years. | Obiectivul evenimentului este lansarea oficială a proiectului pentru publicul larg, alături de prezentarea rezultatelor unui studiu de cercetare despre piața muncii derulat în județele Satu Mare (RO) și Szabolc-Szatmar-Bereg (HU), axat pe tinerii între 17-35 de ani. | |||
278 | ROHU 215 | “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality” - acronym 4FORH2O | BORS Commune | 26/11/2019 | Bors - Romania | Bihor | Romania | The PP Bors Commune is responsible to organize training sessions and experience exchanges site visits, with components both theoretical and practical, for a total number of 50 persons, employees of the 4 institutions involved in this project. These training sessions are structured in 4 series, for around 12 - 14 persons each. The theoretical part will last 2 days, followed by a site visits in Hungary, also for 2 days. The modules of the training program will be designed taking into consideration the characteristics both of the new equipment as well as comprehensive presentation of water characteristics in the targeted region - that is both on Romanian and Hungarian parts. For each training session the budgetary allocation is covering the training materials, catering, travel to Hungary, accommodation, traning materials & visibility materials. | Comuna Borș este responsabilă cu organizarea de sesiuni de instruire și schimburi de experiență, cu componente atât teoretice cât și practice, pentru un număr total de 50 de persoane, angajați din cele 4 instituții partenere implicate în acest proiect. Aceste sesiuni de formare sunt structurate în 4 serii, pentru aproximativ 12-14 persoane / serie. Partea teoretică va dura 2 zile, urmată de vizite în Ungaria, de asemenea, timp de 2 zile. Modulele programului de instruire vor fi proiectate luând în considerare atât caracteristicile echipamentelor noi, cât și prezentarea cuprinzătoare a caracteristicilor apei în regiunea vizată - atât pentru partea română cât și pentru cea maghiară. Pentru fiecare sesiune de formare, alocarea bugetară se referă la materialele de instruire, catering, deplasarea în Ungaria, cazare, materiale de instruire /promovare. | |||
279 | ROHU 215 | “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality” - acronym 4FORH2O | BORS Commune | 27/11/2019 | Bors - Romania | Bihor | Romania | The PP Bors Commune is responsible to organize training sessions and experience exchanges site visits, with components both theoretical and practical, for a total number of 50 persons, employees of the 4 institutions involved in this project. These training sessions are structured in 4 series, for around 12 - 14 persons each. The theoretical part will last 2 days, followed by a site visits in Hungary, also for 2 days. The modules of the training program will be designed taking into consideration the characteristics both of the new equipment as well as comprehensive presentation of water characteristics in the targeted region - that is both on Romanian and Hungarian parts. For each training session the budgetary allocation is covering the training materials, catering, travel to Hungary, accommodation, traning materials & visibility materials. | Comuna Borș este responsabilă cu organizarea de sesiuni de instruire și schimburi de experiență, cu componente atât teoretice cât și practice, pentru un număr total de 50 de persoane, angajați din cele 4 instituții partenere implicate în acest proiect. Aceste sesiuni de formare sunt structurate în 4 serii, pentru aproximativ 12-14 persoane / serie. Partea teoretică va dura 2 zile, urmată de vizite în Ungaria, de asemenea, timp de 2 zile. Modulele programului de instruire vor fi proiectate luând în considerare atât caracteristicile echipamentelor noi, cât și prezentarea cuprinzătoare a caracteristicilor apei în regiunea vizată - atât pentru partea română cât și pentru cea maghiară. Pentru fiecare sesiune de formare, alocarea bugetară se referă la materialele de instruire, catering, deplasarea în Ungaria, cazare, materiale de instruire /promovare. | |||
280 | ROHU 215 | “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality” - acronym 4FORH2O | BORS Commune | 28/11/2019 | Bekescsaba | Bekes | Hungary | The PP Bors Commune is responsible to organize training sessions and experience exchanges site visits, with components both theoretical and practical, for a total number of 50 persons, employees of the 4 institutions involved in this project. These training sessions are structured in 4 series, for around 12 - 14 persons each. The theoretical part will last 2 days, followed by a site visits in Hungary, also for 2 days. The modules of the training program will be designed taking into consideration the characteristics both of the new equipment as well as comprehensive presentation of water characteristics in the targeted region - that is both on Romanian and Hungarian parts. For each training session the budgetary allocation is covering the training materials, catering, travel to Hungary, accommodation, traning materials & visibility materials. | Comuna Borș este responsabilă cu organizarea de sesiuni de instruire și schimburi de experiență, cu componente atât teoretice cât și practice, pentru un număr total de 50 de persoane, angajați din cele 4 instituții partenere implicate în acest proiect. Aceste sesiuni de formare sunt structurate în 4 serii, pentru aproximativ 12-14 persoane / serie. Partea teoretică va dura 2 zile, urmată de vizite în Ungaria, de asemenea, timp de 2 zile. Modulele programului de instruire vor fi proiectate luând în considerare atât caracteristicile echipamentelor noi, cât și prezentarea cuprinzătoare a caracteristicilor apei în regiunea vizată - atât pentru partea română cât și pentru cea maghiară. Pentru fiecare sesiune de formare, alocarea bugetară se referă la materialele de instruire, catering, deplasarea în Ungaria, cazare, materiale de instruire /promovare. | |||
281 | ROHU 215 | “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality” - acronym 4FORH2O | BORS Commune | 29/11/2019 | Bekescsaba | Bekes | Hungary | The PP Bors Commune is responsible to organize training sessions and experience exchanges site visits, with components both theoretical and practical, for a total number of 50 persons, employees of the 4 institutions involved in this project. These training sessions are structured in 4 series, for around 12 - 14 persons each. The theoretical part will last 2 days, followed by a site visits in Hungary, also for 2 days. The modules of the training program will be designed taking into consideration the characteristics both of the new equipment as well as comprehensive presentation of water characteristics in the targeted region - that is both on Romanian and Hungarian parts. For each training session the budgetary allocation is covering the training materials, catering, travel to Hungary, accommodation, traning materials & visibility materials. | Comuna Borș este responsabilă cu organizarea de sesiuni de instruire și schimburi de experiență, cu componente atât teoretice cât și practice, pentru un număr total de 50 de persoane, angajați din cele 4 instituții partenere implicate în acest proiect. Aceste sesiuni de formare sunt structurate în 4 serii, pentru aproximativ 12-14 persoane / serie. Partea teoretică va dura 2 zile, urmată de vizite în Ungaria, de asemenea, timp de 2 zile. Modulele programului de instruire vor fi proiectate luând în considerare atât caracteristicile echipamentelor noi, cât și prezentarea cuprinzătoare a caracteristicilor apei în regiunea vizată - atât pentru partea română cât și pentru cea maghiară. Pentru fiecare sesiune de formare, alocarea bugetară se referă la materialele de instruire, catering, deplasarea în Ungaria, cazare, materiale de instruire /promovare. | |||
282 | ROHU-41 | Safer communities in the cross border area by improved disaster management | Valcani Commune | 01/12/2019 | Valcani | Timis | Romania | | Closing press conference | Final conference | ||
283 | 285 | Healthy Traditions - science for next generation | Asociatia Iris Research, Arad | 05/12/2019 | Arad | Arad | Romania | We have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the Workshop on scientific topics "Understanding My Ancestors - Our Daily Bread,". The event is organized within the "Healthy traditions - Science for next generation" project - ROHU 285, financed by the European Union within the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Program. | Avem plăcerea deosebită de a vă invita să participați la Workshopul pe teme științifice „Înțelegându-i pe străbunii mei - Pâinea cea de toate zilele”. Evenimentul este organizat în cadrul proiectului „Healthy traditions -Science for next generation” - ROHU 285, proiect finanțat în cadrul Programului Interreg V-A România-Ungaria. Tisztelettel meghívjuk önöket, hogy csatlakozzanak “A saját őseimet megértve - A mindennapi kenyér” című tudományos rendezvényre, amely az InterregROHU 285 - “Healthy traditions – Science for next generation” projekt keretén történik. Az Interreg V-A Románia-Magyarország együttműködési programot az Európai Unió társfinanszírozza. | |||
284 | 285 | Healthy Traditions - science for next generation | Asociatia Iris Research, Arad | 05/12/2019 | Arad | Arad | Romania | We have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the Workshop on scientific topics "Understanding My Ancestors - Our Daily Bread,". The event is organized within the "Healthy traditions - Science for next generation" project - ROHU 285, financed by the European Union within the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Program. | Avem plăcerea deosebită de a vă invita să participați la Workshopul pe teme științifice „Înțelegându-i pe străbunii mei - Pâinea cea de toate zilele”. Evenimentul este organizat în cadrul proiectului „Healthy traditions -Science for next generation” - ROHU 285, proiect finanțat în cadrul Programului Interreg V-A România-Ungaria. Tisztelettel meghívjuk önöket, hogy csatlakozzanak “A saját őseimet megértve - A mindennapi kenyér” című tudományos rendezvényre, amely az InterregROHU 285 - “Healthy traditions – Science for next generation” projekt keretén történik. Az Interreg V-A Románia-Magyarország együttműködési programot az Európai Unió társfinanszírozza. | |||
285 | ROHU265 | LET'S CELEBRATE OUR TRADITIONS TOGETHER | CETARIU COMMUNE, Kaba City Local Government | 22/12/2019 | Kaba | Hajdú-Bihar | HUNGARY | | We cordially invite all interested to our Advent event will be held on 22 Dec 2019 at 4 PM on the main square of Kaba town. The community of the city for over 10 years prepare advent wreaths on the main square, waiting and celebrating the coming of the Lord by kindling the four Advent candles. The event is organized within the "LET'S CELEBRATE OUR TRADITIONS TOGETHER" project - ROHU265, financed by the European Union within the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Program. | Szeretettel meghívunk minden érdeklődőt az Adventi rendezvényünkre, amelyet 2019. december 22-én, 16 órakor, Kaba város főterén tartunk. A város közössége több mint 10 éve adventi koszorúkat készít a főtéren, várva és ünnepelve az Úr eljövetelét a négy adventi gyertya meggyújtásával. A rendezvényt az "ÜNNEPELJÜK EGYÜTT HAGYOMÁNYAINKAT" - ROHU265 projekt keretében szervezzük, amelyet az Európai Unió az Interreg V-A Románia-Magyarország program keretében finanszíroz. | ||
286 | ROHU 215 | “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality” 4FORH2O | BORS Commune | 10/12/2019 | Valea lui Mihai | BIHOR | ROMANIA | | Press Conference no. 3 The press conference will take place on the 10th of December 2019, starting at 10.30, in the conference hall of the Town hall of Mihai's Valley, the path of Revolution, Nr. 2 In the hope that you will honor us with your presence, please confirm your participation by email at [email protected] or by telephone number 0259 316155. | Primăria Comunei Borș organizează în data de 10 decembrie 2019, cea de-a treia conferință de presă dedicată promovării proiectului “Dezvoltarea de soluții comune pentru creșterea calității apei potabile”, acronim 4FORH2O, cod eMS ROHU 215. Conferința de presă va avea loc în data de 10 decembrie 2019, cu începere de la ora 10,30, în Sala de Conferințe a Primăriei Orașului Valea lui Mihai, Calea Revolutiei, nr. 2 În speranța că ne veți onora cu prezența, vă rugăm să ne confirmați participarea prin e-mail la [email protected] sau telefonic la numărul 0259 316155. | ||
287 | ROHU 215 | “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality” 4FORH2O | BORS Commune | 12/12/2019 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Press conference no. 4 Borş Town Hall organizes on December 12th, 2019, the fourth press conference dedicated to promoting the project "Development of common solutions to increase the quality of drinking water", acronym 4FORH2O, eMS ROHU 215 code. | Sajtótájékoztató – Békéscsaba, 2019.12.12. MEGHÍVÓ | |||
288 | ROHU-398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Agentia de Management al Destinatiei Bihor | 11/12/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | Organizing and conducting a Training Program in order to obtain the confectioner-pastry certification, according to code COR 7512010 - confectioner and code COR 751202 - pastry. Under this program will be trained 20 participants selected following a public announcement and registered in the beneficiary's database. The training services will be offered for 1 group -20 confectioners, within the training program in order to obtain the certification, code COR 751202 and patisserie, code COR 751202 and will be organized in a location located in Oradea, on lasting 7 months. | Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de cofetar-patiser, conform cod COR 7512010 - cofetar și cod COR 751202 - patiser. În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 20 de participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului. Oferirea de servicii de formare se va realiza pentru 1 grupă -20 de cofetari, în cadrul programului de formare în vederea obținerii certificării, cod COR 751202 și patiser, cod COR 751202 și vor fi organizate într-o locație de desfășurare situată în Oradea, pe durata a 7 luni de zile. | ||
289 | ROHU-256 | Crossborder Youth Community | Asociația Kécenlét | 14/12/2019 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | We are kindely invite you to the CrossYounity concert prepared for you by a group of young volunteers from the ROHU cross-border area Venue: Centrul Crestin Salem, 17:30 - 19:30 | Vă așteptăm cu drag la concertul CrossYounity, pregătit pentru Dvs. de o echipă de tiner voluntari din regiunea transfrontalieră RO-HU. Locația Centrul Crestin Salem, 17:30 - 19:30 | ||
290 | ROHU-385 | HEY! | Ötlet a Vidékért Egyesület | 28/01/2020 | Ópályi | Workshop location: Ópályi Telehouse Program: | A workshop helye: Ópályi Teleház Program: | |||||
291 | ROHU 449 | az egészségügyi szolgáltatások és az ezekhez való hozzáférés elősegítése illetve fejlesztése a sürgősségi esetekkel kapcsolatos orvosi beavatkozások területén” | Berettyóújfalu Város Önkormányzata | 29/01/2020 | Berettyóújfalu | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | We cordially invite you to the opening conference of the project in 2020. January 29th, at 10:00 am, in the Count Tisza Hospital István, Böszörményi Nagy Géza Hall (4100, Berettyóújfalu, Orbán Balázs tér 1.) here. | Ezennel tisztelettel meghívjuk a projekt nyitókonferenciájára, melyre 2020. január 29-én, 10.00 órai kezdettel, a Gróf Tisza István Kórház, Böszörményi Nagy Géza teremben (4100, Berettyóújfalu, Orbán Balázs tér 1.) kerül sor. | ||
292 | ROHU179 | ,,Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania - Hungary cross border region”. | Commune of Sinteu (beneficiary) | 05/02/2020 | Sinteu | Bihor | Romania | Workshop regarding the use of IT equipment in the public sector, public safety in scattered localities and modern tools of communication with citizens. The central theme of the discussion will be the concept of SMART COMMUNITY. | Atelier privind utilizarea echipamentelor IT în sectorul public, siguranţa publică în localităţile disparate, instrumente moderne de comunicare cu cetățenii. În centrul discuției se va afla conceptul de SMART COMMUNITY. | |||
293 | ROHU179 | ,,Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania - Hungary cross border region”. | Municipality of Marghita (beneficiary) | 12/02/2020 | Marghita | Bihor | Romania | Workshop on the management of public information. The purpose of the event is to evaluate the pilot activity implemented by Marghita Municipality within the project, to present the benefits and results obtained and to identify new ways to continue the collaboration between the partners. | Atelier pe tema gestionarii informaţiei publice. Scopul evenimentului este evaluarea activitatii-pilot implementate de către Municipiul Marghita în cadrul proiectului, prezentarea beneficiilor și rezultatelor obținute și identificarea de noi modalități de continuare a colaborării între parteneri. | |||
294 | ROHU179 | ,,Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania - Hungary cross border region”. | Town of Alesd (lead beneficiary) | 21/02/2020 | Alesd | Bihor | Romania | Workshop on the existing methods applied by the local public authorities to increase the local administrative capacity in relation to the management of the local budgets, the evaluation of the pilot activity, the permanent and long-term collaboration between project partners on public administration themes, evaluation. | Atelier privind metodele existente aplicate de autorităţile publice locale pentru creşterea capacităţii administrative locale în relaţie cu gestionarea bugetelor locale, evaluarea activitatii pilot, continuarea colaborarii de lunga durata intre parteneri privind teme de administratie publica locala, evaluarea proiectului. | |||
295 | ROHU 179 | Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania - Hungary cross border region | Berettyóújfalu Város Önkormányzata | 31/01/2020 | Berettyóújfalu | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | Berettyóújfalu City Council will hold a closing event in ROHU application number 179 from 10 am on January 31, 2020. | Berettyóújfalu Város Önkormányzata záró rendezvényt tart a ROHU 179 azonosítószámú pályázat keretein belül 2020. január 31-én 10 órától. | ||
296 | ROHU179 | ,,Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania - Hungary cross border region”. | Town of Alesd (lead beneficiary) | 21/02/2020 | Alesd | Bihor | Romania | The purpose of the event is the official conclusion of the ROHU179 project: the results of the project will be presented, the benefits of the implemented activities, the objectives achieved will be evaluated and new development directions and future collaboration ideas will be established. | Scopul evenimentului este încheierea oficială a proiectului ROHU179, vor fi prezentate rezultatele proiectului, beneficiile activităților implementate, vor fi evaluate obiectivele atinse și vor fi stabilite noi direcții de dezvoltare și viitoare idei de colaborare. | |||
297 | ROHU 215 | “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality – 4FORH2O” | BORS Commune | 13/01/2020 | Bors Commune | Bihor | Romania | Training session 2 | Sesiune de instruire 2 | |||
298 | ROHU 215 | “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality – 4FORH2O” | BORS Commune | 20/01/2020 | Bors Commune | Bihor | Romania | Training session 3 | Sesiune de instruire 3 | |||
299 | ROHU179 | "Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania-Hungary cross border region" | Szarvas Város Önkormányzata / Municipality of Szarvas | 30/01/2020 | Szarvas | Békés | Magyarország | | The event is the last workshop of the Project Partner Towns in Szarvas in the frame of our joint project titled ROHU179 ABBTROHU. On the meeting the Municipality of Szarvas invites the participants to a dialogue in the realized project where we talk about the implemented activities, experiences and joint work with our partners. The project management will talk about the future project possibilities and we will wait for our partners' opinions, feelings and future plans in INTERREG, in other cross-border cooperation facilities. | A konferencia keretében Szarvas Város Önkormányzata egy kötetlen beszélgetés keretében beszámol a projektben elért eredményeiről, megvalósított tevékenységeiről, tapasztalatairól. A projektmemendzsment beszél a jövőbeli pályázási lehetőségekről, és örömmel vesszük, ha kedves partnereink elmondják véleményüket, érzéseiket, jövőbeli terveiket az INTERREG pályázati konstrukcióban, valamint egyéb határmenti együttműködési lehetőségeik terén. | ||
300 | ROHU-385 | HEY! | Ötlet a Vidékért Egyesület | 12/02/2020 | Nagyecsed | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Workshop location: Ópályi Telehouse Program: | A workshop helye: Ópályi Teleház Program: | ||||
301 | ROHU-380 | Verba Docent | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 04/02/2020 | Gyula | Bekes | Hungary | Launching the Milking machine operator training course. | Fejőgépkezelő képzés elindítása. | |||
302 | ROHU-180 | Drug prevention without borders | Szent Gellért Társaság a külhoni magyarság támogatásáért | 20/02/2020 | Szeged | Csongrád | Hungary | We invite you on behalf of the St Gellert Association for the support of abroad Hungarians to the closing conference of the Drug Prevention Without Borders project. The event ends with a standing reception. The event will take place on February 20, 2020 at 4 pm in Albert Szent Györgyi Albert Agora in Szeged. 6722 Szeged, Calvary Avenue 23. | Szeretettel meghívjuk Önt a Szent Gellért Társaság nevében a Drogmegelőzés határok nélkül című projekt A rendezvény állófogadással zárul. A rendezvényre 2020. február 20-án 16 órakor kerül sor Szegeden a Szent-Györgyi Albert Agórában. 6722 Szeged, Kálvária sugárút 23. | |||
303 | ROHU179 | ,,Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania - Hungary cross border region”. | Municipality of Marghita (beneficiary) | 13/02/2020 | Marghita | Bihor | Romania | Workshop on the management of public information. The purpose of the event is to evaluate the pilot activity implemented by Marghita Municipality within the project, to present the benefits and results obtained and to identify new ways to continue the collaboration between the partners. | Atelier pe tema gestionarii informaţiei publice. Scopul evenimentului este evaluarea activitatii-pilot implementate de către Municipiul Marghita în cadrul proiectului, prezentarea beneficiilor și rezultatelor obținute și identificarea de noi modalități de continuare a colaborării între parteneri. | |||
304 | ROHU265 | LET'S CELEBRATE OUR TRADITIONS TOGETHER | PB2 | 15/02/2020 | Kaba | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | | | | Second Press conference in the framework of the Interreg "LET'S CELEBRATE OUR TRADITIONS TOGETHER" project (Acronym "TOGETHER", eMS code: ROHU265). | Kaba Város Polgármesterének megbízásából tisztelettel meghívom Önöket az Interreg „Ünnepeljük együtt hagyományainkat!” című pályázat keretében (Rövid címe „EGYÜTT”, eMS kód: ROHU265) megrendezésre kerülő sajtótájékoztatóra. A rendezvény időpontja 2020. 02. 15. délelőtt 18:00 óra. Helyszíne Kaba Város Polgármesteri Hivatala (HU4183 Kaba Szabadság tér 1.). |
305 | ROHU265 | LET'S CELEBRATE OUR TRADITIONS TOGETHER | PB2 | 15/02/2020 | Kaba | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | | | | We cordially invite all interested to our Carnival event will be held on 15 Feb 2020 at 7 PM in the Gymnasium of Kaba town. There are several themes and the guests wear various fancy dresses and they are not only Kabai residents, but also more people represent the surrounding settlements. The fancy dresses give the opportunity to hide the people and they can play the role of someone else. Local people prepare with a musical, dance program. The program provide pleasant winter entertainment, recreation and active relaxation. Time to meet others and get new friends, to refresh and develop relationships. | Szeretettel meghívunk minden érdeklődőt a Farsangi rendezvényünkre, amelyet 2020. február 15-én, 19 órakor, Kaba város tornacsarnokában rendezünk meg. Különböző téma alapján jelmezbe öltöznek a résztvevők, akik nem csak kabai lakosok, hanem többen érkeznek a környező településekről is. A maskara, lehetőséget biztosít valaki más bőrébe bújni, játszani. Zenés, táncos műsorral készülnek a helyiek. Kellemes kikapcsolódást, feltöltődést, aktív pihenést jelent. Alkalom a találkozásra, ismerkedésre, kapcsolatok ápolására, kialakítására. |
306 | ROHU 180 | Drug prevention without borders | Diaspora Foundation | 08/02/2020 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | Invitation to Club event In the project entitled Drug prevention without borders (ROHU 180 - NoDrugs) we are organizing club events. We are inviting youth aged 15-18 years old to join the club. This club is offering a useful spare time: playing different board games | Invitație la un club pentru tineri În cadrul proiectului Prevenirea fără frontiere a consumului de droguri (ROHU 180 - NoDrugs) organizăm un club dedicat tinerilor cu vârsta de 15-18 ani. Clubul oferă o alternativă a petrecerii timpului liber: organizând o serată de jocuri de societate. Meghívó egy ifjúsági klubtalálkozóra A Kábítószer megelőzés határok nélkül című projekt (ROHU 180 - NoDrugs) keretében egy klubeseményt szervezünk 15-18 éves fiatalok számára. A Klub egy jó lehetőséget biztosít a szabadidő tartalmas eltöltésére: társasjáték est biztosításával. Helyszín: Bulevardul 16 Decembrie 1989 Nr.15 | ||
307 | ROHU-180 | Drug prevention without borders | Diaspora Foundation | 11/02/2020 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | Invitation to Club event In the project entitled Drug prevention without borders (ROHU 180 - NoDrugs) we are organizing club events. We are inviting youth aged 15-18 years old to join the club. This club is offering a useful spare time: sport time! | Invitație la un club pentru tineri În cadrul proiectului Prevenirea fără frontiere a consumului de droguri (ROHU 180 - NoDrugs) organizăm un club dedicat tinerilor cu vârsta de 15-18 ani. Clubul oferă o alternativă a petrecerii timpului liber: un program sportiv. Meghívó egy ifjúsági klubtalálkozóra A Kábítószer megelőzés határok nélkül című projekt (ROHU 180 - NoDrugs) keretében egy klubeseményt szervezünk 15-18 éves fiatalok számára. A Klub egy jó lehetőséget biztosít a szabadidő tartalmas eltöltésére: sportprogram biztosításával. Helyszín: Bulevardul General Ion Dragalina 11A | ||
308 | ROHU7 | Joint Challenge and Joint Cooperation for the Management of Cross-Border Natural Heritage | Körös-Maros National Park Directorate | 11/02/2020 | Szarvas | Invitation to Joint HuRo Conference Koros-Maros National Park Directorate will hold the closing event of the ROHU7 project at 9 am on February 11, 2020, in the Körös Valley Visitor Center (Szarvas, Anna-liget 1.). The conference will be presented of the nature conservation status of the cross-bordes nature values, especially with the results of the project's Natura 2000 surveys. | Meghívó a projekt zárórendezvényére A Körös-Maros Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság megrendezi a ROHU7 projekt zárórendezvényét 2020 február 11-én 9 órától, a Körösvölgyi Látogatóközpontban (Szarvas, Anna-liget 1.). A konferencia témája a határ menti természetvédelmi értékek állapotát ismertetése, különös tekintettel a projekt során megvalósuló Natura 2000 kutatások eredményeire | |||||
309 | 399 | Green Skills Platform for Sustainable Employment Development | Fundația pentru Cultură și Învățământ “Ioan Slavici” | 24/02/2020 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | First Project Open Day for high-school students and university students in order to raise awareness for the importance of green business, green jobs and green skills. | Open Day 1 pentru elevi de liceu si studenti pentru constientizarea importantei afacerilor, job-urilor verzi si verzi | |||
310 | ROHU399 | Green Skills Platform for Sustainable Employment Development | Novum Association, Szó-Tér Association | 21/02/2020 | Szeged | Hungary | Csongrad | Project open day: environmental health challenges of workplaces | Projekt nyílt nap: A munkahelyek környezet egészségügyi kihívásai | |||
311 | ROHU-300 | Common challenges-common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourism | Comuna Carpinis | 18/02/2020 | Carpinis | Timis | Romania | | Carpinis commune is glad to invite you at a public meeting in the frame of the project Common challenges-common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourism (ProTourism). | Comuna Cărpiniş vă invită la întâlnirea publică care va avea loc în cadrului proiectului ProTourism. Gyertyámos község polgármesteri hivatala meghívja Önöket a ProTourism projekt keretében megvalósuló nyilvános találkozóra. | ||
312 | ROHU-300 | Common challenges-common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourism | Comuna Carpinis | 21/02/2020 | Jimbolia | Timis | Romania | | Carpinis commune is glad to invite you at a public meeting in the frame of the project Common challenges-common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourism (ProTourism). | Comuna Cărpiniş vă invită la întâlnirea publică care va avea loc în cadrului proiectului ProTourism. Gyertyámos község polgármesteri hivatala meghívja Önöket a ProTourism projekt keretében megvalósuló nyilvános találkozóra. | ||
313 | ROHU-300 | Common challenges-common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourism | Comuna Carpinis | 24/02/2020 | Csanádpalota | Csongrád | Magyarország | | Carpinis commune is glad to invite you at a public meeting in the frame of the project Common challenges-common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourism (ProTourism). | Comuna Cărpiniş vă invită la întâlnirea publică care va avea loc în cadrului proiectului ProTourism. Gyertyámos község polgármesteri hivatala meghívja Önöket a ProTourism projekt keretében megvalósuló nyilvános találkozóra. | ||
314 | 180 | Drug prevention without borders | Diaspora Foundation | 19/02/2020 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | Invitation to Club event In the project entitled Drug prevention without borders (ROHU 180 - NoDrugs) we are organizing club events. We are inviting youth aged 15-18 years old to join the club. This club is offering a useful spare time: sport time! | Invitație la un club pentru tineri În cadrul proiectului Prevenirea fără frontiere a consumului de droguri (ROHU 180 - NoDrugs) organizăm un club dedicat tinerilor cu vârsta de 15-18 ani. Clubul oferă o alternativă a petrecerii timpului liber: un program sportiv. Meghívó ifjúsági klubtalálkozóra A Kábítószer megelőzés határok nélkül című projekt (ROHU 180 - NoDrugs) keretében egy klubeseményt szervezünk 15-18 éves fiatalok számára. A Klub egy jó lehetőséget biztosít a szabadidő tartalmas eltöltésére: sportprogram biztosításával. Helyszín: Piața Regina Maria 1 | ||
