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Această secțiune este disponibilă doar în limba engleză; toate datele introduse trebuie furnizate în limba engleză

Entry IDNo of the announcement (internal or SEAP/HU electronic system)Date of publication (on the ROHU website)BeneficiaryProject code (Project number/Project id from the eMS system - eg: ROHU-325) Contact (name, adress, email, tel.)Object of the procurement / Technical descriptionBidding deadline (deadline for receiving the offers):Estimated amount (national currency)Direct link to the public procurement documentation Upload documentation
3Servicii de traducere in cadrul proiectului Conservarea, protejarea și promovarea valorilor naturale din zona transfrontalieră Salonta-Békéscsaba - Colțul de natură” (ROHU-14)04/16/2018MUNICIPIUL SALONTAROHU-14MUNICIPIUL SALONTA, Str. Republicii nr.1, Salonta, Jud.Bihor , Romania. Patricia Ivanciuc; tel.: +40 359 409730

Servicii de traducere in cadrul proiectului Conservarea, protejarea și promovarea valorilor naturale din zona transfrontalieră Salonta-Békéscsaba - Colțul de natură” (ROHU-14)
Condiții contract:
-Cantitati: Aproximativ 400 de pagini de traducere si aproximativ 150 de ore de interpretare;
-Plata serviciilor se va efectua in tranșe, în urma prestării etapizate a serviciilor și a depunerii unor procese-verbale de recepție a serviciilor acceptate de beneficiar. Ulterior, se vor depune facturi aferente serviciilor prestate, care vor fi achitate în maxim 30 de zile de la emiterea facturii.

Condiții participare:
1.Operatorii economici ce depun ofertă trebuie să dovedească o formă de înregistrare în condițiile legii din țara de rezidență, să reiasă că operatorul economic este legal constituit, că nu se află în niciuna dintre situațiile de anulare a constituirii precum și faptul că are capacitatea profesională de a realiza activitățile care fac obiectul contractului. In acest sens se va depune Certificat constatator ONRC.
2.Ofertantii trebuie sa depuna autorizare de traducător/interpret pentru limba română, limba maghiară şi limba engleză;
3.Nu se acceptă oferte de la operatori economici cu acționari/asociati comuni. Astfel de oferte vor fi respinse.
Ofertantii trebuie sa detina un certificat valid in sistemul electronic de achizitii publice. Ofertantul va prezenta dovada detinerii unui cont valid de SEAP, prin prezentarea ofertei inscrise in propriul catalog de SEAP, sub denumirea Servicii de traducere (ROHU-14), pana cel târziu la data de 18.04.2018. La sectiunea de descriere a serviciului ofertantul va mentiona: “Serviciile vor fi prestate in conformitate cu cerintele mentionate in cadrul anuntului de publicitate nr. 2382/16.04.2018 si a celor mentionate in cadrul caietului de sarcini anexa la anuntul de publicitate”.

Pentru mai multe detali va rugam sa consultati link-ul de mai jos, unde veti gasi anuntul de publicitate si caietul de sarcini.

04/18/201831.335,13 RON fara TVA 
42382/16.04.2018 Translation services within the project "Conservation, protection and promotion of natural values in the Salonta-Békéscsaba cross-border area - The Nature Corner" (ROHU-14)04/16/2018MUNICIPIUL SALONTAROHU-14SALONTA, Republicii street no.1, Bihor, Romania. Patricia Ivanciuc; phone.: +40 359 409730

Translation services within the project "Conservation, protection and promotion of natural values in the Salonta-Békéscsaba cross-border area - The Nature Corner" (ROHU-14)
Contract terms:
- Approximately 400 pages of translation and approximately 150 hours of interpretation;
- The service fee will be made in installments, after the phased service rendering and the submission of minutes of reception of services accepted by the beneficiary. Subsequently, invoices will be deposited for the services rendered, which will be paid within 30 days from the issuance of the invoice.
For more details please check the link below, where you will find the advertisement and the notebook of tasks!

04/18/201831.335,13 RON fara TVA 
51. Quote request for preparing of feasibility study04/12/2018Municipality of Béké; 5630 Békés, Petőfi utca 2.

Preparing feasibility study for the whole project of „Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area” of Békés. Relating to:
1. Békés-Dánfok Visitor Center and gene preservation park, cultivation of unique protected species for gene conservation purposes. 25.1556 hectares.
2. The creation and renovation educational trail with the presentation of the protected plant and animal species included in the application together with the Élővíz-csatorna (Ó-Fehér-Körös) nature conservation areas. 11.4769 hectares.
3. Presentation of the protected NATURA 2000 areas of the Kettős-Körös River by presenting the species living there. 494.6718 hectares.
4. Visiting and preserving unique protected areas. 2,7871 hectares.

04/17/20183.000.000 HUF  
6Quote request for the implementation of the communication activities of the project; 1338-23/201804/24/2018Municipality of Béké; 5630 Békés, Petőfi utca 2.

The object of the procurement is carrying out of the communitaion tasks in connection with the project hereinafter in detail mentioned:
Information boards (2 pieces) in accordance with the project visibility guide: that is properly the updated Visual Identity Manual for the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme.
Leaflet about the project, partnership and results (cross-border impact) both in Romanian and Hungarian languages, all in all 1000 - 1000 copy (promotional material).
Publicity (6 publications, publishing of promotion articles, inserts in newspapers, press releases) - about the project in local and regional media (every semester) reaching Békés area.
In the frame of public events according to our projects: Services related to organisation and implementation of the opening and closing conferences. Target group: min. of 50 participants per events.
Digital activities: For dissemination the project results the website of Békés will be continuously updated and upgrade on design and content.

71. Promotional materials, services for event organisation, services for design and typography, project website creation, services for translations, documentary film04/24/2018Comuna

1. Promotional material packages
2. Project launch conference
3. Roll-ups
4. Leaflet for relevant actors involved in tourism development
5. Leaflet for the local population of Salacea and Hortobagy
6. thematic route brochure with map included
7. album presenting Hortobágy and Salacea regions (publication)
8. Good practice publication
9. Temporary and permanent billboards
10. Stickers
11. Project website
13. documentary film presenting Hortobágy and Salacea regions
14. Translation

04/27/2018132895.03 Lei  
8External expertise for project manager04/24/2018Comuna

The project manager will act as head of the joint project management team, being responsible for the coordination of the project’s operational level management. The project manager will be directly subordinated to the Project Steering Committee, representing strategic level management of the project.
The project manager will provide 4 hours of service / day, for a 28 months period.

04/27/2018112 500 Lei fara TVA  
9Preparing the technical documentation for the investment04/25/2018Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în Româ

Preparing the technical documentation for the investment, relating to: Multifunctional training and operational center in Diosig for volunteer firefighters, implemented within the project ”Joint development of the voluntary emergency response and disaster management capacity in the eligible border area” (ROHU-10)

The object of the service contract consists in:
1. Elaboration of the Feasibility Study
2. Technical documentation for construction authorization

These documents needs to be in accordance with the provisions of the Government Decision no. 907 of November 29, 2016 regarding the elaboration phases and the framework content of the technical and economic documentation related to the public-financed investment objectives / projects.

04/30/201842467 Ron  
10SCN1000473 Fire engine04/25/2018Valcani, tel. 0256-385205, fax 0256-385454

Procurement of a fire engine. The vehicle shall be used for the volunteer firefighting service of Valcani.

05/11/2018575115.87 RON without VAT 
11204/27/2018Valcani, tel. 0256-385205, fax 0256-385454

The consultant will provide the following services:
- realisation of partner reports in eMS system – at least 8 reports
- realisation of consolidated report in eMS system – at least 4 reports
- permanent consultancy with project manager – by e-mail and phone or personally if it is necessary
- permanent consultancy with project partners accountant – by e-mail and phone or personally if it is necessary
- verification of all payments before they are made
- verification of primary accounting documents
- coordination of the financial management at project level
- participation at the project meetings in Valcani or Foldeak.

05/04/201832.230,44 Ron without VAT  
122. External financial management04/27/2018Valcani, tel. 0256-385205, fax 0256-385454

The consultant will provide the following services:
- realisation of partner reports in eMS system – at least 8 reports
- realisation of consolidated report in eMS system – at least 4 reports
- permanent consultancy with project manager – by e-mail and phone or personally if it is necessary
- permanent consultancy with project partners accountant – by e-mail and phone or personally if it is necessary
- verification of all payments before they are made
- verification of primary accounting documents
- coordination of the financial management at project level
- participation at the project meetings in Valcani or Foldeak.

05/04/201832.230,44 Ron without VAT  
13Correction - Quote request for the implementation of the communication activities of the project; 1338-23/2018 04/27/2018Municipality of Béké; 5630 Békés, Petőfi utca 2.

The object of the procurement is carrying out of the communitaion tasks in connection with the project hereinafter in detail mentioned:
Information boards (2 pieces) in accordance with the project visibility guide: that is properly the updated Visual Identity Manual for the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme.
Leaflet about the project, partnership and results (cross-border impact) both in Romanian and Hungarian languages, all in all 1000 - 1000 copy (promotional material).
Publicity (6 publications, publishing of promotion articles, inserts in newspapers, press releases) - about the project in local and regional media (every semester) reaching Békés area.
In the frame of public events according to our projects: Services related to organisation and implementation of the opening and closing conferences. Target group: min. of 50 participants per events.
Digital activities: For dissemination the project results the website of Békés will be continuously updated and upgrade on design and content.

14„Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion” 08/05/2018Hajdú- Bihar Country Disaster Management

Project management tasks

05/14/20184000000 HUF  
15345/11.05.201811/05/2018ADI Zona Metropolitana

The page will be in English and in accordance with the Visual Identity Manual of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Program (
SEO Onpage optimization
Administration panel and advanced visual editor for content management
Attractive design, 100% responsive, adaptable design according to user's device
Multiple ways of contact By email, fixed phone, mobile phone, fax, or interactive contact form
User interaction form confirming
Integration with social networks
Google Analytics integration
Location of business on map
Protocol opengraph
Installing Design Selected and Implementing Changes
Add menu structure and pages according to site structure
Add content (text, images, and / or video) to pages in your site
Copyright notice

16344/11.05.201811/05/2018ADI Zona Metropolitana

1. Personalized promotional materials as follows:
- Biodegradable bags - 100 pieces (natural fabrics)
- Folders for events - 100 pcs
- Flyers A4 - 1000 pcs
- Pens - 1000 pcs
- Memory sticks - 100 pcs
- The model of a waterlily (made of paper) - 1000 pcs
- Rollup - 4 pieces (one for each partner)
- Horizontal banner 5 m x 2 m - 1 pc
- Posters A3 - 12 pieces (color)
The estimated value for these is 27,364 lei without VAT, according to the project budget.

2. Organization of press conferences
Opening Conference - in June 2018 (with a minimum of 30 participants, including catering, estimated 5863 lei without VAT, according to the project budget)
Project closure conference - April 2020 (minimum 30 participants, catering included, estimated 5863 lei without VAT, according to the project budget)

3. Publication of communications
Press releases (3 releases in total) - the estimated value of 3910 lei without VAT, according to the project budget.
All materials will be written in accordance with the Visual Identity Manual of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Program (

17Quote request for preparing of the technical documentation; 1338-38/201814/05/2018Municipality of Béké; 5630 Békés, Petőfi utca 2.

Preparing of Technical documentation in connection with:
1. Békés-Dánfok Visitor Center and gene preservation park in addition playground, tents and caravan reception area;
2. The creation and renovation of educational trail related to Élővíz-csatorna and Kettős-Körös nature conservation areas.

181731/14.05.2018 - Promotional materials15/05/2018Valcani, tel. 0256-385205, fax 0256-385454

The object of the procurement is the realization of the following promotional materials:
- Roll-up – 2 pieces
- dimensions: 100*200 cm
-aluminium mount
-transport bag
- minimum 3 colours; polychrmy
-material: poliplan
- language: Romanian and Hungarian

- Personalized fire extinguisher – 150 pieces
-portable fire extinguisher for vehicle
- capacity 1 kg
-extinguishing agent: dust
-ISO 9001
-Guarantee: at least 2 yeasr

All materials will be realized in accordance with the Visual Identity Manual of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Program (

22/05/201819.449,15 lei without VAT 
19Services for event organisation16/05/2018Municipality of Földeá

-Opening press conference
- Professional training for volunteer firefighters (6 trainings)
- Professional joint training (3 trainings)
-Organizing public awareness raising campaigns
1. Campaign for pupils (6 school*2 pieces/school)
2. Campaign for women (8 pieces)
3. Public safety day (3 pieces)

05/17/20188.568.887,85 HUF  
20„Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion”18/05/2018Hajdú- Bihar Country Disaster Management

Design tasks

05/28/20185630530 HUF 
212. Quote request for opening press conference18/05/2018Municipality of Földeá

1. Project opening press conference (press materials, coffee break, location, technical equipment):
For the proper promotion of the project, in the very first stage of the project we will be organizing a project opening press conference. In the front of the representatives of the localities, experts and regional media, we will present the projects expected results and the activities. This activity will be carried out by PP.
This opening conference will take place in Foldeak. At this event, besides the representatives of the included localities, we will invite the representatives of the relevant media from the region and also representatives of the official disaster management units. At this conference we expect to have 40 participants.

05/19/2018253.080 HUF  


24Services for event organisation18/05/2018Municipality of Földeá

- Professional training for volunteer firefighters (6 trainings)
- Professional joint training (3 trainings)
-Organizing public awareness raising campaigns
1. Campaign for pupils (6 school*2 pieces/school)
2. Campaign for women (8 pieces)
3. Public safety day (3 pieces)

28/05/20188.318.805,95 HUF  
25Public procurement expert18/05/2018Municipality of Földeá

- purchase of a fire truck
- procurement of 7 pumps
- collecting preliminary information on the subject of the contract
- selecting the procedures to be carried out on the basis of an estimated value,
- the preparation and submission of calls and related documentation for tenders
- preparing the necessary professional documents during the procedure, including on behalf of third parties ( Bidders, Public Procurement Authority, Intermediate organization) handling of inquiries in the contract in accordance with the Public Procurement Law and related legislation, preparation of responses.
- In the course of the procurement procedure, the bidding process is carried out on the surface of the EKR system
- prepare a summary of the outcome of the procedure
- publication of information on the outcome of the procedure
- preparation and dispatch of notices

24/05/2018632.700 HUF632.700 HUF 
26„Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion”24/05/2018Hajdú- Bihar Country Disaster Management

Technical inspection tasks

04/06/20185511490 HUF 
27„Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion”24/05/2018Hajdú- Bihar Country Disaster Management

Responsible accredited public procurement consultancy tasks

06/06/20181001610 HUF 
28Provision of nature conservation scientific research services within the project "Conservation, protection and promotion of natural values in the Salonta-Békéscsaba cross-border area - The Nature Corner" (ROHU-14)25/05/2018Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-14Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

Provision of nature conservation scientific research services:
1. Habitat-monitoring: Evaluation the current state of Community importance and other plant and animal species and habitats (beetles, aquatic invertebrates, fish, amphibians and reptiles). Exploration of threats. Suggestions for improving the state of community habitats.
2. Regional Green Infrastructure Plan (ReGrIN Plan): Create a collection of thematic and synthesis maps: Create a NoteBook, which defines the technical infrastructure of the area, land use patterns, and territorial development concepts per area use category. ReGrIN Plan is a framework for setting goals and objectives for the area’s restoration project, identifying key tasks and there after developing work schedules and a budget. Design the potential components of a green infrastructure and evaluate a Green Infrastructure Plan for the KBC region.
3. Preparing Geography Information System (GIS) database: Gathering the information and developing the GIS-database. Information have to be gathered: data regarding target zone nature protection areas, species and habitats of community importance, list of nature protected areas administrators, nature protection regulations, land use data, actual investment plans with potential negative impact on species and habitats within the target area, environmental quality data, funding opportunities for nature protection, sustainable use of natural resources/sustainable rural development, local and regional development strategies. Gathering information in the field, regarding the status of protected areas, protected species and habitats, human impact on biodiversity in the target area; evaluation and monitoring of some environmental parameters, with respect to habitat quality and suitability for protected areas, respectively with respect to sustainable use of natural resources. Protected areas administrators will be questioned with respect to human economical activities which affect environmental factors, species and habitats.
4. Landcare facilitation: Facilitating cooperation with farmers, nature conservation and local authorities. Landcare is a community participation model based on voluntary groups of farmers and other committed people working together at a local level to address local issues. The focus is on developing, sharing and implementing more sustainable ways of managing land and water resources, conserving biodiversity and creating sustainable livelihoods for local people. The external expert tasks are: coordinating the project professional contents; to keep in touch with the internal and external contributors; evaluate professional chapters of the project reports; contact with suppliers; professional coordination; documenting professional progress; preparation of professional reports.

31/05/20187.764.485 HUF 
291531/201828/05/2018Körös-Maros National Park DirectorateROHU7Weisz Zoltán, +36 66/313-855,

2 pcs. Notebook procurement as regaring the second part of the centralized procurement procedure (direct order) pursuant to Article 105 (2) of the Act CXLIII of 2015 on Public Procurement:
-HP Probook 450 G5 (i7-8550U, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, 720p webcam with mic, 15.6 FHD AG, 2*8GB DDR4 2400, 256GB PCIE NVME SSD, 1TB HDD, Intel 8265 AC, Bluetooth 4.2, Fingerprint reader, 3 year next business day onsite)

10/06/2018920.000 HUF (with VAT) 
301887/29.05.2018-Promotional materials29/05/2018Valcani, tel. 0256-385205, fax 0256-385454

The object of the procurement is the realization of the following promotional materials:
- Roll-up – 2 pieces
- Personalized fire extinguisher – 150 pieces
All materials will be realized in accordance with the Visual Identity Manual of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Program (

Estimated budget: roll-ups 2 pieces: 168.07 Euro without VAT
Personalized fire extinguisher – 150 pieces: 4033.61 Euro without VAT

06/06/201819.448.74 lei without VAT 

Procurement of services for organizing of hungarian and english language learning classes for 50 fire fighters and other relevant key personnel working in the field of disaster management at the level of Bihor county

32External Project Management29/05/2018Volunteer Firefighters Association from TyukodROHU-80Volunteer Firefighters Association from Tyukod /

The Hungarian external Project Manager will plan the activities and supervise their accomplishment on the Hungarian side, will facilitate the internal evaluation process, will be performing risk analysts and analysis on their possible effects, making proposals for corrective actions. He will also be responsible for the elaboration and submission of progress and final reports to the Hungarian program bodies, and also arrange for monitoring and control of the project on the Hungarian side, in accordance with the signed Subsidy Contract.

31/05/20182 432 000 HUF  
33Public procurement expert28/05/2018Volunteer Firefighters Association from TyukodROHU-80Volunteer Firefighters Association from Tyukod/ Szabolcs Kajdi /

Needed professional public procurement expertise for the acquisition of equipment: contracting a public procurement expert

31/05/2018520 000 HUF   
34Quote request for the implementation of the communication activities of the project; 1338-52/201830/05/2018Municipality of Béké; 5630 Békés, Petőfi utca 2.

The object of the procurement is carrying out of the communication tasks in connection with the project hereinafter in detail mentioned:
Information boards (2 pieces) in accordance with the project visibility guide: that is properly the updated Visual Identity Manual for the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme.
Leaflet about the project, partnership and results (cross-border impact) both in Romanian and Hungarian languages, all in all 1000 - 1000 copy (promotional material).
Publicity (6 publications, publishing of promotion articles, inserts in newspapers, press releases) - about the project in local and regional media (every semester) reaching Békés area.
In the frame of public events according to our projects: Services related to organisation and implementation of the opening and closing conferences. Target group: min. of 50 participants per events.
Digital activities: For dissemination the project results the website of Békés will be continuously updated and upgrade on design and content.

05/06/20183 276 786,744 HUF (MNB 1 EUR=319,88 HUF) 
35Services for event organisation 29/05/2018Municipality of Földeá

- Professional training for volunteer firefighters (6 trainings)
- Professional joint training (3 trainings)
-Organizing public awareness raising campaigns
1. Campaign for pupils (6 school*2 pieces/school)
2. Campaign for women (8 pieces)
3. Public safety day (3 pieces)

30/05/20188.385.654,2 HUF  
36Procurement of consultancy services in the field of procurements30/05/2018ASOCIAȚIA „SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISS"ROHU 84Asociația „SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISS”, email:, Phone: +40.773.933.620

Procurement of consultancy services in order to organize the procurements of works and equipments in the frame of CROSSRISKS project

37External expertise for public procurement31/05/2018Comuna SalaceaROHU-115Comuna Sălacea, nr.47, judeţul Bihor Cod postal: 417445.

Public procurement consultancy services include supporting the procurement department to develop the documents / documentation required to complete the public procurement process steps for the investment objective: "FROM ONE BRIDGE TO ANOTHER" on the following activities :
1) Environmental Impact Report for the Investment Objective:
2) Support documentation and expense for obtaining opinions, agreements and authorizations;
3) Certification of energy performance and energy audit of buildings for the investment objective;
4) Technical design services;
5) Technical design verification services;
6) Site engineering services;
7) Management consultancy services;
8) Execution work;
9) facilities;
10) Information and publicity;
11) Various and unforeseen work - if necessary

04/06/201845.000 lei  
38Design, printing and event organization services31/05/2018Comuna SalaceaROHU-115Comuna Sălacea, nr.47, judeţul Bihor Cod postal: 417445.

1. Promotional material packages
2. Project launch conference
3. Roll-ups
4. Leaflet for relevant actors involved in tourism development
5. Leaflet for the local population of Salacea and Hortobagy
6. thematic route brochure with map included
7. album presenting Hortobágy and Salacea regions (publication)
8. Good practice publication
9. Temporary and permanent billboards
10. Stickers
11. Project website
13. documentary film presenting Hortobágy and Salacea regions
14. Translation

04/06/2018108325 lei  
39External expertise for project manager31/05/2018Comuna SalaceaROHU-115Comuna Sălacea, nr.47, judeţul Bihor Cod postal: 417445.

The project manager will act as head of the joint project management team, being responsible for the coordination of the project’s operational level management. The project manager will be directly subordinated to the Project Steering Committee, representing strategic level management of the project.
The project manager will provide 4 hours of service / day, for a 28 months period.

40External expertise for project manager31/05/2018Firefighter Federation of Hajdú Bihar

Project management tasks

05/06/20189 400 000 HUF  
411915/31.05.2018 Firefighter protective equipment31/05/2018Valcani, tel. 0256-385205, fax 0256-385454

The object of the procurement is the acquisition of firefighter protective equipment:
- Professional boots – 6 pairs
- Complete protection equipment – 6 pieces
- Safety helmet – 6 pieces
- Gloves – 6 pairs
Estimated budget for the equipment: Boots – 605,04 EURO (without VAT), protection equipment – 3811,76 EURO (without VAT), helmets – 615,13 EURO (without VAT), gloves – 327,73 EUR (without VAT).

06/06/201824.914,37 lei without VAT 
421569/201831/05/2018Körös-Maros National Park DirectorateROHU7Melián Csaba, +36 66/313-855,

- 1 pc Seppi Midiforst 250 DT forestry mulcher and 1 pcs Twintrack attachement for Valtra T193 H tractor
- 1 pc external service for setting up of the forestry mulcher

43CORRIGENDUM to the Announcement no. 26/29.05.2018 (no. 31 from the RO-HU Programme website): Prolongation of the deadline for the submission of offers29/05/2018ASOCIAȚIA „SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISSROHU-84Asociația „SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISS”, email:, Phone: +40.727.714.323

Prolongarion of the deadline until 12.06.2018 (16:00) for the submission of offers in case of the procurement of services for organizing of hungarian and english language learning classes for 50 fire fighters and other relevant key personnel working in the field of disaster management at the level of Bihor county.

44CORRIGENDUM to the Announcement no. 36 from the RO-HU Programme website regarding the Procurement of consultancy services in the field of procurements: Prolongation of the deadline for the submission of offers30/05/2018ASOCIAȚIA „SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISSROHU-84Asociația „SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISS”, email:, Phone: +40.773.933.620

Prolongation of the deadline until 13.06.2018 (16 h) for the submission of offers in case of the Procurement of consultancy services in order to organize the procurements of works and equipments in the frame of CROSSRISKS project.

45Procurement of services for elaborating the technical and economic documentation (PT + CS + DDE +DTAC phases) including the ensuring of the technical assistance for the investment: “EXTENSION AND EQUIPMENT OF CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED TRAINING CENTRE FOR INTERVENTIONS IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS"- SANTION VILLAGE, BORS COMMUNE, BIHOR COUNTY.06/06/2018ASOCIAȚIA SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISSROHU-84ASOCIAȚIA SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISS, Str. Făgărașului, nr. 5, bl. IP, sc. A, et. 4 , ap.8, Oradea, Tel: +40.727.714.323, Email:

Procurement of services for elaborating the technical and economic documentation (PT + CS + DDE +DTAC phases) including the ensuring of the technical assistance for the investment: “EXTENSION AND EQUIPMENT OF CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED TRAINING CENTRE FOR INTERVENTIONS IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS"- SANTION VILLAGE, BORS COMMUNE, BIHOR COUNTY.

462066/14.06.2018 Firefighter protective equipment14/06/2018Valcani, tel. 0256-385205, fax 0256-385454

The object of the procurement is the acquisition of firefighter protective equipment:
- Professional boots – 6 pairs
- Complete protection equipment – 6 pieces
- Safety helmet – 6 pieces
- Gloves – 6 pairs
Estimated budget for the equipment: Boots – 605,04 EURO (without VAT), protection equipment – 3811,76 EURO (without VAT), helmets – 615,13 EURO (without VAT), gloves – 327,73 EUR (without VAT).

18/06/201825.001,20 lei without VAT 
479858/13.06.201814/06/2018Satu Mare County Tel. 0261-711004 Fax. 0261-710395

Services for advertising and event organization within the project ROHU 102 "Mitigating the adverse effects of hail in Satu Mare County".
Within the Public Events and Publications Activity, the project will be promoted through press releases and articles in the media, as well as by the organization of press conferences and a scientific dissemination conference.

24/06/201858.541,59 Ron without VAT 
48K- 3470-010/201825/05/2018Körös Valley District Water DirectorateROHU-28Melinda Varga, 26 th Városház Street, Gyula, 5700 email:, tel.: +36-30-388-9750

Construction Planning:
The contracting authority is looking for a contractor to level up the tender designs to implementation plans in case of architectural, tender and building services engineering tender designs that made in May of 2016.
This public procurement is connected to the „Development of flood protection centre of Szanazug and rehabilitation of the penstock and hydro-mechanical equipment in Tulca” entitled, ROHU28 project ID Hungarian side development, namely relating to the Flood Protection Centre of Szanazug.

04/06/20181.250.000 HUF  
49K-3470-009/201806/06/2018Körös Valley District Water DirectorateROHU-28Melinda Varga, 26 th Városház Street, Gyula, 5700 email:, tel.: +36-30-388-9750

Public procurement consultant for performing tasks:
The contracting authority is seeking for a public procurement consultant in connection with the „Development of flood protection centre of Szanazug and rehabilitation of the penstock and hydro-mechanical equipment in Tulca” entitled, ROHU28 project ID Hungarian side development, namely relating to the Flood Protection Centre of Szanazug.
The public procurement consultant tasks are transaction of public procurement, compilation of public procurement documentation.

13/06/20181.800.000 HUF  
502076/15.06.2018 Website15/06/2018Valcani, tel. 0256-385205, fax 0256-385454

The object of the procurement is the acquisition of webpage elaboration services according to the documentation which can be found on the webpage of the contracting authority.

Estimated budget: 2521.01 Euro without VAT

21/06/201811.762,02 lei without VAT 
51399415/06/2018Municipiul SalontaROHU-14Municipiul Salonta, str. Republicii nr. 1

Management services will be contracted in order to ensure the transparency, efficiency and efficacy of overall project management and project management at LB level. The contracted expert will be responsible for the planning/organization and supervision of all project activities in accordance with Subsidy Contract, and with relevant national and EU rules and regulations, in collaboration with the JSCP.
•General tasks: advice, assistance, review as frequently as needed
•plan - implement - identify needs/problems/risks - find solutions - monitor/evaluate
Please see further details by accessing:

52399515/06/2018Municipiul SalontaROHU-14MUNICIPIUL SALONTA, Str. Republicii nr.1, Salonta, Jud.Bihor , Romania. Patricia Ivanciuc; tel.: +40 359 409730

Financial management services will be externalized, to ensure transparent, efficient financial project management; a special attention will be given to the professional competencies of the contracted experts who will cooperate with the project partners to reach the project goals. The contracted expert will be responsible for elaborating financial progress/final reports at LP and project level and for ensuring cost-efficiency in accordance with Subsidy Contract, and in accordance with relevant national and EU rules and regulations in both countries.
The financial manager is responsible with the preparation/organization and supervision of the projects’ financial activities in collaboration with the project staff and partners.
General tasks include: advice, assistance, review of and supervision of financial activities
Please see further details by accessing

21/06/2018132323 wihtout VAT  
53399615/06/2018Municipiul SalontaROHU-14Str. Republicii nr.1, 415500 Salonta, Jud.Bihor , Romania. Patricia Ivanciuc; tel.: +40 359 409730,

Promotional materials:
2500 personalized textile bags, containing: 2500 notepad, 2500 pen,
2000 personalized key chains
2 roll-ups
50 posters
2000 flyers
500 invitations
500 stickers
1 temporary plaque
1 Permanent plaque
23 Promotion and information boards

Please see further details by accessing

21/06/2018132323 wihtout VAT 
55Services for event organisation18/06/2018Volunteer Firefighters Association from TyukodROHU80Volunteer Firefighters Association from Tyukod /

1. Project opening conference (50 persons)
2. Project closing Conference (50 persons)
3. Workshop "Psychological Support to the Population" (50 persons)
4.” Best practice joint simulation of a road accident „event (30 persons)

22/06/20182 080 000 HUFVolunteer Firefighters Association from Tyukod / 
56406019/06/2018Municipiul SalontaROHU-14MUNICIPIUL SALONTA, Str. Republicii nr.1, Salonta, Jud.Bihor , Romania. Patricia Ivanciuc; tel.: +40 359 409730

30 press releases/newspapers articles and 2 radio spots about the project need to be published/broadcasted in local and regional media reaching Salonta area
Please see further details by accessing:

25/06/201837251 RON without VAT 
57Varsánykerti-tó természetvédelmi célokkal összhangban levő vizes élőhellyé alakítása, illetve a környezetének kialakításához kapcsolódó tervezési és műszaki dokumentáció-készítési feladatok – engedélyes (megvalósulási) és kiviteli tervek készítése (kitűzési feladatok)20/06/2018Komádi Városi ÖnkormányzatROHU-68Komádi Városi Önkormányzat, HU 4138 Komádi Hősök tere 4.,, 0036-54-545-020

Varsánykerti-tó természetvédelmi célokkal összhangban levő vizes élőhellyé alakítása, illetve a környezetének kialakításához kapcsolódó tervezési és műszaki dokumentáció-készítési feladatok – engedélyes (megvalósulási) és kiviteli tervek készítése (kitűzési feladatok)

27/06/20183.275.712 HUFánlatkérés-tervezés-ROHU.doc
582123/19.06.2018 Translation and interpretation services20/06/2018Valcani, tel. 0256-385205, fax 0256-385454

Translation of project documents and intepretation at events.

25/06/20185685,83 lei without VAT 
59Procurement of services for organizing of events and elaboration of promotional materials 25/06/2018Asociația „SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISSROHU-84Email:, Phone: +40744.172.255, 0727.714.323

Procurement of services for organizing of events and elaboration of promotional materials in the frame of the project ”Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion” , ROHU-84, acronym CROSSRISKS

60Service to provide visibility actions, communication tasks and event organisations10/05/2018Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature ProtectionROHU 103Éva Czirják (

The object of the procurement is carrying out of the communicaion tasks, visibility actions and event organisations in connection with the project:
- Workshops - 2 pcs (professional events with the participations of relevant experts, with catering for 20 people)
- Project dissemination event - 1 pc (in association with civil cycling organizations and hiking associations with catering for 20 people)
- Leaflet - 800 pcs
- Brochure - 500 pcs
- Press releases and photo sequence - 3 pcs (about the progress and the achievements of the project and about the phases of the project implementation)
- Temporary billboard - 1 pc
- Permanent plaque - 1 pc
- Website development - 1 pc
- Stickers - 65 pcs

16/05/20182 975 380 HUF  
61SCN1005432/22.06.201825/06/2018Comuna OdoreuROHU-80Comuna Odoreu, Str. Republicii Nr.100, jud. Satu Mare, tel. +40 261 775062, email:

Procurement of a medium-sized fire engine within the ROHU80 JOINTRESCUE project titled „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE”, in accordance with the published technical specifications.

04/07/2018651117,54 RON without VAT 
62SCN1005480/22.06.201825/06/2018Comuna Viile Satu MareROHU-80Comuna Viile Satu Mare, Str. Republicii Nr.1, jud. Satu Mare, tel. +40 261 754224, email:

Procurement of a medium-sized fire engine within the ROHU-80 JOINTRESCUE project titled „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” , in accordance with the published technical specifications.

13/07/2018653769 RON without VAT 
63Provision of bookkeeping services within the project "Conservation, protection and promotion of natural values in the Salonta-Békéscsaba cross-border area - The Nature Corner" (ROHU-14)26/06/2018Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-14Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

Provision of bookkeeping services: The Bidder is responsible for keeping the following analytical records in addition to the general ledger's accounts in accordance with the legislation in force during the implementation period of the project (01/07/2018-31/08/2020):
- payroll records,
- buyer current account records,
- supplier record,
- separate bookkeeping of supporting documents related to the project.

29/06/20184700 EUR 
6420.06.201827/06/2018Csenger Város ÖnkormányzataROHU-62Forján Zsolt, Csenger Város polgármestere - HU-4765 Csenger, Ady E. u. 14. - +36-44/520-520 -

Making water rights licencing plan (architectural planning) - "Határtalan zöld folyosó - Borderless green corridor - JOINTGREENCORR - ROHU-62"

29/06/201810.015.790 HUF (31.000 EUR)  
6520.06.201827/06/2018Csenger Város ÖnkormányzataROHU-62Forján Zsolt, Csenger Város polgármestere - HU-4765 Csenger, Ady E. u. 14. - +36-44/520-520 -

Making water rights licencing plan (architectural planning) - "Határtalan zöld folyosó - Borderless green corridor - JOINTGREENCORR - ROHU-62"

29/06/201810.015.790 HUF (31.000 EUR)  
66SCN1006081/27.06.201827/06/2018Comuna HalmeuROHU-80Comuna Halmeu, Str. Eliberarii Nr.57, jud. Satu Mare, tel. +40 261 773673, email:

Procurement of a medium-sized fire engine and extrication set within the ROHU-80 JOINTRESCUE project titled „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” , in accordance with the published technical specifications.

13/07/2018729095,71 RON without VAT 

Thematic events organisation: 2 Workshops, 2 ecotouristic camp's for children

02/07/201858605.88 ron without VAT 

Project image creation and promotion material providing

02/07/2018118709,11 ron without VAt 
691724/201827/06/2018Körös-Maros National Park DirectorateROHU7Molnár Géza, +36 66/313-855,

Comparative survey using scientific methods of the significant mounds (kunhalom, kurgan) regarding nature and heritage conservation.

The comparative survey is carried out on the Csanádi-hát (Hungary) and the Arad county (Romania)

70438629/06/2018Municipiul SalontaROHU-14Str. Republicii nr.1, 415500 Salonta, Jud.Bihor , Romania. Patricia Ivanciuc; tel.: +40 359 409730,

Promotional materials
Please see further details by accessing

04/07/2018132323 wihtout VAT 
713629/03.07.201803/07/2018Comuna OdoreuROHU-80Comuna Odoreu, Str. Republicii Nr.100, jud. Satu Mare, tel. +40 261 775062, email:

Procurement of services for organisation of the following events within the ROHU80 JOINTRESCUE project titled „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” :
- „Field study and networking” camp – a three-day camp organized with the aim of exchange of experiences in the five partner localities and surroundings: Tyukod-Odoreu-Păuleşti-Viile Satu Mare-Halmeu – getting to know the settlements, discussions and networking on best practices and former experiences. (30 participants)
- Organization of a joint workshop for voluntary services members on „Performance criteria related to the creation and equipping of voluntary services”, one-day event. (50 participants)
- intervention simulation/joint exercise of voluntary partner organisations in case of a technological accident produced in a glass processing factory from Odoreu. One-day event. (30 participants)
- joint workshop: „Efficient solutions for emergency situations in the cross-border area” , one-day event. (50 participants)

06/07/201834915 RON  
722021-0002/201804/07/2018LOWER-TISZA DISTRICT WATER DIRECTORATEROHU-11Pándiné Dr. Bakos Eszter, 6720 Szeged, Stefánia 4., +36 62 599 599

,,A ROHU-11 FORMURES „Flood risk management improvement on the Mures river in the cross border area” (Árvízi kockázatkezelés javítása a Maros folyón a határmenti területeken) elnevezésű projekten belül tájékoztatási és nyilvánossági feladatok ellátása a mellékelt műszaki leírás szerint”

09/07/20185885 eurówww.ativizig.huŰSZAKI-LEÍRÁS_20180621.docx
73204/07/2018Association for Business Promotion in

Services for procurement consultancy within the project with title: ”Joint development of the voluntary emergency response and disaster management capacity in the eligible border area”

The object of the service contract consist in:
Preparing all the necessary documentation for the acquisitions, like Purchase requisitions, specifications, the strategy of the contracting, draft forms for the contracts, making the acquisitions through SICAP system, advice on formulating answers to clarification requests, advice on the evaluation of submitted bids.

74512/04.07.201804/07/2018Interaction 2050 AssociationROHU-62Asociaţia Interaction 2050, Satu Mare, România, Str. B.P. Haşdeu nr. 31, E-mail:, Tel: +36 30 9451710, +40 721 346490

Procurement of services for the elaboration of promotional materials for the implementation of the planned information and promotional activities within the ROHU62 project titled "Borderless green corridor", as follows:
- fliers, A5 format – 30.000 pieces,
- brochure for evaluating the project’s results, in Romanian, Hungarian and English, A5 format, 20 pages - 200 pieces,
- customized files – 400 pieces,
- postcards – 1.000 pieces,
- customized plastic pens – 1.000 pieces,
- customized pen-drives (minimum 4 GB or higher) – 500 pieces,
- customized roll-ups – 4 pieces,
- customized A3 posters – 300 pieces,
- customized T-shirts – 200 pieces,
- customized caps – 200 pieces.
All materials will be elaborated in line with the communication and visibility requirements of the “Visual Identity Manual” of the INTERREG V-A Romania-Hungary Programme.

16/07/201840090 RON  
75interpretation and translation service04/07/2018Municipality of Földeá

Translation on the volunteer firefighters training. 2 occasions.

04/07/2018636.636 HUF  
762356/05.07.2018 Training services for firefighters 05/07/2018Valcani, tel. 0256-385205, fax 0256-385454

Trainig servise for firefighters - 12 courses for 30 persons ; professional trainer,; catering

13/07/201843.248,03 lei without VAT 
772357/05.07.2018 1. Organizing events05/07/2018Valcani, tel. 0256-385205, fax 0256-385454

The object of the procurement is the acquisition of event organizing services for the following events: awareness raising campaign for pupils (6 events, maximum budget: 168,06 euro without VAT), awareness raising campaign for parents (3 events, maximum budget: 168,06 euro without VAT), public safety days (3 events, maximum budget: 840,34 euro without VAT), press conference (1 event, maximum budget 672,27 euro without VAT)

13/07/201821.937,40 lei without VAT 
78Preparation of the detailed Technical design documentation01/06/2018Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature Protection ROHU 103Éva Czirják (

The object of the procurement is to prepare the detailed Technical design documentation prescripted in the Gov. Decree no. 322/2015. (X.30.), based on the building permit and the former plan.

15/06/2018571896 HUF  
79External project management23/04/2018Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature ProtectionROHU 103Éva Czirják (

The object of the procurement is carrying out the external Project management's tasks. The managers’ tasks have several layers: realizing the financial and technical management and performing administration, procurement and communication tasks too.
- Financial management: to prepare and submit disbursement requests and progress reports to the Authority, and to assemble financing and cash flow plans based on data supplied by the coordinators. Prepare and submit disbursement requests and progress reports to the Authority, and assemble financing and cash flow plans based on data supplied by the coordinators.
- Technical management: to assemble documents required for acquiring the necessary permissions, to coordinate the permission’s acquire, to communicate with the designer and contractor.
- Administration: to continuously supply data for the Managing Authority, to handle all administrative work generated by the project’s progress.
- Communication: to create continuous, real communication between the project coordinators, the Managing Authority and the other external partners who take part in the development.

801786/201827/06/2018Körös-Maros National Park DirectorateROHU7Körömi Krisztina, +36 66/313-855,

Designing, delivering, installing of outdoor, weatherproof, environmentally-friendly unique nature trail elements (10 different pcs.)

81IT equipment and electronics06/07/2018Association for Business Promotion in

IT equipment and electronics in the project: ”Joint development of the voluntary emergency response and disaster management capacity in the eligible border area”

The detailed list of equipments include:
- Kitchenette - freezer, microwave, coffee machine, dishware
- IT equipments - 2 laptops, 1 multifunctional printing machine, 2 router, flipchart, 1 beemer with a screen and a pointer

16/07/201822.650,00 Ron  
82Office furniture, teaching classes furniture, kitchenette furniture.06/07/2018Association for Business Promotion in

Office furniture, teaching classes furniture, kitchenette furniture.

The detailed list of equipments include:
- teaching classes - 40 tables, 40 chairs
- office space - 1 office desk, 1 office chair, 1 armchair, 2 shelves
- locker rooms - 5 lockers, 3 benches
- conference room - 100 chairs, 1 table
- reception room - 1 table, 1 chair
- kitchenette - table

16/07/201850.800,00 Ron  
83SCN1007205/09.07.201809/07/2018Comuna PaulestiROHU-80Comuna Paulesti, Str. Principala Nr.83, jud. Satu Mare, Romania, Email:, Tel.: +40 261757306/ 748824369/ 76455971, Fax: +40 2617573066

Procurement of a medium-sized fire engine within the ROHU-80 JOINTRESCUE project titled „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” , in accordance with the published technical specifications.

23/07/2018651175,54 RON without VAT 
841879/201809/07/2018Körös-Maros National Park DirectorateROHU7Weisz Zoltán, +36 66/313-855,

1 pc. T-Roc Style 2.0 TDI SCR 4 Motion as per the following parameters
- the trim level and specifications of the vehicle according to the NZPU8V identifier's configuration
- 1 set of winter tires on steel wheels
- registration costs

85EKE/01/06.07.201810/07/2018Societatea Carpatina Ardeleana – Satu MareROHU-79Mark-Nagy Janos,, 0721514137

Service contract: “Surveyig the wild fauna and the presence of micropollutants in differents organisms of the Tur River Protected Area” in Romania: ROSCI 0214 Râul Tur site of community interest.
The service contains:
- organization of 3 day workshop with the participation of specialists of the two project partners (a total of 12 people) with the aim to harmonize the monitoring methods used in the two countries.
- survey of protected and/or Natura 2000 designation species from the following groups: bats, reptiles and amphibians, fishes, land invertebrates, aquatic invertebrates
- survey of alien invasive species from the following groups: fishes, aquatic invertebrates
- investigation of biomagnification and bioaccumulation processes on the fish and mollusk fauna of the River Tur at the Romanian project site
- workshop
- harmonized monitoring protocol
- 5 survey reports about protected and/or Natura 2000 designation species: conservation status, threatening factors, distribution maps (also vectorised maps), proposal of conservation measures
- 2 survey reports about alien invasive species: occurence, distribution
- Investigation report of the biomagnification and bioaccumulation processes on the fish and mollusk fauna at the Romanian project site

23/07/2018448.326,61 RON without VAT
86Service for information pont IT development and mobile application development11/07/2018Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature ProtectionROHU 103Éva Czirják (

Service for Information point IT development and mobile application development that provides relevant information about the natural, cultural sights and touristic services can be seen in Nyíradony, Nyírlugos, Nyírbéltek, Ömböly, Bátorliget, Szaniszló (RO), Csomaköz (RO), Bere (RO), Mezőfény (RO), Nagykároly (RO) settlements and displays the routes and the connection among them with bicycle information.

87Purchase of bicycles11/07/2018Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature ProtectionROHU 103Éva Czirják (

Purchase of 25 pieces bicycles which can be used on unpaved roads too and are equipped with the compulsory road safety devices.

88Planting Iris in Forest Fény and creation a Garden for native species in Nyíradony-Szakolykert11/07/2018Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature ProtectionROHU 103Éva Czirják (

Planting Iris into the Forest Fény with land preparation, soil remediation, habitat testing and aftercare: surveying habitat, surveying of alien species, soil testing, plant propagation and pre-nursing, installation and aftercare on 2 times, with mowing and irrigation on request.
Creation of a garden for native species in Nyíradony-Szakolykert (bedding, planting, landscaping and creation of path, set up information boards).

89Content development service11/07/2018Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature ProtectionROHU 103Éva Czirják (

Content development services for tables, info points, and for the application in 3 languages, peer-reviewed. The service provider should collect relevant information about the natural, cultural, architectural sights, touristic services or other attractions, as well as all relevant services can be seen and available in Nyíradony, Nyírlugos, Nyírbéltek, Ömböly, Bátorliget, Szaniszló (RO), Csomaköz (RO), Bere (RO), Mezőfény (RO), Nagykároly (RO) settlements and displays the routes and the connection between them.

90Development of a responsive website with integrating the KörösMap application within the project "Conservation, protection and promotion of natural values in the Salonta-Békéscsaba cross-border area - The Nature Corner" (ROHU-14)13/07/2018Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-14Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

Development of a responsive website with integrating the KörösMap application:
KörösMap is an application based on digital map viewers. By navigating the map of the region or using a search tool, users can find information that is of interest to them.

Planned layers:
1. Nature conservation: Landscape Protection Area, Nature Conservation Area, Natura2000 Network, Local Nature Conservation Area, Unique landscape values
2. Cultural values
3. Local product
4. Tourism: paddling, fishing, walking, nature trails, biking, riding

Technical requirements:
- Developmnt must be done in PHP and be device agnostic.
- Twitter/Facebook Feed Integration and Sharing
- Audio, video, image and text information
- Navigation path to destination selected by the user

19/07/20184.083.216 HUF 
91interpretation and translation service13/07/2018Municipality of Földeá

Translation on the volunteer firefighters training. 2 occasions.

13/07/2018636.636 HUF  
922021-0007/201816/07/2018Lower-Tisza District Water DirectorateROHU11Pándiné Dr. Bakos Eszter, 6720 Szeged, Stefánia 4.,, +36 62 599 599

,A ROHU-11 FORMURES „Flood risk management improvement on the Mures river in the cross border area” (Árvízi kockázatkezelés javítása a Maros folyón a határmenti területeken) elnevezésű projekten belül műszaki ellenőri feladatok ellátása a mellékelt műszaki leírás szerint”

24/07/201832 597 eur www.ativizig.huűszaki-ellenőr-műszaki-leírás.docx
933781/17.07.2018 Services for organizing of events17/07/2018Valcani, tel. 0256-385205, fax 0256-385454

The object of the procurement is the acquisition of event organizing services for the following events: awareness raising campaign for pupils (6 events, maximum budget: 168,06 euro without VAT), awareness raising campaign for parents (3 events, maximum budget: 168,06 euro without VAT), public safety days (3 events, maximum budget: 840,34 euro without VAT), press conference (1 event, maximum budget 672,27 euro without VAT)

20/07/201821.905,87 RON without VAT 
941885/201813/07/2018Körös-Maros National Park DirectorateROHU7Molnár Géza, +36 66/313-855,

Comparative land use and vegetation study in the border area's habitats. Analysing the natural and socio-economic impacts which determine the condition, the species composition and the structure of the forest and grassland ecosystems, especially the evolution of plant communities of certain habitats: floodplain hardwood forests, steppes and wetlands"

95Quote request for the implementation of the communication activities of the project (438/2018)17/07/2018Hortobágy National Park DirectorateROHU-79Ibolya Lajter (e-mail:

- Posters
- opening event organisation, press release, catering
- media display package for popularize the project
- souvenirs: mugs, 16 GB pendrives, 2 GB pendrives, pens, linen bags, puzzle games, key holders, notebooks
- permanent Billboard
- stickers
- roll-up

23/07/2018gross 5.268.900 HUF (gross 16250 EUR)ötelező-tájékoztatási-feladatok-műszaki-tartalma_ROHU-79.docx
96Purchase of audiovisual and computer equipment within the project "Conservation, protection and promotion of natural values in the Salonta-Békéscsaba cross-border area - The Nature Corner" (ROHU-14)17/07/2018Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-14Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

Purchase of audiovisual and computer equipment

Technical Requirements:

2 pcs Dell Vostro 3578 Black notebook W10Pro FHD Ci5 8250U 1.6GHz 8GB 256GB R5M520 NBD with MS Office 365

1 pc BenQ TW533 WXGA projector + projector bag

Drone and equipments: DJI Phantom 4 Agro NDVI drone set, DJI Phantom 4 +i 4K camera set, DJI Phantom 4 pro obsidian accumulator, DJI Phantom 4 aluminiumsuitcase, Huawei MediaPaD M3 8"" 32GB Wi-Fi Silver

1 pc Gopro hero5 black camera

24/07/20182.019.364 HUF 
971940/201820/07/2018Körös-Maros National Park DirectorateROHU7Molnár Géza, +36 66/313-855,

Examination of the population and territorial integrity of the Red Footed Falcon and Lesser Grey Shrike in the cross-border region with individually marked (colored rings) birds.

981939/201820/07/2018Körös-Maros National Park DirectorateROHU7Balogh-Roth Melinda, +36 66/313-855,

Examination the Steppe polecat (Mustela evermanii) genetic diversity and its hybridization with the European polecat (Mustela putorius) to help preserve and long-term develop the species and its habitat.

99Production and proofreading of the professional content of the Körös Valley Magazine within the project "Conservation, protection and promotion of natural values in the Salonta-Békéscsaba cross-border area - The Nature Corner" (ROHU-14)25/07/2018Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-14Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

Production, proofreading and translation of the professional content of the Körös Valley Magazine

The Körös Valley Magazine will be published 6 times (January 2019, May 2019, September 2019, January 2020, May 2020, August 2020) in 2000 copies (1500 Hungarian, 500 Romanian). Extent: 88 Inside Pages + 4 Side Cover.

The basic aim of the quarterly publication is to acquaint the natural values of the Körös Valley, to promote eco and active tourism opportunities, to increase respect for nature, to strengthen the harmonious relationship between man and nature.

Tenderer's duties:
- in the case of 6 copies, the production of professional content, the production of photographic illustrations,
- proofreading of professional content.

31/07/201810.570.427 HUF 
100Editing and printing works of the Körös Valley Magazine within the project "Conservation, protection and promotion of natural values in the Salonta-Békéscsaba cross-border area - The Nature Corner" (ROHU-14)25/07/2018Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-14Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

Editing and printing works of the Körös Valley Magazine

The Körös Valley Magazine will be published 6 times (January 2019, May 2019, September 2019, January 2020, May 2020, August 2020) in 2000 copies (1500 Hungarian, 500 Romanian) with the following parameters:

Cut size: 210x297 mm
Number of copies: 500 Romanian 1,500 Hungarian
Pages: 88 Inner Pages + 4 Side Cover
Pressure: 4 + 4 colours
Paper: 100 g / m2 Claro Glossy Globe, 170 g / m2 Claro Glossy Cover
Binding: Saddle Stitch

31/07/201812.513.278 HUF 
101512425/07/2018ASOCIAȚIA PESCARILOR SPORTIVI AQUA CRISIUSROHU 29 ”Conservation and protection of ecosystems endangered by lack of thermal and freshwater in crossborder area”Nume: Totoi Lorena, Adresă: Oradea, Mihai Eminescu nr 15, e-mail:, tel.: 0752 270 142.

Autovehicul teren 4x4, descris în caietul de sarcini.

06/08/201877.927,73 lei fără TVA 
102Organization and implementation of events (Knowledge Forum, Green Clubs) within the project "Conservation, protection and promotion of natural values in the Salonta-Békéscsaba cross-border area - The Nature Corner" (ROHU-14)26/07/2018Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-14Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

Organization and implementation of events (Knowledge Forum, Green Clubs) with the following details:

Knowledge Forum: As part of the project, PP2 establish a Knowledge Forum that gathers together representatives of institutions and organizations interested in nature protection in Romania and Hungary too. The Forum is a platform for exchanging experiences and discussing problems related to Natura2000 protection among different stakeholders: representatives of environmental NGOs, local authorities, institutions responsible for nature conservation and local business associations etc. During the project, PP2 will organize two meetings of the Forum.

Event organization services:
Two one-day event will be organized in the Visitor Centre, Dánfok, Békés.
8 hour event,
2x100 participants
Organization, implementation:
- ensure the preparation and deployment, registration, venue preparation,
- single venue admittance,
- scenario creation,
- invitations in advance and in the field,
- Catering (Coffee break: coffee, tea, mineral water, soda and juices with 3-3 kinds of soft drinks, salty and sweet biscuits, buffet lunch)

Necessary human resources: 2 hostess, 1 person event manager

Technical conditions: 1 high-performance projector, laptop, screen, two mobile microphone, at least two speakers, mixer

External services: Catering, Translation, Technical manager, speakers

Green Clubs: Green Clubs are 10x1 week program series (every 3rd month), where the target group (students and citizens) can exchange knowledge on nature conservation, environmental protection, ecotourism and sustainable land use practices. In the clubs, professionals will facilitate the courses.
5 event at he first half of the implementation will be held at external places (schools, cultural centers of the KVNE's member municipalities).
The next 5 event will held at the renovated Visitor Center in Dánfok.

Partly offers are applicable.

31/07/20183,337,284 HUF + 4,200,464 HUF 
103Quote request for public procurement service 1338-123/201826/07/2018Municipality of Béké; 5630 Békés, Petőfi utca 2.

Public procurement service (for construction works, equipment)

06/08/20181.977.953,57 HUFwww.bekesvaros.huÁrajánlatkérés-közbeszerzési-tanácsadó-All-Ready-Kft.pdf,Árajánlatkérés-közbeszerzési-tanácsadó-Dr.-Fodor-András.pdf,Árajánlatkérés-közbeszerzési-tanácsadó-Weszely-Tamás.pdf

Construction works for the tourist park and Belvedere touristic refuge – Observer.
The investment is located in Bihor County, Zece Hotare village.
The proposed building will be a construction to function as a touristic Refuge, areas for training and information and observatory watchtower.

09/08/20181.537.197 RON (inclusiv tva) 
105Purchase of vegetation substrate and fertilizer22/06/2018University of OradeaROHU 29Cezar Pontos, Oradea, str. Universitatii nr.1;; 0259-408771

The vegetation substrate and fertilizer for aquatic plants is destined to grow the thermal water lily (Nymphaea lotus var. thermalis) in a artificial pond who will prepare in the "Campus A" of University of Oradea.
In this way we try to save them from the extinction, because at this moment, this plant species has disappeared from "Paraul Petea" Reserve, the only place where it naturally grew.

03/07/201816.422,00 RON poz.72 
106Purchase of masks for plant pot24/06/2018University of OradeaROHU 29Cezar Pontos, Oradea, str. Universitatii nr.1;; 0259-408771

The masks for plant pot are intended for the growth of thermal water lily in the laboratory (in aquariums and small basins), and then in artificial ponds especially designed for this plant species.

04/07/20187.497,00 RON pozitia 73 
107Acquisition of reagents, instruments and glassware27/06/2018University of OradeaROHU 29Cezar Pontos, Oradea, str. Universitatii nr.1;; 0259-408771

Lot 1: Reagents. Laboratory reagents will be used for geothermal water analysis from a series of geothermal wells in the Oradea - Băile Felix - Băile 1 Mai region (Bihor county, RO). Some of them will also be used to prepairing of nutrient media for the thermal water lily, in germination period, in the laboratory conditions.

01/08/201892.879,50 RON pozitia 91 
108Acquisition of reagents, instruments and glassware27/06/2018University of OradeaROHU 29Cezar Pontos, Oradea, str. Universitatii nr.1;; 0259-408771

Lot 2: Instruments and glassware for laboratory works.
Laboratory instruments and grassware will be used for geothermal water analysis from a series of geothermal wells in the Oradea - Băile Felix - Băile 1 Mai region (Bihor county, RO). Some of them will also be used to prepairing of nutrient media for the thermal water lily, in germination period, in the laboratory conditions, and also for different type of analyses.

01/08/201850.753,50 RON pozitia 91 
109901/31.07.201801/08/2018Diosig CommuneROHU10Diosig, Livezilor Street, No. 32 , Bihor, Tel: 0259350198; Postal code 417235, email:

Organization services of Opening Conference for the project "Joint development of the voluntary emergency response and disaster management capacity in the eligible border area" -ROHU 10

11090401/08/2018Diosig CommuneROHU10Diosig, Livezilor Street, No. 32 , Bihor, Tel: 0259350198; Postal code 417235, email:

Management consultancy services for the project „ Joint development of the voluntary emergency response and disaster management capacity in the eligible border area”

111914/01.08.201801/08/2018Diosig CommuneROHU10Diosig, Livezilor Street, No. 32 , Bihor, Tel: 0259350198; Postal code 417235, email:

Promotional materials for project “Joint development of the voluntary emergency response and disaster management capacity in the eligible border area”- ROHU10”” accordance with specifications conditions of public procurement availabale on

14/08/20187.834,45 ron, no VAT INLUDED
112914/01.08.201801/08/2018Diosig CommuneROHU10Diosig, Livezilor Street, No. 32 , Bihor, Tel: 0259350198; Postal code 417235, email:

Promotional materials for project “Joint development of the voluntary emergency response and disaster management capacity in the eligible border area”- ROHU10”” accordance with specifications conditions of public procurement availabale on

14/08/20187.834,45 ron, no VAT INLUDED
113Design and production of promotional and information materials within the project "Conservation, protection and promotion of natural values in the Salonta-Békéscsaba cross-border area - The Nature Corner" (ROHU-14)02/08/2018Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-14Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

Design and production of promotional and information materials with the following details:

Promotional materials:
- t-shirts 350 pieces
- magnet of protected nature values picture 1650 pieces
- keyrings1300 pieces
- "green" toys 1425 pieces
- notebook with pen 300 pieces
- paper bags 1625 pieces

Facilitation materials for events:
- roll-ups: 1 piece
- poster (min. A3, 297 x 420 mm, polychrome, full colour 4 colour process front): 1 piece
- pop up display 1 piece

06/08/20182,347,920 HUF 
114SCN1009374/02.08.201802/08/2018Comuna OdoreuROHU-62Comuna Odoreu, Str. Republicii Nr.100, jud. Satu Mare, tel. +40 261 775062, email:

Services for the elaboration of the detailed design and technical assistance of the designer for the investment "Rehabilitation of Berindan lake" within the project titled "Borderless Green Corridor".

20/08/2018113044,91 RON without VAT 
116Acquisition for rent of gas cylinders and gases03/08/2018University of OradeaROHU 29Cezar Pontos, Oradea, str. Universitatii nr.1;; 0259-408771

The analytical purity gaseous (namely: argon and acetylene), is required for the use of AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) equipment. This technique is a spectroanalytical procedure for the quantitative determination of chemical elements using the absorption of optical radiation (light) by free atoms in the gaseous state. In analytical chemistry the technique is used for determining the concentration of a particular element (the analyte) in a sample to be analyzed. AAS can be used to determine over 70 different elements in solution. We will use this technique to characterized the chemical structure of thermal waters from Oradea - Băile Felix - Băile 1 Mai region (Bihor county, RO).

07/08/20183,867.50 RON iar pe SEAP cu nr.ADV1027851 
117Renovation of the pond from University of Oradea's Campus A (design + execution)03/08/2018University of OradeaROHU 29Cezar Pontos, Oradea, str. Universitatii nr.1;; 0259-408771

Survival of the species Nymphaea lotus var. thermalis, depends on the quality of the environment in which it lives. By renovating this basin, the biological requirements of the species will be respected. In this way, in future, this lake will play the role as a phytobase for the replanting of the thermal lily in the natural environment.

08/08/2018128520,00 RON iar pr SEAP cu nr.ADV1027859 
118EKE/01/06.08.201806/08/2018Societatea Carpatina Ardeleana – Satu MareROHU-79Mark-Nagy Janos,, 0721514137

Mixed (service and purchasing of goods) contract: ”In-situ conservation of bat species in the Tur River Protected Areas, including purchasing of bat boxes”.
The contract includes elaboration of study about the proper places for bat boxes, purchasing bat boxes, outplacing bat boxes and monitoring the occupancy level of bat boxes.

17/08/2018142413,04 RON
119Acquisition for rent of gas cylinders and gases08/08/2018University of OradeaROHU 29Cezar Pontos, Oradea, str. Universitatii nr.1;; 0259-408771

The analytical purity gaseous (namely: argon and acetylene), is required for the use of AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) equipment. This technique is a spectroanalytical procedure for the quantitative determination of chemical elements using the absorption of optical radiation (light) by free atoms in the gaseous state. In analytical chemistry the technique is used for determining the concentration of a particular element (the analyte) in a sample to be analyzed. AAS can be used to determine over 70 different elements in solution. We will use this technique to characterized the chemical structure of thermal waters from Oradea - Băile Felix - Băile 1 Mai region (Bihor county, RO).

20/08/20183.867,50 RON si pe SEAP cu nr.ADV1028601 
120Renovation of the pond from University of Oradea's Campus A (design + execution)08/08/2018University of OradeaROHU 29Sorin Rotoiu, str. Universității nr. 1 , 0259-408480,

Survival of the species Nymphaea lotus var. thermalis, depends on the quality of the environment in which it lives. By renovating this basin, the biological requirements of the species will be respected. In this way, in future, this lake will play the role as a phytobase for the replanting of the thermal lily in the natural environment.

20/08/2018128520,00 RON si pe SEAP cu nr.ADV1028743 
121EKR00053039201808/08/2018Volunteer Firefighters Association from TyukodROHU-80Volunteer Firefighters Association from Tyukod/ Szabolcs Kajdi /


According to the technical specifications published below.

-1 high-performance (5000 l) fire extinguisher for fire and sanitation, - 6 complete equipment for 6 firefighters,
-1 extraction kit.

21/08/2018220 000 € 
122Quote request for ecological restoration works09/08/2018Municipality of Béké; 5630 Békés, Petőfi utca 2.

The implementation of ecological restoration works according to the Feasibility Study and the application form of the project.

21/08/201812.255.500 HUFwww.bekesvaros.huÁrajánlatkérés-ökológiai-helyreállítási-munkák-BKSZ-Kft.pdf,Árajánlatkérés-ökológiai-helyreállítási-munkák-EURO-MOBIL-PLUSZ-Kft.pdf,Árajánlatkérés-ökológiai-helyreállítási-munkák-IP-Tender-Kft.pdf,Árajánlatkérés-ökológiai-helyreállítási-munkák-LAURUS-DUO-Kft.pdf
123CN1003154/14.08.201814/08/2018Diosig CommuneROHU10Diosig, Livezilor Street, No. 32 , Bihor, Tel: 0259350198; Postal code 417235, email:

Procurement of a fire engine within the project "Joint development of the voluntary emergency response and disaster management capacity in the eligible border area” (ROHU-10)"

124675/1414/08/2018ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU29Maria Gavra, tel 0259408821,

1. Personalized promotional materials as follows:
- Bags of biodegradable material - 1000 pieces (natural fabrics). The estimated value is 7.73 lei + VAT / pcs
- Realization and installation of 1m x 1.5m panels, from alucobond or similar materials, weatherproof / vandal resistant material, inscribed according to the visibility manual - 5 pcs. Estimated value is 940 lei + VAT / pcs.
2. Realization of protected area presentation album - 500 pcs. The estimated value is 39 lei + VAT / pcs. The album will be color, 21 cm x 21 cm, 36 pages + cover. It will include photographs and monography of the protected areas included in the project. The making of the album includes the elaboration of the text of the monographs of the protected areas as well as of the entire text to be printed (RO and EN).

3. Elaborating presentation films - 2 movies of 3 minutes each. The script / storyboard of the movies will be made by mutual agreement between the recipient and the provider. Filming will also include slideshow editing.
- 1 presentation film with the 3 protected species (Scardinius racovitzai, Melanopsis parreyssi - thermal snail and Nymphaea lotus var. Thermalis - thermal water lily) The film will have a Romanian version as well as an English version - the estimated value 3865 lei + VAT.
- 1 film presenting the ZMO protected areas, the film will have a Romanian version and an English version - estimated value 7730 lei + VAT

Filming will be done with professional cameras with interchangeable lenses that cover a focal range from 8mm to 400mm, professional stabilization systems, drones.
Underwater filming - if necessary
Filming will take place in at least 2 seasons
They will track:
-Raising public awareness of the problems faced by protected natural areas (over-exploitation of thermal water, illegal waste disposal, anthroposis);
-Highlighting the main elements of unique natural diversity or unique features - species of flora and fauna, natural habitats and ecosystems characteristic of the protected natural areas concerned, as well as the threats to them;
-Making a short history of endemic species, from their discovery, their study, the beginning of
decline (and / or other moments of decline) of the species
Filming will be done in flat format (S-log and D-log) to ensure optimum quality and coloration of frames
The montage is done in specialized software, professional color calibration and custom soundtrack
Text will be inserted, in English and Romanian - provided by the beneficiary.

The provider has to have experience in the field of filming.

25/08/201843525 lei  


14/08/20181.537.197 RON (inclusiv tva) 
1262.1. (GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) , Suppression of adventive plant species14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

Denomination of the activity : Suppression of adventive plant species

A brief description from the activities
Practical nature conservation activities, with which we aim to exempt the selected populations of old oaks in the „Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek” forest from invasive shrub and herbaceous plant species, originating from North-America. Most importantly we plan to restrict the spread of black locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia) and prunus (Prunus serotina) shrubs, and American pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) and the Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) herbaceous plants. This intervention for the renewal of the vegetation will be implemented during the growing season, but exclusively after the breeding season -at the end of summer and in autumn- int he following division of labor:

(1) MECHANICAL CLEANING: in groups of 5-15 people, mechanically, manually (with brushcutter) cleaning up the selected parts of the forest in the framework of the Nyírerdő Zrt. ’s public work programme and the volunteer camps or actions of the Gree Circle organization in the autumn. The works will be led by professional leaders with crucial attention to worker safety.

(2) CHEMICAL TREATMENT: in groups of 2-5 people, glazing or inject the cut down shrubs’ offshoots with glyphosate-based chemical once or if it is necessary, 2-3 times, just immadiately the mechanical cleaning. As previous experiences have shown, for spraying the knapsack sprayers, for glazing the MICROWIPE chemical lubricant are the most approppriate tools. A hole with an approximately 2 cm 3 volume - made by hand held battery drill - is needed to made in the tree trunk for the injection. The drill bits are 1 cm diameter, and the hole should be 3 cm deep, slightly slope relatively to the horizontal, in order to inhibit the flowing out of the chemical. The estimated quantity of the concentrated chemicals to be dispensed is approx. 2 liter/hectare. It is important to note that due to different infection of the areas there can be big differences in the indicated chemical quantity requirements.

On the target area the thorough treatment of approximately 100 hectares is possible via the indicated – consecutive and complementary- methods within the project period. Due to the extremely high demand for manual work and expertise, based on the recommendation of the forestry, carrying out the chemical treatment, the involvement of an external company is recommended.
Other project elements that are closely related to the activities: (1) International nature conservation volunteer camp,(2) „Sustainable forest management” practice-oriented training, (3) Acquisition of equipment: hand tools and work protection tools.

Relevant habitat types, species
• (91F0) Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp
• Hungarian iris (Iris aphylla ssp. hungarica)

20/08/201848 390,- EUR   
1272.1 (GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) ,Protected plant species and area specific plant species reintroduction14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

A brief description from the activities
The area is extremely thinned or disappeared propagation and planting herbs in the designated locations, their productions. Smaller proportion of protected and endangered greater proportion disappeared from the area of herbaceous and shrub planting and aftercare characters plants (the latter mainly forest edges).
The 14 pre-selected for planting forests member, Debrecen and Hajdúböszörmény administrative area of 102 hectares is planned. This professional control of the Debrecen University Botanical Gardens provides a planned, while other work (propagation, planting and aftercare) later by a contractor selected on the basis of orders.
megvalósulandó for the duration of the project activities: (1) state surveys, selection are introduced (2) base areas species, (3) propagules collections (representative, up to 20% propagules volume, mid-early May to October), (4) container objections, shrubs container in education (marking , watering, weeds discharge, into planting), transposition of ex-situ (Botanical garden) and could in-situ in selected locations; detections and implementations related excuse, (5) habitat management, conservation measures (irrigation, weed clearance, transplants), (6) Autumn transplanting (markup).

Relevant habitat types, species
• (91F0) Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp
• Hungarian iris (Iris aphylla ssp. hungarica)

Protected herbs:
• Iris aphylla,
• Scilla vindobonensis,
• Galanthus nivalis,
• Anemona sylvestris,
• Lilium martagon,
• Lychnis coronaria,
• Convallaria majalis

Area specific plants:
• Corydalis cava,
• Corydalis solida,
• Salvia glutinosa,
• Dictamnus albus,
• Primula veris,
• Allium flerum,
• Geranium sangunieum,
• Vinca minor,

Native shrubs:
• Corilus avellana,
• Cornus mas,
• Cornus sanguineus,
• Crateagus sp.,
• Rhamnus catartica,
• Frangula alnus,
Ligustrum vulgare

20/08/201845 479,- EUR   
1282.1. (GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) , Suppression of adventive plant species14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

A brief description from the activities
Practical nature conservation activities, with which we aim to exempt the selected populations of old oaks in the „Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek” forest from invasive shrub and herbaceous plant species, originating from North-America. Most importantly we plan to restrict the spread of black locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia) and prunus (Prunus serotina) shrubs, and American pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) and the Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) herbaceous plants. This intervention for the renewal of the vegetation will be implemented during the growing season, but exclusively after the breeding season -at the end of summer and in autumn- int he following division of labor:

(1) MECHANICAL CLEANING: in groups of 5-15 people, mechanically, manually (with brushcutter) cleaning up the selected parts of the forest in the framework of the Nyírerdő Zrt. ’s public work programme and the volunteer camps or actions of the Gree Circle organization in the autumn. The works will be led by professional leaders with crucial attention to worker safety.