315 | ROHU-161 | O-IKT (Sport-Health-Tourism-Youth) | Dél-alföldi Teleházak Regionális Közhazsnú Egyesülete | 19/02/2020 | Szeged, Ásotthalom, Ópusztaszer, Sándorfalva | Csongrád | Hungary | Aim: To educate and inform the target group about the newly developed orienteering areas, and to involve rural areas into digital development. Target group: Training syllabus: Place of the training: Virtual + and 5 + 3 community space | A Dél-alföldi Teleházak Regionális Közhasznú Egyesülete, mint az című, RO-HU 161 azonosítószámú projekt konzorciumvezetője, amelynek megvalósítása keretében a Tájékozódási Futásért Alapítvány és az Condor Club Arad partnerségével 2020. februárjában új eszközzel, új szolgáltatásokra szeretné a Teleházak, DJP-ok és kis közösségek figyelmét felhívni. Mi is a webinárium? A webinárium, a “web” és a “szeminárium” szó trükkös összeházasításából született. Vagyis a webinárium valójában online szeminárium. Hogyan tudsz csatlakozni? A számítógépen nincsen szükség telepítésre, a webinár böngészőben futó alkalmazás, amely egy átlagos számítógépen is működik. A jelentkezési felület itt érhető el. Információ, további kérdések a csatlakozás módjáról: Kovács Márta, +36304030075; [email protected], vagy Farkas Ildikó +36202158880; [email protected] Célunk felhívni a figyelmet egy olyan életformára, amely megközelíti az egészséges, felelősségteljes, környezettudatos életmódot a tájékozódási futás eszközével, amelynek kimenete a munkaképesség hosszú távú megőrzése, a nemzedékek és a család megerősített kapcsolata, valamint a fiatalok természet szeretetének kibontakoztatása. Célcsoport: Elsősorban olyan emberek közösségéből áll, akik a kis települések lakosai számára a terület rejtett értékekeit és turisztikai látványosságait népszerűsítő céljaik vannak. Ezek az emberek teleházakban dolgoznak, kulturális központok vezetői, tanárok vagy civil szervezetek munkatársai, lokálpatrióták, önkéntes segítők. Ők azok, akik képesek felhívni a teljes népesség, különös tekintettel a fiatalok, gyerekek figyelmét arra, hogy felkutassák és dokumentálják a helyi értékeket, és ezzel hozzájáruljank a a település fejlesztéséhez. Ezenkívül az előadásokhoz bárki csatlakozhat, a 4. modul elsősorban természetkedvelő, és tájékozódási futók számára készült. A választható szemináriumok tematikája 4 modulban: 1. modul 2. modul 3. modul 4. Modul Közösségben való megtekintési lehetőségek helyszínei: • Ásotthalom: Ásotthalmi Művelődési Ház; Ásotthalom, Béke u. 28, 6783 Kövess minket a facebookon, ahol a részletekről és időpontokról és a helyszínekről naponta friss információk jelennek meg! Honlap:, Tudnivalók: Felhívjuk szíves figyelmeteket, hogy a rendezvényen/képzésen fényképek és videofelvételek készülnek, melyeket illusztrációként, illetve promóciós célból felhasználhatunk. | |||
316 | ROHU386 | „Improving cross-border health care services with modernized medical equipment within Dr. Gavril Curteanu Hospital in Oradea and Békés County Central Hospital” | Békés Megyei Központi Kórház | 27/02/2020 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | Invitation to the opening press conference | Meghívó projekt nyitó konferenciára | |||
317 | ROHU-14 | Conservarea, protejarea și promovarea valorilor naturale din zona transfrontalieră Salonta – Békéscsaba, ROHU-14 – The Nature Corner | Asociația Milvus Transilvania Vest | 29/02/2020 | Salonta | Bihor | Romania | |úzok.jpg | Salonta will be hosting an ornithological meeting focused on the conservation of species under threat. | Sunt așteptați peste 20 de specialiști din țară și din străinătate la Salonta (județul Bihor), pentru o întâlnire științifică despre programele de monitorizare a unor păsări amenințate cu dispariția. Vor fi prezentate activități de conservare ce vizează specii care figurează pe Lista roșie a IUCN (Uniunea Internațională pentru Conservarea Naturii) ca fiind vulnerabile, precum dropia (Otis tarda) sau gâsca cu gât roșu (Branta ruficollis), dar și specii potential amenințate cu dispariția, cum este dumbrăveanca (Coragias garrulus). După prezentări și discuții, se va organiza și o ieșire pe teren pe pusta Salontei, specia-țintă fiind dropia (Otis tarda). Program: Organizator: Asociația Milvus Transilvania Vest | |
318 | ROHU 161 | O-IKT (Sport-Egészség-Turizmus-Ifjúság) | Dél-alföldi Teleházak Regionális Közhasznú Egyesülete | 26/02/2020 | Szeged, Ásotthalom, Ópusztaszer, Sándorfalva | Csongrád | Hungary | Aim: To educate and inform the target group about the newly developed orienteering areas, and to involve rural areas into digital development. Target group: Training syllabus: Place of the training: Virtual + and 5 + 3 community space | A Dél-alföldi Teleházak Regionális Közhasznú Egyesülete, mint az O-IKT (Sport-Health-Tourism-Youth) című, RO-HU 161 azonosítószámú projekt konzorciumvezetője, amelynek megvalósítása keretében a Tájékozódási Futásért Alapítvány és az Condor Club Arad partnerségével 2020. februárjában új eszközzel, új szolgáltatásokra szeretné a Teleházak, DJP-ok és kis közösségek figyelmét felhívni. Mi is a webinárium? A webinárium, a “web” és a “szeminárium” szó trükkös összeházasításából született. Vagyis a webinárium valójában online szeminárium. Hogyan tudsz csatlakozni? A számítógépen nincsen szükség telepítésre, a webinár böngészőben futó alkalmazás, amely egy átlagos számítógépen is működik. A jelentkezési felület itt érhető el. Információ, további kérdések a csatlakozás módjáról: Kovács Márta, +36304030075; [email protected], vagy Farkas Ildikó +36202158880; [email protected] Célunk felhívni a figyelmet egy olyan életformára, amely megközelíti az egészséges, felelősségteljes, környezettudatos életmódot a tájékozódási futás eszközével, amelynek kimenete a munkaképesség hosszú távú megőrzése, a nemzedékek és a család megerősített kapcsolata, valamint a fiatalok természet szeretetének kibontakoztatása. Célcsoport: Elsősorban olyan emberek közösségéből áll, akik a kis települések lakosai számára a terület rejtett értékekeit és turisztikai látványosságait népszerűsítő céljaik vannak. Ezek az emberek teleházakban dolgoznak, kulturális központok vezetői, tanárok vagy civil szervezetek munkatársai, lokálpatrióták, önkéntes segítők. Ők azok, akik képesek felhívni a teljes népesség, különös tekintettel a fiatalok, gyerekek figyelmét arra, hogy felkutassák és dokumentálják a helyi értékeket, és ezzel hozzájáruljank a a település fejlesztéséhez. Ezenkívül az előadásokhoz bárki csatlakozhat, a 4. modul elsősorban természetkedvelő, és tájékozódási futók számára készült. A választható szemináriumok tematikája 4 modulban: 1. modul 2. modul 3. modul 4. Modul Közösségben való megtekintési lehetőségek helyszínei: • Ásotthalom: Ásotthalmi Művelődési Ház; Ásotthalom, Béke u. 28, 6783 Kövess minket a facebookon, ahol a részletekről és időpontokról és a helyszínekről naponta friss információk jelennek meg! Honlap:, Tudnivalók: Felhívjuk szíves figyelmeteket, hogy a rendezvényen/képzésen fényképek és videofelvételek készülnek, melyeket illusztrációként, illetve promóciós célból felhasználhatunk. Szeged, 2020. január 21. Tószegi Gyula Takács Ágnes | |||
319 | RO-HU 161 | O-IKT SPORT-SANATATE-TURISM-INFORMATICA | ASOCIATIA REGIONALA DEL ALFOLD TELEHAZ , FUNDATIA PENTRU ORIENTARE , CONDOR CLUB ARAD | 20/02/2020 | ARAD | ARAD | ROMANIA | Aim: To educate and inform the target group about the newly developed orienteering areas, and to involve rural areas into digital development. Target group: Training syllabus: Place of the training: Virtual + and 5 + 3 community space | In cadrul proiectului RO-HU 161 este liderul consorțiului de proiect cu acelasi nume .într-un parteneriat cu Fundația de Orienteering Szeghedin și Condor Club Arad în februarie 2020 se doreste prin miloace noi atragerea atentiei asupra noiilor servicii . Vă invităm să încercați această formă de învățare la distanță! Ce este un webinar? Webinarul s-a născut din combinația complicată a cuvintelor „web” și „seminar”. Cu alte cuvinte, webinarul este de fapt un seminar online. Cum te poți alătura? Nu este necesară instalarea pe computerul dvs.a unei aplicații specială. Interfața aplicației este disponibilă aici. Informații, întrebări suplimentare despre cum să vă alăturați: Márta Kovács, +36304030075; [email protected] Scopul nostru este de a atrage atentia asupra unui stil de viață sănătos, responsabil, ecologic, printr-o conducere orientată care are ca rezultat păstrarea pe termen lung a capacității de muncă, o relație consolidată între generații și familie și o dragoste pentru natură. Prelegerile ajută grupul țintă, comunitățile mici, să-și recunoască valorile, să le ocrotească și, prin urmare, să-și îmbunătățească viața. Grup țintă: Este alcătuit dintr-o comunitate de oameni care au ca obiectiv promovarea valorilor ascunse și atracțiile turistice ale zonei pentru locuitorii mici așezări. Acești oameni lucrează în centrele culturale, profesori sau ONG-uri, patrioți locali, voluntari. Aceștia sunt cei care pot atrage atenția întregii populații, în special a tinerilor, copiilor, asupra descoperirii și documentării valorilor locale și contribuie astfel la dezvoltarea așezării. Seminarii opționale în 4 module: Modulul 1 Data proiecțiilor: Modulul 2 Data proiecțiilor: Modulul 3 Data proiecțiilor: Modulul 4 Data proiecțiilor: Locații de vizualizare în comunitate: Căsoaia - GPS: 46.216336, 21.751334,[email protected] Urmăriți-ne pe facebook pentru detalii actualizate zilnic! Site-ul:, (în construcție) Date și informații: Vă rugăm să rețineți că fotografiile și înregistrările video vor fi realizate la eveniment / antrenament și pot fi utilizate în scopuri ilustrative sau promoționale. Szeged, 21 ianuarie 2020 | |||
320 | RO-HU 161 | O-IKT SPORT-SANATATE-TURISM-INFORMATICA | ASOCIATIA REGIONALA DEL ALFOLD TELEHAZ , FUNDATIA PENTRU ORIENTARE , CONDOR CLUB ARAD | 24/02/2020 | CASOAIA,MONEASA.BAILE FELIX,SANNICOLAU DE MUNTE,VARTOP | ROMANIA | Aim: To educate and inform the target group about the newly developed orienteering areas, and to involve rural areas into digital development. Target group: Training syllabus: Place of the training: Virtual + and 5 + 3 community space | In cadrul proiectului RO-HU 161 este liderul consorțiului de proiect cu acelasi nume .într-un parteneriat cu Fundația de Orienteering Szeghedin și Condor Club Arad în februarie 2020 se doreste prin miloace noi atragerea atentiei asupra noiilor servicii . Vă invităm să încercați această formă de învățare la distanță! Ce este un webinar? Webinarul s-a născut din combinația complicată a cuvintelor „web” și „seminar”. Cu alte cuvinte, webinarul este de fapt un seminar online. Cum te poți alătura? Nu este necesară instalarea pe computerul dvs.a unei aplicații specială. Interfața aplicației este disponibilă aici. Informații, întrebări suplimentare despre cum să vă alăturați: Márta Kovács, +36304030075; [email protected] Scopul nostru este de a atrage atentia asupra unui stil de viață sănătos, responsabil, ecologic, printr-o conducere orientată care are ca rezultat păstrarea pe termen lung a capacității de muncă, o relație consolidată între generații și familie și o dragoste pentru natură. Prelegerile ajută grupul țintă, comunitățile mici, să-și recunoască valorile, să le ocrotească și, prin urmare, să-și îmbunătățească viața. Grup țintă: Este alcătuit dintr-o comunitate de oameni care au ca obiectiv promovarea valorilor ascunse și atracțiile turistice ale zonei pentru locuitorii mici așezări. Acești oameni lucrează în centrele culturale, profesori sau ONG-uri, patrioți locali, voluntari. Aceștia sunt cei care pot atrage atenția întregii populații, în special a tinerilor, copiilor, asupra descoperirii și documentării valorilor locale și contribuie astfel la dezvoltarea așezării. Seminarii opționale în 4 module: Modulul 1 Data proiecțiilor: Modulul 2 Data proiecțiilor: Modulul 3 Data proiecțiilor: Modulul 4 Data proiecțiilor: Locații de vizualizare în comunitate: Căsoaia - GPS: 46.216336, 21.751334,[email protected] Urmăriți-ne pe facebook pentru detalii actualizate zilnic! Site-ul:, (în construcție) Date și informații: Vă rugăm să rețineți că fotografiile și înregistrările video vor fi realizate la eveniment / antrenament și pot fi utilizate în scopuri ilustrative sau promoționale. Szeged, 21 ianuarie 2020 | ||||
321 | ROHU-158 | Development of a Cross-Border Inclusive Space and Knowledge Center | Zöld 14 - Békés - Bihor Eurorégió Fenntartható Fejlődéséért Egyesület | 28/02/2020 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Magyarország | |óküzlemény_záró.pdf | The Green 14 Association, as the leading partner of the project, invites you to the project closing event of X-PARC 2.0 (ROHU 158) project in the framework of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary 2014-2020 Program, which will take place on February 28, 2020 in Békéscsaba, in the Csabagyöngye Kulturális Központ (5600 Békéscsaba, Széchenyi u. 4.) | A Zöld 14 Egyesület, mint a projekt vezető partnere, tisztelettel meghívja Önt az Interreg V-A Románia-Magyarország | |
322 | ROHU-289 | Connecting the traditions of the Crisul Repede Valley-Interconectarea tradiţiilor de pe Valea Crişului Repede | Local Government of Vadu Crișului | Vadu Crișului | Bihor | Romania | NVITATION The Romania-Hungary Interreg V-A program will be implemented during the 2014-2020 programming period, continuing the financing of cross-border cooperation in the Romanian-Hungarian border area, through the European Regional Development Fund, with the support of the European Union and the governments of the two states. During the second session of the Deposits, Priority Axis 6: Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens, the project "Connecting the traditions of the Crisul Repede Valley-Interconnection of traditions from the Valley of Crisului Repede", with the number ROHU 289 was submitted together with the commune sister Körösszegapati from Hungary. Within the project, between February 26-29, 2020 in Vadu Crisului, a sports camp will be held, with the participation of the football teams from Vadu Crisului and Körösszegapáti at the Pensiunea Roua Muntilor, address Vadu Crisului no.76 / A. Wednesday, February 26, 2020: Thursday, February 27, 2020 Friday, February 28, 2020 Saturday, February 29, 2020 | INVITAŢIE Programul Interreg V-A România-Ungaria va fi implementat în perioada de programare 2014-2020, continuând finanțarea cooperării transfrontaliere în zona de graniță româno-ungară, prin intermediul Fondului European de Dezvoltare Regională, cu sprijinul Uniunii Europene și al guvernelor celor două state. In cadrul sesiunii a doua de depuneri, a Axei prioritare 6: Promovarea cooperării transfrontaliere între instituţii şi cetăţeni proiectul “Connecting the traditions of the Crisul Repede Valley-Interconectarea tradiţiilor de pe Valea Crişului Repede”, cu numărul ROHU 289 a fost depus împreuna cu comuna înfraţită Körösszegapati din Ungaria. In cadrul proiectului in perioada 26-29 februarie 2020 la Vadu Crisului se va desfasura o Tabara de sport, cu participarea echipelor de fotbal din Vadu Crisului si Körösszegapáti la Pensiunea Roua Muntilor, adresa Vadu Crisului nr.76/A. Miercuri, 26 februarie 2020: Joi, 27 februarie 2020 Vineri, 28 februarie 2020 Sambata, 29 februarie 2020 | ||||
323 | ROHU-07 | Joint Challenge and Joint Cooperation for the Management of Cross-Border Natural Heritage | DON ORIONE BENEFICENCE CHARITY SOCIETY | 27/02/2020 | Békéscsaba | Békés County | Hungary | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Békés County will hold the closing event of the ROHU7 project at 11 am on February 27, 2020. | A Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara 2020. február 27-én 11 órakor Békéscsabán, a Szabadság tér 16-18. szám alatti irodaházban tartja a ROHU7 projekt zárókonferenciáját. | |||
324 | ROHU289 | “Connecting the traditions of the Crisul Repede Valley" | Comuna Vadu Crisului, Körösszegapáti Nagyközségi Önkormányzat | 26/02/2020 | Comuna Vadu Crisului | Bihor | Romania | Within the project, between February 26-29, 2020 in Vadu Crisului, a sports camp will be held with the participation of the football teams from Vadu Crisului and Körösszegapáti at the Pensiunea Roua Muntilor, address Vadu Crisului no.76 / A. | In cadrul proiectului in perioada 26-29 februarie 2020 la Vadu Crisului se va desfasura o Tabara de sport, cu participarea echipelor de fotbal din Vadu Crisului si Körösszegapáti la Pensiunea Roua Muntilor, adresa Vadu Crisului nr.76/A. | |||
325 | ROHU-385 | HEY! | Ötlet a Vidékért Egyesület | 12/03/2020 | Nyírpilis | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Workshop location: 4300 Nyírbátor, Mother's Street 3. Program: - career orientation lecture | A workshop helye: 4300 Nyírbátor, Édesanyák útja 3. Program: - pályaorietációs előadás | ||||
326 | ROHU-385 | HEY! | Ötlet a Vidékért Egyesület | Nyírbátor | Workshop location: 4300 Nyírbátor, Mother's Street 3. Program: - career orientation lecture | A workshop helye: 4300 Nyírbátor, Édesanyák útja 3. Program: - pályaorietációs előadás | ||||||
327 | rohu 398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Agentia de Management al Destinatiei Bihor | 28/02/2020 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | INVITATION The Destination Management Agency of Bihor is pleased to invite you to take part on Monday and Tuesday, March 9 and 10, 2020, between 10:00 and 15:00, in Pavilion C, 2nd floor, of Oradea University, room 219, str. University, no. 1, at the workshop “Cross-border Tourism at the Beginning of the Third Millennium - Actuality. Trends. Perspectives "-" Cross-border tourism at the beginning of the third millennium - News. Trends.Perspectives ". | Agenția de Management al Destinației Bihor are plăcerea de a vă invita să luați parte luni și marti, 09 și 10 martie 2020, între orele 10:00 și 15:00, în Pavilionul C, etaj II, al Universității Oradea, sala 219, str. Universității, nr. 1, la lucrările atelierului de lucru “Cross-border Tourism at the Beginning of the Third Millennium – Actuality. Trends. Perspectives” – “Turismul transfrontalier la începutul mileniului III – Actualitate.Tendințe.Perspective”. Acest eveniment se desfășoară în cadrul proiectului “CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (“CREAREA ȘI DEZVOLTAREA UNEI REȚELE TRANSFONTALIERE POLICENTRICE DE FORMARE ȘI SUPORT ÎN VEDEREA CREȘTERII CALITĂȚII SERVICIILOR TURISTICE ȘI MEȘTEȘUGĂREȘTI DIN JUDEȚELE BIHOR ȘI HAJDU BIHAR”), cod eMS 398, acronym ForTour BHHB și este finanțat în cadrul Programului de Cooperare Transfrontalieră INTERREG V-A România-Ungaria 2014-2020, AXA PRIORITARĂ 3, Îmbunătățirea ocupării forței de muncă și promovarea mobilității forței de muncă transfrontaliere, Prioritatea de investiții 8/b. Creșterea ocupării forței de muncă în aria eligibilă, cu suma de 2.718.106,00 Euro. | ||
328 | rohu 398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Agentia de Management al Destinatiei Bihor | 02/03/2020 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | The Agenția de Management al Destinației Bihor organizes, between March 12-13, 2020, the GALERIA DE EXCELENȚĂ A TURISMULUI BIHOREAN, the 2020 edition (first edition), an event that takes place within the project “CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF A TRANS-BORDER FORNIC TRANSPORTATION NETWORK VIEW OF INCREASING THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND CRAFTS SERVICES IN THE COUNTRIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU ”, eMS code 398, project funded under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program INTERREG VA Romania-Hungary 2014-2020, Investment priority 8 / b, Increased employment in the eligible area. Thursday, 12.03- Aushopping gallery Oradea Friday, 13.03 - Opera Events Oradea | Agenția de Management al Destinației Bihor organizează, în perioada 12-13 martie 2020, GALA DE EXCELENȚĂ A TURISMULUI BIHOREAN, ediția 2020(prima ediție), eveniment ce se desfășoară în cadrul proiectului “CREAREA ȘI DEZVOLTAREA UNEI REȚELE TRANSFONTALIERE POLICENTRICE DE FORMARE ȘI SUPORT ÎN VEDEREA CREȘTERII CALITĂȚII SERVICIILOR TURISTICE ȘI MEȘTEȘUGĂREȘTI DIN JUDEȚELE BIHOR ȘI HAJDU”, cod eMS 398, proiect finanțat în cadrul Programului de Cooperare Transfrontalieră INTERREG V-A România-Ungaria 2014-2020, AXA PRIORITARĂ 3, Îmbunătățirea ocupării forței de muncă și promovarea mobilității forței de muncă transfrontaliere, Prioritatea de investiții 8/b. Creșterea ocupării forței de muncă în aria eligibilă. Joi, 12.03- galeria Aushopping Oradea Vineri, 13.03 - Opera Events Oradea | ||
329 | ROHU161 | O-IKT | Asociatia Clubul de Turism Condor Club Arad | 02/03/2020 | Arad | Arad | Romania | | | | The sporting events to be carried out, according to the invitation, are activities that resulted from the implementation of the O-IKT project (ROHU161). | Evenimentele sportive care urmează a fi derulate, conform invitatiei, sunt activități care au rezultat din implementarea proiectului O-IKT (ROHU161). |
330 | ROHU 215 | “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality – 4FORH2O” | BORS Commune | 10/03/2020 | Bors Commune | Bihor | Romania | The PP Bors Commune is responsible to organize training sessions and experience exchanges site visits, with components both theoretical and practical, for a total number of 50 persons, employees of the 4 institutions involved in this project. These training sessions are structured in 4 series, for around 12 - 14 persons each. The theoretical part last 2 days, followed by a site visits in Hungary, also for 2 days. The modules of the training program are designed taking into consideration the characteristics both of the new equipment purchased through ROHU 215 project, as well as a comprehensive presentation of water characteristics in the targeted region - both on Romanian and Hungarian parts. | Comuna Borș este responsabilă cu organizarea de sesiuni de instruire și schimburi de experiență, cu componente atât teoretice cât și practice, pentru un număr total de 50 de persoane, angajați din cele 4 instituții partenere implicate în acest proiect. Aceste sesiuni de formare sunt structurate în 4 serii, pentru aproximativ 12-14 persoane / serie. Partea teoretică durează 2 zile, urmată de vizita în Ungaria, de asemenea, timp de 2 zile. Modulele programului de instruire sunt proiectate luând în considerare atât caracteristicile echipamentelor noi achiziționate prin proiect, cât și prezentarea cuprinzătoare a caracteristicilor apei în regiunea vizată - atât pentru partea română cât și pentru cea maghiară. Pentru fiecare sesiune de formare, alocarea bugetară se referă la materialele de instruire, catering, deplasarea în Ungaria, cazare, materiale de instruire /promovare. | |||
331 | ROHU 161 | O-IKT (Sport-Health-Tourism-Youth) | Tájékozódási Futásért Alapítvány | 06/03/2020 | Sándorfalva, Ópusztaszer, Ásotthalom, Vértop, | Csongrád, Bihar | Hungary, Romania | | Summary: We will organize promotion events at 5 chosen Romanian and 3 Hungarian settlements on the programme areas with the use of the created maps and purchased devices. At our events we will wait for the representatives, families, young, elderly and disabled people as well from the local population. Our aim is to involve the local population as well at the given settlement, we want the project results to be utilized this way and also by involving more and more young people in spending their time doing exercises outside. DTE Coordinates event organization at 8 locations, provides tools This activity means organizing promotional orienteering events trainings at the chosen 5+3 areas. The target audience will be young local people and children. | Alege un stil de viață, o aventură fără sfârșit, alege Orientarea Clubul Arădean Condor Club și asociația Pentru Orientare, parteneri în proiectul RO-HU 161, organizează evenimente pentru tineri, juniori, familii și nevoiași în următoarele date și locații: Nr.. Locație/date hărți reambulate din 2000 GPS Lungime traseu Data Ora (timp local) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Organizatorul concursurilor din Căsoaia, Băile Felix, Moneasa, Sânnicolau de Munte: A Condor Club Arad és a Tájékozódási Futásért Alapítvány, mint a RO-HU 161 azonosítószámú projekt konzorciumi partnere, tájékozódási futást népszerűsítő rendezvényeket szervez fiatalok, régebb óta fiatalok, családok és fogyatékkal élő személyek számára, amelyeket az alábbi helyszíneken és időpontokban tartjuk: Ssz. Helyszín/2000-ben helyesbített térkép adatai GPS Pályák hossza Időpont Óra (helyi idő szerint) 1. Căsoaia, Tábor 2. Moneasa, Parc Hotel 4. Sânnicolau de Munte, Berek 5. Vârtop 6. Ásotthalom, Bedő A. Erdészeti Iskola 7. Ópusztaszer, Nemzeti Történeti Emlékpark 8. Sándorfalva, Sportpálya A kaszojai, félix fürdői, menyházai, hegyközszentmiklósi versenyek rendezője: Az ásotthalmi, ópusztaszeri, sándorfalvi, vértopi versenyek rendezője: A verseny díjazása: kategóriánként az első helyezett tiszteletdíjban, az első három helyezett oklevélben részesül Mit kell tudni a versenyről: • Nem kell semmilyen kelléket hozni, csak magad hozd el és legyél nyitott. Ha komolyan gondolod, hogy ezt az életformát választod, itt jelentkezhetsz: Condor Club Arad Szegedi Vasutas Sportegyesület A versenyen mindenki saját felelősségére indul! Eredményes versenyzést kíván a rendezőség | ||
332 | ROHU-385 | HEY! | Ötlet a Vidékért Egyesület | 12/03/2020 | Nyírpilis | Workshop location: 4376 Nyírpilis, Hajnal út Program: - career orientation lecture | A workshop helye: 4376 Nyírpilis, Hajnal út Program: - pályaorietációs előadás | |||||
333 | ROHU-385 | HEY! | Ötlet a Vidékért Egyesület | 17/03/2020 | Nyírbátor | Project code: ROHU 385 Workshop location: 4300 Nyírbátor, Mother's Street 3. Program: - career orientation lecture | Projekt kódja: ROHU 385 A workshop helye: 4300 Nyírbátor, Édesanyák útja 3. Program: - pályaorietációs előadás | |||||
334 | ROHU 398 | "CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | PAROHIA REFORMATĂ EPISCOPIA-BIHOR ORADEA | 13/03/2020 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | OOrganization and conduct of a training program for obtaining the certification of landscaper - florist, COR Code 611205 Under this program will be trained 10 participants selected following a public announcement and registered in the beneficiary's database. Location of the professional training services, Oradea, the location offered by the tenderer | Organizarea și desfășurarea unui program de instruire pentru obținerea certificării de peisagist - floricultor, Cod COR 611205 În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiți 10 participanți selectați în urma unui anunț public și înregistrați în baza de date a beneficiarului. Amplasarea serviciilor de pregătire profesională autorizate, Oradea, locația oferită de ofertant | ||
335 | ROHU 398 | "CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | AGENȚIA DE MANAGEMENT AL DESTINATIE BIHOR | 18/03/2020 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | Organizing and conducting an integrated vocational training program (foreign language certificate, tour guide agent (local), COR code 511302, national tour operator's guide, COR code 511303), within the project "CREATING AND DEVELOPING A POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO CROSSBORDER INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR ”(ROHU 398 project code, acronym: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 80530000 - 8 Vocational Training Services. | Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare profesională integrată (atestat limbă străină, agent ghid turistic (local), Cod COR 511302, ghid național touroperator, Cod COR 511303), în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 80530000 - 8 Servicii de formare profesională. | ||
336 | ROHU 398 | "CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | PAROHIA ORTODOXĂ IOȘIA-NORD, ORADEA | 18/03/2020 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | Organization and conduct of a training program for obtaining the certification of landscaper - florist, COR Code 611205 | Organizarea și desfășurarea unui program de instruire pentru obținerea certificării de peisagist - floricultor, Cod COR 611205 | ||
337 | ROHU-390 | Improving the public transport service at the level of Oradea and Debrecen cross-border urban poles | S.C. Oradea Transport Local S.A. | 15/06/2020 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | This activity aims at promoting the project in the mass-media and at the level of the main stakeholders (local and national authorities, other public institutions, citizens, enterprises from the cross-border area and NGO's). In the framework of this event, Oradea Local Public Transport Company will present the procured buses that are going to be used at the level of the public transport network operated by Oradea Local Public Transport Company. | Aceasta activitate vizeaza promovarea proiectului Transborder in mass-media si la nivelul principalelor parti interesate (autoritati locale si nationale, alte institutii publice, cetateni, intreprinderi si ONG-uri din aceasta zona de frontiera). In cadrul acestui eveniment, Compania de Transport Public Oradea va prezenta autobuzele noi achizitionate prin intermediul proiectului Transborder, care vor fi utilizate la nivelul retelei de transport public operate de aceasta companie. | |||
338 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 20/06/2020 | Hajdúböszörmény-Pród | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
339 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 21/08/2020 | Bodaszőlő | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | NAGYERDŐ Nature Conservation Volunteer Camp (3rd) Organization of international nature conservation volunteer camp partly in order to facilitate the implementation of practical nature conservation tasks, and partly in order to the involvement and awareness raising of young people, annually, in the target area of Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek. Occassionaly 10 days, with the participation of volunteers +organizers ( camp leader, professional leader and educator). Volunteers spend at least - on average - 6 hours/day volunteer working, in exchange receiving the full pension (providing youth accomodation, 4x meals a day (including two hot meals), professional management) furthermore we ensure knowledge enhancement and recreational programs. The orgaziners are responsible for providing the tools nedded for the voluntary actions, the local transportation and the labor protection as well. The recruitment of the camp participants is undetaken by the co-operating partners (Green Circle, Ecotop and San Martin) within their own circle, and through the social media (eg. Facebook) and other nature protection and/or other organizations who deal with volunteering. The transport of the Romanian participants (between the venue and Nagyvárad (Oradea) is carried out by the organizers by minibus, and the participation in the camp for the volunteers is for free. Camp Time: August 21 - August 30, 2020 There is no entry fee! Volunteers are welcome! | NAGYERDŐ Természetvédelmi Önkéntes Tábor A tábor olyan jelentkezőket – elsősorban fiatalokat – várunk, akik elkötelezettek a természetvédelem és a fenntarthatóság ügye iránt és szívesen vállalnak önkéntes tevékenységet ennek érdekében. Tábor ideje: 2020. augusztus 21-30. Részvételi díj nincs! Várjuk önkéntesek jelentkezését! Sunt aşteptaţi tineri interesaţi de protecţia mediului şi dezvoltarea durabilă şi doresc să se implice în acţiuni de voluntariat în domeniile respective. Pe perioada taberei tinerii, îndrumaţi de instructori specializaţi, vor fi implicaţi în activităţi practice ( acţiuni de igienizare, eradicarea plantelor invazive, construire de adăposturi artificiale pentru animale). Perioada: Nu se percepe taxă de participare! Vă aşteptăm! | ||
340 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 21/08/2020 | Bodaszőlő | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | NAGYERDŐ Nature Conservation Volunteer Camp (3rd) Organization of international nature conservation volunteer camp partly in order to facilitate the implementation of practical nature conservation tasks, and partly in order to the involvement and awareness raising of young people, annually, in the target area of Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek. Occassionaly 10 days, with the participation of volunteers +organizers ( camp leader, professional leader and educator). Volunteers spend at least - on average - 6 hours/day volunteer working, in exchange receiving the full pension (providing youth accomodation, 4x meals a day (including two hot meals), professional management) furthermore we ensure knowledge enhancement and recreational programs. The orgaziners are responsible for providing the tools nedded for the voluntary actions, the local transportation and the labor protection as well. The recruitment of the camp participants is undetaken by the co-operating partners (Green Circle, Ecotop and San Martin) within their own circle, and through the social media (eg. Facebook) and other nature protection and/or other organizations who deal with volunteering. The transport of the Romanian participants (between the venue and Nagyvárad (Oradea) is carried out by the organizers by minibus, and the participation in the camp for the volunteers is for free. Camp Time: August 21-30, 2020 There is no entry fee! Volunteers are welcome! | NAGYERDŐ Természetvédelmi Önkéntes Tábor A tábor olyan jelentkezőket – elsősorban fiatalokat – várunk, akik elkötelezettek a természetvédelem és a fenntarthatóság ügye iránt és szívesen vállalnak önkéntes tevékenységet ennek érdekében. Tábor ideje: 2020. augusztus 21-30. Részvételi díj nincs! Várjuk önkéntesek jelentkezését! Sunt aşteptaţi tineri interesaţi de protecţia mediului şi dezvoltarea durabilă şi doresc să se implice în acţiuni de voluntariat în domeniile respective. Pe perioada taberei tinerii, îndrumaţi de instructori specializaţi, vor fi implicaţi în activităţi practice ( acţiuni de igienizare, eradicarea plantelor invazive, construire de adăposturi artificiale pentru animale). Perioada: Nu se percepe taxă de participare! Vă aşteptăm! | ||
341 | ROHU399 | Green Skills Platform for Sustainable Employment Development | Novum Association, Szó-Tér Association | 13/03/2020 | Szeged | Csongrad | Hungary | Project open day: environmental health challenges of workplaces | Projekt nyílt nap: A munkahelyek környezet egészségügyi kihívásai | |||
342 | ROHU399 | Green Skills Platform for Sustainable Employment Development | Novum Association, Szó-Tér Association | 15/06/2020 | Szeged | Csongrad | Hungary | Sustainable textile and cloth industry | Fenntarható textil és ruhaipar | |||
343 | ROHU-398 | "CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Parohia ortodoxă Iosia-Nord Oradea | 18/06/2020 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | Organizing and carrying out a Training Program in order to obtain the certification of internal (local) tourism guide, COR Code 511302 for 20 people. Within this program, 20 participants will be trained selected following a public announcement and registered in the beneficiary's database. The provision of training services will be made for 1 group / 1 training session for the Training Program in order to obtain the certification of domestic tourism guide (local), COR Code 511302, organized in a location located in Oradea, during 9 months. | Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de ghid turism intern (local), Cod COR 511302 pentru 20 de persoane. În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 20 de participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului. Oferirea de servicii de formare se va realiza pentru 1grup / 1 sesiune de formare pentru Programul de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de ghid turism intern (local), Cod COR 511302, organizate într-o locație de desfășurare situată în Oradea, pe durata a 9 luni. | ||
344 | ROHU-398 | "CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | PAROHIA REFORMATĂ EPISCOPIA-BIHOR ORADEA | 18/06/2020 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | Organizing and conducting a Training Program in order to obtain the certification of domestic tourism guide (local), COR Code 511302 for 55 people. Within this program, 55 participants will be trained selected following a public announcement and registered in the beneficiary's database. The provision of training services will be made for 2 groups / 1 training session for the Training Program in order to obtain the certification of domestic tourism guide (local), COR Code 511302, organized in a location located in Oradea, during Nine months. In order for the good development of the Training Program in order to obtain the certification of internal (local) tourism guide, COR Code 511302, each group / training session will have assigned 2 trainers. Thus, the Provider will ensure the provision of a number of trainers, to cover the need for 2 groups / training session, each group having at least 1 trainer. Each trainer will have a number of 16 hours of preparation for the training session, 1020 hours of implementation (theory, practice) and 16 hours of evaluation of the students (which will also include the hours related to testing for ANC certification). | Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de ghid turism intern (local), Cod COR 511302 pentru 55 de persoane. În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 55 de participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului. Oferirea de servicii de formare se va realiza pentru 2 grupe / 1 sesiune de formare pentru Programul de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de ghid turism intern (local), Cod COR 511302, organizate într-o locație de desfășurare situată în Oradea, pe durata a 9 luni. În vederea bunei desfășurări a Programului de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de ghid turism intern (local), Cod COR 511302, fiecare grupă/sesiune de formare va avea alocat 2 formator. Astfel, Prestatorul se va asigura de punerea la dispoziție a unui număr de formatori, care să acopere necesarul pentru 2 de grupă/sesiune de formare, fiecare grupă având minim 1 formator. Fiecare formator va avea un număr de 16 ore de pregătire a sesiunii de formare, 1020 ore de implementare(teorie, practică) şi 16 ore de evaluare a cursanţilor ( care va include și orele aferente testării în vederea certificării ANC). | ||
345 | ROHU-385 | HEY! | Ötlet a Vidékért Egyesület | Ópályi | 18794511-1-15 | The place of the workshop: 4376 Nyírpilis, Károlyi út 28-30. Program: | A workshop helye: 4300 Nyírbátor, Édesanyák útja 3. Program: | |||||
346 | ROHU-385 | HEY! | Ötlet a Vidékért Egyesület | Ópályi | The place of the workshop: 4311 Nyírgyulaj, Szabolcs u. 7/a. Program: - career orientation lecture | A workshop helye: 4311 Nyírgyulaj, Szabolcs u. 7/a. A workshop ideje: 2020. július 09. 9:00 óra Program: - pályaorietációs előadás | ||||||
347 | ROHU7 | Joint Challenge and Joint Cooperation for the Management of Cross-Border Natural Heritage | "Don Orione" Beneficence Charity Society | 15/07/2020 | Comuna Suncuius, sat Zece Hotare | Bihor | Romania | The purpose of the event is the official completion of the ROHU7 project "Joint Challenge and Joint Cooperation for the Management of Cross-Border Natural Heritage". The conference will be attended by representatives of partner institutions and the joint project implementation team that will present its results and benefits. | Scopul evenimentului este inchderea oficiala a proiectului ROHU7, ,,Joint Challenge and Joint Cooperation for the Management of Cross-Border Natural Heritage” (Provocări comune și cooperare pentru gestionarea patrimoniului natural transfrontalier). La conferinţă vor fi prezenţi reprezentanţi ai conducerii instituţiilor partenere şi echipa comună de implementare a proiectului care vor prezenta rezultatele și beneficiile acestuia. | |||
348 | ROHU-443 | Babies across borders - conncecting helth servicies in the field of obstetrics-gynecology and neonatology | Timis County Council (LP), University of Szeged (PP2) and Emergency Clinic County Hospital Pius Brinzeu Timisoara (PP3) | 06/07/2020 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | Launching Conference of the Project | Conferinta de lansare a proiectului | |||
349 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 22/07/2020 | Debrecen-Kismacs | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
350 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 23/07/2020 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | |||
351 | ROHU-380 | VERBA DOCENT | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 03/07/2020 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Launching Agriculturalist training course. | Aranykalászos gazda képzés indítása. | |||
352 | ROHU-380 | VERBA DOCENT | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 16/07/2020 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Launching ECDL Base training course. | ECDL Base képzés indítása. | |||
353 | ROHU–103 | Joint protection of cross-border natural values Carei-Nyiradony | Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature Protection | 21/07/2020 | Carei | Satu Mare | Romania | Closing conference in Carei A closing conference for the project Joint protection of cross-border natural values Carei-Nyiradony will be held in Carei on the 21st of July 2020 for about 25 participants, including project team, officials, people concerned in the field., etc . Due to the COVID crisis, the event will be organized in compliance with social distancing measures. Also, the present situation prevents participants from Hungary from attending the conference, thus there will be an online conference session organized for them. | Conferință de închidere la Carei In data de 21 iulie 2020 la Carei va avea loc conferinta de închidere a proiectului Protejarea comuna a valorilor naturale transfrontaliere Carei-Nyiradony, organizata pentru aproximativ 25 de participanți, inclusiv echipa de proiect, oficiali, persoane interesate în domeniu, etc. Datorită crizei COVID, evenimentul va fi organizat cu respectarea măsurilor de distanțare socială. De asemenea, intrucat situația actuală împiedică participanții din Ungaria să ia parte la conferință, va exista o sesiune online organizata pentru acestia. Záró konferencia, Nagykároly 2020 Júlis 21-én Nagykárolyban megrendezésre kerül a Nagykároly–Nyíradony határon átívelő természeti értékeinek védelme című projkt zárokonfeneciája, melyen részt vesz mintegy 25 személy, köztük a project csapat tagjai, hivatalos személyek, a project témájában jártas szakértők, stb. A Koronavírus járványra való tekintettel az esemény az állam által elrendelt szabályok szerint fog zajlani. Ugyan ebből az okból a Magyarországi partner nem tud rész venni az eseményen, emiatt számukra az esemény online formában is meg lesz rendezve. | |||
354 | ROHU217 | Institutional cooperation in research activities for specialists training and usage of computational intelligence for fundamenting companies financial decisions | University of Debrecen | 06/07/2020 | Debrecen | Hungary | Magyarország | University of Debrecen Faculty of Economics and Business is holding an online workshop woth te title „Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Computational Intelligence Day”. The workshop is organized at the framework of project called "Institutional cooperation in research activities for specialists training and usage of computational intelligence for fundamenting companies financial decisions" Time and date: 06.07.2020. 10.00 (Hungarian time) You can join the meeting at the following link: | „Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Computational Intelligence Day” címmel online workshopot rendez a Debreceni Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kara. Időpont: 2020. július 6. hétfő 10 óra A workshophoz a linken lehet csatlakozni. | |||
357 | ROHU217 | Institutional cooperation in research activities for specialists training and usage of computational intelligence for fundamenting companies financial decisions | University of Debrecen | 28/07/2020 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Magyarország | ROHU217 - CIFIDE project with the title "Institutional cooperation in research activities for specialists training and usage of computational intelligence for fundamenting companies financial decisions" has closed succesfully at University of Debrecen. The Closing Conference at University of Debrecen is held as follows: Date: July 28, 2020, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. | A ROHU217 - CIFIDE rövidítésű, „Kutatási tevékenységeken alapuló intézményi együttműködés szakértők képzésével, a vállalatok számítástechnikai intelligencia felhasználásával történő pénzügyi döntéshozatalainak területén” című projekt sikeresen zárult a Debreceni Egyetemen. A projekt zárórendezvényére az alábbiak szerint kerül sor: Időpont: 2020. július 28. 11.00 – 13.00 | |||
358 | ROHU-380 | Verba Docent | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 30/07/2020 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Launching Romanian language training course | Román nyelvi képzés indítása | |||
359 | ROHU-385 | HEY! | Ötlet a Vidékért Egyesület | 17/08/2020 | Ópályi | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Workshop 1: Mayor's Office - Marriage Hall, 4751 Kocsord, Szent István utca 13. Workshop 2: Marriage Hall, 4755 Ököritófülpös, Kossuth u. 111th Program: | 1. workshop helye: Polgármesteri Hivatal- Házasságkötő terem, 4751 Kocsord, Szent István utca 13. 2. workshop helye: Házasságkötő terem, 4755 Ököritófülpös, Kossuth u. 111. Program: A munkaerőpiaci elhelyezkedés esélyének növelése érdekében, a fiatalok az alábbi térítésmentesen igénybe vehető képzéseken vehetnek részt: Tájékoztatást kapnak a munkaerőpiaci kihívásokról | |||
360 | ROHU-385 | HEY! | Ötlet a Vidékért Egyesület | 18/08/2020 | Ópályi | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Venue of the workshop: Mayor's Office - Marriage Hall, 4763 Ura, Kossuth utca 43. Program: | A workshop helye: Polgármesteri Hivatal- Házasságkötő terem, 4763 Ura, Kossuth utca 43. Program: A munkaerőpiaci elhelyezkedés esélyének növelése érdekében, a fiatalok az alábbi térítésmentesen igénybe vehető képzéseken vehetnek részt: Tájékoztatást kapnak a munkaerőpiaci kihívásokról | |||
361 | ROHU-385 | HEY! | Ötlet a Vidékért Egyesület | 25/08/2020 | Ópályi | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | The place of the workshop: House of Culture, 4911 Nábrád, Árpád utca 33. Program: | A workshop helye: Művelődési Ház, 4911 Nábrád, Árpád utca 33. Program: A munkaerőpiaci elhelyezkedés esélyének növelése érdekében, a fiatalok az alábbi térítésmentesen igénybe vehető képzéseken vehetnek részt: Tájékoztatást kapnak a munkaerőpiaci kihívásokról | |||
362 | ROHU-380 | Verba Docent | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 05/08/2020 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Launching Romanian language training course | Román nyelvi képzés elindítása. | |||
363 | ROHU-380 | Verba Docent | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 07/08/2020 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Launching vegetable and fruit processer training course. | Zöldség-és gyümölcsfeldolgozó képzés elindítása. | |||
364 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 18/08/2020 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary |ál1.jpg | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: IX. Galiba Festivalul copiilor Mai multe informații: [email protected] | ||
365 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 19/08/2020 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary |ál2.jpg | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: IX. Galiba Festivalul copiilor Mai multe informații: [email protected] | ||
366 | 283 | Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities | Berettyó Cultural Center | 18/08/2020 | Berettyóújfalu | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary |át-ROHU-283-záró_végleges.jpg | The closing event of the Project ROHU-283 „Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities” will be held in Berettyóújfalu on 18th of August 2020. The aim of the event is to emphasize the achievemnets of the project. Location of the event: Makk Kálmán Cinema (4100 Berettyóújfalu, Szent István tér 5.) | 2020. augusztus 18-án kerül megrendezésre Berettyóújfaluban a „Fenntartható, határokon átnyúló együttműködés Margitta és Berettyóújfalu polgárai között” ROHU-283 projekt záró rendezvénye. A rendezvény célja a projekt eredményeinek bemutatása. A rendezvény helyszíne: Makk Kálmán Mozi (4100 Berettyóújfalu, Szent István tér 5.) | ||
367 | 283 | Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities | Berettyó Cultural Center | 18/08/2020 | Berettyóújfalu | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary |át-ROHU-283-záró_végleges-1.jpg | The closing event of the Project ROHU-283 „Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities” will be held in Berettyóújfalu on 18th of August 2020. The aim of the event is to emphasize the achievemnets of the project. Location of the event: Makk Kálmán Cinema (4100 Berettyóújfalu, Szent István tér 5.) | 2020. augusztus 18-án kerül megrendezésre Berettyóújfaluban a „Fenntartható, határokon átnyúló együttműködés Margitta és Berettyóújfalu polgárai között” ROHU-283 projekt záró rendezvénye. A rendezvény célja a projekt eredményeinek bemutatása. A rendezvény helyszíne: Makk Kálmán Mozi (4100 Berettyóújfalu, Szent István tér 5.) | ||
368 | ROHU-380 | Verba Docent | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 28/07/2020 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Launching Entrepreneurial skills training course. | Vállalkozási ismeretek képzés indítása. | |||
369 | ROHU-380 | Verba Docent | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 27/08/2020 | Gyula, Gyulavári | Békés | Hungary | The Körös-Maros Foundation invites you to the opening event of the project ROHU-380 “Adult education in the field of healthy life and sustainable living environment” implemented with the support of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Cooperation Program 2014-2020. | A Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány szeretettel meghívja Önt az Interreg V-A Románia-Magyarország Együttműködési Program 2014-2020 támogatásával megvalósuló ROHU-380 számú „Felnőttképzés az egészséges életmód és a fenntartható környezet területén” című projekt nyitórendezvényére. | |||
370 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 05/09/2020 | Hajdúböszörmény-Hajdúvid | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | ||
371 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 04/09/2020 | Berettyóújfalu | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | ||
372 | ROHU396 | “Cross-border cooperation in the prevention and complex treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases in Békés - Timis counties” | Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital Timisoara | 03/09/2020 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary |ívó_Invitation_2020.09.03.pdf | | Awareness forum for the general public on lifestyle and the risk of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases During the events, the three medical experts of the LP will present valuable information for the general public in order to encourage them to develop healthier lifestyles that will prevent the risk of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases. | Hogyan előzhetjük meg a szív-érrendszeri és perifériás érrendszeri betegségeket? (Információk a megelőzésről és a diagnosztizálásról.) Fórum a lakosság számára, életmódról a szív- érrendszeri és perifériás érrendszeri betegségek kockázatáról. A fórumon három orvosszakértő tart előadást a következő témákban: | |
373 | ROHU-198 | Open Doors for Culture and Tradition in EUrope | Kaba | 19/09/2020 | Kaba | Hajdu-Bihar | Magyarország | |ÍVÓ-Kaba-Íjász-Invitation-Archery.pdf | Aszonyboldogito Archery Contest | Asszonyboldogító Íjászverseny | |
374 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 19/09/2020 | Bodaszőlő | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary |őlő_falunap.jpg | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | ||
375 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 26/09/2020 | Hajdúböszörmény-Hajdúvid | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | ||
376 | ROHU 398 | ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” | Agenția de Management al Destinației Bihor | 08/09/2020 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | This event, second edition, september 2020, is intended to be a platform open dialogue for all actors in tourism and gastronomy. A place where those employed in these fields can get acquainted with the latest developments in the field, with the training opportunities of the staff in these fields, willing to find work in this field. Also, during this event, the general public, the open event, will be able to get in touch with the gastronomy of the two counties and countries as well as with the wine and gastronomic destinations in them | Acest eveniment, ediția a doua, septembrie 2020, este destinat să fie o platformă de dialog deschis pentru toți actorii din turism și gastronomie. Un loc în care cei angajați în aceste domenii pot face cunoștință cu ultimele evoluții în domeniu, cu oportunitățile de instruire ale personalului din aceste domenii, dispuși să găsească de lucru în acest domeniu. De asemenea, în cadrul acestui eveniment, publicul larg, evenimentul deschis, va putea intra în legătură cu gastronomia celor două județe și țări, precum și cu destinațiile vitivinicole și gastronomice din acestea. | ||
377 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 18/09/2020 | Hajdúböszörmény-Bodaszőlő | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary |étszedő_akció.jpg | WASTE COLLECTION ACTION IN THE FOREST | ERDEI SZEMÉTSZEDŐ AKCIÓ | ||
378 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 09/10/2020 | Debrecen-Józsa | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary |étszedő_akció_2020.10.09..jpg | WASTE COLLECTION ACTION IN THE FOREST | ERDEI SZEMÉTSZEDŐ AKCIÓ | ||
379 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County | 23/09/2020 | Nyíregyháza | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye | Hungary | At the opening event, the representatives of the project partners will present the goals and expected results of the project in the form of short presentations. | A nyitórendezvény keretében a projekt partnerek képviselői rövid prezentációk keretében ismertetik a projekt céljait, várható eredményeit. | |||
380 | ROHU 161 | O-IKT | Asociația Clubul de turism Condor Club Arad | 19/09/2020 | Casoaia | Arad | Romania | | | Organization and development of two selective sports events with training, provided in the activity of WpT 8 within the project O - IKT, ROHU 161. | Anunț eveniment sportiv SC Happy Paper Printing SRL, în calitate de prestator, conform contract 10/03.02.2020 încheiat cu Asociația Clubul de turism Condor Club Arad, anunță organizarea și derularea a două evenimente sportive selective cu antrenament, prevăzute în activitatea WpT 8 din cadrul proiectului O – IKT, ROHU 161. Pentru conformitate | |
381 | ROHU396 | „Cross-border cooperation in the prevention and complex treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases in Békés - Timis counties” | Békés Megyei Központi Kórház | 28/09/2020 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | | | WORKSHOP: INNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN SCREENING, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR AND PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASES | WORKSHOP: A KARDIOVASZKULARIS BETEGSÉGEK SZŰRÉSÉNEK, DIAGNOSZTIKÁJÁNAK ÉS KEZELÉSÉNEK INNOVATÍV MEGKÖZELÍTÉSE | |
382 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 11/10/2020 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary |ünnep.jpg | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | ||
383 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 24/10/2020 | Hortobágy | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary |ösvény.jpg | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA ACTIVITĂȚII DE CREȘTERE A CUNOȘTINȚELOR TENTE Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | ||
384 | ROHU198 | Open Doors for Culture and Tradition in EUrope | Town of Alesd | 30/09/2020 | Alesd | Bihor | Romania | The aim of this event is to end the project ROHU198 ,,Open Doors for Culture and Tradition in EUrope” . The conference will be organized on-line due to the current conditions regarding the evolution of the Sars-Cov2 pandemic and the efforts of our institution to prevent the spread of Covid19. | Scopul evenimentului este finalizarea proiectului ROHU198 ,,Open Doors for Culture and Tradition in EUrope” (Porți deschise pentru cultură și tradiții în Europa). Conferinţa va fi organizată on-line datorită condițiilor actuale privind evoluția pandemiei Sars-Cov2 și eforturile instituției noastre privind prevenire răspândirii Codiv19. | |||
385 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 07/10/2020 | Bodaszőlő | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | | Field exercises for professionals Further information and application: [email protected] | Exerciții fizice pentru profesioniști / Terepgyakorlat szakemberek számára Bővebb tájékoztatás és jelentkezés: [email protected] | |
386 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 17/10/2020 | Hajdúnánás | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary |ünnep.jpg | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA ACTIVITĂȚII DE CREȘTERE A CUNOȘTINȚELOR TENTE Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | ||
387 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 14/11/2020 | Hajdúböszörmény-Hajdúvid | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presenting the natural values of the Natura 2000 (Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény oak forests) and conservation of the protected area. With this awareness raising activity we try to reach the local and interested people and in the same time popularise the ROHU53 project with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Nature conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: Bővebb információ: [email protected] PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA ACTIVITĂȚII DE CREȘTERE A CUNOȘTINȚELOR TENTE Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | ||
388 | ROHU-283 | Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities | Marghita Municipality | 10/10/2020 | Marghita | Bihor | Romania | | | The objective of this event is promoting cultural diversity and traditions, with the participation of the civil society, of the artists and associations representative for the local culture. | Obiectivul acestui eveniment este promovarea diversității și tradițiilor culturale, cu participarea societății civile, a artiștilor și asociațiilor reprezentative pentru cultura locală. | |
389 | ROHU-399 | Green Skills Platform for Sustainable Employment Development | Fundația pentru Cultură și Învățământ “Ioan Slavici” | 22/10/2020 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | Presentation of project objectives, activities, outputs. Project promotion and promotion of green business | Prezentarea obiectivelor, activitatilor si rezultatelor proiectului. Promovarea proiectului si beneficiilor energiilor regenerabile | |||
390 | ROHU-399 | Green Skills Platform for Sustainable Employment Development | Fundația pentru Cultură și Învățământ “Ioan Slavici” | 22/10/2020 | Timisoara | Timis | Romnaia | Open Day | Open Day | |||
391 | ROHU406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 25/10/2020 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | | Professional event | Szakmai rendezvény | ||
392 | ROHU48 | Development of an integrated response capacity to cross-border emergency situations | Sinteu Commune | 30/10/2020 | Sinteu | Bihor | Romania | The thematic event "Emergency situations - exercises, simulations and discussions" is organized within the project "Development of an integrated response capacity to cross-border emergency situations". The event will be attended by representatives of the Commune Hall of Șinteu commune, the Town Hall of Aleșd and the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations "Crișana". Unfortunately, the representatives of the City Hall of Szarvas, partner in this project, will not be able to participate in the event due to the restrictions imposed by the Sars-Cov2 pandemic on the border crossing. During the event there will be discussions between specialists and exercises and simulations regarding emergency situations. | Evenimentul tematic ,,Situații de urgență – exerciții, simulări și discuții” este organizat în cadrul proiectului ,,Development of an integrated response capacity to cross-border emergency situations” (,,Dezvoltarea unei capacități de răspuns integrate pentru situații de urgență transfrontaliere”). La eveniment vor participa reprezentanți ai Primăriei comunei Șinteu, ai Primăriei orașului Aleșd și ai Inspectoratului pentru Situații de Urgență ,,Crișana”. Din pacate, reprezentanții Primăriei orașului Szarvas, partener în cadrul acestui proiect, nu vor putea participa la eveniment datorită restricțiilor impuse de pandemia Sars-Cov2 privind trecerea frontierei. In cadrul evenimentului vor avea loc discutii intre specialisti si vor alea loc exercitii si simulari privind situatiile de urgenta. | |||