(2) CHEMICAL TREATMENT: in groups of 2-5 people, glazing or inject the cut down shrubs’ offshoots with glyphosate-based chemical once or if it is necessary, 2-3 times, just immadiately the mechanical cleaning. As previous experiences have shown, for spraying the knapsack sprayers, for glazing the MICROWIPE chemical lubricant are the most approppriate tools. A hole with an approximately 2 cm 3 volume - made by hand held battery drill - is needed to made in the tree trunk for the injection. The drill bits are 1 cm diameter, and the hole should be 3 cm deep, slightly slope relatively to the horizontal, in order to inhibit the flowing out of the chemical. The estimated quantity of the concentrated chemicals to be dispensed is approx. 2 liter/hectare. It is important to note that due to different infection of the areas there can be big differences in the indicated chemical quantity requirements.

On the target area the thorough treatment of approximately 100 hectares is possible via the indicated – consecutive and complementary- methods within the project period. Due to the extremely high demand for manual work and expertise, based on the recommendation of the forestry, carrying out the chemical treatment, the involvement of an external company is recommended.
Other project elements that are closely related to the activities: (1) International nature conservation volunteer camp,(2) „Sustainable forest management” practice-oriented training, (3) Acquisition of equipment: hand tools and work protection tools.

Relevant habitat types, species
• (91F0) Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp
• Hungarian iris (Iris aphylla ssp. hungarica)

20/08/201846 390 EUR  
1292.1.4 (GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) Creating artificial bird nesting sites14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

A brief description from the activities
Nest boxes for songbirds establish colonies on 2-3 areas in order to protect the protected and endangered bird species, the preservation of their large population. External help preserve the biological diversity of artificial nest boxes for birds to other birds at several points. The project area will be the bird's nest boxes installed in Debrecen. Their equipment prior to the breeding season would happen in the first year of the project in the spring, during minimum 10 days. The project required the first year of spending control 2x, after spending time cleaning the nest boxes installation, any replacement, repair, this field covers a minimum of 20 days. The remaining project period, spending control, cleaning boxes installation, replacement, repair happen, they require 20-20 year field day. The artificial nest sites are recorded with GPS coordinates. The resulting data are represented as biotic, excel table recorded and the Hortobágy National Park biotic database map.

Relevant habitat types, species
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp

Relevant species:
• Great Tit (Parus major)
• Eurasian blue tit (Parus caeruleus)
• Eurasian nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
• Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
• Long-eared Owl (Asio otus)
• Common Barn-owl (Tyto alba)
• Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis)
• Tawny owl (Strix aluco)
• European green woodpecker (Picus viridis)
• Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)
• Marsh Tit (Parus palustris)

20/08/20185 806,- EUR   
1302.1.5(GREEN CIRCLE, PP4), Development of habitats bats14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

A brief description from the activities
In our country, a sharp fall in the stock of forest bats can be observed. The reasons for natural forest structures disappearance and transformation of normal forest management discharge (plantations design, the same age, same species), the removal of the old hollow drying standing trees (bats as potential habitats) from the stock. These effects offset the intention to establish bat accommodation, which would be one with 4 meter high bat tower and 30 pieces setting of bat nest box.
The 30 bat nest boxes were placed out during three field days, one would control the remaining period of 2 year inspection and cleaning of the first year.

Relevant habitat types, species
• (91F0) Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp

Natura 2000 indicator species
• Geoffroy's bat (Myotis emarginatus)

Other protected bat species
• Common noctule (Nyctalus noctula)
• Pipistrelle species (Pipistrellus sp.)
• Greater Mouse-eared Bat (Myotis myotis)

20/08/20187 742,- EUR   
1312.1.5(GREEN CIRCLE, PP4), Development of habitats bats14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

A brief description from the activities
In our country, a sharp fall in the stock of forest bats can be observed. The reasons for natural forest structures disappearance and transformation of normal forest management discharge (plantations design, the same age, same species), the removal of the old hollow drying standing trees (bats as potential habitats) from the stock. These effects offset the intention to establish bat accommodation, which would be one with 4 meter high bat tower and 30 pieces setting of bat nest box.
The 30 bat nest boxes were placed out during three field days, one would control the remaining period of 2 year inspection and cleaning of the first year.

Relevant habitat types, species
• (91F0) Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp

Natura 2000 indicator species
• Geoffroy's bat (Myotis emarginatus)

Other protected bat species
• Common noctule (Nyctalus noctula)
• Pipistrelle species (Pipistrellus sp.)
• Greater Mouse-eared Bat (Myotis myotis

Indicators (quantifiable)
• Preparation and placement of bat nest boxes (30 pieces)
• Preparation and placement of bat tower ( 1 piece)

Selection criteria (provider)
(1) Implementation of nature conservation, or forestry measures,
(2) an organization or company with at least 3 years of experience;

20/08/20187 742,- EUR   
1322.1.6(GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) Monitoring of protected plant species and Natura 2000 indicator species 14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

A brief description from the activities
For three consecutive growing years in the areas involved in the project is protected, the character-species and species in the Natura 2000 check biomonitoring. For plants for a total of 24 times a year, at least 24 other taxa time period between March to October.

In case of Natura 2000 species in check:
- research into personal field surveys, by visual perception
- food plant, complete conversion mapping edible habitats
- rágásnyomok, bore mapping
- to conduct population estimates
- photographic documentation
- GPS coordinates and biotic data acquisition
- mapping of biotic data

The Hungarian iris (Iris aphylla subsp hungarica) for Natura 2000 indicator species field surveys and remote entities in situ monitoring of the monitoring occur in April and May.

Great Capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo) and the Stag Beetle (Lucanus Cervus) methods for Natura 2000 indicator species: Since both species larval state xylophag technical damage (feeding on dead wood material), and feeding overflowing juices trees such as imago presence detection of the following is carried out:
- living and finding suitable habitats for pupation (decaying trees, stumps) - the larval development - which can take up to 5-6 years
- Finding chitin residues
- suitable for feeding adults living spaces exploration,
- twilight-night, swarming into the flight-time (June-July) observations of the habitats concerned.

The Scarce Fritillary (Euphydrias maturna) for Natura 2000 indicator species the following methods are proposed:
- research into personal field surveys, by visual perception (April, May, June)
- food plant, complete conversion mapping edible habitats

For Geoffroy's bat (Myotis emarginatus) Natura 2000 nominating race the following methods are proposed: data collection all possible and available means the period between March to October.

Relevant habitat types, species
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp
• Hungarian iris (Iris aphylla ssp. hungarica)

Protected herbaceous plants:
• magyar nőszirom (Iris aphylla subs hungarica)
• ligeti csillagvirág (Scilla vindobonensis)
• hóvirág (Galanthus nivalis)
• erdei szellőrózsa (Anemone sylvestris)
• turbánliliom (Lilium martagon)
• bársonyos kakukkszegfű (Lychnis coronaria)
• májusi gyöngyvirág (Convallaria majalis)

Area specific plant species
• odvas keltike (Corydalis cava)
• ujjas keltike (Corydalis solida)
• orvosi zsálya (Salvia glutinosa)
• nagyezerjófű (Dictamnus albus)
• tavaszi kankalin (Primula veris)
• sárga hagyma (Allium flavum)
• piros gólyaorr (Geranium sanguineum)
• kis meténg (Vinca minor)

Natura 2000 indicator species:
• Great Capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo)
• Scarce Fritillary (Hypodryas maturna)
• Hungarian Iris (Iris aphylla ssp. hungarica)
• Stag beetle (Lucanus cervus)
• Geoffroy's bat (Myotis emarginatus)

Indicators (quantifiable)
• 3 annual research plan
• 3 annual monitoring report
• 144 (48 pcs 3 years), research journal
• folder 144 (48 x 3 years folders), photo documentation, occasionally minimum photo 5-10
• 5 excel tables updated annually check the Natura 2000 indicator species biotic data

Selection criteria (provider)
(1) Implementation of nature conservation, or forestry measures,
(2) an organization or company with at least 3 years of experience;

20/08/20189 900,- EUR  
1332.1.7. (GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) Elimination of illegal rubbish dumps (Organization and management of garbage pickups action) A brief description from the activities14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

A brief description from the activities
Assessing and eliminating illegal rubbish dumps each spring during the term - to TeSzedd! Movement, organizing their fall throughout the Debrecen-Hajdúböszörményi oaks. The survey reached out to help Hunter Waste Network ( The tasks carried out by volunteers. (The elimination of Hajdúböszörmény and Hadház illegal landfills carried out by volunteers of Green Circle. Debrecen areas of Rónaőrző Nature Conservation Association volunteers carry out and coordinate the elimination of illegal landfills.)
During the project two times a year volunteers help large-scale garbage collector sustainable actions to make the project area in the Debrecen area. The program is part of the announcement of actions, the collected municipal and hazardous waste removal, the census results would attract more publicity medium.
The collected waste removal and placement of the Debrecen landfill would be a total of 6 times.
Costs: bags (300 bags / day), gloves (50 pairs / day), transport costs (100 km / day) disposal fee (50,000 Ft apx. 161 € / day)

Relevant habitat types, species
• (91F0) Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp

Indicators (quantifiable)
• The amount of waste removed, m3

20/08/20183 226,- EUR   
1342.2.1 (GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) Popular science occupations14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

A brief description from the activities
Nature conservation awareness raising through non-formal, interactive, information lectures for small communities (presented for preschoolers, student and other small communities), via two types of activities:

(1) SHORT PRESENTATION: 40 times, PPT slideshow accompanied by nature conservation lecture, popularization of nature conservation, the natural values of the Natura 2000 ecological network and the „Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek” forests, flora and fauna to be protected, and to present the project's goals. Occasionally, a minimum of 15 participants, minimum 45 minutes lecture presented by 1 person, based on 8 pre-set themes.
(2) VISITING THE AREA: visiting the selected parts of the forest through a short tour with professional tour guide 40 times, visiting the Debecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek area’s part that is rich in natural values. Meanwhile, during the professional guided tours, popularizing the nature conservation, as well as presenting the Natura 2000 ecological network, and the flora and fauna of the visited site. Occasionally, a minimum of 12 participants, minimum of 3 hours, by 1 leader, (based on pre-set themes).

The non-formal, interactive information lectures are undertaken by the Green Circle through the involvement of external expert(s), at a previously agreed date and location.
The Green Circle ensures an adequate room for the presentation, and undertakes the possible travel expenses in connection with the area visiting. (Note: we try to offer walking and cycling opportunities for those who are interested).
The Green Circle promotes these opportunities in it’s own and it’s partners’ website, in social media channel (Facebook) as well as in the notice sent the surrounding educational institutions (electronic circulars).

Related habitat types and species
Habitat types of community importance to be protected:
• (91F0) Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp

Natura 2000 species that are indicated and to be protected in the selected area:
• Great Capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo)
• Scarlet beetle (Cucujus cinnaberinus)
• Scarce fritillary (Hypodryas maturna)
• Hungarian iris (Iris aphylla hungarica ssp.)
• High-horned beetle (Lucanus Cervus)
• Geoffroy’s bat (Myotis emarginatus)

Other important plant and animal species:
• Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)
• Turban lily (Lilium martagon)
• Squill (Scilla vindobonensis)
• Aristolochia butterfly (Zerynthia polyxena)
• Black stork (Ciconia nigra)
• Middle great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius)
• Balck woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)
• Domouse (Muscardinus avellanarius)

Indicators (quantifiable)
• Thematics of lectures (2 types)
• PPT for the presentation (1 file)
• Certificate from the given lectures from participant communities (80 pieces)
• Photo documentation (80 folders, about the lectures, minimum 2 JPG/lectures, about the traversal of the landscape minimum 5JPG)
• Attendance sheet (40-40 pieces)

Selection criteria (services)
Related to organizing and conducting of lectures (1) with reference, (2) at least 3 years of experience, (3) organization or enterprise.

20/08/201813 200, - EUR   
1352.2.2 (GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) Awareness raising activities14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

Brief description from the activity
Awareness raising activities on regional and local cultural events (festivals) with awareness raising tent and nature conservation information desk. Consultancy on nature protection related topics, with rollups, ecological table games and creative interactive activities (2 event in Debrecen, 2 event in Hajdúböszörmény and 1-1 event in Hajdúhadház and Bocskaikert yearly, during the whole project period 18 times) and in the counties of ROHU program area (1-1 event in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Békés and Csongrád counties per year, 9 times during the whole 3 years period). The program will be advertised within the existing contacts of cooperative partners (Zöld Kör, Ecotop and San Martin), within social media channels (Facebook etc.), and within the contacts of other NGOs working on nature conservation. The awareness raising program is free for the participants.

Relevant habitat types and species
Community importance to be protected habitat types:
• (91F0) Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp

In connection with the area designated and protected species marker Natura 2000:
• Great Capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo)
• Scarlet Beetle ( Cucujus cinnaberinus)
• Scarce fritillary (Hypodryas maturna)
• Hungarian iris (Iris aphylla hungarica ssp.)
• High-horned beetle (Lucanus Cervus)
• Geoffroy’s bat (Myotis emarginatus)

Other important plant and animal species:
• Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)
• Turban lily (Lilium martagon)
• Squill (Scilla vindobonensis)
• Aristolochia butterfly (Zerynthia polyxena)
• Black Stork (Ciconia nigra)
• Middle great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius)
• Balck woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)
• Domouse (Muscardinus avellanarius)
Indicators (quantifiable)
• The number attending the awareness-raising events (27 event)
• advertising (27 for each event)
• program themes (2 different types)
• attendance sheet (27, 1 for each program)
• notes (27, 1 for each program)
• photo documentary (270, 10 pcs/ event)
• direct reach (5400 prs, 200/event, proofed by attedance sheet)

Selection criteria (supplier)
Organization or enterprise with experience in environmental education (1) with reference (2) with at least 3 years nature conservation experience (3).

20/08/201815 660 ,- EUR   
1362.2.3(GREEN CIRCLE, PP4), International nature conservation volunteer camp14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

A brief description from the activities
Organization of international nature conservation volunteer camp partly in order to facilitate the implementation of practical nature conservation tasks, and partly in order to the involvement and awareness raising of young people, annually, in the target area of Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek. Occassionaly 10 days, with the participation of 25 volunteers +3 organizers ( camp leader, professional leader and educator). Volunteers spend at least - on average - 6 hours/day volunteer working, in exchange receiving the full pension (providing youth accomodation, 4x meals a day (including two hot meals), professional management) furthermore we ensure knowledge enhancement and recreational programs. The orgaziners are responsible for providing the tools nedded for the voluntary actions, the local transportation and the labor protection as well. The recruitment of the camp participants is undetaken by the co-operating partners (Green Circle, Ecotop and San Martin) within their own circle, and through the social media (eg. Facebook) and other nature protection and/or other organizations who deal with volunteering. The transport of the Romanian participants (between the venue and Nagyvárad (Oradea) is carried out by the organizers by minibus, and the participation in the camp for the volunteers is for free.

Relevant habitat types, species
• (91F0) Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp

Indicators (quantifiable)
• camp for proposals (3 proposals, per camp)
• camp program (3 programs, per camp)
• daily attendance sheet (30, 3 x 10 days x 25 camp participants organizer + 3)
• daily record (30, 3 x 10-day camp)
• daily Photos (150, 3 x 5 days x 10 camp photo)

Selection criteria (services)
Relation to the organization of the camp (1) with references (2) with at least 3 years nature conservation experience (3)organization or company.

20/08/201823 226,- EUR   
1372.2.4(GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) Nature conversation competition for children14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

Nature conversation competition for children

Brief description from the activity
Competition for student about nature protection: Organizing and coordinating a bilingual electronic, three rounded competition in 8 counties (4 Hungarian: Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hajdú-Bihar, Békés and Csongrád, 4 Romanian: Szamár, Bihar, Arad and Temes). During the electronical rounds children learn about Natura 2000 areas, protected flora and fauna species. The participating teams get broad experience and knowledge in the subject, threw solving different exciting, awareness raising tasks in practice (monitoring activity, land management, etc.). For the winner teams we organise ecotours as award. The competition will be advertised within the existing school contacts of cooperative partners (Zöld Kör, Ecotop and San Martin), within social media (Facebook etc.), and within other NGOs working on nature conservation. The participation in the whole competition and on the ecotour are free for the participants.

Relevant habitat types and species
Community importance to be protected habitat types:
• (91F0) Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp

In connection with the area designated and protected species marker Natura 2000:
• Great Capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo)
• Scarlet Beetle ( Cucujus cinnaberinus)
• Scarce fritillary (Hypodryas maturna)
• Hungarian iris (Iris aphylla hungarica ssp.)
• High-horned beetle (Lucanus Cervus)
• Geoffroy’s bat (Myotis emarginatus)

Other important plant and animal species:
• Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)
• Turban lily (Lilium martagon)
• Squill (Scilla vindobonensis)
• Aristolochia butterfly (Zerynthia polyxena)
• Black Stork (Ciconia nigra)
• Middle great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius)
• Balck woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)
• Domouse (Muscardinus avellanarius)

Indicators (quantifiable)
• 1 event, competition series (Round 3)
• Call for action (1 theme, in 2 languages)
• Material for electronical rounds (2 themes, 2 languages)
• Material for practical rounds (1 theme, 2 languages)
• Photo documentary (99 pieces, 10 pieces occasionally)

Selection criteria (supplier)
Organization or enterprise with experience in environmental education (1) with reference (2) with at least 3 years nature conservation experience (3).

20/08/20185 806 ,- EUR   
1382.2.6 (GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) Organization of field exercises for professionals14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

Organization of field exercises for professionals

Brief description from the activity
Annual organization of 2-sided exchange field programs entitled „Sustainable forest management” in order to present the good practices related to forest management and forest conservation, occassionally with 6 Hungarian and 6 Romanian participants.
During the one-day field exercises, the organizers provide professional conductor, supply (lunch, refreshments) and insurance required for off-road vehicles as well as interpretation.

Relevant habitat types and species
Habitat types to be protected with community importance:
• (91F0) hardwood gallery forest / Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp

Indicators (quantifiable)
• 3 field program, invitation
• 3 times field trip occasion
• 3 x 12 participants (verification, daily attendance sheets)
• 3 folders of photo documentation (minimum 5 photos/occasion)

Selection criteria (supplier)
(1) Business or organization which acts in nature conservation area,
(2) field trip organizing experience is an advantage

20/08/20181 440,- EUR   
1392.2.7 (GREEN CIRCLE, PP4), Organization of professional event (closing event)14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

Organization of professional event (closing event)

Brief description of the activity
The organization and implementation of professional closing event entitled „Sustainable forest management”. The purpose of the event is to popularize the experience and results gained from the project, and the presentation of good forest management practices. The event is 2 day long (forst dax: professional day, second day: field trip.)
The event takes place with 40-60 participants (forester- and nature conservation professionals, educators and students, civil nature conservationists and forest managers), with 5-6 invited speakers and 2 field trip leader, with the supply (food, accommodation) and transport of the particiants (to the field trip site). The recruitment of both the participants and the speakers will reach the interested professionals in both sides of the border.
The organizers will provide Hungarian-Romanian and Romanian-Hungarian interpretation during the the professional programs of the event. The event fills the role of the project's multiplier.

Relevant habitat types and species
Habitat types to be protected with community importance:
• (91F0) hardwood gallery forest / Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp

Indicators (quantifiable)
• 1 event program
• 1 occassion of event (2 days)
• 50 participants (verification, daily attendance sheets)
• 2 folders of photo documentation (10 photos/day)

Selection criteria (supplier)
Business or organization, which is experienced in event organization.

20/08/20182 580,- EUR   
1402.3.8 (GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) Project communication (Besides the obligatory communication)14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

Project communication

Brief description from the activity

Providing and coordinating media activities of the project elements, results, and the 80th anniversary of the protected Great Forest of Debrecen (as the first protected area of Hungary). Generating more and more media coverage in regional and national press, as well as social media for the widest possible utilization.

Relevant habitat types and species
• (91F0) Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp

Indicators (quantifiable)
• 1 minimum monthly publication (social media or the press)

Selection criteria (supplier)
Organization or enterprise with experience in environmental education (1) with reference (2) with at least 3 years nature conservation experience (3).

20/08/20182 700 ,- EUR   
1412.1.2 (GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) Protected plant species and area specific plant species reintroduction14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

Protected plant species and area specific plant species reintroduction

A brief description from the activities

The area is extremely thinned or disappeared propagation and planting herbs in the designated locations, their productions. Smaller proportion of protected and endangered greater proportion disappeared from the area of herbaceous and shrub planting and aftercare characters plants (the latter mainly forest edges).
The 14 pre-selected for planting forests member, Debrecen and Hajdúböszörmény administrative area of 102 hectares is planned. This professional control of the Debrecen University Botanical Gardens provides a planned, while other work (propagation, planting and aftercare) later by a contractor selected on the basis of orders.
megvalósulandó for the duration of the project activities: (1) state surveys, selection are introduced (2) base areas species, (3) propagules collections (representative, up to 20% propagules volume, mid-early May to October), (4) container objections, shrubs container in education (marking , watering, weeds discharge, into planting), transposition of ex-situ (Botanical garden) and could in-situ in selected locations; detections and implementations related excuse, (5) habitat management, conservation measures (irrigation, weed clearance, transplants), (6) Autumn transplanting (markup).

Relevant habitat types, species
• (91F0) Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp
• Hungarian iris (Iris aphylla ssp. hungarica)

Protected herbs:
• Iris aphylla,
• Scilla vindobonensis,
• Galanthus nivalis,
• Anemona sylvestris,
• Lilium martagon,
• Lychnis coronaria,
• Convallaria majalis

Area specific plants:
• Corydalis cava,
• Corydalis solida,
• Salvia glutinosa,
• Dictamnus albus,
• Primula veris,
• Allium flerum,
• Geranium sangunieum,
• Vinca minor,

Native shrubs:
• Corilus avellana,
• Cornus mas,
• Cornus sanguineus,
• Crateagus sp.,
• Rhamnus catartica,
• Frangula alnus,
Ligustrum vulgare

Indicators (quantifiable)
• Natura 2000 Iris species check aphylla starting stock: 0, planned volume: 1000 plants
• Natura 2000 and Protected jelölőfaj number of herbs before and after (2 species 7 species) of the draft project
• 9,500 pieces reintroduced and cast in-situ seed herbaceous plant
• 800 piece reintroduced and cast in-situ seed woody shrub

Selection criteria (provider)
(1) Implementation of nature conservation, or forestry measures,
(2) an organization or company with at least 3 years of experience;

20/08/201845 479,- EUR   
1422.1.4 (GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) Creating artificial bird nesting sites14/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

Creating artificial bird nesting sites

A brief description from the activities
Nest boxes for songbirds establish colonies on 2-3 areas in order to protect the protected and endangered bird species, the preservation of their large population. External help preserve the biological diversity of artificial nest boxes for birds to other birds at several points. The project area will be the bird's nest boxes installed in Debrecen. Their equipment prior to the breeding season would happen in the first year of the project in the spring, during minimum 10 days. The project required the first year of spending control 2x, after spending time cleaning the nest boxes installation, any replacement, repair, this field covers a minimum of 20 days. The remaining project period, spending control, cleaning boxes installation, replacement, repair happen, they require 20-20 year field day. The artificial nest sites are recorded with GPS coordinates. The resulting data are represented as biotic, excel table recorded and the Hortobágy National Park biotic database map.

Relevant habitat types, species
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp

Relevant species:
• Great Tit (Parus major)
• Eurasian blue tit (Parus caeruleus)
• Eurasian nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
• Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
• Long-eared Owl (Asio otus)
• Common Barn-owl (Tyto alba)
• Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis)
• Tawny owl (Strix aluco)
• European green woodpecker (Picus viridis)
• Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)
• Marsh Tit (Parus palustris)

Time scheduling
• March 2018 (depending on production) Installation of nesting boxes, 10 days
• From March 2019 to July 2020 check, repair, replacement, cleaning of the nest boxes installation, 20 days per year

Indicators (quantifiable)
• „A” type bird nest boxes 55 pieces
• „B” type bird nest boxes 55 pieces
• „C” type bird nest boxes 50 pieces
• „D1” type bird nest boxes 20 pieces
• „D2” type bird nest boxes 20 pieces
• „D3” type bird nest boxes 20 pieces
• Common kestrel nest boxes 25 pieces
• Barn owl nest boxes 20 pieces

Selection criteria (provider)
(1) Implementation of nature conservation, or forestry measures,
(2) an organization or company with at least 3 years of experience;

20/08/20185 806,- EUR (  
143EKE/01/21.08.201821/08/2018Societatea Carpatina Ardeleana – Satu MareROHU-79Mark-Nagy Janos,, 0721514137

Purchasing of goods: procurement of camera traps for survey of eurasian otter (Lutra lutra).

28/08/201827.198,81 RON without VAT
144ECO_ROHU53/0123/08/2018Fundatia pentru Cultura si Educatie Ecologista Ecotop (PP3)ROHU53Togor George,, 0740092797

External financial management services
The PP3 will externalize part of the management activities, the financial tasks will be rendered by a specialized company, payment making, assuring a sound financial implementation, documentation for credit obtaining and the relation with banks will be managed by the company contracted. It will also take part in the drawing up of the partner report (the financial report) and reimbursement request by having an input in data, document and information collection and processing.

05/09/20187800 eurowww.ecotoporadea.ro
145SCN1013654 - Proiectare, asistență tehnică și execuție lucrări privind realizarea obiectivului de investiții „CENTRU DE INSTRUIRE POMPIERI VOLUNTARI , CONSTRUCTIE P+E SI INGRADIRE TEREN – STR. OITUZ, COMUNA DIOSIG, JUD. BIHOR“23/08/2018Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor din RomâniaROHU-10Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor din România Sediu: comuna Diosig, str. Argeșului nr.25, județul Bihor E-mail: Web:

Scopul proiectului este acela de a creşte capacitatea de răspuns, respectiv potenţialul forţelor destinate intervenţiei de a rezolva o situaţie de urgenţă (incendiu, inundaţie,). Grupurile ţintă sunt reprezentate de persoanele care formează echipele speciale din cadrul serviciului voluntar pentru situaţii de urgenţă (angajaţi ai autorităţii publice locale şi voluntari care au încheiat cu autoritatea publică locală contracte de voluntariat).
Obiectivul principal vizează creşterea capacităţii de răspuns al forţelor destinate intervenţiei prin dotarea cu mijloace tehnice specifice şi prin instruirea personalului angajat şi voluntar. Dezvoltarea capacităţii autorităţilor publice locale pentru gestionarea eficientă a serviciilor voluntare pentru situaţii de urgenţă prin continuarea procesului de modernizare este absolut necesară pentru îndeplinirea principalelor scopuri: apărarea vieţii, bunurilor şi mediului împotriva incendiilor şi a altor dezastre, precum şi realizarea măsurilor de protecţie civilă.
Acest proiect urmăreşte, în special, „introducerea de noi instrumente, proceduri şi mecanisme care să conducă la îmbunătăţirea gestionării fondurilor la nivel local şi mai ales managementul serviciilor publice”. Serviciile voluntare antrenate în proiect vor fi dotate cu mijloace tehnice specifice moderne, care vor determina o creştere şi o îmbunătăţire continuă a calităţii serviciilor oferite cetăţenilor.

Corpul principal reprezinta o constructie cu regim de inaltime Parter si Etaj Partial, cladire care contine zonele administrative, sala de curs si sedinte, oficii, grupuri sanitare, dormitoare, zone de antrenamente, dispecerat, garaj pentru autospeciala si depozite specifice.
Turnul de antrenamente cu regim de inaltime P+4, inaltime de 10 m si simulatorul de foc, tip container.
Pe lângă clădire, lucrările vor acoperi construcția și amenajarea terenului de antrenament. Această facilitate va servi pentru exercițiile fizice în timpul antrenamentelor și va fi alcătuită dintr-o pistă de alergare de 200 m, un turn pentru antrenamente cu patru etaje, un simulator de foc, tip container si un bazin de 12000 litri cu statie proprie de pompare. Această configurație este în conformitate cu standardele pentru exercițiile fizice ale pompierilor.

12/09/20181775996.09 Ron fara TVA
146ECO_ROHU53/0226/08/2018Fundatia pentru Cultura si Educatie Ecologista EcotopROHU53George Togor,, 0740092797

Services for setting up 4 points of flora and fauna observation.

147SCN1013915/27.08.201827/08/2018Comuna PaulestiROHU-80Comuna Paulesti, Str. Principala Nr.83, jud. Satu Mare, Romania, Email:, Tel.: +40 261757306/ 748824369/76455971, Fax: +40 2617573066

Procurement of a medium-sized fire engine within the ROHU-80 JOINTRESCUE project titled „CROSS-BORDER INTEGRATED MONITORING, RISK PREVENTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTRE” , in accordance with the published technical specifications.

17/09/2018651175,54 RON without VAT 
148ECO_ROHU53/0328/08/2018Fundatia pentru Cultura si Educatie Ecologista EcotopROHU53Togor George,, 0740092797

Services for producing information materials about the species and habitats of conservation interest from ROSCI0008 "Betfia" protected area:
- Brochure containing the ROSCI0008 Betfia site regulation,
- Presentation leaflet - Species and habitats from ROSCI0008 Betfia, 6 categories: bats, invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, birds, mammals, plants and habitats
- Posters - species and habitats from ROSCI0008 Betfia
- Didactic workbook - presentation of species and habitats of conservative interest, conservation of biodiversity
- Workbook for students, species and habitats of conservative interest from ROSCI0008 Betfia
- Map of the ROSCI0008 Betfia site, indicating the species and habitats of community interest, routes and walkways
- Documentary film - the importance of bats for agriculture and biodiversity

17/09/201882.535 RON +
149ECO_ROHU53/0230/08/2018Fundatia pentru Cultura si Educatie Ecologista Ecotop OradeaROHU53Togor George,, 0740092797

Cancellation of procurement for Services for setting up 4 points of flora and fauna observation, due to technical problems.

1502.3.6 (GREEN CIRCLE, PP4) : Tourist map from the Debreceni Nagyerdő and its surroundings30/08/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU-53Molnár Antal, 4220 Hajdúböszörmény Bocskai tér 2. II. emelet,, 00 36 (20) 9556-758

Brief description from the activity
A tourist map from the Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek Natura 2000 site. The map scale is 1:30 000. The map contains useful and relevant information for the tourists (hikers and bikers), and beside the forest it indicates the Tócó-völgy (Tócó-valley) Natura 2000 site as well. In the corner of the map, a smaller scale little map indicates the „Debreceni nagyerdő”, and on the back of the map, related to nature conservation, information and figures are represented in 3 languages.

Technical parameters of the map:
• size : 436 x 654 mm
• copy number: 1 000 pieces
• printing : 2 pages (front and back), 4+4 colour, 100 gr matt coated paper
• bindery : folded

Relevant habitat types and species
• (91F0) Ripario mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and minor, Fraxinus excelsior or angustifolia
• (91I0) Euro-Siberian steppe oak / Euro-Siberian steppic woods with Quercus spp
• dozens of Natura 2000 indicator plant and animal species that are characteristic to the area.

Indicators (quantifiable)
• 1000 pieces of map

Selection criteria (supplier)
(1) organization or enterprise that has reference related to map making (preparation), (2) amplification, printing enterprise.

05/09/20184 658,- EUR   
15156-1-141/201807/09/2018Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-7Papp László;

Purchase of equipment for Tourist Info Point as follows:
- Laptops (3 pieces)
Minimum technical requirements for the laptops: min. 15.6” display; min. 1,6 GHz CPU; min. 4 GB RAM; min. 500 GB hard drive; Bluetooth; WiFi; Windows 10 Professional OS & Office 2016 software

- Smartphones (3 pieces)
Minimum technical requirements for the smartphones: min. 5,8” display size; min. 16 MPX rear camera; min. 4 GB RAM; fingerprint reader

- Projector (1 piece)
Minimum technical requirements for the projector: HDMI connectivity; min.1024×768 resolution; at least 2000 lumen brightness.

- Wireless microphone set (1 piece)

- Smart TV (1 piece)
Minimum technical requirements for the smart TV: min. 49”/124 cm flat-screen; smart TV; 4k; USB; HDMI; WiFi

All equipment must be delivered to the Beneficary’s headquarters and put into service by the skilled professional of the provider.

12/09/20181825594 HUF 
15256-1-143/201811/09/2018Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-7Papp László;

Production of promotional materials and equipment as follows:
- Leporello flyers (1000 pieces) - A4 size; (CMYK printing) tri-fold

- Gift packages (500 pieces)
contents of the package: 1 promotional folder (A4 size; CMYK printing); 1 promotional notepad (A5 size; hardcover; CMYK printing; 50 blank pages; perforated pages); 1 promotional pen - all this in 1 paper bag (A4 size)

- Branded USB pen drives (340 pieces)
at least 16 GB capacity; engraved

- Portable brochure holder (2 pieces)
pliable with A/5 racks

- Curved press display (1 piece)
in portable case with halogen lights, approximately 2 m high, with self-locating ‘smart’ magnetic locking arms

All promotional material and equipment must be delivered to the headquarters of the Beneficiary

14/09/20182519820 HUF 
15356-1-144/201811/09/2018Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-7Papp László;

Conference room for bilingual (RO-HU) conference in Békéscsaba
- capacity: at least 120 seats for the conference guests
- space for interpretation units and equipment
- VIP table and round tables for guests
- registration table
- microphone/speaker sets and digital projection

Catering for 120 guests

14/09/20181030319 HUF 
154„Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion”17/09/2018Hajdú- Bihar Country Disaster Management

Communication tasks

24/09/20184584590 HUF 
1555216/18.09.201818/09/2018APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU-53Andrei Togor, Oradea, str. Szigligeti Ede nr. 1, Oradea, Mihai Eminescu nr. 15, tel: 0359- 416011, e-mail: ,

Servicii de consultanta in achizitii pentru Asociația Pescarilor Sportivi Aqua Crisius in cadrul ROHU53” / Services for consultancy in aquisitions for AQUA CRISIUS SPORTS FISHERMEN ASSOCIATION within ROHU 53 project.
In order to achieve the objectives and the results assumed by the non-reimbursable financing contract as well as to implement the project in a most efficient way and respecting the laws and regulations in force, it is necessary to contract procurement services.
The contract consists of at least 13 direct acquisitions according to the internal procedures of the APS AQUA CRISIUS purchaser. Their number is indicative, they may change as a result of changes in the activities included in the partner's activities package, legislative changes, changes to the program implementation manual, etc.
The realization of the contract involves the preparation / updating of the partner acquisition program, the drafting of the related documents, the forms, the contract model, the additional documents and the minutes of the reception of the services and/or the goods in the project. The model documents for the evaluation stage will also be drawn up: impartiality / confidentiality declarations, declaration regarging lack of conflict of interest, model setting up evaluation committee, model of opening and evaluation minutes, selection report model, establishment of commission for receiving services and goods.
The documents will be organized on separate dossiers for each individual purchase and there will be a separate file for the procurement program, commissions and other general documents related to the project acquisitions. They will be taught on the basis of the receiving surrender report after completion of the acquisition.

The services renderer will necessarily comply with the requirements and conditions of the project implementation manual and the APS AQUA CRISIUS's internal procurement procedures.
The contract validity period is throughout the implementation period of the ROHU53 project till 31.10.2020.

The services to be procured and the goods to be delivered on the basis of the acquisitions for which the consultancy services in question are sought consist of specific conservation activities and nature protection such as: specialized studies, organization of volunteer camps, awareness / information campaigns, cleaning of areas,pruning, planting, reporting for management reasons, acquisition of equipment, tools and endowments for the specific conservation activity and IT products for project management purposes .

Specialists involved in rendering the services must have English and computer skills to comply with the rules and standards required by applicable law, the rules of the funding program whose English language is the official language and the specific internal procedures to achieve the conditions for the project and to ensure that this partner's expenses are reimbursed in the project.

The renderer will be responsible for tracking the news, changes to the terms and conditions of the financing program in respect of purchases made by private beneficiaries, and if they occur it will notify the beneficiary in writing and adapt the working method accordingly.

01/10/201831.222,18 ron without VAT
156Nr. 12/18.09.2018.18/09/2018Asociația Milvus Transilvania VestROHU-14Asociația Milvus Transilvania Vest, Str. Sulyok István nr.5, Oradea, Jud. Bihor, România. Nagy Attila, tel.: +40728303868

Procurement of IT equipment within the project „Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area – The Nature Corner (ROHU14)”

23/09/201872255,72 RON without VAT (TVA) 
157EKR00059695201819/09/2018Hortobágy National Park DirectorateROHU-79Ibolya Lajter (E-mail:

Public Procurement Procedure
Service contract: Survey of protected and/or Natura 2000 species and the presence of micropollutants in differents organisms of the Tur River Protected Area in Hungary (Csaholc-Garbolc (HUHN20054) and Kömörő-Fülesd (HUHN20050) )
The service contains:
- Survey of protected and/or Natura 2000 land invertebrate species (Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, Coleoptera)
- Survey of protected and/or Natura 2000 fish species
- Investigation of biomagnification and bioaccumulation processes on the fish and mollusk fauna
- Survey of invasive, exotic aquatic macroscopic invertebrate species
- Survey of invasive, exotic fish species
- Survey of protected and/or Natura 2000 aquatic macroscopic invertebrate species
- Survey of invasive exotic plant species
- Botanical survey of habitats
- Survey of Natura 2000 wetland habitats
- Survey of protected and/or Natura 2000 amphibian and reptile species
- Survey of bat species
- Finding the proper places of bat boxes
- Placing out the bat boxes
- Monitoring the occupancy level of bat boxes
- organisation of 3 day workshop (a total of 25 people), with the aim to analyze the conservation status of habitats and species of community interest and to elaborate and prioritize the necessary conservation measures (organising workshop, moderation and elaboration of monitoring protocols)

03/10/2018net 41.620.709 HUF  
158EKE/01/25.09.201825/09/2018Societatea Carpatina Ardeleana – Satu MareROHU-79Mark-Nagy Janos,, 0721514137

Service contract: Ellaboration of Promotional Movies About the Project.
In order to assure a real visibility of the project external expert will contracted to realise short movies which present the activities and results of the project.
Contracted expert will make 4 movies of 3 minutes and at the end of the project a movie of 5 minutes.
The short promotion movies with an approx. 2-3 min. length will present current activities of the project in the both sides of the border: opening conference, workshops, monitoring activities of habitats and species (field surveys, specific methods), important habitats and flagship-species of the protected areas, conservation action like placing of bat boxes, promotional activities of the project.
A promotion movie with 5 minutes length will be created at finish of the project in order to present the most important results and outputs in the both sides of the border.

05/10/20185882,35 RON without VAT 
159EKE/01/25.09.201825/09/2018Societatea Carpatina Ardeleana – Satu MareROHU-79Mark-Nagy Janos,, 0721514137

Service contract: Ellaboration of Promotional Movies About the Project.
In order to assure a real visibility of the project external expert will contracted to realise short movies which present the activities and results of the project.
Contracted expert will make 4 movies of 3 minutes and at the end of the project a movie of 5 minutes.
The short promotion movies with an approx. 2-3 min. length will present current activities of the project in the both sides of the border: opening conference, workshops, monitoring activities of habitats and species (field surveys, specific methods), important habitats and flagship-species of the protected areas, conservation action like placing of bat boxes, promotional activities of the project.
A promotion movie with 5 minutes length will be created at finish of the project in order to present the most important results and outputs in the both sides of the border.

05/10/20185882,35 RON without VAT
160Nr. 537/02.10.201802/10/2018Interaction 2050 AssociationROHU-62Asociaţia Interaction 2050, Satu Mare, România, Str. B.P. Haşdeu nr. 31, E-mail:, Tel: +36 30 9451710, +40 721 346490

Procurement of services for the elaboration of a promotional film, including minimum two film-spots with a duration of 5-10 minutes each, related to the newly developed infrastructures in Odoreu and Csenger, within the ROHU62 project titled "Borderless green corridor".
It will have to be made available to potential tourists and other interested persons on the project website, and also on the Youtube channel.
It will be elaborated in line with the communication and visibility requirements of the “Visual Identity Manual” of the INTERREG V-A Romania-Hungary Programme.

16156-1-180/201804/10/2018Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-7Papp László;

Romanian - Hungarian simultaneous interpretation during a ROHU7 conference on 10.10.2018. in Békéscsaba.

providing equipment and technical background for simultaneous interpretation for 120 participants during the event

interpretation of professional presentations from Hungarian to Romanian and from Romanian to Hungarian

ensuring interpretation for personal networking during the event

16256-1-181/201804/10/2018Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-7Papp László;

Providing equipment for Tourist Info Point as follows:

- Curved press display (1 piece)
in portable case with halogen lights, 2 m high, with self-locating ‘smart’ magnetic locking arms

The press display must be delivered to the headquarters of the Beneficiary.

1632209/10/2018Asociația Milvus Transilvania Vest ROHU-14Asociația Milvus Transilvania Vest, Str. Sulyok István nr.5, Oradea, Jud. Bihor, România. Nagy Attila, tel.: +40728303868

Event organization services within the project „Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area – The Nature Corner (ROHU14)”

18/10/201827.451,75 RON without VAT 
1645300/09.10.2018 10/10/2018APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU-53Andrei Togor, Oradea, str. Szigligeti Ede nr. 1, Oradea, Mihai Eminescu nr. 15, tel: 0359- 416011, e-mail: ,

supply contract "Purchasing office and IT equipment", described in the specifications attached to the invitation, necessary for the implementation of the ROHU53 project "Conservation and protection of the cross-border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar county". Description of goods to be purchased:
1 pcs laptop : Processor min i7, 8 GB RAM, with software: operating system and, antivirus and Office
1 pcs printer : Laser, color, min A3 size of paper, with minimum scanner and copier functions.
The items will be used for management purposes and for every activity in the project for which thw partner is responsible or at which it has an input and involvement.
Delivery deadline 31.10.2018.

22/10/201818.733,31 ron without VAT
165EKR00078348201811/10/2018Volunteer Firefighters Association from TyukodROHU80Volunteer Firefighters Association from Tyukod /


According to the technical specifications published below.

-1 high-performance (5000 l) fire extinguisher for fire and sanitation, - 6 complete equipment for 6 firefighters,
-1 extraction kit.

24/10/201855 500 000 HUFEKR000783482018 
1663112/10/2018Asociația Milvus Transilvania VestROHU-14Asociația Milvus Transilvania Vest, Str. Sulyok István nr.5, Oradea, Jud. Bihor, România. Nagy Attila, tel.: +40728303868

Project management services within the project „Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area – The Nature Corner (ROHU14)”

21/10/201840.554,61 RON without VAT 
1673212/10/2018Asociația Milvus Transilvania Vest ROHU-14Asociația Milvus Transilvania Vest, Str. Sulyok István nr.5, Oradea, Jud. Bihor, România. Nagy Attila, tel.: +40728303868

Accounting services within the project „Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area – The Nature Corner (ROHU14)”

21/10/201835.264,90 RON without VAT 
168135/15.10.201815/10/2018Fundatia pentru Cultura si Educatie Ecologista EcotopROHU53George Togor / Oradea, str.Graurilor nr.5,

Office and IT equipment: laptop, inkjet printer portable, scanner A4 portable, tripodscreen

22/10/201813650 RON +,
1692.1.3 Reconstruction experiment of plant communities19/10/2018ZÖLD KÖRRUHU53Molnár Antal chairman 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, P.O.Box 125 0036 (52) 280 038

Subsequently to be selected, two oak woods with Quercus robur, each with a 0.5-hectare forest portion (wood stains), a mesophilic ( "lily oak" Convallaria majalis, Quercus sp) and a drier ( "sand oak") type sub-selection of ; and elimination of indigenous species with reintroduction adventive species (including protected herbaceous plants). The restoration of relations association continuous monitoring realized.
Costs: planning, monitoring and expert costs, construction (herbs, shrubs, trees), up 10% grafting woody, 5-10% glade.

Activities implemented during the project:
(1) Assessments
(2) Base areas Designation
(3) The propagule collections (representative propagule up to 20% volume, the beginning of May to mid-October)
(4) jar sowing, shrubs prepared rearing containers (marked, watering, weeds discharge, into planting), transposition of ex-situ (Botanical Garden) and could in-situ in selected locations; detections and related implementations excuse
(5) habitat management, conservation measures (irrigation, weed clearance, transplants)
(6) Fall transplanting (markings)

Time scheduling:
Between 2018/2019:
(1) Assessments
Designation (2) Base areas
(3) The propagule collections (representative propagule up to 20% volume, the beginning of May to mid-October)
(4) jar sowing, shrubs prepared rearing containers (marked, watering, weeds discharge, into planting), transposition of ex-situ (Botanical Garden) and could in-situ in selected locations; detections and related implementations excuse
(5) habitat management, conservation measures (irrigation, weed clearance, transplants)

Between 2019/2020:
(1) The propagule collections (representative propagule up to 20% volume, the beginning of May to mid-October)
(2) vessel, sowing, shrubs prepared rearing containers (marked, watering, weeds discharge, into planting), transposition of ex-situ (Botanical Garden) and could in-situ in selected locations; detections and related implementations excuse
(3) habitat management, conservation measures (irrigation, weed clearance, transplants)
(4) autumn planting (markings)

Indicators (quantifiable):
• 600 pieces of plants planted
• 2 pieces of the report attempts conservation aspects

Selection criteria (provider)
(1) Implementation of nature conservation, or forestry measures,
(2) an organization or company with at least 5 years of experience;
(3) Previous experiences in connection with adventive plants suppression is advantage.

Attachments (eg. Site plan, premission)
• An asset management contribution related to the selected parts of the forests.
• Forestry official authorization
• Conservation license

29/10/20184 128 960,- HUF- 
1703.1 Acquisition of the equipments of watering the birds19/10/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU53Molnár Antal chairman 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, P.O.Box 125 0036 (52) 280 038

Purchase of small water tanks required watering protected birds and purchase of pump used for filling water tanks.

Indicators (quantifiable):
• 6 pieces of 30-litre plastic pots
• 1 piece of gasoline-powered low power pump

Selection criteria (provider):
(1) trailers, garden tools and dealing in the distribution of engineering products business,
(2) best deals

29/10/2018219 840,- HUF- 
1713.5 Procurement of other equipments required 24/10/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU53Molnár Antal chairman 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, P.O.Box 125 0036 (52) 280 038

Procurement of the equipments and protecting devices that are strictly necessary for the suppression and eradication of adventive plant species (for the voluntary activities).

denomination / amount (piece)
5 piece, motor mower
20 piece, machete Extol 430/210 mm
1 piece, rubber gloves orange M 100 pieces (in 1 package)
1 piece, accumulator battery drill
6 piece, accumulator battery 9,0Ah/18V Li-ion
2 piece, quick charger
20 piece, flat tree drill 10x150 mm

29/10/20181 734 400,- HUF- 
172ROHU53/0526/10/2018Fundatia pentru Cultura si Educatie Ecologista Ecotop OradeaROHU-53Togor George / str.Graurilor nr.5, Oradea / 0740092797 /

services for setting up suitable spaces for the reproduction and feeding of amphibians in the Nature 2000 site ROSCI0008 Betfia

06/11/201849.055,34 lei +,
173Acquisition of fish finder radar31/10/2018Hortobágy National Park DirectorateROHU-79Hortobágy National Park Directorate

Procurement of fish finder radar for survey of protected and/or Natura 2000 fish species. The equipment is needed to avoid the damage of fishing equipment when mapping the meder regions. (Minimum technical content: 12 inch display, GPS function, fish finder radar function, multy-frequency depth gauge.)

07/11/20181700000 HUF (appr. 5200 EUR)  
174106/11/2018COMUNA LUGASU DE

Servicii de proiectare tehnica pentru constructia de lucrari publice in cadrul proiectului intitulat "Creare unei destinatii turistice comune intre Lugasu de Jos si Komadi prin protejarea valorilor naturale de pe Valea Crisului Repede, jud. Bihor".

175106/11/2018COMUNA LUGASU DE

Technical design services for the construction of public works in project entitled "Creating a joint tourist destination in the cross-border area of Lugasu de Jos and Komadi thought cross-border protection of natural heritage values along Crisul Repede river valley".

176ECO_ROHU53/0507/11/2018Fundatia pentru Cultura si Educatie Ecologista EcotopROHU53Togor George / Oradea, str.Graurilor nr.5 / 0740092797

Acquisition of equipment and materials for monitoring species of conservative interest from Betfia Nature2000 site:
acoustic detector for birds and frogs, acoustic detector and recorder for bats, nets and amphibians traps, monitoring camera, trailfinder, microstand with LED illuminator, Global navigation and positioning systems, datalogger for temperature and humidity, camera.
Detailed description of procurement:

19/11/201847062,17 RON, no,
177308/11/2018Asociatia Pro Valea Crisului Repede - Pro Sebes Koros VolgyROHU

Preparing the creation of the cross-border ecotouristic thematic route along the Crisul Repede Valley for the project „Creating a joint tourist destination in the cross-border area of Lugașu de Jos and Komádi, through cross-border protection of natural heritage values along the Crișul Repede Valley”

178408/11/2018Asociatia Pro Valea Crisului Repede - Pro Sebes Koros VolgyROHU

Creation of a cross-border ecotouristic thematic route along the Crisul Repede Valley – technical dimension for the project „Creating a joint tourist destination in the cross-border area of Lugașu de Jos and Komádi, through cross-border protection of natural heritage values along the Crișul Repede Valley”,

179308/11/2018Asociatia Pro Valea Crisului Repede - Pro Sebes Koros VolgyROHU

Preparing the creation of the cross-border ecotouristic thematic route along the Crisul Repede Valley for the project „Creating a joint tourist destination in the cross-border area of Lugașu de Jos and Komádi, through cross-border protection of natural heritage values along the Crișul Repede Valley”

180Acquisition of 4x4 WD vehicle - 438/201808/11/2018Hortobágy National Park DirectorateROHU-79Ibolya Lajter (E-mail:, Tel: +3630/8940-941)

Procurement of 4 wheel drive cross-country vehicle. Minimum technical content: 85 horsepower, 1.3 motor, central locking, airbag, ABS, 5 doors, electric window, manual transmission, terrain tires)

13/11/20185200000 HUF (16000 EUR)  
181Purchasing of bat boxes (438/2018)08/11/2018Hortobágy National Park DirectorateROHU-79Ibolya Lajter (E-mail:, Tel: +3630/8940-941)

4 type of bat boxes (74 pieces). The 4 type of bat box assures roosts conditions for different species, protecting in this way a large spectrum of bat species.

13/11/20182500000 HUF (8000 EUR)  
182540509/11/2018Asociația Pescarilor Sportivi Aqua CrisiusROHU 29Togor Mihai-Andrei,, tel. 0744 514 754

Servicii de realizare a unui studiu bacteriologic

21/11/201831.374,79 lei fără TVA
1836109/11/2018Asociația Milvus Transilvania Vest ROHU-14Asociația Milvus Transilvania Vest, Str. Sulyok István nr.5, Oradea, Jud. Bihor, România. Nagy Attila, tel.: +40728303868

promotional materials within the project „Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area – The Nature Corner (ROHU14)”

18/11/2018131,269.33 RON without VAT 
184ROHU53/0612/11/2018Fundatia pentru Cultura si Educatie Ecologista Ecotop OradeaROHU53Togor George / str.Graurilor nr.5 / / 0740092797

Obiectivul proiectului este îmbunătăţirea stării de conservare a speciilor şi habitatelor de interes conservativ comunitar şi naţional, prin implementarea măsurilor prevăzute în planurile de management, realizarea sau reabilitarea unor facilităţi în sprijinul cunoaşterii şi protejării patrimoniului natural al ariei naturale protejate.
În acest sens, se are în vedere derularea activităţii T.3.9 – Campanie de conştientizare şi educaţie ecologică cu privire la aria naturală protejată ROSCI0008 „Betfia”.
Conform cererii de finanţare, partenerul 3 va externaliza serviciul de realizare a acestor activităţi, care vor fi:
- organizarea a 3 campanii de informare în comunele Sînmartin, Oşorhei şi Hidişel cu privire la importanţa ariei protejate, cunoaşterea speciilor şi habitatelor de interes conservativ din situl Natura 2000 ROSCI0008 „Betfia”
- organizarea unor activităţi de educaţie ecologică constând în susţinerea a 320 ore de educaţie ecologică în 10 şcoli din cele 3 comunităţi locale (însemnând cel puţin 2 ore/lună x 10 şcoli, timp de 16 luni, în perioada noiembrie 2018 – august 2020)

23/11/201858.827,73 lei fără,
185 SIMPLIFIED PARTICIPATION NOTICE No. SCN1023747 / 01.11.201813/11/2018Socodor CommuneROHU - 128Socodor locality, no.1, Romania. Contact person: Crisan Gheorghe. Tel: +40744639068; +40257358100. e-mail:

Procurement of services for elaborating the technical project, execution details, documents required to obtain approvals, agreements and authorizations, and Technical Assistance for the "Bicycle track design in Socodor commune, Arad county" project within the ROHU - 128 "Eco trans system - Cross-border cross-border transport in the Socotor Ketegyhaza area. "

14/11/201856.400,00 Ron without VAT 
186Achiziție pentru serviciile de supraveghere a lucrărilor - dirigenție de șantier 14/11/2018Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în Româ

Achiziție pentru serviciile de supraveghere a lucrărilor - dirigenție de șantier aferente execuției lucrărilor„CENTRU DE INSTRUIRE POMPIERI VOLUNTARI , CONSTRUCTIE P+E SI INGRADIRE TEREN – STR. OITUZ, COMUNA DIOSIG, JUD. BIHOR“

Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în România în cadrul proiectului ”Dezvoltarea în comun a capacității voluntare de intervenție în caz de urgență și de gestionare a dezastrelor în zona de frontieră eligibilă – Joint development of the voluntary emergency response and disaster management capacity in the eligible border area” (ROHU-10)”, dorește să achiziționeze servicii de supraveghere a lucrărilor – diriginție de șantier aferent execuției lucrărilor ” CENTRU DE INSTRUIRE POMPIERI VOLUNTARI , CONSTRUCTIE P+E SI INGRADIRE TEREN – STR. OITUZ, COMUNA DIOSIG, JUD. BIHOR”.

Cod CPV: 71520000-9 - Servicii de supraveghere a lucrărilor – diriginție de șantier
Valoare estimativă: € 16500.00
Data limită de depunere a ofertelor: 24.11.2018, ora 16:00

24/11/2018€ 16500.00  
187ADV 104940115/11/2018Județul Timiș prin Consiliul Județean TimișROHU - 138Andra Costina,, +40265406493

Servicii de traducere autorizată din limba română în limba engleză a documentelor suport obligatorii la depunerea cererii de finanțare pentru proiectul „Babies across borders – connecting health services in the field of obstetrics-gynecology and neonatal care between Emergency Clinical County Hospital Pius Brînzeu Timisoara and the Pediatric Clinic of Szeged” (”Copii dincolo de frontiere - conectarea serviciilor medicale din domeniul obstetrică-ginecologie şi neonatologie dintre Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă “Pius Brînzeu” Timişoara şi Clinica de pediatrie din Szeged”), Acronim BABYROHU, finanțat prin Programul INTERREG V-A ROMÂNIA-UNGARIA 2014-2020.

23/11/201826.764,71 RON; 
188Translation of Körös Valley Magazin16/11/2018Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-14Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

The Körös Valley Magazine will be published 6 times (January 2019, May 2019, September 2019, January 2020, May 2020, August 2020) in 2000 copies (1500 Hungarian, 500 Romanian). Extent: 88 Inside Pages + 4 Side Cover.

The tenderer's duty is to translate the textual content of Körös Valley Magazin from Hungarian into Romanian (about 80 pages) in the case of the six issues.

23/11/20183,600,000 HUF 
189ROHU53/05 - relaunch procurement procedure19/11/2018Fundatia pentru Cultura si Educatie Ecologista Ecotop OradeaROHU53George Togor / / Oradea, str.Graurilor nr.5

În cadrul proiectului „Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor – Hajdu-Bihar counties” – ROHU53, accesat prin Programul Interreg V.A. România-Ungaria, se doreşte amenajarea unor spaţii adecvate pentru hrănirea şi reproducerea amfibienilor, specii din Formularul Standard al ROSCI0008 Betfia, în locuri identificate şi evaluate de către un expert biolog, cu servicii subcontractate. Cele 6 iazuri vor fi amplasate în habitatele de pădure şi de pajişti, în zone cu declivităţi care să favorizeze acumularea naturală a apei, vor avea fiecare o suprafaţă de 3-4 mp, adâncime de până la 0,5-0,75 m, vor fi impermeabilizate cu geotextil. Bazinele amenajate astfel trebuie să asigure un nivel minim de apă care să asigure îndeplinirea condiţiilor optime de habitat umed cel puţin pe perioada de reproducere a amfibienilor. Spaţiul bazinului trebuie amenajat corespunzător cu cerinţele de habitat ale speciilor de interes conservativ.

28/11/201858337,50 lei incusiv,
190The project launch conference organised by LP1 on the RO side of the border will focus on increasing the interest of local population and stakeholders form both sides of the border towards the project and the planned investments.22/11/2018COMUNA LUGASU DE

The project launch conference organised by LP1 on the RO side of the border will focus on increasing the interest of local population and stakeholders form both sides of the border towards the project and the planned investments.
Therefore the target audience of the conference will include citizens from both sides of the project’s target area, as well as local stakeholders from both sides of the border, including representatives of local government authorities, natural sites’ operators, relevant public institutions and NGOs, tourism stakeholders, eco-farmers.
The project launch conference will be followed by a press conference, so mass-media representatives will also be invited. Representatives of the project partners will also be present, and LP1 will send invitation to the JS, as well. Total number of participants: 100.

191ROHU53/0728/11/2018Fundatia pentru Cultura si Educatie Ecologista Ecotop OradeaROHU53Togor George / Oradea, str.Graurilor nr.5 / 0740092797

Identification, inventory and monitoring of species and habitats of conservation interest in protected area ROSCI0008 Betfia.

There have been carried out identification and monitoring of species and habitats of conservation interest, with focus on those species that have not been identified during the preparation of the management plan (2015-2016) and those species requiring special attention because of the state of current poor preservation (poor U2, U1 inadequate, unknown XX). The activities realized by subcontracting will be conducted over two years consecutive (2018-2019), with reporting interim results at one month after the completion of fieldwork, respectively, reporting the final results in three months after the completion of the second year of field activities.
The interim reports will include: GIS identification of species, map of the distribution of species, the evaluation of the state of conservation s. The final report will contain additional monitoring protocols of the species, updated action plan on improving the conservation status.
There will be pursued in particular:
a. Botanist and phytoceonologyst: species Spiranthes spiralis, Crocus vernus, other plant species of national and EU conservation interest, species from the Red Lists, especially orhidaceae; Habitats: 6240* subpanonic steppic grasslands, 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometea), (*important orchid sites), 91H0* Pannonian woods with Quercus pubescens, 91M0 Pannonian-Balkanic turkey oak - sessile oak forests, 91L0 Illyrian oak and hornbeam forests (Erythronio-Carpinion), other types of habitats of conservation interest that were not mentioned in the management plan.
b. Specialist for invertebrates: Chilostoma banaticum, Helix pomatia the spider Eresus cinnaberinus, Mantis religiosa, stag beetle (Lucanus cervus) Carabus hampei, the butterfly Lycaena dispar, other invertebrate species of conservation interest that were not mentioned in the management plan.
c. Specialist for bats: Barbastella barbastellus, Miniopterus schreibersii, Myotis bechsteinii, Myotis blythii, Myotis daubentonii, Myotis myotis, Rhinolophus hipposideros, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum,
other bat species not mentioned in the management plan.
d. Herpetologist: Triturus cristatus (crested newt), Bombina variegata, Bufo bufo (toad), Hyla arborea, Rana dalmatina (agile frog), Rana ridibunda,Triturus vulgaris, Anguis fragilis, Coronella austriaca, Elaphe longissima (Aesculapian snake), Lacerta agilis, Lacerta viridis, Natrix natrix ( grass snake), Vipera berus (adder), Salamandra salamandra;
e. Ornithologist: Garrulus glandarius, Cuculus canorus, Oenanthe oenanthe, black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius), other bird species of conservation interest.

10/12/2018239232,80 RON (+ VAT),şi-monitorizare-specii-şi-habitate.pdf
192EKRSZ_3577821129/11/2018Körös-Maros National Park DirectorateROHU7Weisz Zoltán, +36 66/313-855,

Development of Koros Valley Visitor Center's infrastucture with the construction of 240 m2 environmental education building and the connecting walkway and garden development. The investment is located in Bekes County, Szarvas city.

1933.5 Procurement of other equipments required 29/11/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU53Molnár Antal chairman 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, P.O.Box 125 0036 (52) 280 038

5 pieces, Petrol engine with a toe cap (cylinder capacity: 40cm2, power: 2 Le)
20 pieces, shock-wrench, 3-spoke (diameter: 255, hole: 25.4)
1 pack, Rubber gloves in 100 packs
1 pieces, Milwaukee carbon-free drill screwdriver (2pcs with 5Ah battery, charger, case)
6 pieces, Milwukee, 9Ah battery
2 pieces, Rapid Charger (Milwaukee Battery)
20 pieces, Flat drill 10x150 mm


5db, Benzinmotoros fűkasza, damilfejjel (hengerűrtartalom: 40cm2, teljesítmény: 2 Le)
20 db, Ütőkés, 3 ágú (átmérő: 255, furat: 25,4)
1 csomag, Gumikesztyű 100 db-os kiszerelésben
1 db, Milwaukee szénkefenélküli fúrócsavarozó (2db 5Ah-akkuval, töltővel, kofferrel)
6 db, Milwukee, 9Ah akku
2 db, Gyorstöltő (Milwaukee akku)
20 db, Laposfúró 10x150 mm

07/12/20181 734 400,- HUF- 
1942.2.5 Practice-oriented training for professionals29/11/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU53Molnár Antal chairman 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, P.O.Box 125 0036 (52) 280 038

A conservation awareness-raising training (1 turn) entitled „Sustainable forest management” for the effectiveness of good practices regarding nature-like forest operations, and of nature conservation ascpects (e.g. botanical and zoological knowledge, knowledge related to invasive plants, basic ecological and conservation knowledge, forest management skills).
During the project, 1 turn (5 occassions, x 6 hours, 3 theoretic and 2 practical occassions), with at least 16 participants.
The participants will be recruited from the staff of the Nyírerdő Zrt. and other forest management entities, primarily labour leaders, managers of forestry works. The courses will be implemented in the „rest period” regarding the forestry works. On the other hand, the course will be open to organizations engaged in nature conservation staff.
The courses will be organized by an educational firm that involves experienced professionals, and the firm will do the compilation and the reproduction of the thematic (curriculum).
In addition, the company provides benefits to participants (lunch and refreshments), and provides teaching materials and issues a certificate of completing the course. During the practical days, the firm will organize provide the transporting of the participants.

07/12/20181 299 000,- HUF- 
1952.3.5 The presentation of the forests of Nyírség area - educational film29/11/2018ZÖLD KÖRROHU53Molnár Antal chairman 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, P.O.Box 125 0036 (52) 280 038

The presentation of the natural values of the forest of Nyírség - especially the area of „Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek”- in 3 educational films, 20-20 minutes long film sin FullHD quality. The films will be put together as well in a 45-minute long version). The book aims to introduce as many species and habitats affected by the project, as possible via recordings made primarly during the project. The film also presents the practical nature conservation activities and results of the project. The film is narrated in Hungarian and Romanian or English subtitles optionally. The film will be available on DVD and video splitter for the general public, and in local televisions in the target area’s municipalities.

The thematics of the 3, 20-minute films:
• The wildlife of the forests of Nyírség (flora and fauna),
• Man and landscape: the forest of Nyírség area,
• The „Debreceni Nagyerdő”

A short film will be spectacular and informative through these elements:
• Graphical solutions and custom-designed DVD case and disc,
• Narration (Hungarian) and optional subtitles (Romanian and English),
• Reports (experts, local farmers),
• Aerial photographs as well as a special wildlife shots,
• Using our own composed music and effects.

07/12/20181 490 000,- HUF- 
196Achiziție pentru serviciile de supraveghere a lucrărilor - dirigenție de șantier 03/12/2018Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în Româ

Achiziție pentru serviciile de supraveghere a lucrărilor - dirigenție de șantier aferente execuției lucrărilor„CENTRU DE INSTRUIRE POMPIERI VOLUNTARI , CONSTRUCTIE P+E SI INGRADIRE TEREN – STR. OITUZ, COMUNA DIOSIG, JUD. BIHOR“

Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în România în cadrul proiectului ”Dezvoltarea în comun a capacității voluntare de intervenție în caz de urgență și de gestionare a dezastrelor în zona de frontieră eligibilă – Joint development of the voluntary emergency response and disaster management capacity in the eligible border area” (ROHU-10)”, dorește să achiziționeze servicii de supraveghere a lucrărilor – diriginție de șantier aferent execuției lucrărilor ” CENTRU DE INSTRUIRE POMPIERI VOLUNTARI , CONSTRUCTIE P+E SI INGRADIRE TEREN – STR. OITUZ, COMUNA DIOSIG, JUD. BIHOR”.

Cod CPV: 71520000-9 - Servicii de supraveghere a lucrărilor – diriginție de șantier

Valoare estimativă: € 16500.00

Data limită de depunere a ofertelor: 13.12.2018, ora 16:00

13/12/2018€ 16500.00  
197547903/12/2018Asociația Pescarilor Sportivi Aqua CrisiusROHU 29Togor Mihai-Andrei,, tel. 0744 514 754

Servicii de realizare a conceptului de ecoturism al zonei.

17/12/2018136.855,88 lei fără TVA
198547903/12/2018Asociația Pescarilor Sportivi Aqua CrisiusROHU 29Togor Mihai-Andrei,, tel. 0744 514 754

Servicii de realizare a conceptului de ecoturism al zonei.

17/12/2018136.855,88 lei fără TVA
199547903/12/2018Asociația Pescarilor Sportivi Aqua CrisiusROHU 29Togor Mihai-Andrei,, tel. 0744 514 754

Servicii de realizare a conceptului de ecoturism al zonei.

17/12/2018136.855,88 lei fără TVA 
200547903/12/2018Asociația Pescarilor Sportivi Aqua CrisiusROHU 29Togor Mihai-Andrei,, tel. 0744 514 754

Servicii de realizare a conceptului de ecoturism al zonei.

17/12/2018136.855,88 lei fără TVA 
201K-3470-054 /201819/10/2018Körös Valley District Water DirectorateROHU-28Melinda Varga, 26 Városház Street, Gyula 5700, email:, tel.: +36-30-388-9750

Performing tasks for technical inspector:
The contracting body is searching for an entrepreneur of performing tasks for technical inspector related to
„Development of flood protection centre of Szanazug and rehabilitation of the penstock and hydro-mechanical equipment in Tulca” entitled, ROHU28 project ID Hungarian side development, namely the Flood Protection Centre of Szanazug

29/10/20183.000.000 HUF  
202K-3470-075/201808/11/2018Körös Valley District Water DirectorateROHU-28Melinda Varga 26 Városház Street, Gyula 5700, email:, tel.: +36-30-388-9750

Performing tasks for site supervision:
The contracting body is searching for an entrepreneur of performing tasks for site supervision related to
„Development of flood protection centre of Szanazug and rehabilitation of the penstock and hydro-mechanical equipment in Tulca” entitled, ROHU28 project ID Hungarian side development, namely the Flood Protection Centre of Szanazug

14/11/20181.600.000 HUF  
203K-3470-082/201821/11/2018Körös Valley District Water DirectorateROHU-28Melinda Varga, 26 Városház Street, Gyula 5700, email:, tel.: +36-30-388-9750

Performing tasks for communication activities:
The contracting body is searching for an entrepreneur of performing tasks for communication activities related to „Development of flood protection centre of Szanazug and rehabilitation of the penstock and hydro-mechanical equipment in Tulca” entitled, ROHU28 project ID Hungarian side development

26/11/20182.200.000 HUF  
204EKR00074296201806/12/2018ATIVIZIGROHU-11Pándiné Dr. Bakos Eszter, 6720 Szeged, Stefánia 4., 0662 599 599,

Vállalkozási szerződés keretében a Makói szivattyútelep nyomócsövének és vízoldali elzárásának rekonstrukciója és kiviteli terv készítése

04/12/2018Becsült érték: nettó 154 000 965,- Ft, azaz bruttó 195 581 225,- Ft, amely a 2018. évi 11. havi InforEuro-val számolva (1 EUR = 324.95 HUF) nettó 473.922,03 euró, azaz bruttó 601.880,98 euró. www.ativizig.hu
205Translation of Körös Valley Magazin06/12/2018Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-14Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

The Körös Valley Magazine will be published 6 times (January 2019, May 2019, September 2019, January 2020, May 2020, August 2020) in 2000 copies (1500 Hungarian, 500 Romanian). Extent: 88 Inside Pages + 4 Side Cover.

The tenderer's duty is to translate the textual content of Körös Valley Magazin from Hungarian into Romanian (about 80 pages) in the case of the six issues.