393 | ROHU406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 04/11/2020 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | | The objective of the event is to provide information for the target group in order to improve employment and to promote project results. | A rendezvény célja információt nyújtani a célcsoportok részére a foglalkoztatás növelése és a projekt eredmények népszerűsítése érdekében. | ||
394 | ROHU-14 | "Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area, ROHU-14 – The Nature Corner" | Milvus Transilvania Vest | 16/11/2020 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | |ă-fără-frontiere2.png | „Nature without borders” pupils’ competition – final round (16/11/2020) The teams that have been qualified for the finals are kindly asked to send their works by 16 November 2020. Given the actual restrictive circumstances on public gatherings, we cannot organise a public event for the final stage. However, we hope that it will be possible for us to have a small, but friendly awards ceremony in December 2020. We are looking forward to meeting personally the young and passionate nature lovers! ? * * * In November 2019, Milvus Group has launched a challenging contest about the mysterious bustard and the natural values around us. Ilustration: Szabolcs Kókay | Concurs interșcolar „Natură fără frontiere” – etapa finală (16/11/2020) Data limită pentru trimiterea lucrărilor de către echipele care s-au calificat la etapa finală este 16 noiembrie 2020. În condițiile restrictive actuale, din păcate, nu putem organiza etapa finală decât online, dar sperăm că vom putea avea un scurt eveniment de închidere a concursului în decembrie 2020. Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să-i cunoaștem pe tinerii și pasionații ecologiști! ? * * * // „Természet határok nélkül” diákverseny - döntő (2020.XI.16) Azoknak a csapatoknak, amelyek a verseny utolsó szakaszába jutottak, munkáikat 2020. november 16-i határidőre kell beküldeniük. A nyertesek kihirdetésére és a díjak kiosztására 2020 decemberében kerül sor (a pontos dátumot az eseményt megelőzően közöljük). Sajnáljuk, hogy a döntő fordulót nem tarthatjuk meg élőben. Reméljük, egy rövid, de személyes díjkiosztó ünnepségre sor kerülhet decemberben. Alig várjuk, hogy személyesen is megismerkedhessünk a lelkes természetvédőkkel! ? * * * A "Milvus Csoport Egyesület" november 2019-ben indította el a titokzatos túzokról és a minket körülvevő természeti értékekről szóló érdekes kihívásokkal teli vetélkedőt, amellyel a gyermekek számára megfoghatóbbá szeretnénk tenni a természet káprázatos világát. | |
395 | ROHU 161 | O-IKT (Sport-Health-Tourism-Youth) | Dél-alföldi Teleházak Regionális Közhasznú Egyesülete | 23/11/2020 | Szeged | Magyarország | Csongrád-Csanád | | | Date of the event The application interface is available here. Information, additional questions about how to connect: The project aims to raise awareness of a lifestyle that approaches a healthy, responsible, environmentally conscious lifestyle through orienteering, the outcome of which is the long-term preservation of working capacity, a strengthened relationship between generations and family, and the development of young people's love of nature. Target group: The program of the event: Moderator: Tibor Erdélyi 18.00 The aim and target group of the project, the steps and results of the implementation | Data evenimentului Informații, întrebări suplimentare despre cum să vă conectați Proiectul își propune să sensibilizeze un stil de viață sănătos, responsabil, conștient de mediul inconurator prin orientare sportivă , al cărui rezultat este păstrarea pe termen lung a capacității de lucru, o relație consolidată între generații și familie și dezvoltarea dragostei tinerilor față de natură. Grup țintă: Salutăm toți tinerii, concurenții, antrenorii, educatorii, personalul organizațiilor partenere interesate de orientarea sportivă, corectarea hărților, drone, MapRun și jocuri tehnice pentru a vă ajuta la pregătirea evenimentului. Programul evenimentului: Moderator : Erdélyi Tibor 18.00 Scopul și grupul țintă al proiectului, pașii și rezultatele implementării --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A jelentkezési felület itt érhető el. Információ, további kérdések a csatlakozás módjáról: A projekt célja felhívni a figyelmet egy olyan életformára, amely megközelíti az egészséges, felelősségteljes, környezettudatos életmódot a tájékozódási futás eszközével, amelynek kimenete a munkaképesség hosszú távú megőrzése, a nemzedékek és a család megerősített kapcsolata, valamint a fiatalok természet szeretetének kibontakoztatása. Célcsoport: A rendezvény programja: Moderátor: Erdélyi Tibor 18.00 A projekt célja, célcsoportja, a megvalósítás lépései, eredménye | |
396 | ROHU-382 | Youth Entrepreneurship Support | Revita Alapítvány | 16/12/2020 | Online event | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye | Magyarország | Follow-up and feedback conference (final event) | Nyomon követési és visszajelzési konferencia (záróesemény) | |||
397 | ROHU-79 | Joint Conservation Management and Development of Information Infrastructure of Protected Areas along the Romanian and Hungarian Course of Tur River | Societatea Carpatina Ardeleana - Satu Mare / Erdélyi Kárpát Egyesület - Szatmárnémeti | 17/12/2020 | On line - Zoom platform | NA | Romania and Hungary | | Closing conference of the project | RO (magyar verzió picit lejjebb): HU: | ||
398 | ROHU-14 | "Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area, ROHU-14 – The Nature Corner" | Milvus Transilvania Vest | 17/12/2020 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | | ⭐ EN: The long-awaited moment of the competition "Nature without borders" is getting closer - the winners' announcement. | ? RO: Se apropie momentul mult așteptat al concursului nostru, “Natură fără frontiere” – desemnarea câștigătorilor. | |
400 | ROHU-399 | Green Skills Platform for Sustainable Employment Development | Fundația pentru Cultură și Învățământ “Ioan Slavici” | 19/02/2021 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | Open Day 3 | Open Day 3 | |||
401 | ROHU-29 | Conservation and protection of ecosystems endangered by lack of thermal and freshwater in cross border area | ZMO | 24/02/2021 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | Final conference | Conferinta de incheiere a proiectului | |||
402 | ROHU-395 | Cooperation between Nyírbátor and Carei for improving employment and promoting development based on endogenous potential | Local Government of Nyírbátor | 21/05/2021 | Nyírbátor | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Kick-off meeting of the "Cooperation between Nyírbátor and Carei for improving employment and promoting development based on endogenous potential" (ROHU-395) project. | A „Nyírbátor és Nagykároly együttműködése a foglalkoztatás javítása, és a munkaerő határokon átnyúló mobilitásának elősegítésében” című, ROHU-395 számú projekt nyitórendezvénye. | |||
403 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 30/05/2021 | Debrecen | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary |ívás.jpg | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presentation of the natural values of the Natura 2000 area and the conservation of the ROHU53 project for the local and interested population of the oak forests of Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA ACTIVITĂȚII DE CREȘTERE A CUNOȘTINȚELOR TENTE Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | ||
404 | ROHU48 | Development of an integrated response capacity to cross-border emergency situations | Town of Alesd (UAT Orasul Alesd) | 17/06/2021 | Alesd | Bihor | Romania | The main topic of discussion: prevention and management of risks and disasters in the Romanian-Hungarian cross-border area. | Subiectul principal al discuției: prevenirea și gestionarea riscurilor și dezastrelor în zona transfrontalieră româno - maghiară. | |||
405 | ROHU48 | Development of an integrated response capacity to cross-border emergency situations | Town of Alesd (UAT Orasul Alesd) | 24/06/2021 | Alesd | Bihor | Romania | The conference is organized by the management of the Alesd City Hall, as the Lead Beneficiary, respectively by the leadership of Sinteu Commune and the local Self-Government of the city of Szarvas, as partner institutions in this project. The purpose of the event is the official closure of the ROHU48 project "Development of an integrated response capacity to cross-border emergency situations". The conference will be attended by representatives of the management of the partner institutions and the joint project implementation team who will present the project. | Conferinţa este organizată de către conducerea Primăriei orașului Aleșd, în calitate de Beneficiar Lider, respectiv de către conducerea Primăriei comunei Șinteu și conducerea Autoguvernării locale a orașului Szarvas din Ungaria, instituții partenere în cadrul acestui proiect. Scopul evenimentului este încheierea oficială a proiectului ROHU48 ,,Development of an integrated response capacity to cross-border emergency situations” (Dezvoltarea unei capacități de răspuns integrate pentru situații de urgență transfrontaliere). La conferinţă vor fi prezenţi reprezentanţi ai conducerii instituţiilor partenere şi echipa comună de implementare a proiectului care vor prezenta rezultatele proiectul. | |||
406 | ROHU48 | Development of an integrated response capacity to cross-border emergency situations | Town of Alesd (UAT Orasul Alesd) | 24/06/2021 | Alesd | Bihor | Romania | The conference is organized by the management of the Alesd City Hall, as the Lead Beneficiary, respectively by the leadership of Sinteu Commune and the local Self-Government of the city of Szarvas, as partner institutions in this project. The purpose of the event is the official closure of the ROHU48 project "Development of an integrated response capacity to cross-border emergency situations". The conference will be attended by representatives of the management of the partner institutions and the joint project implementation team who will present the results of the project. | Conferinţa este organizată de către conducerea Primăriei orașului Aleșd, în calitate de Beneficiar Lider, respectiv de către conducerea Primăriei comunei Șinteu și conducerea Autoguvernării locale a orașului Szarvas din Ungaria, instituții partenere în cadrul acestui proiect. Scopul evenimentului este încheierea oficială a proiectului ROHU48 ,,Development of an integrated response capacity to cross-border emergency situations” (Dezvoltarea unei capacități de răspuns integrate pentru situații de urgență transfrontaliere). La conferinţă vor fi prezenţi reprezentanţi ai conducerii instituţiilor partenere şi echipa comună de implementare care vor prezenta rezultatele proiectului. | |||
407 | ROHU 452 | Joint Employment-Driven Initiative | DKMT Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisa Euroregional Development Agency – Nonprofit Public Benefit Limited. | 14/06/2021 | Szeged-Timisoara | Csongrád-Csanád County and Timis County | Hungary-Romania | The online opening conference of the Joint Employment-Driven Initiative ROHU 452 project in the framework of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Cooperation Programme will be held on 14/06/2021 at 8:00 CET/9:00 EET. The conference will include presentations about the project activities, the current situation of the cross-border labour market and the partners will be introduced. The project partners: | Az Interreg V-A Románia-Magyarország Együttműködési Program keretében a Joint Employment-Driven Initiative ROHU 452 projekt online nyitókonferenciájának megtartására 2021. június 14,. napján 8 CET/9 EET órakor kerül sor. A konferencián bemutatkoznak a projekt partnerek, valamint bemutatásra kerülnek a projekttevékenységek és a jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci helyzet. Projekt partnerek: | |||
408 | ROHU-374 | TwinS | Katház Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. | 01/06/2021 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | | We are launching our „Entrepreneurial basic knowledge” online training on June 1, 2021 at 4 p.m. | Tisztelettel meghívjuk a projekt „Vállalkozói alapismeretek” online képzésére. Topic: KatHÁZ KÉPZÉSEK's Personal Meeting Room | ||
409 | ROHU-331 | Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region | Békés County Chamber of Commerce and Industry | 15/06/2021 | Oroshaza | Bekes | HUngary | BMKIK is organizing a conference entitled CAREER ROUTES WITHOUT BORDERS, within the framework of the project “Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region” on 15th of June 2021. | A BMKIK a „Határokon átnyúló hálózat a szakmai karrierfejlesztés támogatására a határmenti térségben” projekt keretében megrendezi a KARRIERUTAK HATÁROK NÉLKÜL című konferenciát 2021. június 15.-én 10 órai kezdettel Orosházán. | |||
410 | ROHU-391 | „CROSS-BORDER LOGISTICS: PARTNERSHIP IN COOPERATION ON EMPLOYMENT" - – INTERLOGISTICS | MUNICIPALITY OF AJAK | 23/06/2021 | Ajak | Magyarország |állásbörze-2021-június-23.pdf | I. JOB FAIR - An event in which employers give information to potential employees. | Állásbörze - Egy esemény, ahol a munkáltatók információkkal látják el a potenciális munkavállalókat | |||
411 | ROHU-391 | „CROSS-BORDER LOGISTICS: PARTNERSHIP IN COOPERATION ON EMPLOYMENT" - – INTERLOGISTICS | MUNICIPALITY OF AJAK | 25/06/2021 | Ajak | Magyarország |állásbörze-2021-június-25.pdf | JOB FAIR - An event in which employers give information to potential employees. | ÁLLÁSBÖRZE - Egy esemény, melyen a munkáltatók információkkal látják el a potenciális munkavállalókat | |||
412 | ROHU-391 | „CROSS-BORDER LOGISTICS: PARTNERSHIP IN COOPERATION ON EMPLOYMENT" - – INTERLOGISTICS | MUNICIPALITY OF AJAK | 25/06/2021 | Ajak | Magyarország |állásbörze-2021-június-25-1.pdf | JOB FAIR - An event in which employers give information to potential employees. | ÁLLÁSBÖRZE - Egy esemény, melyen a munkáltatók információkkal látják el a potenciális munkavállalókat | |||
413 | ROHU406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 30/06/2021 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | |ívó_online-szakmai-rendezvény_06.30.pdf | The Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development is organizing an online professional event within the framework of the project ROHU-406: „Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County” on 30th of June 2021 (starting at 9:00 a.m. CEST). Registration is available at the following link: | A Békés Megyéért Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány a ROHU-406: „Hatékony határon átnyúló együttműködés a foglalkoztatás növekedésének fejlesztéséért Aradon és Békés megyében” című projekt keretén belül online szakmai rendezvényt tart 2021. június 30. napján, délelőtt 9:00 órai kezdettel (közép-európai idő). Regisztráció az alábbi linken érhető el: | |
414 | ROHU-425 | “Joint Development of Human Resources in Cross-Border Area” | ZOna Metropolitana Oradea | 05/07/2021 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | Opening conference | Conferinta de deschidere proiect | |||
415 | ROHU-374 | Cross-border joint training centers | “Bartók Béla” Theoretical High School | 06/07/2021 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | Organizing Entrepreneurial basic knowledge training | Organizare curs de Competențe antreprenoriale | |||
416 | ROHU 421 | “Improve employment in Bihor County, Oradea and Hajduboszormeny through the development of the local potential infrastructures” | AJOFM Bihor | 14/07/2021 | Oradea - Arena Antonio Alexe ( Sala Sporturilor) | Romania | Job fair - The event ensures the presence of relevant actors on the labor market (employers, training providers, consulting firms) to ensure improved employment in the border region. | Targ de locuri de munca- La eveniment se asigura prezenta actorilor relevanti de pe piata fortei de munca (angajatori, furnizori de formare profesionala, firme de consultanta) pentru a sigura imbunatatirea ocuparii fortei de munca in regiunea de granita. | ||||
417 | ROHU-391 | “Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment” (INTERLOGISTICS) | Ajak Város Önkormányzata | 06/07/2021 | Ajak | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye | Magyarország |ó-07.06.jpg | Information lecture /Tájékoztató előadás 2021.07.06. Ajaki Oktatási és Kulturális Park | A rendezvényt megnyitja: • Előadást tart Maklári Máté, a Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kormányhivatal Kisvárdai Járási Hivatal Foglalkoztatási, Munkaügyi és Munkavédelmi Főosztályának munkaügyi előadója 1. a munkaerőpiaci folyamatok, munkaadói igények bemutatása, | ||
418 | ROHU-401 | „Îmbunătățirea standardelor de sănătate în prevenirea, identificarea și tratamentul bolilor cardiovasculare și ginecologice în zona transfrontalieră” | Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență Oradea | 22/07/2021 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | We invite you to attend the Closing Conference of the project ROHU-401 ”Improving health-care standards in prevention, identification and treatment of cardiovascular and gynecological diseases in crossborder area”, which will take place on July 22, 2021 at 11 o’clock local time, at the Maternity Hospital, Cal. Clujului no. 50, Oradea, in the Guard Report Room. | Avem deosebita plăcere de a vă invita la conferința de presă care se va desfășura la Maternitatea Oradea (Calea Clujului nr. 50, Oradea), sala Raport de gardă, în data de 22.07.2021, începând cu ora 11.00 am, cu ocazia finalizarii proiectului ROHU-401. | |||
419 | ROHU-450 | DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OF EFFICIENT SCREENING AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS | CSONGRAD-CSANÁD COUNTY HEALTH CARE CENTER | 28/07/2021 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | How can a baby eat independently? | Hogyan ehet önállóan egy baba? Lukasz Rebeka gyermek-dietetitkus, csecsemő-szülő kapcsolati konzulens online előadása, melynek témája, hogy miként érheti el a szülő mihamarabb, hogy gyermeke önállóan egyen. Erre a kérdésre kaphatnak választ, illetve segítséget és ötleteket mindazok, akik részt vesznek a Boldog Scheffler János Központ udvarán július 28-án, szerdán 18.00 órai kezdettel sorra kerülő online előadáson. | |||
420 | ROHU-380 | „Adult education in the field of healthy life and sustainable living environment” | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 02/08/2021 | Mezőkovácsháza, Gyula, Sarkad, Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | | Job fairs for jobseekers in the region | Állásbörzék a régióban lakó álláskeresők részére: | ||
421 | ROHU-422 | Green Transport - Development of Sustainable Mobility in the Twin Towns Jimbolia and Mórahalom | Móra-Tourist Ltd. | 31/07/2021 | Mórahalom | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | Summer Programmes at the Park of a Thousand Years and the Night of Beaches at the St. Elisabeth Spa in Morahalom. | Nyáresti programok az Ezer év parkjában és Strandok éjszakája a Szent Erzsébet mórahalmi Gyógyfürdőben. | |||
422 | ROHU-422 | Green Transport - Development of Sustainable Mobility in the Twin Towns Jimbolia and Mórahalom | Móra-Tourist Ltd. | 15/08/2021 | Mórahalom | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | Equestrian theatre performance - "Romeo and Juliet" - for visitors from the twin town Jimbolia, with accompanying activities | Lovasszínház előadás - "Rómeó és Júlia" - a zsombolyai testvértelepülésről érkezők számára, kísérő programokkal | |||
423 | ROHU-422 | Green Transport – Development of Sustainable Mobility in the Twin Towns Jimbolia and Mórahalom | Móra-Tourist Ltd. | 28/08/2021 | Mórahalom | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | Homokháti Sokadalom Folk dance festival, cultural programmes, dance house | Homokháti Sokadalom Néptáncfesztivál, kulturális programok, táncház | |||
424 | ROHU-422 | Green Transport - Development of Sustainable Mobility in the Twin Towns Jimbolia and Mórahalom | Móra-Tourist Ltd. | 29/08/2021 | Mórahalom | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | Homokháti Festival, twin town meeting | Homokháti Sokadalom, testvérvárosi találkozó | |||
425 | ROHU-285 | Healthy Traditions – Science for next generation | Iris Research Association - Lead, West University of Timisoara-P2, Nicolae Balcescu Lyceum of Gyula - P3 | 14/08/2021 | Gyula | Bekes | Hungary |át450.pdf | Free admission concert, in Gyula, Hungary, High School Square no. 2 | Concert cu intrare libera, in Gyula, Ungaria, Piata Liceului nr 2 Ingyenes belépő koncert, Gyulán, a Gimnázium 2. sz | ||
426 | ROHU-426 | Support to the local economy by encouraging alternative use of agricultural products | Directorate for Agriculture of Bihor County | 17/08/2021 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | The Directorate for Agriculture of Bihor County organizes the project opening event (ALTERAGRI ROHU 426) on the 17th of August 2021, starting at 10 o'clock, at Continental Hotel Oradea. | Direcția pentru Agricultură Județeană Bihor organizează evenimentul de deschidere al proiectului ALTERAGRI ROHU426, la data de 17 august 2021, de la ora 10, la Hotelul Continental Oradea. | |||
427 | ROHU62 | Borderless green corridor | Comuna Odoreu | 18/08/2021 | Odoreu | Satu Mare | Romania | Inauguration of the eco tourist area in Berindan village, Odoreu commune (32,99 ha), in the lower course of Someş river, and of the Tourist Information Centre "Magic of Someş" | Inaugurarea zonei ecoturistice pe o suprafaţă de 32,99 ha din satul Berindan, comuna Odoreu, în zona cursului inferior al râului Someş, precum și a Centrului de Informare Turistică ,,Magia Someşului” Szatmárudvari Berend falu 32,99 ha területén létesített ökotuisztikai övezet, valamint a „Szamos varázsa” Információs és Turisztikai Központ avatási ünnepsége | |||
428 | ROHU53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 23/08/2021 | Damis (Erdődámos) | Bihar | Romania | | NATURAL PROTECTION PERSONALISING TENT-AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITY Presentation of the natural values of the Natura 2000 area and the conservation of the ROHU53 project for the local and interested population of the oak forests of Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, with the following program elements - during the day and free of charge: • Conservation demonstration and information desk Event name, date and location: More information: [email protected] | TERMÉSZETVÉDELMI LAKOSSÁGI SZEMLÉLETFORMÁLÓ SÁTOR A Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 terület természeti értékeinek bemutatása és természetvédelem, valamint a ROHU53 projekt népszerűsítése a helyi és az érdeklődő lakosság számára, a következő - napközben és díjmentesen látogatható - programelemekkel: • Természetvédelmi bemutató és információs pult A rendezvény elnevezése, időpontja és helyszíne: PROTECȚIA NATURALĂ PERSONALIZAREA ACTIVITĂȚII DE CREȘTERE A CUNOȘTINȚELOR TENTE Prezentarea valorilor naturale ale zonei Natura 2000 și conservarea proiectului ROHU53 pentru populația locală și interesată a pădurilor de stejar din Debrecen-hajdúböszörmény, cu următoarele elemente de program - în timpul zilei și gratuit: • demonstrații de conservare și birou de informare Numele evenimentului, data și locația: Mai multe informații: [email protected] | ||
429 | ROHU-380 | Adult education in the field of healthy life and sustainable living environment | Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási Alapítvány | 08/09/2021 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | | The aim of the "Adult Education for Healthy Living and Sustainable Environment, ROHU-380" interim conference is to provide a comprehensive information on project objectives and results. The event will also provide an opportunity for our partners in the fields of education and human resources to share their experience. | „Felnőttképzés az egészséges életmód és a fenntartható környezet területén” című projekt konferenciájának célja, hogy a projekttel kapcsolatban széleskörű tájékoztatást adjunk a célkitűzésekről, a megvalósítókról, az eddigi eredményekről. A rendezvény során lehetőség nyílik az oktatási és foglalkoztatási területen érintett partnereink információcseréjére. | ||
430 | ROHU-422 | Green Transport - Development of Sustainable Mobility in the Twin Towns Jimbolia and Mórahalom | Móra-Tourist Ltd. | 04/09/2021 | Mórahalom | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | End-of-season beach party at the St. Elisabeth Spa in Mórahalom, renewable energies in tourism - factory visit | Szezonzáró strandparty a Szent Erzsébet Mórahalmi Gyógyfürdőben, megújuló energiák alkalmazása a turizmusban – üzemlátogatás | |||
431 | ROHU 331 | CROSS-BORDER NETWORK TO SUPPORT THE PROFESSIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT IN THE BORDER REGION – CAREER - ROHU 331 | Bihor County Agency for Employment | 16/09/2021 | Oradea | Ramania | Romania | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – PROJECT „CAREER” – ROHU 331 The sectors of employment and the labour market need to be analyzed both nationally as well as regionally in the context of recent developments. Also, during the conference we will discuss the issue of young NEETs and their employment and status at European level. | CONFERINȚĂ INTERNAȚIONALĂ – PROIECT „CAREER” – ROHU 331 Sectoarele ocupării forței de muncă și ale pieței forței de muncă trebuie analizate atât la nivel național, cât și regional, în contextul evoluțiilor recente. De asemenea, în timpul conferinței vom discuta problema tinerilor NEET, angajarea și statutul acestora la nivel european. | |||
432 | ROHU 72 | „Cross – border network for disaster resilience and emergency situations risks management” | DKMT Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisa Euroregion Development Agency Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd. | 23/09/2021 | online | The aim of the online professional workshop is to assess the intensity of cross-border cooperation between Arad, Csongrád-Csanád and Timiș County offices, directorates, institutes and organizations from water management sector. With the involvement of stakeholders and experts the ultimate goal of the project is to design the ‘Risk Management Strategy’ contributing to the development of cross-border cooperation in the field of risk management. | A műhelymunka célja az Arad, Csongrád-Csanád és Temes megyében tevékenykedő vízgazdálkodási intézmények közti határon átnyúló együttműködés feltérképezése. A workshopon elhangzó szakmai megjegyzések, javaslatok és tapasztalatok beépítésre kerülnek a a projekt keretében elkészülő Kockázatkezelési stratégiába, mely végső soron a kockázatkezelési együttműködés fejlesztését és hatékonyabbá tételét célozza. | |||||
433 | ROHU 72 | „Cross – border network for disaster resilience and emergency situations risks management” | DKMT Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisa Euroregion Development Agency Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd. | 28/09/2021 | online | Arad, Timis, Csongrád-Csanád | The aim of this online professional workshop is to assess the intensity of cross-border cooperation between Arad, Csongrád-Csanád and Timiș County offices, directorates, institutes and organizations from ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION sector. With the involvement of stakeholders and experts the ultimate goal of the project is to design the ‘Risk Management Strategy’ contributing to the development of cross-border cooperation in the field of risk management. | A műhelymunka célja az Arad, Csongrád-Csanád és Temes megyében tevékenykedő KÖRNYEZETVÉDELEMMEL FOGLALKOZÓ INTÉZMÉNYEK közti határon átnyúló együttműködés feltérképezése. A workshopon elhangzó szakmai megjegyzések, javaslatok és tapasztalatok beépítésre kerülnek a projekt keretében elkészülő Kockázatkezelési stratégiába, mely végső soron a kockázatkezelési együttműködés fejlesztését és hatékonyabbá tételét célozza. | ||||
434 | RoHu398 | CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR | Episcopia Romano-Catolica Oradea | 18/09/2021 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | | The Roman Catholic Bishopric of Oradea, together with the LP will initiate and run 2 editions of a musical event as a local tourism product, which will be replicated every year and post-implementation. | 620 / 5000 | |
435 | ROHU 72 | „Cross – border network for disaster resilience and emergency situations risks management” | DKMT Duna-Körös-Maros-Tisza Eurorégiós Fejlesztési Ügynökség Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 05/10/2021 | online | Arad, Csongrád-Csanád, Temes | The aim of this online professional workshop is to assess the intensity of cross-border cooperation between Arad, Csongrád-Csanád and Timiș County offices, directorates, institutes and organizations from AMBULANCE SERVICES sectoR. With the involvement of stakeholders and experts the ultimate goal of the project is to design the ‘Risk Management Strategy’ contributing to the development of cross-border cooperation in the field of risk management. | A műhelymunka célja az Arad, Csongrád-Csanád és Temes megyében tevékenykedő MENTŐSZOLGÁLATOK közti határon átnyúló együttműködés feltérképezése. A workshopon elhangzó szakmai megjegyzések, javaslatok és tapasztalatok beépítésre kerülnek a projekt keretében elkészülő Kockázatkezelési stratégiába, mely végső soron a kockázatkezelési együttműködés fejlesztését és hatékonyabbá tételét célozza. | ||||
436 | ROHU 72 | „Cross – border network for disaster resilience and emergency situations risks management” | DKMT Duna-Körös-Maros-Tisza Eurorégiós Fejlesztési Ügynökség Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 07/10/2021 | online | Arad, Csongrád-Csanád, Temes | The aim of this online professional workshop is to assess the intensity of cross-border cooperation between Arad, Csongrád-Csanád and Timiș County offices, directorates, institutes and organizations from POLICE HEADQUATERS . With the involvement of stakeholders and experts the ultimate goal of the project is to design the ‘Risk Management Strategy’ contributing to the development of cross-border cooperation in the field of risk management. | A műhelymunka célja az Arad, Csongrád-Csanád és Temes megyében tevékenykedő RENDŐRKAPITÁNYSÁGOK közti határon átnyúló együttműködés feltérképezése. A workshopon elhangzó szakmai megjegyzések, javaslatok és tapasztalatok beépítésre kerülnek a projekt keretében elkészülő Kockázatkezelési stratégiába, mely végső soron a kockázatkezelési együttműködés fejlesztését és hatékonyabbá tételét célozza. | ||||
437 | ROHU 72 | „Cross – border network for disaster resilience and emergency situations risks management” | DKMT Duna-Körös-Maros-Tisza Eurorégiós Fejlesztési Ügynökség Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 12/10/2021 | online | Arad, Csongrád-Csanád, Temes | The aim of this online professional workshop is to assess the intensity of cross-border cooperation between Arad, Csongrád-Csanád and Timiș County offices, directorates, institutes and organizations from PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY sector. With the involvement of stakeholders and experts the ultimate goal of the project is to design the ‘Risk Management Strategy’ contributing to the development of cross-border cooperation in the field of risk management. | A műhelymunka célja az Arad, Csongrád-Csanád és Temes megyében tevékenykedő KÖZEGÉSZSÉGÜGYI, JÁRVÁNYÜGYI szervezetek, intézmények közti határon átnyúló együttműködés feltérképezése. A workshopon elhangzó szakmai megjegyzések, javaslatok és tapasztalatok beépítésre kerülnek a projekt keretében elkészülő Kockázatkezelési stratégiába, mely végső soron a kockázatkezelési együttműködés fejlesztését és hatékonyabbá tételét célozza. | ||||
438 | ROHU 72 | „Cross – border network for disaster resilience and emergency situations risks management” | DKMT Duna-Körös-Maros-Tisza Eurorégiós Fejlesztési Ügynökség Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 14/10/2021 | online | Arad, Csongrád-Csanád, Temes | The aim of this online professional workshop is to assess the intensity of cross-border cooperation between Arad, Csongrád-Csanád and Timiș County offices, directorates, institutes and organizations from DISASTER MANAGEMENT sector. With the involvement of stakeholders and experts the ultimate goal of the project is to design the ‘Risk Management Strategy’ contributing to the development of cross-border cooperation in the field of risk management. | A műhelymunka célja az Arad, Csongrád-Csanád és Temes megyében tevékenykedő KATASZTRÓFAVÉDELEMMEL FOGLALKOZÓ szervezetek, intézmények közti határon átnyúló együttműködés feltérképezése. A workshopon elhangzó szakmai megjegyzések, javaslatok és tapasztalatok beépítésre kerülnek a projekt keretében elkészülő Kockázatkezelési stratégiába, mely végső soron a kockázatkezelési együttműködés fejlesztését és hatékonyabbá tételét célozza. | ||||
439 | ROHU-331 | Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region | Békés County Chamber of Commerce and Industry | 29/09/2021 | Gyula | Bekes | Hungary | BMKIK is organizing a conference entitled CAREER ROUTES WITHOUT BORDERS, within the framework of the project “Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region” on 29th of September 2021 in Gyula. | A BMKIK a „Határokon átnyúló hálózat a szakmai karrierfejlesztés támogatására a határmenti térségben” projekt keretében megrendezi a KARRIERUTAK HATÁROK NÉLKÜL című konferenciát 2021. szeptember 29.-én 10 órai kezdettel Gyulán. | |||
440 | ROHU 72 | „Cross – border network for disaster resilience and emergency situations risks management” | DKMT Duna-Körös-Maros-Tisza Eurorégiós Fejlesztési Ügynökség Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 19/10/2021 | online | Arad, Csongrád-Csanád, Temes | The aim of this online professional workshop is to assess the intensity of cross-border cooperation between Arad, Csongrád-Csanád and Timiș County offices, directorates, institutes and organizations from PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY sector. With the involvement of stakeholders and experts the ultimate goal of the project is to design the ‘Risk Management Strategy’ contributing to the development of cross-border cooperation in the field of risk management. | A műhelymunka célja az Arad, Csongrád-Csanád és Temes megyében tevékenykedő NÉPEGÉSZSÉGÜGYI ÉS JÁRVÁNYÜGYI HATÓSÁGOK közti határon átnyúló együttműködés feltérképezése. A workshopon elhangzó szakmai megjegyzések, javaslatok és tapasztalatok beépítésre kerülnek a projekt keretében elkészülő Kockázatkezelési stratégiába, mely végső soron a kockázatkezelési együttműködés fejlesztését és hatékonyabbá tételét célozza. | ||||
441 | ROHU331 | Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region | Békés Megyei Kormányhivatal/Government Office of Békés County | 13/10/2021 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | On 13-14th October the Government Office of Békés County will organize the Career Guidance Fair which is the largest career orientation event in the county. Within the framework of the two-day program series organized by the Békés County Government Office, the secondary and higher education institutions, adult education institutions of the county, and the relevant employers looking for skilled employees as well as organizations providing assistance in career choice are introduced. The organizer provides the visitors with current training offers, the opportunity to try out the professions, schoolchildren can use and try the so called “Little Masters” game, participants can fill career orientation questionnaires, and are provided with individual counseling, and interesting lectures related to career choice, current information are held. | 2021. október 13-án kerül megrendezésre Békés megye legnagyobb pályaorientációs rendezvénye, a Pályaválasztási Vásár. A Békés Megyei Kormányhivatal kétnapos programsorozata keretében bemutatkoznak a megye közép- és felsőfokú oktatási intézményei, felnőttképzést indító szervezetei, a megye szakképzett munkaerőt kereső, meghatározó munkáltatói, valamint a pályaválasztásban segítséget nyújtó szervezetei. A szervezők az idelátogatókat aktuális képzési kínálattal, a szakmák kipróbálásának lehetőségével, az iskolásokat „Kis Mesterek” játékkal, pályaorientációs kérdőívekkel, egyéni tanácsadással, a pályaválasztással kapcsolatos érdekes előadásokkal, aktuális információkkal várják. | |||
442 | ROHU331 | Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region | Békés Megyei Kormányhivatal/Government Office of Békés County | 13/10/2021 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | In the frames of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme ROHU331 project entitled „Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region” the Government Office of Békés County organizes the II. for CBC transfer of knowledge with the participation of the technical personnel of the partner organizations, but also interested institutions from both sides of the border. The one day event includes the presentation of the project results, guided tour on the Career Guidance Fair being organized between 13-14th October in Békéscsaba as well as career orientation round table discussion | Az Interreg V-A Románia- Magyarország program ROHU331 CAREER című projekt keretében a Békés Megyei Kormányhivatal második alkalommal szervezi meg a „Tudástranszfer határmenti együttműködésben” elnevezésű workshopot, melyen a projekt partnerek delegált képviselői, valamint egyéb érdekelt szervezetek vesznek részt a határ mindkét oldaláról. Az 1 napos rendezvény során bemutatásra kerülnek a projektben elért eredmények, a 2021. október 13-14-én Békéscsabán megrendezésre kerülő Pályaválasztási Vásár, valamint pályaorientációs kerekasztal megbeszélésre is sor kerül. | |||
443 | ROHU406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 14/10/2021 | Békéscsaba | Bekes | Hungary | | The objective of the event is to provide information for the target group in order to improve employment and to promote project results. | A rendezvény célja a közösen létrehozott határon átnyúló ingatlan adatbázis bemutatása, valamint a projekt eredményeinek ismertetése a célcsoport részére | ||
444 | ROHU331 | Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region | Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 13/10/2021 | Békéscsaba | Bekescsaba | A public presentation will be organized in Bekescsaba, Békés County, Hungary. This event is open to all interested youngsters aged 15 and above, which are enrolled in the formal education system. The event will contain a presentation of the software and a practical part when the participants can try its functions. | Nyilvános bemutató kerül megtartásra Békéscsabán, Békés megyében, Magyarországon. A rendezvény kapui nyitva állnak a 15 éves és a feletti közoktatásban tanuló fiatalok számára. A rendezvényen bemutatásra kerül a szoftver és egy gyakorlati rész is, amelyen a résztvevők kipróbálhatják a szoftver funkcióit. | ||||
445 | ROHU 202 | Mures/Maros that binds us | Diaspora Foundation | 14/10/2021 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | Project closing conference Location: 6721 Szeged, Felső Tisza-part 2. IH Rendezvényközpont | Conferință de inchidere Locație: 6721 Szeged, Felső Tisza-part 2. IH Rendezvényközpont Zárókonferencia Helyszín: 6721 Szeged, Felső Tisza-part 2. IH Rendezvényközpont | |||
446 | ROHU 426 | Support to the local economy by encouraging alternative use of agricultural products | Directorate for Agriculture of Bihor County | 19/10/2021 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | International conference for stakeholders from the construction sector | Conferinta internationala in domeniul constructiilor | |||
447 | ROHU-319 | JOINT PROGRAM FOR YOUTH CROSS – BORDER COOPERATION”, acronim 4 YOUTH | Paleu Commune | 19/10/2021 | Paleu | Bihor | Romania | The main objective of the project is to intensify sustainable cross-border cooperation of institutions, by developing the capacity of three public institutions for better service delivery to citizens. The specific objective is to provide more efficient public services to the citizens of the partner localities. Thus, through an efficient public administration, we want to increase the standard of living in the partner localities, so that young people stay in the community. | Obiectivul principal al proiectului este intensificarea cooperării transfrontaliere durabile a instituțiilor, prin dezvoltarea capacității a trei instituții publice pentru o mai bună prestare a serviciilor către cetățeni. Obiectivul specific este furnizarea de servicii publice mai eficiente către cetățenii din localitățile partenere. Astfel, printr-o administrație publică eficientă, dorim creșterea nivelului de trai în localitățile partenere, astfel ca tinerii să rămână în comunitate. A projekt fő célja az intézmények fenntartható, határokon átnyúló együttműködésének intenzívebbé tétele, három állami intézmény kapacitásának fejlesztése révén a polgároknak nyújtott jobb szolgáltatások érdekében. A konkrét cél az, hogy hatékonyabb közszolgáltatásokat nyújtsanak a partner települések polgárainak. Így a hatékony közigazgatás révén növelni akarjuk a partneri települések életszínvonalát, hogy a fiatalok a közösségben maradjanak. | |||
448 | ROHU-339 | Romanian-Hungarian cross-border project with a wider focus on diagnostics related to infertility, healthy pregnancy and newborn care | Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență „Pius Brînzeu” Timișoara | 05/11/2021 | Timișoara | Timiș | Romania | The purpose of both events is to promote project objectives, planned activities and expected results. | Scopul celor două evenimente este reprezentat de promovarea obiectivelor, activităților planificate și a rezultatelor preconizate ale proiectului. | |||
449 | ROHU386 | Improving cross-border health care services with modernized medical equipment within Dr. Gavril Curteanu Hospital in Oradea and Békés County Central Hospital | Békés Megyei Központi Kórház | 28/10/2021 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | | | Project Closing Conference Location: Békés Megyei Központi Kórház 5700 Gyula, Semmelweis u. 1. | Projekt Záró Konferencia Helyszín: Békés Megyei Központi Kórház 5700 Gyula, Semmelweis u. 1. | |
450 | ROHU-399 | Green Skills Platform for Sustainable Employment Development (GREENSEED) | Fundatia pentru cultura si invatamant Ioan Slavici | 26/10/2021 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | Final Conference of the project | Conferinta finala a proiectului | |||
451 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County | 18/11/2021 | Nyíregyháza | Cross-border labour market forum | Határon átnyúló Munkaerőpiaci Fórum | |||||
452 | ROHU-339 | Romanian-Hungarian cross-border project with a wider focus on diagnostics related to infertility, healthy pregnancy and newborn care | University of Szeged | 23/11/2021 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | Conference on preconception and pregnancy at the Szeged Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for public | „Fogantatás és várandósság” konferencia a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Szegedi Területi Bizottság székházában | |||
453 | ROHU-450 | DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OF EFFICIENT SCREENING AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS | CSONGRAD-CSANÁD COUNTY HEALTH CARE CENTER | 17/11/2021 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | | In order to celebrate World Prematurity Day, on the 17th of November, the Blessed János Scheffler Center has decided to organize in Satu-Mare an event which will raise awareness to challenges that come with preterm birth. Lanterns will be launched and the almost 200 years old historical building on Stefan cel Mare street no.9 will be illuminated with special lighting technology in honor of preterm babies. | Cu ocazia zilei internaționale ale copiilor născuți prematur, în data de 17 noiembrie, în fața clădirii Centrului Fericitul Scheffler János se organizează o acțiune de sensibilizare și conștientizare. Vor fi lansate lampioane, iar clădirea de 200 de ani a centrului, situată pe str. Ștefan cel Mare nr. 9 va fi ilumniat în culorile caracteristice celor născuți prematur. A Koraszülöttek világnapja alkalmából november 17-én figyelemfelkeltő eseményt szervez Szatmárnémetiben a Boldog Scheffler János Központ az intézet épülete előtt. A november közepi szürkületben lampionokat eregetnek majd és különleges fénytechnikával, a koraszülöttek színében világítják meg a Stefan cel Mare utca 9. szám alatt található központ, közel 200 éves épületét. | ||
454 | ROHU-396 | „Cross-border cooperation in the prevention and complex treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases in Békés-Timis counties” | Békés Megyei Központi Kórház | 08/12/2021 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | | | Project Closing Conference | Projekt Záró Konferencia | |
455 | ROHU-331 | Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region | Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 11/12/2021 | Gyomaendrőd | Békés | Hungary | BMKIK is organizing a conference entitled CAREER ROUTES WITHOUT BORDERS, within the framework of the project “Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region” on 11th of December 2021. | A BMKIK a „Határokon átnyúló hálózat a szakmai karrierfejlesztés támogatására a határmenti térségben” projekt keretében megrendezi a KARRIERUTAK HATÁROK NÉLKÜL című konferenciát 2021. december 11.-én 9 órai kezdettel Gyomaendrődön. | |||
456 | ROHU-390 | “Improving the public transport service at the level of Oradea and Debrecen Cross-border urban development poles”, acronym TRANSBORDER | Asociatia de Dezvoltare Intercomunitara Transregio | 21/12/2021 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | CLOSING CONFERENCE of the project ROHU-390 “Improving the public transport service at the level of Oradea and Debrecen Cross-border urban development poles”, acronym TRANSBORDER | CLOSING CONFERENCE of the project ROHU-390 “Improving the public transport service at the level of Oradea and Debrecen Cross-border urban development poles”, acronym TRANSBORDER | |||
457 | ROHU-281 | „Heritage of Csanád, bridge of schools” - cross-border cooperation of Catholic schools | Scoala Gimnaziala Jimbolia | 22/12/2021 | Jimbolia | Timis | Romania | Jimbolia Secondary School is pleased to invite you to the press conference on the completion of the project "Heritage of Csanad, bridge of schools - crossborder-cooperation of Catholic schools", funded under the Interreg V-A Romania - Hungary Program, eMS code ROHU - 281. | Școala Gimnazială Jimbolia are plăcerea să vă invite la conferința de presă privind finalizarea proiectului „Heritage of Csanad, bridge of schools - crossborder-cooperation of the Catholic schools”, finanțat în cadrul Programului Interreg V-A România – Ungaria, cod eMS ROHU – 281. A Zsombolyai Általános Iskola tisztelettel meghív minden érdeklődőt a „Heritage of Csanad, bridge of schools - crossborder-cooperation of the Catholic schools” ROHU-281 számú projekt záró sajtótájékoztatójára. | |||
458 | ROHU370 | ENCOCH – “Strengthening the cooperation of the chambers for the improvement of employment in the counties of Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg” | Satu Mare Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | 22/01/2022 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | "Job fair": Satu Mare Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, in collaboration with the Chamber of Craftsmen, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg County and with the support of the Satu Mare County Employment Agency invites you to take part in the first cross-border exchange of the labor market. | "Bursa pieței muncii": Camera de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură Satu Mare, in colaborare cu Camera Meșteșugarilor Satu Mare, Camera de Comert și Industrie a județului Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg şi cu sprijinul Agentiei Judetene de Ocupare a Fortei de Muncă Satu Mare vă invită să luați parte la prima bursă transfrontalieră a pieței muncii. "Állásbörze": a Szatmár Megyei Kereskedelmi, Ipar- és Agrárkamara, együttműködésben a Szatmári Kisiparosok Kamarájával, a Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi- és Iparkamarával, a Szatmár Megyei Munkaügyi Központtal együttműködésben, ezúton meghívja, hogy részt vegyen az első határmenti állásbörzén. | |||
459 | ROHU-53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 21/04/2022 | Hajdúböszörmény | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | PROJECT PART CLOSING EVENT DAY 1 Location: FÜRDŐKERTI IFJÚSÁGI SZABADIDŐKÖZPONT (Hajdúböszörmény, Vásár tér 11.) More information and application: [email protected] | PARTEA DE PROIECT ÎNCHIDEREA EVENIMENTULUI ZIUA 1 Locație: FÜRDŐKERTI IFJÚSÁGI SZABADIDŐKÖZPONT (Hajdúböszörmény, Vásár tér 11.) Mai multe informații și aplicare: [email protected] PROJEKTRÉSZ ZÁRÓRENDEZVÉNY 1. NAP Helyszín: FÜRDŐKERTI IFJÚSÁGI SZABADIDŐKÖZPONT (Hajdúböszörmény, Vásár tér 11.) Bővebb tájékoztatás és jelentkezés: [email protected] | |||
460 | ROHU-53 | Na-Tu-Re; Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | ZÖLD KÖR | 22/04/2022 | Hajdúhadház | Hajdú-Bihar | Hungary | SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT FIELD PRACTICE Location: KUTASI-ERDŐ, VACKOR EDUCATIONAL TRAIL (Hajdúhadház outskirts) | PARTEA DE PROIECT ÎNCHIDEREA EVENIMENTULUI ZIUA 2 Locație: KUTASI-ERDŐ, VACKOR EDUCATIONAL TRAIL (periferia Hajdúhadház) SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT FIELD PRACTICE Location: KUTASI-ERDŐ, VACKOR EDUCATIONAL TRAIL (Hajdúhadház outskirts) More information and application: [email protected] | |||
461 | ROHU-331 | Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region | Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 23/03/2022 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | BMKIK is organizing a conference entitled CAREER ROUTES WITHOUT BORDERS, within the framework of the project “Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region” on 23th of March 2022. | A BMKIK a „Határokon átnyúló hálózat a szakmai karrierfejlesztés támogatására a határmenti térségben” projekt keretében megrendezi a KARRIERUTAK HATÁROK NÉLKÜL című konferenciát 2022. március 23.-ánn 9 órai kezdettel Békéscsabán. | |||
462 | ROHU-331 | Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region | Békés County Chamber of Commerce and Industry | 26/03/2022 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | BMKIK is organizing a conference entitled CAREER ROUTES WITHOUT BORDERS, within the framework of the project “Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region” on 26th of March 2022. | A BMKIK a „Határokon átnyúló hálózat a szakmai karrierfejlesztés támogatására a határmenti térségben” projekt keretében megrendezi a KARRIERUTAK HATÁROK NÉLKÜL című konferenciát 2022. március 26.-án Békéscsabán. | |||
463 | ROHU 426 | Support to the local economy by encouraging alternative use of agricultural products | Directia pentru Agricultura Judeteana Bihor | 30/03/2022 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | International Conference in the field of agriculture | Conferinta internationala in domeniul agriculturii | |||
464 | ROHU392 | INTEGRATED RESPONSE FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IN THE CROSS-BORDER REGION | Moftin Commune | 06/04/2022 | Moftin | Satu Mare | Romania | Health prevention workshop | Workshop de prevenție în sănătate | |||
465 | ROHU392 | INTEGRATED RESPONSE FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IN THE CROSS-BORDER REGION | Moftin Commune | 06/04/2022 | Moftin | Satu Mare | Romania | Health prevention workshop | Workshop de prevenție în sănătate | |||
466 | ROHU370 | ENCOCH – “Strengthening the cooperation of the chambers for the improvement of employment in the counties of Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg” | Satu Mare Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | 01/04/2022 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | "Job fair": Satu Mare Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, in collaboration with the Chamber of Craftsmen Satu Mare, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg County and with the support of the Satu Mare County Employment Agency invites you to take part in the second cross-border job fair of the labor market, organized within the project ROHU370 ENCOCH – “Strengthening the cooperation of the chambers for the improvement of employment in the counties of Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg”. Date of the job fair: April 01-02, 2022 (10.30-18.30h) | Camera de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură Satu Mare, in colaborare cu Camera Meșteșugarilor , Camera de Comert și Industrie a județului Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg şi cu sprijinul Agentiei Judetene de Ocupare a Fortei de Muncă Satu A Szatmár Megyei Kereskedelmi, Ipari és Mezőgazdasági Kamara, együttműködve a Szatmárnémeti Kisiparosok Kamarája Egyesülettel, a Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamarával, valamint a Szatmár Megyei Munkaerő-foglalkoztatási Ügynökség támogatásával, második ízben szervezi meg azt a határon átnyúló Állásbörzét, mely a ROHU370 ENCOCH - a kamarák és más munkaerő-piaci szereplők közötti együttműködés elősegítése, a határ menti régió | |||
467 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 29/03/2022 | Nyíregyháza | The Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Chamber of Commerce and Industry, together with its Romanian project partners - the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Satu Mare and the Chamber of Craftsmen Association - organizes a labor market forum. | A Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara romániai projekt partnereivel – a Szatmárnémeti Kereskedelmi, Ipari és Mezőgazdasági Kamarával és a Kézművesek Kamarájával – közösen munkaerő-piaci fórumot szervez az „ENCOCH – A kamarák közötti együttműködés erősítése a foglalkoztatás javítása érdekében Szatmár és Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyében” című projekt keretében. | |||||
468 | ROHU392 | INTEGRATED RESPONSE FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IN THE CROSS-BORDER REGION | Moftin Commune | 29/04/2022 | Moftin | Satu Mare | Romania | Health prevention workshop | Workshop-ul de prevenție în sănătate | |||
469 | ROHU392 | INTEGRATED RESPONSE FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IN THE CROSS-BORDER REGION | Moftin Commune | 29/04/2022 | Moftin | Satu Mare | Romania | Project closing conference | Conferinta de incheiere a proiectului | |||
470 | ROHU-331 | Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region | Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 25/04/2022 | Tótkomlós | Békés | Hungary | BMKIK is organizing a conference entitled CAREER ROUTES WITHOUT BORDERS, within the framework of the project “Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region” on 25th of April 2022 in Tótkomlós. | A BMKIK a „Határokon átnyúló hálózat a szakmai karrierfejlesztés támogatására a határmenti térségben” projekt keretében megrendezi a KARRIERUTAK HATÁROK NÉLKÜL című konferenciát 2022. április 25.-én Tótkomlóson. | |||
471 | ROHU-331 | CROSS-BORDER NETWORK TO SUPPORT THE PROFESSIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT IN THE BORDER REGION - CAREER | Bihor County Employment Agency (AJOFM Bihor) | 04/05/2022 | Oradea, Cetatea Oradea | Romania | Romania | AJOFM Bihor organizes on May 4th and 5th a Large Scale Job and Career Orientation Fair. The event is part of the CAREER project, financed by the Romania-Hungary 2014-2020 CBC Programme, and will be hosted in Oradea Fortress. The participants will have the opportunity to contact an important number of companies which will present the professional competences they are looking for, schools and vocational training providers which will display their educational offer. Thus, the main goal of the event is to facilitate the interaction on the labor market between the offer and demand, as well as to provide career orientation services for youngsters and other individuals interested in developing their careers based on their personal and professional competences. Everybody interested is welcome to participate! Please follow the local media for more details related to the event. | AJOFM Bihor organizează in 04 și 05 mai 2022 un Târg de Forță de Muncă și Orientare în Carieră. Evenimentul face parte din proiectul CAREER, finanțat prin intermediul Programului de Cooperare Transfrontalieră România-Ungaria 2014-2020, și va fi găzduit de Cetatea Oradea. Participanții vor avea oportunitatea de a contacta un număr important de firme care vor prezenta competențele profesionale pe care le caută pe piața muncii, dar vor putea afla detalii și despre oferta educațională a școlilor și furnizorilor de pregătire vocațională. Astfel, principalul obiectiv al evenimentului este de a facilita interacțiunea pe piața muncii dintre cerere și ofertă, respectiv de a oferi servicii de orientare în carieră pentru tineri și persoane interesate în dezvoltarea carierei profesionale pe baza competențelor personale și profesionale. Sunt așteptați toți cei interesați! Pentru detalii suplimentare legate de eveniment, vă rugăm să urmăriți presa locală. | |||
472 | ALTERAGRI ROHU 426 | Support to the local economy by encouraging alternative use of agricultural products | Directia pentru Agricultura Judeteana Bihor | 12/05/2022 | Salard | Bihor | Romania | Job fair in agriculture | Târg de locuri de muncă în agricultură | |||
473 | ROHU-420 | CREATE TO GATHER | APPAR/ INNOVA | 13/05/2022 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | | | The Association for Business Promotion in Romania in partnership with INNOVA Debrecen Hungary invites you to take part in the OPENING CONFERENCE of the ROHU-420 "Create to Gather" project which will take place on Friday, May 13, 2022, at 9.00, at FIX Makerspace. During the opening conference, the project activities, the opportunities offered for the local creative community as well as the future plans in this context will be presented. Event duration: approx. 3 hours. Please confirm your presence at the event at the e-mail address [email protected] or at no. by phone +40 740 78 58 91 until 10.05.2022. We are waiting for you! Best regards, Gönczi József | Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în România în parteneriat cu INNOVA Debrecen Ungaria vă invită să luați parte la CONFERINȚA DE DESCHIDERE a proiectului ROHU-420 „Create to Gather” ce va avea loc vineri, 13 mai 2022, ora 9.00, la spațiul FIX Makerspace. Pe parcursul conferinței de deschidere se vor prezenta activitățile proiectului, oportunitățile oferite pentru comunitatea creativă locală precum și planurile de viitor în acest context. Durată eveniment: approx. 3 ore. Vă rugăm să ne confirmați prezența Dumneavoastră la eveniment la adresa de e-mail [email protected] sau la nr. de telefon +40 740 78 58 91 până în data de 10.05.2022. Vă așteptăm! Cu stimă, Gönczi József ---- A Romániai Vállalkozásokért Egyesület és projektpartnere, az INNOVA Debrecen Magyarország, meghívja Önt a ROHU-420 "Create to Gather" elnevezésű projekt NYITÓKONFERENCIÁJÁRA, amelyre 2022. május 13-án, pénteken 9.00 órakor kerül sor a FIX Makerspace helységben. A nyitókonferencia egy kiváló alkalom a projekt különböző munkacsomagjainak és a helyi alkotóközösség számára nyújtott lehetőségek ismertetésére, valamint, ezekkel összefüggésben, a jövőbeli tervek felvázolására is. Rendezvény időtartama: kb. 3 óra. Kérjük, hogy az eseményen való részvételi szándékát az [email protected] e-mail címen vagy a +40 740 78 58 91-es telefonszámon jelezze, legkésőbb 2022. május 10-ig. Számítunk részvételére! Üdvözlettel, Gönczi József |
474 | ROHU-357 | „Cooperarea pentru standarde înalte de asistență medicală în prevenirea, identificarea timpurie și tratamentul eficient al bolilor în Euroregiunea Bihor-Hajdú Bihar" | Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență Oradea | 14/05/2022 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | Inauguration of the Medical Analysis Laboratory of the Oradea County Emergency Clinical Hospital equipped within the ROHU-357 project | Inaugurarea Laboratorului de Analize Medicale al Spitalului Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Oradea dotat in cadrul proiectului ROHU-357 | |||
475 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 19/10/2021 | Nyírbátor | Factroy visit at the Diehl Aviation Kft. | Gyárlátogatás a Diehl Aviation Kft.-nél. | |||||
476 | ROHU-14 | Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area | Municipality of Békés | 07/06/2022 | Békés | Békés | Hungary |ívó_záró-rendezvény_2022.06.07._ROHU14.pdf | Closing conference in Békés will be aimed at informing and increasing the interest of the participants about the project, its activities and expected results. | A ROHU-14 projekt záró konferenciájának (rendezvényének) célja a tájékoztatás és a közérdeklődés növelése a projekt tevékenységei és eredményei irányt. | ||
477 | ROHU-14 | Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area | Municipality of Békés | 07/06/2022 | Békés | Békés | Hungary |ívó_záró-rendezvény_2022.06.07._ROHU14-1.pdf | Closing conference in Békés will be aimed at informing and increasing the interest of the participants about the project, its activities and expected results. | A ROHU-14 projekt záró konferenciájának (rendezvényének) célja a tájékoztatás és a közérdeklődés növelése a projekt tevékenységei és eredményei irányt. | ||