11/12/20183,600,000 HUF 
206ADV105527411/12/2018University of OradeaROHU-275Viktor Ferenc,oradea,str.universitati nr.1,tel 0259408751

Contract de servicii de „Elaborare Studiu de Fezabilitate Pentru Centrul de Formare Continuă de Abilități Practice în Domeniul Sănătate” - Universitatea din Oradea, str.Nicolae Jiga, nr.29

14/12/201819545.70 lei poz.146 
207Quote request for conception and creation of Békés county tourism brand13/12/2018Békés Megyei Önkormányzat /Békés County Government/ROHU-204Békés Megyei Önkormányzat (Address: 5600 Békéscsaba, Árpád sor 18., E-mail:

Conception and creation of Békés county brand within the project " Shared problems, joint solutions - improving cooperation between Arad and Bekes public administration (WorkMix)"

Contract terms:
Development of Békés county tourism brand along the following themes:
1. health tourism built on our thermal water treasures,
2. active tourism based on our natural values
3. our cultural values
4. gastronomy in Békés county.

Expected reference conditions as indicated in the quote request.

27/12/20182 100 000 HUF 
208Quote request for external expertise for the elaboration of the Full Application12/12/2018Bekes County Foundation for Enterprise DevelopmentROHU-329Varga Márton,, 0036204889460

External expertise for the elaboration of the Full Application

19/12/20181.200.000 HUF  
209317/12/2018COMUNA LUGASU DE

Extinderea retelei de apa spre centrul turistic.

19/12/2018229454,78 ron tva inclus  
210N. 115/17.12.2018 Lucrari de extindere si dotare CENTRU TRANSFRONTALIER DE PREGATIRE INTEGRATA PENTRU INTERVENTII IN SITUATII DE URGENTA (comuna Borș, jud. Bihor)18/12/2018ASOCIAȚIA „SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISS” Oradea, RomaniaROHU-84Tel: 0727714323, 0744172255,

Achizitie Lucrari de extindere si dotare CENTRU TRANSFRONTALIER DE PREGATIRE INTEGRATA PENTRU INTERVENTII IN SITUATII DE URGENTA (comuna Borș, jud. Bihor), in cadrul proiectului ”Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion”, (cod proiect ROHU 84, acronim: CROSSRISKS)

211Quote request for editing brochures19/12/2018Békés Megyei Önkormányzat /Békés County Government/ROHU-204Békés Megyei Önkormányzat 5600 Békéscsaba, Árpád sor 18.,

Editing brochures within the project " Shared problems, joint solutions - improving cooperation between Arad and Bekes public administration (WorkMix)" (ROHU-204)

Contract terms:
Editing two brochures in three languages:

1. Brochure on Békés County cultural values published in 500 copies (three languages in one brochure: Hungarian-Romanian-English).
Size: 210 x 210 mm
Scope: 32 pages
Material: 150 g / m² Matt printing
Pressure: 4 + 4 colors

2. Brochures on tourism published in 2000 copies (500 in Romanian, 1000 in Hungarian and 500 in English language).
Size: 210 x 210 mm
Scope: 28 pages
Cover: 250 g / m² Matt printing
Inside: 150 g / m² Matt printing
Pressure: 4 + 4 colors

10/01/20191 713 000 HUF 
21256-1-1/201908/01/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-7Papp László;

Elaboration of Joint Tourist Strategy which analyses the touristic development opportunities of the cross-border area of the ROHU7 project and includes the following points:

- analysis of the current state of the cross-border area - geographical, economical, cultural, environmental, and touristic aspect

- SWOT-analysis

- setting future vision and specifying strategical directions in particular as regards environmentally conscious education and companies

- elaboration of a marketing plan - highlighting the recommendations for the future promotional campaigns

- collecting the data needed for the Strategy with the involvement of ROHU7 partners (Societatea de Binefacere Don Orione - Oradea, Romania; Körös-Maros National Park Directorate - Szarvas, Hungary)

- elaboration of bilingual written study (Hungarian and Romanian language)

Experience required for the expert of the contracting party:
- experience in tourism related cross-border project

213N.A. (private beneficiary)09/01/2019Episcopia Romano-Catolica Oradea (Roman-Catholic Diocese of Oradea, Varadi Romai Katolikus Puspokseg)ROHU-35410161 ORADEA, Str. Șirul Canonicilor nr. 2. jud. Bihor contact person: MATUZ Zsolt, project coordinator e-mail: tel: +40-259/411.180

The main objective of the investment is protecting and improving the Baroque Dendrological Park, to support the urban systems both from a social and an ecological point of view, contributing to the fulfillment of the cognitive, aesthetic, relaxation, recreation needs of people, providing them a perfect natural framework to clear their mind and put their things in order and give them the rest they need.
The object of procurement is to realize the dendrological survey/expertise of Baroque Dendrological Park (incl. historical study and digitisation).
For further information, please find the attached procurement documentation.

18/01/201918.808,72 RON,,,
214N.A. (private beneficiary)09/01/2019Episcopia Romano-Catolica Oradea (Roman-Catholic Diocese of Oradea, Varadi Romai Katolikus Puspokseg)ROHU-35410161 ORADEA, Str. Șirul Canonicilor nr. 2. jud. Bihor contact person: MATUZ Zsolt, project coordinator e-mail: tel: +40-259/411.180

The main objective of the investment is protecting and improving the Baroque Dendrological Park, to support the urban systems both from a social and an ecological point of view, contributing to the fulfillment of the cognitive, aesthetic, relaxation, recreation needs of people, providing them a perfect natural framework to clear their mind and put their things in order and give them the rest they need.
The object of procurement is to realize the technical plan (incl. conservation, safeguarding of park and accesibility construction) and technical assistance by designer during the works.
For further information, please find the attached procurement documentation.

18/01/201925.587,70 RON,,,
2155560/09.01.201909/01/2019APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU-53Andrei Togor, Oradea, str. Szigligeti Ede nr. 1, Oradea, Mihai Eminescu nr. 15, tel: 0359- 416011, e-mail: ,

Project management consultancy services, described in the terms of refference document attached, required for the implementation of the ROHU53 project "Conservation and protection of the cross-border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdu-Bihar counties" by APS Aqua Crisius,
PB 2 Aqua Crisius will contract outsourced consulting services to manage implementation of the project responsible for preparing partner progress reports, including participation in field visits, drafting of notifications and other documents for changing the ERDF grant agreement for partner, other budget changes, administrative or technical modifications proposed by the beneficiary to be submitted to the project leader for approval and operation in the system.
The service provider will ensure with the beneficiary partner that the reporting procedures are met so that the partner can report progress reports to the leader and obtain the BRECO certification of its expenditure. The services involve preparing reports for all the implementation periods of the project and interim reports if the Beneficiary would like to request the First Level Certification to be certified more quickly than the completion of that period, while meeting the conditions imposed by the Grantor for these interim reports.
The provider will prepare the reports based on the provisions of the project implementation manual and manual for using the eSMS system, other manuals applicable to the funding program available on the program site, following and applying their modifications. It will also provide the answers to requests for clarifications received from the controllers by the benefit, will ensure the presence of the service provider in field visits related to the reports and other project monitoring visits.
The reception of the services will be based on a reception report and an activity report detailing the services performed, invoicing will be made after the reception of the services and the invoice will be based on a financial estimate related to the hours worked.
Duration of services - from the date of signing of the contract to the end date of the implementation period, including the final partner report.

16/01/201946.833,28 ron VAT excluded
216119/01/2019Organization of Slovaks from

full creation online network in four languages

24/01/20193500 EUR 
217244/201921/01/2019Komádi Városi ÖnkormányzatROHU-68Komádi Városi Önkormányzat, HU 4138 Komádi Hősök tere 4.,, 0036-54-545-020

External expertise for technical supervision for execution and construction works on the Hungarian side of the border: expert for ornithological habitat creation on Varsánykerti lake and expert for new visitor infrastructure creation near the lake in Komádi, Hungary.

24/01/2019720.000 HUF without VAT
218EKR001167962018 Community Building20/12/2018Szent István Egyetem - Szarvasi ArborétumROHU-35Szent István Egyetem - Szarvasi Arborétum, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary, +36 28 522 000;

Community Building, designed and constructed according to a building permit, which contains the necessary social block, and rooms convenient for transaction of planned programmes and activities.

2198/23.01.2019.23/01/2019Asociația KécenlétROHU-256Asociația Kécenlét, 415301 Cheț, nr. 118, jud. Bihor, Romania, Tel: +40748143853, e-mail:

Project management services - as detailed in the annoucement

04/02/201918,076.22 RON 
220EKR001167032018 Thematic walking path20/12/2018Szent István Egyetem - Szarvasi ArborétumROHU-35Szent István Egyetem - Szarvasi Arborétum, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary, +36 28 522 000;

Constructing a thematic walking path following from the main entrance to the Hollow Ambush, by the reconstrucion of an already existing pathway. This new path will be a paved, strong walking way (adapting its width to bigger vehicles, as the maintanace works of the garden happens through the use of this way). Its cover is simple concrete, passable for bycicles, rollers, and trolleys, and gardening vehicles. Paintings will facilitate the transport of people visually impaired. This is 6160 m2, 2800 m long.

221224/01/2019Organization of Slovaks from

Promotional materials: Roll-up banner, Leaflets, Souvenirs


Moutainbike Bicycles 10 pcs

31/01/201919.040 RON (VAT INCLUDED) 
223EKE/01/31.01.201931/01/2019Societatea Carpatina Ardeleana – Satu MareROHU-79Mark-Nagy Janos,, 0721514137

Service contract: Upgrading pocket-guide system TurGO!

11/02/201920983,5 RON incl. VAT
224DA431/01/2019Episcopia Romano-Catolica Oradea (Roman-Catholic Diocese of Oradea, Varadi Romai Katolikus Puspokseg)ROHU-35410161 ORADEA, Str. Șirul Canonicilor nr. 2. jud. Bihor contact person: MATUZ Zsolt, project coordinator e-mail: tel: +40-259/411.180

The main objective of the investment is protecting and improving the Baroque Dendrological Park, to support the urban systems both from a social and an ecological point of view, contributing to the fulfillment of the cognitive, aesthetic, relaxation, recreation needs of people, providing them a perfect natural framework to clear their mind and put their things in order and give them the rest they need.
The object of procurement is to supply a set of cordless equipments: chainsaw (1 piece), telescopic pole pruner (1 piece), hedge trimmer (1 piece), brushcutter (1 piece), mower with self-propulsion (1 piece), ride-on mower (1 piece), shredder, with combustion engine (1 piece), Wood 3D acoustic tomograph (1 piece).

08/02/201949.059,47 RON,,,
225ROHU53/T3.905/02/2019Fundatia pentru Cultura si Educatie Ecologista EcotopROHU53Togor George / Oradea, str.Graurilor nr.5 /

There will be organized three informational campaigns in the main three local communities: Sinmartin, Osorhei, Hidisel – related to the importance of a Nature2000 site, knowledge of species and habitats of conservation interest, opportunities that derive from it.
In the following schools from the three communities from the Betfia protected area (Sinmartin, Osorhei and Hidisel) will be organised environmental education activities for secondary school students (V-VIII classes): Scoala Gimnaziala „Floare de lotus” Sinmartin, Scoala Gimnaziala Cordau (Sinmartin commune), Scoala Gimnaziala Haieu (Sinmartin commune), Scoala Gimnaziala Hidiselu de Sus (Hidiselul de Sus commune), Scoala Gimnaziala „Aurel Pop” Osorhei. In that 5 schools will be organised fully 160 hours of educational activities, 2 hours/month in 16 months of activity (from February 2019 to October 2020).

18/02/201971.326,50 lei cu TVA inclus, 59.938,23 lei fără,
226 EKR00112871201805/02/2019Országos Meteorológiai SzolgálatROHU-102István Buda, Budapest, 1024. Kitaibel Pál u. 1.,

Purchase meteorological measuring system devices:
Part 1: Disdrometer for 9 measuring stations
Part 2: Ceilometer for 9 measuring stations
Part 3: Near Surface Measuring Instruments for 9 measuring stations
Part 4: Devices for measuring radiation balance components at 9 stations

The aim of the purchase is to create high-data-availability meteorological stations supporting the hail prevention, and providing data to the central acquisition system at one-minute intervals to minimize dangerous weather conditions.

05/03/2019202 607 500 HUF including VAT 
227106/02/2019Iris Research AssociationROHU-285Claudia Toma, Romania, Arad, 17, Bd Decebal, fl.1, ap. 6, e-mail: , tel: 0040744792968

Equipment procurement as regard public procurement procedure according to the Romanian Law 98/2016 and Romanian Government Decision 395/2016, national regulations based on the European Directive 2014/24/UE. - sound and video recording systems (3 pcs. Recorders, 1 pc. Photo camera) and data processing equipment (1 laptop, 1 printer - multifunctional).
- 1 digital voice recorder with MP3 player, Windows2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10, 8 GB memory, USB conectivity, 60 euro budget (VAT included);
- 2 digital voice and video recorder, microSD max 16GB external memory, PC conectivity, external headphones, 60x2 euro budget (VAT included);
- 1 photo camera Full HD recording function, ISO 100-25600, memory SD, SDHC, SDXC, Memory Stick Pro Duo, Memory Stick PRO HG-Duo, display 7.5cm (3") TFT, sensor APS-C (23.5 x 15.6mm), 500 euro budget (VAT included);
- 1 multifunctional printer (print, copy, scan, fax), color, A3, duplex, conectivity USB, Wi-Fi, cards, 1000 euro budget (VAT included); In the offer please mention separately the cost of the consumables
- 1 laptop Business type Intel® Core™ i7 processor, min. 4.0 GHz, minim 2 ports USB, 1 port HDMI, min. 256 GB SSD, min. 8 GB standard memory, 14 inch, FullHD, Graphics card integrated with Windows 10, 1000 euro budget (VAT included).

11/02/201910810 RON (without VAT)  
22818/07.02.201908/02/2019Nyírbátori Református EgyházközségROHU-256Fazakas Ferenc Sándor, 4300, Nyírbátor, HU, Egyház u. 1, Tel: +36302727882,

ROHU-256 overall and lead partner project management services

18/02/20193800 EUR 

Furnizare unitate mobila pentru detectare pierderi în cadrul proiectului: “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality – 4FORH2O”

14/12/2018295800.05 LEI, fara TVA

Furnizare unitate mobila pentru analiza apei în cadrul proiectului: “Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality – 4FORH2O”

14/12/2018351942.50 LEI, fara TVA
2314213/02/2019Fundatia Diaspora / Diaspora FoundationROHU-180Fundatia Diaspora, Timisoara, Str. Putna nr.7,, 0040-356-446516, Persoana de contact: Kasa Zsolt, tel: 0040-721-265979, e-mail:

Organizare evenimente: A. Training pentru membrii echipei din Romania, B. Tabere, C. Organizare cluburi, D. Organizare conferinta de deschidere.
Organizing events: A. Training for professional team members in Romania, B. Self-knowledge camp in Romania, C. Club day, D. Opening conference

232418/02/2019COMUNA LUGASU DE

Lucrari de construire casute de tip Cabana la proiectul: "Crearea unei destinatii turistice comune intre Lugasu de Jos si Komadi, prin protejarea valorilor naturale de pe Valea Crisului Repede, Judetul Bihor"

20/02/2019446.123,19 lei fara TVA  
233219/02/2019Iris Research AssociationROHU-285Claudia Toma, Romania, Arad, 17, Bd Decebal, fl.1, ap. 6, e-mail:, tel: 0040744792968

Equipment procurement as regard public procurement procedure according to the Romanian Law 98/2016 and Romanian Government Decision 395/2016, national regulations based on the European Directive 2014/24/UE. - sound and video recording systems (3 pcs. Recorders, 1 pc. Photo camera) and data processing equipment (1 laptop, 1 printer - multifunctional).
- 1 digital voice recorder with MP3 player, Windows2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10, 8 GB memory, USB conectivity
- 2 digital voice and video recorder, microSD max 16GB external memory, PC conectivity, external headphones
- 1 photo camera Full HD recording function, ISO 100-25600, memory SD, SDHC, SDXC, Memory Stick Pro Duo, Memory Stick PRO HG-Duo, display 7.5cm (3") TFT, sensor APS-C (23.5 x 15.6mm)
- 1 multifunctional printer (print, copy, scan, fax), color, A3, duplex, conectivity USB, Wi-Fi, cards; In the offer please mention separately the cost of the consumables
- 1 laptop Business type Intel® Core™ i7 processor, min. 4.0 GHz, minim 2 ports USB, 1 port HDMI, min. 256 GB SSD, min. 8 GB standard memory, 14 inch, FullHD, Graphics card integrated with Windows 10, 1000 euro budget (VAT included).

Total amount = 2680 euro budget (VAT included)
Please send your offer to until 22 February 2019 inclusive.

22/02/201910708.96 RON (without VAT)  
2344/21.02.201921/02/2019Episcopia Romano-Catolica Oradea (Roman-Catholic Diocese of Oradea, Varadi Romai Katolikus Puspokseg)ROHU-35410161 ORADEA, Str. Șirul Canonicilor nr. 2. jud. Bihor contact person: MATUZ Zsolt, project coordinator e-mail: tel: +40-259/411.180

The main objective of the investment is protecting and improving the Baroque Dendrological Park, to support the urban systems both from a social and an ecological point of view, contributing to the fulfillment of the cognitive, aesthetic, relaxation, recreation needs of people, providing them a perfect natural framework to clear their mind and put their things in order and give them the rest they need.
The object of procurement is to provide technical supervision services during execution of works by the technical supervisor(s) authorized by Ministry of Culture and Regional Development Ministry/State Inspectorate of Construction.
For further information, please find the attached procurement documentation.

28/02/201919.592,43 RON,,,
235102/20181201 Purchasing wooden house equipment 31/12/2018"Green 14" - Association for Sustainable Development of Békés-Bihor EuroregionROHU-158DURAY Balázs 5600 Békéscsaba Gyóni G. u. 6 II/15

Area: 40 m2
Wall thickness: 10 cm
Wall height: 230/310 cm
Spine height: 370 cm
Exterior / Inner Wall Structure: 20 mm paneling; 10 cm spacer - stafli - between them insulated mineral wool; 20 mm lambskin cover
Roof structure: 60 x 140 mm longitudinal beams; 20 mm OSB; reflective film; 50 x 180 mm rafters, plain tar paper; bituminous shingle
Ceiling: 20 mm paneling; 60 x 140 mm longitudinal beams, including mineral wool; 20 mm OSB plate
Floor - 40 mm cushion - between 40 mm Nikecell thermal insulation;
Without doors
Surface treated (exterior and interior layer painting in two layers)

28/02/20192000000 HUF  
236102/20181201 Purchasing wooden house equipment 31/12/2018"Green 14" - Association for Sustainable Development of Békés-Bihor EuroregionROHU-158DURAY Balázs 5600 Békéscsaba Gyóni G. u. 6 II/15

Area: 40 m2
Wall thickness: 10 cm
Wall height: 230/310 cm
Spine height: 370 cm
Exterior / Inner Wall Structure: 20 mm paneling; 10 cm spacer - stafli - between them insulated mineral wool; 20 mm lambskin cover
Roof structure: 60 x 140 mm longitudinal beams; 20 mm OSB; reflective film; 50 x 180 mm rafters, plain tar paper; bituminous shingle
Ceiling: 20 mm paneling; 60 x 140 mm longitudinal beams, including mineral wool; 20 mm OSB plate
Floor - 40 mm cushion - between 40 mm Nikecell thermal insulation;
Without doors
Surface treated (exterior and interior layer painting in two layers)

28/02/20192000000 HUF  
237322/02/2019Iris Research AssociationROHU-285Claudia Toma, Romania, Arad, 17, Bd Decebal, fl.1, ap. 6, e-mail:, tel: 0040744792968

Procurement of catering services for 50 persons for a 3 hours event (11,00-14,00) in Arad: drinks ( coffee, tea, mineral and still water), buffet lunch (cold and warm starters, salads), deserts. Total budget 300 euro (VAT included)

27/02/20191426.53 RON (VAT included)  
2382.3.5 The presentation of the forests of Nyírség area - educational film25/02/2019ZÖLD KÖRROHU53Molnár Antal chairman 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, P.O.Box 125 0036 (52) 280 038

Brief description from the activity
The presentation of the natural values of the forest of Nyírség - especially the area of „Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek”- in 3 educational films, 20-20 minutes long film sin FullHD quality. The films will be put together as well in a 45-minute long version). The book aims to introduce as many species and habitats affected by the project, as possible via recordings made primarly during the project. The film also presents the practical nature conservation activities and results of the project. The film is narrated in Hungarian and Romanian or English subtitles optionally. The film will be available on DVD and video splitter for the general public, and in local televisions in the target area’s municipalities.

The thematics of the 3, 20-minute films:
• The wildlife of the forests of Nyírség (flora and fauna),
• Man and landscape: the forest of Nyírség area,
• The „Debreceni Nagyerdő”

A short film will be spectacular and informative through these elements:
• Graphical solutions and custom-designed DVD case and disc,
• Narration (Hungarian) and optional subtitles (Romanian and English),
• Reports (experts, local farmers),
• Aerial photographs as well as a special wildlife shots,
• Using our own composed music and effects.

Indicators (quantifiable)
• 3 pieces of film (3 x 20 minutes, FullHD resolution)
• 1 film (45 minutes, FullHD resolution)
• 50 pc of DVD

25/02/20191 500 000,- HUF- 
2392.3.4 „Debreceni Nagyerdő” gameboard25/02/2019ZÖLD KÖRROHU53Molnár Antal chairman 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, P.O.Box 125 0036 (52) 280 038

A brief description from the activities
Publishment of a gameboard with the title „Discover the natural treasures of the Debreceni Nagyerdő!”, the subtitle is „Natura 2000 adventures in the mistery of the Debreceni Nagyerdő”.
The gameboard is created for the widest age group (9-99 years old) and target groups (pupils, students, teachers, families, friends, etc.) and playfully transmits the basic knowledge about the Debreceni Nagyerdő” , the Natura 2000 ecological network and the wildlife of the Nyírség area’s forests. The custom designed gameboard that consists of a box, a game field and playing cards (questions and tasks in 3 languages (Hungarian, Romanian and English)) is organized around the following key topics:
• The basic concepts of Natura 2000 areas and targets related to this area;
• The discovery of the „Debreceni Nagyerdő”;
• Important species and communities regarding nature conservation considerations;
• Non-native, invasive tree and shrub species;
• Protected natural values;
• Natura 2000 indicator species;
• The "Man and forest, past and present"
• The discovery of the forest park, the area that is valuable from a touristic point of view.

During the game the players (minimum 2, maximum 12 persons) gain broad knowledge from these topics via answering the questions with the aid of a moderator/referee. Additionally, they can learn languages and practice language sklills.
The gameboard also presents awareness-raising interests, facts, and helps to develop creativity and ingenuity. The game shall not placed on the market. The publication will reach the interested people - communities – for free, primarily for entertainment and educational purposes, on the occasion of the jubilee of the „Debreceni Nagyerdő”.

Technical parameters of the gameboard
• Size : 235x340x40 mm (box) 440 x 660 mm (game field), 60 x 90 mm (playing card)
• Elements : 1 box (two-pieces), 1 game field, 90 game cards, 6 pieces of wood figure + dice
• Quantity : 500 pcs (box)
• Printing : 4-color box (1 side) card is 4 + 4 colors (2 sides)

05/03/20191 165 000,- Ft - 
2402.3.5 The presentation of the forests of Nyírség area - educational film25/02/2019ZÖLD KÖRROHU53Molnár Antal chairman 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, P.O.Box 125 0036 (52) 280 038

Brief description from the activity
The presentation of the natural values of the forest of Nyírség - especially the area of „Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek”- in 3 educational films, 20-20 minutes long film sin FullHD quality. The films will be put together as well in a 45-minute long version). The book aims to introduce as many species and habitats affected by the project, as possible via recordings made primarly during the project. The film also presents the practical nature conservation activities and results of the project. The film is narrated in Hungarian and Romanian or English subtitles optionally. The film will be available on DVD and video splitter for the general public, and in local televisions in the target area’s municipalities.

The thematics of the 3, 20-minute films:
• The wildlife of the forests of Nyírség (flora and fauna),
• Man and landscape: the forest of Nyírség area,
• The „Debreceni Nagyerdő”

A short film will be spectacular and informative through these elements:
• Graphical solutions and custom-designed DVD case and disc,
• Narration (Hungarian) and optional subtitles (Romanian and English),
• Reports (experts, local farmers),
• Aerial photographs as well as a special wildlife shots,
• Using our own composed music and effects.

Indicators (quantifiable)
• 3 pieces of film (3 x 20 minutes, FullHD resolution)
• 1 film (45 minutes, FullHD resolution)
• 50 pc of DVD

05/03/20191 500 000,- HUF- 
2412.3.1 The presentation of the forests of Nyírség area - album (book)25/02/2019ZÖLD KÖRROHU53Molnár Antal chairman 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, P.O.Box 125 0036 (52) 280 038

Brief description from the activity
The presentation of the natural values of the forests of Nyírség area - especially the area of „Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek”- in a representative, hardcovered, richly illustrated publication through 160 pages, with selected photographs. The book aims to introduce as many species and habitats affected by the project, as possible. In addition the album let us gain insight to the unique flora and fauna of the forests of Nyírség area, and to the relation of the people and the landscape formed by centuries, as well to the history of the „Debreceni Nagyerdő”, that has become a separate concept. The album presents the areas mostly by photographs and by shorter informative texts (in 3 languages: Romanian, Hungarian and English) as the target area of the project in Hungary.
The album shall not be placed on the market. The copies reach the users for representational purpose. (The determination of the thematics and content structure of the publication will be done int he implementation time of the project - in the project's first accounting period.)

The technical parameters of the album:
• Size : 210 x 210 mm
• Copy number: 1000 copies
• kasirung : 4 pages, 4+0 color CMYK, 0 + 1 matt foil (135 g coated paper, matt paper)
• inside covre page : 4 unprinted (180 g wood-free offset printing paper)
• Inside page : 160, 4+4 color CMYK + 4 (150 g coated paper)
• Bindery : whole paper hardcover cover,with white gable edge, straight spines

05/03/20192 100 000,- Ft- 
2422.3.7 A series of posters presenting the protected values25/02/2019ZÖLD KÖRROHU53Molnár Antal chairman 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, P.O.Box 125 0036 (52) 280 038

Brief description from the activity
The presentation of the natural values of the forests of Nyírség area - especially the area of „Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek”- for awareness-raising purposes, presenting different protected animal and plant species (recognisability and protection facts), consisting of 4 posters.
Every single poster introduces 16-20 species (figures and short descriptions) in Hungarian and English, and Romanian explanation will be available via a QR-code. In addition each poster promotes the Natura 2000 ecological network and through this, nature protection in general.
The posters shall not be placed on the market. These will be available for local governments, conservation organizations, cultural and educational institutions free of charge.

The posters illustrate the following protected values:
(1) protected plants I.,
(2) protected plants II.,
(3) protected butterflies,
(4) protected reptiles and amphibians.

(The list of the presented species will be determined in the implementation time of the project.)

Technical parameters of the poster:
• Size : A / 1
• Quantity : 1200 pieces (4 x 300 copies)
• Spread : 1 page
• Pressure: 4+0 color CMYK (135 g coated printing paper)

05/03/2019890 000,- Ft- 
2432.3.7 A series of posters presenting the protected values25/02/2019ZÖLD KÖRROHU53Molnár Antal chairman 4220 Hajdúböszörmény, P.O.Box 125 0036 (52) 280 038

Brief description from the activity
The presentation of the natural values of the forests of Nyírség area - especially the area of „Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek”- for awareness-raising purposes, presenting different protected animal and plant species (recognisability and protection facts), consisting of 4 posters.
Every single poster introduces 16-20 species (figures and short descriptions) in Hungarian and English, and Romanian explanation will be available via a QR-code. In addition each poster promotes the Natura 2000 ecological network and through this, nature protection in general.
The posters shall not be placed on the market. These will be available for local governments, conservation organizations, cultural and educational institutions free of charge.

The posters illustrate the following protected values:
(1) protected plants I.,
(2) protected plants II.,
(3) protected butterflies,
(4) protected reptiles and amphibians.

(The list of the presented species will be determined in the implementation time of the project.)

Technical parameters of the poster:
• Size : A / 1
• Quantity : 1200 pieces (4 x 300 copies)
• Spread : 1 page
• Pressure: 4+0 color CMYK (135 g coated printing paper)

05/03/2019890 000,- Ft- 
244Nr. 134/25.02.2019-Lucrari de extindere si dotare CENTRU TRANSFRONTALIER DE PREGATIRE INTEGRATA PENTRU INTERVENTII IN SITUATII DE URGENTA (comuna Borș, jud. Bihor)26/02/2019ASOCIAȚIA „SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISS” Oradea, Romania”Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion” (cod proiect ROHU 84, acronim: CROSSRISKS)Telefon: +40.727.714.323 si +40.744.172.255, Email:

Lucrari de extindere si dotare CENTRU TRANSFRONTALIER DE PREGATIRE INTEGRATA PENTRU INTERVENTII IN SITUATII DE URGENTA (comuna Borș, jud. Bihor), in cadrul proiectului ”Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion”, (cod proiect ROHU 84, acronim: CROSSRISKS)

20/03/20191.222.449,40 lei fara TVA 
245428/02/2019Iris Research AssociationROHU-285Claudia Toma, Romania, Arad, 17, Bd Decebal, fl.1, ap. 6, e-mail:, tel: 0040744792968

Procurement of web design services – creation of a professional website for Iris Research Association with a dedicated section for the project “Healthy Traditions - science for next generation” (TSH). Specifications: full CMS standard platform (Wordpress), administration panel and advanced visual editor for content management, configured and updated theme, responsive design, RO-EN interface, photos, videos and text, contact form, social media integration, seo optimisation, Google analytics, GDPR and cookies forms, copyright notice, location of business on map. The contract should include website generation (static sections and information), warranty / maintenance on the contracting period and training.
The TSH section will have RO-HU-EN interface and will be designed in accordance with the Visual Identity Manual of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Program (

06/03/20194755 RON (VAT included)  


05/03/20194740 RON/MONTH 
247ROHU53/T.3.201/03/2019Fundatia pentru Cultura si Educatie Ecologista Ecotop OradeaROHU53Oradea, str.Graurilor nr.5,

- Un studiu de specialitate, realizat de un biolog, care să conțină: speciile de lilieci și păsări din arealul ariei protejate ROSCI0008 Betfia, native și cuibăritoare, modele de adăposturi și cuiburi pentru speciile identificate, conform sortotipurilor, locațiile de amplasare a adăposturilor și cuiburilor;
- Livrarea adăposturilor și cuiburilor conform următoarelor sortotipuri:
- 50 bucăţi adăposturi pentru lilieci, cu funcţiune mixtă (adăpost de zi şi maternitate),
- 300 bucăţi cuiburi mici pentru specii de păsări de talie mică
- 25 bucăţi cuiburi medii/mari pentru specii de păsări de talie medie.

12/03/201921977,36 lei +,
248NA04/03/2019Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-240Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul Vicențiu, 440114 Satu Mare, str. Ștefan cel Mare nr. 9, Koncz Andrea Tel: 0755993311,

Services for elaboration tender documentations for medical equipment.
The ”Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-240 project proposes the purchase of some medical equipment with which the screening activities are going to be implemented (and the accuracy, longevity, and efficiency of which have to be at a very high level).
The Tender Documentation for the Medical Equipment will contain the technical attributes, the forms, and the contract samples on the basis of which the purchase procedure will be launched so that it should be in accordance with the directions referring to acquisitions carried out in the framework of the project, as defined by the Implementation Manual.

11/03/201948.500,00 RON without VAT 
249105/03/2019Revita FoundationROHU-382Prókai Orsolya, 4024 Debrecen, Nap u.25. II/8.,, +3670 322 4856

Terms of reference for external project management services:
- Representing the Project Partner’s interests during the implementation of the initiative in such a way that it best serves the project.
- Supporting the precise management of the project documentation, up-to-date database maintenance.
- Collaboration, liaison with internal project management and other contributors and stakeholders involved in the implementation process.
- Supporting the controlling and monitoring of the project’s progress, its physical and financial implementation and the decision-making process.
- Help monitoring any changes to the application affecting the implementation of the project, making suggestions and holding interventions during the implementation process.
- Offering expert assistance to preparing for the possible amendment of the Subsidy Contract.
- Assistance with the compilation of professional reports, payment claims and amendment notices to be submitted to the Supporter.
- Aiding the financial implementation of the project.
- Participate and represent the Project Partner during the on-site verification checks of the application’s managing authorities.
- Keeping in contact with the First Level Control – FLC organization and the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat – MA/JS.

14/03/20191 904 511 HUFnot relevant 
250NA06/03/2019Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-240Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul Vicențiu, 440114 Satu Mare, str. Ștefan cel Mare nr. 9, Koncz Andrea Tel: 0755993311,

Services for elaborating a Prevention and Screening Methodology
In order to attain the goals proposed by the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-240, it is necessary to elaborate a Prevention and Screening Methodology. In this respect we need a specialist team which has the professional abilities and the proper experience in the field to conceive a complex screening procedure. The aim of this study is to plan an efficient screening scenario, which will reach the target groups that imply the most risks and are expected to give the most results. It will define the methods of selecting the target groups, the ways of carrying out the different types of screening, the material and human resources, and the necessary equipment. The same screening methodology will define the processing and using methods of the statistical data resulting from the screening and diagnosis process.

13/03/2019107.254,00 RON without VAT 
251Acquisition of portable computer (laptop) - 438/201809/10/2018Hortobágy National Park DirectorateROHU-79Ibolya Lajter (E-mail:, Tel: +3630/8940-941)

Procurement of portable computer (laptop).
Minimum technical content:
- display: 15,6" HD, Webcam,
- processor: i5 CPU,
- Memory: 8GB RAM,
- Disk Arrays: 128 Gb vagy 240 GB SSD,
- Wifi,
- battery: min. 4 cell
- Win10/7 Pro operation system
- bag
- 3 years garancy

19/10/2018442000 HUF (included VAT) (1366 EUR)  
252112/03/2019Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg CountyROHU-370Katalin Nagyné Varga (4400, Nyíregyháza Széchenyi utca 2.;

Terms of reference for external project management services:
- Representing the Client’s interests during the implementation of the project in such a way that it best serves the project.
- Designing and implementing the project administration and registration system and developing internal procedures. Precise management of the project documentation, up-to-date database maintenance.
- Collaboration, liaison with internal project management and other contributors and stakeholders involved in the implementation process.
- Controlling and monitoring the progress of the project, its physical and financial implementation and preparing the decision-making process.
- Reviewing the contracts to be signed for the implementation of the project in terms of tender compliance.
- Project-specific management of potential substitute technical solutions.
- Monitoring any changes to the application affecting the implementation of the project, making suggestions and holding interventions during the implementation process.
- Offering expert assistance to preparing for the possible amendment of the Subsidy Contract.
- The compilation of professional reports, payment claims and amendment notices to be submitted to the Supporter.
- Aiding the financial implementation of the project, payment tracking, preparing the final financial accounting, the final payment claims and the final report.
- Assistance with the distribution of information and the publicity in the project, complying with the requirements of the “VISUAL IDENTITY MANUAL for the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme” document.
- Participate and represent the Client during the on-site verification checks of the application’s managing authorities.
- Keeping in contact with the First Level Control – FLC organization and the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat – MA/JS, representing the Lead Partner/project association.
- Providing the requested data on the implementation of the project to the Client, the organizations named by him and the FLC/MA/JS.
The organizations invited to bid are:
- Innomat ’95 Kft.
- Prominent Kommunikációs Bt.
- RutinSoft Kft.

2537184/ 47/07.03.201912/03/2019ASOCIAȚIA CRESTROHU - 277Asociația CREST, Alexandru Odobescu Street no.48, Satu Mare, Satu Mare county, România E-mail: Telefon: 0261-877770, 0261-877771,

63510000-7 Travel agency and similar services consisting in the following:
Package containing accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee brakes, training room and equipment for the organization in Satu Mare of the ”Training the partners personnel in life skill development programs” course. The services include: accommodation (breakfast included) for 6 persons during 4 nights; dinner for 6 persons during 4 evenings; lunch for 12 persons during 5 days; 2 coffee brakes per day for 12 persons during 5 days; training room with adequate training equipment during 5 days.

19/03/201912.785,71 lei including VAT
25456-1-34/201912/03/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-7Papp László;

Providing equipment for Tourist Info Point as follows:
- Curved press display (1 piece)
in portable case with halogen lights, at least 2 m high, with self-locating ‘smart’ magnetic locking arms
The press display must be delivered to the headquarters of the Beneficiary

25556-1-35/201912/03/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-7Papp László;

Producing and broadcasting radio spots for the media campaign of the ROHU7 project as follows:

- producing 8 radio spots (50 seconds each) until 29.02.2020 by recording texts written by the Beneficiary

- broadcasting each radio spots 10 times (a total of 80 broadcast until 29.02.2020) - broadcast scheduling defined by Beneficiary

Expectations for the bidder:
the bid, related to the current procurement, must be accompanied by the declaration of the person authorised to represent the bidder company on the following:
- number of residents in the broadcasting area of radio/radios to be used for ROHU7 communication
- audience size of the radio/radios to be used for ROHU7 communication

25656-1-36/201912/03/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-7Papp László;

Providing online and print advertising space for the media campaign of the ROHU7 project as follows:

- providing online advertising space 12 times until 29.02.2020 for articles written and designed by the Beneficiary

- keeping the articles for at least 3 days on the main page of the providers website

- providing print advertising space until 29.02.2020 for one article written and designed by the Beneficiary in a print newspaper

- bidder must demonstrate with justification that the average number of visits per day of the website to be used for ROHU7 communication is at least 10.000

- bidder must demonstrate with justification that the newspaper to be used for ROHU7 communication is distributed in at least 20% of municipalities of Békés county

25740/201912/03/2019Nyírbátori Református EgyházközségROHU-256Fazakas Ferenc Sándor, 4300, Nyírbátor, HU, Egyház u. 1, Tel: +36302727882,

Indoor team building activities for 50 volunteers, organizers of the youth camps within the ROHU256 project.

Service providers will provide all services necessary for the smooth organization of the training activity, including trainers, equipment and meals/coffee breaks, etc.

Estimated date of the event: March, 2019.

22/03/20192500 EUR 
2585727/15.03.201915/03/2019ASOCIATIA PESCARILOR SPORTIVI AQUA CRISIUSROHU-53Andrei Togor, Oradea, str. Szigligeti Ede nr. 1, Oradea, Mihai Eminescu nr. 15, tel: 0359- 416011, e-mail: ,

Services for elaboration of the "Survey on invasive and problematic plants and the development of preventive and control measures" necessary for the implementation of the ROHU53 project "Conservation and protection of the cross-border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar county".
The activity will take place in ROSCI098 Petea and Petea Nature Reserve. The activity consists in identifying and mapping the problematic and invasive species from the Natura 2000 Petea site, defining the preventive measures for their management and control, in correlation with the measures proposed in the approved Management Plan (activity 1.2.11 as first priority, mandatory to be implemented). The study will also highlight when to remove invasive species, which is the optimal stage in which plants must be removed with the utmost ease.
The estimated area on which the study will be conducted is 4 hectares.

External services will be contracted, a specialized company will carry out work with experts and experience in researching invasive species to be eliminated. The contractor will develop a comprehensive study that will be used to put into practice the results of the study, i.e. the elimination of invasive plants.
The duration of the service will be about 4-5 months of activity.

The proposed team will include at least a specialist expert in the inventory and mapping of invasive and alohtone plant species and as many auxiliary staff as possible for assistance, data entry, on-site visits and handling of equipment. The financial offer will include the full cost of carrying out the activity: necessary personnel in the field, auxiliary staff, field trips, machinery, equipment, consumables, transportation, dissemination, etc. all the costs necessary for the services rendering.

The deadline for submission of the study is 31.07.2019.
- 1 report & study on invasive and problematic species from ROSCI098 Petea and Petea Nature Reserve containing at least the following information:
- the list of species identified
- the location of the identified species (their mapping) and the description of the areas where they have been identified
- an action plan that will be the basis for another activity in the project - elimination of the problematic and invasive species.

22/03/201931222,18 lei without VAT
25952/14.03.2019.14/03/2019Kécenlét AssociationROHU256Asociația Kécenlét, 415301 Cheț, nr. 118, jud. Bihor, Romania +40748143853 | +40359804975

Event tents for the implementation of the Cross-border youth community (ROHU-256) project - 2 pcs.

Dimensions: 8 x 20m
H: 2,60m/4,00m
Entrance: 6,00m x 2,60m

100% galvanized steel structure, Canvas: PVC of 550g / m2

Please see further details in the Bidding documentation.

25/03/201939306.40 lei 
260516/03/2019Esélyt a Szórványnak AlapítványROHU-348Kása Zsolt, 5668 Nagybánhegyes, Kinizsi utca 3,, 0040-721-265979

Landscaping - rehabilitation of the inner yard (540 m2): demolition work (annexes and concrete sidewalk), waste removal (building and vegetable waste), straightening the soil, grassing.
Small renovation work: changing windows and inner painting

29/03/20194.980.888 (VAT included) HUF,
261RENDEZVÉNY/ROHU180/2019/2.18/03/2019Szent Gellért Társaság a külhoni magyarság támogatásáért Egyesület / St Gellert Association for the support of abroad HungariansROHU-180Berényi Hermina, Móricz Zsigmond u. 4.,, +36 212006433

Providing the conditions for a 3-day professional training, obtaining a metamorphosis drug prevention exhibition, organizing a 12-day self-knowledge camp, club evenings and the project closing conference.

22/03/20198.336.876,50 (VAT included) HUFényszervezés_-Ajánlatkérés.docx,ényszervezés_Ajánlatminta.docx,írás.pdf
2625736/21.03.2019 21/03/2019APS Aqua CrisiusROHU29Aqua Crisius, Szigligeti Ede Street no 1,, 0359416011

Studiu de fezabilitate în vederea realizării obiectivului de investiție “CENTRU DE CONSERVARE EX SITU ȘI ÎNMULȚIRE A SPECIILOR PROTEJATE”, în cadrul proiectului ROHU 29 ”Conservation and protection of ecosystems endangered by lack of thermal and freshwater in crossborder area”, selected under Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary

263225/03/2019Revita FoundationROHU-382Prókai Orsolya, 4024 Debrecen, Nap u.25. II/8.,, +3670 322 4856

The elaboration of the following documents in the framework of the ROHU382 "Youth Entrepreneurship Support" project:
1. Baseline report + Integrated development strategy
1.1. The Baseline report is about the four counties (Hajdú-Bihar, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Bihor and Satu Mare) of the project area – the subject of this procurement process is the preparation of the baseline report for the Hungarian counties and the editorial compilation of the final document. The county-level analyses will cover the lack of entrepreneurial knowledge/skills and its impact on unemployment: what is the current state of affairs (supported by statistical data), what are the reasons behind the situation and what are the solutions/policy recommendations offered by the relevant authorities and stakeholders. The finished report will serve as a comparative tool: it will clearly show the strengths (opportunities) and weaknesses (possible intervention areas) of the individual counties, which can open the way for future cooperation along problematic areas. The document will be prepared in English.
1.2. The Integrated development strategy is based on the Baseline report, and has to cover at least the following topics:
1.2.1. Introduction
1.2.2. Joint Vision
1.2.3. The Way Forward – objectives and action plans
1.2.4. The Institutional System of Implementation – implementation plan
The document will be prepared in English.
2. Bootcamp script + Practical guide to entrepreneurship training
2.1. The Bootcamp script is a detailed implementation guide for a 3-day simulation-based intensive training camp – it will contain every task from preparing the equipment through managing the training exercises to leaving the location. The aim of the Bootcamp is to facilitate the development of a business plan among the participating students in a group setting. The document will be prepared in Hungarian and English.
2.2. The Practical guide to entrepreneurship training is a methodological document which will be used to train teachers during the project – it will help them to learn the tools/methods of effective entrepreneurship training and contain a shortened (1-day) version of the Bootcamp script which can be used in their daily educational activities. The document will be prepared in Hungarian and English.
3. Final evaluation and dissemination report
The Final evaluation and dissemination report will examine the implementation process and determine whether it unfolded as planned. The report will conclude with a summative impact evaluation: the net effects of the initiative on the target groups, the possible targeted actions the project partners can make to ensure its sustainability and professional recommendations for future cooperation. The document will be prepared in English.

The organizations invited to bid are:
- EDC Debrecen Város- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Központ NKFT.
- HBH Stratégiai és Fejlesztési Kft.
- Inno-Skill Fejlesztési Kft.

26465/25.03.201926/03/2019Asociația KécenlétROHU-256Mike Pál Attila, Asociația Kécenlét 415301 Cheț, nr. 118, jud. Bihor, Romania +40748143853 | +40359804975

Minimum technical parameters:

Folding table with powder-coated steel structure and high density polyethylene table top - 50 pcs.
L 182,88 x W 75,25 x H 74,30 cm
Leg tube: 1 1/8" x 1.0 mm // 28.57 x 1.0 mm
Support Tube: 15 x 35 x 1.0 mm
Upper Cross Bar: 0,875" x 1,00 mm - 22,225 x 1,00 mm
Cross Bar: 0,875" x 1,00 mm - 22,225 x 1,00 mm
Central connection tube: Ø18 x 1,4 mm
HDPE Table Top: 45 mm (TH)

Folding Bench - 100 pcs.
Top: 40mm T
Bench Frame: 1-1/8” x 1.4mm
Oval Tube: 1.5mm x 15mm x 30mm
Square Frame: 19mm x 19mm x 1.20mm
Leg Tube:1-1/8”x1.4mm
Minimum weight item can withstand: 300 kg

01/04/201944234 RON 
2655756/26.03.201928/03/2019APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU-53Andrei Togor, Oradea, str. Szigligeti Ede nr. 1, Oradea, Mihai Eminescu nr. 15, tel: 0359- 416011, e-mail: ,

"Services for awareness and information activities" for the Aqua Crisius Sports Fishermen Association within ROHU53 "consisting of specific services for drawing up, printing, dissemination and distribution of informative / advertising materials: 500 pieces Valea Iadului albums, 500 pcs. maps, 500 pcs. inscriptioned bags, 1 pc. documentary film and organization 2 pieces event "Carpathian Lilac Day" 2019 edition and 2020 edition.
The bidder is responsible for editorial services: collecting data, information, photographs, stylizing, editing, paging, proofreading, creating concept and design, finishing, printing, delivering to the beneficiary, with supervising from APS AQUA CRISIUS.
Educational and information materials will be distributed by the provider in the activities of the APS AQUA CRISIUS partner and also by the other project partners to enhance the knowledge and information of target groups on rules, regulations, prohibitions, conservation and conservation measures.
The provider will draw up the documents and perform the required diligence for event organizing services of the Carpathian Lilac days as described in the terms of reference of the aquisition.
All the informative / advertising materials drawn up and those related to the organization of the events will observe the visibility and communication measures imposed by the financing program, obligatory the provider will comply with the requirements and conditions of the project implementation manual and the Visual Identity Manual of the program, , colors, compulsory visual identity elements, and other such rules imposed by the financier.

04/04/201970.249,92 ron without VAT
2666/201929/03/2019Episcopia Romano-Catolica Oradea (Roman-Catholic Diocese of Oradea, Varadi Romai Katolikus Puspokseg)ROHU-35410161 ORADEA, Str. Șirul Canonicilor nr. 2. jud. Bihor contact person: MATUZ Zsolt, project coordinator e-mail: tel: +40-259/411.180

The main objective of the investment is protecting and improving the Baroque Dendrological Park, to support the urban systems both from a social and an ecological point of view, contributing to the fulfillment of the cognitive, aesthetic, relaxation, recreation needs of people, providing them a perfect natural framework to clear their mind and put their things in order and give them the rest they need.
The object of procurement is execution of the works of conservation, safeguarding and improving the accessibility of Baroque Palace Dendrological Park: landscaping, protection of dendrological heritage, rehabilitation of the paths and the outdoor amphitheater, provision of access conditions for people with different disabilities, purchase and installation of urban furniture.
For further information, please find the attached procurement documentation.
Some parts of the technical project exceed the required limits and can not be posted on this site. This can be downloaded from The technical draft in the printed version can be consulted at the headquarters of the contracting institution on each working day, between 8.00-16.00, following a programming announcement, through the contact person Matuz Zsolt. At the same time, the high-resolution electronic version can be obtained.

12/04/20192.725.518,83 RON,,,,
26784/01.04.201901/04/2019Asociația KécenlétROHU-256Mike Pál Attila, Asociația Kécenlét 415301 Cheț, nr. 118, jud. Bihor, Romania +40748143853 | +40359804975

1. Wireless In Ear System UHF bodypack receiver, 9.5" transmitter, and earphones + rack kit (20 channel banks, 25 to 15000 hz frequency response frequency range band: 626-688 Mhz) - 4 pcs.
2. In ear headphone + case - 4 pcs.
3. Pocket transmitter for guitar and bass Metal pocket transmitter with 4pole TQG connection: 120 dB dynamic range, 22 compatible channels, metal receiver, H51 frequency band (534-598 Mhz), mounting rack - 1 pcs.
4. Mono DI BOX Instrumental mono DI DI-BOX, 1:10, 15-30000 Hz with connectors - 5 pcs.
5. Stereo DI BOX Instrumental stereo DI dual DI-BOX, 1:10 with connectors - 3 pcs.
6. 4 channel headphone amplifier - 1 pcs.
7. Stereo cable 3 meter long: 3,5mm/Jack3, 2*6,36/Jack2 connectors -1 pcs.
8. Rack for wireless In Ear Systems 55x80,5x63,5 cm of birch plywood, with 45 cm installation depth - 1 pcs.
9. Rack for cables 102,5x58x52,5 cm of birch plywood: 3 internal pockets - 1 pcs.
10. protective cover for subwoofer - 2 pcs.
11. protective cover for speaker - 2 pcs.
12. Distance rod for speakers steel tube with m20 threaded bolts, adjustable height from 905 to 1450 mm, load bearing capacity up to 35 kg - 2 pcs.
13. Speaker stand set 2x speaker stands and carry bag (aluminium, 35 mm tube diameter) - 1 pcs.
14. Case for 16 microphones and stands, foam padding, 58,5x58,5x150,8 cm - 1 pcs.

05/04/201936019 RON 
26880/01.04.201901/04/2019ROHU-256Mike Pál Attila, Asociația Kécenlét 415301 Cheț, nr. 118, jud. Bihor, Romania +40748143853 | +40359804975

Promotional materials:

1. bilingual posters min. A3, 297 x 420 mm, polychromic 50 pcs.
2. Personalized T-Shirts / Project and Event Logos, Sizes: S-XL, material: cotton, 300 pcs.
3. Program logo stickers 4 pcs .: 90 mm x 50 mm, 6 pieces: 100 mm x 100 mm
4. banner with grip system: min. 2 - max. 6 sqm / pcs. 2
5. roll-up 2x1 m 1
6. event stickers: diameter minimum 5 cm 300 pcs.
7. personalized pens 300 pcs.
8. plastic badges with inscribed cardboard 300 pcs.
9. cards, min. 10x15 300 pcs.
10. water thermos: volume 0.5 L, material: metal, dishwasher safe, with personalization with project / event logos and Program 300 pcs.

08/04/201922812 RON 
269Achiziționarea echipamentelor utilizate la exerciții pompieristice și echipamente de prim ajutor01/04/2019Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în Româ

Achiziționarea echipamentelor utilizate la exerciții pompieristice și echipamente de prim ajutor în cadrul proiectului ”Dezvoltarea în comun a capacității voluntare de intervenție în caz de urgență și de gestionare a dezastrelor în zona de frontieră eligibilă” - ROHU-10.

Echipamente utilizate la exerciții pompieristice: 195.504,00 Ron fără TVA
Echipamente de prim ajutor: 55.713,00 Ron fără TVA

Coduri CPV:
- 35811100-3 Uniforme de pompieri
- 35111100-6 Aparat de respirat pentru intervențiile în caz de incendiu Breathing apparatus for firefighting
- 35111510-3 Unelte manuale pentru stingerea incendiilor
- 35112100-3 Manechine de antrenament pentru urgențe

11/04/2019251.217,00 RonSICAP 
270Transport services regarding Natura2000 working groups02/04/2019Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-14Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

The task of the bidder is to transport the members of the working groups (up to 8 persons) with a microbus (by providing a driver) 4 times in Békéscsaba-Nagyvárad during the project implementation period (until 31 August 2020).

05/04/2019200,000 HUF 

Construction of a Career Guidance and Professional Training Center in Oradea

05/04/2019134770 RON 
272EKR000451592019 Thematic walking path 08/04/2019Szent István Egyetem Szarvasi ArborétumROHU-35Szent István Egyetem Szarvasi Arborétum; 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary; +36 28 522 000;

Constructing a thematic walking path following from the main entrance to the Hollow Ambush, by the reconstrucion of an already existing pathway. This new path will be a paved, strong walking way (adapting its width to bigger vehicles, as the maintanace works of the garden happens through the use of this way). Its cover is simple concrete, passable for bycicles, rollers, and trolleys, and gardening vehicles. Paintings will facilitate the transport of people visually impaired. This is 6160 m2, 2800 m long.

273195 / 10.04.2019 - Services for organizing starting conference and workshops in the framework of the project "Cluster for Geography, Heritage and Sustainable Development in Bihor - Hajdu Bihar Crossborder Area - GEOCLUSTERBHB", project code ROHU-16210/04/2019Bihor Destination Management Agency (Agenția de Management al Destinației Bihor)ROHU-162Razvan Dumbrava, Project Manager,, 0040722348825

One starting conference and 3 (three) workshops (4 events) will be organized between April and September 2019. Each of these events will be organized for up to 50 people. Please check the ”Technical specifications” (Specificații tehnice) for all the details.

17/04/201947.906,22 lei 
274581312/04/2019Aqua CrisiusROHU-29Andrei Togor, Oradea, Szigligeti Ede Street no 1,, 0359416011

”Campanie de curățare a ariei naturale protejate”

Igienizarea malurilor pâraielor Peţea şi Hidişel, al albiei Pârâului Peţea, în zăvoiul de luncă, respectiv în aria împrejmuită;

Campania trebuie să implice 30 de oameni (dintre care 20 de voluntari și 10 oameni plătiți).

Activitatea trebuie să se desfășoare pe o perioadă de 3 zile în cadrul duratei de valabilitate a contractului.
Colectarea şi transportul deşeurilor să se facă conform legislaţiei specifice în vigoare, fiind interzisă depozitarea, abandonarea deşeurilor de orice fel pe teritoriul ariei protejate.

19/04/201917.996,60 lei fără TVAție-curățenie.pdf,ățenie.pdf,ățenie.docx
275406/6515/04/2019Békés Megyéért Vállalkozásfejleztési AlapítványROHU406Zsolt Szász, 5600 Gyulai út 1.,, +36-66-442-520

database expert/projekt adatbázis szakértői feladatainak ellátása

276Nr. 1799/ 15.04.2019 Furnizare scena evenimente cu instalatie de soronizare si lumini in cadrul proiectului “Crossborder events for crossborder citizens”15/04/2019COMUNA TOBOLIUROHU-200COMUNA TOBOLIU, Str. Principala, Nr.149, Judetul Bihor; e-mail:; Calarasu Arabela; tel: 0743541059

Furnizare scena evenimente cu instalatie de soronizare si lumini in cadrul proiectului: ROHU- 200, “Crossborder events for crossborder citizens”, care se va implementa în parteneriat cu Primăria Girișu de Criș, Primăria Nojorid din România și cu Primăria Körösnagyharsány, din Ungaria, Axa prioritară 6 Promovarea cooperării transfrontaliere între instituţii şi cetăţeni (Cooperarea instituțiilor și comunităților), Prioritatea de investiţii 11/b: Consolidarea capacităţii instituţionale a autorităţilor publice și a părţilor interesate şi o administraţie publică eficientă prin promovarea cooperării juridice şi administrative şi a cooperării între cetăţeni şi instituţii,

17/04/201983.000,00 LEI
277Nr. 1799/ 15.04.2019 Furnizare scena evenimente cu instalatie de soronizare si lumini in cadrul proiectului “Crossborder events for crossborder citizens”15/04/2019COMUNA TOBOLIUROHU-200COMUNA TOBOLIU, Str. Principala, Nr.149, Judetul Bihor; e-mail:; Calarasu Arabela; tel: 0743541059

Furnizare scena evenimente cu instalatie de soronizare si lumini in cadrul proiectului: ROHU- 200, “Crossborder events for crossborder citizens”, care se va implementa în parteneriat cu Primăria Girișu de Criș, Primăria Nojorid din România și cu Primăria Körösnagyharsány, din Ungaria, Axa prioritară 6 Promovarea cooperării transfrontaliere între instituţii şi cetăţeni (Cooperarea instituțiilor și comunităților), Prioritatea de investiţii 11/b: Consolidarea capacităţii instituţionale a autorităţilor publice și a părţilor interesate şi o administraţie publică eficientă prin promovarea cooperării juridice şi administrative şi a cooperării între cetăţeni şi instituţii,

17/04/201983.000,00 LEI
278406/6617/04/2019Békés Megyéért Vállalkozásfejleztési AlapítványROHU406Szász Zsolt 5600 Békéscsaba Gyulai út 1.

Legal service

24/04/20192 700 000 
279Nr.2521/ 19.04.2019; Servicii de furnizare prin achizitionarea a 3 casute de lemn in cadrul proiectului ,,Crossborder events for crossborder citizens”- acronim CCC, code e-MS ROHU 200;19/04/2019COMUNA GIRISU DE CRISROHU-200COMUNA GIRISU DE CRIS, Str. Principala, Nr.235, Bihor; Manager de proiect: Dorner Maria; 0259390835

Servicii de furnizare prin achizitionarea a 3 casute de lemn in cadrul proiectului ,,Crossborder events for crossborder citizens”- acronim CCC, code e-MS ROHU 200, proiect finanțat prin Programul Interreg V-A România-Ungaria, 2014 - 2020, Axa prioritară 6 Promovarea cooperării transfrontaliere între instituţii şi cetăţeni (Cooperarea instituțiilor și comunităților), Prioritatea de investiţii 11/b: Consolidarea capacităţii instituţionale a autorităţilor publice și a părţilor interesate şi o administraţie publică eficientă prin promovarea cooperării juridice şi administrative şi a cooperării între cetăţeni şi instituţii.
Achiziția se va face prin ”achizitie directă” din catalogul SICAP.

23/04/201923.994,47 LEI FARA TVA 
280Nr. 3301; Servicii de furnizare prin achizitionarea a 3 casute de lemn in cadrul proiectului ,,Crossborder events for crossborder citizens”- acronim CCC, code e-MS ROHU 20019/04/2019Comuna NojoridROHU - 200Comuna Nojorid, Str.Principala, Nr.102A; Bojorid Bihor; Manager de proiect; Avrigeanu Mihai Alexandru; 0259393194

Servicii de furnizare prin achizitionarea a 3 casute de lemn in cadrul proiectului ,,Crossborder events for crossborder citizens”- acronim CCC, code e-MS ROHU 200, proiect finanțat prin Programul Interreg V-A România-Ungaria, 2014 - 2020, Axa prioritară 6 Promovarea cooperării transfrontaliere între instituţii şi cetăţeni (Cooperarea instituțiilor și comunităților), Prioritatea de investiţii 11/b: Consolidarea capacităţii instituţionale a autorităţilor publice și a părţilor interesate şi o administraţie publică eficientă prin promovarea cooperării juridice şi administrative şi a cooperării între cetăţeni şi instituţii.
Achiziția se va face prin ”achizitie directă” din catalogul SICAP.

23/04/201923.995,47 LEI FARA TVA 
281519/04/2019Iris Research AssociationROHU-285Claudia Toma, Romania, Arad, 17, Bd Decebal, fl.1, ap. 6, e-mail:, tel: 0040744792968

Procurement of web design services – creation of a professional website for Iris Research Association with a dedicated section for the project “Healthy Traditions - science for next generation” (TSH). Specifications: full CMS standard platform (Wordpress), administration panel and advanced visual editor for content management, configured and updated theme, responsive design, RO-EN interface, photos, videos and text, contact form, social media integration, seo optimisation, Google analytics, GDPR and cookies forms, copyright notice, location of business on map. The contract should include website generation (static sections and information), warranty / maintenance on the contracting period and training.
The TSH section will have RO-HU-EN interface and will be designed in accordance with the Visual Identity Manual of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Program (

24/04/20194755 RON (VAT included)  
282Nr.2592/23.04.2019 "1.Servicii organizare conferință deschidere proiect – inclusiv conferință de presă; 2.servicii realizare materiale de promovare și vizibilitate in cadrul proiectului: ”Crossborder events for crossborder citizens”- acronim CCC, cod e-MS ROHU 20023/04/2019COMUNA GIRISU DE CRISROHU-200COMUNA GIRISU DE CRIS, Str. Principala, Nr.235, Bihor; Manager de proiect: Dorner Maria; 0259390835

1.servicii organizare conferință deschidere proiect – inclusiv conferință de presă : 2.799,49 LEI FARA TVA;
2. Servicii realizare materiale de promovare și vizibilitate: 3.999,26 LEI FARA TVA;
In cadrul proiectului :”Crossborder events for crossborder citizens”- acronim CCC, cod e-MS ROHU 200 finanțat prin Programul Interreg V-A România-Ungaria, 2014 - 2020, Axa prioritară 6 Promovarea cooperării transfrontaliere între instituţii şi cetăţeni (Cooperarea instituțiilor și comunităților), Prioritatea de investiţii 11/b: Consolidarea capacităţii instituţionale a autorităţilor publice și a părţilor interesate şi o administraţie publică eficientă prin promovarea cooperării juridice şi administrative şi a cooperării între cetăţeni şi instituţii

25/04/20196.798,75 LEI FARA TVA 
283Nr. 78 / 22.04.2019 Achizitie pachet material lemnos, materiale spatii verzi, dulapuri pentru seminte24/04/2019Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-218Arad, str. Suceava nr. 18, email, tel 0257210192, fax 0257210192

Furnizare pachet material lemnos, materiale spatii verzi, dulapuri pentru seminte, conform detaliilor din caietul de sarcini

03/05/201931189 Lei fara TVA 
284Nr. 78 / 22.04.2019 Purchase of wood material package, green space materials, seed cabinets24/04/2019Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-218Arad, str. Suceava nr. 18, email, tel 0257210192, fax 0257210192

Delivery of wood material package, green space materials, seed cabinets, according to the details of the specifications

03/05/201931189 Lei without VAT 
285Quote request on equipment acquisition for the travelling exhibition25/04/2019Békés Megyei Önkormányzat /Békés County Government/ROHU-204Békés Megyei Önkormányzat (Address: 5600 Békéscsaba, Árpád sor 18., E-mail:

Equipment acquisition for the travelling exhibition within the project " Shared problems, joint solutions - improving cooperation between Arad and Bekes public administration (WorkMix)" (ROHU-204)

Contract terms
Purchase of the necessary equipment for the travelling exhibition:
• materials for county collection of values,
• installation equipment (mobile exhibitor counter, roll up, banner),
• other equipment (for example: beachflag, show-case/exhibition case, giant puzzle game, giant cube game).

02/05/20191.551.321 HUF 
286Quote request on conception and creation of „travelling exhibition” / exhibition of Hungarian values /25/04/2019Békés Megyei Önkormányzat /Békés County Government/ROHU-204Békés Megyei Önkormányzat (Address: 5600 Békéscsaba, Árpád sor 18., E-mail:

Conception and creation of „travelling exhibition” within the project " Shared problems, joint solutions - improving cooperation between Arad and Bekes public administration (WorkMix)" (ROHU-204)

The goal of the exhibition is to promote and present the Békés county collection of values in order to preserve the cultural heritage, the intellectual and material works, the manmade and natural values of the county.

Contract terms: conception and creation of the imaginative part of the exhibition filled with modern technologies, creative eye candies, such as augmented reality, transparent display, visual communication technics, etc.

Main parts of this implementation: conceptional creative, development and production of the content.

02/05/20197 351 182.45 HUF 
287325/04/2019Organization of Slovaks from

Equipments: 50 sets of tables and benches, 1 mobile tent for events IT equipments: 1 photo camera, 1 mobile microphone with amplifier, 1 color printer, 1 videoprojector screen

288406/6725/04/2019Békés Megyéért Vállalkozásfejleztési AlapítványROHU406Zsolt Szász, 5600 Gyulai út 1.,, +36-66-442-520

nyitó rendezvény szervezése/organisation of the opening event

30/04/2019960 000 
289ROHU-22/date: 25.04.201930/04/2019Érmelléki Folk-High School ROHU-162Erdei Gábor; HU, MAGYARORSZÁG, 4281 Létavértes, Széchenyi u. 71 2, I/4;; 00 36 30 4759639

1. Rendezvényszervezés: 1 darab nyitókonferencia megvalósítása az ajánlatkérő által megjelölt időpontban, amely magában foglalja:
• helyszín biztosítása – terembérlet
• étkezés – ebéd biztosítása 50 főre
• szinkron tolmácsolási rendszer biztosítása
• szinkron tolmácsolás biztosítása
• catering szolgálatás a rendezvény szüneteiben 50 főre

2. Rendezvényszervezés: 3 darab workshop megvalósítása az ajánlatkérő által megjelölt időpontokban, amely magában foglalja:
• helyszín biztosítása – terembérlet
• étkezés – ebéd biztosítása 50 főre
• szinkron tolmácsolási rendszer biztosítása
• szinkron tolmácsolás biztosítása
• catering szolgálatás a rendezvény szüneteiben 50 főre

3. Rendezvényszervezés: 1 darab kerekasztal beszélgetés megvalósítása az ajánlatkérő által megjelölt időpontokban, amely magában foglalja:
• helyszín biztosítása – terembérlet
• étkezés – ebéd biztosítása 20 főre
• szinkron tolmácsolási rendszer biztosítása
• szinkron tolmácsolás biztosítása
• catering szolgálatás a rendezvény szüneteiben 20 főre

4. Rendezvényszervezés: 1 darab zárókonferencia megvalósítása az ajánlatkérő által megjelölt időpontban, amely magában foglalja:
• helyszín biztosítása – terembérlet
• étkezés – ebéd biztosítása 50 főre
• szinkron tolmácsolási rendszer biztosítása
• szinkron tolmácsolás biztosítása
• catering szolgálatás a rendezvény szüneteiben 50 főre
5. Rendezvényszervezés: 1 darab kettő napos terepmunkához kapcsolódó feladatok ellátása az ajánlatkérő által megjelölt időpontokban, amely magában foglalja:
• utazás biztosítása 30 főre
• étkezés – ebéd biztosítása 30 főre
• szállás biztosítása a külföldi résztvevők részére
• catering szolgálatás a rendezvény szüneteiben 30 főre

6. Rendezvényszervezés: 2 darab szakmai út Bihor megyébe (RO) szervezéséhez kapcsolódó feladatok ellátása az ajánlatkérő által megjelölt időpontokban, amely magában foglalja:
• utazás biztosítása 30 főre
• étkezés – ebéd biztosítása 30 főre
• catering szolgálatás a rendezvény szüneteiben 30 főre

08/04/201921.500 EURánlatkérő-és-ajánlat-minta-rendezvények.pdf
290606/05/2019Iris Research AssociationROHU-285Claudia Toma, Romania, Arad, 17, Bd Decebal, fl.1, ap. 6, e-mail:, tel: 0040744792968

Procurement of accommodation services in Gyula (Békés), Hungary for 40 participants for 1 night: 31 May – 1 June 2019.

09/05/201930 euro / night / person  
291276 / 06.05.2019 - Services for organizing starting conference and workshops in the framework of the project "Cluster for Geography, Heritage and Sustainable Development in Bihor - Hajdu Bihar Crossborder Area - GEOCLUSTERBHB", project code ROHU-16206/05/2019Bihor Destination Management Agency (Agenția de Management al Destinației Bihor)ROHU-162Razvan Dumbrava, Project Manager,,, tel: 0040722348825

One starting conference and 3 (three) workshops (4 events) will be organized between May and September 2019. Each of these events will be organized for up to 50 people. Please check the ”Technical specifications” (Specificații tehnice) for all the details. Download all the necessary documentation at:

13/05/201947.906,22 lei 
292Servicii de consultanță în cercetare și în dezvoltare, pentru elaborarea strategiei integrată de dezvoltare în cadrul proiectului ROHU-38208/05/2019Ascoiația Pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în RomâniaROHU-382Costuț Sorina, jud. Bihor, Oradea, str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 25A, 0754266576

Servicii de consultanță în cercetare și în dezvoltare, pentru elaborarea strategiei integrată de dezvoltare în cadrul proiectului ROHU-382.
Ofertantul va avea următoarele responsabilități:
- Furnizarea strategiei integrată de ocupare a forței de muncă (inclusiv planurile de acțiune) prin identificarea potențialului endogen și a nevoilor de dezvoltarea a infrastructurii pentru a crește ocuparea forței de muncă (bazat pe raportul de referință), cu accent pe auto-angajare și antreprenoriat.
- Să asigure disponibilitatea expertului/experților și a meterialelor tehnice în perioada contractuală în limitele programului normal de lucru.
- Expertul/ experții își vor desfășura activitatea împreună cu responsabilii achizitorului.
- Să asigure resurse umane calificate şi familiarizate cu sarcinile primite, asigurându-se în permanenţă de disponibilitatea resurselor corespunzătoare pe perioada contractului.
- Să asigure transparență şi să atenţioneze din timp, asupra oricărui element care poate să pericliteze respectarea graficului activităţilor şi livrabilelor stabilite prin contract.

20/05/20198.000 euro TVA inclus 


- Organizarea a 4 conferințe de presă + 2 anunțuri de presă - publicare
- 1000 de broșuri/pliante de promovare a proiectului, A4, (machetare, tipărire, biguire, livrare)
- 1 bucată material multimedia format html/web, trilingv (română, maghiară, engleză); concepţie grafică, suport de date (ştiri şi noutăţi despre proiect, descrierea activităților partenerilor – despre parteneri, descrierea generală proiectului – despre proiect, activităţi, evenimente, Galerie foto, galerie video, Despre cursuri – formular de înscriere pentru acestea, aplicat online, contact), implementare pagina, optimizare pentru vizualizarea în cele mai utilizate browsere
- 3 panouri temporare 3/15 m (confecționare, montare)
- 150 bucăți autocolante 10/10 cm, 250 bucăți autocolante 9/5
- 6 bucăți panou definitiv (placă comemorativă), 84,1/59,4 cm (confecționare)
- 6 bucăți banner roll-up dublu de 85x200cm (LxH) personalizat

20/05/201959962,17 lei fara TVA 

Atribuirii serviciului de elaborare a unei “Strategii de management integrat pentru creșterea atractivității destinațiilor județului Bihor și Hajdu Bihar printr-o mai bună formare și specializare a resurselor umane din turism si domeniile sinergetice”, pentru proiectul RoHu 398, ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim ForTour BHHB), Cod CPV 79400000-8 Consultanta in afaceri si in management si servicii conexe.

Cerinţe minime privind cuprinsul Strategiei de management integrat pentru creșterea atractivității destinațiilor județului Bihor și Hajdu Bihar printr-o mai bună formare și specializare a resurselor umane din turism si domeniile sinergetice:

1. Audit extern al problemei
1.1 Contextul analizei şi orientării strategice;
1.2. Obiectivul analizei şi prognozei;
1.3. Metodologie abordată;
1.4. Structura documentului.

2. Dinamica sectorului resurselor umane ocupate în turism și domeniile sinergetice datorată globalizării
2.1. Analiza principalelor caracteristici existente şi a tendinţelor în domeniul formării și ocupării resurselor umane;
2.2. Analiza factorilor de impact asupra formării și educării resurselor umane (economie, mediu, educaţie);
2.3 Analiza infrastructurii de turistice şi resurselor financiare şi umane alocate acestui domeniu.

3. Auditul intern al stării resurselor umane ocupate în turism și domeniile sinergetice în cele două judeţe – analiza cererii şi ofertei de servicii de turism și HR
3.1. Analiza situaţiei actuale în domeniul resurselor umane în cele două judeţe Bihor şi Hajdu-Bihar (educație, procese, reţele de formare, infrastructură şi resursă umană);
3.1.1 Repartiţia spaţială şi dinamica pe ultimii 10 ani ai resurselor umane din domeniul turistic și sinergetic acestuia;
3.2. Analiza ofertei de servicii de turism și formare în domeniu pentru cele două judeţe pe domenii: public şi privat;
3.3. Analiza SWOT în domeniul formării și ocupării cu resurse umane a domeniul turistic și al celor sinergetice acestuia pentru cele judeţe Bihor şi Hajdu-Bihar;
3.4 Analiza PEST în domeniul ormării și ocupării cu resurse umane a domeniul turistic și al celor sinergetice acestuia pentru cele judeţe Bihor şi Hajdu-Bihar.
4. Viziunea şi obiectivele dezvoltării infrastructurii şi serviciilor de sănătate cardiovasculară

4.1. Viziunea de dezvoltare a infrastructurii şi serviciilor de formare și ocupare a resurselor umane din domeniul turistic și al celor sinergetice acestuia;
4.2. Obiective strategice integrate.

5. Formularea strategiei

6. Implementarea strategiei
6.1. Planul comun de acţiune;
6.2 Proiecte pilot
6.3. Monitorizarea implementării proiectelor;
6.4. Evaluarea şi analiza impactului;
6.5. Grafic de monitorizare a proiectelor.

Strategia va fi redactată conform normelor Academiei Române şi va cuprinde cel puţin 120 de
pagini, împreună cu anexele (grafice, tabele, hărţi...).

24/05/201921375 lei (conform proiect) 
295ROHU-23/date: 08.05.201910/05/2019Érmelléki Népfőiskolai Egyesület / Érmelléki Folk-High School ROHU-162Erdei Gábor; HU, MAGYARORSZÁG, 4281 Létavértes, Széchenyi u. 71 2, I/4;; 00 36 30 4759639

1. Autóbuszos személyszállítás 8 db Debrecen-Nagyvárad viszonylatban az ajánlatkérő által megjelölt időpontokban
• 6 alkalom workshopra
• 1 alkalom kerekasztalhoz
• 1 alkalom fókuszcsoportra

2. Rendezvényszervezés: kettő napos terepmunkához kapcsolódó autóbuszos utazás és szállás ellátása az ajánlatkérő által megjelölt időpontokban

3. Autóbuszos személyszállítás 2 db Debrecen-Nagyvárad viszonylatban az ajánlatkérő által megjelölt időpontokban
• 1 alkalom nyitókonferenciára
• 1 alkalom zárókonferenciára

296T2 Research, value collection10/05/2019Dél-alföldi Teleházak Regionális Közhasznú EgyesületeROHU 161Ágnes Takács, 6724 Szeged, Pacsirta u. 3/b.,, +36305533621

Between May 15, 2019 and May 28, 2019, an analytical exploration, collection and schematic recording of the geographic potential of landscape-related, significant cultural and community values ​​with the involvement of the local population in both countries.
During the program, the participating experts should be asked to clarify the date, plan the research route, and book the accommodations.
Interviews, photos, and photos on the selected route. Take photos, organize, cut movies, prepare for decision and process on the portal.
Based on the collected values, 5 Transylvanian and 3 Hungarian territories will be selected, where orienteering map training will be held, maps suitable for orienteering will be prepared, corrections will be made, sporting events will be organized and the areas will be included in our sports tourism portal.

Selection criteria:
• Be accessible
• Be suitable for organizing nature-friendly family sports events (orienteering)
• The terrain of the selected area, terrain, landmark, hydrography, vegetation, rocks, and stones in the map representation should be quite varied
• Be an aesthetic object nearby with a large park and tourist attraction
• Disadvantaged area
• Not yet audiovisual, documented cartographically

Number of Experts Involved in Research: 8
Public Education Specialist
Environmentalist specialist
Cartographer (Land Runner)
Coaches, referee
Photographer, film

Research field:
Județul Satu Mare
Județul Bihor
Județul Arad
Județul Timiș
Csongrad County

Result: Hundreds (800) photos, films, natural, cultural values ​​from both sides of the border, 5 + 3 presentation areas (terrain, landmark, cover, hydrography, environmental classification, ownership, hunting companies, history, fitness to race) (target area, parking), summary description.


Atribuirea achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională formatori, cod COR 242401, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 80530000

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 30 de persoane:
- 30 de persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de Formator, conform legislației în vigoare

24/05/201917705,49 lei fără TVA 

Atribuire pentru achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională fotograf în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 80530000

Scopul este formarea profesională autorizată pentru 60 de persoane:
- 60 de persoane formare, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de Fotograf, conform legislației în vigoare

27/05/201976977,54 lei (conform proiect) 
299SCN104259603/05/2019COMUNA LUGASU DE

Achizitia executiei de lucrari pentru obiectivul: "Crearea unei destinatii turistice intre comuna Lugasu de Jos si Komadi prin protejarea valorilor naturale de pe Valea Crisului Repede, judetul Bihor"

30/05/20191905489,99 RON  

Atribuire pentru achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională Director hotel, Cod COR 141105, în cadrul priectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 80530000

Scopul este formarea profesională autorizată pentru 10 de persoane:
- 10 de persoane formare, absolvenți cu certificat ANC, recunoscut de Ministerul Muncii și Justiției Sociale - Director Hotel, Cod COR 141105 - conform legislației în vigoare

29/05/201937458,55 lei fara TVA 
301MP-17656/201916/05/2019ALFOLDVIZ Zrt. (Hungary)ROHU-215Gabor HARANGOZO

Procurement of a borehole inspection camera system
Technical descriptions see in the documentation
(Kútkamera rendszer beszerzése)
(Műszaki adatok az ajánlattételi kiírásban olvashatók)

27/05/201920 000 000 HUF 
302Achiziționare echipamente de prim ajutor16/05/2019Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în Româ

Achiziționarea echipamentelor de prim ajutor în cadrul proiectului ”Dezvoltarea în comun a capacității voluntare de intervenție în caz de urgență și de gestionare a dezastrelor în zona de frontieră eligibilă” - ROHU-10.

Echipamente de prim ajutor: 46.319,34 Ron fără T.V.A

Coduri CPV:
- 35112100-3 Manechine de antrenament pentru urgențe

Manechin tors adult
Pachet manechine 3 componente
Manechin tors resuscitare
Bloc de evaluare Skillguide
Brat pentru abord intravenos
Module traumatisme, maini si picioare
Manechin tors adult cu defibrilator de tarining
Manechin pentru tehnici de imobilizare si intubare
Rucsac medical de urgenta
Solutie completa imobilizare coloana
Set atele felxibile
Garou hemostatic

26/05/201946.319,34 Ron fără T.V.ASICAP 
303ADV1079993/20.05.201920/05/219Socodor commune, Arad county, RomaniaROHU - 128Socodor locality, no.1, Romania. Contact person: Crisan Gheorghe. Tel: +40744639068; +40257358100. e-mail:

Acquisition of public services and information and publicity materials of a project ROHU 128 entitled "Eco trans system - eco-frendly cross border transport in Socodor - Ketegyhaza area" implemented by Socodor Commune, Arad County.
The acquisition contains:
1. Organization of the press conference launch of the project - Allocated budget: 3.993,03 Ron without VAT;
2. Project promotional material - Allocated budget: 17,968.61 Ron without VAT;
3. Update services on the beneficiary's website - Allotted budget: 1.996,51Ron without VAT,
4. Service advertising materials created within the project - Allocated budget: 5.989,54 Ron without VAT,
5. Short film making - Allocated budget : 7,986.05Ron without VAT,
6. Organization of the final press conference of the project - Allocated budget: 3.993,03 Ron without VAT.

23/05/201941.926,77 Ron without VAT 

Atribuirea contractului de furnizare bunuri: furnizare bunuri tehnică IT, audio-foto-video, mobilier, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 30213100-6 ,, computere portabile”, 30213200-7 „Tablet PC”- tabletă, 30232110- 8 Imprimante laser, 38651600-9 Camere digitale, 38653400-1 Tablă interactivă, ecran de proiecţie, 32330000-5 - Aparate audio şi video de înregistrare şi redare, 32323400-7 Video proiector
48821000-9 Servere, 30237100-0 Piese și accesorii pentru computere, 39130000-2 Mobilier birou

Obiectul contractului este asigurarea a:
- 6 bucăți laptop
- 6 bucăți tabletă PC
- 1 bucată multifuncțional lase color A3
- 1 bucată aparat foto DSRL cu obiectiv de 18-140 mm VR
- 1 bucată obiectiv foto de 20 mm f/1.8G AF-S
- 1 bucată obiectiv foto de 40 mm f/2.8 AF-S Dx Micro
- 1 bucată obiectiv tip varifocal de 11-16 mm
- 1 bucată tabletă grafică
- 1 bucată sistem SMART BOARD (tablă, videoproiector, software)
- 1 bucată sistem complet audio video pentru săli de cursuri și conferințe (incinte acustice, amplificator, player, videoproiector, ecram de proiecție)
- 1 bucată sistem de translație mobilă simultană cu 2 transmițătoare, 36 de receptoare și încărcător
- 1 bucată server
- 1 bucată monitor LCD de 25 inch
- 3 bucăți router wireless
- 1 bucată switch cu 8 porturi
- 18 bucăți prize internet
- 10 bucăți cablu conectare internet de 5 m
- 1 bucată rolă cablu UTP de 100 mm
- 30 bucăți scaune conferință/curs cu măsuță rabatabilă
- 2 bucăți masă birou cu alonjă
- 2 bucăți scaun directorial birou
- 3 bucăți cuiere de perete

, necesare desfășurării activității de management proiect și de formare/specializare a resurselor umane în turism, în cadrul Centrul de Formare a Resurselor Umane în Domeniul Turismului al AMD Bihor.

20/06/2019163.714,02 RON fără TVA 
305120/05/2019Geszterédi Aranyszablya Társaság AlapítványROHU-297Rácz János; 4232 Geszteréd, Kállói u. 2.;; +36309434100

Complex, microregional field research:
- intrusive prospection and analysis of discoveries in Geszteréd,
- four pieces of topographical survey focusing on the „kurgans” (medieval burial mounds) around Geszteréd.

306Nr. 74 / 20.05.2019 Xparc Achizitie materiale pentru organizarea taberelor eco20/05/2019Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-158Arad, str. Suceava nr. 18, email, tel 0257210192, fax 0257210192

10 sisteme TRX, 10 manechine, 60 maieuri, 5 pedometre, 2 plase ricoseu, 6 scari / gard antrenament, 1 compresor portabil, 20 conuri antrenament 45 cm, 10 conuri antrenament 38 cm, 20 garduri antrenament, 30 garduri antrenament gradate reglabile, 30 cercuri agilitate, 2 pachete discuri delimitare, 2 greutati 1 kg, 2 greutati 2 kg, 1 pachet banda elastica, 2 buc extensor cauciuc, 1 pachet complet pt antrenamente, 5 hamuri umeri, 5 manechine gonflabile, 1 pachet gantere cu manere, 15 mingi nr 5, 15 mingi nr 4, 5 mingi fotbal ACC, conform detaliilor din caietul de sarcini

24/05/201919762 RON fara TVA 
307Nr. 74 / 20.05.2019 Xparc Materials for eco-camps organization20/05/2019Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-158Arad, str. Suceava nr. 18, email, tel 0257210192, fax 0257210192

10 sisteme TRX, 10 manechine, 60 maieuri, 5 pedometre, 2 plase ricoseu, 6 scari / gard antrenament, 1 compresor portabil, 20 conuri antrenament 45 cm, 10 conuri antrenament 38 cm, 20 garduri antrenament, 30 garduri antrenament gradate reglabile, 30 cercuri agilitate, 2 pachete discuri delimitare, 2 greutati 1 kg, 2 greutati 2 kg, 1 pachet banda elastica, 2 buc extensor cauciuc, 1 pachet complet pt antrenamente, 5 hamuri umeri, 5 manechine gonflabile, 1 pachet gantere cu manere, 15 mingi nr 5, 15 mingi nr 4, 5 mingi fotbal ACC

24/05/201919762 RON without TVA 
308Design and production of promotional and information materials within the project "Strengthening cooperation between communities in the Körös Valley" (ROHU-292)22/05/2019Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-292Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

Design and production of promotional and information materials with the following details:

- keyrings 1000 pieces
- pen 1000 pieces
- balloon 500 pieces

Facilitation materials for events:
- roll-ups: 1 piece
- poster (min. A1): 1 piece

27/05/20191,158,400 HUF 
309Purchasing of equipment used for organizing and conducting orientation events: Sport Ident Starter Set (SI set) - 1 piece; Kramer OE 2010 Standard Large software + multiday option update - 1 pc; SD card - 2 pcs23/05/2019The tourism club Condor Club AssociationROHU 161Dorel Gureanu, Constanta Hodoş street no. 15, ap. 2, Arad, Arad county, Romania;; +40 742 071862

The Sport Ident Starter set consists of the following parts: control station - 24 pcs, master station - 1 pc, control station support - 25 pcs, USB reader station - 1 pc, SI Card Service / Off + clear backup + ferrite - , carrying case - 1 pc
Kramer Standard Large, up to 500 competitors + multiday option update OE 2010 (M) - 1 pc
SD Card for archived results, with memory equal to or greater than 128 Gb

27/05/201913 700 
310Organization and implementation of Körös Valley Settlement Festivals in Békés within the project "Strengthening cooperation between communities in the Körös Valley" (ROHU-292)24/05/2019Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-292Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

Organization and implementation of Körös Valley Settlement Festivals in Békés two times (one event in August 2019 and one event in 2020)
Terms of References - Preparation, execution fees, which comprises by the following:
- Setting up tents on the site of thematic programs, introduction of environmental organizations
- Organization of organic market
- On Street outlets charge
- Land-use fees
- Emergency Services
- On Street mobile waste disposal containers renting of environmental consciousness
- renting of premises,
- stage rental,
- sound engineering,
- 1 anchorman,
- 10 hostesses attendance,
- inviting participants
- catering
- cooking contest

27/05/20194,975,040 HUF 
311 Passenger transport services within the project "Strengthening cooperation between communities in the Körös Valley" (ROHU-292)24/05/2019Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-292Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

Domestic and foreign bus transportation services related to the Körös Settlement Festival (typically 150 km from the venue, from 6 settlements).

27/05/20191,280,000 HUF 
312ECO trans system - eco-frendly cross border transport in Socodor Ketegyhaza area (ROHU128)24/05/2019Kétegyháza Nagyközség ÖnkormányzataROHU-128Kalcsó Istvánné,, +36/66-250-122

The RoHu 128 is a project in the system to provide Compulsory Publicity.
- Opening the project with advertising with 50 main movements, spraying and promotional material (map, notepad, toll, program plan), press release.
- Settlement areas 1000 pcs of A / 5 size Hungarian flyer production and distribution, 50 pieces of A / 2 size, preparation of the 6000x800 mm project, production and display of 4 and 2 A / 1 fixed advertising boards. 1000 tolls.
- The closing event is organized by the closing event, 50 managers. Making the documentation.
They are included in the Interreg ROHU corporate identity manual

28/05/20192560000 HUFés.pdf
313 Direct purchase of personalized promotional materials and a graphical concept for them24/05/2019Association of Business in RomaniaROHU-382Costuț Ioana Sorina,, 0754266576

The purpose of this specification is to purchase personalized promotional materials and the graphic concept related to them, as well as various marketing services within the ROHU-382 YES-Youth Entrepreneurship Support project. The main CPV for public procurement is: 39294100-0 - Information and promotion products.

314726/05/2019Iris Research AssociationROHU-285Claudia Toma, Romania, Arad, 17, Bd Decebal, fl.1, ap. 6, e-mail:, tel: 0040744792968

Procurement of transportation services for 45 persons route Arad (Arad County, Romania) - Gyula (Békés, Hungary) leaving on 31st of May 2019 and returning (Gyula – Arad) on 1st of June 2019, 1 night parking in Gyula. Estimated value: 750 euro.

29/05/2019750 euro  
315-27/05/2019MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,


Scopul este formarea profesională autorizată pentru 35 de persoane:
- 35 de persoane formare, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de ghid turism intern(local), conform legislației în vigoare

20/06/201956 700,94 lei fără TVA
316-27/05/2019MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,

Serviciului autorizate de formare profesională administrator pensiune turistică, Cod COR 515203, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 80530000

Scopul este formarea profesională autorizată pentru 25 de persoane:
- 25 de persoane formare, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de administrator pensiune turistică, conform legislației în vigoare

20/06/201924 557,11 lei fără TVA
317ROHU-24/date: 28.04.201928/05/2019Érmelléki Folk-High SchoolROHU-162Erdei Gábor; HU, MAGYARORSZÁG, 4281 Létavértes, Széchenyi u. 71 2, I/4;; 00 36 30 4759639

Projektmenedzsment tevékenység a projekt teljes időtartama alatt. 2020.05.31-ig.
• Projektben részt vevők tájékoztatása a projekt szakmai és egyéb feladatainak megvalósításáról, időbeli ütemezésről, az egyes szakmai és a pénzügyi folyamatok megvalósulásának nyomonkövetése
• Projektben vállalt tevékenységek szakmai megvalósításához kapcsolódó legfontosabb szabályok ismertetése a projektben részt vevőkkel
• Ajánlatkérések előkészítése
• Ajánlatkérések egyeztetése a pályázóval
• Ajánlatkérések kiküldése
• Ajánlatok összegyűjtése
• Ajánlatok kiértékelése
• Szerződés kötésekhez segítségnyújtás
• Pénzügyi elszámolások elkészítése
• Támogatási szerződés módosításban történő közreműködés szükséges esetben
• Projekt megvalósításának egyéb feladatai

Egyéb feltételek:
• Legalább 2 éves projektmenedzsment tapasztalat
• Felsőfokú végzettséggel rendelkező szakember
• Tárgyalási szintű angol nyelvismeret
• Határon átnyúló projektekben szerzett tapasztalat

06/07/19096300 EURánlatkérő-és-ajánlat-minta-3-pm.pdf
3183017 / 29.05.201930/05/2019COMUNA BORȘROHU-215COVACI SIMONA, BORȘ, NR. 200, Tel 0295-316155/ 0737112052

Servicii pentru organizarea evenimentelor din cadrul proiectului RO-HU 215, Dezvoltarea unor soluții comune pentru calitatea apei potabile 4FORH2O, ROHU’’

07/06/2019178383,05 FARA TVA
31910831/05/2019Fundatia Diaspora / Diaspora FoundationROHU-348Fundatia Diaspora, Timisoara, Str. Putna nr.7,, 0040-356-446516, Persoana de contact: Kasa Zsolt, tel: 0040-721-265979, e-mail:

Organizare evenimente: A. Conferinta de presa de deschidere, B. Conferinta de presa de inchidere, C. Organizare 9 examene.
Organizing events: A. Opening press conference, B. Closing press conference, C. Organizing a number of 9 exams.

11/06/201922839,36 RON,
320Nr. 153/27.05.201901/06/2019ASOCIAȚIA „SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISS” Oradea, RomaniaROHU-84Telefon: 0727.714.323, Email:

Achiziția serviciilor de elaborare a unei Strategii privind prevenirea riscurilor și managementul dezastrelor la nivelul Euroregiunii Bihor-Hajdu Bihar (componenta aferentă județului Bihor și integrarea documentației la nivel transfrontalier)

32168/31.05.201931/05/2019Nyírbátori Református EgyházközségROHU-256Fazakas Ferenc Sándor, 4300, Nyírbátor, HU, Egyház u. 1, Tel: +36302727882,

Outdoor team building activities

• Number of participants: 50
• Outdoor team building activities/ 5 day in June-August 2019
Aim: participants have to face outdoor challenges that enhance group identity and they are engaged in activities that enhance their mutual trust, creative problem-solving and collaborative skills.
Location: Hungary

Please see further details in the bidding documentation.

32269/31.05.201931/05/2019Nyírbátori Református EgyházközségROHU-256Fazakas Ferenc Sándor, 4300, Nyírbátor, HU, Egyház u. 1, Tel: +36302727882,

Event organizing activities: Music camp and organizing meetings
Description of tasks:
• One of the main activities of the ROHU256 project is the organization of a 50-person music camp and 8 concerts.
Aiming at achieving the project objectives, the following services are required:
• 4 Organization Meetings - Catering Services: Buffet Meals with 3 different types of food (including vegetables, meat (fish / beef / chicken), 2 types of garnish, water and dessert) and at least 3 different types of tea coffee breaks type of cakes, tea, coffee, water / soft drinks).
o Date: May - November 2019
o Number of participants: 50 people

• 7-Day Music Camp - Lunch (catering service: buffet with 3 different types of food (including vegetables, meat (fish / beef / chicken), 2 types of garnish, water and dessert) and at least for tea-coffee breaks 3 different types of cakes, tea, coffee, water / soft drinks). - preferably using local products and recyclable cutlery.
o Date: July 2019
o Number of participants: 50 people

Please see further details in the bidding documentation.

323Nr. 166/03.06.2019, Lucrari de extindere si dotare CENTRU TRANSFRONTALIER DE PREGATIRE INTEGRATA PENTRU INTERVENTII IN SITUATII DE URGENTA (comuna Borș, jud. Bihor)03/06/2019ASOCIAȚIA „SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISS” Oradea, RomaniaROHU-84Phone: +40.727.714.323, +40.744.172.255 Email:

Lucrari de extindere si dotare CENTRU TRANSFRONTALIER DE PREGATIRE INTEGRATA PENTRU INTERVENTII IN SITUATII DE URGENTA (comuna Borș, jud. Bihor), in cadrul proiectului ”Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion”, (cod proiect ROHU 84, acronim: CROSSRISKS)

18/06/2019 1.524.953,55 lei fara TVA 
324514103/06/2019Institutia Prefectului-judetul BihorROHU-183Miculescu Tanase, Oradea, Parcul Traian nr. 5, jud. Bihor,, 0259-437112

Lucrari de reparatii interioare la imobilul Institutiei Prefectului-judetul Bihor, constând in diverse activitati enumerate in Caietul de sarcini (ex. inlocuire obiecte sanitare, inlocuire gresie, faianta, zugraveli, iluminat etc in doua toalete si renovare sala de sedinte).

11/06/201961.880, oo lei fara TVA 
32569 / 03.06.201903/06/2019Asociatia AGESROHU-385Zsolt Csengeri, str. Corvinilor nr.8, Mun. Satu Mare, jud. Satu Mare, RO,, +40 722915529

Asigurarea serviciilor de contabilitate în cadrul proiectului ROHU 385 ”Helping the Employment of Youth in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties” implementat in perioada 01.03.2019 - 31.08.2021, cu respectarea tuturor cerințelor specifice ale proiectului și programului de finanțare.

10/06/201924.218,37 RON-,

Atribuirea achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională formatori, cod COR 242401, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 80530000

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 30 de persoane:
- 30 de persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de Formator, conform legislației în vigoare

26/06/201917705,49 lei fără TVA 
327ROHU/A404/06/2019Centrul pentru Arii Protejate și Dezvoltare Durabilă Bihor ROHU-126IACABAȘ PAUL, Oradea, P-ța 1 Decembrie, nr. 4-6, cam. 8, judeţul Bihor, interval: 9-15h, e-mail:, telefon/fax: 0359 410 556,

Servicii de organizare Workshop foto în natură pentru copii în cadrul proiectului ”Nature preservation, protection and promotion on both sides of the Romainian-Hungarian border”

11/06/201916.320,50 lei fără TVA
328SCN1044694 31/05/2019“VICTOR BABES“ UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND PHARMACY TIMISOARAROHU-397Sever Sbârnă, “VICTOR BABES“ UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND PHARMACY TIMISOARA, Piata Eftimie Murgu No. 2A, Timisoara 300041, Timis county, Romania,, +40 757111986

HDTV digestive videoendoscopy system with accessories

Contains the following compatible components:
-High-Definition Image Processor (HDTV), which allows endoscopic investigation with narrow bandwidth technology to highlight capillaries and structures on the surface of the mucosa, which leads to a better delineation of lesions at the level of the mucosa, with the possibility of electronic zoom and strengthening the contours of structure on minimum 3 levels;
- Light source equipped with filters for narrow bandwidth technology
- 26-inch, Full HD 16: 9 LCD medical monitor, minimum resolution: 1920 X 1080 dots
- Aspirator with suction capacity adjustment, winch, peristaltic water pump, CO2 pressure control unit
- HDTV videocolonoscope with dual focusing that allows endoscopic investigation with narrow bandwidth technology
- HDTV videocolonoscope allowing endoscopic investigation with narrow bandwidth technology

19/06/2019483922.71 RON, without VAT 

Atribuire pentru achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională barman, cod COR 5132 și ospătar (chelner), cod COR 513102 în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB)

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 60 de persoane:
- 60 de persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de 30 de barman, 30 de ospătar (chelner), conform legislației în vigoare

28/06/201959 228,58 lei fără TVA 
3303307/06/2019Fundatia pentru Cultura si Invatamant "Ioan Slavici" TimisoaraROHU 399Christina Barbu,

Catering services. To be provided for 4 types of events (launching conference, workshop, open days - three days; closing conference). Estimated no.of participants: 40 participants at each conference and workshop and 60 participants at the three days event. Organization date: launching conference on 19.06.2019; workshop - October 2019; open days: one day in February 2020; one day in June 2020, one day in October 2020; closing conference - October 2020.
The minimal requirements are described in the Terms of reference. No serving services required.

12/06/201910461.44 lei (VAT included),,
3313607/06/2019Fundatia pentru Cultura si Invatamant "Ioan Slavici" TimisoaraROHU 399Christina Barbu,

Printing services for the following promotional materials: guide (750 pcs); flyers (500 pcs); leaflets (500 pcs); conference kit (200 pcs); personalized pens (500 pcs); brochures (200 pcs); participation certificates (800 pcs); personalized memory sticks (50 pcs). Technical requirements for each type of material, as well as conditions for the performing of services, are included in the attached Terms of Reference.

13/06/201911350.80 lei (VAT included),,
3321907/06/2019Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-380Dragu Marian, Arad, str Suceava nr. 18, tel / fax 0257 210192

Achizitie servicii de arhitectura pentru realizarea documentatiei pentru autorizatia de construire si servicii conexe
Architecture documentation for building permit preparation, detailed execution plans and works tender file preparation services

18/06/2019160077 RON fara TVA without TVA 
33312810/06/2019Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-218Dragu Marian, Arad, str Suceava nr. 18, tel / fax 0257 210192

Asigurare logistică pentru organizare evenimente Evergreen Arad / Events organizing logistics services Evergreen Arad

19/06/201964030 RON without TVA 
334Na04/06/2019Comuna CetariuROHU-265Ramona Jakob,, 0259456266

Prin prezenta, vă aducem la cunoştinţă că UAT Cetariu este interesată să achiziţioneze servicii de furnizare scena evenimente in cadrul proiectului: ROHU- 200, în cadrul Programului Interreg V-A România-Ungaria 2014 - 2020, care se va implementa în parteneriat cu Primaria Kaba, din Ungaria,
1. Beneficiar:
Beneficiar/achizitor: Comuna Cetariu
Informaţii despre Autoritatea Contractantă:
Adresa: sediul în localitatea Cetariu, str. Principala nr. 48, judeţul Bihor,
CUI 4390518
Telefon 0725535320; 0259456266.
2. Valoarea estimată a achizitiei: 79400 lei fără TVA.
3. Codul CPV: 34950000-1 - Structuri portante;
4. Sursa de finanţare: Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regionala ( FEDR ), bugetul de stat, buget local prin Programul de Cooperare Transfontaliera Interreg V-A Romania-Ungaria 2014-2020.
5. Obiectul achizitiei publice directe: Furnizare scena evenimente
Obiectul contractului este furnizare scena evenimente pentru implementarea proiectului ROHU265, descris în caietul de sarcini anexat.
6. Modul de finalizare a achizitiei directe: încheierea unui contract de furnizare produse;
7. Durata contractului: Durata de executare a contractului: 30 de zile de la emiterea ordinului de furnizare a produsului, dar nu mai tarziu de 30.07.2019.
8. Limba de redactare a ofertei: romana;
9. Pretul va fi exprimat in moneda in care se va incheia contractul adica moneda RON.

10.Plata si livrarea produselor
Plata se va face de catre beneficiar catre furnizor, dupa acceptarea facturii de catre Beneficiar, in termen de 30 de zile de la primirea facturii, prin virament in contul Furnizorului specificat in contractul de furnizare.
Furnizorul are obligatia de a livra produsele la destinatia finala indicata de achizitor respectand termenul comercial stabilit între părţi.
11.Cerinte de ofertare

I) Modul de prezentare a propunerii tehnice;
Propunerea tehnica elaborata de catre ofertant va respecta in totalitate cerintele prevazute in caietul de sarcini. Propunerea tehnica va contine:
a) Fise tehnice si certificate de calitate
b) Alte documente si informatii considerate semnificative pentru evaluarea corespunzatoare a propunerii tehnIce. In propunerea tehnica ofertantul va prezenta o descriere exacta a bunului care face obiectul contractului, precum si urmatoarele precizari: termen de livrare exprimat in zile calendaristice- maxim 30 de zile de la data emiterii ordinului de furnizare a produselor, dar nu mai tarziu de 30.07.2019; termeni de garantie exprimat in luni, de la data receptiei produsului.
Elementele propunerii tehnice se vor prezenta detaliat si complet in corelatie cu cerintele caietului de sarcini. Ofertantul va face o descriere detaliata a caracteristicilor tehnice si functionale ale produselor. Ofertantul are obligatia de a specifica clar in propunerea tehnica toate datele de identificare a produsului dupa caz:
-denumirea produsului;
-tipul produsului
-nou (nu se accepta produse folosite)

II) Modul de prezentare a propunerii financiare;
Operatorul economic va elabora propunerea financiara, astfel incat acesta sa furnizeze toate informatiile cu privire la retul produselor ofertate, conform cerintelor fiselor tehnice ale produselor pentru care se oferteaza. Propunerea financiara va contine formular de oferta produse cu valoarea totala in lei fara Tva. Pretul unitar ofertat va trebui sa includa toate cheltuielile legate de furnizarea si transportul acestora pana la locul de livrare al bunurilor.
Valoarea ofertei financiare nu trebuie sa depaseasca valoarea estimata.

12.Modul de prezentare a ofertei
Propunerea tehnică și cea financiară se întocmesc într-un exemplar (original).
Toate documentele se vor insusi prin semnatura reprezentantului legal al ofertantului.
Oferta (documente de calificare -certificat ONRC si informatii generale impreuna cu, propunere tehnica, propunere financiara ) se depune personal la sediul UAT Cetariu, din Cetariu nr. 48, Judetul Bihor, prin servicii postale-curierat sau se va trimite la adresa de e-mail a Comunei Cetariu E-mail: , pana la data de 12.04.2019 , ora 16:00
13. Criteriul de atribuire:
In temeiul art. 187, alin.(3) litera (a) din Legea 98/2016 privind achizitiile publice, in scopul atribuirii contractului sus mentionat, propunem aplicarea criteriului de atribuire „Preţul cel mai scăzut”.

3359613/06/2019Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-158Dragu Marian, Arad, str Suceava nr. 18, tel / fax 0257 210192

Asigurare logistică pentru organizare evenimente XParc2 Arad / Events organizing logistics services XParc2 Arad

21/06/201944021 RON without TVA 
336EKR00074935201917/06/2019Lower-Tisza District Water DirectorateROHU 11Pándiné Dr. Bakos Eszter, 6720 Szeged, Stefánia 4., +36 62 599 599,

Vállalkozási szerződés keretében ROHU-11 FORMURES Makói szivattyútelep nyomócsövének rekonstrukciója

03/07/2019513.337 EUR, 167.656
337ROHU-25./date: 03.06.2019.18/06/2019Érmelléki Népfőiskolai Egyesület / Érmelléki Folk-High School ROHU-162Erdei Gábor; HU, MAGYARORSZÁG, 4281 Létavértes, Széchenyi u. 71 2, I/4;; 00 36 30 4759639

1. Film
Hajdú-Bihar megye természeti- és társadalom földrajzi, gazdasági, kulturális, gasztronómia, épített környezetben és sport terén megjelenő értékeit mozgóképen klipszerűen bemutató, drónfelvételeket is tartalmazó, Hajdú-Bihar megyében legalább 25 helyszínen, 20 forgatási napon készült 7 perces, zenével, narrációs szöveggel és egyedi grafikai elemekkel ellátott film, valamint egy db 8 perces, narrációt és interjúkat tartalmazó film.
Filmek paraméterei:
• vágott hossza: 7 ill. 8 perc
• Formátum: Full HD (1080)
• Forgatási napok száma: legalább 20
• Tematika: A filmnek be kell mutatnia Hajdú-Bihar megye természeti- és társadalom földrajzi, gazdasági, kulturális, gasztronómia, épített környezetben és sport terén megjelenő értékeit
• Narráció: magyar, ill. ( a ROHU arculati kézikönyvben meghatározott kötelező elemek feliratozásával
• Feliratozás: a filmben a megszólalók nevének és titulusának feltüntetése szükséges, továbbá a film végén szükséges megjeleníteni a ROHU arculati kézikönyvében meghatározott ( kötelező elemeket.

2. Könyv
• Hajdú-Bihar Megye természeti és társadalmi örökségét bemutató kiadvány
• oldalszám: 64 oldal
• 4+4 színes nyomtatású
• kemény borítóval ellátott
• 500 példány
• gazdag grafikai, térképes, fotóval illusztrált
• 225 mm x 225 mm méretű

Egyéb feltételek:
Részajánlat nem adható – a kettő tevékenységre együtt szükséges az ajánlatok benyújtása.

24/06/201925.000 EUR
3381797-0001/2019 19/06/2019LOWER-TISZA DISTRICT WATER DIRECTORATEROHU-224Pándiné Dr. Bakos Eszter (6720 Szeged, Stefánia 4., +36 62 599 599,

„ROHU-224 MURESE Projekt keretén belül 1 db vízhozam mérő beszerzése”

24/06/20194 157 480 HUFwww.ativizig.huűszaki-leírás-1-db-vízhozam-mérő-beszerzése.pdf
3391797-0002/2019.19/06/2019LOWER-TISZA DISTRICT WATER DIRECTORATEROHU-224Pándiné Dr. Bakos Eszter (6720 Szeged, Stefánia 4., +36 599 599,

„ROHU-224 MURESE Projekt keretén belül 1 db monitoring állomás beszerzése és beépítése”

24/06/20198 062 992 HUFwww.ativizig.huűszaki-specifikáció-beépítendő-vízhozammérő-beszerzéshez.pdf
340EKE/01/19.06.201919/06/2019Societatea Carpatina Ardeleana – Satu MareROHU-79Mark-Nagy Janos,, 0721514137

Purchasing of goods: procurement of 4WD vehicle
Technical specifications:
Traction: 4x4
Capacity: min. 1400 cmc
Fuel: Diesel
Power: min. 80 kW
CO2 emission: max. 130 g/km
Emission class: EURO6
Gearbox: manual
Particle filter needed


Atribuire pentru achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională Director hotel, Cod COR 141105, în cadrul priectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 80530000

Scopul este formarea profesională autorizată pentru 10 de persoane:
- 10 de persoane formare, absolvenți cu certificat ANC, recunoscut de Ministerul Muncii și Justiției Sociale - Director Hotel, Cod COR 141105 - conform legislației în vigoare

15/07/201938018,34 lei fara TVA 
342 Direct procurement of e-learning content development services18/06/2019Association of Business in RomaniaROHU-382Costuț Ioana Sorina,, 0754266576

The objective of this specification is to purchase the content development services of the e-learning course within the ROHU 382 project

343 Direct procurement of e-learning content development services18/06/2019Association of Business in RomaniaROHU-382Costuț Ioana Sorina,, 0754266576

The objective of this specification is to purchase the content development services of the e-learning course within the ROHU 382 project

34412524/06/2019Nyírbátori Református EgyházközségROHU-256Fazakas Ferenc Sándor, 4300, Nyírbátor, HU, Egyház u. 1, Tel: +36302727882,

Folding tables - 25 pcs.

Size: L 72 x W 29 5/8 x H 29 1/4 inch
L 182,88 x W 75,25 x H 74,30 cm
Folding table with powder-coated steel structure and high density polyethylene table top. Light grey.
Leg tube: 1 1/8" x 1.0 mm // 28.57 x 1.0 mm
Support Tube: 15 x 35 x 1.0 mm
Upper Cross Bar: 0,875" x 1,00 mm - 22,225 x 1,00 mm
Cross Bar: 0,875" x 1,00 mm - 22,225 x 1,00 mm
Central connection tube: Ø18 x 1,4 mm
HDPE Table Top: 45 mm (TH)

Folding benches - 50 pcs.

Bench Top: 40mm T
Bench Frame: 1-1/8” x 1.4mm
Oval Tube: 1.5mm x 15mm x 30mm
Square Frame: 19mm x 19mm x 1.20mm
Leg Tube:1-1/8”x1.4mm
Maximum recommended weight item can withstand: 360 kg / 800lb

34512624/06/2019Nyírbátori Református EgyházközségROHU-256Fazakas Ferenc Sándor, 4300, Nyírbátor, HU, Egyház u. 1, Tel: +36302727882,

Event tent

Dimensions: 8 x 20m
Useful height: 2,60m
Height at the top: 4,00m
Input size: 6,00m x 2,60m

Structure: strength, stability and safety.
Poles and connectors made of 100% galvanized steel
Pipe diameter: 50mm
Pipe thickness: 1.6mm
Connector diameter: 54mm
Connector thickness: 1.7mm
Additional roof and side reinforcements for greater wind resistance (contradancing)
Rigid frame for enhanced stability.
Stable construction of the metal frame, reinforced by bolts and bolts
Ground fixing of the sheet
Assembly kit
PVC 550g / m2 and has a strong polyester fabric inside
Transparent PVC windows to penetrate light inside
UV resistance for material durability
100% waterproofing, stitching and professional soldering made at high temperatures
Roof made of tarpaulin without seams
Zippered end walls for tent access


Atribuirea contractului de furnizare bunuri: furnizare bunuri tehnică IT, audio-foto-video, mobilier, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 30213100-6 ,, computere portabile”, 30213200-7 „Tablet PC”- tabletă, 30232110- 8 Imprimante laser, 38651600-9 Camere digitale, 38653400-1 Tablă interactivă, ecran de proiecţie, 32330000-5 - Aparate audio şi video de înregistrare şi redare, 32323400-7 Video proiector
48821000-9 Servere, 30237100-0 Piese și accesorii pentru computere

Obiectul contractului este asigurarea a:
- 6 bucăți laptop
- 6 bucăți tabletă PC
- 1 bucată multifuncțional lase color A3
- 1 bucată aparat foto DSRL cu obiectiv de 18-140 mm VR
- 1 bucată obiectiv foto de 20 mm f/1.8G AF-S
- 1 bucată obiectiv foto de 40 mm f/2.8 AF-S Dx Micro
- 1 bucată obiectiv tip varifocal de 11-16 mm
- 1 bucată tabletă grafică
- 1 bucată sistem SMART BOARD (tablă, videoproiector, software)
- 1 bucată sistem complet audio video pentru săli de cursuri și conferințe (incinte acustice, amplificator, player, videoproiector, ecram de proiecție)
- 1 bucată server
- 1 bucată monitor LCD de 25 inch
- 3 bucăți router wireless
- 1 bucată switch cu 8 porturi
- 18 bucăți prize internet
- 10 bucăți cablu conectare internet de 5 m
- 1 bucată rolă cablu UTP de 100 mm

, necesare desfășurării activității de management proiect și de formare/specializare a resurselor umane în turism, în cadrul Centrul de Formare a Resurselor Umane în Domeniul Turismului al AMD Bihor.

29/07/2019133.864,63 RON fără TVA 
347n/a26/06/2019Club Sportiv GeckoROHU122LAKATOS Zsolt-Gyula, Oradea, str. Primăriei, Nr. 23, jud. Bihor,, (0724) 626 897

An easily adjustable mobile climbing wall that can be assembled in courtyards or gym halls according to the needs.

Minimum technical requirements: 2-2,5 m wide, 6 m high suitable for use by 2 children simultaneously, contains approximately 150 grips.

34856-2-46/201926/06/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Papp László;

Providing catering services during the ROHU331 opening conference on 5th July 2019 as follows:

- catering services for 100 participants
- refreshments and food that shall be served, and the necessary equipment for service must be provided at the conference venue (Government Office for Békés County - 2 Derkovits sor, H-5600 Békéscsaba)
- during the conference professional staff shall be available for serving participants

34956-2-47/201926/06/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Papp László;

- Romanian - Hungarian simultaneous interpretation during the ROHU331 opening conference on 05.07.2019. in Békéscsaba.

- providing equipment and technical background for simultaneous interpretation for 100 participants during the event

- interpretation of professional presentations from Hungarian to Romanian and from Romanian to Hungarian

350Direct procurement of e-learning platform development services28/06/2019Association of Business in RomaniaROHU-382Costuț Ioana Sorina,, 0754266576

The subject of this specification is the acquisition of e-learning platform development services within the ROHU-382 YES-Youth Entrepreneurship Support project.

351Detailed technical design28/06/2019Katház Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-374Nagy Mariann, 6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 12.,, +36309988255

Preparation of the construction plan (authorization design and implementation plan documentation) for a training center in Domaszek (approx. 420 m2 gross footing area), which is a training and accommodation facility, including:
- architectural plan
- building structure plan
- fire protection plan
- kitchen technology
- building engineering plan
- electricity plan
- lightning protection
- security plan
- environmental protection plan

01/07/20196532000 HUF (including VAT)
3521_2019_KMA28/06/2019Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-218Czirle Csaba, H-5711 Gyula, Széchenyi u. 71. Tel.:+36 30 537 8403

2 pcs. of foil tent greenhouse with 2 layers, UV proof,
Size: 2 x 144 m2
Strong steel or plastic pipe structure > 30\3 mm,

19/07/2019Net 1.800.000 Ft + VAT (áfa), 
3532_2019_KMA28/06/2019Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-218Czirle Csaba, H-5711 Gyula, Széchenyi u. 71. Tel.:+36 30 537 8403

Rotary hoe 5,5 HP and 6,5 HP and its adapters
Spade 10 pieces
Hoe (hatcher, herbicide) 15 + 15 pcs
Rake 10 pcs
Hand set (seedling, planting shovel, hand hoe) 50 pcs
Watering Can (10l) 10 pcs
Watering hose 50m 3/4 4 pcs
5 hose connectors for spray hoses
Sprinkler 5 pcs
Watering pump 1 pc
Hand spraying head 5 pcs
Protective gloves 100 pcs
Seedling soil 1500 l
Hinges (200 mm) 160 pcs

19/07/20191.050.000 Ft + VAT (áfa) 
354-02/07/2019Parohia Reformată Oradea-Episcopia BihorROHU-398Parohia Reformată Oradea-Episcopia Bihor, str. Dealului, nr. 20, Oradea, jud. Bihor, Romania, e-mail:

DOCUMENTAŢIA DE ATRIBUIRE pentru realizarea investiției (proiectare PAC, PT + execuție lucrări) Centrul indoor și outdoor de formare profesională “Episcopia Bihor” (Oradea, jud. Bihor) în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR”, cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB, cod CPV 71322000 – 1 Servicii de proiectare tehnică pentru lucrări publice, 45211314-0-Lucrări de construcții de monumente istorice sau memoriale, cod CPV 45453000-7 Lucrări de reparații generale și de renovare, Cod CPV 45212314-0 Lucrări de construcții de monumente istorice sau memoriale, Cod CPV45232130-2 Lucrări de construcții de canalizări de ape pluviale, Cod CPV 45310000-3 Lucrări de instalații electrice

31/07/20191313513,69 RON fără TVA
355Direct acquisition of translation services28/06/2019Association of Business in RomaniaROHU-382Costuț Ioana Sorina,, 0754266576

The purpose of this specification is the acquisition of translation services within the project ROHU-382 YES - Support for Young Entrepreneurship

10/07/20192.521 Euro
356Purchase of pop-up tents within the project "Strengthening cooperation between communities in the Körös Valley" (ROHU-292)04/07/2019Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-292Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

Purchase of pop-up tents
Aluminum frame pop-up tent with 3 side walls and 10 feet wieghts, 3 * 3 m - 6 pcs

10/07/20191,003,000 HUF 
357Purchase of beer bench sets within the project "Strengthening cooperation between communities in the Körös Valley" (ROHU-292)04/07/2019Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-292Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 885

Purchase of beer bench sets
15 sets - table 220x50x75cm + 2 benches 220x25x50cm
15 sets - table 220x70x75cm + 2 benches 220x25x50cm

10/07/2019965,850 HUF 
358-04/07/2019Parohia Ortodoxă Ioșia-Nord, OradeaHURO-398Parohia ortodoxă Ioșia-Nord, Oradea, str, Calea Cazaban nr.37/A, Oradea, județul Bihor, România, e-mail:

Pentru realizarea investiției (proiectare PAC, PT + execuție lucrări) Centrul suport de formare și specializare pentru patrimoniu și turism “Ars Ecumenica” – Ioșia, Oradea, jud. Bihor) în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR”, cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB

31/07/20191 333 355,28 RON fără TVA
359-08/07/2019MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUC ROHU-398MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUC, Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,

Atribuirea pentru realizarea investiției (proiectare SF, PAC, PT + execuție lucrări) Centrul permanent de formare profesională pentru meșteșuguri tradiționale și turism rural “Izbuc-Călugări” în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR”, cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB, cod CPV 71322000 – 1 Servicii de proiectare tehnică pentru lucrări publice, 45000000-7 - Lucrări de construcţii, Cod CPV 45310000-3 Lucrări de instalații electrice, Cod CPV 4532460-4 Lucrări Sanitare, Cod CPV 45232141 – 2 Instalații încălzire

05/08/20191 443 674,59 RON fără TVA
360-08/07/2019MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUC, Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,

Atribuirea pentru achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională administrator pensiune turistică, Cod COR 515203, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB)

- 25 de persoane formare, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de administrator pensiune turistică, Cod COR 515203, conform legislației în vigoare

30/08/201924 405,17 lei fără TVA
361-08/07/2019MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUC ROHU-398MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUC, Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,

Atribuirea pentru achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională ghid turism intern (local), Cod COR 511302, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB)

- 35 de persoane formare, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de ghid turism intern(local), conform legislației în vigoare

30/08/201956 350,11 lei fără TVA
362Direct purchase of office equipment and IT01/07/2019Association of Business in RomaniaROHU-382Costuț Ioana Sorina,, 0754266576

The purpose of this specification is to purchase office and IT equipment within the ROHU-382 YES-Youth Entrepreneurship Support project in two lots.

363Direct purchase of office equipment and IT01/07/2019Association of Business in RomaniaROHU-382Costuț Ioana Sorina,, 0754266576

The purpose of this specification is to purchase office and IT equipment within the ROHU-382 YES-Youth Entrepreneurship Support project in two lots.

3642314/26.06.2019 Furnizare de echipamente pentru evenimente in cadrul proiectului „Cooperare transfrontalieră eficientă cu scopul creșterii ocupării forței de muncă în județele Arad și Békés”, ROHU40609/07/2019Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura a judetului AradROHU-406Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura Arad, str. Closca nr.5, Arad, jud.Arad, email:, tel: +40.257.208800

Furnizare de echipamente pentru evenimente in cadrul proiectului „Cooperare transfrontalieră eficientă cu scopul creșterii ocupării forței de muncă în județele Arad și Békés”, ROHU406

1.CORTURI MARI : - 2 (doua) bucati

2. CORTURI MICI: 10 bucati

3. APARATE DE AER CONDITIONAT pentru corturi: 10 bucati


3652537/09.07.201910/07/2019Valcany CommuneROHU-41Valcani Commune, Valcani nr 222,

Equipment for upgrading the fire engine

16/07/201930.641,42 Ron 
366CN101291111/07/2019S.C. ORADEA TRANSPORT LOCAL S.A.ROHU-390Email:, Tel: 40 259-423.245 int. 114, Persoana de contact: Marius BAR

Modernizing of the Automatic Vehicle Location and passengers information system (component 1) (componenta 1)” and „Modernizing the e-ticketing system based on an ABT related solution (Account Based Ticketing) sistem e-tiketing bazat pe o solutie tip ABT (Account Based Ticketing) (component 2)” at the level of the public transport network operated by Oradea Local public Transport Company.
For component 1:
Procurement of: 1. Board computers that will be installed on the public transport vehicles (155 pieces);
2. The Software Traffic Monitoring Licence that will ensure the management of the whole system compatible with the existing systems and installing/configuration of the embarked equipments (1 piece);
3. Information Panels deployed in Public Transport stations (55 pieces).
For component 2:
Procurement of one Licence Software.

21/08/20192.634.704,00 RON 

Atribuirea achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională formatori, cod COR 242401, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 80530000

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 30 de persoane:
- 30 de persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de Formator, conform legislației în vigoare

12/08/201917 705,49 lei fara TVA 
3684127/03.07.201903/07/2019AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Consultancy on public acquisitions
The services provided under the contract consist of: · Updating the public procurement program · Supporting the work of the internal procurement department · Elaborating the documents / documentation necessary to complete the stages of the public procurement process (initial documents regarding the procedure, awarding documents including tender specifications , answers to the requests for clarifications, minutes drawn up during the process of public procurement, announcements, communications, and other documents provided by the legislation);

· Elaboration of the necessary documents / documentation for the implementation of risk reduction programs in public procurement, covering all stages, from the planning / preparation of the procurement process to the signing of the public procurement contract; · Organization / application of the procedure of the public procurement / framework contract agreement · Elaboration of the necessary documents / documentation in relation to the work of the evaluation committee and / or the settlement of the complaints

For more information please contact Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

05/07/201941500 lei + TVA  


22/07/201925596 RON 
370TJO/16-114/201916/07/2019Békés Megyei Önkormányzat /Békés County Government/ROHU-204Békés Megyei Önkormányzat 5600 Békéscsaba, Árpád sor 18.,

Quote request for development and implementation of media campaign

Development and implementation of media campaign within the project " Shared problems, joint solutions - improving cooperation between Arad and Bekes public administration (WorkMix)" (ROHU-204)
The goal of the media campaign is to promote the project activities, the Békés county values as well as the travelling exhibition.

Contract terms:
Development and implementation of media campaign consisting of articles, radio and online ads.
Deadline for compiling the media campaign: 12/08/2019
Implementation period of the media campaign: 15/08/2019 – 30/11/2019

23/07/20191.618.200 HUF 
3713_2019_KMA17/07/2019Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Harasztosné Tóth Mónika 5611 Gyula Külterület 4. +36 30 213 7223

Felnőttképzési szolgáltatás megrendelése: sörgyártó 10 fő, fejőgépkezelő 15 fő, mezőgazdasági vontató 15 fő, targoncavezető 15 fő, angol nyelv 15 fő Helyszín: Békés megye

02/08/201910 010 000 HUF+VAT (áfa) 
372121/04/2019Körösszegapáti Román Ortodox ParókiaROHU-398Sabău Origen, 4135 Körösszegapáti, Kossuth u. 31.,, +40 730 77 77 70

External project management and procurement expertise services for „Creating and developing a crossborder polycentric network for training and support to increase the quality of tourist and handcraft cross-border services in the counties of Bihor and Hajdu-Bihar” (acronym: ForTour BHHB) ROHU-398 project. Continuous contact with LB, SZPO, MA, collaboration with contracted external service providers, with internal project team, continuous follow up of the tasks, execution in line with the work packages related in the project. The selection and the elaboration of the procurement proceedings, related to the project.

3732096-0001/2019.17/07/2019LOWER-TISZA DISTRICT WATER DIRECTORATEROHU-11Pándiné Dr. Bakos Eszter )6720 Szeged, Stefánia 4.,, +36 62 599 599)

„ROHU-11 FORMURES Projekt keretén belül reprezentációs ajándéktárgyak beszerzése”

374370918/07/2019Comuna CetariuROHU-265Ramona Jakob,, 0259456266

Delivery of 10 pieces of wooden table sets needed for the implementation of the project consisting of 1 table with 2 benches made of varnished fir wood with metallic structure (L x l x h):
table 2.20 x 70 x 76 and benches 2.20 x 25 x 50

375Direct acquisition of platform development e-learning18/07/2019Association of Business in RomaniaROHU-382Costuț Ioana Sorina,, 0754266576

The subject of this specification is the acquisition of e-learning platform development services within the ROHU-382 YES-Youth Entrepreneurship Support project. The procurement CPV is: 72413000-8 - Web site design services

376Direct acquisition of platform development e-learning18/07/2019Association of Business in RomaniaROHU-382Costuț Ioana Sorina,, 0754266576

The subject of this specification is the acquisition of e-learning platform development services within the ROHU-382 YES-Youth Entrepreneurship Support project. The procurement CPV is: 72413000-8 - Web site design services

377NA09/07/2019AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

1. Project management
The services provided under the contract consist of:
• Permanent information on the specific procedures and rules applicable under the Romania-Hungary Cross-Border Cooperation Program.
• Assistance in the planning, implementation and monitoring of the project activities under the responsibility of AJOFM Bihor, in accordance with the Subsidy Contract, with the relevant national and European rules and regulations.
• Monitoring activities, identifying the problems and risks from the initial planning in case of AJOFM Bihor.
• Formulating proposals for updating the activity plan and the financial projections for AJOFM Bihor, resulting from the risk and problem analysis process.
• In the event of a decision in this respect, the elaboration of the request and related documentation for the modification of the project part
• Preparing the necessary documentation for submitting partner reports
• The introduction of reporting information in the electronic eSMS system used by the Interreg V-A Program.
• Formulate the answers to any clarification requests issued by the first level control body - BRECO Oradea - in relation to the reports submitted. Maintain active communication and permanent contact with representatives of BRECO Oradea.
• Maintain active communication and permanent contact with Project Leader representatives and project partners in relation to project implementation issues.
• Availability for working meetings within a maximum of 24 hours from the request of AJOFM Bihor for the urgent discussions of the issues that arise in connection with the implementation of the project.
• Participation in partners' working meetings, whenever necessary and requested by representatives of AJOFM Bihor.
• Any other tasks related to project management at AJOFM Bihor, which will ensure the proper implementation of the project activities.

For more information please contact Mrs Livia Baruta.

378NA09/07/2019AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Opening conference
The services provided under the contract consist of:
• Providing a conference room with a minimum capacity of 100 people. It must be equipped with a video projector, a projection screen and a sound system.
• Ensuring translations into and from Hungarian (interpreter for Romanian and Hungarian)
• Ensuring a dining space, independent of the conference room and in the immediate vicinity.
• Providing / arranging a space for registration of the participants so as to allow the participation lists to be signed without agglomerating the entrance into the conference room
• Buffet for 100 people. It must contain hot and cold food, bread, cutlery, napkins, hot and cold drinks (juices, water, tea, coffee etc) and must remain available to the participants until the conference is completed.
• Any other tasks related to organizing the event to ensure the proper implementation of the project activities

For more information please contact Mrs Livia Baruta.

11/07/201911.904 lei  
379Na09/07/2019AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Visibility materials
The materials to be delivered are the following:
• A3 color posters, 115gr paper - 100 pcs.
• Roll-up with support, dimensions 85 x 200 cm - 4 pcs
• Custom maps, 21 x 31, color, 1 face, pocket - 3,500 pcs
• Note A5 Notebook, spiral, custom cover, 50 sheets / 3.500 pcs
• Customized, single color pens - 3,500 pcs
• Custom USB, min. 8GB - 200 pcs
• Textile, personalized, approx. 40 x 35 cm - 200 pcs
• A4 leaflets, color 4 + 4, paper 150gr, folded in 3 - 10,000 pcs
• Brochures A5, min. 8 pages, color 4 + 4 - 3,500 pcs
The text will be made available by the Contracting Authority. The materials will be printed in bilingual, Romanian and Hungarian. The translation of the materials will be done by the product supplier.
For more information please contact us.

11/07/2019105.160 lei  
380NA09/07/2019AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Organisation of a Workshop
The services provided under the contract consist of:
• Providing a conference room with a minimum capacity of 20 people. It must be equipped with a video projector and projection screen.
• Ensuring translations into and from Hungarian (interpreter for Romanian and Hungarian)
• Providing a dining space, independent and close to the workshop.
• Ensuring / arranging a space for registration of participants so as to allow the signing of the participation lists without agglomerating the entry into the workshop.
• Buffet for 20 people. It must contain hot and cold food, bread, cutlery, napkins, hot and cold drinks (juices, water, tea, coffee etc.). It should also contain cookies (salty and sweet) that remain available to participants throughout the event, along with drinks.
• Providing technical assistance with organizers' representatives throughout the event.
• Participation in organizing the event (participant invitations, confirmations from them etc.)
• Any other tasks related to organizing the event to ensure the proper implementation of the project activities
For more information please contact us.

11/07/201911.904 lei  
381NA09/07/2019AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Communication services
The services provided under the contract consist of:

• Ensure effective communication that will create the premises for the active involvement of target groups in project activities
• Making a great visibility for the services provided in the project
• Design for promotional materials
• Coordinating the process of making promotional materials.
• Through communication activities, the message will reach all target groups by providing detailed information on the purpose of the project. A fundamental principle is that messages must be tailored to the characteristics of the targeted group.
• The Communication Officer will develop the Visual Identity Guidelines and ensure its implementation. This will be in line with the Visual Identity Manual of the Interreg V-A Romania - Hungary Program (
• Monitor the promotion of events within the project
• Keeping in touch with representatives of local authorities in the county in order to ensure the promotion of the actions within the project.
• The Communication Officer will participate in the project events (including Opening and Closing Conferences), regular project meetings, Steering Committee meetings and will contribute to their organization.
• Collaborate for partner reports by providing information regarding communication.
• All communication activities will take into account the program-specific requirements offered by the Visibility Handbook
• The Communication Officer will be involved throughout the project and will be in close contact with all partners in communication issues.
For more information please contact us.

12/06/201993069 lei  
3827184/114/ 23.07.201923/07/2019ASOCIAȚIA CRESTROHU - 277Asociația CREST, Alexandru Odobescu Street no.48, Satu Mare, Satu Mare county, România E-mail: Telefon: 0261-877770, 0261-877771,

63510000-7 Travel agency and similar services:
Package containing travel, accommodation, meals, spaces for activities necessary for the organization of a camp and chess contest for a total of 56 persons (50 children + 6 adults) during 7 days, within the „CHESS START RO-HU – JOINT DEVELOPEMENT OF A CROSS-BORDER CHESS-BASED SOCIAL INCLUSION TOOL (RO-HU 277)” project

08/08/201940.844,54 lei including VAT

Asigurarea desfasurarii a 2 editii (septembrie 2019 si septembrie 2020, 2 zile pentru fiecare editie) a Targului "VINUL SI PAINEA" - targ gastronomic si de vinuri, eveniment transfrontalier de ocupare a locurilor de munca din domeniul gastronomiei si de promovoare a produselor gastronomic locale din Bihor si Hajdu-Bihor

21/08/2019121 033,72 RON fara TVA sau 
384Direct purchase of office equipment and IT24/07/2019Association of Business in RomaniaROHU-382Costuț Ioana Sorina,, 0754266576

The subject of this specification is the purchase of office and IT equipment within the ROHU-382 YES-Youth Entrepreneurship Support project. CPV codes are: CPV code 30213100-6 - Portable computers, CPV code 39112000-0 Chairs

385-25/07/2019MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,


Obiectul contractului este asigurarea desfășurării a:
- 1 ediție - septembrie 2019 , 2 zile, sâmbăta și duminica a Târgului “ECO FOOD – târg local de gastronomie eco și bio”

21/08/201935714,89 RON fără TVA
3865625/07/2019Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-380Marian, Arad, str. Suceava 18, tel / fax 0257 210192,

Achizitie echipamente IT conform specificatiilor din caietul de sarcini
Procurement of IT equipment, according to the specification

02/08/2019118454 RON without TVA 
387Quote request for the implementation of the communication activities of the project25/07/2019Municipalty of ÚjkígyósROHU54Éva Susán; 5661 Újkígyós Kossuth utca 41.;

The object of the procurement is carrying out of the communitaion tasks in connection with the project hereinafter in detail mentioned:
Press release (3 publications, publishing of promotion articles, inserts in newspapers, press releases) - about the project in local and regional media.
Project promotional materials: 2 roll-ups; 50 posters; 500 folders (A/4), will contain: personalized notepad (50 pages, A/5), personalized pen, personalized USB (min. 8 GB), flyer; 200 invitation (A/4 or A/5); PVC stickers with UV polishing: 70 small stickers (90mmx50mm), 5 big stickers (100mmx100mm).
Opening event and closing event.

31/07/20191100000 Ft 
388Quote request for the implementation of the events of the project25/07/2019Municipalty of ÚjkígyósROHU54Éva Susán; 5661 Újkígyós Kossuth utca 41.;

The object of the procurement is organizing the following events connected to the project:
- 2 workshops
- 2 trainings for the firemen
- 1 rescue day (participating with min 200 people)
- 1 joint mock drill in Újkígyós (participating with min 35 people).

31/07/20192928000 HUF 
389229/07/2019Körösszegapáti Román Ortodox ParókiaROHU-398Sabău Origen, 4135 Körösszegapáti, Kossuth u. 31.,, +40 730 77 77 70

General construction planning - elaboration of the authorisation of construction plans and documentation for authorisation, including the fees and costs of proceedings for the competent authorities – for CONSTRUCTION WORKS - CROSS BORDER TRAINING AND SUPPORT CENTER in Körösszegapáti, Tó street no. 1, parcel id. no. 28.

A light structural support ground + 1 floor building, without basement, around 1000 m2 for cross border training and support center destination.

The following experts should need in the planning procedure: architect planner, structural expert, mechanical engineer planner, building electrician planner, kitchen technological planner, fire service engineer, rehabilitation engineer and any other planner experts if needed.

Expected deadline for elaboration of the mentioned documents, from signing the contract: 45 days.

09/08/20196472800 HUF  
39026.07.2019 Local exhibition in Vetis Commune28/07/2019Vetis CommuneROHU-297Vetis Commune, Principala street, no.437, Vetis Commune, Satu Mare County,, 0261-820702

Realization of a Local Exhibition in the Museum of Vetis Commune, with the following components:
1. Sociological study of local cultural and historical values
2. Action plan for promoting the local museum among visitors
3. Arranging the local museum and arranging the exhibition
4. Organizing the opening event of the museum and the exhibition.

05/08/201972.723 RON 
391Executie lucrari pentru proiectul "Amenajare piste de biciclete in comuna Socodor, judetul Arad"29/07/2019Comuna SocodorROHU-128Comuna Socodor, nr.1, judetul Arad, tel: 0257 358 100, fax: 0257 358 112

Prin prezenta procedura se doreste implementarea proiectului „Amenajare piste de biciclete in comuna Socodor, judetul Arad”, proiect finantat prin Programul INTERREG V-A România – Ungaria, Axa Prioritară 2: Îmbunătăţirea mobilității transfrontaliere durabile și eliminarea blocajelor, domeniul de intervenţie 7/c : Dezvoltarea și îmbunătățirea sistemelor de transport ecologice (inclusiv cu un nivel redus de zgomot) și cu emisii reduse de carbon, inclusive transporturile fluviale interne și maritime, porturile, legăturile multimodale și infrastructura aeroportuară, pentru promovarea mobilității regionale și locale durabile. Astfel, se doreste amenajarea a două tronsoane de pistă de biciclete, in lungime totalã de 6,325 km, in comuna Socodor, care să asigure legătura nord-sud și vest-est la obiectivele care atrag fluxuri de trafic importante (școli, piețe, parcuri, agenți economici etc), la care sã se poată ajunge pe două roți.

13/08/20192.858.123,72 RON 
392 Execution of works for the project "Bicycle tracks development in the commune of Socodor, Arad county"29/07/2019Socodor CommuneROHU-128Socodor Commune, no.1, Arad County, tel: 0257 358 100, fax: 0257 358 112

This project aims to implement the project "Bicycle paths development in the commune of Socodor, Arad county", financed by the INTERREG VA Romania - Hungary Program Priority Axis 2: Improving sustainable cross-border mobility and eliminating bottlenecks, the field of intervention 7 / c: Development and enhancing low-carbon (including low-noise) transport systems including inland and inland waterway transport, ports, multimodal connections and airport infrastructure to promote sustainable regional and local mobility through „Eco trans system – eco – friendly cross border transport in Socodor - - Ketegyhaza area”, eMS code: ROHU - 128 project. Thus, two bicycle track sections, totaling 6,325 km, in the Socodor commune, are planned to provide the North-South and West-East link to objectives that attract major traffic flows (schools, markets, parks, economic agents, etc.), which can be reached on two wheels.

13/08/20192.858.123,72 RON 

Atribuire pentru achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională barman, cod COR 5132 și ospătar (chelner), cod COR 513102 în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB)

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 60 de persoane:
- 60 de persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de 30 de barman, 30 de ospătar (chelner), conform legislației în vigoare

29/08/201958 731,10 lei fara TVA 
39455531/07/2019Bihor Destination Management Agency (Agenția de Management al Destinației Bihor)ROHU-162AMD Bihor, Str. Primariei Nr. 2 Et. 1, Razvan Dumbrava - Project Manager,, 0722348825

Services for the realization of an Integrated System - GIS and WEB Portal and mobile phone application.

The system will consist of three components:
- Database available in ESRI, where information about targets, routes, and categories will be stored;
- The developed WordPress web portal and custom developed modules to cover all the necessary functionalities;
- Mobile application for browsing and receiving messages (goal and event notifications) from IT administrators.

Between the web portal and GIS database, an automatic data synchronization interface will be developed to avoid overloading the GIS system.
In the first phase, GIS data will be brought to the portal. If later, for certain functionalities, it will be identified the need to carry data from the portal into GIS database, this can be done by extending the existing sync interface functionality.

The mobile app will use the data stored in the web portal, but it also allows you to save some information temporarily for use offline.
The administration of the system will be made from the web portal administration interface.

As to the page structure and exposure mode of the portal menu, these can be decided and modified at any time by system administrators through the administration interface.

The portal and application are modular, with future modules and functionalities being developed with any developer, not only the solution provider.

There will be also realized 20 audio guides to be linked in the integrated system.

07/08/201978,245.09 RON 
395364915/07/2019Comuna CetariuROHU-265Ramona Jakob,, 0259456266

Acquisition of a 2-day outdoor event and a 1-day event
Services included in organizing the 2-day outdoor event:
1. Catering for 100 people
2. Equipment and professional assistance for archery competition
3. Providing sound and smart lights for 2 days
4. Provide photo and video services for 2 days
5. Promotional materials: 200 pcs personalised cups, 1 banner, 6 trophies, 200 A4 diplomas, 10 pcs A3 posters
6. Organization of at least 13 events with the participation of at least 100 young people from two localities, which will include: artistic moments, competitions, sporting activities, modern and popular dance performances
7. Professional assistance in running the event
8. Preparation of the technical report of the services provided

Services included in the organization of the 1-day thematic event:
1. Catering for 100 people
2. Provision of sound and lights for the event
3. Provide photo and video services during the event
4. Professional assistance in running the event
5. Preparation of the technical report of the services provided

For more information please contact us.