478 | ROHU-450 | Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs -DESP | Lead Partner: Csongrád County Health Care Center – Hódmezővásárhely-Makó, Hungary, Project Partner: Association of Vincentian Sisters of Charity - Satu Mare, Romania | 10/06/2022 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | | | What do you know about skin function? You've heard of melanocytes? You know how light affects your skin? Or how does sunscreen work? And especially: how does skin cancer develop? To the above questions and other similar questions you can get answers from Dr. Ágota Bartha, dermatologist - venerologist, at the presentation "Skin cancer - what can we do to prevent it?" Friday, June 10, starting at 11:00. | Să fiți cu un pas înaintea cancerului de piele! Ce știți despre funcționarea pielii? Ați auzit de melanocit? Șiți cum vă afectează lumina pielea? Sau cum funcționează crema de protecție solară? Și mai ales: cum se dezvoltă cancerul de piele? Legyen egy lépéssel a bőrrák előtt! | |
479 | ROHU 348 | Bridge to the cross-border labor market | Fundatia Diaspora | 17/06/2022 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | | Invitation Location: Kós Károly Community Center, Timisoara, Str. Putna No. 7 | Invitație Cu ocazia conferinței de presă, va avea loc prezentarea activităților derulate respectiv a rezultatelor proiectului. La conferința de presă invităm reprezentanții presei, reprezentanții partenrilor care au implementat proiectul, respectiv beneficiarii proiectului care au participat la cursurile de formare. Meghívó A zárókonferencia keretében bemutatásra kerülnek a projektben megvalósult tevékenységek illetve az elért célkitűzések. Ez alkalommal meghívjuk a sajtó képviselőit, a project lebonyolításáért felelős partnerek képviselőit, illetve a célcsoport tagjait, akik részt vettek a képzési csoportokban. | ||
482 | ROHU339 | HEALTH-PREGN-ROHU | University of Szeged | 06/07/2022 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | 3-day-long Down Symposium for medical professionals at the ART Hotel in Szeged, Hungary between the 6th and 8th of July, 2022. | Háromnapos Down Szimpózium Szegeden az ART Hotelben 2022. június 6 és 8. között egészségügyi szakemberek részére. | |||
483 | ROHU-406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 30/06/2022 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Professional event | Szakmai rendezvény | |||
484 | ROHU 388 | “Centrul de Dezvoltare Durabilă Leș” CDDL | ADI ZONA METROPOLITANA ORADEA | 06/07/2022 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | ADIZMO_Association of Intercommunity Development Oradea Metropolitan Area, organizes on July 6, 2022, the opening conference dedicated to promote the project "Center for Sustainable Development Leş", acronym CDDL, eMS code ROHU 388. | ADIZMO_Asociația de Dezvoltare Intercomunitară Zona Metropolitană Oradea, organizează în data de 06 iulie 2022, conferința de deschidere dedicată promovării proiectului “Centrul de Dezvoltare Durabilă Leș”, acronim CDDL, cod eMS ROHU 388. Conferința va avea loc în data de 06 iulie 2022, cu începere de la ora 10:30, în Sala Mare a Primăriei Municipiului Oradea - Piața Unirii, nr. 1 – 3, cu participarea tuturor partenerilor implicați în proiect. | ||
485 | ROHU126 | Nature preservation, protection and promotion on both sides of the Romanian-Hungarian border | Center for Protected Areas and Sustainable Development Bihor | 20/07/2022 | Vadu Crisului | Bihor | Romania | | There will be a camp for children in nature, where they will perform ranger activities. They will be taught to coexist with nature, respect it, and make sustainable use of resources. 20 children from the communities on both sides of the border involved in this project will participate in the camp. The camp will last for 7 days and will take place on the site. Activities: hiking, interactive workshops (understanding the notions of a healthy ecosystem, sustainable development and the need for nature conservation), team games, environmental-themed film screenings, map and compass orientation, identification of wildlife footprints with optical tools, identification of flora species, etc.) | Va fi o tabără pentru copii în natură, unde vor desfășura activități de tipol junior ranger. Ei vor fi învățați să coexiste cu natura, să o respecte și să o facă print-o utilizare durabilă a resurselor. În tabără vor participa 20 de copii din comunitățile de pe ambele părți ale graniței implicate în acest proiect. Tabăra va dura 7 zile și se va desfășura in aria naturala protejata. Activități: drumeții, ateliere interactive (înțelegerea noțiunilor de ecosistem sănătos, dezvoltare durabilă și necesitatea conservării naturii), jocuri în echipă, proiecții de filme cu tematică de mediu, orientare pe hartă și busolă, identificarea amprentelor faunei sălbatice cu instrumente optice, identificarea florei specii etc.) Tevékenységek: túrázás, interaktív workshopok (az egészséges ökoszisztéma fogalmának megértése, a fenntartható fejlődés és a természetvédelem szükségessége), csapatjátékok, környezetvédelmi filmek vetítése, térképes és iránytűs tájékozódás, vadujjlenyomatok azonosítása optikai műszerekkel, fajflóra azonosítása stb. .) | ||
486 | ROHU-140 | The development of the bike track from the Salonta - Békéscsaba cross border area | Sarkad Town | 27/07/2022 | Sarkad | Hungary | | | ROHU140 project closing conference in Sarkad | Conferința finală a proiectului ROHU140 la Sarkad | ||
487 | ROHU-140 | The development of the bike track from the Salonta - Békéscsaba cross border area | The Municipality of Salonta | 28/07/2022 | Salonta | Bihor | Romania | | | ROHU140 Project closing conference in Salonta | Conferința finală a proiectului ROHU140 la Salonta | |
488 | ROHU370 | ENCOCH – “Strengthening the cooperation of the chambers for the improvement of employment in the counties of Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg” | Satu Mare Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | 05/08/2022 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | "Job fair": Satu Mare Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, in collaboration with the Chamber of Craftsmen Satu Mare, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg County and with the support of the Satu Mare County Employment Agency invites you to take part in the third cross-border job fair of the labor market, organized within the project ROHU370 ENCOCH – “Strengthening the cooperation of the chambers for the improvement of employment in the counties of Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg”. Date of the job fair: August 05-06, 2022 (11.30-19.30h) | Camera de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură Satu Mare, in colaborare cu Camera Meșteșugarilor , Camera de Comert și Industrie a județului Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg şi cu sprijinul Agentiei Judetene de Ocupare a Fortei de Muncă Satu A Szatmár Megyei Kereskedelmi, Ipari és Mezőgazdasági Kamara, együttműködve a Szatmárnémeti Kisiparosok Kamarája Egyesülettel, a Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamarával, valamint a Szatmár Megyei Munkaerő-foglalkoztatási Ügynökség támogatásával, harmadik ízben szervezi meg azt a határon átnyúló Állásbörzét, mely a ROHU370 ENCOCH - a kamarák és más munkaerő-piaci szereplők közötti együttműködés elősegítése, a határ menti régió | |||
489 | ROHU398 | “CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDÚ-BIHAR” | Parohia ortodoxă română Oradea Ioșia-Nord | 08/08/2022 | Oradea | Bihor | România | | Graduates of cook classes will master the following activities: | Absolvenții cursurilor de bucătar vor stăpâni următoarele activități: | ||
490 | ROHU406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 09/09/2022 | Békéscsaba, CsabaPark Rendezvénysátor (5600 Békéscsaba, Gyulai út 61.) | Bekescsaba | Hungary | | Construction exhibition, real estate fair and family day (09-10 September 2022, 10:00-18:00) | Építőipari kiállítás, ingatlanbörze és családi nap (2022. szeptember 9-10.) | ||
491 | ROHU406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 10/09/2022 | Békéscsaba, CsabaPark (5600 Békéscsaba, Gyulai út 61.) | Bekescsaba | Magyarország | | Építőipari kiállítás, ingatlanbörze és családi nap (2022. szeptember 9-10.) | Construction exhibition, real estate fair and family day (09-10 September 2022, 10:00-18:00) | ||
492 | ROHU391 | ”Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Comuna Halmeu | 18/09/2022 | Livada | Satu Mare | Romania | Organisation of a forum for the population in order to promote the ROHU391 project, which will take place in Livada, on 18.09.2022. | Obiectivele specifice ale proiectului urmăresc - printre altele - organizarea unor activităţi comune cu localitatea parteneră Ajak având ca scop îmbunătățirea ocupării forței de muncă şi promovarea cooperării dintre actorii pieţei muncii din zona transfrontalieră. Următorul eveniment, un forum cu populaţia va fi organizat la Livada, în data de 18.09.2022. A projekt specifikus célkitűzései - többek között - közös tevékenységek szervezése Ajak településsel partnerségben a munkaerő foglalkoztatásának javítása, valamint a határmenti régió munkaerőpiaci szereplői együttműködésének elősegítése céljából. A következő rendezvényre, a lakossági fórumra 2022. szeptember 18-án kerül sor Sárközön. | |||
493 | ROHU - 422 | Green Transport – Development of Sustainable Mobility in the Twin Towns Jimbolia and Mórahalom | MÓRA-TOURIST - Mórahalom, Hungary | 30/09/2022 | Jimbolia | Timiș | Romania | The LP, the Municipality of Jimbolia is going to organize a conference for professionals and stakeholders. The conference will have a double role: 1. the invited professionals will present the advantages of electric vehicles and clean energy sources, also the staff involved in the implementation of the project will present its experiences, 2. the invited stakeholders from the region will learn about the system and about the possibilities to get involved and to extend the system to their localities. In this way the conference will help to disseminate the results of the project and to make a link between specialists and stakeholders from Romania and Hungary. | Partenerul lider de proiect, Orașul Jimbolia va organiza o conferință pentru profesioniști și părțile interesate. Conferința va avea un dublu rol: 1. profesioniștii invitați vor prezenta avantajele vehiculelor electrice și a surselor de energie verde, de asemenea personalul implicat în implementarea proiectului își va prezenta experiențele, 2. părțile interesate invitate din regiune vor învăța despre sistem și despre posibilitățile de a se implica și de a extinde sistemul în localitățile lor. În acest fel, conferința va contribui la diseminarea rezultatelor proiectului și la realizarea unei legături între specialiști și părțile interesate din România și Ungaria. | |||
494 | ROHU406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 06/10/2022 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | The aim of the event is to provide information for the target group in order to improve employment and promote project results. | A rendezvény célja információk biztosítása a célcsoport részére a foglalkoztatás növelése és a projekt eredmények népszerűsítése érdekében. | |||
495 | ROHU391 | ”Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Comuna Halmeu | 06/10/2022 | Turulung | Satu Mare | Romania | Organisation of a job fair in order to promote the ROHU391 project, which will take place in Turulung, on 06.10.2022. | Obiectivele specifice ale proiectului urmăresc - printre altele - organizarea unor activităţi comune cu localitatea parteneră Ajak având ca scop îmbunătățirea ocupării forței de muncă şi promovarea cooperării dintre actorii pieţei muncii din zona transfrontalieră. Următorul eveniment, o bursă a locurilor de muncă, va fi organizat la Turulung, în data de 06.10.2022. A projekt specifikus célkitűzései - többek között - közös tevékenységek szervezése Ajak településsel partnerségben a munkaerő foglalkoztatásának javítása, valamint a határmenti régió munkaerőpiaci szereplői együttműködésének elősegítése céljából. A következő rendezvényre, egy állásbörzére, 2022. október 6-án kerül sor Túrterebesen. | |||
496 | ROHU-339 | Romanian-Hungarian cross-border project with a wider focus on diagnostics related to infertility, healthy pregnancy and newborn care | Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență „Pius Brînzeu” Timișoara, OncoGen Centre | 28/10/2022 | Timișoara | Timiș | Romania | "Know-how exchange on state-of-the-art methods in microbiological and genetic screening, and diagnostic in infertility, maternal and fetal health" is a two-day medical international conference to be held at the OncoGen Centre, Pius Brinzeu Clinical County Emergency Hospital Timisoara on October 28 - 29, 2022. The Conference will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of latest developments and cutting-edge techniques in the field of microbiologic and genetic screening, and diagnostic in order to improve reproductive outcome for women with infertility problems, those with infectious pathology during a normal pregnancy, or newborns with infections or genetic pathology. The conference will include keynote presentations, oral and poster presentations. Fifty medical professionals from the region will participate in the event and four high profile specialist in the field, from outside the project partners countries , will be invited as lecturers. All materials and posters presented during the conference will be published on the project website ( in 3 languages (English, Hungarian, and Romanian). | „Schimb de know-how privind metodele de ultimă generație în screening microbiologic și genetic, și diagnostic în infertilitate, sănătatea maternă și fetală” este o conferință internațională medicală de două zile care va avea loc la Centrul OncoGen, Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență „Pius Brînzeu” Timișoara în perioada 28 - 29 octombrie 2022. Conferința va oferi o platformă pentru prezentarea și discutarea celor mai recente evoluții și tehnici de ultimă oră în domeniul screening-ului microbiologic și genetic și al diagnosticului, în scopul sprijinirii femeilor cu probleme de infertilitate, a celor cu patologie infecțioasă în timpul unei sarcini normale sau a nou-născuților cu infecții sau patologie genetică. Conferința va include prelegeri, prezentări orale și postere. La eveniment vor participa cincizeci de profesioniști medicali din regiune și patru specialiști de prestigiu din domeniu, din afara țărilor partenere în proiect. Toate materialele și posterele prezentate în timpul conferinței vor fi publicate pe site-ul proiectului ( în 3 limbi (engleză, maghiară și română). | |||
497 | ROHU391 | ”Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Comuna Halmeu | 13/10/2022 | Halmeu | Satu Mare | Romania | Organisation of a job fair in order to promote the ROHU391 project, which will take place in Halmeu, on 13.10.2022. | Obiectivele specifice ale proiectului urmăresc - printre altele - organizarea unor activităţi comune cu localitatea parteneră Ajak având ca scop îmbunătățirea ocupării forței de muncă şi promovarea cooperării dintre actorii pieţei muncii din zona transfrontalieră. Următorul eveniment, o bursă a locurilor de muncă, va fi organizat la Halmeu, în data de 13.10.2022. A projekt specifikus célkitűzései - többek között - közös tevékenységek szervezése Ajak településsel partnerségben a munkaerő foglalkoztatásának javítása, valamint a határmenti régió munkaerőpiaci szereplői együttműködésének elősegítése céljából. A következő rendezvényre, egy állásbörzére, 2022. október 13-án kerül sor Halmiban. | |||
498 | ROHU-395 | Cooperation between Nyírbátor and Carei for improving employment and promoting development based on endogenous potential | Local Government of Nyírbátor | 25/05/2022 | Nyírbátor | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | LABOUR MARKET FORUM | MUNKAERŐPIACI FÓRUM | |||
499 | ROHU-395 | Cooperation between Nyírbátor and Carei for improving employment and promoting development based on endogenous potential | Local Government of Nyírbátor | 10/06/2022 | Nyírbátor | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | JOB FAIR IN NYÍRBÁTOR, 4300 Nyírbátor, Édesanyák útja 7. | NYÍRBÁTORI ÁLLÁSBÖRZE, 4300 Nyírbátor, Édesanyák útja 7. | |||
500 | ROHU-395 | Cooperation between Nyírbátor and Carei for improving employment and promoting development based on endogenous potential | Local Government of Nyírbátor | 10/06/2022 | Nyírbátor | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | LABOUR MARKET FORUM | MUNKAERŐPIACI FÓRUM | |||
501 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 17/05/2022 | Mátészalka | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Factory Visit at the Carl Zeiss Vision Hungary Kft. (4700 Mátészalka, Ernst Abbe u. 1-2.) | Gyárlátogatás a Carl Zeiss Vision Hungary Kft.-nél (4700 Mátészalka, Ernst Abbe u. 1-2.) | |||
502 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 18/05/2022 | Nyíregyháza | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Factory Visit at the Color Pack Zrt. (4400 Nyíregyháza, Westsik V. u. 4.) | Gyárlátogatás a Color Pack Zrt.-nél (4400 Nyíregyháza, Westsik V. u. 4.) | |||
503 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 19/10/2021 | Nyírbátor | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Factory Visit at the Diehl Aviation Hungary Kft. (4300 Nyírbátor, Ipari Park utca 9.) | Gyárlátogatás a Diehl Aviation Hungary Kft.-nél (4300 Nyírbátor, Ipari Park utca 9.) | |||
504 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 10/05/2022 | Mátészalka | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Factory Visit at the Grillázs Kft. (4700 Mátészalka, Zrinyi u. 19.) | Gyárlátogatás a Grillázs Kft.-nél (4700 Mátészalka, Zrinyi u. 19.) | |||
505 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 18/05/2022 | Nagykálló | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Factory Visit at the Juhász Sörfőzde (4320 Nagykálló, Bocskai u. 79.) | Gyárlátogatás a Juhász Sörfőzdében (4320 Nagykálló, Bocskai u. 79.) | |||
506 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 24/05/2022 | Nyíregyháza | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Factory Visit at the Michelin Hungária Kft. (4400 Nyíregyháza, Bottyán János u. 15.) | Gyárlátogatás a Michelin Hungária Kft.-nél (4400 Nyíregyháza, Bottyán János u. 15.) | |||
507 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 07/06/2022 | Nyíregyháza | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Factory Visit at the Nyír-Papír Kft. (4400, Nyíregyháza, Móricz Zsigmond u. 24.) | Gyárlátogatás a Nyír-Papír Kft.-nél (4400, Nyíregyháza, Móricz Zsigmond u. 24.) | |||
508 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 14/06/2022 | Nyíregyháza | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Factory Visit at the Special Kontakt Kft. (4400 Nyíregyháza, Kinizsi út 3.) | Gyárlátogatás a Special Kontakt Kft.-nél (4400 Nyíregyháza, Kinizsi út 3.) | |||
509 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 19/10/2021 | Nyírbátor | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Factory Visit at the Diehl Aviation Hungary Kft. (4300 Nyírbátor, Ipari Park utca 9.) | Gyárlátogatás a Diehl Aviation Hungary Kft.-nél (4300 Nyírbátor, Ipari Park utca 9.) | |||
510 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 29/03/2022 | Nyíregyháza | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Common labour market forum in Nyíregyháza (29/03/2022; 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2.) | Közös munkaerő piaci fórum Nyíregyházán (29/03/2022; 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2.) | |||
511 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 03/05/2022 | Nyíregyháza | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Common labour market forum in Nyíregyháza (03/05/2022; 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2.) | Közös munkaerő piaci fórum Nyíregyházán (03/05/2022; 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2.) | |||
512 | ROHU331 | Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region | Békés Megyei Kormányhivatal/Government Office of Békés County | 05/10/2022 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary |ívó-szakmai-rendezvényre_2022.10.05.pdf | The Government Office of Békés County organises in the frames of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme ROHU331 project entitled „Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Venue: Békéscsaba, Csabapark, Pálinkaház (5600 Békéscsaba, Gyulai út 61/2) Main topics: | A Békés Megyei Kormányhivatalaz Interreg V-A Románia-Magyarország Program keretében megvalósuló ROHU331 számú „Cross-Border Network to Support the Professional Career Development in the Border Region” című projekt keretében 2022. október 5-én rendezi meg a projekt keretében tervezett „Ismeretterjesztő-tudásbővítő” Szakmai Nap-ot. Főbb témakörök: | ||
513 | ROHU-339 | Romanian-Hungarian cross-border project with a wider focus on diagnostics related to infertility, healthy pregnancy and newborn care | Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență „Pius Brînzeu” Timișoara, OncoGen Centre | 28/10/2022 | Timișoara | Timiș | Romania | | The Conference will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of latest developments and cutting – edge techniques in the field of microbilogic and genetic screening and diagnostic in order to improve reproductive outcome for women with infertility problems, those with infectious pathology during a normal pregnancy, or newborns with infectious or genetic pathology. The conference will have a duration of two days and will include oral and poster presentations. Four high profile specialist in the field are invited as keynote speakers. | Conferința reprezintă un forum pentru prezentarea și discuția celor mai recente evoluții și tehnici de ultimă oră în domeniul screeningului și diagnosticului microbiologic și genetic pentru îmbunătățirea situației femeilor cu probleme de infertilitate, a celor cu patologie infecțioasă în timpul unei sarcini normale, sau a nou-născuților cu patologie infecțioasă sau genetică. Conferința va avea o durată de două zile și va include prezentări orale și postere. De asemenea, vor susține prezentări patru specialişti de prestigiu din domeniu. | ||
514 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 20/10/2022 | Nyíregyháza | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Job fair (Nyíregyházi SZC Inczédy György Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium; 4400 Nyíregyháza Árok utca 53.) | Állásbörze (Nyíregyházi SZC Inczédy György Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium; 4400 Nyíregyháza Árok utca 53.) | |||
515 | ROHU-370 | Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara | 21/10/2022 | Nyíregyháza | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Job fair (Nyíregyházi SZC Inczédy György Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium; 4400 Nyíregyháza Árok utca 53.) | Állásbörze (Nyíregyházi SZC Inczédy György Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium; 4400 Nyíregyháza Árok utca 53.) | |||
516 | ROHU370 | ENCOCH – “Strengthening the cooperation of the chambers for the improvement of employment in the counties of Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg” | Satu Mare Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | 04/11/2022 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | Job fair": Satu Mare Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, in collaboration with the Chamber of Craftsmen Satu Mare, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg County and with the support of the Satu Mare County Employment Agency invites you to take part in the fourth cross-border job fair of the labor market, organized within the project ROHU370 ENCOCH – “Strengthening the cooperation of the chambers for the improvement of employment in the counties of Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg”. Date of the job fair: November 04-05, 2022 (10.30-18.30h) | Camera de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură Satu Mare, in colaborare cu Camera Meșteșugarilor , Camera de Comert și Industrie a județului Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg şi cu sprijinul Agentiei Judetene de Ocupare a Fortei de Muncă Satu A Szatmár Megyei Kereskedelmi, Ipari és Mezőgazdasági Kamara, együttműködve a Szatmárnémeti Kisiparosok Kamarája Egyesülettel, a Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamarával, valamint a Szatmár Megyei Munkaerő-foglalkoztatási Ügynökség támogatásával, negyedik ízben szervezi meg azt a határon átnyúló Állásbörzét, mely a ROHU370 ENCOCH - a kamarák és más munkaerő-piaci szereplők közötti együttműködés elősegítése, a határ menti régió | |||
517 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 10/02/2023 | Kistelek | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Hungary and in the HU-RO border regions. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation in Hungary and Romania. | Az esemény célja, hogy a pályakezdő fiatalok, valamint álláskeresők ismereteit bővítse, ezzel segítve a munkaerőpiacon való elhelyezkedésüket Magyarországon és a határmenti régiókban. A rendezvényen az előadók a magyarországi és romániai munkavállalási helyzetet is bemutatják az álláskeresők számára. A résztvevők megismerhetik az aktuális jogszabályokat, képzési lehetőségeket és a jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci helyzetet elsősorban a mezőgazdaság, az élelmiszerfeldolgozó ipar, építőipar, vendéglátás, IT, autóipar területén. | |||
518 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 15/02/2023 | Csongrád | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Hungary and in the HU-RO border regions. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation in Hungary and Romania. | Az esemény célja, hogy a pályakezdő fiatalok, valamint álláskeresők ismereteit bővítse, ezzel segítve a munkaerőpiacon való elhelyezkedésüket Magyarországon és a határmenti régiókban. A rendezvényen az előadók a magyarországi és romániai munkavállalási helyzetet is bemutatják az álláskeresők számára. A résztvevők megismerhetik az aktuális jogszabályokat, képzési lehetőségeket és a jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci helyzetet elsősorban a mezőgazdaság, az élelmiszerfeldolgozó ipar, építőipar, vendéglátás, IT, autóipar területén. Az eseményen való részvétel ingyenes, de regisztrációhoz kötött. | |||
519 | ROHU-339 | HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU | University of Szeged | 03/03/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | The seminar for district nurses will take place on 3 March 2023. | 2023. március 3-án kerül megrendezésre a Szeminárium Védőnők részére. | ||||
520 | ROHU-339 | HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU | University of Szeged | 03/03/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | The seminar for district nurses will take place on 3 March 2023. | 2023. március 3-án kerül megrendezésre a Szeminárium Védőnők részére. | ||||
521 | ROHU-339 | HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU | University of Szeged | 13/03/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The seminar will take place on 13 March 2023. | A szemináriumra 2023. március 13-án kerül sor. | |||
522 | ROHU-339 | HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU | University of Szeged | 10/03/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The Preconception and Pregnancy Conference will take place on 10 March 2023. | 2023. március 10-én kerül megrendezésre a Fogantatás és várandósság c. konferencia. | |||
523 | ROHU-395 | Cooperation between Nyírbátor and Carei for improving employment and promoting development based on endogenous potential | Local Government of Nyírbátor | 30/09/2022 | Nyírbátor | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | The Job Fair takes place in the framework of the project "Cooperation between Nyírbátor and Nagykároly in improving employment and promoting the cross-border mobility of the workforce". Project identification number: ROHU-395 Date of the event: 30 September 2022 (Friday) 10.00-16.00 The location of the event: Multifunkciós Közösségi tér, 4300 Nyírbátor, Édesanyák útja 7. | NYÍRBÁTORI ÁLLÁSBÖRZE | |||
524 | ROHU-339 | HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU | University of Szeged | 28/03/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The seminar will take place on 28th March 2023. | A szemináriumra 2023. március 28-án kerül sor. | |||
525 | 406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture / Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 06/10/2022 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Professional event The objective of the event is to provide information for the target group in order to improve employment and to promote project results. | Szakmai rendezvény A rendezvény célja a célcsoport tájékoztatása a foglalkoztatás javítása és a projekteredmények népszerűsítése érdekében. | |||
526 | 406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture / Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 12/01/2023 | Kétegyháza | Békés | Magyarország | Professional event The objective of the event is to provide information for the target group in order to improve employment and to promote project results. | Szakmai rendezvény A rendezvény célja a célcsoport tájékoztatása a foglalkoztatás javítása és a projekteredmények népszerűsítése érdekében. | |||
527 | 406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture / Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 26/01/2023 | Elek | Békés | Magyarország | Professional event The objective of the event is to provide information for the target group in order to improve employment and to promote project results. | Szakmai rendezvény A rendezvény célja a célcsoport tájékoztatása a foglalkoztatás javítása és a projekteredmények népszerűsítése érdekében. | |||
528 | 406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture / Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 01/03/2023 | Elek | Békés | Magyarország | Professional event The objective of the event is to provide information for the target group in order to improve employment and to promote project results. | Szakmai rendezvény A rendezvény célja a célcsoport tájékoztatása a foglalkoztatás javítása és a projekteredmények népszerűsítése érdekében. | |||
529 | 406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture / Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 20/04/2023 | Újkígyós | Békés | Magyarország | Professional event The objective of the event is to provide information for the target group in order to improve employment and to promote project results. | Szakmai rendezvény A rendezvény célja a célcsoport tájékoztatása a foglalkoztatás javítása és a projekteredmények népszerűsítése érdekében. | |||
530 | 406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture / Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 28/04/2023 | Gyomaendrőd | Békés | Magyarország | Professional event The objective of the event is to provide information for the target group in order to improve employment and to promote project results. | Szakmai rendezvény A rendezvény célja a célcsoport tájékoztatása a foglalkoztatás javítása és a projekteredmények népszerűsítése érdekében. | |||
531 | 406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture / Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 11/05/2023 | Kondoros | Békés | Magyarország | Professional event The objective of the event is to provide information for the target group in order to improve employment and to promote project results. | Szakmai rendezvény A rendezvény célja a célcsoport tájékoztatása a foglalkoztatás javítása és a projekteredmények népszerűsítése érdekében. | |||
532 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 04/05/2023 | Szentes | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to facilitate cooperation between labour market actors and the related organisations and institutions from Hungary and Romania. The purpose of the seminar is to share labour market experiences and to transfer knowledge on cross-border labour market mobility, especially for labour, tax and social assistance institutions. | A rendezvény célja a magyarországi és romániai munkaerőpiaci szereplők és a munkaerőpiachoz kapcsolódó szervezetek, intézmények közötti együttműködés elősegítése, a munkaerőpiaci tapasztalatok megosztása egymással, valamint a határon átnyúló munkaerőpiaci mobilitással kapcsolatos ismeretek átadása, különös tekintettel a munkaügyi, adó és szociális segélyezési intézmények részére. | |||
533 | ROHU-339 | HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU | University of Szeged | 08/05/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The seminar will take place on 8th of May 2023. | A szemináriumra 2023. május 8-án-án kerül sor. | |||
534 | ROHU-339 | HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU | University of Szeged | 08/05/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The seminar will take place on 8th of May 2023. | A szemináriumra 2023. május 8-án-án kerül sor. | |||
535 | ROHU-339 | HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU | University of Szeged | 16/05/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The seminar will take place on the 16th of May 2023. | A szemináriumra 2023. május 16-án-án kerül sor. | |||
536 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 25/05/2023 | Hódmezővásárhely | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | A rendezvény célja a magyarországi és romániai munkaerőpiaci szereplők és a munkaerőpiachoz kapcsolódó szervezetek, intézmények közötti együttműködés elősegítése, a munkaerőpiaci tapasztalatok megosztása egymással, valamint a határon átnyúló munkaerőpiaci mobilitással kapcsolatos ismeretek átadása, különös tekintettel a munkaügyi, adó és szociális segélyezési intézmények részére. | The aim of the event is to facilitate cooperation between labour market actors and the related organisations and institutions from Hungary and Romania. The purpose of the seminar is to share labour market experiences and to transfer knowledge on cross-border labour market mobility, especially for labour, tax and social assistance institutions. | |||
537 | ROHU-102 | Mitigating the negative effects of hail in Satu Mare county | Territorial Administrative Unit of Satu Mare County | 24/05/2023 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | On 24.05.2023, at 10.00, the Initial Press Conference of the project will be held at the headquarters of the Contracting Authority. Representatives of the print, online and audio-visual media from Satu Mare county will be invited to this conference. | În data de 24.05.2023, ora 10.00, se va desfășura Conferința de presa inițială a proiectului, la sediul Consiliului Județean Satu Mare. La această conferință vor fi invitați reprezentanţi ai presei tipărite, on-line şi audio-vizuale din judeţul Satu Mare 2023.05.24-én 10.00 órakor kerül megrendezésre a projekt kezdő sajtókonferenciája a Szatmár Megyei Tanács székhelyén. A sajtókonferenciára meghívást kapnak a Szatmár megyei nyomtatott, online és audiovizuális média képviselői. | |||
538 | ROHU-53 | CONSERVATION AND PROTECTION OF THE CROSS BORDER NATURAL HERITAGE OF BIHOR - HAJDÚ-BIHAR COUNTIES | Comuna Sânmartin | 29/05/2023 | Sânmartin | Bihor | România | The commune of Sânmartin invites you on Monday, May 29, 2023 to the "The Waters Day" event, organized at Strandul cu Valuri in the Băile 1 Mai locality. During the event, there will be outdoor educational activities and visits to the project sites. | Comuna Sânmartin, vă invită luni, 29 mai 2023 la evenimentul "Ziua Apelor", organizat la Ștrandul cu Valuri din localitatea Băile 1 Mai. În cadrul evenimentului vor fi activități educative în aer liber și vizitarea amplasamentelor proiectului. / Sepsiszentgyörgy község 2023. május 29-én, hétfőn meghívja Önt a „Vizek Napja” rendezvényre, amelyet a Băile 1 Mai településen, a Strandul cu Valuriban szerveznek. A rendezvény ideje alatt szabadtéri oktatási tevékenységekre és a projekt helyszíneinek látogatására kerül sor. | |||
539 | ROHU-53 | CONSERVATION AND PROTECTION OF THE CROSS BORDER NATURAL HERITAGE OF BIHOR - HAJDÚ-BIHAR COUNTIES | Comuna Sânmartin | 30/05/2023 | Sanmartin | Bihor | Romania | The commune of Sânmartin invites you on Monday, May 29, 2023 to the "Biodiversity Day" event, organized at Strandul cu Valuri in the town of Băile 1 Mai. During the event, there will be outdoor educational activities and visits to the project sites. | Comuna Sânmartin, vă invită luni, 29 mai 2023 la evenimentul "Ziua Biodiversității", organizat la Ștrandul cu Valuri din localitatea Băile 1 Mai. În cadrul evenimentului vor fi activități educative în aer liber și vizitarea amplasamentelor proiectului. / Sepsiszentgyörgy község 2023. május 29-én, hétfőn meghívja Önt a "Biodiverzitás Napja" rendezvényre, amelyet a Băile 1 Mai városában, a Strandul cu Valuriban szerveznek. A rendezvény ideje alatt szabadtéri oktatási tevékenységekre és a projekt helyszíneinek látogatására kerül sor. | |||
540 | ROHU-53 | CONSERVATION AND PROTECTION OF THE CROSS BORDER NATURAL HERITAGE OF BIHOR - HAJDÚ-BIHAR COUNTIES | Comuna Sânmartin | 31/05/2023 | Sanmartin | Bihor | Romania | The commune of Sânmartin invites you on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 starting at 09:00 a.m. to the "Earth Day" event, organized at Strandul cu Valuri in the town of Baile 1 Mai. During the event, there will be outdoor educational activities and visits to the project sites. | Comuna Sânmartin, vă invită miercuri, 31 mai 2023 începând cu ora 09:00 la evenimentul "Ziua Pământului", organizat la Ștrandul cu Valuri din localitatea Băile 1 Mai. În cadrul evenimentului vor fi activități educative în aer liber și vizitarea amplasamentelor proiectului. / Sepsiszentgyörgy község 2023. május 31-én, szerdán 09:00 órától meghívja Önt a "Föld Napja" rendezvényre, amelyet a Băile 1 Mai településen, a Strandul cu Valuriban szerveznek. A rendezvény ideje alatt szabadtéri oktatási tevékenységekre és a projekt helyszíneinek látogatására kerül sor. | |||
541 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 31/05/2023 | Mórahalom | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to facilitate cooperation between labour market actors and the related organisations and institutions from Hungary and Romania. The purpose of the seminar is to share labour market experiences and to transfer knowledge on cross-border labour market mobility, especially for labour, tax and social assistance institutions. | A rendezvény célja a magyarországi és romániai munkaerőpiaci szereplők és a munkaerőpiachoz kapcsolódó szervezetek, intézmények közötti együttműködés elősegítése, a munkaerőpiaci tapasztalatok megosztása egymással, valamint a határon átnyúló munkaerőpiaci mobilitással kapcsolatos ismeretek átadása, különös tekintettel a munkaügyi, adó és szociális segélyezési intézmények részére. | |||
542 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 07/06/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour marketin Hungary an in the HU-RO border regions. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation in Hungary and Romania. Az esemény célja, hogy a pályakezdő fiatalok, valamint álláskeresők ismereteit bővítse, ezzel segítve a munkaerőpiacon való elhelyezkedésüket Magyarországon és a határmenti régiókban. A rendezvényen az előadók a magyarországi és romániai munkavállalási helyzetet is bemutatják az álláskeresők számára. A résztvevők megismerhetik az aktuális jogszabályokat, képzési lehetőségeket és a jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci helyzetet elsősorban a mezőgazdaság, az élelmiszerfeldolgozó ipar, építőipar, vendéglátás, IT, autóipar területén. Az eseményen való részvétel ingyenes, de regisztrációhoz kötött. | Az esemény célja, hogy a pályakezdő fiatalok, valamint álláskeresők ismereteit bővítse, ezzel segítve a munkaerőpiacon való elhelyezkedésüket Magyarországon és a határmenti régiókban. A rendezvényen az előadók a magyarországi és romániai munkavállalási helyzetet is bemutatják az álláskeresők számára. A résztvevők megismerhetik az aktuális jogszabályokat, képzési lehetőségeket és a jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci helyzetet elsősorban a mezőgazdaság, az élelmiszerfeldolgozó ipar, építőipar, vendéglátás, IT, autóipar területén. Az eseményen való részvétel ingyenes, de regisztrációhoz kötött. | |||
543 | RoHu-398 | CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDÚ BIHAR | EPISCOPIA ROMANO-CATOLICĂ DE ORADEA | 06/06/2023 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | | RO - PROGRAM SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 7 PM | RO - PROGRAM DUMINICĂ, 11 IUNIE, ORA 19.00 HU - PROGRAM JÚNIUS 11., VASÁRNAP, 19 ÓRA RO - Scurtă prezentare istorică Orga Catedralei Romano-Catolice din Oradea a fost construită între anii 1777 și 1782 de către maestrul vienez Fridolin Ferstl, fiind donată bisericii de către împărăteasa Maria Terezia. Instrumentul a fost complet reconstruit în anii 1890 de către atelierul de construcții de orgi Országh, însă doar două din cele trei bufeturi de orgă au fost folosite pentru noul instrument, bufetul mic de pe balcon rămânând gol. HU - Rövid történeti áttekintés A Nagyváradi Római Katolikus Székesegyház orgonáját Mária Terézia császárnő adományozta a templomnak, 1777 és 1782 között Fridolin Ferstl bécsi orgonaépítő mester készítette el. Az 1890-es években az Országh orgonaépítő mâhely teljesen átépítette, de az új orgonához a három orgonaszekrény közül csak kettőt használtak fel, a mellvéden álló kis szekrény üresen maradt. | |
544 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 09/06/2023 | Makó | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to promote cooperation between Hungarian and Romanian labour market actors and labour market related organisations and institutions, to share labour market experiences and to transfer knowledge on cross-border labour market mobility, especially for employment organisations. | A rendezvény célja a magyarországi és romániai munkaerőpiaci szereplők és a munkaerőpiachoz kapcsolódó szervezetek, intézmények közötti együttműködés elősegítése, a munkaerőpiaci tapasztalatok megosztása egymással, valamint a határon átnyúló munkaerőpiaci mobilitással kapcsolatos ismeretek átadása, különös tekintettel a foglalkoztatással foglalkozó szervezetek részére. | |||
545 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 13/06/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour marketin Hungary an in the HU-RO border regions. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation in Hungary and Romania. | Az esemény célja, hogy a pályakezdő fiatalok, valamint álláskeresők ismereteit bővítse, ezzel segítve a munkaerőpiacon való elhelyezkedésüket Magyarországon és a határmenti régiókban. A rendezvényen az előadók a magyarországi és romániai munkavállalási helyzetet is bemutatják az álláskeresők számára. A résztvevők megismerhetik az aktuális jogszabályokat, képzési lehetőségeket és a jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci helyzetet elsősorban a mezőgazdaság, az élelmiszerfeldolgozó ipar, építőipar, vendéglátás, IT, autóipar területén. Az eseményen való részvétel ingyenes! | |||
546 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 14/06/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to promote cooperation between Hungarian and Romanian labour market actors and labour market related organisations and institutions, to share labour market experiences and to transfer knowledge on cross-border labour market mobility, especially for employment organisations. | A rendezvény célja a magyarországi és romániai munkaerőpiaci szereplők és a munkaerőpiachoz kapcsolódó szervezetek, intézmények közötti együttműködés elősegítése, a munkaerőpiaci tapasztalatok megosztása egymással, valamint a határon átnyúló munkaerőpiaci mobilitással kapcsolatos ismeretek átadása, különös tekintettel a foglalkoztatással foglalkozó szervezetek részére. | |||
547 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 15/06/2023 | Makó | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to promote cooperation between Hungarian and Romanian labour market actors and labour market related organisations and institutions, to share labour market experiences and to transfer knowledge on cross-border labour market mobility, especially for employment organisations. | A rendezvény célja a magyarországi és romániai munkaerőpiaci szereplők és a munkaerőpiachoz kapcsolódó szervezetek, intézmények közötti együttműködés elősegítése, a munkaerőpiaci tapasztalatok megosztása egymással, valamint a határon átnyúló munkaerőpiaci mobilitással kapcsolatos ismeretek átadása, különös tekintettel a foglalkoztatással foglalkozó szervezetek részére. | |||
548 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 21/06/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour marketin Hungary an in the HU-RO border regions. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation in Hungary and Romania. | Az esemény célja, hogy a pályakezdő fiatalok, valamint álláskeresők ismereteit bővítse, ezzel segítve a munkaerőpiacon való elhelyezkedésüket Magyarországon és a határmenti régiókban. A rendezvényen az előadók a magyarországi és romániai munkavállalási helyzetet is bemutatják az álláskeresők számára. A résztvevők megismerhetik az aktuális jogszabályokat, képzési lehetőségeket és a jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci helyzetet elsősorban a mezőgazdaság, az élelmiszerfeldolgozó ipar, építőipar, vendéglátás, IT, autóipar területén. Az eseményen való részvétel ingyenes! | |||
549 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 22/06/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to promote cooperation between Hungarian and Romanian labour market actors and labour market related organisations and institutions, to share labour market experiences and to transfer knowledge on cross-border labour market mobility, especially for employment organisations. | A rendezvény célja a magyarországi és romániai munkaerőpiaci szereplők és a munkaerőpiachoz kapcsolódó szervezetek, intézmények közötti együttműködés elősegítése, a munkaerőpiaci tapasztalatok megosztása egymással, valamint a határon átnyúló munkaerőpiaci mobilitással kapcsolatos ismeretek átadása, különös tekintettel a foglalkoztatással foglalkozó szervezetek részére. | |||
550 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 23/06/2023 | Makó | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour marketin Hungary an in the HU-RO border regions. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation in Hungary and Romania. | Az esemény célja, hogy a pályakezdő fiatalok, valamint álláskeresők ismereteit bővítse, ezzel segítve a munkaerőpiacon való elhelyezkedésüket Magyarországon és a határmenti régiókban. A rendezvényen az előadók a magyarországi és romániai munkavállalási helyzetet is bemutatják az álláskeresők számára. A résztvevők megismerhetik az aktuális jogszabályokat, képzési lehetőségeket és a jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci helyzetet elsősorban a mezőgazdaság, az élelmiszerfeldolgozó ipar, építőipar, vendéglátás, IT, autóipar területén. Az információs esemény főbb témakörei a magyar-román határtérség vonatkozásában: | |||
551 | ROHU53 | Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | APS Aqua Crisius | 10/06/2023 | Remeti | Bihor | Romania | | | | - Interschool competition with environmental themes - selection for the Junior Ranger Murgașu camp | - Concurs interșcolar cu teme de mediu - selecție pentru tabăra Junior Ranger Murgașu |
552 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 27/06/2023 | Makó | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour marketin Hungary an in the HU-RO border regions. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation in Hungary and Romania. | Az esemény célja, hogy a pályakezdő fiatalok, valamint álláskeresők ismereteit bővítse, ezzel segítve a munkaerőpiacon való elhelyezkedésüket Magyarországon és a határmenti régiókban. A rendezvényen az előadók a magyarországi és romániai munkavállalási helyzetet is bemutatják az álláskeresők számára. A résztvevők megismerhetik az aktuális jogszabályokat, képzési lehetőségeket és a jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci helyzetet elsősorban a mezőgazdaság, az élelmiszerfeldolgozó ipar, építőipar, vendéglátás, IT, autóipar területén. | |||
553 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 29/06/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour marketin Hungary an in the HU-RO border regions. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation in Hungary and Romania. | Az esemény célja, hogy a pályakezdő fiatalok, valamint álláskeresők ismereteit bővítse, ezzel segítve a munkaerőpiacon való elhelyezkedésüket Magyarországon és a határmenti régiókban. A rendezvényen az előadók a magyarországi és romániai munkavállalási helyzetet is bemutatják az álláskeresők számára. A résztvevők megismerhetik az aktuális jogszabályokat, képzési lehetőségeket és a jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci helyzetet elsősorban a mezőgazdaság, az élelmiszerfeldolgozó ipar, építőipar, vendéglátás, IT, autóipar területén. | |||
554 | ROHU-406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development | 28/06/2023 | Mezőkovácsháza | Békés | Hungary | Professional event The objective of the event is to provide information for the target group in order to improve employment and promote project results. | Szakmai rendezvény A rendezvény célja a célcsoport tájékoztatása a foglalkoztatás javítása és a projekteredmények népszerűsítése érdekében. | |||
555 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 05/07/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The aim of the event is to promote cooperation between Hungarian and Romanian labour market actors and labour market related organisations and institutions, to share labour market experiences and to transfer knowledge on cross-border labour market mobility, especially for employment organisations. | A rendezvény célja a magyarországi és romániai munkaerőpiaci szereplők és a munkaerőpiachoz kapcsolódó szervezetek, intézmények közötti együttműködés elősegítése, a munkaerőpiaci tapasztalatok megosztása egymással, valamint a határon átnyúló munkaerőpiaci mobilitással kapcsolatos ismeretek átadása, különös tekintettel a foglalkoztatással foglalkozó szervezetek részére. | |||
556 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 11/07/2023 | Sannicolau Mare | Timis | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | Az esemény célja, hogy a pályakezdő fiatalok, valamint álláskeresők ismereteit bővítse, ezzel segítve a munkaerőpiacon való elhelyezkedésüket Romániában és a határmenti régiókban. A rendezvényen az előadók a magyarországi és romániai munkavállalási helyzetet is bemutatják az álláskeresők számára. A résztvevők megismerhetik az aktuális jogszabályokat, képzési lehetőségeket és a jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci helyzetet elsősorban a mezőgazdaság, az élelmiszerfeldolgozó ipar, építőipar, vendéglátás, IT, autóipar területén. Az információs esemény főbb témakörei a román-magyar határtérség vonatkozásában: | |||
557 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 12/07/2023 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | 10:00 - 13:00 12/07/2023 | 10:00 - 13:00 2023/07/12 | |||
558 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 12/07/2023 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | 14:30 - 18:00 12/07/2023 | 14:30 - 18:00 2023/07/12 | |||
559 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 13/07/2023 | Deta | Timis | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | Az esemény célja, hogy a pályakezdő fiatalok, valamint álláskeresők ismereteit bővítse, ezzel segítve a munkaerőpiacon való elhelyezkedésüket Romániában és a határmenti régiókban. A rendezvényen az előadók a magyarországi és romániai munkavállalási helyzetet is bemutatják az álláskeresők számára. A résztvevők megismerhetik az aktuális jogszabályokat, képzési lehetőségeket és a jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci helyzetet elsősorban a mezőgazdaság, az élelmiszerfeldolgozó ipar, építőipar, vendéglátás, IT, autóipar területén. Az információs esemény főbb témakörei a román-magyar határtérség vonatkozásában: În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Participanții vor putea afla informații despre legislația în vigoare, oportunitățile de formare profesională și situația actuală a pieței muncii, în special în domeniile agriculturii, industriei alimentare, construcțiilor, cateringului, IT, industriei auto. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. | |||
560 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 14/07/2023 | Lugoj | Timis | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Participanții vor putea afla informații despre legislația în vigoare, oportunitățile de formare profesională și situația actuală a pieței muncii, în special în domeniile agriculturii, industriei alimentare, construcțiilor, cateringului, IT, industriei auto. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. Az esemény célja, hogy a pályakezdő fiatalok, valamint álláskeresők ismereteit bővítse, ezzel segítve a munkaerőpiacon való elhelyezkedésüket Romániában és a határmenti régiókban. A rendezvényen az előadók a magyarországi és romániai munkavállalási helyzetet is bemutatják az álláskeresők számára. A résztvevők megismerhetik az aktuális jogszabályokat, képzési lehetőségeket és a jelenlegi munkaerőpiaci helyzetet elsősorban a mezőgazdaság, az élelmiszerfeldolgozó ipar, építőipar, vendéglátás, IT, autóipar területén. Az információs esemény főbb témakörei a román-magyar határtérség vonatkozásában: | |||
561 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 18/07/2023 | Jimbolia | Timis | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Participanții vor putea afla informații despre legislația în vigoare, oportunitățile de formare profesională și situația actuală a pieței muncii, în special în domeniile agriculturii, industriei alimentare, construcțiilor, cateringului, IT, industriei auto. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. | |||
562 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 25/07/2023 | Arad | Arad | Romania | Planned programme of the event: | Programul planificat al evenimentului: | |||
563 | ROHU-422 | Green Transport – Development of Sustainable Mobility in the Twin Towns Jimbolia and Mórahalom | The Non-Profit Limited Liability Company of Information and Services MÓRA-TOURIST | 19/07/2023 | Jimbolia | Timiș | Romania | Closing press conference-Presentation of project results | Conferință de presă de încheiere proiect-Prezentare a rezultatelor proiectului | |||
564 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 02/08/2023 | Arad | Arad | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. Tematica evenimentului: | |||
565 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 04/08/2023 | Ineu | Arad | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. | |||
566 | ROHU-421 | Improve employment in Bihor County, Oradea and Hajduboszormeny through the development of the local potential infrastructures | Asociatia Agentia de Dezvoltare Durabila a Judetului Bihor | 25/07/2023 | Bors | Bihor | Romania | Trainings and employment initiatives- Thematic training events- two days | Inițiative de formare și angajare- Eveniment de instruire tematică/workshop: - doua zile | |||
567 | ROHU-421 | Improve employment in Bihor County, Oradea and Hajduboszormeny through the development of the local potential infrastructures | Asociatia Agentia de Dezvoltare Durabila a Judetului Bihor | 26/07/2023 | Bors | Bihor | Romania | Trainings and employment initiatives- Thematic training events- two days | Inițiative de formare și angajare- Eveniment de instruire tematică/workshop: - doua zile | |||
568 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 10/08/2023 | Nadlac | Arad | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. | |||
569 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 23/08/2023 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. Tematica evenimentului: | |||
570 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 23/08/2023 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. | |||
571 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 24/08/2023 | Lugoj | Timis | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. Tematica evenimentului: | |||
572 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 24/08/2023 | Lugoj | Timis | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. | |||
573 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 25/08/2023 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. Tematica evenimentului: | |||
574 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 25/08/2023 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. The planned topics of the event 2: | În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. Subiectele planificate ale evenimentului 2: | |||
575 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 30/08/2023 | Lugoj | Timis | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. Tematica evenimentului: | |||
576 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 30/08/2023 | Lugoj | Timis | Romania | The aim of the event is to provide information to young people and jobseekers in search of a career, helping them to find their place in the labour market in Romania and in the RO-HU border region. On the information event the speakers will present the employment situation of the border region. | În cadrul evenimentului se vor prezenta situația locurilor de muncă din România și Ungaria pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă. Scopul evenimentului este de a spori cunoștințele tinerilor aflați la început de carieră și ale celor care își caută un loc de muncă, ajutându-i astfel să își găsească un loc de muncă în România și în regiunile de frontieră. | |||
578 | ROHU-339 | HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU | University of Szeged | 25/10/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | Between 25-27 October 2023, the University of Szeged will organize the Down Symposium in Szeged, within the framework of the ROHU-339 project. The main topics of the three-day event will be: Thanks to the invited experts, we are confident that the audience will be able to gather extremely valuable, new and world-class information. | 2023. október 25-27. között a Szegedi Tudományegyetem a ROHU-339 projekt keretében megrendezi Down Szimpóziumot Szegeden. A három napos rendezvény fő témái: A meghívásra került szaktekintélyeknek köszönhetően biztosak vagyunk benne, hogy a hallgatóság rendkívül értékes, új, világszínvonalú információkat gyűjthet össze. | |||
579 | ROHU421 | Improve employment in Bihor County, Oradea and Hajduboszormeny through the development of the local potential infrastructures | “Agenția de Dezvoltare Durabilă a Județului Bihor” | 17/10/2023 | Stei | Bihor | Romania | | | | The food trucks are ready to start their adventure and make the Bihoran products to | Food truck-urile sunt gata să își înceapă aventura și să facă produsele bihorene să |
580 | ROHU421 | Improve employment in Bihor County, Oradea and Hajduboszormeny through the development of the local potential infrastructures | “Agenția de Dezvoltare Durabilă a Județului Bihor” | 19/10/2023 | Beius | Bihor | Romania | | The food trucks are ready to start their adventure and make the Bihoran products to | Food truck-urile sunt gata să își înceapă aventura și să facă produsele bihorene să | ||
581 | ROHU-421 | Improve employment in Bihor County, Oradea and Hajduboszormeny through the development of the local potential infrastructures | “Agenția de Dezvoltare Durabilă a Județului Bihor” | 26/10/2023 | Alesd | Bihor | Romania | | The food trucks are ready to start their adventure and make the Bihoran products to | Food truck-urile sunt gata să își înceapă aventura și să facă produsele bihorene să | ||
582 | ROHU-421 | Improve employment in Bihor County, Oradea and Hajduboszormeny through the development of the local potential infrastructures | Agenția de Dezvoltare Durabilă a județului Bihor/Municipiul Oradea | 03/11/2023 | Marghita | Bihor | Romania | | The food trucks are ready to start their adventure and make the Bihoran products to | Food truck-urile sunt gata să își înceapă aventura și să facă produsele bihorene să | ||
583 | ROHU-421 | Proiect: Improve employment in Bihor County, Oradea and Hajduboszormeny through the development of the local potential infrastructures | “Agenția de Dezvoltare Durabilă a Județului Bihor” | 06/11/2023 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | The food trucks are ready to start their adventure and make the Bihoran products to | Food truck-urile sunt gata să își înceapă aventura și să facă produsele bihorene să | ||
584 | ROHU421 | “Improve employment in Bihor County, Oradea and Hajduboszormeny through the development of the local potential infrastructures” | LB | 27/10/2023 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | In order to enhance the cooperation of local labour market actors and to improve entrepreneurial skills and employability, LB in collaboration with Project Partner 4 - the County Agency for Employment Bihor (A.J.O.F.M.), is organizing 1 Antrepreneurship Day. | Cu scopul de a îmbunătăți cooperarea actorilor locali de pe piața muncii și de a îmbunătăți competențele antreprenoriale și angajabilitatea, LB în colaborare cu Partenerul de Proiect 4 - Agenția Județeană pentru Ocuparea Forței de Muncă Bihor (A.J.O.F.M.), organizează o Zi a Antreprenoriatului. | |||