01/08/201937.778 leiNA 
3964_2019_KMA02/08/2019Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyiné Szűcs Panka (adress: 5711 Gyula, Széchenyi u. 71. email: +36 30 272 9980 email:

Oktatási központ és szociális garzonház komplex tervezési feladatainak megvalósítása.
Tervezett építési helyszín: 5711 Gyula, Széchenyi 71. 9736/3. hrsz.
Tervezett hasznos alapterület: ~500 m2 +/- 5%
Az elvégzendő feladatok részletes tartalma:
Építési engedélyezési (örökségvédelmi) tervdokumentáció készítése, előzetes szakhatósági és közműegyeztetések lebonyolítása, engedélyeztetés lebonyolítása, ÉTDR feltöltés, szaktervezők integrálása, megbízása kiviteli szaktervek készítésére, tervezői költségvetési kiírás készítése, építési tenderdokumentáció összeállítása, tervezői művezetés/konzultáció, megvalósulási dokumentáció készítése

09/08/20196000000 Ft + VAT 
39721304/08/2019ASOCIAȚIA „SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISS” Oradea, RomaniaROHU-84Email:, Phone: +40744.172.255 or +40.727.714.323

Procurement of services for ensuring the technical assistance (works master)/supervising of works related to the setting up of the Regional Cross-Border Training Center for Integrated Preparedness for Interventions in Case of Emergencies (Bihor county, Bors commune)

398CN1101376406/08/2019S.C. ORADEA TRANSPORT LOCAL S.A.ROHU-390Email:, Tel: 40 259-423.245 int. 114, Persoana de contact: Gabriela SZELL sau Marius BAR

Procurement of 7 new buses (6 Euro 6 buses and 1 hybrid bus) at the level of the public transport network operated by Oradea Local Transport Company (Oradea, Sinmartin, Bors și Biharkeresztes)

11/09/20197.079.100 lei without TVA 

Atribuire pentru achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională Director hotel, Cod COR 141105, în cadrul priectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 80530000

Scopul este formarea profesională autorizată pentru 10 de persoane:
- 10 de persoane formare, absolvenți cu certificat ANC, recunoscut de Ministerul Muncii și Justiției Sociale - Director Hotel, Cod COR 141105 - conform legislației în vigoare

06/09/201937 777,25 lei fără TVA 
4005_2019_ KMA07/08/2019Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Harasztosné Tóth Mónika 5711 Gyula Külterület 4. Tel.: 30/213-7223 E-mail:

Felnőttképzési szolgáltatás megrendelése: mezőgazdasági vontató 15 fő, targoncavezető 15 fő Helyszín: Békés megye

09/08/20193 960 000 + Á 


Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 40 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

09/09/201959 648,30 lei fără TVA 

Atribuirea serviciului autorizat de formare profesională ghid turism intern (local), Cod COR 511302, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB)

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 60 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

- 60 de persoane formare, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de ghid turism intern(local), conform legislației în vigoare

06/09/2019104 384,54 lei fără TVA 
403SCN1050565 Anunt de participare simplificat12/08/2019Revista Culturala VáradROHU446Revista Culturala Várad - Oradea, str. Piata 1 Decembrie, nr. 12, CUI 18415639, tel +40 725 944 956, Szucs Laszlo,

Servicii de proiectare, lucrări de execuție si furnizare de echipamente având ca obiect “Reconstruire parțială și mansardare Casa de Cultură in Municipiul Oradea, strada Calea Clujului nr. 85”.
Se va semna un contract de achizitii publice de proiectare si execuție lucrări pe o perioadă de 18 luni, care va include cele trei etape ale achizitiei:
1. Proiectare si asistenta tehnica pe perioada de executie
2. Execuție lucrări
3. Livrare si montaj utilaje, echipamente și dotări.

Intreaga documentatie de atribuire se poate descarca din SEAP, fiind publicata alaturi de invitatie.

03/09/20192.699.051,98 lei, fără TVA,,,,
404124 13/08/2019Asociatia AGESROHU-385Zsolt Csengeri, Satu Mare, str. Corvinilor nr.8, 0722-915529

Realization of video and photo services

20/08/201926.026 RON 
40512513/08/2019Asociatia AGESROHU-385Zsolt Csengeri, Str. Corvinilor nr.8, Satu Mare, 0722915529

Acquisition of office equipment

19/08/201917812 RON 
406ROHU/A1514/08/2019Centrul pentru Arii Protejate și Dezvoltare Durabilă Bihor ROHU-126IACABAȘ PAUL, telefon/fax: 0359 410 556, e-mail:

Servicii de realizare a unui film educațional despre sit, pentru copii

21/08/201969.945,00 lei fără TVA
4078414/08/2019Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-380Dragu Marian, Arad, str. Suceava 18, tel / fax 0257 210192,

Achizitie Servicii pentru verificarea planurilor si documentatiilor pentru constructii pentru Centrul de Formare a Adultilor Verba Docent Arad
Building plans/building documentations verification services

23/08/201919882 lei without TVA 
408-19/08/2019MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,

Reluare procedura atribuire contract lucrari Manastirea Izbuc

Beneficiarul invită persoanele juridice interesate să depună oferte în scopul atribuirii contractului pentru realizarea invesstiției (proiectare SF, PAC, PT + execuție lucrări) Centrul permanent de formare profesională pentru meșteșuguri tradiționale și turism rural “Izbuc-Călugări” în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR”, cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB, cod CPV 71322000 – 1 Servicii de proiectare tehnică pentru lucrări publice, 45000000-7 - Lucrări de construcţii, Cod CPV 45310000-3 Lucrări de instalații electrice, Cod CPV 4532460-4 Lucrări Sanitare, Cod CPV 45232141 – 2 Instalații încălzire

25/09/20191 446 670,59 RON fără TVA

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 30 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate:
- 30 persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de competențe antreprenoriale, Cod COR 515203, conform legislației în vigoare

19/09/201939 765,53 lei fără TVA 
41010390073613/07/2019NOJORID Commune ROHU 200 Comuna Nojorid, Str.Principala, Nr.102A; Bojorid Bihor; Manager de proiect; Avrigeanu Mihai Alexandru; 0259393194

Organisation of the concert. Besides the cooking contest, within the Autumn Festival will be organised a concert. Romanian and Hungarian interprets/bands will be invited to perform. For a few hours, artists will entertain the audience. A number of 2.000 participants is expected. Events will start from 15 o'clock up to 20.00. A number of approx. 50 artists will perform (singers, dancers, artists)

23/07/201922.811 lei - without VAT

Atribuirea servicii autorizate de formare profesională administrator pensiune turistică, Cod COR 515203 în cadrul proiectului

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 40 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate:
- 40 persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de administrator pensiune turistică, Cod COR 515203, conform legislației în vigoare.

19/09/201950 703,07 lei fără TVA 
412170/2019.08.19.19/08/2019Nyírbátori Református EgyházközségROHU-256Fazakas Ferenc Sándor, 4300, Nyírbátor, HU, Egyház u. 1, Tel: +36302727882,

Video streaming equipment

1. 4K (UHD) / FHD Camcorder
2. 546GB-1 Tripod Kit
3. Filmmaker Kit
4. Video Streaming Server
5. Head Lamp
6. Memory
7. Replacement battery
8. Microphone
9. Camera bag

Please see details and technical parameters in the bidding documentation.


Atribuirea serviciului furnizare tehnică IT, audio-foto-video, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), Cod CPV30213100-6 ,, computere portabile”, 30213200-7 „Tablet PC”- tabletă, 30232110- 8 Imprimante laser, 38651600-9 Camere digitale, 38653400-1 Tablă interactivă, ecran de proiecţie, 32330000-5 - Aparate audio şi video de înregistrare şi redare, 32323400-7 Video proiector, 48821000-9 Servere, 30237100-0 Piese și accesorii pentru computere, 39130000-2 Mobilier birou.

Obiectul contractului este asigurarea a:
- 6 bucăți laptop
- 6 bucăți tabletă PC
- 1 bucată multifuncțional lase color A3
- 1 bucată aparat foto DSRL cu obiectiv de 18-140 mm VR
- 1 bucată obiectiv foto de 20 mm f/1.8G AF-S
- 1 bucată obiectiv foto de 40 mm f/2.8 AF-S Dx Micro
- 1 bucată obiectiv tip varifocal de 11-16 mm
- 1 bucată tabletă grafică
- 1 bucată sistem SMART BOARD (tablă, videoproiector, software)
- 1 bucată sistem complet audio video pentru săli de cursuri și conferințe (incinte acustice, amplificator, player, videoproiector, ecram de proiecție)
- 1 bucată sistem de translație mobilă simultană cu 2 transmițătoare, 36 de receptoare și încărcător
- 1 bucată server
- 1 bucată monitor LCD de 25 inch
- 3 bucăți router wireless
- 1 bucată switch cu 8 porturi
- 18 bucăți prize internet
- 10 bucăți cablu conectare internet de 5 m
- 1 bucată rolă cablu UTP de 100 mm
- 30 bucăți scaune conferință/curs cu măsuță rabatabilă
- 2 bucăți masă birou cu alonjă
- 2 bucăți scaun directorial birou
- 3 bucăți cuiere de perete

20/09/2019163 038,73 RON fără TVA 
414229/20.08.201922/08/2019ASOCIAȚIA „SERVICIUL PENTRU ASISTENȚĂ ÎN SITUAȚII SPECIALE-SARTISS” Oradea, RomaniaROHU-84Phone: +40.727.714.323, +40.744.172.255, Email:

Procurement of equipments for ensuring the preparation for interventions in case of emergency, installing and training for using the procured equipments, CPV code 34152000-7 Simulators for training

24/09/2019215.095,80 Euros without VAT (or 255.964 Euros with VAT included) 
415Quote request for the implementation of event organizing and communication activities of the project22/08/2019Újkígyós Város (Town of Újkígyós)ROHU-54Name: Éva Susán Address: 5661 Újkígyós Kossuth utca 41. E-mail:

The object of the procurement is organizing the following events:
- 2 joint mock drills in Újkígyós (min 35 participants from Zerind-Újkígyós area)
- 2 trainings for firefighters (basic training for 20 participants and professional training for 5 participants)
- 2 workshops organized for the local population
- 1 rescue day (awareness raising activities, organized for min 200 people).
The object of the procurement is carrying out the following communication activities in connection with the project:
1) Press release (3 publications: publishing of promotion articles)
2) Project promotional materials:
2 roll-ups; 50 posters; 200 invitation (A4/A5, polichrome); 500 Folders A4, polichrome will contain:
- personalized notepad: 50 pages, A5, polichrome
- personalized pen
- personalized key ring holder
PVC stickers with UV polishing - 70 small stickers (90 mm x 50 mm), 5 big stickers (100 mm x 100 mm)
3) Opening- and closing event

28/08/20194110000 HUF 
416EKR000980092019 Designing a meditation area 14/08/2019Szent István Egyetem Szarvasi ArborétumROHU-35Szent István Egyetem Szarvasi Arborétum; 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary; +36 28 522 000;

Designing a meditation area in an unused territory of the arboretum, reserving unexploited advanteges. This meditation area has different stations like:
- a realistic cave (20 m2) as an element serving for the introduction of biblical period,
- a rock, from which water is falling, and can be approached through a wooden bridge,
- Pool of Siloam, deceloped from an existing huge pit, connecting to the Biblical story of Jonah, can be approached by passing a glass bridge, connecting to a tunnel. It means a water surface of 1100 m2, serves for introduction and playful entertainment,
- a whale – floating installation on the Pool of Siloam, made to be interesting with inserting several mobil tools,
- treadmill and drainage system, can be operated by leg works, finally the water arrives at the tunnel, where Jesus’s boat (designed contemporary) can be trailed.
- ruin of colonnade, also reflecting an image from the biblical period, is an installation of organized columns,
- place for introducing historical, contemporary dishes and games. Consists of a garden house of 2x20m, and a playground of mainly wooden, historical toys next to it,
- 2000 m long fence with 3 gates separating the meditation area.


Atribuirea achiziției serviciului autorizat de formare profesională tehnician hotelărie, Cod COR 422401, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB)

Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de tehnician hotelărie, Cod COR 422401. În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 100 de participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.

20/09/2019119 296,61 lei fără TVA 
4186_2019_KMA08/02/29Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-228Várhelyiné Szűcs Panka (adress: 5711 Gyula, Széchenyi u. 71. email: +36 30 272 9980 email:

5 napos tanulmányi kirándulás 30 fővel (2019. szeptemberében) és vetőmagbörze 150 fő részére (2019. novemberében) megrendezése.

28/08/20192.600.000 Ft +VATési-hirdetmény-Rendezvényszervezés.pdf
4197_2019_KMA23/08/2019Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-218Várhelyiné Szűcs Panka (adress: 5711 Gyula, Széchenyi u. 71. email: +36 30 272 9980 email:

A projekt promóciós eszközeinek elkészítése: 200 darab gyermek és felnőtt póló (150 db gyermek, 50 db felnőtt méret)
200 db sapka,
4 db promóciós strandzászló (legalább 400 cm),
2 db pop-up banner (legalább 200 cm magas)
1 db felfújható kapu (belső méret legalább 2,5 x 4 m)
10 db leszúrható információs tábla A4-es méretben

28/08/20191.500.000 Ft +VAT 
42018523/08/2019Fundatia Diaspora / Diaspora FoundationROHU-180Fundatia Diaspora, Timisoara, Str. Putna nr.7,, 0040-356-446516, Persoana de contact: Kasa Zsolt, tel: 0040-721-265979, e-mail:

Servicii de transport pentru transportul a unui număr de 500 persoane (250 persoane pe ruta Arad-Szeged-Arad, 250 persoane pe ruta Timișoara-Szeged-Timișoara) conform caietului de sarcini
Transportation services for a number of 500 persons (250 persons on Arad-Szeged-Arad route, 250 persons on Timisoara-Szeged-Timisoara route) according to the therm of references.

06/09/201916525,60 RON,
42197/26.08.201927/08/2019Fundatia pentru Cultura si Invatamant "Ioan Slavici" TimisoaraROHU 399Christina Barbu,

IT equipment: 2 laptops, 1 videoprojector, 1 multufunctional color laser printer. According to the description in the tehnical specifications.

06/09/201919.136,65 (VAT included),,,
422 Referat de necesitate 372626/08/2019Toboliu CommuneROHU 200Comuna Toboliu, Calarasu Arabela, Strada Principala, telefon 0259354689; e-mail

In order to ensure the implementation of the project with the name "Crossborder events for Crossborder Citizens"-acronym CCC, Code E-MS ROHU 200, funded by the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme 2014-2020, priority axis 6 Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens (cooperation of institutions and communities), investment priority 11/b: strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and an administrative by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions, Toboliu Commune, as Lead beneficiary, has to execute the acquisition of the following services:
1. Services for the organization of a Press Conference & Conference Closure Project
-with the participation of at least 3 media representatives; catering for estimated number of 30 persons; participation of all 4 partners representatives; documents - press release, invitation, attendance list, photo and video materials
2. Services for promotional and visibility materials consisting of
• 10 aprons for cooking contest; 3 cups for the winners of the Cooking Contest (place I, II, III); 4 medals for the winners of the Cooking Contest (place I, II, III, mention); 10 diplomas for the teams participating in the cooking contest; 100 Metal Badges; 100 Custom Caps; 5 A3 plasticized posters; 1 Banner 5 x 1m
For more details, you may contact Arabela Calarasu, at the Toboliu Commune coordinates - telefon 0259354689; e-mail

27/08/2019Estimated value for Service1 is 2.670,83 lei without VAT, meaning around; estimated value for Service 2 is 3.834,54 lei without VAT  
42342328/08/2019Tájékozódási Futásért AlapítványROHU 161Tibor Gera

Bid requester

Dear Bidders!

The Tájékozodási Futásért Foundation (address: 6724, Pacsirta street 3/b . tax number: representative: József Riesing), as initiated of the winner application, has started the O-IKT (Sport-Health-Tourism-Youth) titled, identfification number: RO-HU 161 project realization at 1st December 2018, in content: a Mapping course is going to be organized in Szeged, in Vértop and Kaszolya, Romania in 3 different sections. The bidders task is coordinate the 2 main instructor and participants of the project’s at its place and help in organization.

We kindly ask You/Your company in knowledge of your proffesion to bid.

1. Bid requester's name, address, phone number

Bid requester's name: Tájékozódási Futásért Foundation
Bid requester's address: 6724 Szeged, Kossuth Lajos street 74/c.
Bid requester's representative: József Riesing
Bid requester's phone number: +36302575943

About bidding the person below informs you:
Name: Gera Tibor
phone: +36703348367

2. Object of bidding

Title of both process and the later signed contract:
Ensuring instructors for Mapping course
Identification number of process: RO-HU 161/1

Deatiled description of the task, commissions's expectations are the following:
The goal is to incrise number of those young people who can do proper mapping work with modern technical devices, both sides of the border, via the number of areas suitable for orienteering sports, mostly in romanian regions.

Orienteering maps represent the relief - mountains and valleys changes -, water structures, roads and paths, different (artifical) objects, vegetation and with different colours the viability of an area. All the orienteering map markers are contained in the unified orienteering map symbols. Orienteering maps are more detailed than the known turist maps.
During the course, participants will learn map correction, drawing methods on terrain and map drawing with those softvare and hardware devices which they has got during this project. (Using OCAD 11 version) An individual task ends the study - correction of a 1 km2 area independently, meanwhile mentors will help to students.

The level of course: adult

Number of students: max. 14 person, in order they have applied (7 person romanian, 7 person hungarian participants). Young people between 18 and 30 years old have priority.

Expected knowledge: basic PC using skills and knowledge of orienteering map symbols and rules of orineteering racnig.

Material conditions of participate: it is offered to use own notebook, in case you do not have laptop or notebook, please contact us. OCAD 11. software is needed. (The bid requester is responsible for recriutment, Dél-alföldi Teleházak Regionális Közhasznú Egyesülete ensures administration of the training).

Course time: 9 days theory (in 3 days sections) 5 days practice, all in all: 14 days, 98 hours.

Thematics of course:
1. section OCED using - OCED user skills, basics of field job
2. section Map drawing - field measurements, OCED drawing, map drawing by aerial photo
3. section Map drawing, OCED using - Overdrawing, specify relief, drawing natural coverage in mountains

Language of course: hungarian/romanian

Place and date of course:
1. section - 6-8 September 2019 - Szeged 6724 Szeged, Kossuth Lajos street 74/c.
2. section - 4-6 October 2019 - Vértop, Romnaia-Bihar mountains (chalet of Ady Liceum)
3. section - 22-24 November 2019 - Kaszolya (Centrul de Educare şi Informare în Protecția Mediului „Green House”(Casa Verde – Căsoaia)

Place, date, conditions of Exam: Kaszolya, 24 November 2019. The course ends with a certification. Conditions of getting the certification are: active participate on lessons, correction of a 1 km2 area, vaild only if the
student does not miss more than 10% of practice hours.

Title of work section Hour
1. section 2 instructors*3 days*7 hours/day=42 hours
2. section 2 instructors*3 days*7 hours/day=42 hours
3. section 2 instructors*3 days*7 hours/day=42 hours
field training 2 instructors*5 days*7 hours/day=70 hours
Sum: 196 hours

3. Deadline to finish tasks
Deadline to finish tasks: 25 November 2019

4. Expectations against professional and financial offers
Every bidders which's offer is in compliance with professional conditions written in point 1. , must hand in their financial offer in "net + VAT = gross" breakdown and in hugarian forint (HUF).

5. Mode, place and deadline of handing bids in
Form of bidding: is possible only via e-mail (signed by the company's representative, in scanned form)
e-mail cím:
Please present RO-HU 161 in the topic of your letter.

6. Deadline of handing offers in
Deadline of bidding: 30 August 2019
Every bidder will be noticed about the result of their bid the day after they handed in as it went trought
the evalution.

7. Rectification
There is no opportunity to rectificate your bid after it has been handed in once.

8. Evaluation of bids and contracting
That bidder will win the right of give services/purcahse of equipments and contracting which's bid fits to the
professional expectations and offers the lowest price.
We expect to sign contract after evalution, with the winning bidder within a week.
We are waiting for your respective bid.

Date: Szeged, 26 August 2019

József Riesing

30/08/20194400 Euro  

Atribuirea achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională formatori, cod COR 242401, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 80530000

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 30 de persoane:
- 30 de persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de Formator, conform legislației în vigoare

20/09/201917 632,46 lei fără TVA 
425696226/08/2019NOJORID CommuneROHU 200BOC Ioana, Nojorid, e-mail:; phone / fax 0259393194/0259393192

In order to ensure the implementation of the project with the name "Crossborder events for Crossborder Citizens"-acronym CCC, Code E-MS ROHU 200, funded by the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme 2014-2020, priority axis 6 Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens (cooperation of institutions and communities), investment priority 11/b: strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and an administrative by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions, Nojorid Commune, as Partner beneficiary, has to execute the acquisition of the following services:

1. Services for the organization of a Press Conference
-with the participation of at least 3 media representatives; catering for estimated number of 30 persons; participation of all 4 partners representatives; documents - press release, invitation, attendance list, photo and video materials

2. Services for promotional and visibility materials consisting of
• 10 aprons for cooking contest; 3 cups for the winners of the Cooking Contest (place I, II, III); 4 medals for the winners of the Cooking Contest (place I, II, III, mention); 10 diplomas for the teams participating in the cooking contest; 100 Metal Badges; 100 Custom Caps; 5 A3 plasticized posters; one banner

For more details, you may contact BOC Ioana, at the Nojorid Commune coordinates - phone / fax 0259393194/0259393192; e-mail

30/08/2019Estimated value is 6.760,17 ron without VAT  
426379029/08/2019Toboliu CommuneROHU 200Toboliu Commune, Calarasu Arabela, Strada Principala, phone 0259354689; e-mail

In order to ensure the implementation of the project with the name "Crossborder events for Crossborder Citizens"-acronym CCC, Code E-MS ROHU 200, funded by the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme 2014-2020, priority axis 6 Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens (cooperation of institutions and communities), investment priority 11/b: strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and an administrative by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions, Toboliu Commune, as Lead beneficiary, will execute the acquisition of the following services:
- Services organizing events consisting in organizing the artistic events during the "Festivalul verzei", in 28.09.2019, between the hours: 15:00 – 20:00. The event will take place in Toboliu village, Toboliu Village, Jud. Bihor, in a location chosen by mutual agreement with the contracting authority.
The provider will have to ensure the participation of a number of 80 artists (solists, artists, bands and dancers a.s.o, from Romania and Hungary. The genres of music and the types of dances will be determined by mutual agreement by the supplier with the contracting authority.
For more details, you may contact Arabela Calarasu, at the Toboliu Commune coordinates - telefon 0259354689; e-mail

29/08/201922,666.38 ron without VAT  
4273076/29.08.201929/08/2019Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura AradROHU-406Matiut Radu, Arad, Oituz 122, email:, tel: +40743171518

Prin prezentul proiect se doreste achizitionarea serviciilor de organizare evenimente(Cod CPV 79952000-2- Servicii pentru evenimente) în numar de 15 (cincisprezece), pentru 3500 de persoane in cautarea unui loc de munca, parti interesate, intreprinderi sau ONG-uri. In cadrul evenimentelor sunt satisfacute partea de cerere si cea de oferta a pietei muncii.

Descrierea activitatii vizate:
• Organizarea a 15 evenimente profesionale, derulate pe intreaga perioada a proiectului;
• Numarul de participanti implicati in domeniul pietei muncii si economiei este de 3500 persoane;
• Asigurarea salilor de conferinta in diferite regiuni din judetul Arad;
• Asigurarea serviciilor aferente catering-ului (incluzand cafea si apa);

05/09/2019496.335,00 LEI,,
42818630/08/2019Fundatia Diaspora / Diaspora FoundationROHU-348Fundatia Diaspora, Timisoara, Str. Putna nr.7,, 0040-356-446516, Persoana de contact: Kasa Zsolt, tel: 0040-721-265979, e-mail:

Elaboration of a didactic material, which will be used for the trainings organized through the project.

06/09/201932396,39 RON,
429938/03.09.201903/09/2019SOCIETATEA DE BINEFACERE DON ORIONEROHU331MARTIN MIHELLER,, 0040765212686

Producing advertising materials:
4000 leaflets
500 posters
1 temporary billboard
1 permanent billboard

12/09/201912535 lei (including VAT) 
4308_2019_KMA03/09/2019Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyi Zoltán, H-5711 Gyula, Külterület 4.,, +36209596336

1 db 9 személyes kisbusz és 1 db 6 személyes, összkerék-meghajtásos, terepjáró kisteherautó beszerzése a hirdetményben foglalt specifikáció szerint.

Purchase of a 9-passenger minibus and 6-person all-wheel-drive off-road truck according to the specification in the announcement.

10/09/201925.380.000 HUF+VAT 
431-03/09/2019MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,

Serviciului autorizate de formare profesională administrator pensiune turistică, Cod COR 515203, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), COD CPV 80530000

Scopul este formarea profesională autorizată pentru 25 de persoane:
- 25 de persoane formare, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de administrator pensiune turistică, conform legislației în vigoare

01/10/201924 429,98 lei fără TVA 
432315303/09/2019Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura AradROHU-406Matiut Radu, Arad, str. Closca, nr. 5, email:, tel: +40 743 171 518

Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura Arad intentioneaza sa achizitioneze serviciile unui expert pentru evaluare imobiliara si crearea unei baze de date privind zonele de investitie din judetul Arad.

Descrierea activitatii vizate:

I. Cartarea zonelor de investiții din judetul Arad, pentru a identifica oportunitati de vânzare/închiriere, parcuri industriale, zone de investiții și zone libere (zone adecvate investițiilor economice) din tot judetul.
II. Elaborarea unui sistem de criterii uniform: dezvoltarea unui sistem de criterii uniform pentru proprietățile care urmează să fie cartografiate (terenuri și structuri solide încorporate) (de exemplu: dimensiunea suprafeței, vânzare / închiriere, distanță de centrul orasului, accesibilitate etc.).
III. Evaluarea capacităților pe baza sistemului de criterii elaborate, evaluarea aspectelor date ale imobilelor cartografiate și evaluarea posibilitatilor (de exemplu, în ce scop poate fi utilizat un imobil).
IV. Încărcare în baza de date: baza de date cu datele imobiliare încărcate, evaluate și examinate (pe un site-ul web din cadrul proiectului).
V. Promovarea sustenabilității bazei de date: contactarea municipalităților din județul Arad și dezvoltarea unui canal de informare/notificare către CCIA (rolul municipalităților în anunțarea de noi proprietăți situate pe teritoriile lor, corespunzând grupului țintă al bazei de date).

10/09/2019118,000 LEI,,
433317404/09/2019Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura AradROHU-406Matiut Radu, Arad, str. Closca, nr. 5, email:, tel: +40 743 171 518

Obiectivul general al contractului este achiziția de servicii pentru traducere autorizată si servicii de interpretariat: română-maghiara-engleză și/sau maghiara-engleză-română.

Prestatorul va furniza servicii de traducere autorizată a unor documente si servicii de interpretariat, la solicitarea beneficiarului, din limba română în limba maghiara/engleză și/sau din limba maghiara/engleză în limba română

11/09/201979,324 LEI,,
434317104/09/2019Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura AradROHU-406Matiut Radu, Arad, str. Closca, nr. 5, email:, tel: +40 743 171 518

Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura Arad intentioneaza sa achizitioneze servicii de publicitate: materiale promotionale si organizarea conferintelor de presa(2buc), in cadrul proiectului ”Cooperare transfrontalieră eficientă cu scopul creșterii ocupării forței de muncă în județele Arad și Békés”, Cod eMS: ROHU406, valoare estimata: 11.765 EURO fara TVA, dupa cum urmeaza:

• Realizarea de materiale promotionale:
 Brosuri
 Elemente grafice
 Documentatie foto
 Roll-up
 Distributie
 Etichete autocolante

• Organizarea a doua conferinte de presa

11/09/201955,530 LEI Fara TVA,,
435-05/09/2019Parohia Reformată Oradea-Episcopia BihorROHU-398Parohia Reformată Oradea-Episcopia Bihor, str. Dealului, nr. 20, Oradea, jud. Bihor, Romania, e-mail:


Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 20 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate:
- 20 persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de somelier, Cod COR 513103, conform legislației în vigoare

01/10/201921 847,48 lei fără TVA
436105/09/2019Ötlet a Vidékért EgyesületROHU-385Erdélyi Ilona 4821 Ópályi, Árpád út 3.

Purpose and specification of the procurement:

Engine: EURO 6.2 Petrol
Cylinder capacity: 1362 cm³
Power output: 103 kW
Transmission: 6-speed manual
Standard equipment:
ABS brakes, electronic braking force regulator, emergency brake assistant, cooled disc brakes front, disc brakes rear, traction control, electronic stability control, driver and passenger airbags, side airbags front, rear airbags active, front airbags active, rear seat warning, key-lockable passenger airbag, 5 adjustable head restraints, telescopic steering column, release pedals, seat belt with tensioning belt restraint, seatbelt alarm front, electric power steering, radio CD600-7 inch color display, CD -pcs speaker radio control from steering wheel, USB connector, AUX connector, Bluetooth mobile phone portal, cruise control, trip computer, triple display, air conditioning, footrest cooling in the interior, tinted windows, down glazing, comfort seats, fabric upholstery, 60/40 split rear seats, ISOFIX rear seat preparation, make-up mirror on the passenger side, black dashboards with black rings, chrome trim, center console with single-layer dark pearl paint, door trim stripe, bumpers and mirrors, tinted windows, 4-way adjustable steering wheel, 3-spoke steering wheel, leather shift knob, power windows front / traction control /, power windows rear, electrically adjustable and heated exterior mirrors, central locking, remote control, halogen headlights, headlight range adjustment, automatic headlight with delay function, front fog lights, rear fog light, 16X6,5 steel alloy wheels with, 205/60 R16 92H tires, full steel spare wheel, tire pressure monitoring system
Purpose and specification of the procurement:

Engine: EURO 6.2 Petrol
Cylinder capacity: 1362 cm³
Power output: 103 kW
Transmission: 6-speed manual

13/09/201915 000 EUR  
43743709/09/2019Dél-alföldi Teleházak Regionális Közhasznú EgyesületeROHU-161Ágnes Takács

We are going to create an interactive, expendable, bilingual (Romanian and Hungarian) portal to present the natural and cultural values, determine the thematics, we are going to group the movies, photos (created as the result of the research), collected technical literature based on the 8 chosen location. On this portal we indicate the appropriate locations for the orienteering.
sport, with useful links and virtual trip routes. The goal of the portal developing is for helping the promotion of sport tourism on the regions along the border and containing all the information necessary for this action.
During the research we are going to process the medias, establish the plan and graphical development of the portal. In this regard, collecting the necessary sources for the content of the portal, writing the texts and planning the visualization takes place. There will be interactive questionnaires and games based on the content, for the young people and adults.
The professional and grammatical evaluation for the text part of the portal will be achieved by language assistance. After the programming comes the testing and the corrections.
Planned structure of the portal:
Placing of the facet items
Visualize the locations around the 8 choosen areas as a map, with virtual tour paths between them.
Charts and guides about the corrected maps for the orienteering sport.
Accomodation opportunities for training camps (with accomodations in gyms as well)
Display the natural and cultural values, relevant attractions
Interactive questionnaires related to the orienteering sport, tours, values
Film review and text about the orienteering sport in Romanian and Hungarian
Links on the website of the promoting events and the closing conference
Expectation: Maximum compatibility with our currently existing websites (szegedi/, which requires thorough programming knowledge of previous systems.
To avoid redundancy reuse existing web elements (moduls) that are well-tried.
The interface does not contain a database software so it is necessary to edit pages and contents manually.

Target group:

Members of sport clubs in green sports and sport tourism, who lives at the location of this program, families or communities capable of meeting financial obligations, especially young people on both sides of the border, who require new services. We are mainly considering on families who cannot afford to go on holiday in distant countries, but want to do sports and recreational activities in a special environment. They will come back to the program area as guests with more and more obsessions and will recommend it to their friends and familiars.

Tasks of partners:
DTE Edit, organizer
DTE Shooting, filming, editing
DTE Graphics, map
DTE Local historians (Someone who deals with the history of the selected areas and has a knowledge on the touristic attractions so can write suitable texts for the website.)
DTE Translation
DTE Programming
DTE Proofreading, testing
TFA Translation orienteering texts

Average number of minimally documented cultural and natural heritage per region (5 + 3) location x 5 = 40

4385603/AJOFM BH/09.09.201909/09/2019AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

The object of the acquisition is the service of organizing a career orientation event within the project. The career orientation event will be organized on a large scale and is dedicated to students, young people, pupils, people over 15 years old, with the purpose of acquainting the young people, parents, teachers and all those interested in the skills required for a job, educational offer through which these skills can be obtained, the professions currently sought and prospective on the labor market, the technological process in different fields of activity. Anyone interested in a professional career can attend this event.
The estimated number of participants from the target group is 3,000 persons.
Also, it is estimated the participation of a minimum number of 60 exhibitors. Among the exhibitors will be companies, public institutions, educational institutions, training providers.

For more information please contact Mrs Livia Baruta at e-mail

16/09/2019278065,00 LEI, fără TVA. 
43956-2-86/201910/09/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Papp László;

Providing Mobile Job-orientation Center (minivan)
Minimal technical parameters & build:

- Engine: EURO6, at least 1,9 l, at least 110 kw/150 Hp
- At least 8 passenger-seats
- Fire extinguisher
- Remote controlled central locking system
- Rear view camera
- Climate control system
- Tinted windows from pillar B
- Adaptive cruise control
- Driver and passenger side airbags, side-curtain airbags
- Perimeter anti-theft alarm
- Tow bar
- Roof box
- Lane keeping alert
- Winter tyre pack
- Blind spot monitoring system
- Navigation system
- Xenon headlights

44056-2-87/201910/09/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Papp László;

Production of promotional materials and equipment as follows:
- Customized promotional folder (4810 pieces) - A4 size; CMYK printing
- Customized promotional notepad (4810 pieces) - A5 size; at least 50 sheets; hardback
- Customized promotional pen (4810 pieces)
- Customized flyer (4810 pieces) - A5 size; at least 32 pages; CMYK printing
- Leporello flyers (4810 pieces) - A4 size; CMYK printing; tri-fold
- Customized paper bag (4810 pieces) - A4 size
- Customized silicone bracelet (4560 pieces)
- Customized balloon (4560 pieces)
- Candy (200 kg) - in customized cover
- Student calendar (4000 pieces) - size at least 95 mm × 140 mm; at least 54 pages
- Portable brochure holder (2 pieces) - pliable with A/5 racks
- Curved press display (1 piece) - in portable case, at least 2 m high, with self-locating magnetic locking arms
- Plexi pulpit (1 piece)
- Customized explanatory plaque (2 pieces) - A3 size; outdoor (weather-proof plastic); at least 5 mm thickness
- Branded USB pen drives (120 pieces) - engraved
- Roll-up banner (4 pieces) - size at least 100 cm × 200 cm

All promotional material and equipment must be delivered to the headquarters of the Beneficiary.

441154 / 10.09.201911/09/2019Asociatia AGESROHU-385Zsolt Csengeri, str. Corvinilor nr.8, Mun. Satu Mare, jud. Satu Mare, RO,, +40 722915529

Communication services, containing: Project branding, Elaboration and publication of newspaper / online portal articles, Inviting and communication with media representatives at special events, Communication plan elaboration and periodical update, Communication / Promotion campaign on Social Media (Facebook and Instagram), daily administration of Social Media pages, Cooperation Day communication plan and implementation, a.s.o, during 24 months. Participation at project events for documentation. All materials will be at least bilingual (RO and HU. In some cases also in EN).

18/09/201935789 RON (fără TVA) 
442ROHU-31/date: 11.09.2019.11/09/2019Érmelléki Folk-High SchoolROHU-162Erdei Gábor; HU, MAGYARORSZÁG, 4281 Létavértes, Széchenyi u. 71 2, I/4;; 00 36 30 4759639

1. Rendezvényszervezés: 3 darab workshop megvalósítása az ajánlatkérő által megjelölt időpontokban, amely magában foglalja:
• helyszín biztosítása – terembérlet
• étkezés – ebéd biztosítása 50 főre
• szinkron tolmácsolási rendszer biztosítása
• szinkron tolmácsolás biztosítása
• catering szolgálatás a rendezvény szüneteiben 50 főre
• rendezvényeken előzetesen egyeztetett szakmai előadók biztosítása
• rendezvények célcsoport elemzése, célcsoport adatbázis készítése
• rendezvény meghívójának elkészítése, valamint a kiküldése és után követése, a címlista összeállítása
• sajtómegjelenések összegyűjtése és elemzése
• rendezvényeken hostess biztosítása

2. Rendezvényszervezés: 1 darab kerekasztal beszélgetés megvalósítása az ajánlatkérő által megjelölt időpontokban, amely magában foglalja:
• helyszín biztosítása – terembérlet
• étkezés – ebéd biztosítása 20 főre
• szinkron tolmácsolási rendszer biztosítása
• szinkron tolmácsolás biztosítása
• catering szolgálatás a rendezvény szüneteiben 20 főre
• rendezvényeken előzetesen egyeztetett szakmai előadók biztosítása
• rendezvények célcsoport elemzése, célcsoport adatbázis készítése

3. Rendezvényszervezés: 1 darab zárókonferencia megvalósítása az ajánlatkérő által megjelölt időpontban, amely magában foglalja:
• helyszín biztosítása – terembérlet
• étkezés – ebéd biztosítása 50 főre
• szinkron tolmácsolási rendszer biztosítása
• szinkron tolmácsolás biztosítása
• catering szolgálatás a rendezvény szüneteiben 50 főre
• rendezvényeken előzetesen egyeztetett szakmai előadók biztosítása
• rendezvények célcsoport elemzése, célcsoport adatbázis készítése
• rendezvény meghívójának elkészítése, valamint a kiküldése és után követése, a címlista összeállítása
• sajtómegjelenések összegyűjtése és elemzése
• rendezvényeken hostess biztosítása

443217/09/2019Ötlet a Vidékért EgyesületROHU-385Erdélyi Ilona 4821 Ópályi, Árpád út 3.

Purpose and specification of the procurement:

Engine: EURO 6.2 Petrol
Cylinder capacity: 1362 cm³
Power output: 103 kW
Transmission: 6-speed manual
Standard equipment:
ABS brakes, electronic braking force regulator, emergency brake assistant, cooled disc brakes front, disc brakes rear, traction control, electronic stability control, driver and passenger airbags, side airbags front, rear airbags active, front airbags active, rear seat warning, key-lockable passenger airbag, 5 adjustable head restraints, telescopic steering column, release pedals, seat belt with tensioning belt restraint, seatbelt alarm front, electric power steering, radio CD600-7 inch color display, CD -pcs speaker radio control from steering wheel, USB connector, AUX connector, Bluetooth mobile phone portal, cruise control, trip computer, triple display, air conditioning, footrest cooling in the interior, tinted windows, down glazing, comfort seats, fabric upholstery, 60/40 split rear seats, ISOFIX rear seat preparation, make-up mirror on the passenger side, black dashboards with black rings, chrome trim, center console with single-layer dark pearl paint, door trim stripe, bumpers and mirrors, tinted windows, 4-way adjustable steering wheel, 3-spoke steering wheel, leather shift knob, power windows front / traction control /, power windows rear, electrically adjustable and heated exterior mirrors, central locking, remote control, halogen headlights, headlight range adjustment, automatic headlight with delay function, front fog lights, rear fog light, 16X6,5 steel alloy wheels with, 205/60 R16 92H tires, full steel spare wheel, tire pressure monitoring system
Purpose and specification of the procurement:

Engine: EURO 6.2 Petrol
Cylinder capacity: 1362 cm³
Power output: 103 kW
Transmission: 6-speed manual

23/09/201915 000 EUR  
444Not relevant18/09/2019Szeged-Csanádi EgyházmegyeRO-HU355Sztrémi Zsuzsanna 6720 Szeged Aradi vértanúk tere 2

Service: Feasibility study
Joint Employment Driven Intiative (JEDI) Project

COMPULSORY ELEMENTS for HU applicants / beneficiaries
To be drafted for new investments according to Gov. Decree 312/2012 Annex VIII (Chapter 1-1.4.)
1. Technical descriptions: text presenting the main elements of the construction, and can contain also drawings, if necessary
1.1. Technical description of the construction:
1.1.1. Description of the functions of the original building and of the new functions of the reconstructed, enlarged building, as well as the area of the building.
1.1.2. Parameters that have to be included according to regulation, but which do not appear on drawings (area of the land covered by building, ratio of constructed area and green areas, distance between the buildings, etc.).
1.1.3. Value of the construction calculated according to the relevant Government Decree.
1.1.4. Information and data necessary to establish which the responsible authorities are that need to be consulted for the authorisation.

30/01/201911000EuroNot relevant 
445218/09/2019COMUNA LUGASU DE

Servicii de dirigentie de santier

25/09/201961452,30 RON  
446Not relevant18/09/2019Szeged-Csanádi EgyházmegyeRO-HU355Sztrémi Zsuzsanna 6720 Szeged Aradi vértanúk tere 2

Service - Technical Design Plan

Place: Kistelek Ifjuság tér 3. HRSZ: 508/1

Training kitchen and confectionery
The training workshop is going to be created as a full-fledged kitchen. The facility shall be suitable to serve as a training workshop for cooks and confectioners (in different shifts). Students will not only learn about and practice the traditional methods and technologies, but they will also have the opportunity to learn about and use the most advanced technologies, as all frying, roasting, broiling, steaming, blast-chilling and sous vide equipment are planned to be installed.

30/10/201832250EuroNot relevant 
447318/09/2019Körösszegapáti Román Ortodox ParókiaROHU-398Sabău Origen, 4135 Körösszegapáti, Kossuth u. 31.,, +40 730 77 77 70

Somelier training course

With the help of specialized information they will acquire, the trainees will improve their skills in identifying, analyzing, associating and serving wines.

• The combination of culinary and wine types.
• Communication at work.
• The application of occupational safety and health rules and PSI rules.
• Compliance with specific hygiene standards.
• Planning your own business.
• Promoting the supply of wines and other beverages.
• Making customer service.
• Ensuring the quality of restaurant services.

26/09/20191750378 HUF  
448Achiziție directă19/09/2019PAROHIA ORTODOXĂ IOȘIA-NORD, ORADEAROHU-398PAROHIA ORTODOXĂ IOȘIA-NORD, ORADEA, Calea Cazaban, nr. 37/A, Oradea, judetul Bihor, România, Telefon: +40 0757 049 990, E-mail:

Curs formare referent de specialitate așezăminte culturale, Cod COR 262207, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), Cod CPV 80530000-8 Servicii formare profesională

Obiectul contractului: formarea în Oradea a 30 de persoane ca referent de specialitate așezăminte culturale, cod COR 262207, conform legislației în vigoare

Durata contractului: 3 luni, octombrie-decembrie 2019

Oferta se poate depune, prin servicii, la următoarea adresă: Calea Cazaban, nr. 37/A, Oradea, judetul Bihor, România sau prin e-mail la următoarea adresă:

27/09/201984 142,38 lei 
449N/A20/09/2019Homokhát Eurointegráció Kistérség- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.ROHU-355Battancs Erika, 6782 Mórahalom, Millenniumi sétány 16.,, 62/281-022

Preparation of technical desing plan, construction plan and budget of the catering training site for the Mórahalom 894/7 property (Szentháromság tér).

16/11/201869010 EUR  
450N/A20/09/2019 Homokhát Eurointegráció Kistérség- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.ROHU-355Battancs Erika, 6782 Mórahalom, Millenniumi sétány 16.,, 62/281-022

Elaboration of feasibility study for the JEDI project

451N/A20/09/2019Homokhát Eurointegráció Kistérség- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.ROHU-355Battancs Erika, 6782 Mórahalom, Millenniumi sétány 16.,, 62/281-022

Additional activities for the elaboration of the feasibility study for the JEDI project.

24/05/20193680 EUR  
4525880/AJOFM BH/20.09.201920/09/2019AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

The object of the acquisition is the service of organizing a job fair and career orientation event within the project. The job fair and career orientation event will be organized on a large scale and is dedicated to students, young people, pupils, people over 15 years old, with the purpose of acquainting the young people, parents, teachers and all those interested in the skills required for a job, educational offer through which these skills can be obtained, the professions currently sought and prospective on the labor market, the technological process in different fields of activity. Anyone interested in a professional career can attend this event.
The estimated number of participants from the target group is 3,000 persons.
Also, it is estimated the participation of 80 exhibitors. Among the exhibitors will be companies, public institutions, educational institutions, training providers.

For more information please contact Mrs Livia Baruta at e-mail

30/09/2019278065,00 LEI, fără TVA. 
45356-2-101/201923/09/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Papp László;

Event organisation services - organising professional vocational guidance related ROHU331 conference in Békéscsaba, Hungary as follows:

Booking a conference venue - requirements:
- capacity: 80 seats for the conference guests
- suitable for the catering during the conference
- space for interpretation units and equipment

Ensuring catering services for the conference:
- catering services for 80 participants
- during the conference professional staff shall be available for serving participants

Ensuring Romanian - Hungarian simultaneous interpretation during the conference as follows:
- ensuring equipment and technical background for simultaneous interpretation for 80 participants during the event
- interpretation of professional presentations from Hungarian to Romanian and from Romanian to Hungarian

Ensuring lecturer/lecturers of the professional presentation/ presentations - requirements:
- presentation theme/themes: vocational training, career choices of the global and digital generation, employment opportunities of the youth of the cross-border area


• 8 Laptops - 3 GHz, 256 Gb SSD, 4 Gb RAM, 14`, Wi-Fi, Operating System, Mouse, Bag, Office Software
• 1 Multi-functional copy machine

02/10/20193.038.392,00 HUFöz_-Ajánlatkérés.docx,öz_-Ajánlatminta.docx
455111/24.09.201925/09/2019Fundatia pentru Cultura si Invatamant "Ioan Slavici" TimisoaraROHU

Echipamente IT: 2 laptopuri, 1 imprimanta multifunctionala, 1 videoproiector, conform specificatii caiet de sarcini

456Nr.4608 / 25.09.2019 Achizitie ingreduente concurs de gatit27/09/2019COMUNA TOBOLIUROHU - 200Comuna Toboliu, Str. Principala, Nr. 149,, Contact_Arabela Calarasu-Manager Proiect

Achizitie ingrediente pentru sarmale, toros si placinta cu varza, paine, tacamuri (farfurii, furculite, toate de unica folosinta) prilejuite la Festivalul Verzei Toboliu in cadrul proiectului cu denumirea: ROHU 200, finanțat prin Programul de Cooperare Transfontalieră Interreg V-A România-Ungaria 2014-2020, Axa prioritară 6 Promovarea cooperării transfrontaliere între instituţii şi cetăţeni (Cooperarea instituțiilor și comunităților), prioritatea de investiţii 11/b: Consolidarea capacităţii instituţionale a autorităţilor publice și a părţilor interesate şi o administraţie publică eficientă prin promovarea cooperării juridice şi administrative şi a cooperării între cetăţeni şi instituţii

28/09/20195.204,15 lei fara tva 
45716430/09/2019Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-380Dragu Marian, Arad, str Suceava nr. 18, tel / fax 0257 210192

I. Publication of the press article for project launching
- Will ensure publication of at least one article in local or regional media,
- The text and format of the article / press release will be made available by the beneficiary.
- The published format will be according to the program's visibility manual.

II. Making 2 new sections on the 2 web pages of the project partners (one section for each partner).
- The 2 web pages to which a new section will be added are (Joomla 1.5 generator) and (WordPress 4.9.11 generator).
- The new sections will include informations regarding the organized courses, relevant informations to the participants at the courses, bibliographic resources, course supports, informations about the job fairs, articles and publicity of the project.
- The new sections will also contain information about the project and the financing program.
- The format will be according to the program's visibility manual.
- Informations regarding the content will be ensured by the beneficiary. The uploading of the information will be done by the provider.
- After the structure of the new sections of the 2 web pages has been completed, their updating will be ensured by the provider, with the information made available by the purchaser, until the end of the contract.

III. Logistic insurance for organizing 20 training courses / professional training for adults, including study visits at PB2 Koros-Maros in Gyula.

- During the courses meal will be provided to students, consisting of main dish, dessert and water. Nr. of portion = approx. 13770.
- During the study visits, will be provided to students and trainers a snack (a sandwich, hamburger or salad and a fruit for each student and trainer) and a meal, consisting consisting of main dish, dessert and water. Nr. of portion = approx. 676.
- Ensuring supplies for courses and study visits: paper wipes, wet wipes, registration paper for participants in the event, disinfected solutions, soap and others.
- Course rooms will be rented for organizing at least 6 courses, for a duration of approx. 3 months each, with the participation of approx. 20 students at each course, in localities such as Pecica, Petriș, Sântana, Semlac, Șiria, Socodor, Zimandul Nou. The course rooms will correspond to the conditions for organizing courses imposed by the institution that authorizes the courses - AJPIS.

IV. Logistic insurance for the organization of 4 job fairs.
- It will take place between March 2020 and August 2021.
- Duration of the activity - 18 months.
- Location: Arad Municipality.
- Number of events: 4 events, one day each fair.
- Number of participants: at least 50 participants from the target group at each events - total 200 participants from the target group.
- Spaces will be rented for organizing the 4 events, which will ensure the smooth organization of each event, respectively the participation of at least 50 members of the target group.
- Ensuring supplies for the event logistics: paper wipes, wet wipes, registration paper for participants in the event, disinfected solutions, soap and others.
- There will be provided at each event audio-video equipment necessary for the organization: 1 video projector, 1 laptop, 1 projection screen, 1 sound system.
- The provider will publish an article in the local or regional press, printed version, relevant to Arad county, before each of the 4 fairs - a total of 4 articles. The size of the published article will be at least A5, polychrome.
- One of the fairs will be organized on the occasion of the Agromalim Arad 2020, at the Expo Arad. On this occasion the provider will rent an interior space within the Arad Expo, with an area of approx. 50m2. Will ensure the use of promotional materials and visual identity, in accordance with the regulations of the program, as well as those of the CCIA Arad - Expo Arad (materials made in the activity V. of the contract, as well as other materials requested by the organizer Agromalim 2020 - CCIA Arad). Throughout the event, the provider will ensure the mail of participants, including soft drinks - exhibitors with job offers - up to 20 representatives of the employers. For the representatives of the target group who express their interest to take a job will be ensured snacks and water. It will ensure the accommodation of representatives of companies with job offers coming from outside the city - as the case may be and at their express request.

V. Realizing of information and promotion materials
The following information and promotion materials will be made:
- Leaflets: 2000 pcs., A4 size, color, folded in three, printed on both sides, glossy cardboard stand for min. 150 gr, 2 bigos and 2 falts, bilingual Romanian-Hungarian.
- Event map for documents: 100 pcs., A3 + format foldable in 2, polychrome, with inside pocket on the bottom right, from min. 250 gr.
- Promotional t-shirts: 1000 pcs, turquoise or mint green, women's models - 500 pcs. and men - 500 pcs, of different sizes - 50 XXL, 100 XL, 250 L, 300 M, 200 S and 100 XS.
- Roll-up banners: 4 pcs., Min. 85/200 cm, 2 sides, polychrome print, carrying case / bag included for each.
- Flag banners : 4 pcs., Minimum height 4 m, printed surface by min. 85x375 cm, polychrome printed on textile material, with a support with folding metal legs and a support holder, bag / carrying bag included for each.
- Pop-up banners: 2 pcs, polychrome print on textile material, minimum size L 3 x H 2.3m, curved, printed with eco-friendly inks, without odor or harmful solvents, aluminum structure, 2 halogen or LED spotlights, with carrying bag / bag for each.
- Counter Expo Desk presentation system: 3 pcs, size min. H 1.27m x L 0.9m x l 0.47m, curved, aluminum frame, wooden top, polychrome printed banner, carry case / bag included for each.
- People stopper: 4 pcs., Double, min. 100x70cm, aluminum structure, two sides, polychrome print.
- Poles guiding and stopping persons with retractable tape and solid base: 20 pcs., Pole height min. 92 cm., Band length - min. 180 cm, bandwidth min. 5 cm, pole of min. 6kg, poles with possibility of attachment to each other by retractable belt.

The necessary information to produce the materials will be provided by the purchaser.
The design of the materials will be done by the purchaser, according to the Visibility Manual of the Interreg VA Romania - Hungary Program 2014-2020.
The preparation for printing the materials will be carried out by the supplier.
The materials will be fully realized until 31.12.2019.

General conditions for performing the contract by the provider:
- Providing the necessary personnel for carrying out the proposed activities, except for the personnel of the purchaser.
- Ensuring the logistics for medical care during the period of activities I. - IV, respectively 2 complete first aid kits, basic medicines.

11/10/2019231866 RON without TVA 
4586137/03.10.201903/10/2019APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU-53TOGOR ANDREI, Oradea, str. Szigligeti Ede nr. 1, judeţul Bihor, telefon 0752 270 140, fax 0359/416011

Services for elaboration of the "Survey on invasive and problematic plants and the development of preventive and control measures" necessary for the implementation of the ROHU53 project "Conservation and protection of the cross-border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar county".
The activity will take place in ROSCI098 Petea and Petea Nature Reserve. The activity consists in identifying and mapping the problematic and invasive species from the Natura 2000 Petea site, defining the preventive measures for their management and control, in correlation with the measures proposed in the approved Management Plan (activity 1.2.11 as first priority, mandatory to be implemented). The study will also highlight when to remove invasive species, which is the optimal stage in which plants must be removed with the utmost ease.
The estimated area on which the study will be conducted is 4 hectares.

External services will be contracted, a specialized company will carry out work with experts and experience in researching invasive species to be eliminated. The contractor will develop a comprehensive study that will be used to put into practice the results of the study, i.e. the elimination of invasive plants.
The duration of the service will be about 4-5 months of activity.

The proposed team will include at least a specialist expert in the inventory and mapping of invasive and alohtone plant species and as many auxiliary staff as possible for assistance, data entry, on-site visits and handling of equipment. The financial offer will include the full cost of carrying out the activity: necessary personnel in the field, auxiliary staff, field trips, machinery, equipment, consumables, transportation, dissemination, etc. all the costs necessary for the services rendering.

The deadline for submission of the study is 28.02.2020.
- 1 report & study on invasive and problematic species from ROSCI098 Petea and Petea Nature Reserve containing at least the following information:
- the list of species identified
- the location of the identified species (their mapping) and the description of the areas where they have been identified
- an action plan that will be the basis for another activity in the project - elimination of the problematic and invasive species.

11/10/201931.222,18 RON without VAT 
459Direct purchase for event organizing withing the ROHU-382 YES - Youth Entrpreneurship Support project04/10/2019Association of Busines Promotion in RomaniaROHU-382Toth Erika,, 0754383274

The main object of this procurment is to purchase the event organizing within the ROHU-382 YES - Youth Entrepreneurship Support project

21/10/2019116051,78 fără TVA
460Direct purchase for editing and making foto-video services in ROHU-382 YES - Youth Entrpreneurship Support project04/10/2019Association of Busines Promotion in RomaniaROHU-382Toth Erika,, 0754383274

The main object of this procurment is to purchase editing and making foto-video services within the ROHU-382 YES - Youth Entrepreneurship Support project

21/10/201923949,5 fără TVA
461Direct purchase for external expertise services in ROHU-382 YES - Youth Entrpreneurship Support project04/10/2019Association of Busines Promotion in RomaniaROHU-382Toth Erika,, 0754383274

The main object of this procurement is to purchase external expertise services within the ROHU-382 YES - Youth Entrepreneurship Support project

21/10/201921554,55 RON fără TVA

Atribuirea achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională cofetar, cod COR 751202 și patiser, cod COR 751202 în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB)

Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de cofetar, cod COR 751202 și patiser, cod COR 751202:

- În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 20 de participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului, 10 cofetar, 10 ca patiser.

28/10/201924707,80 lei 
463802 / 07.10.2019 - Services for concept, design and print for promoting materials (an Atlas and a Brochure) in the framework of the project "Cluster for Geography, Heritage and Sustainable Development in Bihor - Hajdu Bihar Crossborder Area - GEOCLUSTERBHB", project code ROHU-16208/10/2019Bihor Destination Management Agency (Agenția de Management al Destinației Bihor)ROHU-162Razvan Dumbrava, Project Manager,, 0040722348825

Concept, design and print, for an Atlas (500 copies) and a Brochure (1000 copies). Please check the ”Technical specifications” (Specificații tehnice) for all the details.

15/10/201931.921,34 lei 
464408/10/2019Körösszegapáti Román Ortodox ParókiaROHU-398Sabău Origen, 4135 Körösszegapáti, Kossuth u. 31.,, +40 730 77 77 70

A. Körösszegapáti IT&C eszközök

1. Aktív hangfal - 400 W RMS - 4 db.
2. Aktív mélynyomó - 700W - 1 db.
3. Kompakt keverő - 1 db.
4. Hangszóró állvány szett - 2 db.
5. Vezeték nélküli kéziadós mikrofon - 2 db.
6. Kábel - 15m - 2 db.
7. Kábel - 10m - 2 db.
8. Kábel - 7,5m - 2 db.
9. Kábel - 1,5m - 2 db.
10. Fülhallgató - 1 db.
11. Laptop - Intel Core i5-8265U, 15", Full HD, 16GB, 512GB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce GTX1650, MS Windows 10 - 1 db.
12. Laptop - Intel Core i5-8300H, 15.6", Full HD, 8GB + 16GB Intel Optane, 1TB, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 4GB, Microsoft Windows 10 - 1 db.
13. Szoftver - MS Office - Home and business 2019 - 2 db.
14. Monitor - LED nano IPS 27", 4K UHD - 1 db.
15. Projektor - 1 db.
16. Projektor vetitő vászon - 2,5m x 2,5m - 1 db.
17. Nyomtató - szines, lézer - 1 db.

B. Körösszegapáti Varroda

1. Szabászasztal - 3 m hosszú, 18mm lappal - 1 db.
2. Konfekciós, szálvágós gyorsvarrógép - 2 db.
3. Mechanikus gomblyukazógép - 1 db.
4. Gombozógép - 1 db.
5. Interlock varrógép - 2 tűs, 5 szálas - 1 db.
6. Vasalóasztal - szívó, fújós kivitel - 1 db.
7. Gőzfejlesztő - 5 literes - 1 db.
8. Körkéses szabászgép 50mm - 1 db.
9. Hímzőgép - 2 fejes, 15 színes - 1 db.
10. Professzionális hímzés tervező szoftver - 1 db.
11. Varrodai munkaszék - 5 db.

C. Körösszegapáti Tankonyha

C.1. Hulladék tároló
1. rm falikút (44x31x19,5)
C.2. Takszer.
1. rm falikút (44x31x19,5)
C.3. Zöldség raktár
1. álló hűtő (60x58,5x185) (tojás tárolás)
C.4. Hűtő raktár
1. fagyasztó láda (137x69,5x85) (mirelit termékek)
2. álló hűtő (77,7x72x172) (tejtermék, csemegeáru)
3. álló hűtő (77,7x72x172) (nyers hús tárolás)
C.5. Élelmiszer raktár
1. tároló állvány (136x55x180)
C.6. Húselőkészítő
1. rm. kézmosó (40x40x23)
2. kétrészes mosogató medence csepegtetővel (150x60x85)
3. húsvágó tőke (50x50x90)
4. rm. asztal , Hátsó felhajtással, , alsó polccal (150x60x85); egy fiókkal (38x53x24)
5. asztali húsdaráló (kisebb teljesítményű) (43x38x22)
C.7. Zöldség előkészítő
1. rm. kézmosó (40x40x23)
2. kétrészes medence csepegtetővel (150x60x85)
3. rm. asztal, alsó polccal (150x60x85); két fiókkal (38x53x24)
4. asztali ipari zöldség szeletelő gép (56x29x56)
C.8. Fekete edény mosogató
1. rm. asztal, (180x70x85)
2. kétrészes medence csepegtetővel (190x70x85)
3. tároló állvány (180x55x180)
C.9. Konyha
1. rm. kézmosó-kiöntő berendezés (50x70x85)
2. rm. asztal, alsó polccal (220x60x85); két fiókkal (38x53x24)
3. rm. asztal, nyitott polcos (220x60x85)
4. két aknás pizza sütő (99x92x68)
5. elektromos üzemű cukrászati sütő (87,5x82,5x82)
6. elektromos üzemű sütő-pároló készülék (87,5X82,5X82)
7. fékezhető kerekű guruló tálcakocsi (47x62x175)
8. rm. kézmosó (40x40x23)
9. álló hűtőszekrény, vitrines (77,7x72x172) (tejtermék, csemegeáru)
10. álló hűtőszekrény, vitrines (77,7x72x172) (készétel)
11. habverő-keverő-dagasztógép (48,6x52,6x85)
12. rm. asztal (150x70x85), alsó polccal (140x60x5)
13. rm. asztal (150x70x85) közti polccal (140x60x5)
14. blokkba építhető 4 égős gázüzemű tűzhely alul elektromos sütővel (80x73x90)
15. fry top, elektromos üzemű, (fele sík, fele bordázott) (80x73x90)
16. gázüzemű főzőzsámoly (62x62x45,2)
17. gázüzemű főzőzsámoly (62x62x45,2)
18. rm. asztal, tolóajtós, polcos (220x70x85)
19. álló fagyasztó szekrény (77,7x72x172)
20. rm. asztal alsó rm polccal (180x70x85)
C.10. Tálaló
1. rm. asztal, tolóajtós, polcos (180x70x85)
2. rm. asztal (130x60x85), egy fiókkal (38x53x24)
3. rm. kézmosó (40x40x23)
C.11. Fehéredény mosogató
1. rm. asztal (100x60x85)
2. rm. kétrészes mosogató medence csepegtetővel (175x70x85)
3. ipari mosogatógép csepegtető alatt elhelyezve (58,5x68x81,5)
4. rm.kézmosó (40x40x23)
5. rm. asztal (60x60x85)

16/10/201990000 Euró  
465Public procurement: quote request for purchasing fire truck, protective and related equipment in order to improve the management of emergency situations 11/10/2019Municipalty of ÚjkígyósROHU-54Éva Susán (5661 Újkígyós Kossuth utca 41.;

The object of the procurement are as follows:
- fire truck: Motor parameters: euro6, diesel, 165 hp (120 kw), 4500 kg total weight, 3000 kg maximum mass of braked trailer, 4WD, 2.3 biturbo, ESP, tank capacity: 1000 litre, 4 seats (1 driver + 3 passenger seats), pump capacity 1000 l/min, can be transported on trailer, removable body with 2500 l water tank, differential lock, without foam tank; Target value: 1
- protective clothing for deployment: heat-resistant, transports away body heat (keeps heat balance); one- or two-piece; adjusts to other protective equipments; ensures visibility; Target value: 8
- protective helmet: shell made of ultramid; built-in polycarbonate visor; adjustable headband; load and shock distribution is ensured by leather padding; neck protection with heat-resistant aluminium coated material; Target value: 8
- hood: its primary role is to ensure the safety of the head against the effects of flame and heat; Target Value: 8
- boots: protection of the feet against falling or sharp objects, heat, cold, moisture, chemicals, non-slip, antistatic effect, Target Value: 8
- gloves: silicone coating, waterproof and breathable. Target Value: 8
- breathing device: 6 litre 300 bar composite cylinder, independent of the surrounding air conditions, mobile, placed in a plastic frame, with pressure reducer, provided with a lung mask; Target value: 5
- rescue rope: 12-strand polyester rope with carabiner, length: 30 m, Target value: 1
- chainsaw: displacement 70,6 cc; engine power 3,7 kW; fuel capacity 0,7 l; total weight 6,5 kg; Target value: 1
- extrication equipment: motor-powered cutting tool with a total length of 450 mm; weight 9,5 kg; singlecylinder, two-stroke engine; engine power 3,2 kW; speed 10 000 rot/min; normal fuel oil (0,75 litre) cutting disc diameter 300-350 mm; cutting disc thickness 2,6-6 mm; Target value: 1
- pump: singlecylinder motor, 4-stroke, overhead valves; 240 cc; 8 HP; forced air cooling with fan; magneto ignition; fuel capacity 6 litre; Target value: 1
- telescopic ladder: Four-piece telescopic ladder: Metalic ladder made of aluminium alloy; Length of one piece: 2650 mm, Length of 2 pieces together: 4500mm, Length of 4 pieces together: 8400 mm; Target value: 1

18/10/201962.260.000 HUF 
466-16/10/2019MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,

Reluare procedura atribuire contract lucrari Manastirea Izbuc

Beneficiarul invită persoanele juridice interesate să depună oferte în scopul atribuirii contractului pentru realizarea invesstiției (proiectare SF, PAC, PT + execuție lucrări) Centrul permanent de formare profesională pentru meșteșuguri tradiționale și turism rural “Izbuc-Călugări” în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR”, cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB, cod CPV 71322000 – 1 Servicii de proiectare tehnică pentru lucrări publice, 45000000-7 - Lucrări de construcţii, Cod CPV 45310000-3 Lucrări de instalații electrice, Cod CPV 4532460-4 Lucrări Sanitare, Cod CPV 45232141 – 2 Instalații încălzire

22/11/20191 452 601,44 fara TVA
467ADV1110477/17.10.201917/10/2019University of OradeaROHU-29Pontos Cezar, 0259-408771

Replacement of the thermal water pipe for the basin from Campus A of the University of Oradea.

23/10/201911764.70 RON without VTA 
468SCN1056216/18.10.201918/10/2019University of OradeaROHU-29Pontos Cezar, 0259-408771


31/10/201917600 RON without VTA- 
469-22/10/2019PAROHIA REFORMATĂ EPISCOPIA-BIHOR, ORADEAROHU-398PAROHIA REFORMATĂ EPISCOPIA-BIHOR, ORADEA, str. Dealului, nr. 20, Oradea, județul Bihor, România, Telefon: +400358455288, E-mail:

Servicii dirigenție de șantier, cod CPV 71520000-9 – Servicii de supraveghere a lucrărilor, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), pentru obiectivul “Centrul indoor și outdoor de formare profesională “Episcopia Bihor” (Oradea, jud. Bihor)”

Obiectul contractului: servicii de dirigenție de șantier, servicii de supraveghere a lucrărilor pentru lucrări civile (amenjări interioare, amenajări exterioare, lucrări de rezistentă și rețele interioare), conform Documentației tehnico-economice

30/10/20199503,00 lei cu TVA 
4702522/10/2019The association Condor Club AradROHU161Gureanu Dorel, Arad, 15 Constanța Hodos str., e-mail:

Subject of the contract
Mapping (lifting, correcting, repackaging and updating) of 5 (five) areas, with an area of 4 km2 each, according to the provisions of the Regulation of the International Guidance Federation (IOF) regarding the content of the orientation maps. For each area, an area of 1 km2 is realized by a young man (participant in the course) under the supervision of the mentor. At the end of the mapping process, each map will be printed in 1000 copies, A4 format, polychrome.
The 5 areas where the map correction process is carried out are:
• Căsoaia, Arad County
• Moneasa, Arad County
• Băile Felix, Bihor County
• Sânnicolau de Munte, Bihor County
• Vârtop, Bihor County
Requirements: the provider must demonstrate that the field of activity of the company is in the category of topographic and / or cadastral services (a copy is required after the Company Registration Certificate). Also, the number of hours worked should be at least 650 hours.
Deadline for the mapping and mapping process: 28.02.2020

25/10/201950100 leiwww.condorclub.ro
471324/10/2019Ötlet a Vidékért EgyesületROHU-385Erdélyi Ilona 4821 Ópályi, Árpád út 3.

Engine: Petrol
Power: 90-130 hp
Transmission: 5-6 gear, manual
Standard equipment:
- Anti-lock braking system
- Front and passenger airbags, side airbags in front
- 2-way adjustable headrests at the front
- Adjustable steering column
- Seat belt warning horn in front
- Radio, CD player with 6 speakers radio control from the steering wheel, USB connector, AUX connector, Bluetooth mobile phone portal
- Air conditioning, foot space cooling and heating in the rear passenger compartment
- ISOFIX rear seat preparation
- Power windows rear, electrically adjustable and heated exterior mirrors
- Front fog lamps
- Wheels, tires, full steel spare wheel
Please quote the following information in the quotation.
- for project number RO-HU-385
- the name and address of the contracting entity and the name, address and tax number of the tenderer,
- the technical details of the vehicle to be purchased,
- quantity and number of vehicles to be purchased,
- the net amount of the expenditure item, the VAT charged and the gross amount,
- the currency of the item of expenditure,
- duly signed by the tenderer,
- the date of issue of the quotation,
- the period of validity of the quotation
The gross value of the quotation includes the cost of the vehicle and the associated ancillary costs, the gross value of the vehicle, registration tax, installation costs, registration certificate, registration number, license plates, compulsory insurance.

In your quotation we accept the offer of any type of car with the specified parameters.

04/11/201915 000 EUR  
4729_2019_KMA24/10/2019Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyi Zoltán, H-5711 Gyula, Külterület 4.,, +36209596336

Purchase of a 9-passenger minibus and 6-person all-wheel-drive off-road truck according to the specification in the anouncement.
1 db 9 személyes kisbusz és 1 db 6 személyes, összkerék-meghajtásos, terepjáró kisteherautó beszerzése a hirdetményen foglalt specifikáció szerint.

31/10/201924600000 HUF+VAT 
473528/10/2019COMUNA LUGASU DE

Achizitia de echipamente pentru proiectul ROHU68 - „Crearea unei destinații turistice comune între Lugașu de Jos si Komándi, prin protejarea valorilor naturale de pe Valea Crișului Repede, Județul Bihor ”, mai exact fiecare cabana (in total 8 cabane) vor fi echipata cu:
1 videoproiector,
1 sistem audio,
1 televizor cu ecran plat,
3 panouri informative,
mobilier de baza (1 masa, 1 etajera si 2 fotolii).

01/11/2019112497,40 RON fara TVA  
474611429/10/2019AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Minimum requirements for the tent: inflatable, hermetic, modular, stable at high wind speeds, with a surface area of over 40 m² and a weight of less than 80 kg, easy to mount (quick, low human effort) with reversible walls and anchoring both on the ground and on concrete, waterproof, flame and UV resistant, warranty of at least 1 year. The tent will be equipped with folding furniture: 2 tables with 8 seats and 20 chairs for presentations.

31/10/201939.683 lei + TVA  
47598726/09/2019ADI ZOna Metropolitana OradeaROHU 29Letitia Motoc, Piata Unirii, nr 1, cam. 134, Oradea,, tel 0259408821

Organisation of Open Day event
A number of approx. 200 people are expected to visit the protected area. A contract with an external company will be signed, in order to organize the event. We plan to have a number of 5 outdoor tents where to organise the activities, both for children and for adults.
We will have one tent with photos of the reservation and the species we are addressing this project to, one tent with visibility materials produced for the project (which will be delivered to participants) and 3 tents with activities for visitors (painting ceramics, hand-made activities etc).
The organization will include the transportation of school children to/from the site, if needed.
Publicity materials will be printed (calendars and office agenda for 2020) and handed over to the participants.