585 | ROHU421 | “Improve employment in Bihor County, Oradea and Hajduboszormeny through the development of the local potential infrastructures” | LB | 27/10/2023 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | | In order to enhance the cooperation among local labor market stakeholders and to enhance entrepreneurial skills and employability, LB, in collaboration with Project Partner 4 - the County Agency for Employment Bihor (A.J.O.F.M.), is organizing a Job Fair. This initiative has a significant and positive impact on participants, contributing to increased employment opportunities, improved skills and knowledge, and supporting the local economy. | Cu scopul de a îmbunătăți cooperarea dintre actorii locali de pe piața muncii și de a dezvolta competențele antreprenoriale și angajabilitatea, LB, în colaborare cu Partenerul de Proiect 4 - Agenția Județeană pentru Ocuparea Forței de Muncă Bihor (A.J.O.F.M.), organizează o Bursă a Locurilor de Muncă. Această inițiativă are un impact semnificativ și benefic asupra participanților, contribuind la creșterea șanselor de angajare, la îmbunătățirea competențelor și cunoștințelor și la susținerea economiei locale. | ||
586 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 07/11/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | Serie of events for employers of key person retention tools | Scopul seriei de evenimente "Instrumente de menținere a persoanelor cheie" A kulcsember megtartó eszközök munkáltatóknak szóló rendezvénysorozat célja: | |||
587 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 08/11/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Romania | The purpose of the "Inclusive Entrepreneurship" programme series | Scopul seriei de evenimente "Afacerea incluzivă": A Befogadó vállalkozás programsorozat célja: | |||
588 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 08/11/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The purpose of the "Inclusive Entrepreneurship" programme series | Scopul seriei de evenimente "Afacerea incluzivă": A Befogadó vállalkozás programsorozat célja: | |||
589 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 08/11/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | Serie of events for employers of key person retention tools | Scopul seriei de evenimente "Instrumente de menținere a persoanelor cheie" A kulcsember megtartó eszközök munkáltatóknak szóló rendezvénysorozat célja: | |||
590 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 13/11/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | Retaining and attracting talent professional forum | Retenția și atragerea talentelor în regiunea de frontieră româno-maghiară - Forum profesional | |||
591 | ROHU-339 | HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU | University of Szeged | 07/11/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The seminar will take place on 7th November 2023. | A szemináriumra 2023. november 7-én kerül sor. | |||
592 | ROHU-339 | HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU | University of Szeged | 21/11/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The seminar will take place on 21th November 2023. | A szemináriumra 2023. november 21-én kerül sor. | |||
593 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 16/11/2023 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | 16/11/2023 AM | Scopul seriei de evenimente "Instrumente de menținere a persoanelor cheie" A kulcsember megtartó eszközök munkáltatóknak szóló rendezvénysorozat célja: | |||
594 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 16/11/2023 | Timisoara (2) | Timis | Romania | 16/11/2023 PM | Scopul seriei de evenimente "Instrumente de menținere a persoanelor cheie" A kulcsember megtartó eszközök munkáltatóknak szóló rendezvénysorozat célja: | |||
595 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 17/11/2023 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | 17/11/2023 AM | Scopul seriei de evenimente "Afacerea incluzivă": A Befogadó vállalkozás programsorozat célja: | |||
596 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 17/11/2023 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | 17/11/2023 PM | Scopul seriei de evenimente "Instrumente de menținere a persoanelor cheie" A kulcsember megtartó eszközök munkáltatóknak szóló rendezvénysorozat célja: | |||
597 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 22/11/2023 | Arad | Arad | Romania | 22/11/2023 AM | Scopul oportunităților de dezvoltare inovatoare este: „Gyártósori kompetenciákra fókuszáló innovatív fejlesztő alkalmak” című eseménysorozat célja: | |||
598 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 22/11/2023 | Arad | Arad | Romania | 22/11/2023 PM | Scopul oportunităților de dezvoltare inovatoare este: „Gyártósori kompetenciákra fókuszáló innovatív fejlesztő alkalmak” című eseménysorozat célja: | |||
599 | ROHU-406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Lead Beneficiary: Bekes County Enterprise Development Foundation / Project partner: Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | 07/11/2023 | Békéscsaba | The project aims at the personal development of the inhabitants from the border that will contribute to the improvement of the employment growth, to meet the demands of the market and to reduce the labor deficit, which is typical for the area. Within this event will be presented Database Platform on investment areas in Arad and Békés counties. | The project aims at the personal development of the inhabitants from the border that will contribute to the improvement of the employment growth, to meet the demands of the market and to reduce the labor deficit, which is typical for the area. Within this event will be presented Database Platform on investment areas in Arad and Békés counties. | |||||
600 | ROHU-406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Lead Beneficiary: Bekes County Enterprise Development Foundation / Project partner: Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | 09/11/2023 | Mezőberény | Békés | Hungary | The project aims at the personal development of the inhabitants from the border that will contribute to the improvement of the employment growth, to meet the demands of the market and to reduce the labor deficit, which is typical for the area. Within this event will be presented Database Platform on investment areas in Arad and Békés counties. | A projekt célja a határ-menti lakosok személyes fejlődése, amely hozzájárul a foglalkoztatás növekedésének javításához, a piaci igények kielégítéséhez és a térségre jellemző munkaerőhiány csökkentéséhez. A rendezvény keretében kerül bemutatásra az Arad és Békés megyei beruházási területekről szóló ingatlan adatbázis. | |||
601 | ROHU-406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Lead Beneficiary: Bekes County Enterprise Development Foundation / Project partner: Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | 14/11/2023 | Orosháza | Békés | Hungary | The project aims at the personal development of the inhabitants from the border that will contribute to the improvement of the employment growth, to meet the demands of the market and to reduce the labor deficit, which is typical for the area. Within this event will be presented Database Platform on investment areas in Arad and Békés counties. | A projekt célja a határ-menti lakosok személyes fejlődése, amely hozzájárul a foglalkoztatás növekedésének javításához, a piaci igények kielégítéséhez és a térségre jellemző munkaerőhiány csökkentéséhez. A rendezvény keretében kerül bemutatásra az Arad és Békés megyei beruházási területekről szóló ingatlan adatbázis. | |||
602 | ROHU-339 | HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU | University of Szeged | 21/11/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | The seminar will take place on 21th November 2023. | A szemináriumra 2023. november 21-én kerül sor. | |||
603 | ROHU-406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Lead Beneficiary: Bekes County Enterprise Development Foundation / Project partner: Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | 16/11/2023 | Gyula | Békés | Hungary | The project aims at the personal development of the inhabitants from the border that will contribute to the improvement of the employment growth, to meet the demands of the market and to reduce the labor deficit, which is typical for the area. Within this event will be presented Database Platform on investment areas in Arad and Békés counties. | A projekt célja a határ-menti lakosok személyes fejlődése, amely hozzájárul a foglalkoztatás növekedésének javításához, a piaci igények kielégítéséhez és a térségre jellemző munkaerőhiány csökkentéséhez. A rendezvény keretében kerül bemutatásra az Arad és Békés megyei beruházási területekről szóló ingatlan adatbázis. | |||
604 | ROHU-406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Lead Beneficiary: Bekes County Enterprise Development Foundation / Project partner: Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | 21/11/2023 | Szarvas | Békés | Hungary | The project aims at the personal development of the inhabitants from the border that will contribute to the improvement of the employment growth, to meet the demands of the market and to reduce the labor deficit, which is typical for the area. Within this event will be presented Database Platform on investment areas in Arad and Békés counties. | A projekt célja a határ-menti lakosok személyes fejlődése, amely hozzájárul a foglalkoztatás növekedésének javításához, a piaci igények kielégítéséhez és a térségre jellemző munkaerőhiány csökkentéséhez. A rendezvény keretében kerül bemutatásra az Arad és Békés megyei beruházási területekről szóló ingatlan adatbázis. | |||
605 | ROHU-406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Lead Beneficiary: Bekes County Enterprise Development Foundation / Project partner: Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | 23/11/2023 | Gyomaendrőd | Békés | Hungary | The project aims at the personal development of the inhabitants from the border that will contribute to the improvement of the employment growth, to meet the demands of the market and to reduce the labor deficit, which is typical for the area. Within this event will be presented Database Platform on investment areas in Arad and Békés counties. | A projekt célja a határ-menti lakosok személyes fejlődése, amely hozzájárul a foglalkoztatás növekedésének javításához, a piaci igények kielégítéséhez és a térségre jellemző munkaerőhiány csökkentéséhez. A rendezvény keretében kerül bemutatásra az Arad és Békés megyei beruházási területekről szóló ingatlan adatbázis. | |||
606 | ROHU-102 | Mitigating the negative effects of hail in Satu Mare county | Territorial Administrative Unit of Satu Mare County | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | On 24.11.2023, at 11.00, a Scientific Dissemination Conference will be held with the title COMBATING HAIL – CHALLENGES, SOLUTIONS, PERSPECTIVES within the project "Mitigating the negative effects of hail in Satu Mare county" code ROHU-102, acronym SILVER, financed under the Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Program which will take place at the POESIS Restaurant in Satu Mare. Representatives of the printed, online and audio-visual media from Satu Mare County will be invited. Representatives of relevant institutions from Satu Mare County (Agency for Environmental Protection Satu Mare, Satu Mare Agricultural Directorate, Satu Mare Forestry Directorate, Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Satu Mare, The Water Management System Satu Mare, etc.), representatives of local public authorities, as well as representatives of the design firm will be invited to this conference, too. | În data de 24.11.2023, ora 11.00, se va desfășura Conferința de diseminare științifică cu titlul COMBATEREA GRINDINEI – PROVOCĂRI, SOLUȚII, PERSPECTIVE din cadrul proiectului „Mitigating the negative effects of hail in Satu Mare county” cod ROHU-102, acronim SILVER, finanțat în cadrul Programului Interreg V-A România – Ungaria care va avea loc la Restaurantul POESIS din Satu Mare. La această conferință vor fi invitați reprezentanţi ai presei tipărite, on-line şi audio-vizuale din judeţul Satu Mare, reprezentanți ai instituţiilor relevante din judeţul Satu Mare (Agenția pentru Protecția Mediului Satu Mare, Direcția Agricolă Satu Mare, Direcția Silvică Satu Mare, ISU Satu Mare, SGA Satu Mare, etc.), reprezentanţi ai autorităţilor publice locale, precum și reprezentați ai firmei de proiectare. 2023. november 24-én, 11.00 órakor, a szatmárnémeti Poesis rendezvényteremben kerül megrendezésre a JÉGKÁROK MÉRSÉKLÉSE - KIHÍVÁSOK, MEGOLDÁSOK, TÁVLATOK című tudományos konferencia. A konferencia része a ROHU102 kódjelű, SILVER - A jégeső okozta károk mérséklése Szatmár megyében, elnevezésű projektnek, amely a Románia-Magyarország INTERREG V-A Program támogatásával valósul meg. | ||||
607 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 21/11/2023 | Arad | Arad | Romania | 21/11/2023 | 2023. 11. 21 PM. A kulcsember megtartó eszközök munkáltatóknak szóló rendezvénysorozat célja: | |||
608 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 23/11/2023 | Arad | Arad | Romania | 23/11/2023 AM | 23/11/2023 AM Scopul seriei de evenimente "Afacerea incluzivă": A Befogadó vállalkozás programsorozat célja: | |||
609 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 23/11/2023 | Arad | Arad | Romania | 23/11/2023 PM | 23/11/2023 PM A kulcsember megtartó eszközök munkáltatóknak szóló rendezvénysorozat célja: | |||
610 | ROHU-395 | Cooperation between Nyírbátor and Carei for improving employment and promoting development based on endogenous potential | Local Government of Nyírbátor | 24/11/2023 | Nyírbátor | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | LABOUR MARKET FORUM Topic: Labour market in a changed economic environment | MUNKAERŐPIACI FÓRUM A FÓRUM TÉMÁJA: Foglalkoztatás a megváltozott gazdasági környezetben | |||
611 | ROHU-391 | "Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Municipality of Ajak | 09/07/2021 | Ajak | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | WORKSHOP DATE: 09.07.2021; 08:00 | WORKSHOP IDŐPONT: 2021.07.09.; 08:00 | |||
612 | ROHU-391 | "Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Municipality of Ajak | 13/07/2021 | Ajak | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | INFORMATION LECTURE DATE: 13.07.2021; 08:00 | TÁJÉKOZTATÓ ELŐADÁS IDŐPONT: 2021.07.13.; 08:00 | |||
613 | ROHU-391 | "Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Municipality of Ajak | 16/07/2021 | Ajak | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | WORKSHOP DATE: 16.07.2021; 08:00 | WORKSHOP IDŐPONT: 2021.07.16.; 08:00 | |||
614 | ROHU-391 | "Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Municipality of Ajak | 27/07/2021 | Ajak | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | INFORMATION LECTURE DATE: 27.07.2021; 08:00 | TÁJÉKOZTATÓ ELŐADÁS IDŐPONT: 2021.07.27.; 08:00 | |||
615 | ROHU-391 | "Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Municipality of Ajak | 30/07/2021 | Ajak | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | WORKSHOP IDŐPONT: 2021.07.30.; 08:00 | WORKSHOP IDŐPONT: 2021.07.30.; 08:00 | |||
616 | ROHU-391 | "Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Municipality of Ajak | 03/08/2021 | Ajak | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | INFORMATION LECTURE DATE: 03.08.2021; 08:00 | TÁJÉKOZTATÓ ELŐADÁS IDŐPONT: 2021.08.03.; 08:00 | |||
617 | ROHU-391 | "Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Municipality of Ajak | 06/08/2021 | Ajak | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | WORKSHOP DATE: 06.08.2021; 08:00 | WORKSHOP IDŐPONT: 2021.08.06.; 08:00 | |||
618 | ROHU-391 | "Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Municipality of Ajak | 05/08/2021 | Ajak | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | Forum for inhabitants DATE: 05.08.2021; 08:00 | Lakossági fórum IDŐPONT: 2021.08.05.; 08:00 | |||
619 | ROHU-391 | "Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Municipality of Ajak | 12/08/2021 | Ajak | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | LABOUR MARKET FORUM DATE: 12.08.2021; 08:00 | MUNKAERŐ-PIACI FÓRUM IDŐPONT: 2021.08.12.; 08:00 | |||
620 | ROHU-391 | "Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Municipality of Ajak | 18/07/2023 | Ajak | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | JOB FAIR DATE: 18.07.2023; 09:00 | ÁLLÁSBÖRZE IDŐPONT: 2023.07.18.; 09:00 | |||
621 | ROHU-391 | "Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Municipality of Ajak | 09/08/2023 | Ajak | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | JOB FAIR DATE: 09.08.2023; 09:00 | ÁLLÁSBÖRZE IDŐPONT: 2023.08.09.; 09:00 | |||
622 | ROHU-391 | "Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" | Municipality of Ajak | 09/08/2023 | Ajak | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg | Hungary | JOB FAIR DATE: 09.08.2023; 09:00 | ÁLLÁSBÖRZE IDŐPONT: 2023.08.09.; 09:00 | |||
623 | ROHU-339 | HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU | University of Szeged | 24/11/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | Final Project Conference will be organized 24th November 2023 in Szeged to communicate project achievements and new/improved healthcare services available and to increase awareness regarding the importance of reproductive health status screening and prevention measures through the entire eligible area. | A projektzáró konferencia 2023. november 24-én kerül megrendezésre Szegeden, hogy a projekt eredményeit és az elérhető új/fejlesztett egészségügyi szolgáltatásokat ismertessék, valamint hogy a teljes támogatható területen növeljék a reproduktív egészségi állapot szűrésének és a megelőzési intézkedések fontosságára vonatkozó tudatosságot. | |||
624 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 27/11/2023 | Arad | Arad | Romania | Retaining and attracting talent professional forum | Retenția și atragerea talentelor în regiunea de frontieră româno-maghiară - Forum profesional Tehetségmegtartás és -vonzás a magyar-román határrégióban elnevezésű Szakmai Fórum célja a képzett fiatalok elvándorlása mögött húzódó okok és motivációk közös feltárása, valamint az elvándorlási folyamat megállításához és visszafordításához szükséges beavatkozások feltárása a releváns szervezetek és szereplők bevonásával – beleértve a célcsoportot is. | |||
625 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 27/11/2023 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | Retaining and attracting talent professional forum | Retenția și atragerea talentelor în regiunea de frontieră româno-maghiară - Forum profesional Tehetségmegtartás és -vonzás a magyar-román határrégióban elnevezésű Szakmai Fórum célja a képzett fiatalok elvándorlása mögött húzódó okok és motivációk közös feltárása, valamint az elvándorlási folyamat megállításához és visszafordításához szükséges beavatkozások feltárása a releváns szervezetek és szereplők bevonásával – beleértve a célcsoportot is. | |||
626 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 30/11/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | 30/11/2023 | Scopul seriei de evenimente "Instrumente de menținere a persoanelor cheie" A kulcsember megtartó eszközök munkáltatóknak szóló rendezvénysorozat célja: | |||
627 | ROHU391 | „Cross-border Logistics: Partnership in Cooperation on Employment” | Comuna Halmeu | 28/11/2023 | Halmeu | Satu Mare | Romania | Project closing conference and inauguration of the Halmeu logistic centre | Prin prezenta, avem plăcerea să vă invităm să participaţi la conferinţa de închidere a proiectului și inaugurarea Centrului logistic Halmeu, care va avea loc în data de 28.11.2023 începând cu orele 11.00h la sediul Centrului logistic. Ezennel tisztelettel meghívjuk a projekt zárókonferenciájára, valamint a Halmi logisztikai központ avatási ünnepségére, melyre 2023. november 28-án, 11.00 órai kezdettel kerül sor a Logisztikai Központ helyszínén. | |||
628 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 08/12/2023 | Arad | Arad | Romania | 08/12/2023 PM | 08/12/2023 PM A kulcsember megtartó eszközök munkáltatóknak szóló rendezvénysorozat célja: | |||
629 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 11/12/2023 | Szeged | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | 11/12/2023 | 11/12/2023 Gyártósori kompetenciákra fókuszáló innovatív fejlesztő alkalmak eseménysorozat | |||
630 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 12/12/2023 | Csongrád | Csongrád-Csanád | Hungary | 12/12/2023 | 12/12/2023 | |||
631 | ROHU-450 | Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs | Páli Szent Vincéről elnevezett Szatmári Irgalmas Nővérek Egyesület-Association of Vincentian Sisters of Charity | 07/12/2023 | Hódmezővásárhely | Hungary | Hungary | The closing event of the ROHU-450 "Development and testing of effective screening and prevention programs" project implemented within the INTERREG V-A Romania-Hungary 2014-2020 Cooperation Program 9/a. | Az INTERREG V-A Románia–Magyarország 2014–2020 Együttműködési Program 9/a – „az egészségügyi szolgáltatások fejlesztése” beruházási prioritás keretében megvalósuló, „Hatékony Szűrési és Prevenciós Programok Fejlesztése és Tesztelése„ című, DESP ROHU-450 kódjelű projekt zárórendezvénye. Evenimentul de închidere al proiectului cu codul DESP ROHU-450, intitulat 'Dezvoltarea și Testarea Programelor Eficiente de Screening și Prevenție,' implementat în cadrul priorității de investiții 'Dezvoltarea Serviciilor de Sănătate' a Programului de Cooperare INTERREG V-A România–Ungaria 2014–2020, axa de prioritate 9/a. | |||
632 | ROHU331 | Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region | Don Orione Beneficence Charity Society | 21/12/2023 | Oradea | Bihor | Romania | The management of Don Orione Beneficence Charity Society, as the lead beneficiary, together with the project partners, are pleased to invite you to the closing conference of the ROHU331- CAREER ,,Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region” project, financed by Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary 2014-2020 programme, specific objectiv 8/b. | Ne face deosebită plăcere să vă invităm la conferinţa de încheiere a proiectului ROHU331- CAREER ,,Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region” – finanțat prin Programul Interreg V-A România – Ungaria 2014-2020, obiectiv specific 8/b,. | |||
633 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 13/12/2023 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | Retaining and attracting talent professional forum Topics of the event: | Retenția și atragerea talentelor în regiunea de frontieră româno-maghiară - Forum profesional Tehetségmegtartás és -vonzás a magyar-román határrégióban elnevezésű Szakmai Fórum célja a képzett fiatalok elvándorlása mögött húzódó okok és motivációk közös feltárása, valamint az elvándorlási folyamat megállításához és visszafordításához szükséges beavatkozások feltárása a releváns szervezetek és szereplők bevonásával – beleértve a célcsoportot is. | |||
634 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 14/12/2023 | Arad | Arad | Romania | 14/12/2023 am | 14/12/2023 am | |||
635 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 14/12/2023 | Arad | Arad | Romania | 14/12/2023 PM | 14/12/2023 PM | |||
636 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 15/12/2023 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | 15/12/2023 PA | 15/12/2023 PA | |||
637 | ROHU 452 | JEDI | DKMT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. | 15/12/2023 | Timisoara | Timis | Romania | 15/12/2023 PM | 15/12/2023 PM | |||
638 | ROHU-102 | Mitigating the negative effects of hail in Satu Mare county | Territorial Administrative Unit of Satu Mare County | 12/12/2023 | Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Romania | On 12.12.2023, at 11.00, the final Conference of the project will be held at the headquarters of the Contracting Authority. Representatives of the print, online and audio-visual media from Satu Mare county will be invited to this conference. The final project conference is intended to provide general information related to the project. | În data de 12.12.2023, ora 11.00, se va desfășura Conferința finală a proiectului la sediul Autorității contractante. La această conferință vor fi invitați reprezentanţi ai presei tipărite, on-line şi audio-vizuale din judeţul Satu Mare. Conferința finală a proiectului are ca scop furnizarea unor informații generale legate de proiect. 2023.12.12-én 11.00 órakor kerül megrendezésre a projekt záró Konferenciája az Ajánlatkérő székhelyén. A konferenciára meghívást kapnak Szatmár megye nyomtatott, online és audiovizuális média képviselői. A projektzáró konferencia célja, hogy általános információkat nyújtson a projekttel kapcsolatban. | |||
639 | ROHU331 | Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region | Békés Vármegyei Kormányhivatal | 14/12/2023 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | The Government Office of Békés County will organise the Closing Conference of the project entitled ROHU331 - CAREER "Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region" being implemented within Interreg V-A Romania- Hungary Programme. Venue: HU-5600, Békéscsaba, Csabapark, Pálinkamúzeum (Gyulai út 61/2.) | A Békés Vármegyei Kormányhivatal 2023. december 14-én rendezi meg az Interreg V-A Románia-Magyarország Program keretében megvalósuló ROHU331 CAREER "Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region" című projekt Zárókonferenciáját. Helyszín: Békéscsaba, Csabapark, Pálinkamúzeum (5600 Békéscsaba, Gyulai út 61/2.) | |||
640 | ROHU-406 | Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County | Lead Beneficiary: Bekes County Enterprise Development Foundation / Project partner: Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | 12/12/2023 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Closing conference | Záró rendezvény | |||
641 | ROHU-444 | Connecting communities to the TEN-T infrastructure in the Romanian - Hungarian border area | Unitatea Administrativ Teritorială Judeţul Arad (Arad County) | 05/12/2023 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Professional event with the participation of stakeholders, all partners in the project, whic is opened to the general public. | Szakmai rendezvény az érdekelt felek, a projektben részt vevő valamennyi partner részvételével, amely a nagyközönség számára is nyitott. | |||
642 | ROHU-44 | Connecting communities to the TEN-T infrastructure in the Romanian - Hungarian border area | Unitatea Administrativ Teritorială Judeţul Arad (Arad County) | 06/12/2023 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Professional event with the participation of stakeholders, all partners in the project, whic is opened to the general public. | Szakmai rendezvény az érdekelt felek, a projektben részt vevő valamennyi partner részvételével, amely a nagyközönség számára is nyitott. | |||
643 | ROHU-444 | Connecting communities to the TEN-T infrastructure in the Romanian - Hungarian border area | Unitatea Administrativ Teritorială Judeţul Arad (Arad County) | 07/12/2023 | Gyomaendrős | Békés | Hungary | Professional event with the participation of stakeholders, all partners in the project, whic is opened to the general public. | Szakmai rendezvény az érdekelt felek, a projektben részt vevő valamennyi partner részvételével, amely a nagyközönség számára is nyitott. | |||
644 | ROHU-444 | Connecting communities to the TEN-T infrastructure in the Romanian - Hungarian border area | Unitatea Administrativ Teritorială Judeţul Arad (Arad County) | 06/12/2023 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Professional event with the participation of stakeholders, all partners in the project, whic is opened to the general public. | Szakmai rendezvény az érdekelt felek, a projektben részt vevő valamennyi partner részvételével, amely a nagyközönség számára is nyitott | |||
645 | ROHU-444 | Connecting communities to the TEN-T infrastructure in the Romanian - Hungarian border area | Unitatea Administrativ Teritorială Judeţul Arad (Arad County) | 14/12/2023 | Békéscsaba | Békés | Hungary | Closing conference | Záró rendezvény | |||
646 | ROHU-450 | Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs –DESP | Lead Partner: Csongrád County Health Care Center – Hódmezővásárhely-Makó, Hungary, Project Partner: Association of Vincentian Sisters of Charity - Satu Mare, Romania | 20/12/2023 | Satu Mare | 2693 | Románia | Project closing event Satu Mare | Programul evenimentului - Discurs de deschidere Az esemény programja - A résztvevők köszöntése | |||
647 | ROHU395 | CO-LABOUR “Cooperation between Nyirbator and Carei for improving employment and promote development based on their endogenous potential" | Municipality of Carei/ Municipality of Nyirbator | 20/12/2023 | Carei | ROMANIA | Romania | | The Conference is the perfect occasion for the dissemination of information about the implemented project to share best practices and strategies that can be applied to further improve the labor market in similar cross-border regions. It is also a platform to discuss opportunities for further collaboration and the sustainability of the project's impact, to encourage networking among participants to foster ongoing partnerships that contribute to the region's long-term development. | Conferința reprezintă o ocazie perfectă pentru diseminarea informațiilor despre proiectul implementat, pentru a împărtăși cele mai bune practici și strategii ce pot fi aplicate pentru a îmbunătăți în continuare piața muncii în regiunile similare transfrontaliere. Este, de asemenea, o platformă pentru a discuta despre oportunitățile de colaborare ulterioară și sustenabilitatea impactului proiectului, pentru a încuraja networking-ul între participanți, contribuind astfel la dezvoltarea pe termen lung a regiunii. | ||
648 | ROHU-53 | Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties | Lead Beneficiary | 26/04/2024 | Sanmartin | Bihor | Romania | ROHU-53 Project closing conference Agenda: | Conferinta de incheire a proiectului ROHU-53 Agenda | |||
649 | 1e0b1bec-5838-4f19-9220-81013be218a2 | 1e0b1bec-5838-4f19-9220-81013be218a2 | 1e0b1bec-5838-4f19-9220-81013be218a2 | 1e0b1bec-5838-4f19-9220-81013be218a2 | 1e0b1bec-5838-4f19-9220-81013be218a2 | 1e0b1bec-5838-4f19-9220-81013be218a2 | 1e0b1bec-5838-4f19-9220-81013be218a2 | 1e0b1bec-5838-4f19-9220-81013be218a2 |Ирина_Шпортун_Енакиево.pdf |Ирина_Шпортун_Енакиево-1.pdf |