476611521/10/2019AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

1. Laptop: 3 pcs.
Minimum technical features for laptops: I7 processor, 4 GB RAM, 1 TB, license included.

2. Multifunction printer: 1 pc
Minimum technical characteristics: laser, A4, copying (speed: 40 cpm, resolution: 600 x 600 dpi), printing (speed: 40 ppm, resolution: 1200 x 1200 dpi), scanning (resolution: 600 x 600 dpi), interface: USB, network connection, wireless

For more information please contact Ms. Livia Baruta.


Atribuirea achiziția serviciului autorizat de formare profesională cofetar, cod COR 751202 și patiser, cod COR 751202 în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB)

Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării de cofetar, cod COR 751202 și patiser, cod COR 751202:

- 20 de persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de 20 de cofetar-patiser, conform legislației în vigoare
Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 20 de persoane.

28/11/201924740,04 lei 
478SCN105769007/11/2019AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Purchase of a new car with 7 seats - type minivan

Tender documentation is in SEAP, no. SCN1057690

22/11/2019267.141 lei 
479Purchase of information boards and signposts11/11/2019Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature Protection ROHU 103Kres Tünde Tímea

The purchase, licencing and the placement of 8 pieces of two-sided lying information boards, 31 pieces of standard bicycle guidance signs and mark paintings on the trees in the forest along a 15 km long section on the Hungarian side.

15/11/20197 540 000 HUF  
480Technical supervision18/11/2019Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature Protection ROHU-103Kres Tünde Tímea (

During the construction period the technical supervisor performs diverse tasks to ensure that construction projects are meeting deadlines being completed in a safe and timely manner and also ensure that all equipment will work properly.

48156-2-136/201918/11/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Papp László;

Event organisation services - organising professional vocational guidance related ROHU331 conference in Orosháza, Hungary as follows:

Booking a conference venue - requirements:
- capacity: 50 seats for the conference guests
- suitable for the catering during the conference

Ensuring catering services for the conference:
- catering services for 50 participants
- during the conference professional staff shall be available for serving participants

Ensuring lecturer/lecturers of the professional presentation/ presentations - requirements:
- presentation theme/themes: vocational training, career choices of the global and digital generation, employment opportunities of the youth of the cross-border area



02/12/20194056000 RON
483Referat de necesitate Nr.5563/ 22.11.2019 Acquisition of a number of 1 (one) wooden box within the project “Crossborder events for crossborder citizens” - CCC acronym, e-MS code ROHU 20022/11/2019COMUNA TOBOLIUROHU - 200COMUNA TOBOLIU, Str. Principala, Nr.149, Judetul Bihor; e-mail:; Manager Proiect- Calarasu Arabela; tel: 0743541059

Acquisition of a number of 1 (one) wooden box within the project “Crossborder events for crossborder citizens” - CCC acronym, e-MS code ROHU 200, project funded by the Interreg VA Romania-Hungary Program, 2014 - 2020, Priority Axis 6 Promoting cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens (Cooperation of institutions and communities), Investment priority 11 / b: Strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and effective public administration by promoting legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions.

26/11/20198.720,00 lei without VAT 
48456-1-127/201926/11/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-7Papp László;

Conference room for bilingual (RO-HU) conference in Békéscsaba
- capacity: at least 120 seats for the conference guests
- space for interpretation units and equipment
- VIP table and round tables for guests
- registration table
- microphone/speaker sets and digital projection
Catering for 120 guests

48556-1-128/201926/11/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-7Papp László;

Romanian - Hungarian simultaneous interpretation during a ROHU7 conference in Békéscsaba.
- providing equipment and technical background for simultaneous interpretation for 120 participants during the event
- interpretation of professional presentations from Hungarian to Romanian and from Romanian to Hungarian
- ensuring interpretation for personal networking during the event

48656-2-149/201926/11/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Papp László;

Event organisation services - organising professional vocational guidance related ROHU331 conference in Gyula, Hungary as follows:

Booking a conference venue - requirements:
- capacity: 50 seats for the conference guests
- suitable for the catering during the conference

Ensuring catering services for the conference:
- catering services for 50 participants
- during the conference professional staff shall be available for serving participants

Ensuring lecturer/lecturers of the professional presentation/ presentations - requirements:
- presentation theme/themes: vocational training, career choices of the global and digital generation, employment opportunities of the youth of the cross-border area

4876245/27.11.201927/11/2019APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU-53Andrei Togor, Oradea, Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 15, tel. 0359416011, 0752 270 140, e-mail:

Plot Plant study services.
The method of drawing up the offer and details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

04/12/201946.833,28 RON without VAT,,
48810_2019_KMA28/11/2019Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyi Zoltán, H-5711 Gyula, Külterület 4.,, +36209596336

Oktatási központ és szociális garzonház komplex közbeszerzési lebonyolítási feladatainak megvalósítása.
Megvalósítási helyszín: 5711 Gyula, Széchenyi 71.
Az elvégzendő feladatok részletes tartalma:
A Kbt. vonatkozó előírásai szerint eljárásrendeknek megfelelő dokumentálás, FAKSZ alkalmazásával, a szolgáltatási díjnak valamennyi hirdetmény-közzétételi, - ellenőrzési, jogi szakértői költséget, illetéket magában kell foglalnia.

04/12/20191.900.000 HUF 
489803/12/2019Iris Research AssociationROHU-285Claudia Toma, Romania, Arad, 17, Bd Decebal, fl.1, ap. 6, e-mail:, tel: 0040744792968

Servicii de masă tradițională de prânz care sa cuprindă următoarele:
- Ciorbă fasole uscată
- Ciolan afumat gătit separat
- Salata de ceapă roșie, murături tradiționale
- Gogoși cu zahăr
- Apă plată
- Suc de mere
- Cafea
- Pâine
- Țuică fiartă cu chimion
Număr persoane: 50
Evenimentul va avea loc joi 05.12.2019, ora 11.00, timp de trei ore, la locația pe care va rugăm să o puneți la dispoziție dumneavoastră.

49056-2-161/201903/12/2019Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Papp László;

Purchase of equipment for the management and implementation activities of the ROHU331 project:

- Laptops (5 pieces)
Minimum technical requirements for the laptops: min. 15.6” display; Intel Core i5 CPU; min. 8 GB RAM; SSD drive; WiFi; Windows 10 Professional OS & Office 2016 software

- Smartphones (5 pieces)
Minimum technical requirements for the smartphones: min. 6,1” display size; min. 16 MPX rear camera; min. 4 GB RAM; fingerprint reader

- Projector (1 piece)
Minimum technical requirements for the projector: HDMI connectivity; min. 1024×768 resolution; at least 2000 lumen brightness

- Projector screen (1 piece)
Minimum technical requirement for the projector screen: at least 150 cm × 150 cm size

- Smart TV (1 piece)
Minimum technical requirements for the smart TV: min. 49”/124 cm flat-screen; smart TV; 4k; USB; HDMI; WiFi

- Extension cord (1 piece)
Minimum technical requirement for the extension cord: at least 40 m long

- Monitors (5 pieces)
Minimum technical requirements for the monitors: at least 19” screen size; at least 1366×768 resolution

- Wireless presenters (5 pieces)
Minimum technical requirements for the presenters: at least 10 m wireless range; built in laser pointer

- HDMI cables (5 pieces)

- Inverter (1 piece)
Minimum technical requirements for the inverter: 230 V output voltage; 1200 W power

- Standing info terminal (1 piece)
Minimum technical requirements for the info terminal: touch screen, at least 19” screen size

- WiFi router (1 piece)
Minimum technical requirements for the WiFi router: at least 1 Gigabit WAN; at least 4 Gigabit LAN; USB port

- High performance color printer (1 piece)
Minimum technical requirements for the printer: scan & copy capability; WiFi and ethernet connection, USB-port; at least 250 GB hard drive; at least 4 GB RAM; duplex printing feature; 600 dpi scan option; A3 size printing option

- Photo camera with accessories (1 piece)
Minimum technical requirements for the photo camera: at least 20 MPX camera; at least 6000×4000 photo resolution; at least 3” size LCD screen; SD-card reader; full HD (1920×1080) viderecording; WiFi connection; JPEG & RAW output file formats; ISO 100 - 12 800

All equipment must be delivered to the Beneficary’s headquarters and put into service by the skilled professional of the provider.



Obiectul contractului este asigurarea desfășurării a:

- 2 ediții ale Galei de Excelență a Turismului Bihor, ce se vor desfășura pe parcursul a 2 zile și pe care beneficiarul, Agenția de Management al Destinației Bihor intenționează să le desfășoare, vor avea loc în martie 2020 și martie 2021.

20/12/2019140 735,27 RON fără TVA 
492ROHU444/3228/06/2019Bekes County Foundation for Enterprise DevelopmentROHU444Zsolt Szász, 5600 Békéscsaba, Gyulai út 1,

Financial management of the project ROHU444
TERMS OF REFERENCE: ensuring the sound financial management of the project in accordance with the stipulations of the Subsidy Contract and relevant Programme rules; providing continuous support for the BMVA in financial management;
preparing partner reports / project reports (financial part of the reports), submission of the requests for reimbursements;
ensuring the financial monitoring of the project: accounting according to national legislation / programme rules, verifying invoices / proofs of fulfilment / payments; managing the modification requests (financial part of the Notification / Addendum);verifying the procurement processes (to be in line with the budget / financial requirements); keeping the relevant deadlines of the project (according to Programme rules and project activities); providing human capacity in order to ensure the financial management; problem solving / proposing solution regarding financial issues (if the case);
liasing with the Project Manager and with the director of the BMVA.

493ROHU444/3311/07/2019Bekes County Foundation for Enterprise DevelopmentROHU444Zsolt Szász, 5600 Békéscsaba, Gyulai út 1,

Technical management of the project ROHU444
TERMS OF REFERENCE: supervising the technical management activities related to project part of BMVA, in accordance with the stipulations of the Subsidy Contract and relevant Programme rules; providing continuous support for the BMVA in technical management; preparing partner reports / project reports (technical part of the reports); ensuring the technical monitoring of the project: according to national legislation / programme rules; managing the modification requests (technical part of the Notification / Addendum); verifying the procurement processes (to be in line with the technical requirements); providing support (in the relevant procedure) in the selection of external service providers concerning technical activities and providing support in the compliance / fulfilment of tasks performed; keeping the relevant deadlines of the project (according to Programme rules and project activities); providing human capacity in order to ensure the technical management; contact keeping with the Project Manager and with the director of the BMVA.

494EKR00153146201910/12/2019LOWER-TISZA DISTRICT WATER DIRECTORATEROHU-224Pándiné Dr. Bakos Eszter (6720 Szeged, Stefánia 4.,, +36 62 599 599)

„Adásvételi szerződés keretében zöldterület ápoló eszközök beszerzése 4 részben” A beszerzendő eszközök
minimum műszaki paraméterei: 1. rész: 1 db szárzúzó: Késtengely fordulatszám: min: 2400 f/perc Munkaszélesség: min: 950 mm
Aprítható ágátmérő: min: 50 mm Gémre szerelhető Felszereléshez szükséges hidromotorral, tömlőkkel, gyorscsatlakozóval
Gépkönyvvel, jótállási jeggyel, megfelelőségi bizonyítvánnyal, minimum 1 év jótállással (nyertes ajánlattevő megajánlása szerint) 2.
rész: 1 db kasza: Munkaszélesség: min: 1000 mm Késtartók száma: min: 34 Késtengely fordulatszáma: min: 2500 ford/min Gémre
szerelhető Felszereléshez szükséges hidromotorral, tömlőkkel, gyorscsatlakozóval Gépkönyvvel, jótállási jeggyel, megfelelőségi
bizonyítvánnyal, minimum 1 év jótállással (nyertes ajánlattevő megajánlása szerint) 3. rész: 1 db karos szárzúzó: Gémkar kinyúlás: a
traktor középvonalától min.: 8 m, összecsukható Segédváz: járókerekes A gémszerkezet és a fej maghajtás: szivattyúagregáttal, ne a
traktor alaphidraulikájáról Többféle adapter használatához szükséges gyorscsatlakozóval legyen ellátva 4600 kg össztömegű erőgép (
MTZ) tudja működtetni A karhoz tartozó szárzúzó fej: Késtengely fordulatszám: min: 2400f/perc Munkaszélesség: min: 950 mm
Aprítható ágátmérő: min: 50 mm Felszereléshez szükséges hidromotorral, tömlőkkel, gyorscsatlakozóval Gépkönyvvel, jótállási jeggyel
, megfelelőségi bizonyítvánnyal, minimum 1 év jótállással (nyertes ajánlattevő megajánlása szerint) 4. rész: 1 db traktorra szerelhető
lengő kasza: Munkaszélesség: min:1800 mm Kardántengely: igen Akadályba ütközéskor kitérés: max.:45 fok-ig, Szállításkor: max.:90
fok-ban a traktor mögé befordítható. Hátsó 3 pontra szerelhető 4600 kg össztömegű erőgép (MTZ) tudja működtetni. Gépkönyvvel,
jótállási jeggyel, megfelelőségi bizonyítvánnyal, minimum 1 év jótállással (nyertes ajánlattevő megajánlása szerint) A részletes
feladatleírást a műszaki leírás tartalmazza. A közbeszerzés tárgyának egyértelmű és közérthető meghatározása érdekében Ajánlatkérő
jelen ajánlattételi felhívásban és egyéb közbeszerzési dokumentumokban meghatározott gyártmányú, eredetű, típusú dologra,
eljárásra, tevékenységre, személyre, illetőleg szabadalomra vagy védjegyre hivatkozhat. Minden ilyen esetben a megnevezés csak a
tárgy jellegének egyértelmű meghatározása érdekében történt, ajánlatot jelen ajánlattételi felhívásban előírt, vagy az azzal – az adott
termék vonatkozásában a részletes műszaki paraméterek tekintetében – egyenértékű termékre lehet tenni. A műszaki tartalom
értékelése során az egyenértékűséget Ajánlatkérőnek kell megítélni, amely eldöntéséhez minden adatot Ajánlattevőnek kell megadnia.
Ajánlattevő kötelessége tehát annak bizonyítása az ajánlatban, hogy a megajánlott termék az Ajánlatkérő által meghatározott
termékkel egyenértékű. Az esetleges el nem fogadást Ajánlatkérő tényszerűen megindokolja. Valamennyi rész esetén ajánlatkérő
számára az előírtaknál kedvezőbb jellemzőkkel rendelkező termékre is tehető ajánlat. Az eljárás pontos mennyiségeit és leírását a
Közbeszerzési dokumentumok tartalmazzák.

17/12/2019nettó 62.951,66 EURwww.ativizig.huÖsszefogl_taj_publ.pdf
4957184/142/ 09.12.201909/12/2019ASOCIAȚIA CRESTROHU - 277Asociația CREST, Alexandru Odobescu Street no.48, Satu Mare, Satu Mare county, România E-mail: Telefon: 0261-877770, 0261-877771,

63510000-7 Travel agency and similar services:
Package containing organization, lunch, coffee brake conference room properly equipped (video projector, laptop, projection screen) for the conference dedicated to the transfer of the good practice model of the “Life skill development program through chess” (1 day x 40 participants) organized within the „CHESS START RO-HU – JOINT DEVELOPEMENT OF A CROSS-BORDER CHESS-BASED SOCIAL INCLUSION TOOL (RO-HU 277)” project

13/12/20194035,86 lei including VAT
4961/10.12.201910/12/2019Episcopia Romano-Catolica OradeaROHU-398Ciorba Alexandru, Oradea, str. Sirul Canonicilor, nr. 2, CP. 410161,, 004-0771-125-909

Restoration of the church organ with tubes (patrimony piece) in order to organize the training / specialization of the human resources in the synergistic field of the tourism industry (location: Center for Training and Support in Tourist and Cultural Activities, Roman-Catholic "Basilica Minor" of Oradea).

497Construction of service building and fixed stage25/11/2019Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature Protection ROHU 103Kres Tünde Tímea

Building a 44.03 m2 based service building with public utility connection, pavement and parking design in the garden of the country house Gencsy in Nyíradony. In one half of it consists the accessible female and male restrooms, hand washers and the shower, in the other part of it the bicycles could be stored safely.
Building a 6x9 m based fixed stage according to the Final construction drawing.

498Purchase of service column and info points17/12/2019Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature ProtectionROHU 103Kres Tünde Tímea

Purchase and install 2 pieces of service columns along the thematic route, which includes bicycle kits when technical problems emerged during cycling.
2 info points will be set for the visitors to get acquainted with the protected area, the natural and environmental protection, aims and achievement of the project and can go virtually alongside the thematic road and get useful information about the protected area that it connects.

49956-2-1/202014/01/2020BMKIKROHU-331Csaba Szikszai

Event organisation services - organising professional vocational guidance related ROHU331 conference in Szeghalom, Hungary as follows:

Booking a conference venue - requirements:
- capacity: 50 seats for the conference guests
- suitable for the catering during the conference

Ensuring catering services for the conference:
- catering services for 50 participants
- during the conference professional staff shall be available for serving participants

Ensuring lecturer/lecturers of the professional presentation/ presentations - requirements:
- presentation theme/themes: vocational training, career choices of the global and digital generation, employment opportunities of the youth of the cross-border area

50056-2-1/202014/01/2020BMKIKROHU-331Csaba Szikszai

Event organisation services - organising professional vocational guidance related ROHU331 conference in Szeghalom, Hungary as follows:

Booking a conference venue - requirements:
- capacity: 50 seats for the conference guests
- suitable for the catering during the conference

Ensuring catering services for the conference:
- catering services for 50 participants
- during the conference professional staff shall be available for serving participants

Ensuring lecturer/lecturers of the professional presentation/ presentations - requirements:
- presentation theme/themes: vocational training, career choices of the global and digital generation, employment opportunities of the youth of the cross-border area


Obiectul contractului:

Cantitatea si scopul contractului
- 30 persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de SALVAMAR (piscină), Cod COR 541905 , conform legislației în vigoare.

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 30 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

21/02/202050 212, 05 lei cu TVA 

Atribuirea achizitia serviciului autorizate de formare profesională paznic de vânătoare, Cod COR 266401, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB)

Cantitatea si scopul contractului
- 10 persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de paznic de vânătoare, Cod COR 622401, conform legislației în vigoare

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 10 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

21/02/202020 084,82 lei cu TVA 
503Accreditation process of cross-border career orientation and planning training21/01/2020Katház Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-374Nagy Mariann, 6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 12.,, +36309988255

Implementation of the accreditation process of cross-border career orientation and planning training:
- developing the training program
- coordinating the training program with the educational matirial
- training program authorization by an expert
- uploading the application for accreditation into the electronic system
- drawing up the templates of the adult education documentation needed to implement the training (attendance sheet, progress log, adult training contract, other)

28/01/2020480670 HUF
50456-2-36/202022/01/2020BMKIKROHU-7Csaba Szikszai

Media campaign in the ROHU-7 project as follows:
- 12 on-line communication
- 1 print communication
- production and radiation of 8 radio-spots 10 times in the period (10 times, 8x10=80 communications)
Allt he above mentioned communications will be detailed in the service-contract. The final date of the services: 15 April 2020.
Necessary references as attachment to the tender application: declaration of the legal representative person about: the online surface is visited min. 30.000/day. The printed communication will reach min. 25.000 households, the minimum number of settlements in the area covered by the radio is 45. Also need to mention the names of the media to be used.

50556-2-37/202022/01/2020BMKIKROHU-7Csaba Szikszai

Catering services for 50-50 people at 2 events to be organized in Békéscsaba.
Meals, dessert, water and refreshment beverages by the detailed contract.

50656-2-38/202022/01/2020BMKIKROHU-7Csaba Szikszai

Making of an extract document from the Joint Touristic Strategy of BMKIK in HU/RO/EN languages, min. 5 A/4 pages each languages.



Cantitatea si scopul contractului
- 15 persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de RANGER, cod COR 511315, conform legislației în vigoare

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 15 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

24/02/202021 280,34 lei cu TVA 
508-22/01/2020MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,


Cantitatea și scopul:
- 10 persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de paznic de vânătoare, Cod COR 622401

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 10 persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nuvelului serviciilor în domeniul domestic turistic și ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

21/02/202015302,72 lei cu TVAție_Atribuire_Paznic_de_vanatoare.pdf
509A113_2020_KMA24/01/2020Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Harasztosné Tóth Mónika 5711 Gyula, Külterület 4. +36 30 213 7223

Felnőttképzési szolgáltatás árajánlatkérés, egy vagy több vagy minden képzésre is pályázható, Békéscsaba vagy Gyula helyszínnel (választható). 1. állatgondozó 15 fő, 2. aranykalászos gazda 15 fő, 3. biogazdálkodó 15 fő, 4. háztáji zöldségtermesztő 15 fő, 5. ECDL Base 3+1 modul 15 fő, 6. mezőgazdasági gépész 10 fő, 7. román nyelv 15 fő, 8. vállalkozási ismeretek 15 fő, 9. zöldség- és gyümölcsfeldolgozó 15 fő.
Asking for price offers for adult education services, you can apply for one or more or all courses to be organised in Békéscsaba or Gyula (optional). 1. animal caretaker 15 participants, 2. gold-wheatear farmer 15 participants, 3. organic farmer 15 participants, 4. vegetable grower 15 participants, 5. ECDL Base 3 + 1 module 15 participants, 6. agricultural mechanic 10 participants, 7. Romanian language 15 participants , 8. business skills 15 participants, 9. vegetable and fruit product manufacturer 15 participants.

31/01/202028 615 000 HUF
51056-2-39/202030/01/2020BMKIKROHU-7Csaba Szikszai

Printing of a flyer in 3000 copies, 4/4 coulour, min. 150g/sqm matt paper, min. 20 A/5 pages.



Specificații tehnice:
Va fi organizat 1 workshop în luna martie 2020, zile de 9 și 10. Evenimentul se va organiza pentru un număr de maxim 150 de persoane, în cele 2 zile de desfășurare, în intervalul orar 10:00- 15:00.
Oferta va avea în vedere următoarele:
1. marketing eveniment - Materiale promotionale și materiale de informare (fiecare pentru 50 de persoane)
- afișe A3 policolor, 10 bucăți
- pix personalizat (50 buc): pix de calitate din materiale reciclate, pastă albastră, cu mecanism cu corp patral sau rotund, cu mine de tip Parker, personalizare cu text pe 2 linii, o culoare
- mape carton A4 personalizate (50 buc), format închis A4, carton 350 gr., print policolor, interior alb; mapa va fi conceputa astfel incat se poati fi introduse in interior minimum 20 file A4
- roll-up (2 buc): 80 cm x 200 cm personalizat pentru proiect - tipărire policromie, banner din polipropilenă pentru sistem de prezentare portabil cu dimensiunea de 80 x 200 cm (cu sistemul retractabil de prindere și geantă textilă de transport inclusă)
- invitație conferință
- comunicat de presă
- agenda evenimentului 150 bucăți
- cartonașe identificare prezidiu 10 bucăți, policolor
- 20 ecusoane personalizate lectori și organizatori
- listă de participanți

2. Servicii de transport
- Decontarea pentru 6 persoane a transportului, doar pentru transport rutier și/sau feroviar (București, Debrețin, Gyula, Budapesta)

3. Servicii de cazare
- pentru 4 persoane / 1 noapte / unitate cazare minim 3 stele – maxim 4 stele

4. servicii de masa(catering)
- mic dejun și cină pentru cele 6 persoane cazate
- Coffee break pentru 150 de persoane/2 zile (cafea, apă minerală carbogazoasă și plată(0,5 l / persoană), suc fructe necarbogazos(0,5 l / persoană), zahăr, lapte condesat, patiserie sărată(saleuri , pateuri cu brânză, bușeuri cu carne, ciuperci) și dulce(tășcute cu gem, vanilie, ciocolată, nucă, mac, cornulețe cu rahat)-150 gr/persoană)
- Bufet suedez pentru 30 persoane / zi (platou cald) + apă mineral carbogazoasă/plată, suc de fructe becarbogazos (0,5 litri/pers), suc carbogazos minim 2 variante (0,5 litri/pers)

10/02/202010 046,42 lei fără TVA 
512-31/01/2020MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,

Reluare procedura atribuire contract lucrari Manastirea Izbuc

Beneficiarul invită persoanele juridice interesate să depună oferte în scopul atribuirii contractului pentru realizarea invesstiției (proiectare SF, PAC, PT + execuție lucrări) Centrul permanent de formare profesională pentru meșteșuguri tradiționale și turism rural “Izbuc-Călugări” în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR”, cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB, cod CPV 71322000 – 1 Servicii de proiectare tehnică pentru lucrări publice, 45000000-7 - Lucrări de construcţii, Cod CPV 45310000-3 Lucrări de instalații electrice, Cod CPV 4532460-4 Lucrări Sanitare, Cod CPV 45232141 – 2 Instalații încălzire

06/03/20201 461 956,30 RON fără TVA
513113_2020_KMA31/01/2020Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Harasztosné Tóth Mónika 5711 Gyula, Külterület 4. +36 30 213 7223

Felnőttképzési szolgáltatás árajánlatkérés meghosszabbítása, egy vagy több vagy minden képzésre is pályázható, Békéscsaba vagy Gyula helyszínnel (választható). 1. állatgondozó 15 fő, 2. aranykalászos gazda 15 fő, 3. biogazdálkodó 15 fő, 4. háztáji zöldségtermesztő 15 fő, 5. ECDL Base 3+1 modul 15 fő, 6. mezőgazdasági gépész 10 fő, 7. román nyelv 15 fő, 8. vállalkozási ismeretek 15 fő, 9. zöldség- és gyümölcsfeldolgozó 15 fő.

07/02/202028 615 000 HUFépzés-beszerzés-2020.1logonélkül.docx

Obiectul contractului:
Servicii autorizate de formare profesională integrată, atestat limbă străină, agent ghid turistic (local), Cod COR 511302, ghid național touroperator, Cod COR 511303, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB)

- 30 de persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de ghid național de turism, conform legislației în vigoare

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 30 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

02/03/2020260 289,70 lei cu TVA 
5152020_1_KMA02/02/2020Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Harasztosné Tóth Mónika 5711 Gyula Külterület 4. Tel.: +3630/213-7223 E-mail:

Felnőttképzési szolgáltatás megrendelése. Helyszín: Békés megye. Képzések:
1. állatgondozó 15 fő
2. aranykalászos gazda 15 fő
3. biogazdálkodó 15 fő
4. háztáji zöldségtermesztő 15 fő
5. ECDL Base (3+1 modul) 15 fő
6. mezőgazdasági gépész 10 fő
7. román nyelv (nyelvvizsga nélkül) 15 fő
8. vállalkozási ismeretek 15 fő
9. zöldség- és gyümölcsfeldolgozó 15 fő

5162020_1_KMA02/02/2020Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Harasztosné Tóth Mónika 5711 Gyula Külterület 4. Tel.: +3630/213-7223 E-mail:

Felnőttképzési szolgáltatás megrendelése. Helyszín: Békés megye. Képzések:
1. állatgondozó 15 fő
2. aranykalászos gazda 15 fő
3. biogazdálkodó 15 fő
4. háztáji zöldségtermesztő 15 fő
5. ECDL Base (3+1 modul) 15 fő
6. mezőgazdasági gépész 10 fő
7. román nyelv (nyelvvizsga nélkül) 15 fő
8. vállalkozási ismeretek 15 fő
9. zöldség- és gyümölcsfeldolgozó 15 fő

07/02/202025.000.000 HUF+VATépzés-beszerzési-hirdetmény-2020_1.pdf
517-10/02/2020Parohia Ortodoxă Ioșia-Nord, OradeaROHU-398Parohia ortodoxă Ioșia-Nord, Oradea, str, Calea Cazaban nr.37/A, Oradea, județul Bihor, România, e-mail:

Servicii dirigenție de șantier, cod CPV 71520000-9 – Servicii de supraveghere a lucrărilor, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB), pentru obiectivul “Centrul suport de formare și specializare pentru patrimoniu și turism “Ars Ecumenica” – Ioșia, Oradea, jud. Bihor”

Obiectul contractului: servicii de dirigenție de șantier, servicii de supraveghere a lucrărilor pentru lucrări civile (amenjări interioare, amenajări exterioare, lucrări de rezistentă și rețele interioare)*, conform Documentației tehnico-economice ce poate fi consultată la sediul beneficiarului.

20/02/202013868,09 lei 
518N/A10/02/2020Mórahalom Város Önkéntes Tűzoltó EgyesületROHU-72Németh Attila, 6782 Mórahalom, Kölcsey u. 2.,

Elaboration of project management activities.

26/07/201916000 EUR  
519-11/02/2020Parohia Ortodoxă Ioșia-Nord, OradeaROHU-398Parohia ortodoxă Ioșia-Nord, Oradea, str, Calea Cazaban nr.37/A, Oradea, județul Bihor, România, e-mail:


Achiziția serviciului de organizare cursuri de formare profesională peisagist-floricultor, cod COR 6112015, pentru proiectul ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (ROHU-398 - ForTour BHHB)". Această activitate este necesară și obligatorie pentru atingerea obiectivelor și rezultatelor proiectului.

Va fi organizat 1 de formare profesională peisagist-floricultor, cu durata de 360 de ore(teorie+practică), între lunile martie - august 2020, respectându-se legislația în vigoare cu privire la formarea adulților și a codului ocupațional amintit. Cursul se va organiza pentru un număr de maxim 10 de persoane, într-o locație pusă la dispoziție de ofertant în Oradea și care să respecte toate cerințele necesare desfășurării în bune condiții a orelor de curs.

28/02/202012897,90 lei cu TVA 
520-11/02/2020Parohia Reformată Oradea-Episcopia BihorROHU-398Parohia Reformată Oradea-Episcopia Bihor, str. Dealului, nr. 20, Oradea, jud. Bihor, Romania, e-mail:


Achiziția serviciului de organizare cursuri de formare profesională peisagist-floricultor, cod COR 6112015.

Specificații tehnice:
Va fi organizat 1 de formare profesională peisagist-floricultor, cu durata de 360 de ore(teorie+practică), între lunile martie - august 2020, respectându-se legislația în vigoare cu privire la formarea adulților și a codului ocupațional amintit. Cursul se va organiza pentru un număr de maxim 10 de persoane, într-o locație pusă la dispoziție de ofertant în Oradea și care să respecte toate cerințele necesare desfășurării în bune condiții a orelor de curs.

28/02/202012897,90 lei cu tot TVA 
52156-1-65/202012/02/2020BMKIKROHU7Csaba Szikszai,

Purchase of services for the closing conference
Conference room for closing conference in Békéscsaba
- capacity: at least 100 seats for the conference guests
- registration table
- microphone/speaker sets and digital projection
Catering for 100 guests

5226351/19.02.202019/02/2020APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU-53Andrei Togor, Oradea, Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 15, tel. 0359416011, 0752 270 140, e-mail:

Object of the procurement: 10 motion sensor surveillance cameras for monitoring the areas. The method of drawing up the offer and details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

25/02/202015.611,09 RON without VAT 
523Developing project website20/02/2020Katház Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-374Nagy Mariann, 6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 12.,, +36309988255

Developing bilingual project website accessed by visually impaired people also (containing programming, design, hosting, translation)

06/03/20201353440 HUf
5246359/25.02.202025/02/2020APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU-53Andrei Togor, Oradea, Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 15, tel. 0359416011, 0752 270 140, e-mail:

Object of the procurement: 10 motion sensor surveillance cameras for monitoring the areas. The method of drawing up the offer and details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

03/03/202015.611,09 RON without VATție-participare.pdf
525657/26.02.202027/02/2020Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura AradROHU-406Matiut Radu, Arad, Oituz 122, email:, tel: +40743171518

Object of the procurement:
Procurement of event organizing services within the project "Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County", eMS code: ROHU406

Tehnical description:
CCIA intends to organize events within the project entitled "Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County", 15 professional events for 3500 people looking for a place of work, interested parties, companies or NGOs, in a total value of 105,000.00 euros, as follows:

* There will be organized a total of 15 events that will take place during the entire project period, respectively March 2019 - June 2021 and which should include a number of 3500 participants;
* Providing catering and coffee break services;
* Providing conference rooms in different regions of Arad County;
* Promoting the event;
* Registration of the participants on the attendance lists;
* Information and guidance;
* Distribution of event materials;
* Good logistics and technical development of the event;
* Providing the coffee breaks and catering services;
* Taking photographs during the events;
* Providing transportation services (if applicable);
* Operation of audio-video equipment throughout the event;
* Providing the services of receiving and registering the participants on the attendance lists;
* Permanent presence of a person in the hall, to ensure the smooth running of the event;
* Moderator (if applicable);
* Delivery of attendance lists;
* Handing over pictures taken during the event;
* Invoice for the services of organizing the event.

05/03/2020498,750.00 LEI,,
526657/26.02.202027/02/2020Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura AradROHU-406Matiut Radu, Arad, Oituz 122, email:, tel: +40743171518

Object of the procurement:
Procurement of event organizing services within the project "Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County", eMS code: ROHU406

Tehnical description:
CCIA intends to organize events within the project entitled "Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County", 15 professional events for 3500 people looking for a place of work, interested parties, companies or NGOs, in a total value of 105,000.00 euros, as follows:

* There will be organized a total of 15 events that will take place during the entire project period, respectively March 2019 - June 2021 and which should include a number of 3500 participants;
* Providing catering and coffee break services;
* Providing conference rooms in different regions of Arad County;
* Promoting the event;
* Registration of the participants on the attendance lists;
* Information and guidance;
* Distribution of event materials;
* Good logistics and technical development of the event;
* Providing the coffee breaks and catering services;
* Taking photographs during the events;
* Providing transportation services (if applicable);
* Operation of audio-video equipment throughout the event;
* Providing the services of receiving and registering the participants on the attendance lists;
* Permanent presence of a person in the hall, to ensure the smooth running of the event;
* Moderator (if applicable);
* Delivery of attendance lists;
* Handing over pictures taken during the event;
* Invoice for the services of organizing the event.

05/03/2020498,750.00 LEI,,
5272020_2_KMA02/03/2020Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyi Zoltán 5711 Gyula Külterület 4. Tel.: +3620/959-6336 E-mail:

Independent building/site supervision services
Period: Marc 2020 – Febr 2021.
The services should include the following:

Monitoring the building site and the state of the construction works weekly / on demand (within a working day), and interveneing if the construction works does not follow completely the technical plans or building permit.
Checking the site log daily.
Involving special engineers (supervisors): electric engineer, mechanical engineer, static expert etc.
Checking the detailed inovoice and

04/03/20208600 Euro + VAT 


30 persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de SALVAMAR (piscină), Cod COR 541905 , conform legislației în vigoare.
Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 30 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

10/04/202050 505, 00 lei cu TVA 
529ADV113453810/03/2020Timiș CountyROHU-443Daniela Goia, bd. Revoluției din 1989 nr.17, tel. 0040 256 406 300

Communication and visibility services for the strategic project "Babies across borders - connecting health services in the field of obstetrics-gynecology and neonatal care between Emergency Clinical County Hospital Pius Brinzeu Timisoara and the Pediatric Clinic of Szeged"

530410/03/2020Ötlet a Vidékért EgyesületROHU-385Erdélyi Ilona 4821 Ópályi, Árpád út 3.

We would like to provide 17 people with the opportunity to earn a C Class Certificate in the implementation of our Idea for Countryside Association (4821 Ópályi, Petőfi utca 2.) RO-HU-385 project "Supporting youth employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties" .

Tasks of the tenderer:
- Training of 80 theoretical lessons related to the training, including 2 hours of theoretical education in international border management and international document management
- 29 + 1 hours of practice (driving)
- The quotation also includes exam fees and the possibility to practice online during the training
- Preparation of the necessary documentation (attendance sheet, photo documentation, placement of the project image elements on the site of the theoretical training)

10/03/202017 000 EUR  
531Quote request for mobile oncological screening equipment within the project ROHU45018/03/2020Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul Vicenț

In order to attain the goals proposed by the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450, it is necessary to purchase some medical equipment to achieve the screening goals proposed in the project.. In this respect we are waiting for offers for mobile oncological screening equipment, consisting of: truck mounted mammogram, laptop and PACS system. The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website
and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGlrE7Jj30q3Ul0x7AAw?e=nnJKbD

14/04/2020401.875,00 Euro without VAT or!Agumv-rdq5YGlrE7Jj30q3Ul0x7AAw?e=nnJKbD 
532N/A20/03/2020Móra-Tourist Információs és Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-422Stampf Mariann, 6782 Mórahalom, Tömörkény u. 3.,

Elaboration of publicity, marketing and event organization activities

17/06/201957.250 EUR  
533N/A20/03/2020Móra-Tourist Információs és Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-422Stampf Mariann, 6782 Mórahalom, Tömörkény u. 3.,

Purchase of equipment (small electric bus)

28/08/201923000 EUR  
534100/26.03.202026/03/2020Fundatia pentru Cultura si Educatie Ecologista EcotopROHU53George Togor,

Services for the identification, inventory and monitoring of species and habitats of conservative interest in the protected natural area ROSCI0008 Betfia

08/04/2020223233 lei +,
535CS 1273_23.03.202024/03/2020CETARIU CommuneROHU 265 MOLNAR Etelka,, 0259456266

ACHIZITIE SISTEM DE SONORIZARE - pentru comuna Cetariu, jud. Bihor, in cadrul proiectului eMS ROHU 265 ”Let's celebrate our tradition together”, finanțat prin programul Interreg V-A România - Ungaria 2014 - 2020.
Dupa analizarea Caietului de sarcini nr. 1273/23.03.2020, se va depune conform cerintelor prin e-mail la adresa: pana la data de 27.03.2020, ora 16:00 si va contine:
- Formularul de oferta, cu valoarea totală si detaliere financiara cu preturi unitare pe componentele ofertate. Prețul unitar ofertat va trebui să includă toate cheltuielile legate de furnizarea și transportul acestora până la locul de livrare al bunurilor
- Certificatul constatator din care reiese codul CAEN autorizat în domeniul contractului (nu mai vechi de 6 luni). - Propunerea tehnica va contine fise tehnice si certificate de calitate, termenul de garanție exprimat în luni, de la data recepției produselor dar nu mai puțin de 12 luni, termen de livrare exprimat în zile calendaristice - maxim 30 de zile de la data emiterii ordinului de furnizare a produselor, detalierea specificatiilor tehnice cerute, si identificarea produselor după caz: - denumirea produselor - producătorul - tipul produsului - modelul - noi (nu se acceptă produse folosite)
Specificațiile tehnice din caietul de sarcini sunt minime și eliminatorii.
Valoarea ofertei financiare nu trebuie să depășească valoarea estimată: 19.725,29 lei fara TVA.
Descriere: Sistem de sonorizare activ, compus din doua boxe bas, doua boxe medii-inalte, doua boxe monitoare, mixer, sistem wireless de microfon, doua microfoane cu cablu, microfon pupitru si accesorii.

27/03/202019.725,29 lei fara TVA. 
536CN102017230/03/2020University of OradeaROHU-449Sorin Rotoiu, Oradea, str. Universitatii nr.1,, 0259-408480

Servicii de elaborare Proiect Tehnic pentru obiectivul Centrul de formare continua de abilitati practice in domeniul sanatate din cadrul Facultatii de Medicina Si Farmacie, Universitatea din Oradea

30/04/202076.370,33 RON  
537CN102017201/04/2020University of OradeaROHU-449Sorin Rotoiu, Oradea, str. Universitatii nr.1,, 0259-408480

Servicii de elaborare Proiect Tehnic pentru obiectivul Centrul de formare continua de abilitati practice in domeniul sanatate din cadrul Facultatii de Medicina Si Farmacie, Universitatea din Oradea

30/04/202076.370,33 RON 

Atribuirea achizitia serviciului autorizate de formare profesională paznic de vânătoare, Cod COR 622401, în cadrul proiectului ” CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (cod proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB)

Cantitatea si scopul contractului
- 10 persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de paznic de vânătoare, Cod COR 622401, conform legislației în vigoare

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 10 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

07/05/202020 276, 76 lei cu TVA 
539-02/04/2020MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,


Cantitatea și scopul:
- 10 persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de paznic de vânătoare, Cod COR 622401

Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 10 persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nuvelului serviciilor în domeniul domestic turistic și ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

07/05/202015 448,96 lei cu TVA 
54034408/04/2020Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-380Dragu Marian, Arad, str. Suceava 18, tel / fax 0257 210192,

Procurement of 3 minibuses, according to the specification
Length: between 5000 and 5500 mm
number of seats 8 + 1
cylinders: between 1900 and 2200 cm3
pollution norm: minimum euro6
mixed consumption between 5.7 and 6.3
CO2 emissions (g / km) between 150 and 170
ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) with EBA (Emergency Brake Assist) and EBD (Electronic brakeforce distribution)
Central locking, remote control with starter system and automatic locking in running
16 "steel rim
Airbag driver + front passengers
Tire pressure monitoring system
ESP (dynamic trajectory control) adaptive depending on the load
Steel shield for engine
LED technology headlights
Electric and defrosting rear-view mirrors with temperature sensor
Electric front windows
Driver seat adjustment longitudinal / height
On-board computer
Height-adjustable steering wheel
Air conditioning for the front seats, with manual adjustment
On-board computer with outdoor temperature display
Sliding right side door, with fixed window
Tow Hitch
Custom design on a surface of at least 2400 cm2

21/04/2020373241 RON without TVA 
541DA1/202009/04/2020Episcopia Romano-Catolica Oradea (Roman-Catholic Diocese of Oradea, Varadi Romai Katolikus Puspokseg)ROHU-35410161 ORADEA, Str. Șirul Canonicilor nr. 2. jud. Bihor contact person: MATUZ Zsolt, project coordinator e-mail: tel: +40-259/411.180

The main objective of the investment is protecting and improving the Baroque Dendrological Park, to support the urban systems both from a social and an ecological point of view, contributing to the fulfillment of the cognitive, aesthetic, relaxation, recreation needs of people, providing them a perfect natural framework to clear their mind and put their things in order and give them the rest they need.
The object of procurement is to supply a set of equipment for monitoring system of dendrological park: Digital counter gate-2 pieces, Outdoor cameras-8 pieces, NVR -Network Video Recorder-1 piece, Hard Disk Drive-1 piece, Monitor-1 piece (including installation of system).

16/04/202022.865,66 RON,,,,
542DA 2/202009/04/2020Episcopia Romano-Catolica Oradea (Roman-Catholic Diocese of Oradea, Varadi Romai Katolikus Puspokseg)ROHU-35410161 ORADEA, Str. Șirul Canonicilor nr. 2. jud. Bihor contact person: MATUZ Zsolt, project coordinator e-mail: tel: +40-259/411.180

The main objective of the investment is protecting and improving the Baroque Dendrological Park, to support the urban systems both from a social and an ecological point of view, contributing to the fulfillment of the cognitive, aesthetic, relaxation, recreation needs of people, providing them a perfect natural framework to clear their mind and put their things in order and give them the rest they need.
The object of procurement is preparing a web page related to Baroque Palace Dendrological Park (also accessible to people with disabilities), designing an information desk application related to Baroque Palace Dendrological Park (also accessible to people with disabilities) and developing a pocket guide, a common mobile application for both partners/locations (Baroque Palace Dendrological Park and The Arboretum of Szarvas) in Ro-Hu-En-De-Sk language, trip advisor (car/bicycle route) between locations (Oradea-Szarvas), thematic route/promenade in dendrological parks, natural heritage guide, accessible to people with disabilities (Android op. sys.)

543-15/04/2020Parohia Ortodoxă Ioșia-Nord, OradeaROHU-398Parohia ortodoxă Ioșia-Nord, Oradea, str, Calea Cazaban nr.37/A, Oradea, județul Bihor, România, e-mail:

Cantitatea totală sau domeniul
Prin proiect a fost prevăzută achiziționarea a:
- 3 bucăți laptop
- 30 bucăți tabletă PC
- 1 hard extern
- 2 videoproiectoare
- 2 ecrane de proiecție
- 2 presenter
- 1 bucată multifuncțional laser color A3
- 1 bucată aparat foto DSRL cu obiectiv de 18-55 mm VR
- 1 card memorie SD
- 2 bucăți router wireless
- 1 bucată switch cu 8 porturi
- 1 sistem audio complet, cu 4 boxe pasive, mixer cu amplificator integrat, 2 microfoane wirelles
- 1 SmartTV
- 60 scaune cu masuță rabatabilă
- 5 birouri multifuncționale cu alonjă
- 5 scaune directoriale
- 9 bucăți etajere inalte tip office
- 3 bucăți rafturi duble metalice cu polițe MDF
- 4 bucăți cuier pal-metal
- 3 bucăți flipchart
- 200 metri liniari cablu UTP
- 3 Cablu HDMI de 5 metri

22/05/202093310,41 lei RON fără TVA 
544-15/04/2020MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,

Cantitatea totală sau domeniul
Prin proiect a fost prevăzută achiziționarea a:
- 3 bucăți laptop
- 15 bucăți tabletă PC
- 3 bucăți hard extern
- 3 videoproiectoare
- 3 ecrane de proiecție
- 3 presenter
- 1 bucată multifuncțional laser color A3
- 1 bucată aparat foto DSRL cu obiectiv de 18-55 mm VR
- 1 card memorie SD
- 3 bucăți router wireless
- 1 bucată switch cu 8 porturi
- 1 sistem audio complet, cu 4 boxe pasive, mixer cu amplificator integrat, 2 microfoane wirelles
- 2 SmartTV
- 3 bucăți flipchart
- 200 metri liniari cablu UTP
- 3 Cablu HDMI de 5 metri

22/05/202089050,46 lei RON fără TVA
545-15/04/2020Parohia Reformată Oradea-Episcopia BihorROHU-398Parohia Reformată Oradea-Episcopia Bihor, str. Dealului, nr. 20, Oradea, jud. Bihor, Romania, e-mail:

Cantitatea totală sau domeniul
Prin proiect a fost prevăzută achiziționarea a:
- 2 bucăți laptop
- 2 bucăți hard extern
- 15 bucăți tabletă PC
- 1 videoproiector
- 1 ecran de proiecție
- 1 presenter
- 1 bucată multifuncțional laser color A3 17000
- 1 bucată router wireless
- 1 bucată switch cu 8 porturi
- 1 bucată aparat foto DSRL cu obiectiv de 18-55 mm VR
- 1 card memorie SD
- 1 sistem audio complet, cu 4 boxe pasive, mixer cu amplificator integrat, 2 microfoane wirelles
- 1 SmartTV
- 1 bucată flipchart magnetic
- 100 metri liniari cablu UTP
- 2 cabluri HDMI de 5 m

22/05/202057649,62 lei RON fără TVA


30 persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de SALVAMAR (piscină), Cod COR 541905 , conform legislației în vigoare.
Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 30 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

29/05/202050 691, 90 lei cu TVA 
547EKR00029777202021/04/2020 LOWER-TISZA DISTRICT WATER DIRECTORATEROHU-224Dr. Bakos Eszter (6720 Szeged, Stefánia 4., +36 62 599 599)

„Adásvételi szerződés keretében zöldterület ápoló eszközök beszerzése 4
részben II.”

11/05/202059.866, 65 EUR
548-22/04/2020Parohia Ortodoxă Ioșia-Nord, OradeaROHU-398Parohia ortodoxă Ioșia-Nord, Oradea, str, Calea Cazaban nr.37/A, Oradea, județul Bihor, România, e-mail:


Cantitatea si scopul contractului
- 20 de persoane formare, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de ghid turism intern(local), conform legislației în vigoare
Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 20 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

01/06/202040553,52 lei cu TVA
549DA2549654208/04/2020Transregio Intercommunity Development AssociationROHU-390Email:, Tel: +40. 259.408.821

Procurement of services for developing a Cross-Border route planner mobile application that will be available at the level of public transport networks operated by S.C. Oradea Transport Local S.A. and Debrecen Public Transport Company

550-23/04/2020Parohia Reformată Oradea-Episcopia BihorROHU-398Parohia Reformată Oradea-Episcopia Bihor, str. Dealului, nr. 20, Oradea, jud. Bihor, Romania, e-mail:


Cantitatea si scopul contractului
- 55 de persoane formare, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de ghid turism intern(local), conform legislației în vigoare
Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 55 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

01/06/202098969,90 lei cu TVA
55137423/04/2020Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-380Dragu Marian, Arad, str. Suceava 18, tel / fax 0257 210192,

The present documentation is elaborated according the requests of the beneficiary, which intends to realize a centre for adults education, training, in ground floor and a partial first floor height regime, including some other developments – access roads, parking, exterior artificial surface sports field with nocturne, a covered terrace, a small building for pumps, a sloping basin for the water supply for fire extinguishing. All these developments will be realized on the land parcel no. C.F. 337432, belonging to Arad Municipality. The land parcel surface is of 11700 sqm, according topographical measurements and official documents statements. The land parcel holds no constructions. The land parcel is located in the built-up area of Arad Municipality, as an isolated body of construction dedicated land, north of the county road DJ709C connecting Arad and Iratosu, about 2 km north from the ”Westfield” neighborhood.

The shape of the land parcel is irregular, according to the situation plan attached to the documentation. The land is located north of the county road DJ 709C and east of the ANIF canal Cn 1149. Towards the road, the land parcel has a street front of 49.52 m. Between the land parcel and the county road there is a strip of land, with an area of 6,990 sqm and width of about 7 to 10 m, owned by Arad County. Through the PUZ (Zonal Urban Planning Certificate), previously approved for the land parcel, it is offered the possibility of arranging an access on the area owned by Arad County.
From a topographical point of view, the terrain is relatively flat and systematized.

The detailed documentation of the procurement procedure, including tender files, technical reports, lists of materials and equipment, plans, in it`s entirety, is to be found on the next link:

06/05/20203999159 RON without TVA 
552Purchase of mobile tent28/04/2020Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature Protection ROHU 103Kres Tünde Tímea

Purchase of 1piece of 15x20 m based mobile tent with the following features
- Roof load: 0.75 KN / m2
- Wind load: 0.6 KN / m2
- Tent awning parameters: white, 650 gr / m2, light transmittance, single PVC (PVC: B-s2, d0), NMÉ certified, flame retardant, side and front awning: corset-ringlis can be opened, stretched with closed section.
- Frame structure: Anodized aluminum profile, galvanized steel couplings.
- Ground fixing: with angle
- Life expectancy (tarpaulin): minimum 10 years

553EKR00019723202007/05/2020LOWER-TISZA DISTRICT WATER DIRECTORATEROHU-224Dr. Bakos Eszter (6720 Szeged, Stefánia 4., +36 62 599 599)

MURESE Kivitelezés

28/05/2020229 769 EURég-kimutatás_MURESE_árazatlan.xlsx
554K-3470-104/2019.08/05/2020Körös Valley District Water DirectorateROHU-28Melinda Varga, 26 Városház Street, Gyula 5700, email:, tel.: +36-30-388-9750

Development of flood protection centre of Szanazug and rehabilitation of the penstock and hydro-mechanical equipment in Tulca - development on the Hungarian side (ROHU28)

22/11/2018146 731 248 HUF  
555KM0201-20SZGRK; KM0101-12FMNY1808/05/2020Körös Valley District Water DirectorateROHU-28Melinda Varga, 26 Városház Street, Gyula 5700, email:, tel.: +36-30-388-9750

IT assets purchase
two notebooks and a printer

Beneficiary, KÖVIZIG bought the IT assets in July, 2019 in a centralised procurement (168/2004. V. 25.). In centralised procurements the supplier is selected by a Framework Contract, not by the Beneficiary, Körös Valley District Water Directorate.
The Framework Contracts can be found on the following link:

04/06/20192.500.000 HUF  
556SCN106826615/05/2020Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în Româ

Additional equipments used during the practical trainings:
- 8 firefighter hoods,
- 8 firefighter protective ponchos,
- 2 communication system and
- 1 camera.

On the following link you will find the necessary requirements for participation and the required technical specifications: - Reference number: SCN1068266

26/05/202016.981,95 Ron without VAT  
557DA 5/202022/05/2020Episcopia Romano-Catolica Oradea (Roman-Catholic Diocese of Oradea, Varadi Romai Katolikus Puspokseg)ROHU-35410161 ORADEA, Str. Șirul Canonicilor nr. 2. jud. Bihor contact person: MATUZ Zsolt, project coordinator e-mail: tel: +40-259/411.180

The main objective of the investment is protecting and improving the Baroque Dendrological Park, to support the urban systems both from a social and an ecological point of view, contributing to the fulfillment of the cognitive, aesthetic, relaxation, recreation needs of people, providing them a perfect natural framework to clear their mind and put their things in order and give them the rest they need.
The object of procurement is to supply a ride-on mower according to the technical specification detailed in procurement documents (caiet de sarcini).

29/05/202018.500,00 RON,,,
558DA2569315226/05/2020ADIZMO_Asociatia de Dezvoltare Intercomunitara Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU 388Ciprian BARNA, Oradea, Piata Unirii nr. 1 - 3, room 134,, 0727714323

Procurement for office equipment - a laptop and a multi functional printer & scanner.

28/05/202033172,00 lei without VAT  
559DA2570050927/05/2020Nojorid CommuneROHU-388Ioana Boc, Tel: 0259/393-194, Fax: 0259/393-192, e-mail:

Elaboration of D.A.L.I. for CDDL

01/06/202024.217,50 lei  
560SCN106898928/05/2020Oradea Local Transport CompanyROHU-390Marius Bar, Telefon: +40.259.423.245, Fax: +40.259.426.010, emai:

Modernizing of the Automatic Vehicle Location and passengers information system at the level of the public transport network operated by Oradea Local public Transport Company

16/06/2020380.000 Euro 
561-29/05/2020Parohia Ortodoxă Ioșia-Nord, OradeaROHU-398Parohia ortodoxă Ioșia-Nord, Oradea, str, Calea Cazaban nr.37/A, Oradea, județul Bihor, România, e-mail:


Va fi organizat 1 de formare profesională tâmplar manual, cod COR 742203, cu durata de 360 de ore(teorie+practică), între lunile iunie – octombrie 2020, respectându-se legislația în vigoare cu privire la formarea adulților și a codului ocupațional amintit. Cursul se va organiza pentru un număr de maxim 10 de persoane, într-o locație pusă la dispoziție de ofertant în Oradea și care să respecte toate cerințele necesare desfășurării în bune condiții a orelor de curs.

29/06/202012593,10 lei cu tot cu TVA 
562-29/05/2020MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,


Va fi organizat 1 de formare profesională tâmplar manual, cod COR 742203, cu durata de 360 de ore(teorie+practică), între lunile iunie – octombrie 2020, respectându-se legislația în vigoare cu privire la formarea adulților și a codului ocupațional amintit. Cursul se va organiza pentru un număr de maxim 10 de persoane, într-o locație pusă la dispoziție de ofertant în Oradea și care să respecte toate cerințele necesare desfășurării în bune condiții a orelor de curs.

29/06/202012593,10 lei cu tot cu TVA 
563-03/06/2020Parohia Reformată Oradea-Episcopia BihorROHU-398Parohia Reformată Oradea-Episcopia Bihor, str. Dealului, nr. 20, Oradea, jud. Bihor, Romania, e-mail:


Va fi organizat 1 de formare profesională țesător manual, Cod COR: 743214, cu durata de 360 de ore(teorie+practică), între lunile iulie 2020 - martie 2021, respectându-se legislația în vigoare cu privire la formarea adulților și a codului ocupațional amintit. Cursul se va organiza pentru un număr de maxim 10 de persoane, într-o locație pusă la dispoziție de ofertant în Oradea și care să respecte toate cerințele necesare desfășurării în bune condiții a orelor de curs.

01/07/202014.530,50 lei cu TVA
5642020/S 108-26301108/06/2020DKV Debreceni Közlekedési Zrt.ROHU390Szabó Zoltán, 4025 Debrecen, Salétrom u. 3.,

Modernizing the Public Transport service operated by Debrecen Local Public Transport Company with the procuring of buses.

06/07/2020213.000.000 HUF
565650905/06/2020Oradea Local Public Transport CompanyROHU-390Szell Gabriela, Telefon: 0359-808502 interior: 112,114,439, Email:

Procurement of the necessary services for ensuring the promotion of the project ROHU-390, Transborder (CPV- 79342200-5).
Technical description:
• Preparation and publication of a press release (online or in paper format);
• Organizing of 1 press conference: catering services for approximately 25 participants in the press conference; preparation, printing and distribution of information materials about the project (max. 10 color pages), registration of participants at the conference.
• Development of promotional materials related to TRANSBORDER project in accordance with the Visual Identity Manual related to the INTERREG VA Romania-Hungary 2014-2020 Program: - 1,000 A4 flyers, 4 + 4 colors, folded in three, - 100 envelope type conference folders, hardcover, 4 + 0 colors, matte; - 30 A1 posters, - 3 roll-up banners (120x200cm, full color at photographic quality 2880 x 1440 dpi on matte polypropylene, Roll-up system with retractable aluminum mechanism and support soles, Mounting the banner in the box, Carrying case);- 100 bags, - 1 permanent plate format A1 (841 mm x 594 mm),- 30 memory sticks, - 200 pens.
• Digital activities: a. Development of a website dedicated to the project (available in Romanian, Hungarian and English) and two social media accounts (Facebook and Twitter); b. Production and disseminating of 1 TV broadcast / news site in order to present the objectives, activities and results of the TRANSBORDER project; c. Realization and broadcasting of 2 radio programs at a local / regional radio station in order to present the objectives, activities and results of the TRANSBORDER project.
• Production, printing and dissemination of 100 brochures presenting the Transborder project.

11/06/202039.716.70 lei  
566405/12.06.202012/06/2020Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în RomâniaROHU-382APPAR, Diosig Str. Argeșului nr.25,, 0259435622

Achiziționarea serviciilor de expertiză în cadrul proiectului ROHU- 382 YES- Youth Entrepreneurship Support. Codul CPV al achiziției este CPV 79212000-3 - Servicii de audit intermediar și final.

23/06/20205300 ron +TVA,

Atribuirea achiziției serviciului de creare a unui portal web (bază comună online de resurse umane pentru turism și ospitalitate), în cadrul proiectului ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (ROHU-398 - ForTour BHHB)"

Specificații tehnice:
Va fi creat un portal web cu o baza comună transfrontalieră de date privind necesarul de resurse umane din turism și ospitalitate

10/07/202020350,83 lei fara TVA 
568-16/06/2020MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,

Atribuirea serviciului de servicii de supraveghere a lucrărilor – CPV 71520000-9, asistență tehnică – dirigenție de șantier – Cod CPV 71356200-0, pentru proiectul ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (ROHU-398 - ForTour BHHB)". Această activitate este necesară și obligatorie pentru atingerea obiectivelor și rezultatelor proiectului.

Conform prevederilor art. 30 din Legea nr. 10/1995, dirigintele de șantier autorizat răspunde potrivit obligațiilor ce-i revin pentru viciile ascunse ale construcției, ivite într-un interval de 10 ani de la recepția lucrării, precum și după împlinirea acestui termen, pe toată durata de existență a construcției, pentru viciile structurii de rezistență rezultate din nerespectarea normelor de proiectare și de execuție la data realizării ei.

03/07/202020350,83 lei fără TVA 
56943218/06/2020Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-380Dragu Marian, Arad, str. Suceava 18, tel / fax 0257 210192,

The present documentation is elaborated according the requests of the beneficiary, which intends to realize a centre for adults education, training, in ground floor and a partial first floor height regime, including some other developments – access roads, parking, exterior artificial surface sports field with nocturne, a covered terrace, a small building for pumps, a sloping basin for the water supply for fire extinguishing. All these developments will be realized on the land parcel no. C.F. 337432, belonging to Arad Municipality. The land parcel surface is of 11700 sqm, according topographical measurements and official documents statements. The land parcel holds no constructions. The land parcel is located in the built-up area of Arad Municipality, as an isolated body of construction dedicated land, north of the county road DJ709C connecting Arad and Iratosu, about 2 km north from the ”Westfield” neighborhood.

The shape of the land parcel is irregular, according to the situation plan attached to the documentation. The land is located north of the county road DJ 709C and east of the ANIF canal Cn 1149. Towards the road, the land parcel has a street front of 49.52 m. Between the land parcel and the county road there is a strip of land, with an area of 6,990 sqm and width of about 7 to 10 m, owned by Arad County. Through the PUZ (Zonal Urban Planning Certificate), previously approved for the land parcel, it is offered the possibility of arranging an access on the area owned by Arad County.
From a topographical point of view, the terrain is relatively flat and systematized.

The detailed documentation of the procurement procedure, including tender files, technical reports, lists of materials and equipment, plans, in it`s entirety, is to be found on the next link:

29/06/20204016034,83 + TVA 
570DA2585771626/06/2020Nojorid ComuneROHU388Ioana Boc telefon0259393194, fax0259393192 email

2 cell phones, twoo laptops

571DA2585923426/06/2020Nojorid ComuneROHU388Ioana Boc telefon0259393194, fax0259393192 email

multifunctional printer 1 bucata

26/06/20209.971,92 lei+tva
573449 / 02.07.202002/07/2020Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-380Dragu Marian, Arad, str. Suceava 18, tel / fax 0257 210192,

The present documentation is elaborated according the requests of the beneficiary, which intends to realize a centre for adults education, training, in ground floor and a partial first floor height regime, including some other developments – access roads, parking, exterior artificial surface sports field with nocturne, a covered terrace, a small building for pumps, a sloping basin for the water supply for fire extinguishing. All these developments will be realized on the land parcel no. C.F. 337432, belonging to Arad Municipality. The land parcel surface is of 11700 sqm, according topographical measurements and official documents statements. The land parcel holds no constructions. The land parcel is located in the built-up area of Arad Municipality, as an isolated body of construction dedicated land, north of the county road DJ709C connecting Arad and Iratosu, about 2 km north from the ”Westfield” neighborhood.

The shape of the land parcel is irregular, according to the situation plan attached to the documentation. The land is located north of the county road DJ 709C and east of the ANIF canal Cn 1149. Towards the road, the land parcel has a street front of 49.52 m. Between the land parcel and the county road there is a strip of land, with an area of 6,990 sqm and width of about 7 to 10 m, owned by Arad County. Through the PUZ (Zonal Urban Planning Certificate), previously approved for the land parcel, it is offered the possibility of arranging an access on the area owned by Arad County.
From a topographical point of view, the terrain is relatively flat and systematized.

The detailed documentation of the procurement procedure, including tender files, technical reports, lists of materials and equipment, plans, in it`s entirety, is to be found on the next link:

13/07/20204016449,41 + TVA 
574-06/07/2020MĂNĂSTIREA IZBUCROHU-398Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,

Atribuirea serviciului de servicii de supraveghere a lucrărilor – CPV 71520000-9, asistență tehnică – dirigenție de șantier – Cod CPV 71356200-0, pentru proiectul ”CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE COUNTIES OF BIHOR AND HAJDU BIHAR” (ROHU-398 - ForTour BHHB)". Această activitate este necesară și obligatorie pentru atingerea obiectivelor și rezultatelor proiectului.

Specificații tehnice:
Conform prevederilor art. 30 din Legea nr. 10/1995, dirigintele de șantier autorizat răspunde potrivit obligațiilor ce-i revin pentru viciile ascunse ale construcției, ivite într-un interval de 10 ani de la recepția lucrării, precum și după împlinirea acestui termen, pe toată durata de existență a construcției, pentru viciile structurii de rezistență rezultate din nerespectarea normelor de proiectare și de execuție la data realizării ei.

24/07/202020.352,93 lei fără TVA
57561526/06/2020ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU-425Letitia Motoc, Piata Unirii, 1-3,, tel. 0259408821

Laptop with Windows, Office and mouse, minimum features:

- Intel I7 processor, minimum generation 8
- 15.6 '' min screen, full HD
- Memory: min. 16GB, DDR 4
- 2 slots
- SSD min. 512 GB
- licensed Windows 10 PRO software
- UHD graphics card graphics
- licensed Office software
- wireless mouse
- 50W / h battery
- magnesium or aluminum housing
- minimum 2 year warranty

57661526/06/2020ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU-425Letitia Motoc, Piata Unirii, 1-3,, tel. 0259408821

Laptop with Windows, Office and mouse, minimum features:

- Intel I7 processor, minimum generation 8
- 15.6 '' min screen, full HD
- Memory: min. 16GB, DDR 4
- 2 slots
- SSD min. 512 GB
- licensed Windows 10 PRO software
- UHD graphics card graphics
- licensed Office software
- wireless mouse
- 50W / h battery
- magnesium or aluminum housing
- minimum 2 year warranty

5772020_6_KMA14/07/2020Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyiné Szűcs Panka 5711 Gyula Külterület 4. E-mail: panka (a)

Event organization:
3 conferences / press conference
4 job fairs for 2 persons
Pratical study trips (2 pcs. x 2 days x 20 students)

Promotional (communication materials)
400 pcs. of printed T-shirts,
10000 pcs. of leaflets

22/07/2020net 4.500.000 HUFánlatkérés-rendezvények-szervezésére-és-kommunikációs-eszközök-elkészítésére.pdf
5782020_3_KMA14/07/2020Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Ráki Zsolt 5711 Gyula Külterület 4. E-mail: raki (a)

Purchase 2 new pick-ups that are ideal for farm trips.
Features detailed in the attached technical description.

31/07/2020net 13700000 HUFánlatkérés-2-db-terepjáró-TGK.pdf
579N/A15/07/2020Móra-Tourist Információs és Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-422Stampf Mariann, 6782 Mórahalom, Tömörkény u. 3.,

Elaboration of services related to project management, procurement procuders

580CS0124/07/2020Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în Româ

Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în România intenționează inchirierea unei spațiu de minim 600mp în Oradea, pentru implementarea proiectului ”Create to Gather” - ROHU-420.

Cod CPV - 70310000-7 - Servicii de închiriere sau de vânzare de imobile

Contractul de închiriere se încheie pe o perioadă de 7 ani, cu posibilitate de prelungire, cu următoarele cerințe:

- Spațiul să fie situat în Municipiul Oradea;
- Locația spațiului să fie ușor accesibilă și să permită accesul autovehiculelor ușoare, precum și a mașinilor cu gabarit mare;
- Suprafața spațiului închiriat trebuie să fie bine delimitat de vecinătăți;
- Suprafața utilă a imobilului să fie de minim 600 mp;
- Spațiul să beneficieze de servicii de salubrizare și colectare selectivă a deșeurilor;
- Spațiul să fie branșat la rețelele de utilități la data procesului verbal de predare-primire (apă, energie electrică monofazat, posibilitate la branșament trifazic, etc.);
- Spațiul să aibă posibilitate de instalație curenți slabi (telefonie, internet);
- Spațiul să aibă instalație sanitară (apă și canal) și grupuri sanitare femei/bărbați, inclusiv persoane cu dizabilități la data procesului verbal de predare-primire;
- Spațiul să posede instalație de încălzire și răcire adecvată pentru un ambiental confortabil, astfel încât să asigure în mod constant temperaturi optime pentru lucru până la data procesului verbal de predare-primire;
- Spațiul să fie dotat cu toate instalațiile electrice necesare iluminării acestuia (corpuri de iluminat - montate și funcționale), precum și cu instalații de prize (montate și funcționale) până la data procesului verbal de predare-primire;
- Să fie permisă subînchirierea spațiului închiriat;
- Având în vedere obiectul de activitate al spațiului, să fie permis LOCATARULUI înregistrarea spațiului ca sediu social/sediu secundar/punct de lucru, respectiv să fie permis sublocatarilor înregistrarea spațiului ca punct de lucru;
- Spațiul să fie disponibil pentru a fi închiriat pe o perioadă de 7 ani, cu posibilitate de prelungire;
- Locatarul nu are posibilitate de a acorda garanție.

07/08/20209 euro/ 
581EKE/01/21.07.202024/07/2020Societatea Carpatina Ardeleana – Satu MareROHU-79Mark-Nagy Janos,, 0721514137

Purchasing of goods: procurement of 3 pcs. of Multimedia Desktop Kiosks

03/08/202036635,32 RON without VAT

Obiectul contractului:

Cantitatea si scopul contractului:
- 30 persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de SALVAMAR (piscină), Cod COR 541905 , conform legislației în vigoare.
- Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 30 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

18/08/202050 862,00 lei cu TVA 
583NA31/07/2020Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 Satu Mare, str. Ștefancel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for Oncological and cardiovascular diagnostic and screening equipment
In order to attain the goals proposed by the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450, it is necessary to purchase some medical equipment to achieve the screening goals proposed in the project. In this respect, we are waiting for offers for Oncological and cardiovascular diagnostic and screening equipment, consisting of
- 28 pcs Holter EKG with 3 canals;
- 28pcs. Holter TA (blood pressure);
- 20 pcs. Laptops, 17’’, with license;
- 8 pcs. Pci5, 19’’ with license;
- 28 pcs. printers;
- 2 pcs. EKG with 12 canals;
- 3 pcs. tonometer;
- 1 pcs. thalometer with digital scales;
- 2 pcs. Defibrillator;
- 1 pcs. Dermoscopy;
- 1 pcs. Cardiologic ecograf;
- 1 pcs. Holter EKG with 12 canals;
- 1 pcs. Effort testing system;
- 1 pcs. Digital video dermoscopy;
- 1 pcs. gastrointestinal video endoscopy unit with electrocautery and with washing machine and disinfection;
- 1 pcs. Ecograf with ABD system, Doppler colour;
- 1 pcs. Electrocautery;
- 1 pcs. Dermoscopy;
- 1pcs. Wood lamp;
- 1 pcs. small surgery instrumentation.

The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGlto1lQe0iuRteiUSQw?e=ecg9DZ
The estimated value of the acquisition is 484.471,00 Euro without VAT.

Deadline: 21.08.2020, 14.00

Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

21/08/2020484471,00 EUR without VAT and for the technjcal specifications on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGlto1lQe0iuRteiUSQw?e=ecg9DZ 
584Organization and implementation of local value exhibition and folk playhouse on Körös Valley Settlement Festival in Békéscsaba within the project "Strengthening cooperation between communities in the Körös Valley" (ROHU-292)04/08/2020Körösök Völgye Natúrpark EgyesületROHU-292Liviusz Gurbán, 5600 Békéscsaba, Szent István tér 7. Pf.:530;; +36 66 445 886

The task of the bidder is to organize a local value exhibition and a folk playhouse at the 2nd Körös Valley Settlement Festival on August 22, 2020 in Békéscsaba as follows:

Local value exhibition:
Presentation of the settlement value exhibition of 6 settlements connected to the Körös Valley at the 2nd Körös Valley Settlement Festival.
Tasks of the tenderer in connection with the local value exhibition:
- consultation with municipalities on the lending of municipal local value exhibition,
- payment of any rental charges which may be incurred,
- transport of municipal local value exhibition to the venue of the event and return to the given municipality,
- provision of exhibition equipment,
- exhibition layout,
- providing supervision during the event.
It is the Bidder's responsibility to preserve the integrity of the municipal local value exhibition issued at the event. The Körös Valley Nature Park Association does not take any responsibility for the exhibits.

Folk playhouse:
The task of the bidder is to provide a folk playhouse on 22 August 2020 from 10 am to 5 pm in Békéscsaba as follows:
- providing, setting up and operating a basket carousel,
- provision of a minimum of 5 other folk skill games,
- Ensuring the availability of 2 animators to handle the games.

11/08/20201,265,000 HUF 
585CS0212/08/2020Association for Business Promotion in

Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în România intenționează achiziționare serviciilor de consultanță în achiziții în cadrul proiectului ”Creăm împreună – Create To Gather” (ROHU-420).

Cod CPV: 79418000-7 – Servicii de consultanță în domeniul achizițiilor

Obiectul contractului de prestări servicii îl constituie întocmirea:

- referatelor de necesitate,
- consultanță în ceea ce privește elaborarea caietului de sarcini, a strategiei de contractare, întocmirea formularelor și a modelului de contract,
- realizarea achiziției prin intermediul SICAP (unde este cazul),
- consultanță la formularea răspunsurilor la solicitările de clarificări (cu excepția întrebărilor vizând documentația tehnică),
- elaborarea unor puncte de vedere în cazul formulării unor contestații, consultanță la evaluarea ofertelor depuse
- consultanță pentru achiziții directe.

27/08/202019 584,51 
5862020_4_KMA17/08/2020Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyi Zoltán 5711 Gyula, Külterület 4., E-mail:

Hardware, software products and network installation with on-site services according to the specification attached.

30/08/2020net 12.965.000 HUFánlatkérés-IT-eszközök.pdf
587-21/08/2020Parohia Ortodoxă Ioșia-Nord, OradeaROHU

Direct purchase for the training of 10 people in the position of room custodian manager (museum supervisor).

21/09/202012.562,68 RON 
5881627/21.08.202021/08/2020Episcopia Romano-Catolică de OradeaROHU

Direct purchase for the training of 10 people in the position of room custodian manager (museum supervisor).

21/09/202017.394,48 RON  
5891626/21.08.202021/08/2020Episcopia Romano-Catolică de OradeaROHU

Direct purchase for the training of 10 people in the qualification of conservator works of art and historical monuments.

21/09/202037.204,86 RON 
590SCN107378121/08/2020ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU-29Letitia Motoc, Piata Unirii 1-3, cam 134,, tel 0259408821

Works (design + execution) for the realization of the investment "Metropolitan Center for Geothermal Development"

07/09/2020758810 lei 
59102/01.09.202001/09/2020Episcopia Romano-Catolica OradeaROHU-398Ciorba Alexandru, Oradea, str. Sirul Canonicilor, nr. 2, CP. 410161,, 004-0771-125-909

Restoration of the church organ with tubes (patrimony piece) for the functionalization of the Training and Support Center in tourist and cultural activities "Basilica Minor" in order to organize the training / specialization of the human resources in the synergistic field of the tourism industry (location: Center for Training and Support in Tourist and Cultural Activities, Roman-Catholic "Basilica Minor" of Oradea).

592CS0304/09/2020Association for Business Promotion in

Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în România intenționează achiziționarea serviciilor de modelare 3D locație și foto-video în cadrul proiectului ”Creăm împreună – Create To Gather” (ROHU-420).

Cod CPV: 79822500-7 Servicii de proiectare grafică, 79960000-1 – Servicii de fotografie şi servicii conexe.

Obiectul contractului de prestări servicii îl constituie următoarele:

Realizare material foto cf CS;
Realizare material video cf CS;
Modelare locație 3D cf CS.

14/09/202016 978,59 RON 
593CS0404/09/2020Association for Business Promotion in

Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în România intenționează achiziționarea serviciilor de consultanță, amenajare și design interior în cadrul proiectului ”Creăm împreună – Create To Gather” (ROHU-420).

Cod CPV: 79411100-9 – Servicii de consultanță în dezvoltarea societăților, 79930000-2 – Servicii de proiectare specializată.

Obiectul contractului de prestări servicii îl constituie următoarele:

Consultanță în elaborare business plan makerspace;
Consultanță în elaborare schemă funcțională makerspace;
Consultanță în arhitectură și amenajare, corelare dimensiuni echipamente cu spațiile alocate;
Consultanță în design interior makerspace;
Consultanță în identificare parteneriate strategice pentru makerspace;
Consultanță în stabilire pachete și beneficii locatari makerspace;
Consultanță în makerspace community management;
Concept design pentru makerspace, care constă în propunerea conceptului și desene schematice pentru amenajarea spațiului: planuri, vizualizări amenajare, mobilier de principiu, schemă iluminat, vegetație.

14/09/202072 759,60 RON 
5941869/09.09.202009/09/2020Episcopia Romano-Catolica OradeaRoHu398Ciorba Alexandru, Oradea, str. Sirul Canonicilor, nr. 2. CP. 410161,, 004-0771-125-909

Purchasing equipment for functionalization of Center for Training and Support in Tourist and Cultural Activities, Roman-Catholic "Basilica Minor" of Oradea): chairs (32 pieces), writing desks (2 pieces), music stands (30 pieces).

595534010/09/2020AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

The object of the acquisition is the service of organizing a career orientation event within the project. The career orientation event will be organized on a large scale.
Anyone interested in a professional career can attend this event.
The estimated number of participants from the target group is 3,000 persons.

For more information please accesss the link

21/09/2020271764 lei 
596NA14/09/2020Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 Satu Mare, str. Ștefancel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for Oncological and cardiovascular diagnostic and screening equipment
In order to attain the goals proposed by the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450, it is necessary to purchase some medical equipment to achieve the screening goals proposed in the project.
In this respect, we are waiting for offers for Oncological and cardiovascular diagnostic and screening equipment, grouped in Lot 1 Oncological and cardiovascular diagnostic and screening equipment – 1 set which contains
- 28 pcs Holter EKG with 3 canals;
- 28 pcs. Holter TA (blood pressure);
- 20 pcs. Laptops, with license, with printers;
- 8 pcs. Pci5, with license, with printers;
- 2 pcs. EKG with 12 canals;
- 3 pcs. tonometer;
- 1 pcs. thalometer with digital scales;
- 2 pcs. Defibrillator;
- 1 pcs. Dermoscopy;
- 1 pcs. Holter EKG with 12 canals;
- 1 pcs. Effort testing system;
- 1 pcs. Digital video dermoscopy;
- 1 pcs. gastrointestinal video endoscopy unit with electrocautery and with washing machine and disinfection;
- 1 pcs. Electrocautery;
- 1 pcs. Dermoscopy;
- 1pcs. Wood lamp;
- 1 pcs. small surgery instrumentation.
Delivery period: 30 days.
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGluA2m1qpiP6fIkldCQ?e=LbSfRs
The estimated value of the acquisition for Lot 1 is 341.166,00 Euro without VAT.
Deadline: 23.09.2020, 14.00 p.m.
Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

23/09/2020341.166,00 Euro without VATttp:// and/or!Agumv-rdq5YGluA2m1qpiP6fIkldCQ?e=LbSfRs  
597NA14/09/2020Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 Satu Mare, str. Ștefancel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for Oncological and cardiovascular diagnostic and screening equipment
In order to attain the goals proposed by the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450, it is necessary to purchase some medical equipment to achieve the screening goals proposed in the project.
In this respect, we are waiting for offers for Oncological and cardiovascular diagnostic and screening equipment, grouped in Lot 2 - Oncological diagnostic and screening equipment – medical imaging – 1 set, which contains:
- 1 pcs. High-performance cardiovascular ecograf with linear, transthoracic transducer;
- 1 pcs. Ecograf with application in cardiology, vessels, abdomen, gynecology, soft parts, elastography;
Delivery period: 30 days.
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGluA2m1qpiP6fIkldCQ?e=LbSfRs

The estimated value of the acquisition is 122.445,00 Euro without VAT.
Deadline: 23.09.2020, 14.00 p.m
Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

23/09/2020122.445,00 without VAT and/or!Agumv-rdq5YGluA2m1qpiP6fIkldCQ?e=LbSfRs  
5982170/15.09.202015/09/2020Camera de Comert Industrie si Agricultura AradROHU-406Matiut Radu, Arad, str. Closca nr.5, e-mail:

Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura Arad intentioneaza sa achizitioneze produse in cadrul proiectului cu titlul ”Cooperare transfrontalieră eficientă cu scopul creșterii ocupării forței de muncă în județele Arad și Békés”, Cod eMS: ROHU406, dupa cum urmeaza:

1. Vehicul utilitar pentru transportul corturilor (autoutilitară): - 1 bucata ;

2. Bătător stâlpi hidraulic pentru fixarea stâlpilor de cort: 1 bucata

3. Aspiratoare profesionale de curățare pentru corturi: 2 bucati

4. Nacelă pentru fixarea corturilor: 1 bucata

4. Mașină de măturat pentru curățarea corturilor: 1 bucata

Caracteristicile tehnice ale echipamentelor mentionate mai sus, se gasesc anexate la anunt.

22/09/2020341,109 RON TVA incluswww.ccia-arad.ro,,
5992170/15.09.202015/09/2020Camera de Comert Industrie si Agricultura AradROHU-406Matiut Radu, Arad, str. Closca nr.5, e-mail:

Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura Arad intentioneaza sa achizitioneze produse in cadrul proiectului cu titlul ”Cooperare transfrontalieră eficientă cu scopul creșterii ocupării forței de muncă în județele Arad și Békés”, Cod eMS: ROHU406, echipamente, in valoare totala de 70.623 euro TVA inclus, dupa cum urmeaza:

1. Vehicul utilitar pentru transportul corturilor (autoutilitară): - 1 bucata ;

2. Bătător stâlpi hidraulic pentru fixarea stâlpilor de cort: 1 bucata

3. Aspiratoare profesionale de curățare pentru corturi: 2 bucati

4. Nacelă pentru fixarea corturilor: 1 bucata

4. Mașină de măturat pentru curățarea corturilor: 1 bucata

Caracteristicile tehnice ale echipamentelor mentionate mai sus, se gasesc anexate la anunt.

22/09/2020341,109 RON TVA incluswww.ccia-arad.ro,,
6002170/15.09.202015/09/2020Camera de Comert Industrie si Agricultura AradROHU-406Matiut Radu, Arad, str. Closca nr.5, e-mail:

Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura Arad intentioneaza sa achizitioneze produse in cadrul proiectului cu titlul ”Cooperare transfrontalieră eficientă cu scopul creșterii ocupării forței de muncă în județele Arad și Békés”, Cod eMS: ROHU406, echipamente, in valoare totala de 70.623 euro TVA inclus, dupa cum urmeaza:

1. Vehicul utilitar pentru transportul corturilor (autoutilitară): - 1 bucata;
Pret estimativ: 43.000 Euro

2. Bătător stâlpi hidraulic pentru fixarea stâlpilor de cort: 1 bucata
Pret estimativ: 2.000 Euro

3. Aspiratoare profesionale de curățare pentru corturi: 2 bucati
Pret estimativ: 1.000 Euro

4. Nacelă pentru fixarea corturilor: 1 bucata
Pret estimativ: 22.123 Euro

5. Mașină de măturat pentru curățarea corturilor: 1 bucata
Pret estimativ: 2.500 Euro

Caracteristicile tehnice ale echipamentelor mentionate mai sus, se gasesc anexate la anunt.

22/09/2020341,109 RON TVA incluswww.ccia-arad.ro,,
601CS0515/09/2020Association for Business Promotion in

Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în România intenționează achiziționarea serviciilor de marketing și promovare în cadrul proiectului ”Creăm împreună – Create To Gather” (ROHU-420).

Cod CPV: 79342200-5 - Servicii de promovare

Obiectul contractului reprezintă prestare servicii de marketing și promovare, ceea ce constă în promovarea activităților proiectului, concepere site web, concepere branduri, producerea de materiale de marketing online și offline și conceperea campaniilor de promovare pe canalele de social media, precum și content writing proiectului ”Creăm împreună – Create To Gather” (ROHU-420).

29/09/2020117 546,76 
602ROHU-38011/09/2020Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Harasztosné Tóth Mónika, 5711 Gyula Külterület 4,, +36 30 213 7223

Az alábbi képzések megtartása 2020.10.01.-2021.08.31 között Gyulán vagy Békéscsabán:
Háztáji zöldségtermesztő
Mezőgazdasági gépész

Training services between 01.10.200-31.08.2021 in Gyula or Békéscsaba
Animal caretaker
Vegetable producer
Agricultural mechanic

18/09/202017 950 000 HUFés-2020.09.11..docx
6031951/18.09.202018/09/2020Episcopia Romano-Catolica OradeaROHU-398Ciorba Alexandru, Oradea, str. Sirul Canonicilor, nr. 2, CP. 410161,, 004-0771-125-909

Restarting of the award process for the functionalization of the Training and Support Center in tourist and cultural activities "Basilica Minor" in order to organize the training / specialization of the human resources in the synergistic field of the tourism industry (location: Center for Training and Support in Tourist and Cultural Activities, Roman-Catholic "Basilica Minor" of Oradea) trough restoration of the "Orszagh" church organ with tubes (patrimony piece).

60456-2-48/202022/09/2020Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Edit Horvath-Debreceni,

Providing media campaign in the ROHU-331 project as follows:
All the following communications need to be implemented two times, once, until 31th of October, and the second time between 1 of November and the 31th of February.
- 3 on-line communication /3 articles for one-one week/
- 1 print communication
- production and radiation of 1 radio-spots 8 times in one period
All the above mentioned communications will be detailed in the service-contract.
Necessary references as attachment to the tender application: declaration of the legal representative person about: the online surface is visited min. 30.000/day. The printed communication will reach min. 25.000 households, the minimum number of settlements in the area covered by the radio is 45. Also need to mention the names of the media to be used.

25/09/20201136000 HUF 
60556-2-49/202024/09/2020Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Edit Horvath-Debreceni,

Production of short films related to the ROHU331 project as follows:

• Filming 15 career orientation short films outdoors and/or indoors
• Writing 15 screenplays for 15 career orientation short films /topics specified by the customer/
• Providing professional sound recording with external microphones
• Professional movie recording in minimum fullHD quality
• Mixing sound and music for the 15 short films
• Composing music for movies, or getting music, which suitable for movies
• Trimming and finishing, SFX special effects
• Providing werk photos and werk film about the shoot

28/09/20208.400.000 HUF 
606CS0515/09/2020Association for Business Promotion in

Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în România intenționează achiziționarea serviciilor de marketing și promovare în cadrul proiectului ”Creăm împreună – Create To Gather” (ROHU-420).

Cod CPV: 79342200-5 - Servicii de promovare

Obiectul contractului reprezintă prestare servicii de marketing și promovare, ceea ce constă în promovarea activităților proiectului, concepere site web, concepere branduri, producerea de materiale de marketing online și offline și conceperea campaniilor de promovare pe canalele de social media, precum și content writing proiectului ”Creăm împreună – Create To Gather” (ROHU-420).

S-a procedat la modificarea datei de depunere conform nota justificativa.

07/10/2020117 546,76
607CS0515/09/2020Association for Business Promotion in

Asociația pentru Promovarea Afacerilor în România intenționează achiziționarea serviciilor de marketing și promovare în cadrul proiectului ”Creăm împreună – Create To Gather” (ROHU-420).

Cod CPV: 79342200-5 - Servicii de promovare

Obiectul contractului reprezintă prestare servicii de marketing și promovare, ceea ce constă în promovarea activităților proiectului, concepere site web, concepere branduri, producerea de materiale de marketing online și offline și conceperea campaniilor de promovare pe canalele de social media, precum și content writing proiectului ”Creăm împreună – Create To Gather” (ROHU-420).

S-a procedat la modificarea datei de depunere conform nota justificativa.

07/10/2020117 546,76
608ROHU-33/date: 29.09.2020.29/09/2020Érmelléki Népfőiskolai Egyesület / Érmelléki Folk-High School ROHU-162Erdei Gábor; HU, MAGYARORSZÁG, 4281 Létavértes, Széchenyi u. 71 2, I/4;; 00 36 30 4759639

1. Kétnapos szakmai tanulmányút
30 résztvevő szállítása 400 km
ebéd és kávészünetek (2 db.) 30 fő részére
szállás biztosítása vendégek részére 10 fő részére

2. Iskolalátogatás
30 résztvevő szállítása 350 km
ebéd és kávészünetek (2 db.) 30 fő részére

3. Megyei intézmények látogatása
30 résztvevő szállítása 375 km
ebéd és kávészünetek (2 db.) 30 fő részére

6092020_7_KMA30/09/2020Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyiné Szűcs Panka 5711 Gyula Külterület 4. E-mail: panka (a)

Bilingual project webpage programing, web design, technical services, maintenance during the project period, including online job fair module, according to the description.

08/10/2020net 1950000 HUFési-hirdetmény-projekt-honlap-kialakítására-és-karbantartására.pdf
61090301/10/2020ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU-425Letitia Motoc, Piata Unirii, 1-3,, tel. 0259408821

- Biodegradable bags - (natural material): 100 pcs - 900 lei
- Folders for events - A4, color-60 pcs - 900 lei
- A4 fliers, color, double-sided-2000 pcs - 6,000 lei
- Pens -700 pcs - 4,200 lei
- Memory sticks -100 pcs - 5,817 lei
- Rollup - 3 pieces - 1,500 lei
- A3 posters -12 pcs - 36 lei
- A5 personalized books, 30 pages - 500 pcs - 5,000 lei

07/10/202024.353 lei  
61193201/10/2020ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU-425Letitia Motoc, Piata Unirii, 1-3,, tel. 0259408821

Organizing two press conferences
Estimated number of participants in each conference: 30
Catering will be served at each event
A press release will be published for each event (online press)
The location and period will be determined together with the beneficiary

If, due to the pandemic, some conference participants cannot travel to the event venue, they will be provided with online participation (Skype, Zoom or other methods agreed with the ADI Oradea Metropolitan Area).

07/10/202012.176 lei  

Obiectul contractului:

Cantitatea si scopul contractului:
- 30 persoane formate, absolvenți cu certificat ANC de SALVAMAR (piscină), Cod COR 541905 , conform legislației în vigoare.
- Scopul este formarea profesională pentru 30 de persoane, în vederea creșterii ocupării și nivelului serviciilor în domeniul turistic și al ospitalității cu persoane bine formate și specializate.

16/11/202051 157,05 lei cu TVA 
61356-2-65/202009/10/2020BMKIKROHU-331Edit Horvath-Debreceni,

Preparation and analysis of a career follow-up survey related to the ROHU331 project as follows:

• Development of a career tracking concept
• Preparation of career tracking measuring devices
• Consultation with the Customer at the pace and frequency required for the professional execution of the tasks, at the end of the task elements on a mandatory basis
• Carrying out a career follow-up survey, with the possibility of involving a subcontractor
• Career tracking survey support
• Statistical processing of survey results
• Preparation of career tracking report - in Hungarian
• Consultation with the Customer about the results

Reference expected from the tenderer: at least 5 years' experience in conducting a career follow-up survey

61441409/10/2020Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 Satu Mare, str. Ștefancel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for Oncological and cardiovascular diagnostic and screening equipment
In order to attain the goals proposed by the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450, it is necessary to purchase some medical equipment to achieve the screening goals proposed in the project.
In this respect, we are waiting for offers for Oncological and cardiovascular diagnostic and screening equipment, grouped in Oncological diagnostic and screening equipment – medical imaging – 1 set, which contains:
- 1 pcs. High-performance cardiovascular ecograf with linear, transthoracic transducer;
- 1 pcs. Ecograf with application in cardiology, vessels, abdomen, gynecology, soft parts, elastography;
Delivery period: 20 days.
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the and on the!Agumv-rdq5YGluVI_VY-Mcc0DW2DhQ?e=9aA44z

The estimated value of the acquisition is 122.445,00 Euro without VAT.
Deadline: 19.10.2020, 14.00 p.m
Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

19/10/2020122.445,00 without VAT and on!Agumv-rdq5YGluVI_VY-Mcc0DW2DhQ?e=9aA44z  
615N/A13/10/2020Homokhát Eurointegráció Kistérség- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.ROHU-452Battancs Erika, 6782 Mórahalom, Millenniumi sétány 16.,, 62/281-022

Elaboration of procurement expert activities

15/05/20204500000 HUF  
616SCN1076881]15/10/2020Socodor communeROHU-128 Socodor locality, no.1, Romania. Contact person: Crisan Gheorghe. Tel: +40744639068; +40257358100. e-mail:

This project aims to implement the project "Bicycle paths development in the commune of Socodor, Arad county" - Stage II, financed by the INTERREG VA Romania - Hungary Program Priority Axis 2: Improving sustainable cross-border mobility and eliminating bottlenecks, the field of intervention 7 / c: Development and enhancing low-carbon (including low-noise) transport systems including inland and inland waterway transport, ports, multimodal connections and airport infrastructure to promote sustainable regional and local mobility through „Eco trans system – eco – friendly cross border transport in Socodor - - Ketegyhaza area”, eMS code: ROHU - 128 project. Thus, two bicycle track sections, totaling 2,619 km, in the Socodor commune, are planned to provide the North-South and West-East link to objectives that attract major traffic flows (schools, markets, parks, economic agents, etc.), which can be reached on two wheels.

29/10/20201261741 RON 
617153/ROHU331/16.10.202016/10/2020AJOFM BihorROHU-331 Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Elaboration of a specific document: A Joint Action Plan for an integrated labour market at the Romanian-Hungarian border.
This Action Plan aims to provide guidance to tackle existing barriers and proposals to take on the challenges of the cross-border labour market and mobility. The work to the elaboration of this Joint Action Plan will be undertaken in consultation with private and public sector agencies, as well as existing and potential labour market participants and stakeholders. Meeting with various actors will draw on perspectives and aspirations of the various stakeholders about future labour market needs and trajectories, labour market competition and salaries and wage differentials, and opportunities and challenges related to population, labour migration (in both directions), graduate and vocational opportunities (considering existing technical and vocational education and training available), and so on.
Key questions to be addressed through this document:
- What are the major factors that currently influence the labour market in the target region?
- What are the current and likely future labour market demands? This will include a baseline of the current situation, and an indication as to the capacity of the workforce and the education and training providers to meet future needs. This will help to better understand current skills gap and short-to-longer term skills needs.
- What are the existing and potential skills and training gaps in the target region?
- Are the legislative, institutional and labour policy frameworks conducive to developing and enabling the business environment facilitating both private and public sector investment in skills and training development, and promoting a fair and inclusive labour market?
- What are the challenges that will hinder implementing a comprehensive and integrated approach to the labour market strategy?
The Joint Action Plan will contain several chapters. The exactly quantity of information and the number of chapters will be set by the contractor (the private service provider who elaborates this document) along with the project team members from both sides of the border. The way the document and its content will evolve, will be periodically discussed during project meetings with both project beneficiaries.
The document will contain, besides the very specific topics of labour market and employment, a chapter where this project and its general idea and aims will be described. Also, there will be a chapter where the working group members will be mentioned, along institutions or organizations that they are representing. The methodology of collecting data will be also described. The contractor will provide the Joint Action Plan both in Romanian and Hungarian language, on editable IT support and on paper support (1 sample in Romanian language and 1 sample in Hungarian language).
For more information please contact Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

21/10/202077.647 lei + TVASEAP 
618153/ROHU331/16.10.202016/10/2020AJOFM BihorROHU-331 Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Elaboration of a specific document: A Joint Action Plan for an integrated labour market at the Romanian-Hungarian border.
This Action Plan aims to provide guidance to tackle existing barriers and proposals to take on the challenges of the cross-border labour market and mobility. The work to the elaboration of this Joint Action Plan will be undertaken in consultation with private and public sector agencies, as well as existing and potential labour market participants and stakeholders. Meeting with various actors will draw on perspectives and aspirations of the various stakeholders about future labour market needs and trajectories, labour market competition and salaries and wage differentials, and opportunities and challenges related to population, labour migration (in both directions), graduate and vocational opportunities (considering existing technical and vocational education and training available), and so on.
Key questions to be addressed through this document:
- What are the major factors that currently influence the labour market in the target region?
- What are the current and likely future labour market demands? This will include a baseline of the current situation, and an indication as to the capacity of the workforce and the education and training providers to meet future needs. This will help to better understand current skills gap and short-to-longer term skills needs.
- What are the existing and potential skills and training gaps in the target region?
- Are the legislative, institutional and labour policy frameworks conducive to developing and enabling the business environment facilitating both private and public sector investment in skills and training development, and promoting a fair and inclusive labour market?
- What are the challenges that will hinder implementing a comprehensive and integrated approach to the labour market strategy?
The Joint Action Plan will contain several chapters. The exactly quantity of information and the number of chapters will be set by the contractor (the private service provider who elaborates this document) along with the project team members from both sides of the border. The way the document and its content will evolve, will be periodically discussed during project meetings with both project beneficiaries.
The document will contain, besides the very specific topics of labour market and employment, a chapter where this project and its general idea and aims will be described. Also, there will be a chapter where the working group members will be mentioned, along institutions or organizations that they are representing. The methodology of collecting data will be also described. The contractor will provide the Joint Action Plan both in Romanian and Hungarian language, on editable IT support and on paper support (1 sample in Romanian language and 1 sample in Hungarian language).
For more information please contact Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

21/10/202077.647 lei + TVASEAP 
619ROHU-34/date: 19.10.2020.19/10/2020Érmelléki Folk-High School ROHU-162Erdei Gábor; HU, MAGYARORSZÁG, 4281 Létavértes, Széchenyi u. 71 2, I/4;; 00 36 30 4759639

Projektbemutató honlap fejlesztése:
- A program arculati tervének tanulmányozása
- Website struktúrájának megtervezése
- Design elemek elkészítése
- Website struktúrájának elkészítése
- Tartalom formázás (kötelezően előírt arculati elemek alkalmazásával)
- Kapcsolattartás angol nyelven a projektben résztvevő partnerekkel
- A fejlesztés elvégzésének határideje: 2020.10.30.

21/10/20203000 EURO-
620ROHU-34/date: 19.10.2020.19/10/2020Érmelléki Folk-High School ROHU-162Erdei Gábor; HU, MAGYARORSZÁG, 4281 Létavértes, Széchenyi u. 71 2, I/4;; 00 36 30 4759639

Projektbemutató honlap fejlesztése:
- A program arculati tervének tanulmányozása
- Website struktúrájának megtervezése
- Design elemek elkészítése
- Website struktúrájának elkészítése
- Tartalom formázás (kötelezően előírt arculati elemek alkalmazásával)
- Kapcsolattartás angol nyelven a projektben résztvevő partnerekkel
- A fejlesztés elvégzésének határideje: 2020.10.30.

21/10/20203000 EURO-
621ROHU-34/date: 19.10.2020.19/10/2020Érmelléki Népfőiskolai Egyesület / Érmelléki Folk-High School (EFHS)ROHU-162Erdei Gábor; HU, MAGYARORSZÁG, 4281 Létavértes, Széchenyi u. 71 2, I/4;; 00 36 30 4759639

Projektbemutató honlap fejlesztése:
- A program arculati tervének tanulmányozása
- Website struktúrájának megtervezése
- Design elemek elkészítése
- Website struktúrájának elkészítése
- Tartalom formázás (kötelezően előírt arculati elemek alkalmazásával)
- Kapcsolattartás angol nyelven a projektben résztvevő partnerekkel
- A fejlesztés elvégzésének határideje: 2020.10.30.

21/10/20203000 EURO-
622153/ROHU331/16.10.202023/10/2020AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Elaboration of a specific document: A Joint Action Plan for an integrated labour market at the Romanian-Hungarian border.
This Action Plan aims to provide guidance to tackle existing barriers and proposals to take on the challenges of the cross-border labour market and mobility. The work to the elaboration of this Joint Action Plan will be undertaken in consultation with private and public sector agencies, as well as existing and potential labour market participants and stakeholders. Meeting with various actors will draw on perspectives and aspirations of the various stakeholders about future labour market needs and trajectories, labour market competition and salaries and wage differentials, and opportunities and challenges related to population, labour migration (in both directions), graduate and vocational opportunities (considering existing technical and vocational education and training available), and so on.
Key questions to be addressed through this document:
- What are the major factors that currently influence the labour market in the target region?
- What are the current and likely future labour market demands? This will include a baseline of the current situation, and an indication as to the capacity of the workforce and the education and training providers to meet future needs. This will help to better understand current skills gap and short-to-longer term skills needs.
- What are the existing and potential skills and training gaps in the target region?
- Are the legislative, institutional and labour policy frameworks conducive to developing and enabling the business environment facilitating both private and public sector investment in skills and training development, and promoting a fair and inclusive labour market?
- What are the challenges that will hinder implementing a comprehensive and integrated approach to the labour market strategy?
The Joint Action Plan will contain several chapters. The exactly quantity of information and the number of chapters will be set by the contractor (the private service provider who elaborates this document) along with the project team members from both sides of the border. The way the document and its content will evolve, will be periodically discussed during project meetings with both project beneficiaries.
The document will contain, besides the very specific topics of labour market and employment, a chapter where this project and its general idea and aims will be described. Also, there will be a chapter where the working group members will be mentioned, along institutions or organizations that they are representing. The methodology of collecting data will be also described. The contractor will provide the Joint Action Plan both in Romanian and Hungarian language, on editable IT support and on paper support (1 sample in Romanian language and 1 sample in Hungarian language).
For more information please contact Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

28/10/202077.647 lei + TVA  
623technical supervisor13/10/2020Katház Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-374Nagy Mariann,

Technical supervisor service.
Technical supervisor's preparatory tasks to be performed before the start of construction.
Technical supervisor's tasks to be performed during construction.
Technical supervisor's tasks to be performed after construction during the warranty period.
Opinions on the contracts and possible amendments necessary for the implementation.
Verification of the professionalism of the construction work activity, construction and installation work on the basis of the final construction permit and the accompanying approved architectural and technical documentation, as well as the construction documentation.
Checking the correctness of the layout of the building, environmental and other examinations and supervisions.
Checking the construction log (s), countersigning and commenting on entries and other minutes.
Indication of errors, deficiencies, deviations in the construction log.
Making proposals to the Client regarding design changes justified by technical or economic necessity.
Supervisions of the structures to be covered, determine the further technically justified tests, record the details of the supervisions and tests and determinations of the necessary measures in the construction log. Verification of the existence of declarations of performance for built-in construction products.
Preparation of the Client's decisions on technical issues.
Making suggestions on technical issues.
Technical control of financial reckonings and forecasts.
Issuance of a proof of delivery to the main contractor, and recording in the construction log.
In the event of a discrepancy between the contract fee specified in the contract and the proposal for the billable amount, justification the reasons for the discrepancy.
Participation in cooperation discussions.
Contacting with the authorities if necessary.
Regular and continuous technical supervision of the construction (architect, mechanic, electricity).
Elimination of irregular work in case of irregular work, construction defects, checking for correction, recording int he construction log.
Representation of the Client in the technical handover procedure.
Constant and continuous contact with the Client.

28/10/20207078124 HUF
624technical supervisor13/10/2020Katház Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-374Nagy Mariann,

Technical supervisor's preparatory tasks to be performed before the start of construction.
Technical supervisor's tasks to be performed during construction.
Technical supervisor's tasks to be performed after construction during the warranty period.
Opinions on the contracts and possible amendments necessary for the implementation.
Verification of the professionalism of the construction work activity, construction and installation work on the basis of the final construction permit and the accompanying approved architectural and technical documentation, as well as the construction documentation.
Checking the correctness of the layout of the building, environmental and other examinations and supervisions.
Checking the construction log (s), countersigning and commenting on entries and other minutes.
Indication of errors, deficiencies, deviations in the construction log.
Making proposals to the Client regarding design changes justified by technical or economic necessity.
Supervisions of the structures to be covered, determine the further technically justified tests, record the details of the supervisions and tests and determinations of the necessary measures in the construction log. Verification of the existence of declarations of performance for built-in construction products.
Preparation of the Client's decisions on technical issues.
Making suggestions on technical issues.
Technical control of financial reckonings and forecasts.
Issuance of a proof of delivery to the main contractor, and recording in the construction log.
In the event of a discrepancy between the contract fee specified in the contract and the proposal for the billable amount, justification the reasons for the discrepancy.
Participation in cooperation discussions.
Contacting with the authorities if necessary.
Regular and continuous technical supervision of the construction (architect, mechanic, electricity).
Elimination of irregular work in case of irregular work, construction defects, checking for correction, recording int he construction log.
Representation of the Client in the technical handover procedure.
Constant and continuous contact with the Client.

28/10/20207078124 HUF
625technical supervisor24/10/2020Katház Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-374Nagy Mariann,

Technical supervisor's preparatory tasks to be performed before the start of construction.
Technical supervisor's tasks to be performed during construction.
Technical supervisor's tasks to be performed after construction during the warranty period.
Opinions on the contracts and possible amendments necessary for the implementation.
Verification of the professionalism of the construction work activity, construction and installation work on the basis of the final construction permit and the accompanying approved architectural and technical documentation, as well as the construction documentation.
Checking the correctness of the layout of the building, environmental and other examinations and supervisions.
Checking the construction log (s), countersigning and commenting on entries and other minutes.
Indication of errors, deficiencies, deviations in the construction log.
Making proposals to the Client regarding design changes justified by technical or economic necessity.
Supervisions of the structures to be covered, determine the further technically justified tests, record the details of the supervisions and tests and determinations of the necessary measures in the construction log. Verification of the existence of declarations of performance for built-in construction products.
Preparation of the Client's decisions on technical issues.
Making suggestions on technical issues.
Technical control of financial reckonings and forecasts.
Issuance of a proof of delivery to the main contractor, and recording in the construction log.
In the event of a discrepancy between the contract fee specified in the contract and the proposal for the billable amount, justification the reasons for the discrepancy.
Participation in cooperation discussions.
Contacting with the authorities if necessary.
Regular and continuous technical supervision of the construction (architect, mechanic, electricity).
Elimination of irregular work in case of irregular work, construction defects, checking for correction, recording int he construction log.
Representation of the Client in the technical handover procedure.
Constant and continuous contact with the Client.

28/10/20207078124 HUF
626technical supervisor13/10/2020Katház Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-374Nagy Mariann, 6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 12.,, +36309988255

Technical supervisor's preparatory tasks to be performed before the start of construction.
Technical supervisor's tasks to be performed during construction.
Technical supervisor's tasks to be performed after construction during the warranty period.
Opinions on the contracts and possible amendments necessary for the implementation.
Verification of the professionalism of the construction work activity, construction and installation work on the basis of the final construction permit and the accompanying approved architectural and technical documentation, as well as the construction documentation.
Checking the correctness of the layout of the building, environmental and other examinations and supervisions.
Checking the construction log (s), countersigning and commenting on entries and other minutes.
Indication of errors, deficiencies, deviations in the construction log.
Making proposals to the Client regarding design changes justified by technical or economic necessity.
Supervisions of the structures to be covered, determine the further technically justified tests, record the details of the supervisions and tests and determinations of the necessary measures in the construction log. Verification of the existence of declarations of performance for built-in construction products.
Preparation of the Client's decisions on technical issues.
Making suggestions on technical issues.
Technical control of financial reckonings and forecasts.
Issuance of a proof of delivery to the main contractor, and recording in the construction log.
In the event of a discrepancy between the contract fee specified in the contract and the proposal for the billable amount, justification the reasons for the discrepancy.
Participation in cooperation discussions.
Contacting with the authorities if necessary.
Regular and continuous technical supervision of the construction (architect, mechanic, electricity).
Elimination of irregular work in case of irregular work, construction defects, checking for correction, recording int he construction log.
Representation of the Client in the technical handover procedure.
Constant and continuous contact with the Client.

28/10/20207078124 HUF
627technical supervisor13/10/2020Katház Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-374Nagy Mariann, 6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 12.,, +36309988255

Technical supervisor's preparatory tasks to be performed before the start of construction.
Technical supervisor's tasks to be performed during construction.
Technical supervisor's tasks to be performed after construction during the warranty period.
Checking the correctness of the layout of the building, environmental and other examinations and supervisions.
Checking the construction log (s), countersigning and commenting on entries and other minutes.

28/10/20207078124 HUF
628technical supervisor24/10/2020Katház Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-374Nagy Mariann, 6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 12.,, +36309988255

Technical supervisor's preparatory tasks to be performed before the start of construction.
Technical supervisor's tasks to be performed during construction.
Technical supervisor's tasks to be performed after construction during the warranty period.
Opinions on the contracts and possible amendments necessary for the implementation.
Checking the correctness of the layout of the building, environmental and other examinations and supervisions.
Checking the construction log (s), countersigning and commenting on entries and other minutes.

28/10/20207078124 HUF
629EKE/01/26.10.202028/10/2020Societatea Carpatina Ardeleana – Satu MareROHU-79Mark-Nagy Janos,, 0721514137

Service contract:
Publishing promotional materials:
1. a leaflet presenting the pocket-guide system: useful information about the app.
2. a volume of academic papers for scientific community and decision making bodies. The volume will contain the articles written by experts with results of the surveys of habitats and species of conservation interest from the both sides of the border.

09/11/202019.652,15 RON without VAT
630Achizitie echipamente IT29/10/2020Asociatia pentru Promovarea Afacerilor in RomaniaROHU382Gonczi Jozsef - 0744910596

Achizitionarea de echipamente IT in cadrul proiectului ROHU 382
Boxă portabilă
Miniboxă portabilă
Set microport/ microfon portabil
Imprimantă color pentru printare fotografii
Imprimantă multifuncțională laser
Tablă flipchart
Sistem de traducere simultană

09/11/202056.771 ron+TVA
63156-2-76/202005/11/2020Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Horváth-Debereceni Edit,

Event organisation services - organising professional vocational guidance related ROHU331 conference in Orosháza, Hungary as follows:

Booking a conference venue - requirements:
- capacity: 50 seats for the conference guests, taking into account the rules on the virus outbreak currently in force
- suitable for the catering during the conference

Ensuring catering services for the conference:
- catering services for 50 participants with the following offer: fried bowl (with pork and poultry offer), 2 types of salad, mineral water, coffee
- during the conference professional staff shall be available for serving participants

Ensuring lecturer/lecturers of the professional presentation/ presentations - requirements:
- presentation theme/themes: vocational training, career choices of the global and digital generation, employment opportunities of the youth of the cross-border area

6322408/13.11.202013/11/2020Episcopia Romano-Catolica OradeaRoHu398Ciorba Alexandru, Oradea, str. Sirul Canonicilor, nr. 2, C.P. 410161,, (004) 0771-125-909

Acquisition of cultural event organization services “Varadinum Nostra” Classical and Ecclesiastical Music Festival within the project “CREATING AND DEVELOPING A CROSSBORDER POLYCENTRIC NETWORK FOR TRAINING AND SUPPORT TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TOURIST AND HANDCRAFT CROSS-BORDER SERVICES IN THE HAJDUBIHAR ”(project code ROHU 398, acronym: ForTour BHHB), CPV code 79952100-3 Cultural event organization services.

633irrelevant18/11/2020Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Harasztosné Tóth Mónika, 5711 Gyula Külterület 4,, +36 30 213 7223

Workwear set as specified

6342724/19.11.202020/11/2020Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura AradROHU-406Matiut Radu, Arad, str. Closca nr.5,

Camera de Comert, Industrie si Agricultura Arad intentioneaza sa achizitioneze produse in cadrul proiectului cu titlul ”Cooperare transfrontalieră eficientă cu scopul creșterii ocupării forței de muncă în județele Arad și Békés”, Cod eMS: ROHU406, echipamente, in valoare totala de 70.623 euro TVA inclus, dupa cum urmeaza:

1. Vehicul utilitar pentru transportul corturilor (autoutilitară): - 1 bucata;
Pret estimativ: 43.000 Euro

2. Bătător stâlpi hidraulic pentru fixarea stâlpilor de cort: 1 bucata
Pret estimativ: 2.000 Euro

3. Aspiratoare profesionale de curățare pentru corturi: 2 bucati
Pret estimativ: 1.000 Euro

4. Nacelă pentru fixarea corturilor: 1 bucata
Pret estimativ: 22.123 Euro

5. Mașină de măturat pentru curățarea corturilor: 1 bucata
Pret estimativ: 2.500 Euro

Achiziționarea acestor echipamente este necesara pentru organizarea evenimentelor profesionale.

27/11/2020344,294.00 Lei,,
6352020_9_KMA02/12/2020Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyi Zoltán 5711 Gyula, Külterület 4., E-mail:

2 x 4 pcs. of winter tyre for off-road minivan inculding service
265 /65 /R17 4 pcs, 255 /70 /R16 pcs.

06/12/2020240000 Ft +ÁFAési-hirdetmény-téli-gumi-szett-2-db.pdf
636116604/12/2020ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU-29Letitia Motoc, Piata Unirii, 1-3,, tel. 0259408821

Services for coordinating the SSM during the works for Metropolitan Centre for Geothermal Development

10/12/20203247 leiSEAP 
637115904/12/2020ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU-29Letitia Motoc, Piata Unirii, 1-3,, tel. 0259408821

Furniture for Metropolitan Centre for Geothermal Development

63867914/07/2020ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU-29Letitia Motoc, Piata Unirii, 1-3,, tel. 0259408821

Acquisition of consultancy services in the field of public procurement for the development of the procedure for awarding the works contract regarding the “Development” of the Metropolitan Center for Geothermal Development within the ROHU project 29

639114124/11/2020ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU-29Letitia Motoc, Piata Unirii, 1-3,, tel. 0259408821

1. M7-1.LAPTOP
Licenta OEM Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64 bit Romanian;
Licenta retail Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Business Romanian Medialess
Cantitate: 10 buc

2. M7-2 si 3 Ecran Digital diagonala mare
Diagonala Diplay: min 214 cm;
Tip TV-Smart TV;
Cantitate: 1 buc

Caracteristici tehnice :
Diagonala Diplay: min 138 cm;
Tip TV-Smart TV;
Cantitate: 1 buc

Caracteristici tehnice :
Diagonala- display138 cm;
Tip TV-Smart TV;
Cantitate: 2 buc

5. M7-6.Server
Caracteristici tehnice :
Licenta OEM Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64 bit Rmanian
Licenta retail Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Business Romanian Medialess
Cantitate: 1 buc

6. M1-5. Aparat pentru cafea
Caracteristici tehnice:
Rezervor apa min. 1.5 l;
Rezervor lapte min. 0.5 l;
Cantitate: 1 buc

7. M5-5. Frigider
Caracteristici tehnice:
Tip incastrare Standard ;
Numar usi 2;
Volum net total minim 250 l;
Deschidere ușa: usi reversibile;
Cantitate: 1 buc

8. M5-6. Cuptor cu microunde
Caracteristici tehnice:
Putere min 800 W;
Trepte putere min. 5 ;
Capacitate min. 17 l;

9. M5-7. Aparat pentru cafea
Caracteristici tehnice:
Rezervor apa min. 1.5 l;
Rezervor lapte min.0.5 l;
Cantitate: 1 buc

640116704/12/2020ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU-29Letitia Motoc, Piata Unirii, 1-3,, tel. 0259408821

Technical assistance services - site constructor management for the investment objective "Metropolitan Center for Geothermal Development"

15/12/202017570 leiSEAP 
6412021_1_KMA05/02/2021Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyiné Szűcs Panka;; +36302729980

Furniture and other equipment of training centre and social apartmants.
Furniture of apartments and common rooms: bed with mattress, wardrobe, meeting room chair, desk, kitchen furniture etc.
Curtains and insect nets.
Equipments:, lamp, televison, microwave oven, small fridge etc
built-in kitchen equipment: big fridge, small fridge, hob, owen etc
Other equipments: Carpet, bed linen, bedspreads, drying racks, hangers, doormats etc
Bathroom equipment: carpet, shelf - towel rack, toilet brush, toilet paper holder, soap dispenser, trash cans etc
Kitchen equipment: set of plates and cutlery, glasses, mug, etc
Cleaning products and utensils: mop set, broom, wipes, bathroom and kitchen cleaner, etc

12/02/202112.000.000 Ftési-hirdetmény-Oktatási-épület-berendezésére.pdf
642N/A15/02/2021Homokhát Eurointegráció Kistérség- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.ROHU-452Battancs Erika, 6782 Mórahalom, Millenniumi sétány 16.,, 62/281-022

Elaboration of supervisor engineer tasks

26/06/20202870000 HUF  
643N/A15/02/2021Homokhát Eurointegráció Kistérség- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.ROHU-452Battancs Erika, 6782 Mórahalom, Millenniumi sétány 16.,, 62/281-022

Equipment for agricultural training site - 1st package - horticulture machines

10/08/2020256000 EUR  
644N/A15/02/2021Homokhát Eurointegráció Kistérség- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.ROHU-452Battancs Erika, 6782 Mórahalom, Millenniumi sétány 16.,, 62/281-022

Equipment for agricultural training site - 2nd package - storehouse machines

31/08/202011250000 HUF  
645N/A15/02/2021Homokhát Eurointegráció Kistérség- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.ROHU-452Battancs Erika, 6782 Mórahalom, Millenniumi sétány 16.,, 62/281-022

Construction work of catering training site

04/09/2020275141912 HUF  
646N/A15/02/2021Homokhát Eurointegráció Kistérség- és Gazdaságfejlesztési Szolgáltató Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.ROHU-452Battancs Erika, 6782 Mórahalom, Millenniumi sétány 16.,, 62/281-022

Elaboration of publicity and marketing tasks

01/10/202049573000 HUF  
6471817/02/2021Asociatia Pro CariereROHU-425Ciprian Rosu,, Parc Traian, nr 11, bl A1, ap 2, Oradea, tel 0749206119

Acquisition of a motor vehicle (passenger car), carried out within the project entitled “Joint Development of Human Resources in Cross-Border Area”, code ROHU 425, implemented within the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Program

CPV code 34100000-8 Vehicles

Interested bidders can send the bids by email: or can be submitted at the headquarters of the Association Pro Cariere - Oradea, Parc Traian, no. 11, pp. A1, et. 1, ap. 2, Bihor County - from Monday to Friday between 08: 00-12: 00

6482021_2_KMA17/02/2021Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyi Zoltán 5711 Gyula, Külterület 4., E-mail:

17 pcs. laptop worksation with external monitor, operation system,
17 pcs. Office software
17 pcs. antivirus program

02/03/2021net 4250000 HUFánlatkérés-IT-eszközök.pdf
6492021_3_KMA18/02/2021Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyiné Szűcs Panka;; +36302729980

Furniture and other equipment of training centre and social apartmants.
Furniture of apartments and common rooms: bed with mattress, wardrobe, meeting room chair, desk, kitchen furniture etc.
Curtains and insect nets.
Equipments:, lamp, televison, microwave oven, small fridge etc
built-in kitchen equipment: big fridge, small fridge, hob, owen etc
Other equipments: Carpet, bed linen, bedspreads, drying racks, hangers, doormats etc
Bathroom equipment: carpet, shelf - towel rack, toilet brush, toilet paper holder, soap dispenser, trash cans etc
Kitchen equipment: set of plates and cutlery, glasses, mug, etc
Cleaning products and utensils: mop set, broom, wipes, bathroom and kitchen cleaner, etc

26/02/202112.000.000 Ftési-hirdetmény-Oktatási-épület-teljeskörű-berendezésére-teljes.pdf
6502021_4_KMA02/03/2021Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyiné Szűcs Panka;; +36302729980

Furniture and other equipment of training centre and social apartmants.
Furniture of apartments and common rooms: bed with mattress, wardrobe, meeting room chair, desk, kitchen furniture etc.
Curtains and insect nets.
Equipments:, lamp, televison, microwave oven, small fridge etc
built-in kitchen equipment: big fridge, small fridge, hob, owen etc
Other equipments: Carpet, bed linen, bedspreads, drying racks, hangers, doormats etc
Bathroom equipment: carpet, shelf - towel rack, toilet brush, toilet paper holder, soap dispenser, trash cans etc
Kitchen equipment: set of plates and cutlery, glasses, mug, etc
Cleaning products and utensils: mop set, broom, wipes, bathroom and kitchen cleaner, etc

10/03/202112.000.000 Ftési-hirdetmény-Oktatási-épület-teljeskörű-berendezésére.pdf
6518 08/03/2021Fundatia pentru Cultură si Educație Ecologistă Ecotop OradeaROHU-53George Togor,

Achizitia de servicii de studii privind plantele invazive si adventive de pe suprafata pajistilor naturale pe teritoriul sitului de interes comunitar ROSCI0008 Betfia

Studiul vizează habitatul 6240* Pajiști stepice subpanonice și 6210 Pajiști xerofile seminaturale și facies cu tufărișuri pe substrate calcaroase, pe o suprafață totală de 50 ha. Speciile țintă sunt:
- Calamagrostis epigeios, care ar urma să fie eliminată prin activități de cosire manuală la sfârșitul lunii mai și la sfârșitul lunii iulie, în cadrul unui alt contract (componenta a doua a activității);
- speciile de arbuști (Crataegus monogyna, Prunus spinosa, Cornus mas), acolo unde acestea tind să schimbe compoziția de specii a fitocenozelor de pajiști;
- Ambrosia artemisiifolia, care ar urma să fie eliminată prin eliminarea acesteia prin smulgerea manuală a plantelor înainte de perioada lor de înflorire (iunie-iulie, componenta a doua a activității);
- alte specii adventive sau cu caracter invaziv identificate pe suprafața sitului, în habitatele de pajiști menționate.

Prestatorul trebuie să furnizeze, până la data de 25.04.2021, un raport preliminar cu suprafața și coordonatele terenului unde sunt necesare intervenții de combatere/înlăturare a speciilor invasive/adventive (componenta a doua a activității, nu face parte din prezenta achiziție) cu măsuri de control activ al speciilor de plante țintă menționate, precum și următoarele livrabile:
- raportul 1 - inițial - raport de inventar științific despre speciile de plante invazive și adventive de pe suprafața ariei protejate, cele două habitatele menționate - până la 30.04.2021. Raportul va conține activitățile preliminare de identificare și monitorizare specii invazive și adventive pe suprafața ariei protejate ROSCI0008 Betfia în interiorul habitatelor 6210 și 6240*, plan de combatere a speciilor identificate (perioada de înlăturare, metode de înlăturare etc.);
- raportul 2 - intermediar - raport tehnic de progres, după prima intervenție de eliminare - până la 30.10.2021 . Raportul va conține activitățile de monitorizare după prima etapă de înlăturare;
- raportul 3 - final - raport tehnic final, cu speciile / suprafețele actualizate și măsuri viitoare care trebuie aplicate de proprietarul terenului din aria protejată - până la 15.04.2022. Raportul va conține actualizarea inventarului speciilor de plante invazive/adventive, localizare, suprafețe, abundență, analiza eficienței măsurilor, propuneri pentru continuarea măsurilor de combatere sau măsuri alternative/suplimentare.

22/03/202153550 lei inclusiv
6528 08/03/2021Fundatia pentru Cultură si Educație Ecologistă Ecotop OradeaROHU-53George Togor,

Achiziţia de servicii de studii privind plantele invazive și adventive de pe suprafața pajiștilor naturale pe teritoriul sitului de interes comunitar Betfia

Studiul vizează habitatul 6240* Pajiști stepice subpanonice și 6210 Pajiști xerofile seminaturale și facies cu tufărișuri pe substrate calcaroase, pe o suprafață totală de 50 ha. Speciile țintă sunt:
- Calamagrostis epigeios, care ar urma să fie eliminată prin activități de cosire manuală la sfârșitul lunii mai și la sfârșitul lunii iulie, în cadrul unui alt contract (componenta a doua a activității),
- speciile de arbuști (Crataegus monogyna, Prunus spinosa, Cornus mas), acolo unde acestea tind să schimbe compoziția de specii a fitocenozelor de pajiști
- Ambrosia artemisiifolia, care ar urma să fie eliminată prin eliminarea acesteia prin smulgerea manuală a plantelor înainte de perioada lor de înflorire (iunie-iulie, componenta a doua a activității).
Prestatorul trebuie să furnizeze, până la data de 25.04.2021, suprafața și coordonatele terenului unde se va interveni (prin alt contract de servicii, componenta a doua a activității) cu măsuri de control activ al speciilor de plante țintă menționate, precum și următoarele livrabile:
- raportul 1 - inițial - raport de inventar științific despre speciile de plante invazive și adventive de pe suprafața ariei protejate, cele două habitatele menționate - până la 30.04.2021;
- raportul 2 - intermediar - raport tehnic de progres, după prima intervenție de eliminare - până la 30.10.2021
- raportul 3 - final - raport tehnic final, cu speciile / suprafețele actualizate și măsuri viitoare care trebuie aplicate de proprietarul terenului din aria protejată - până la 15.04.2022.

22/03/202153550 lei inclusiv
653Quote request for the renovation works10/03/2021Békés Megyei Önkormányzat / Békés County GovernmentROHU-204Békés Megyei Önkormányzat / Békés County Government (Address: 5600 Békéscsaba, Árpád sor 18., E-mail:

Tasks to be performed by the tenderer during the renovation works: demolition of existing structures, creation of two storage rooms (an open, and a closed storage facility) with the related locksmithing and plumbing, painting, restoration of the luminaires as well as installation of electrical wiring according to the proposal form inseparably linked to the Call for Proposal. Authorisation for the construction and operation of installations is not necessary.

22/03/20213 132 435 
654Quote request for the renovation works10/03/2021Békés Megyei Önkormányzat / Békés County GovernmentROHU-204Békés Megyei Önkormányzat / Békés County Government (Address: 5600 Békéscsaba, Árpád sor 18., E-mail:

Tasks to be performed by the tenderer during the renovation works: demolition of existing structures, creation of two storage rooms (an open, and a closed storage facility) with the related locksmithing and plumbing, painting, restoration of the luminaires as well as installation of electrical wiring according to the proposal form inseparably linked to the Call for Proposal. Authorisation for the construction and operation of installations is not necessary.

22/03/20213 132 485 
655505/03/2021Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Harasztosné Tóth Mónika, 5711 Gyula Külterület 4,, +36 30 213 7223

Kerti munkás és ECDL Base képzések megvalósítása. Implementation of Garden worker and ECDL Base training courses.

6562021_6_KMA17/03/2021Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyiné Szűcs Panka;; +36302729980

Furniture and other equipment of training centre and social apartmants.
Furniture of apartments and common rooms: beds, wardrobes, meeting room chairs, desks, kitchen furniture etc.
Curtains and insect nets.
Equipments:, lamps, televisons, microwave ovens, small fridge etc
built-in kitchen equipments
Other equipments: Carpet, bed linen, bedspreads, drying racks
Bathroom and kitchen equipments, Cleaning products and utensils

24/03/202112.000.000 Ftési-hirdetmény-2021_6_KMA.pdf
657717/03/2021Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Harasztosné Tóth Mónika, 5711 Gyula Külterület 4,, +36 30 213 7223

Kerti munkás és ECDL Base képzések megvalósítása. Implementation of Garden worker and ECDL Base training courses.

65821828/03/2021AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Project management
The services provided under the contract consist of:
• Permanent information on the specific procedures and rules applicable under the Romania-Hungary Cross-Border Cooperation Program.
• Assistance in the planning, implementation and monitoring of the project activities under the responsibility of AJOFM Bihor, in accordance with the Subsidy Contract, with the relevant national and European rules and regulations.
• Monitoring activities, identifying the problems and risks from the initial planning in case of AJOFM Bihor.
• Formulating proposals for updating the activity plan and the financial projections for AJOFM Bihor, resulting from the risk and problem analysis process.
• In the event of a decision in this respect, the elaboration of the request and related documentation for the modification of the project part
• Preparing the necessary documentation for submitting partner reports
• The introduction of reporting information in the electronic eSMS system used by the Interreg V-A Program.
• Formulate the answers to any clarification requests issued by the first level control body - BRECO Oradea - in relation to the reports submitted. Maintain active communication and permanent contact with representatives of BRECO Oradea.
• Maintain active communication and permanent contact with Project Leader representatives and project partners in relation to project implementation issues.
• Availability for working meetings within a maximum of 24 hours from the request of AJOFM Bihor for the urgent discussions of the issues that arise in connection with the implementation of the project.
• Participation in partners' working meetings, whenever necessary and requested by representatives of AJOFM Bihor.

29/03/202141898 + TVA  
659DA2777963915/04/2021ADI TRANSREGIOROU 390 Sebastian MARCU, + 0259 408821;

Studies and Plans for improving the public transport service operated by Oradea Local Public Transport Company

15/04/202192.217,00 lei without VAT  
6601017/05/2021Fundatia pentru Cultură si Educație Ecologistă Ecotop OradeaROHU-53Togor George Claudiu /

Achiziţia de servicii de eliminare plante invazive invazive și adventive de pe suprafața pajiștilor naturale pe teritoriul sitului de interes comunitar Betfia

28/05/202135700 lei inclusiv TVAwww.ecotoporadea.ro
6612517/05/2021Izbuc MonasteryROHU-398Manastirea Izbuc, Comuna Cărpinet, sat Călugări, nr 249, Cod poștal 417136, Bihor, România,

Fair organization service for the promotion of local handicraft products - Eko Skills

21/05/202124820,36 RON 

ACHIZITIE DIRECTA pentru contractarea Serviciului de consultanta in domeniul achizitiilor publice în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398.
Serviciile de consultanta auxiliare achizitiei consta in organizarea procedurilor de Achizitii Publice pentru ducerea la îndeplinire a 1 proceduri de achizitii publice si 3 achizitii directe conform caietului de sarcini.

25/05/202118.608,82 RON fără TVA 
6632525/05/2021Fundatia pentru Cultură si Educație Ecologistă Ecotop

În cadrul proiectului „Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor – Hajdu-Bihar counties” – ROHU53, accesat prin Programul Interreg V.A. România-Ungaria, se desfășoară activitatea T.3.4 ”Realizarea a 4 puncte de observare a florei și faunei în aria protejată ROSCI0008 Betfia”.
Activitatea are două componente:
- realizarea unui studiu de amplasament (obiectul prezentelor specificații);
- realizarea și amplasarea punctelor de observare.
Achiziția propusă se referă la prima componentă a activității.
Studiul de amplasament vizează speciile și habitatele de interes comunitar și național de pe teritoriul ariei naturale protejate ROSCI0008 Betfia. Sunt avute în vedere patru puncte de observare – două de tip filigorie și două de tip observator etajat, cu o capacitate de 8 locuri, pe suport lemn și fără fundație sau suprafață betonată. Amplasarea punctelor de observare se propune a fi în apropierea traseelor / potecilor frecventate de turiști / vizitatori. Studiul trebuie să conțină:
- locația exactă a amplasării propuse;
- motivația amplasării propuse, cu referire la speciile și habitatele de interes comunitar și/sau național observabile;
- acordul / avizul proprietarului / administratorului terenului;
- avizul ANANP;
- elaborarea părții descriptive, în limba română și limba maghiară, fotografii și text, pentru câte 6 panouri de informare care vor fi amplasate la fiecare punct de observare, conținând informații relevante publicului larg despre specii și habitate de interes conservativ. Conținutul și designul panourilor informative trebuie să respecte cerințele de identitate vizuală ale Programului Interreg V-A România-Ungaria.
Furmizorul serviciilor descrise va livra, totodată, cele 24 panouri de informare format A3, realizate pe material comatex/dibond, cu protecție UV.

11/06/202113090 lei, inclusiv TVAwww.ecotoporadea.ro,
664CS0627/05/2021Association for Business Promotion in RomaniaROHU-420Association for Business Promotion in Romania - Diosig, Str. Oituz, nr.2/ C, Jud. Bihor - Lőrincz Anna Telefon: +40740-785891 E-mail: Web:

Association for Business Promotion in Romania intends to create a Makerspace and coworking space in Oradea (called Fix Makerspace), consisting of: open space coworking space, private studios and creative workshops, such as: woodworking workshop, metalworking workshop, painting , tailoring, printing area - including large and 3D printing and photo-video studio and podcast. In order to function as a makerspace and coworking space, and to ensure the space a pleasant and welcoming look, a relaxing and inspiring atmosphere that encourages creativity and productivity, it is necessary to equip the space with appropriate furniture, for which it is necessary to start this acquisition. Thus, the subject-matter of the present proceedings is the purchase of furniture.
The table with terms of reference, CPV code, for the equipment in each batch, the number of pieces in each part and the technical-functional specifications are contained in point 8 of the Technical Specifications that is uploaded to .
Estimated purchase value:
The total budget, after the analysis of the market for the purchase of furniture within the project ROHU 420- "Create to Gather" is 274,741.38 RON without VAT, respectively 55,766.00 EUR without VAT, of which
- LOT 1- Interior lighting fixtures: 4,927.65 RON without VAT;
- LOT 2- Various tables, desks and seating furniture: 82,565.71 RON without VAT;
- LOT 3- Storage unit, shelf and bookcases: RON 30,610.92 without VAT;
- LOT 4- Furniture accessories: 19,673.87 RON without VAT;
- LOT 5- Special furniture for makerspace: 22,527.00 RON without VAT;
- LOT 6- Furniture made to order: 14,060.00 RON without VAT;
- LOT 7- Coworking space divider: 84,618.54 RON without VAT;
- LOT 8- Kitchen: 15,043.70 RON without VAT;
- LOT 9- Bicycle support: RON 714.00 without VAT.

07/06/2021274,741.38 RON without VAT 
6652021_8_KMA02/06/2021Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyiné Szűcs Panka,, +36302729980

Skylight blinds and nets and cleaning tools for training centre.

07/06/20211500 Euroési-hirdetmény-árnyékolók-tisztítószerek.doc
666NA02/06/2021Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9,, 0040755993311

Quote request for medical services provided by General Practitioners (GP) within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.
In this respect, we are waiting for offers for medical services from GP in Satu Mare County. We intend to involve and contract 20 family doctors in the project screening activity. The Association will organize cardiovascular, mammographic, dermatologic, prostate and gastroenterologic screening, with a mobile team, in different settlements of Satu Mare county, cities and rural settlements as well (proposing 14 GP from the rural side and 6 GP from the city side) with the involvement and on the premises of local GP.
The project proposes the examination of 2,000 people from the population of Satu Mare County, thus giving General Practitioners 100 eligible people. It is estimated that in a period of 12 months, there will be 100 trips of the mobile team to 20 General Practitioners, the monthly average being 8 trips during which 15-30 people/trip will be consulted.
The term of services is 12 months.
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl4pXzRAFRQX-x0YuWg?e=okPfq5

15/06/2021The total estimated value of the acquisition is 292.000 lei, respectively 14.600 lei/contract concluded with a family medicine medical office Technical specifications, Formulars and contract model on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl4pXzRAFRQX-x0YuWg?e=okPfq5  
667CS0708/06/2021Association for Business Promotion in RomaniaROHU-420Association for Business Promotion in Romania - Diosig, Str. Oituz, nr.2/ C, Jud. Bihor - Lőrincz Anna Telefon: +40740-785891 E-mail: Web:

Association for Business Promotion in Romania intends to create a Makerspace and coworking space in Oradea (called Fix Makerspace), consisting of: open space coworking space, private studios and creative workshops, such as: woodworking workshop, metalworking workshop, painting, tailoring, printing area - including large and 3D printing and photo-video studio and podcast. The workshops and studios will be fully furnished and equipped with modern technical equipment and tools. In order to provide the Fix Makerspace space with an adequate functionality, corresponding to a proper makerspace, both for equipping the workshops and studios with modern technical IT equipment, and for equipping the printing area with various modern printers it is necessary to start this procurement procedure. Thus, the subject-matter of the present proceedings is the purchase of IT equipment, printers and accessories.
The table with terms of reference, CPV code, for the equipment in each batch, the number of pieces in each part and the technical-functional specifications are contained in point 8 of the Technical Specifications that is uploaded to
Estimated purchase value:
The total budget after the market analysis for the purchase of IT equipment, printers and accessories within the ROHU-420 project - "Create to Gather" is 129,216.70 RON without VAT, respectively 26,250.00 EUR without VAT, of which
- LOT 1- IT - Software and Peripherals: 54,732.24 RON without VAT;
- LOT 2- Printer: 40,193.85 RON without VAT;
- LOT 3- 3D printer: RON 19,914.29 without VAT;
- LOT 4- Plotter- Cutter: 14,376.32 RON without VAT.

18/06/2021129,216.70 RON without VAT 
668CS0708/06/2021Association for Business Promotion in RomaniaROHU-420Association for Business Promotion in Romania - Diosig, Str. Oituz, nr.2/ C, Jud. Bihor - Lőrincz Anna Telefon: +40740-785891 E-mail: Web:

Association for Business Promotion in Romania intends to create a Makerspace and coworking space in Oradea (called Fix Makerspace), consisting of: open space coworking space, private studios and creative workshops, such as: woodworking workshop, metalworking workshop, painting, tailoring, printing area - including large and 3D printing and photo-video studio and podcast. The workshops and studios will be fully furnished and equipped with modern technical equipment and tools. In order to provide the Fix Makerspace space with an adequate functionality, corresponding to a proper makerspace, both for equipping the workshops and studios with modern technical IT equipment, and for equipping the printing area with various modern printers it is necessary to start this procurement procedure. Thus, the subject-matter of the present proceedings is the purchase of IT equipment, printers and accessories.
The table with terms of reference, CPV code, for the equipment in each batch, the number of pieces in each part and the technical-functional specifications are contained in point 8 of the Technical Specifications that is uploaded to
Estimated purchase value:
The total budget after the market analysis for the purchase of IT equipment, printers and accessories within the ROHU-420 project - "Create to Gather" is 129,216.70 RON without VAT, respectively 26,250.00 EUR without VAT, of which
- LOT 1- IT - Software and Peripherals: 54,732.24 RON without VAT;
- LOT 2- Printer: 40,193.85 RON without VAT;
- LOT 3- 3D printer: RON 19,914.29 without VAT;
- LOT 4- Plotter- Cutter: 14,376.32 RON without VAT.

18/06/2021129,216.70 RON without VAT 

pentru contractarea de Servicii de consultanta in management de proiect în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398
A se vedea Caietul de sarcini .

16/06/202154 585.88 lei fara TVA,,,ție-achizitie-directă-ROHU-398.pdf

pentru contractarea de Servicii de consultanta in management de proiect în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398
A se vedea Caietul de sarcini .

16/06/202154 585.88 lei fara TVA,,,ție-achizitie-directă-ROHU-398-1.pdf
672CS0816/06/2021Association for Business Promotion in RomaniaROHU-420Association for Business Promotion in Romania - Diosig, Str. Oituz, nr.2/ C, Jud. Bihor - Lőrincz Anna Telefon: +40740-785891 E-mail: Web:

Association for Business Promotion in Romania intends to create a Makerspace and coworking space in Oradea (called Fix Makerspace), consisting of: open space coworking space, private studios and creative workshops, such as: woodworking workshop, metalworking workshop, painting , tailoring, printing area - including large and 3D printing and photo-video studio and podcast. In order to function as a makerspace and coworking space, and to ensure the space a pleasant and welcoming look, a relaxing and inspiring atmosphere that encourages creativity and productivity, it is necessary to equip the space with appropriate furniture, for which it is necessary to start this acquisition. Thus, the subject-matter of the present proceedings is the purchase of furniture.
The table with terms of reference, CPV code, for the equipment in each batch, the number of pieces in each part and the technical-functional specifications are contained in point 8 of the Technical Specifications that is uploaded to .
Estimated purchase value:
The total budget, after the analysis of the market for the purchase of furniture within the project ROHU 420- "Create to Gather" is 274,741.38 RON without VAT, respectively 55,766.00 EUR without VAT, of which
- LOT 1- Interior lighting fixtures: 4,927.65 RON without VAT;
- LOT 2- Various tables, desks and seating furniture: 82,565.71 RON without VAT;
- LOT 3- Storage unit, shelf and bookcases: RON 30,610.92 without VAT;
- LOT 4- Furniture accessories: 19,673.87 RON without VAT;
- LOT 5- Special furniture for makerspace: 22,527.00 RON without VAT;
- LOT 8- Kitchen: 15,043.70 RON without VAT;
- LOT 9- Bicycle support: RON 714.00 without VAT.

28/06/2021274,741.38 RON without VAT 

pentru contractarea de Servicii de formare profesională: Curs SALVAMAR, Curs GHID PEȘTERI AMENAJATE și Curs PAZNIC DE VÂNĂTOARE, în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398
1. Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de SALVAMAR (piscină), Cod COR 541905.
În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 30 de participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.
2.Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de GHID PEȘTERI AMENAJATE , Cod COR 511319.
În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 15 participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.
3.Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de PAZNIC DE VÂNĂTOARE Cod COR: 615401.
În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 10 participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.

Mai multe detalii în caietul de sarcini.


Obiectivul contractului ce urmează a fi atribuit constă în achizitia serviciilor de consultanță aferente managementul proiectului, proiect finanțat în cadrul Programului de Cooperare Transfrontalieră România-Ungaria 2014-2020, Proiect ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB, prin Contractul de finantare nr. 51082/09.04.2019. Durata serviciilor este de la data semnarii contractului de achiziție publică pentru toată perioada de implementare a acestuia până la finalizarea integrală a activitaților proiectului. Termenul de finalizare a proiectului, conform contractului de finantare, este de 36 luni, 28.02.2022.
Rolul consultantului în acest caz este de a identifica cele mai bune modalități de atingere a obiectivului proiectului, in condițiile respectării prevederilor contractului de finanțare. Activitatea unui consultant în implementarea proiectelor finanțate din fonduri nerambursabile constă în realizarea tuturor activităților manageriale necesare atingerii obiectivelor propuse în cadrul proiectelor și implementării cu succes a acestora. Succesul întregului proiect poate fi asigurat numai printr-un management profesionist de proiect. Managementul profesionist de proiect, inclusiv raportările aferente proiectului, impune existența de personal calificat în ceea ce privește metodologia, expertiza profesională și comunicarea.
Consultantul în managementul implementării proiectului asimilează în totalitate informația din documentația proiectului și își desfășoară activitatea în conformitate cu prevederile legislative și cu ghidurile, instrucțiunile, normele, modificările emise de către autoritatea de management a programului.
Cod CPV: 79400000-8 Consultanta in afaceri si in management si servicii conexe (Rev.2);

Mai multe detalii în caietul de sarcini.

07/07/202154.585,88 lei fara TVA 
675ROHU/A2918/06/2021Centru pentru Arii Protejate și Dezvoltare Durabilă Bihor ROHU-126IACABAȘ PAUL, telefon/fax: 0359 410 556, e-mail:

”Studiu cantitativ și calitativ privind monitorizarea turiștilor”

25/06/2021122.990,00 lei fără TVA
6765/ROHU421/17.06.202121/06/2021AJOFM BIHORROHU 421Ms Livia Baruta e-mail tel 0259436821 int 122

The object of the acquisition is the service of organizing 2 local employment initiatives - JOB FAIRS within the project.Each event is estimated to be attended by a minimum of 500 people. The service provider must provide for each event: hall rental, sound system, exhibition stands, catering services, printing, event advertising, forms, registration of participants, related staff.

23/06/202199.051 lei+TVA ( 49.525,50 lei/ eveniment + TVA )  
6775/ROHU421/17.06.202121/06/2021AJOFM BIHORROHU 421Ms Livia Baruta e-mail tel 0259436821 int 122

The object of the acquisition is the service of organizing 2 local employment initiatives - JOB FAIRS within the project. Each event is estimated to be attended by a minimum of 500 people. The service provider must provide for each event: hall rental, sound system, exhibition stands, catering services, printing, event advertising, forms, registration of participants, related staff.

23/06/202199.051 plus TVA (49.525,50 lei/ eveniment + TVA)  
6782925/06/2021Fundatia pentru Cultură si Educație Ecologistă Ecotop

Servicii de intretinere pajisti - eliminare plante invazive de pe sprafata pajistilor din aria naturală protejată ROSCI0008 Betfia

05/07/202135700 lei inclusiv TVAwww.ecotoporadea.ro,
679145/05.06.202128/06/2021Satu Mare Chamber of Commerce and Industry +40261710790

Rehabilitation of building facades, replacement of roofing sheets, rehabilitation of spaces necessary for carrying out project activities, sanitary, electrical, thermal and air conditioning works.
45453000-7 General repair and renovation work;
45332400-7 Sanitary equipment installation works
39715210-2 Central heating equipment;
45315000-8 Installation work of heating and other electrical equipment for buildings;
45331000-6 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment installation work;
45331220-4 Installation work of air conditioning equipment;
39717200-3 Air conditioners;
39715000-7 Water heaters and central heating; equipment for water and sewerage installations;
39715200-9 Heating equipment;
45310000-3 Electrical installation work

12/07/2021728509,176 LEI,,,,,,
68011387/202125/06/2021INNOVA Észak-Alföld Regionális Fejlesztési és Innovációs Ügynökség Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-420Vámosi Gábor, Kassai Út 26., Debrecen, 4028, Hungary, +36 30 580 3553,

INNOVA Észak-Alföld Ltd. participates in the implementation of a project supported within the framework of the ROHU Interreg Romania-Hungary Program. The Create 2 Gather project aims to support businesses already operating and starting up in the creative industries.
As part of the project, a creative workshop will be set up in Debrecen, which will provide an opportunity for existing or start-up creative businesses to use the tools available there to produce their products, which they cannot buy due to a lack of capital.
Within the framework of the before mentioned project, INNOVA Észak-Alföld Nonprofit Ltd. intends to procure the necessary equipment for the establishment of the creative workshop.
Part 1: Industrial machinery
Part 2: Furniture and other equipment
Part 3: IT and laboratory equipment as well as a camera and video system

6816748/02.07.202102/07/2021APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU - 53ANDREI TOGOR, Oradea, str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 15, tel. 0359416011, 0752270140, e-mail:

Acquisition of equipment, machines for the maintenance of the protected area (control of invasive species, planting, etc): planting machines 30 pcs - pickaxes, shovels, spades, crowbars, 2 first aid backpacks.
More details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

12/07/202121.008,40 RON without VAT 
6826753/02.07.202102/07/2021APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU - 53ANDREI TOGOR, Oradea, str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 15, tel. 0359416011, 0752270140, e-mail:

Acquisition of equipment, machines, boats for the maintenance of the protected area (control of invasive species, planting, etc): - 4x4 vehicle for transportation of 8+1 people to the sites and for the maintenance and monitoring activities. More details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

13/07/2021248.043,63 RON without VAT 
683NA08/07/2021Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for minibus for 8+1 persons within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.
The project proposes the examination of 2,000 people from the population of Satu Mare county, thus giving General Practitioners 100 eligible people. It is estimated that in a period of 12 months, there will be 100 trips of the mobile team to 20 General Practitioners, the monthly average being 8 trips during which 15-30 people / trip will be consulted.
In order to implement the project and carry out the oncological and cardiovascular screening activity proposed by the project, it is necessary to travel a team of specialists from Satu Mare County to the General Practitioners.For this reason we want to buy a minibus for 8 + 1 people.
In this respect, we are waiting for offers for a minibus for 8+1 persons, in accordance with the published technical specifications.

Term of delivery is 1 months.

The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl41JWw2C_bjj8U50eQ?e=SdUbpd

The estimated value of the acquisition is 28.388 euro without VAT.

Deadline: 20.07.2021, 14.00 p.m.

Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

20/07/202128.388 EUR without VAT!Agumv-rdq5YGl41JWw2C_bjj8U50eQ?e=SdUbpd or 
684DA2836422709/07/2021AMD BihorROHU


16/07/202154.585,88 RON fara TVA

Crearea imaginii si furnizarea materialelor promotionale

6863916/07/2021Izbuc MonasteryROHU-398Andrei Ovidiu Vas, manastirea Izbuc, jud. Bihor,, 0744937769

Serviciului de formare profesională: Curs PAZNIC DE VÂNĂTOARE Cod COR: 615401, cod CPV: 80530000-8 Servicii de formare profesională (Rev.2)

30/07/202115747,20 lei cu TVA 
6877428/13619/07/2021ASOCIAȚIA CRESTROHU-407Asociația CREST, Alexandru Odobescu Street no.48, Satu Mare, Satu Mare county, România E-mail: Telefon: 0261-877770, 0261-877771,

63510000-7 Travel agency and similar services consisting in the following: Package containing accommodation services, meals, coffee breaks, classroom for the organization of 4 courses of 2 days each for 24 people, for the implementation of the project "PrimCare RO-HU - Cross-border access to high quality emergency services and primary medical assistance in small communities'', according to the conditions mentioned in the specifications and technical specifications.

05/08/202152.435,79 lei including VAT
68811/28.06.2021 28/06/2021Asociația Milvus Transilvania

34711200-6 - Aeronave fără pilot

Specificații minime:
Configurații gimbal acceptate: Gimbaluri duble în jos
Sarcina utilă maximă: minim 1,3 kg
Precizia de plutire (în modul de poziționare cu semnal GPS): Verticală: maxim ±0,6 m, orizontală: maxim ±1,7 m
Viteza maximă (în modul de poziționare cu semnal GPS): minimum 60 km/h
Rezistența maximă a vântului: minim 10 m/s
Durata maximă a zborului (fără sarcină utilă): minimum 30 min.
Porturi de ieșire video: USB, HDMI, SDI
Distanța maximă de transmisie (fără obstacole, fără interferențe): (fără interferențe, fără interferențe): NCC/FCC: min. 7 km); CE/MIC/SRRC: min. 4 km
Senzor: CMOS
Zoom optic: min. 25x
Zoom digital: min. 5x
Viteza maximă de declanșare: minim 1/5000 s
Subtitrări video: Suportă
Sisteme de fișiere acceptate: FAT32, exFAT

689CS0922/07/2021Association for Business Promotion in RomaniaROHU-420Association for Business Promotion in Romania - Diosig, Str. Oituz, nr.2/ C, Jud. Bihor - Lőrincz Anna Telefon: +40740-785891 E-mail: Web:

The Association for Business Promotion in Romania intends to create a Makerspace and coworking space in Oradea (called Fix Makerspace), consisting of: open space coworking space, private studios and creative workshops, such as: woodworking workshop, metalworking workshop, painting , tailoring, printing area - including large and 3D printing and photo-video studio and podcast. In order to ensure the Fix Makerspace space an adequate functionality, corresponding to a makerspace, and to equip the workshops and studios with high-performance machines and tools, where the members of the target group can carry out their projects as efficiently as possible with quality equipment.

Estimated purchase value:
The total investment budget after the market analysis for the purchase of special equipment for workshops, respectively studio and accessories within the project ROHU 420- "Create to Gather" is 317,686.71 RON without VAT, of which:

LOT 1: Tailoring: 21,527.29 RON without VAT;
LOT 2: Thermal press: 2,596.11 RON without VAT;
LOT 3: CNC equipment: 123,155.00 without VAT;
LOT 4: Electrical and electronic equipment for workshops: RON 5,079.22 without VAT;
LOT 5: Photo-video studio equipment: 20,404.00 RON without VAT;
LOT 6: Woodworking machines: RON 87,464.69 excluding VAT;
LOT 7: Tools and electrical tools and accessories: 35,393.29 RON without VAT;
LOT 8: Tools for workshops: RON 6,744.47 without VAT;
LOT 9: Tool storage cabinet: 3,108.40 without VAT;
LOT 10: Welding tools and accessories 5,126.28 excluding VAT;
LOT 11: Tools and accessories for painting: RON 3,176.20 without VAT;
LOT 12: Turning equipment: RON 3,911.76 excluding VAT.

02/08/2021317.686,71 RON 
690NA23/07/2021Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for laboratory services within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.
In this respect, we are waiting for offers for laboratory services, representing: PSA examination – 800 pcs., occult hemorrage test – 2000 pcs., glucose test – 2000 pcs., triglycerides test – 2000 pcs and cholesterol test – 2000 pcs.
The project proposes the examination of 2,000 people from the population of Satu Mare county.. It is estimated that in a period of 12 months, there will be 100 trips of the mobile team to 20 General Practitioners within the territory of the Satu Mare County, the monthly average being 8 trips during which 15-30 people / trip will be consulted.
Term of services is 12 months.
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl491G-hHr3Lo8s28Nw?e=dqWd6C
The estimated value of the acquisition is 226.533 RON without VAT.
Deadline: 04.08.2021, 14.00 p.m.

04/08/2021226.533 RON without VAT and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl491G-hHr3Lo8s28Nw?e=dqWd6C 
691334403/03/2021Comuna PaleuROHU 425Letitia Motoc, 0258408821,

Consultancy in acquisition - simplified procedure

692SCN 108440112/04/2021Comuna PaleuROHU 425 Letitia Motoc,, tel 0259408821

Tehcnica project, technical assistance and works for Rural Development Centre

25/04/20212687396.58SEAP SCN 1084401 
693SCN 108974421/07/2021Comuna PaleuROHU 319Letitia Motoc, 0258408821,


02/08/2021233270SEAP SCN 1089744 
694115/07/2021Comuna PaleuROHU 319Letitia Motoc, 0258408821,

Organizing events and publicity materials

69532407/06/2021ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU 425Letitia Motoc, 0258408821,


69627719/05/2021ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU 425Letitia Motoc, 0258408821,

Catering for participants at trainings

69739216/07/2021ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU 388Letitia Motoc, 0258408821,

Organizing 3 conferences, including promotion materials

698ROHU/A4030/07/2021Centru pentru Arii Protejate și Dezvoltare Durabilă Bihor ROHU-126IACABAȘ PAUL, telefon/fax: 0359 410 556, e-mail:

Pașapoarte în Natură, kituri educaționale, seturi promoționale, broșuri și pliante

699ROHU/A4030/07/2021Centru pentru Arii Protejate și Dezvoltare Durabilă Bihor ROHU-126IACABAȘ PAUL, telefon/fax: 0359 410 556, e-mail:

Pașapoarte în Natură, kituri educaționale, seturi promoționale, broșuri și pliante

12/08/2021142.897,50 lei fara TVA
700ROHU/A4030/07/2021Centru pentru Arii Protejate și Dezvoltare Durabilă Bihor ROHU-126IACABAȘ PAUL, telefon/fax: 0359 410 556, e-mail:

Pașapoarte în Natură, kituri educaționale, seturi promoționale, broșuri și pliante

12/08/2021142.897,50 lei fara TVA
701526030/07/2021AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Organization of an international conference

09/08/202181.680 LEI 
70227202/08/2021AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Acquisition of a video-conference system

703NA03/08/2021Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for minibus for 8+1 persons within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.
The project proposes the examination of 2,000 people from the population of Satu Mare county, thus giving General Practitioners 100 eligible people. It is estimated that in a period of 12 months, there will be 100 trips of the mobile team to 20 General Practitioners, the monthly average being 8 trips during which 15-30 people / trip will be consulted.
In order to implement the project and carry out the oncological and cardiovascular screening activity proposed by the project, it is necessary to travel a team of specialists from Satu Mare County to the General Practitioners. For this reason we want to buy a minibus for 8 + 1 people.
In this respect, we are waiting for offers for a minibus for 8+1 persons, in accordance with the published technical specifications.
The term of delivery is 2 months.
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl5BuMnrjLeMcNVGEUA?e=686mpR

The estimated value of the acquisition is 28.388 euro without VAT.
Deadline: 10.08.2021, 14.00 p.m.
Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

10/08/202128.388 euro without VAT or!Agumv-rdq5YGl5BuMnrjLeMcNVGEUA?e=686mpR 
704106/08/2021Körösszegapáti Román Ortodox ParókiaROHU-398Mureșanu Sorin-Dumitru lelkész, 4135 Körösszegapáti, Kossuth u. 31., +40 745271705

electricity measuring cabinet installation and authorisation plans

10/08/20211.300.000 HUF  
70576/09.08.202109/08/2021Parohia Ortodoxa Iosia-Nord Oradea ROHU


Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de CURATOR, Cod COR 262114,.
În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 10 participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.
Oferirea de servicii de formare se va realiza pentru o grupă, respectiv o sesiune de formare pentru Programul de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de CURATOR, Cod COR 262114, organizat într-o locație de desfășurare situată în Oradea pentru cursuri/teorie pe durata a 5 luni.

13/08/202131 497.6 
706DA2846596027/07/2021NOJORID COMMUNE ROHU 388 BOC Ioana, Tel: 0259/393194, Fax: 0259/393192, e-mail:

Achizitie servicii de proiectare si asistenta tehnica ROHU388

ACHIZITIE SERVICII DE PROIECTARE SI ASISTENTA TEHNICA DIN PARTEA PROIECTANTULUI PENTRU INVESTITIA "Reabilitare, echipare si dotare Camin Cultural din Les in vederea infiintarii Centrului de Dezvoltare Durabila Les, Proiect CDDL 388

28/07/202132,736.86 - without VAT;  
7075811/08/2021Izbuc MonasteryROHU-398Andrei Ovidiu Vas, Manastirea Izbuc, jud. Bihor,, 0744937769

Reluare procedura de achizitie a serviciului de formare profesională: Curs PAZNIC DE VÂNĂTOARE Cod COR: 615401

17/08/202115747,20 lei cu TVA 
70815015/202106/09/1921INNOVA Észak-Alföld Regionális Fejlesztési és Innovációs Ügynökség Nonprofit Kft.ROHU-420 Vámosi Gábor, Kassai Út 26., Debrecen, 4028, Hungary, +36 30 580 3553,

INNOVA Észak-Alföld Ltd. participates in the implementation of a project supported within the framework of the ROHU Interreg Romania-Hungary Program. The Create 2 Gather project aims to support businesses already operating and starting up in the creative industries.
As part of the project, a creative makerspace will be set up in Debrecen, which will provide an opportunity for existing or start-up creative businesses to use the tools available there to produce their products, which they cannot buy due to a lack of capital.
Within the framework of the before mentioned project, INNOVA Észak-Alföld Nonprofit Ltd. intends to procure the necessary equipment for the establishment of the creative workshop.
- Industrial machinery
- IT and laboratory equipment as well as a camera and video system

7091645/17.08.201917/08/2021Camera de Comert Industrie si Agricultura AradROHU-406Matiut Radu, Arad, Closca 5;

Prin prezentul proiect se doreste achizitionarea de servicii de publicitate: materiale promotionale si organizarea conferintelor de presa(2 buc)

Descrierea activitatii vizate:
• Realizarea de materiale promotionale:
 Brosuri
 Elemente grafice
 Documentatie foto
 Roll-up
 Distributie
 Etichete autocolante

• Organizare conferinta de presa- 2 buc
- Redactarea si trimiterea invitatiilor pentru presa;
- Elaborarea materialelor referitoare la tema expusa;
- Catering (apa, cafea incluse)
- Decorarea salii de conferinte

27/08/202157,901 RONwww.ccia-arad.ro,,
7101648/17.08.202117/08/2021Camera de Comert Industrie si Agricultura AradROHU-406Matiut Radu, Arad, Closca 5;

Prestatorul va furniza servicii de traducere autorizată a unor documente si servicii de interpretariat, la solicitarea beneficiarului, din limba română în limba maghiara/engleză și/sau din limba maghiara/engleză în limba română

Promitentul prestator are obligaţia ca pe toată perioada de derulare a contractului, să efectueze serviciile cu personal autorizat.

A. Pentru servicii de traducere autorizată

1. Traducerile vor avea parafa/ştampila şi semnătura traducătorului autorizat care a efectuat traducerea, respectiv are la finalul documentului încheierea prin care traducătorul certifică exactitatea traducerii.
2. Unitatea de măsură este pagina, o pagină de referinţă având 2000 de caractere, inclusiv spaţii.
3. Documentele vor fi puse la dispoziţia Promitentului prestator după caz, în format de documente Word, .pdf, .jpg, Power Point, Excel, etc, prin intermediul poştei electronice şi/sau prin ridicarea acestora de la sediul beneficiarului.
4. Promitentul prestator va efectua traducerea completă şi corectă/corespunzătoare a întregului conţinut al documentelor, fără greşeli gramaticale şi cu utilizarea diacriticelor pentru limba română.
5. Traducerile trebuie să redea sensul din limba sursă în limba ţintă şi să respecte structura documentului sursă, inclusiv numărul de paragrafe.
6. Efectuarea serviciilor de revizuire a traducerilor, în cazul în care promitentul achizitor identifică existenţa unor greşeli gramaticale sau inadvertenţe faţă de textul înaintat spre traducere. Documentele vor fi refăcute de către Promitentul prestator fără costuri suplimentare pentru beneficiar. Termenul de revizuire este de maxim 24 ore de la solicitarea promitentului achizitor.
7. Autorizarea traducerilor efectuate de traducători neautorizaţi, prin revizuirea şi verificarea textului/documentului de către un traducător autorizat, care în urma verificării şi corectării textului, îl vizează şi îl ştampilează. Traducătorul autorizat confirmă că traducerea este corectă şi prin traducere nu s-a modificat conţinutul textului iniţial şi/sau schimbat sensul anumitor cuvinte sau fraze.
8. Termenul standard pentru efectuarea traducerii unui document de 1-10 pagini și predarea transcrierii traducerii la sediul/ adresa stabilită de promitentul - achizitor este de 48 de ore.
9. Termenele de realizare a serviciilor vor fi stabilite individual, în funcţie de volumul comenzii şi de urgenţă, variind între 6 ore şi 10 zile, de catre beneficiar.
10. Promitentul prestator va asigura respectarea termenelor solicitate de către promitentul achizitor pentru finalizarea şi predarea traducerilor.
11. Promitentul prestator va asigura protecţia şi confidenţialitatea datelor/informaţiilor la care are acces pe parcursul derulării contractului cadru, cât şi după încetarea acestuia, datele/informaţiile din respectivele documente nu vor fi utilizate în alt scop decât pentru îndeplinirea relaţiilor contractuale,
12. Documentele traduse vor fi redactate la calculator.
13. Promitentul – prestator va transmite transcrierea traducerii inițiale în format electronic la adresa de email comunicată de promitentul - achizitor, iar ulterior va livra transcrierea traducerii în original la sediul Camerei de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură Arad, în termenul stabilit.

B. Pentru servicii de interpretariat autorizat

1. Se vor asigura servicii de interpretariat consecutiv şi simultan, pentru o persoana sau pentru un grup de persoane;
2. La cererea promitentului achizitor interpretariatul se va face telefonic;
3. Pentru serviciile de interpretariat unitatea de măsură va fi ora;
4. Dacă durata totală a interpretării va fi mai mică de o oră, tariful se va calcula pentru o oră întreagă. Totodată, dacă durata va depăşi o oră, tarifarea se va face pentru fiecare oră întreagă de interpretare efectivă. În cazul fracţiunii de oră rezultată în urma calculării duratei totale a interpretării, tarifarea se va face din jumătate în jumătate de oră.
5. Preţul va include timpul alocat efectiv interpretariatului dar şi timpul alocat deplasării la/ de la eveniment.

27/08/202182,715 RONwww.ccia-arad.ro,,
711153/ROHU331/16.10.202019/08/2021AJOFM BihorROHU-331Ms Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Elaboration of a specific document: A Joint Action Plan for an integrated labour market at the Romanian-Hungarian border.
This Action Plan aims to provide guidance to tackle existing barriers and proposals to take on the challenges of the cross-border labour market and mobility. The work to the elaboration of this Joint Action Plan will be undertaken in consultation with private and public sector agencies, as well as existing and potential labour market participants and stakeholders. Meeting with various actors will draw on perspectives and aspirations of the various stakeholders about future labour market needs and trajectories, labour market competition and salaries and wage differentials, and opportunities and challenges related to population, labour migration (in both directions), graduate and vocational opportunities (considering existing technical and vocational education and training available), and so on.
Key questions to be addressed through this document:
- What are the major factors that currently influence the labour market in the target region?
- What are the current and likely future labour market demands? This will include a baseline of the current situation, and an indication as to the capacity of the workforce and the education and training providers to meet future needs. This will help to better understand current skills gap and short-to-longer term skills needs.
- What are the existing and potential skills and training gaps in the target region?
- Are the legislative, institutional and labour policy frameworks conducive to developing and enabling the business environment facilitating both private and public sector investment in skills and training development, and promoting a fair and inclusive labour market?
- What are the challenges that will hinder implementing a comprehensive and integrated approach to the labour market strategy?
The Joint Action Plan will contain several chapters. The exactly quantity of information and the number of chapters will be set by the contractor (the private service provider who elaborates this document) along with the project team members from both sides of the border. The way the document and its content will evolve, will be periodically discussed during project meetings with both project beneficiaries.
The document will contain, besides the very specific topics of labour market and employment, a chapter where this project and its general idea and aims will be described. Also, there will be a chapter where the working group members will be mentioned, along institutions or organizations that they are representing. The methodology of collecting data will be also described. The contractor will provide the Joint Action Plan both in Romanian and Hungarian language, on editable IT support and on paper support (1 sample in Romanian language and 1 sample in Hungarian language).
For more information please contact Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

25/08/202177.647 lei + TVA  
712DA2858411218/08/2021Asociatia de Dezvoltare Intercomunitara TRANSREGIO ROHU 390MARCU Sebastian, Tel: 0259/408821, Fax: 0259/408821, e-mail:

* materiale de promovare
* comunicat de presa
* organizare eveniment Saptamana Mobilitatii Europene
*organizare Conferinta de Inchidere proiect

20/08/202127,707.00 - without VAT  
713SCN109251207/09/2021Socodor communeROHU128Socodor commune,, tel. +40257358100

By this procedure we want to purchase a multifunctional machine with attachments for the maintenance of the bike tracks in Socodor commune, Arad county, with an estimated value of 434,739.32 RON without VAT, with the following attachments: - Sweeping and vacuuming system - Vegetation brush - Rotary mower for collecting hopper - Vegetation collecting hopper - Chopper with articulated arm - Brush for removing and vacuuming vegetation - Articulated snow plow

22/09/2021434739.32 Ron 
71456-2-52/202110/09/2021Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Horváth-Debreceni Edit;

Production of promotional materials and equipment as follows:
- Customized promotional notepad (800 pieces) - A5 size; at least 50 sheets; hardback
- Customized promotional pen (800 pieces)
- Customized paper bag (800 pieces) - A4 size
All promotional material and equipment must be delivered to the headquarters of the Beneficiary.

715 380/10.09.202113/09/2021Chamber of Commerce and Industry Satu Mare ROHU370Alin Bucurestean - - +40261710790

Event organization services
Conducting 32 days of seminar within the project ROHU370 ENCOCH "Intensification of cooperation between chambers of commerce and crafts in order to improve employment in the counties of Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg", between September 2021 - May 2022.
Technical specifications :
- Teambuilding to facilitate cooperation in each group, initiating the program to help group members acquire teamwork skills:
- Implementation of special development programs combined with on-site field exercises according to the themes established by the group at the first meeting; recommended topics: crisis management, digitization solutions, optimization of staff recruitment and retention, online marketing, online communication and homeworking.
Number of participants: 4 groups, 10 people / group
Training frequency: 1 teambuilding / group training, consisting of 2 consecutive training days, with accommodation included
Duration 1 day of training: between 6-8 hours
The teambuilding sessions will have a total of 8 days in September / October 2021.
- Group processing of business development topics identified and compiled by groups within the initial teambuilding activity;
- Implementation of special development programs combined with field exercises on site according to the prescribed topics.
Number of participants: 4 groups, 10 people / group
Training frequency: 1-2 days of training / month per group (can be combined)
Duration 1 day of training: between 6-8 hours
A total of 24 days of training will be provided between October 2021 and May 2022.

24/09/2021157872 lei without VAT,,
7161879/15.09.202115/09/2020Episcopia Romano-Catolica OradeaROHU-398Ciorba Alexandru, Oradea, str. Sirul Canonicilor, nr. 2, CP. 410161,, 004-0771-125-909

The Roman Catholic Episcopate of Oradea launches a direct acquisition for the contracting of CURATOR professional training services, CPV Code 80530000-8, COR code 262114 within the ROHU 398 - ForTour BHHB project. Technical details according to the attached documentation.

7171928/20.09.202121/09/2021Episcopia Romano-Catolica OradeaROHU-398Ciorba Alexandru, Oradea, str. Sirul Canonicilor, nr. 2, CP. 410161,, 004-0771-125-909

Within the project “Creating and developing a polycentric crossborder network for training and support to increase the quality of tourist and handcraft cross-border services in the counties of bihor and hajdu bihar” (project code ROHU 398, acronym: ForTour BHHB) Roman Catholic Episcopate Oradea announces the acquisition for contracting professional training services MUZEOGRAPH Course, CPV Code 80530000-8, COR code 262103.

Skills acquired after attending and completing the course:
- Knowledge and proper use of the foundations of museology;
- Appropriate knowledge and use of museum-specific legislation;
- Knowledge and proper use of preventive preservation rules;
- Development of heritage and the movement of cultural goods;
- Managing and keeping records of cultural goods;
- Evaluation and development of documentation for the classification of cultural goods;
- Research, interpretation and capitalization of the museum collection;
- Digitization of cultural heritage and use of digital databases;
- Planning, organization, monitoring and evaluation of the museum collection;

71856-2-61/202122/09/2021Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Horváth-Debreceni Edit;

Event organisation services - organising professional vocational guidance related ROHU331 conference in Gyula, Hungary as follows:

Booking a conference venue - requirements:
- capacity: 50 seats for the conference guests, taking into account the rules on the virus outbreak currently in force
- suitable for the catering during the conference

Ensuring catering services for the conference:
- catering services for 50 participants with the following offer: fried bowl (with pork and poultry offer), 2 types of salad, mineral water, coffee
- during the conference professional staff shall be available for serving participants

Ensuring lecturer/lecturers of the professional presentation/ presentations - requirements:
- presentation theme/themes: vocational training, career choices of the global and digital generation, employment opportunities of the youth of the cross-border area

71956-2-62/202122/09/2021Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Horváth-Debreceni Edit

Media campaign in the ROHU-331 project as follows:
All the following communications need to be implemented three times.
- 3 on-line communication /3 articles for one-one week/
- 1 print communication
- production and radiation of 1 radio-spots 8 times in one period
All the above mentioned communications will be detailed in the service-contract.
Necessary references as attachment to the tender application: declaration of the legal representative person about: the online surface is visited min. 30.000/day. The printed communication will reach min. 25.000 households, the minimum number of settlements in the area covered by the radio is 45. Also need to mention the names of the media to be used.

72048721/09/2021ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU 425Letitia Motoc, 0259408821,

Organization of 5 thematic groups (workshops): Emotion management, conflict management, increasing personal efficiency, change and transition management, stress management.

721SCN109326120/09/2021Comuna CetariuROHU 319Letitia Motoc, 0259456266,

Acquisition of a vehicle 6+ 1 crew cabin chassis with tipper

7226814/24.09.202124/09/2021APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU - 53ANDREI TOGOR, Oradea, str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 15, tel. 0359416011, 0752270140, e-mail:

Planting services. More details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

08/10/2021350.078,75 without VAT 
7236819/24.09.202124/09/2021APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU - 53ANDREI TOGOR, Oradea, str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 15, tel. 0359416011, 0752270140, e-mail:

14 pcs volunteer camps to plant a total of about 89700 seedlings.

11/10/2021163.916,47 without VAT 
724SCN109358624/09/2021Comuna PaleuROHU 319Somogyi Ludovic, tel 0259451007, mail

"Purchase of a car, necessary for the transport of people and a van necessary for the transport of equipment at all planned events both in the context of the project" JOINT PROGRAM FOR YOUTH CROSS - BORDER COOPERATION "code ROHU319, and as sustainability tools, in all activities implemented for community - 2 lots

06/10/2021233.270,00 RONSEAP 
7252032/04.10.202104/10/2021Episcopia Romano-Catolica OradeaROHU-398Ciorba Alexandru, Oradea, str. Sirul Canonicilor, nr. 2, CP. 410161,, 004-0771-125-909

Epsicopia Romano-Catolică Oradea launches the award process for contracting the services of providing professional training for the profession of room manager-custodian within the Interreg V project, project code RoHu398. CPV code 80530000-8, COR code 343523.

18/10/202112818 VAT included,,,,,,,
726-06/10/2021Zöld Kör- a Föld Barátai Magyarország

The call for bids of the 4th international volunteer camp

12/10/20211811,46 EuroÁrajánlatkérő_tábor_projekt-honlapra.doc
7276828/07.10.202107/10/2021APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU - 53ANDREI TOGOR, Oradea, str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 15, tel. 0359416011, 0752270140, e-mail:

Acquisition of 89.700 pcs tree seedlings. More details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

21/10/2021350.078,75 without VAT 
72856-2-85/202115/10/2021Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Horváth-Debreceni Edit;

Event organisation services - organising professional vocational guidance related ROHU331 conference in Szeghalom, Hungary as follows:

Booking a conference venue - requirements:
- capacity: 50 seats for the conference guests, taking into account the rules on the virus outbreak currently in force
- suitable for the catering during the conference

Ensuring catering services for the conference:
- catering services for 50 participants with the following offer: fried bowl (with pork and poultry offer), 2 types of salad, mineral water, coffee
- during the conference professional staff shall be available for serving participants

Ensuring lecturer/lecturers of the professional presentation/ presentations - requirements:
- presentation theme/themes: vocational training, career choices of the global and digital generation, employment opportunities of the youth of the cross-border area

729117/27.10.202127/10/2021Parohia Ortodoxa Română Iosia-Nord, OradeaROHU

Organizarea şi desfășurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de GESTIONAR -CUSTODE SALĂ, cod COR 343523,
În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiți 10 participanți selectați în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.
Oferirea de servicii de formare se va realiza pentru o grupă, respectiv o sesiune de formare pentru Programul de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de GESTIONAR -CUSTODE SALĂ, cod COR 343523, organizat într-o locație de desfășurare situată în Oradea pentru cursuri pe durata a 4 luni.
Prestatorul se va asigura că va putea organiza cursurile și examenele finale în sistem clasic la sală, sau online sau hibrid conform restricțiilor/măsurilor naționale de combatere și prevenire a pandemiei.

05/11/202112.829,7 lei cu TVA,,,,,
7302021_9_KMA05/11/2021Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Ráki Zsolt projectmanager assitant Tel: +36 30 216 9806 email:

Foil tent, 500 m2
2 foil layers: 200 micron, UV proof
stainless structure, pipes diameter: min. 50 mm
min. 1 years warranty,
doors, windows, leaking pipes
fitting to soil
including transport to Hungary, 5711 Gyula-Gyulavári, Külterület 4. and mounting

10/11/2021net 8.000.000 HUFési-hirdetmény-Fóliasátor.pdf
731685910/11/2021APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU - 53ANDREI TOGOR, Oradea, str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 15, tel. 0359416011, 0752270140, e-mail:

Acquisition of equipment, machines for the maintenance of the protected area (control of invasive species, planting, etc): - 4x4 vehicle for transportation of 8+1 people to the sites and for the maintenance and monitoring activities. More details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

22/11/2021248.043,63 RON without VAT 
732686410/11/2021APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU - 53ANDREI TOGOR, Oradea, str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 15, tel. 0359416011, 0752270140, e-mail:

Acquisition of 89.700 pcs tree seedlings. More details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

23/11/2021350.078,75 without VAT 
7332021_10_KMA11/11/2021Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Ráki Zsolt projectmanager assitant Tel: +36 30 216 9806 email:

Foil tent, 500 m2
2 foil layers: 200 micron, UV proof
stainless structure, pipes diameter: min. 50 mm
min. 1 years warranty,
doors, windows
fitting to soil
including transport to Hungary, 5711 Gyula-Gyulavári, Külterület 4. and mounting

16/11/2021net 8.000.000 HUFési-hirdetmény-Fóliasátor-2021_10_KMA.pdf
734686811/11/2021APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU - 53ANDREI TOGOR, Oradea, str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 15, tel. 0359416011, 0752270140, e-mail:

Servicies for 14 pcs volunteer camps to plant a total of about 89700 seedlings. More details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

26/11/2021163.916,47 without VAT 
735686811/11/2021APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU - 53ANDREI TOGOR, Oradea, str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 15, tel. 0359416011, 0752270140, e-mail:

Servicies for 14 pcs volunteer camps to plant a total of about 89700 seedlings. More details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

26/11/2021163.916,47 without VAT 
73651915/11/2021Chamber of Commerce and Industry Satu Mare ROHU370Chamber of Commerce Satu Mare, tel 0040261710790 email

Organizing 12 cross-border events on the labor market (4 job fairs, 8 factory visits) within the ROHU370 ENCOCH project "Intensifying cooperation between chambers of commerce and crafts to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties" , between November 2021 - June 2022. Event planning will be done by mutual agreement between the service provider and the beneficiary
A. Factory visits
Organizing 8 factory visits during the project implementation.
B. Job fairs
Organizing 4 job fairs during the project implementation.
The price of the services includes all costs associated with the service of the tenderer, including:
- providing meeting rooms for each seminar,
- speakers for each proposed topic
- catering - a lunch / dinner, consisting of 2 dishes, water / juice and coffee / tea,
- transport of participants to the meeting place,
- preparation of meetings and necessary equipment,
- printed and electronic materials related to the topics covered.
Submission of the offer: The deadline for submitting the offers will be 11/26/2021, at 16:00. Submission of documents (offfer) is considered valid at the CCIASM headquarters in Satu Mare, str. Decebal no. 4, et. II, Secretariat, or by e-mail sent no later than 26.11.2021 at 16:00 to

26/11/2021296.916 lei without VATĂ-CCIASM-evenimente-transfrontaliere-11.11.2021.docx,,,
737519/15.11.202115/11/2021Chamber of Commerce and Industry Satu Mare Satu Mare, Decebal str no 4 0040261701790

Organizing 12 cross-border events on the labor market (4 job fairs, 8 factory visits) within the ROHU370 ENCOCH project "Intensifying cooperation between chambers of commerce and crafts to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties" , between November 2021 - June 2022. Event planning will be done by mutual agreement between the service provider and the beneficiary
A. Factory visits
Organizing 8 factory visits during the project implementation.
B. Job fairs
Organizing 4 job fairs during the project implementation.
All costs related to the implementation of the contract, such as: expert fees, transport costs, communication costs, administrative and indirect costs, etc .; expenses with the support facilities made available to the beneficiary in order to carry out the proposed activities will be included by the bidder in the offered price.
The price of the services includes all costs associated with the service of the tenderer, including:
- providing meeting rooms for each seminar,
- speakers for each proposed topic
- catering - a lunch / dinner, consisting of 2 dishes, water / juice and coffee / tea,
- transport of participants to the meeting place,
- preparation of meetings and necessary equipment,
- printed and electronic materials related to the topics covered.

26/11/2021296.916 lei without VATĂ-CCIASM-evenimente-transfrontaliere-11.11.2021-1.docx,,,
738312/15.11.202121/11/2021AJOFM BIHORROHU 331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Vehicle with 5 seats and a trailer max 750 kg,one axis, covered.
Minimum requirements for the vehicle:
- air conditioning
- ABS, electronic stability programme
- Central locking
- Front, side airbags
- Minimum 90 HP
- 900 - 1600 cm3
- Pollution standard Euro 6
- Trailer coupling

25/11/2021Vehicle - 74.571,43 lei +TVA   
739312/15.11.202121/11/2021AJOFM BIHORROHU 331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Vehicle with 5 seats and a trailer max 750 kg, one axis, covered .
Minimum requirements for the vehicle:
- air conditioning
- ABS, electronic stability programme
- Central locking
- Front, side airbags
- Minimum 90 HP
- 900 - 1600 cm3
- Pollution standard Euro 6
- Trailer coupling

25/11/2021Vehicle - 74.571,43 lei +TVA and trailer 8.285,71 lei +TVA  
7402347/24.11.202124/11/2021Episcopia Romano-Catolica OradeaROHU-398Ciorba Alexandru, Oradea, str. Sirul Canonicilor, nr. 2, CP. 410161,, 004-0771-125-909

Epsicopia Romano-Catolică Oradea launches the award process for contracting the services of providing professional training for the profession of room cultural goods restaurer within the Interreg V project, project code RoHu398. CPV code 80530000-8, COR code 343303.

741687725/11/2021APS AQUA CRISIUSROHU - 53ANDREI TOGOR, Oradea, str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 15, tel. 0359416011, 0752270140, e-mail:

Acquisition of equipment, machines for the maintenance of the protected area (control of invasive species, planting, etc): - 4x4 vehicle for transportation of 8+1 people to the sites and for the maintenance and monitoring activities. More details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

10/12/2021248.043,63 RON without VAT 
74256-2-104/202106/12/2021Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Horváth-Debreceni Edit

Event organisation services - organising professional vocational guidance related ROHU331 conference in Gyomaendrod, Hungary as follows:

Booking a conference venue - requirements:
- capacity: 50 seats for the conference guests, taking into account the rules on the virus outbreak currently in force
- suitable for the catering during the conference

Ensuring catering services for the conference:
- catering services for 50 participants with the following offer: fried bowl (with pork and poultry offer), 2 types of salad, mineral water, coffee
- during the conference professional staff shall be available for serving participants

743NA06/12/2021Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea Tel: 0755993311, 440114 Satu Mare, str. Ștefan cel Mare nr. 9,

Quote request for laptop and monitor within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.
In order to implement the project and carry out the screening activity of premature babies, we propose to introduce a new screening method, called Neurofeedback.
In order to process the data received by the special Neurofeedback screening equipment, it is necessary to connect it to a laptop and to a high-performance monitor, with special features, compatible with the equipment.
In this respect, we are waiting for offers for a laptop and monitor in accordance with the published technical specifications.
The technical specifications and formulas can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl6RPmN654-iaz0Pbgg?e=e63xcZ
The term of delivery is 30 days.
The estimated value of the acquisition is 4.886,20 RON without VAT.
Deadline for offers: 15.12.2021, 14.00 p.m.

Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

15/12/20214.886,20 RON without VAT or on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl6RPmN654-iaz0Pbgg?e=e63xcZ 
744NA10/12/2021Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for IT equipment within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.
In order to implement the project and carry out the screening activity, we need to purchase some IT equipment: 3 laptops and 2 printers in accordance with the published technical specifications.
The technical specifications and formulas can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl6U7ZKr3K-NF11uPQg?e=35H9Iw
The term of delivery is 30 days.
The estimated value of the acquisition is 3.308,48 EUR without VAT.
Deadline for offers: 20.12.2021, 12.00 p.m.
Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

20/12/20213.308,48 EUR without VAT or!Agumv-rdq5YGl6U7ZKr3K-NF11uPQg?e=35H9Iw 
745DA2962571630/12/2021Oradea Transport LocalROHU-390Marius BAR, Email:,Tel: 40 259-423.245 int. 114

Services for elaborating a Study for improving the planning and organizing of timetables at the level of the tramway network from Oradea

746DA2839812615/07/2021CETARIU CommuneROHU 319 Letitia Motoc, 0258408821,

Services for public procurements

22/07/202115.000,00 - without VAT   
74762420/12/2021ADI Zona Metropolitana OradeaROHU 388Letitia Motoc, 0258408821,

LOT 1 - Entrepreneurial Skills Course - for 100 persons (with 100 diplomas)
LOT 2- Computer Skills Course - - for 200 persons (with 200 diplomas)

748NA25/01/2022Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for CARDIOLOGY medical services provided within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.
The project aims to perform a predominant screening for cardiovascular disease with a mobile team of 20 family doctors. The purpose of the screening activity is to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease.
This procurement contract requires the provision of specialized medical services for the diagnosis of persons participating in screening, who show signs / symptoms in the cardiovascular system, according to the technical specifications published in this announcement.
Cardiology services are:
- Cardiological consultation + EKG + Echocardiography
- Cardiological examination control + EKG
- 24 hour Holter EKG monitoring
- 24 hour TA Holter monitoring
- Electrocardiographic exercise test
Term of services is 6 months.
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl6ltRhi43E8_sEYMiQ?e=oKTB3G

The estimated value of the acquisition is 254.325,00 lei. These services are exempt from VAT

Deadline: 07.02.2022, 14.00 p.m.
Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

07/02/2022254325,00!Agumv-rdq5YGl6ltRhi43E8_sEYMiQ?e=oKTB3G or 
749NA25/01/2022Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for CARDIOLOGY medical services provided within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.
The project aims to perform a predominant screening for cardiovascular disease with a mobile team of 20 family doctors. The purpose of the screening activity is to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease.
This procurement contract requires the provision of specialized medical services for the diagnosis of persons participating in screening, who show signs / symptoms in the cardiovascular system, according to the technical specifications published in this announcement.
Cardiology services are:
- Cardiological consultation + EKG + Echocardiography
- Cardiological examination control + EKG
- 24 hour Holter EKG monitoring
- 24 hour TA Holter monitoring
- Electrocardiographic exercise test
Term of services is 6 months.
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl6ltRhi43E8_sEYMiQ?e=oKTB3G

The estimated value of the acquisition is 254.325,00 lei. These services are exempt from VAT

Deadline: 07.02.2022, 14.00 p.m.
Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

07/02/2022254325,00!Agumv-rdq5YGl6ltRhi43E8_sEYMiQ?e=oKTB3G or 
750NA01/02/2022Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for GASTROENTEROLOGY medical services provided within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.
The project aims to perform a predominant screening for cardiovascular and oncological disease (breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin and colon cancer) with a mobile team of 20 family doctors.
For the proposed activities it is necessary to assure some gastroenterological medical services for the diagnosis of the screened persons, at which appear signs/symptoms that may be affected by the potential malignancy of the digestive system. The requested gastroenterological services are in accordance with the technical specifications published in this announcement.
Gastroenterological services are:
- Gastroenterological consultation - initially
- Control consultation
- General abdominal ultrasound
- Upper digestive endoscopy
- Lower digestive endoscopy
Term of services is 6 months.
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl6sC17Ux3GpIfMrkoQ?e=iBwvd2

The estimated value of the acquisition is 131.000,00 lei. These services are exempt from VAT

Deadline for offers: 14.02.2022, 14.00 p.m.
Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

14/02/2022131000,00 RON without VAT!Agumv-rdq5YGl6sC17Ux3GpIfMrkoQ?e=iBwvd2 or  
751NA03/02/2022Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for OPHTHALMOLOGY medical services provided within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.
The project aims to screen premature babies. In order to perform a complete screening of premature babies, it is necessary to provide medical services specializing in ophthalmology.
- Ophthalmic medical services are: Ophthalmic consultation for children under 5 years old
- Ophthalmologic control consultation
Term of services is 6 months.
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl6sfOoGw9cdBy8LOzg?e=JqgJm2
The estimated value of the acquisition is 10.000,00 lei. These services are exempt from VAT
Deadline: 16.02.2022, 14.00 p.m.
Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

16/02/202210000,00 RON without VAT!Agumv-rdq5YGl6sfOoGw9cdBy8LOzg?e=JqgJm2 or  
752NA03/02/2022Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9

Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul Vicențiu implementează proiectul ”Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450, în cadrul Programului INTERREG ROMÂNIA-UNGARIA 2014-2020, domeniul de intervenție ”9/a – investment in heath infrastructure”.
Proiectul are ca și scop realizarea unui screening predominant al bolilor cardiovasculare și oncologice (cancer mamar, cancer de prostată, de piele și de colon) cu o echipă mobilă la 20 de medici de familie.

Pentru realizarea acestor activități este necesară asigurarea unor servicii medicale de specialitatea DERMATOLOGIE, pentru diagnosticarea persoanelor care prezintă semne/simptome dermatologice reprezentând un risc, o stare precanceroasă, sau o formațiune suspect malignă a tegumentelor sau mucoaselor.
Servicii medicale dermatologice solicitate sunt:
• Consultație medic specialist dermatolog
• Consultație de control dermatologic

Termen de realizare a serviciilor este de 6 luni
IMPORTANT !!!! Specificațiile tehnice, Model formulare, Model contract pot fi accesate de pe acest link!Agumv-rdq5YGl6srvIYtshdoAXJHDA?e=QybuO5

Sunteți invitat să depuneți o ofertă pentru prestarea serviciilor.

Termenul limită pentru depunerea ofertelor: 16.02.2022, ora 14.00 la sediul asociației: 440114 Satu Mare str. Ștefan cel Mare nr. 9.

Valoarea estimata totală a achiziției este 38.000,00 lei. Aceste servicii sunt scutite de TVA.

Invitația și documentația aferentă prezentei achiziții se publică, în conformitate cu prevederile Manualului de implementare al Programului și cu respectarea principiului transparenței, concomitent:
– pe site-ul programului
– pe site-ul Asociației
- pe site-ul Achiziționarea unor servicii medicale de specialitate DERMATOLOGIE Satu Mare - Servicii -

Persoană de contact: Koncz Andrea, 0755993311,
Date de contact: 440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9, e-mail:;
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

16/02/202238000,00 RON without VAT!Agumv-rdq5YGl6srvIYtshdoAXJHDA?e=QybuO5 or 
753339/ROHU331/01.02.202208/02/2022AJOFM BihorROHU 331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

Organisation of a Workshop

The workshop will be organized in hybrid form: in person and online. The number of participants in the workshops will be 20 guests
The services provided under the contract consist of:
• Providing a conference room with a minimum capacity of 20 people ;
•The hall must ensure the possibility of using the video conferencing system ;
• Ensuring translations into and from Hungarian (interpreter for Romanian and Hungarian)
• Providing a dining space, independent and close to the workshop.
• Ensuring / arranging a space for registration of participants so as to allow the signing of the participation lists without agglomerating the entry into the workshop.
• Buffet for 20 people. It must contain hot and cold food, bread, cutlery, napkins, hot and cold drinks (juices, water, tea, coffee etc.). It should also contain cookies (salty and sweet) that remain available to participants throughout the event, along with drinks.
• Providing technical assistance with organizers' representatives throughout the event.
• Participation in organizing the event (participant invitations, confirmations from them etc.)
• Any other tasks related to organizing the event to ensure the proper implementation of the project activities
•The event will be organized in compliance with the rules imposed by the pandemic

Offers will be uploaded to SEAP
For more information please contact us.

14/02/202212.352 lei  
754No.356/09.02.202209/02/2022Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and AgricultureROHU 452Cristina Bădulescu, Piața Victoriei, nr.3, Timișoara, tel 0721.896.961 e-mail:

Services for event organization, within the project Joint Employment – Driven Initiative, eMS code ROHU 452. During the project implementation period will be organized: workshops (2 events), seminar (1 event), information events (2 events), job fairs (2 events), study visits (2 events), professional conference (1 event) and press conference (1 event). Depending on the type of event, the services to be provided will include transportation, accommodation, meals at the restaurant, catering services, interpreting, secretarial services and promotion of events, attracting participants to events or providing a trainer.

755EKR00131706202109/02/2022Szent Damján Görögkatolikus KórházROHU457Mrs. Orsika Éva Kalóné Salzmann

Construction investment - renovation of the central laboratory

02/12/2021Net 91.053.153 HUF 
756109/02/2022Körösszegapáti Román Ortodox ParókiaROHU-398Mureșanu Sorin-Dumitru lelkész, 4135 Körösszegapáti, Kossuth u. 31., +40 745271705

Cukrász, szakács és divatszabó képzés lebonyolítása feladat ellátása az ajánlatkérő által megvalósítandó ROHU398 azonosító számú (acronym: ForTour BHHB), „Creating and developing a crossborder polycentric network for training and support to increase the quality of tourist and handcraft cross-border services in the counties of Bihor and Hajdu-Bihar” című projekt keretében.

• Cukrász tanfolyam szervezése 30 főre, programtanterv a szakképzésről szóló törvény végrehajtásáról szóló 12/2020 (II. 7.) Korm. rendelet 13.§ (4) bekezdésének megfelelően:

• Szakács tanfolyam szervezése 30 főre, programtanterv a szakképzésről szóló törvény végrehajtásáról szóló 12/2020 (II. 7.) Korm. rendelet 13.§ (4) bekezdésének megfelelően:

• Divatszabó tanfolyam szervezése 30 főre, programtanterv a szakképzésről szóló törvény végrehajtásáról szóló 12/2020 (II. 7.) Korm. rendelet 13.§ (4) bekezdésének megfelelően:

• Helyszín és időpont: Körösszegapáti, 2022 május hónaptól kezdődően

14/02/20227266543 huf  
757116111/02/2022Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-380Dragu Marian, Arad, str. Suceava 18,, tel / fax 0257 210192,

Purchase of equipment for sports training - package 2:
10 trellis, 5 traction bars, 2 handball gates, 2 pairs of handball nets, 2 basketball hoops, 1 pack of volleyball poles, 1 net of volleyball, 1 pack of tennis poles, 1 net of tennis, 4 football gates type I, 2 pairs of football nets type I, 4 football gates type II, 2 sets of football nets type II, 4 sets of football gates type III, 1900 sqm protection net, 10 gymnastics benches, 2 reserve benches, 5 ping pong tables, 5 ping pong table net packages, 40 demarcation mantels, 2 type I massage tables, 2 type II massage tables, 18 pieces tatami judo, 36 pieces tatami karate, 1 magnetic bicycle, 1 electric treadmill, 1 mobile telescopic scaffolding

23/02/2022173328,34 RON + TVA 
758117415/02/2022Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-380Dragu Marian, Arad, str. Suceava 18,, tel / fax 0257 210192,

Procurement of furniture:
25 conference tables, 10 conference room hangers, 2 conference room commodes, 2 hall showcases, 1 reception desk, 3 office tables, 3 office commodes, 3 office closets, 3 office chairs, 55 sections for locker room furniture system, 3 locker room tables, 1 package kitchen furniture, 4 worktables, 9 sets of multipurpouse shelves, 2 room closets, 2 beds with mattresses, 2 bedsides, 1 room mirror, 1 room hanger, 1 room table, 100 conference room chairs, 50 course chairs, 1 reception chair, 2 shelves for storage.

28/02/2022157720 RON + TVA 
760DA30036819 28/02/2022NOJORID COMMUNE ROHU 388 BOC Ioana, Tel: 0259/393194, Fax: 0259/393192, e-mail:

Achizitie autovehicul / Acquisition of one vehicle.

28/02/202274.819,00 Ron without VAT  
761NA01/03/2022Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for specializes medical services provided within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.
The project's two principal aims are to perform a predominant screening for cardiovascular and oncological (breast cancer, prostate, skin and colon cancer) disease with a mobile team with the involvement of General Practitioners in Satu Mare County, and a screening of premature babies at the Blessed Scheffler Janos Centre.
In order to carry out these activities, it is necessary to provide specialized medical services. The services to be procured are contracted in separate lots according to specialties, thus:
Lot 1 Cardiological medical services, representing:
- 400 pcs. Cardiological consultation + EKG + Echocardiography
- 150 pcs. Cardiological examination control + EKG
- 25 pcs. 24 hour Holter EKG monitoring
- 100 pcs. 24 hour TA Holter monitoring
- 80 pcs. Electrocardiographic exercise test
The estimated value for cardiological medical services is: 254.325,00 RON

Lot 2 Dermatological medical services, representing:
- 200 pcs. Dermatological consultation
- 100 pcs. Dermatological control consultation
The estimated value for dermatological medical services: 38.000,00 RON

Lot 3 Gastroenterological medical services, representing:
- 200 pcs. Gastroenterological consultation - initially
- 100 pcs. Control consultation
- 200 pcs. General abdominal ultrasound
- 50 pcs. Upper digestive endoscopy
- 50 pcs. Lower digestive endoscopy
The estimated value for gastroenterological medical services: 131.000,00 RON

Lot 4 Ophthalmologic medical services, representing:
- 40 pcs. Ophthalmologic consultation for children under 5 years old
- 20 pcs. Ophthalmologic control consultation
The estimated value for ophthalmological medical services: 10.000,00 RON

Lot 5 Otorhinolaryngological (ORL) medical services, representing:
- 40 pcs. ORL consultation – initially
- 20 pcs. ORL control consultation
- 40 pcs. Tympanogram
The estimated value for otorhinolaryngological (ORL) medical services: 11.300,00 RON

Lot 6 Urological medical services, representing:
- 100 pcs. Complete initial urological consultation, urological ultrasound
- 50 pcs. Urological control consultation
The estimated value for urological medical services: 34.500,00 RON

We specify that the provision of the requested medical services will take place in spaces arranged and equipped by the Purchaser in the Prevention and Diagnostic Center Hám János from Satu Mare str. Ștefan cel Mare no. 13.
Term of services is 4 months.

The total estimated value of the acquisition is 479.125,00 RON.
These services are exempt from VAT
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl69-WmlizwLiNwRqEA?e=TBVFPY
Deadline: 14.03.2022, 14.00 p.m.
Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

14/03/2022479.125,00 RON without VAT!Agumv-rdq5YGl69-WmlizwLiNwRqEA?e=TBVFPY or 
7622022_1_KMA07/03/2022Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Várhelyi Zoltán, 5711 Gyula, Külterület 4.

17 pcs. laptop workstation (inc: operational system, external monitor 21-24")

11/03/2022net 3.750.000 Ftési-hirdetmény-2022_1_KMA.pdf
763KÜL/1-12/202211/03/2022Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Horváth-Debreceni Edit;

Event organisation services - organising professional vocational guidance related ROHU331 conference in Békéscsaba, Hungary as follows:
Booking a conference venue - requirements:
- capacity: 50 seats for the conference guests, taking into account the rules on the virus outbreak currently in force
- suitable for the catering during the conference
Ensuring catering services for the conference:
- catering services for 50 participants with the following offer: fried bowl (with pork and poultry offer), 2 types of salad, mineral water, coffee
- during the conference professional staff shall be available for serving participants

7647614/03/2022AMD BihorRo-Hu

Servicii de consultanta in vederea certificarii preparatelor/produselor culinare din județul Bihor în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398

în cadrul contractului urmeaza a fi realizate urmatoarele activitati:

1. Propunerea de către beneficiar a unei liste cu produsele/preparatele disponibile - minim 12

Propunerea de către beneficiar a unei liste conținând produsele/preparate propuse pentru obținerea certificării. Fiecare produs/preparate va avea o descriere sumară. Informațiile necesare se definesc de către consultant la finalul primei etape, cu mențiunea că orice persoană din județul Bihor poate trimite propunere de preparat spre certificare/atestare.
Preparatele/produsele culinare vor fi propuse de orice persoană fizică din comunitățile locale
Modul de preparare a rețetelor/preparatele/produselor culinare vor fi descrise de persoane fizice din comunitățile locale din Bihor. Informațiile obținute vor fi prelucrate și utilizate de consultant în vederea elaborării documentației specifice pentru întocmirea dosarelor de evaluare.

2. Evaluarea privind eligibilitatea produselor/preparatelor – minim 12 produse/preparate

Analiza de catre consultant a produselor/preparatelor propuse conform listei de la pct. 2. Analiza va evidentia potențialul produsului, punctele vulnerabile, infomațiile suplimentare necesare. Fiecare produs/preparat va fi punctat ținănd cont de disponibilitatea informațiilor necesare pentru obținerea certificării/atestării, condițiile sanitare veterinare și pentru siguranța alimentelor.

3. Selectarea produselor/preparatelor eligible, cu potential pentru accesarea schemelor de calitate – minim 12 produse/preparate

In funcție de scorul obținut în cadrul procesului de evaluare de la pct. 3, consultantul va propune spre aprobare o listă de minim 12 produse produse/preparate calificate și cu potențial pentru obținerea certificării/atestării.

5.Aprobarea de către beneficiar a unei liste de produse/preparate eligible pentru scheme de calitate (produs traditional, produs montan) – minim 12 produse/preparate

Lista de produse/preparate se aproba de către beneficiar.

6.Elaborarea documentatiei

În vederea elaborării documentației specifice consultantul va întocmi lista de documente necesare pentru întocmirea dosarului aferent fiecărui produs/preparat.

Prin grija beneficiarului documentele/informațiile necesare sunt colectate de la orice persoană fizică și depuse la consultant in vederea întocmirii dosarului.

Testarea preparatelor/produselor (acolo unde este cazul) se realizeaza prin grija consultantului, costurile de testare fiind suportate de către beneficiar.

7. Depunerea documentatiei specifice la autoritatea competentă pentru minim 12 produse/preparate

Documentația completă și revizuită se depune la autoritatea competentă, consultantul urmărind parcursul dosarului și va răspunde la clarificările solicitate de autoritatea competentă ori de câte ori este cazul . Consultantul va informa permanent beneficiarul privind stadiul dosarelor depuse și va completa informațiile pe baza datelor suplimentare obținute de la beneficiar ori de câte ori este cazul în vederea obținerii certificării.

8. Obtinerea certificării – minim 12 produse/preparate

Pentru produsele / preparatele care au obținut certificarea de calitate, consultantul va asigura comunicarea către beneficiar și vor asigura realizarea unui portofoliu de minim 10 fotografii/produs/preparat în vederea promovării.

9. Comunicare publică privind diseminarea informației privind activitatea de certificare/atestare a produsele intr-o schema de calitate.

Beneficiarul cu suportul consultantului va asigura comunicarea publică privind etapele de înscriere pentru atestare/certificare in cadrul unei conferințe de presă cu participarea mass media locala. Procedurile și etapele de înscriere a preparatelor/produselor se vor promova pe site-ul proiectului. Proceduri de înscriere/propunere a unui produs spre certificare/atestare: completarea de oricare persoană fizică din județul Bihor a unui formular online până la o dată stabilită de beneficiar și consultant. Formularul de înscriere va conține minimum următoarele informații: date de identificare a persoanei care face propunerea, denumirea preparatului, ingrediente, mod de preparare. Formularul va fi făcut public în cadrul conferinței de presă și va fi publicat pe site-ul proiectului.

10. Elaborarea documentației necesare (caiet de sarcini , proiect de Document Unic, Notă de prezentare și de motivare a proiectului, cerere de recunoaștere a IGP, Cerere oficială pentru certificare protecţia denumirii) pentru certificarea produselor alimentare in conformitate cu legislatia în vigoare europeana si naționala și standardele europene în vederea implementării schemei I.G.P. (protectia indicatiilor geografice).

21/03/202241.565,53 lei fara TVA,,,
765Nr. 87 / 17.03.2022 17/03/2022AMD BihorRo-Hu

Servicii de concepție, design, elaborare text, realizare fototgrafii și tipărire pentru materiale (Rețetar și GHID) în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398
Specificatii tehnice minimale
1. Creare conținut text de calitate si relevant ce sa sustina intreg demersul proiectului. In crearea textelor Retetarului Culinar se va tine cont de urmatoarele aspecte:
- Contextul geografic de unde a fost culeasa reteta culinara
- Aspectul antropologic si etnografic
- Detalii istorice, culturale, etc.
- Aspecte tehnice culinare (materii prime, tehnica prepararii, sugestii de servire)

2. Macheta grafica Retetar Culinar
- Abordare grafica contemporana
- Inserturi cu elemente grafice/ilustratii si desene ce sa ajute in discursul vizual al proiectului

3. Pachet de fotografii Retetar Culinar
- Realizarea de fotografii ce sa acopere subiectul Retetarului Culinar
- Fotografiile vor avea ca subiect atat procesul de productie al retetelor cat si produsul finit

4. Traducere Retetar Culinar
- Traducerea in limba maghiara si engleza a retetarului.

5. Tiparirea Retetarului conform caracteristicilor tehnice
- Tiparirea retetarului culinar versiunea romana – 1000 de buc.
- Tiparirea retetarului culinar versiunea engleza – 250 de buc.
- Tiparirea retetarului culinar versiunea maghiara – 250 de buc.

6. GHID - tip flyer
- tipar color
- format A4, pliabil în 3
- 100 gr.
- mat sau lucioasă , cantitatea 1000 bucăți

30/03/202252.389,23 lei fara TVA 
76688 / 17.03.2022 17/03/2022AMD BihorRo-Hu

Servicii de productie videografica pentru promovarea preparatelor/produselor culinare din județul Bihor în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398
Livrabile video:
12 videoclipuri 1-2 minute care prezintă “Procesul de preparare” al rețetetelor. Referințe video:
12 videoclipuri 1-2 minute “Povestea rețetei” – scurte interviuri cu oamenii care gătesc rețetele tradiționale prin care ne povestesc cum și de unde au învățat rețeta pe care o prepară, pe cine au învațat la randul lor și de ce este important să nu se piardă aceste produse tradiționale ale Bihorului. Se vor folosi cadre intercalate cu procesul de preparare și “beauty-shots” cu produsul pregătit, precum și cadre din zona unde se filmează.
1 clip “Produs in Bihor” 1-2 minute – un colaj cu toate rețetele prezentate în cadrul proiectului care va deservi ca spot de promovare pentru produsele de rețete gastronomice “Produs in Bihor”.
Filmările se vor realiza cu 3 camere identice 4K, rezolutie 4k (3840x2160 pixeli) pentru un nivel ridicat al calității și clarității imaginii, identice pentru a avea același sensor și a corespunde din punct de vedere al construcției pixelilor și paletei coloristice. Justificarea folosirii a trei camere identice: prima cameră va fi folosită pentru cadrul general, cu bucataria/set-up –ul tradițional în care se pregătește rețeta, a doua pentru un cadru fix în plan vertical de sus, pentru a avea o imagine de ansamblu cu procesul de preparare al rețetei și a treia pentru un cadru mobil strâns, cu detalii. Se vor folosi echipamente de iluminat profesionale, sisteme de stabilizare pentru cadrele mobile, si obiective ce acoperă o plajă focală de la 8mm până la 300mm. În post-procesare se va aplica etalonare de culoare profesională și editare de sunet costumizată pentru fiecare dintre clipuri.
Livrabilele video de prezentare trebuie sa fie dinamice si axate în principal pe activități de preparare a produsului culinar și contextul cultural și geografic al zonei.
Livrabilele video vor cuprinde subtitrare, voice over, ambianță elemente de identitate vizuală ale finanțatorului și beneficiarului.
Propunere de scenariu pentru o producție video cu durata cuprinsă între 1 minut și 2 minute. Acest scenariu trebuie să surpindă momentele de preparare a unui produs/preparat culinar, ingredientele folosite, tehnicile de preparare, prezentarea metodei de finisare, asezonare, așezare în farfurie și contextul cultural și geografic al zonei.
Livrabilele vor fi predate în forma finală editată și editabilă pentru format web site, TV, social media.
Livrabile foto:
1 set 200-300 fotografii predate în format RAW dar și editate conform unei palete coloristice specifice identității vizuale a proiectului “Produs în Bihor”.
Pentru realizarea fotografiilor se vor folosi aparate cu o rezoluție de minim 24MPX (4000x6000pixeli) pentru a asigura o calitate cât mai bună a fotografiilor atât pentru a fi printate cât și pentru a fi folosite în rețele sociale sau comunicate de presă.

Cantitatea necesara estimata: minimum 12 bucăți (productii videografice)

30/03/202249.878,63 lei fara TVA 
767KÜL/1-20/202218/03/2022Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU331Horváth-Debreceni Edit;

Event organisation services - organising professional vocational guidance related ROHU331 conference in Békéscsaba, Hungary as follows:

Booking a conference venue - requirements:
- capacity: 80 seats for the conference guests
- suitable for the catering during the conference
- space for interpretation units and equipment

Ensuring catering services for the conference:
- catering services for 80 participants
- during the conference professional staff shall be available for serving participants

Ensuring Romanian - Hungarian simultaneous interpretation during the conference as follows:
- ensuring equipment and technical background for simultaneous interpretation for 80 participants during the event
- interpretation of professional presentations from Hungarian to Romanian and from Romanian to Hungarian

Ensuring lecturer/lecturers of the professional presentation/ presentations - requirements:
- presentation theme/themes: vocational training, career choices of the global and digital generation, employment opportunities of the youth of the cross-border area

768784/25.03.202225/03/2022Episcopia Romano-Catolica OradeaROHU-398Ciorba Alexandru, Oradea, str. Sirul Canonicilor, nr. 2, CP. 410161,, 004-0771-125-909

Professional training services: CONSERVATOR COURSE OF ARTWORKS AND HISTORICAL MONUMENTS, for the professional training of at least 10 people, within the ROHU 398 project - “Creating and developing a polycentric crossborder network for training and support to increase the quality of tourist and handcraft cross -border services in the counties of Bihor and Hajdu Bihar ”.
The objective of the contract to be awarded is the acquisition of vocational training services Code cpv 80530000-8 Vocational training services, project financed under the Romania-Hungary Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020, ROHU 398 Project, acronym: ForTour BHHB, by Contract financing no. 51082 from 09.04.2019. The duration of the services is 5 months from the date of signing the public procurement contract.

769795/28.03.202228/03/2022Episcopia Romano-Catolica OradeaROHU-398Ciorba Alexandru, Oradea, str. Sirul Canonicilor, nr. 2, CP. 410161,, 004-0771-125-909

Professional training services: CULTURAL GOODS CONSERVATORY course, within the ROHU 398 project - “Creating and developing a polycentric crossborder network for training and support to increase the quality of tourist and handcraft cross-border services in the counties of Bihor and Hajdu Bihar” .
The objective of the contract to be awarded is the acquisition of professional training services, through the Financing Agreement no. 51082 from 09.04.2019. The duration of the services is 5 months from the date of signing the public procurement contract.
Estimated value: 50.963,36 lei, VAT included, the equivalent of 10.300 Euro with VAT, calculated at the Inforeuro exchange rate in March 2022 of 4.9479 lei / euro.

770795/28.03.202228/03/2022Episcopia Romano-Catolica OradeaROHU-398Ciorba Alexandru, Oradea, str. Sirul Canonicilor, nr. 2, CP. 410161,, 004-0771-125-909

Professional training services: CULTURAL GOODS CONSERVATORY course, within the ROHU 398 project - “Creating and developing a polycentric crossborder network for training and support to increase the quality of tourist and handcraft cross-border services in the counties of Bihor and Hajdu Bihar” .
The objective of the contract to be awarded is the acquisition of professional training services, through the Financing Agreement no. 51082 from 09.04.2019. The duration of the services is 5 months from the date of signing the public procurement contract.
Estimated value: 50.963,36 lei, VAT included, the equivalent of 10.300 Euro with VAT, calculated at the Inforeuro exchange rate in March 2022 of 4.9479 lei / euro.

7712_2022_KMA28/03/2022Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Ráki-Soós Szilvia, 5711 Gyula, Külterület 4.,, +36 30 213 7223

Felnőttképzési szolgáltatás megrendelése: Élelmiszer eladói képzés 8-12 fő részére

01/04/20221.700.000 Ft 
772Nr. 40/31/03/202231/03/2022Parohia Ortodoxă Română Oradea Ioșia NordRo-Hu 398Bicăzan Felix ,

Organizarea şi desfășurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de CONSERVATOR DE BUNURI CULTURALE, Cod CPV 80530000-8, cod COR 343304.
În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiți 10 participanți selectați în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.
Oferirea de servicii de formare se va realiza pentru o grupă, respectiv o sesiune de formare pentru Programul de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de CONSERVATOR DE BUNURI CULTURALE, Cod CPV 80530000-8, cod COR 343304, organizat într-o locație de desfășurare situată în Oradea pentru cursuri pe durata a 5 luni.

Prestatorul va organiza sesiunea de formare în conformitate cu tematica (curicula) aferentă acestui tip de program. Prestatorul va elabora tematica (curricula) specifică şi suportul de curs integral, cu respectarea cerințelor minimale din prezentul caiet de sarcini. Prestatorul are obligația punerii la dispoziția cursanților a suportului de curs în format electronic, pe suport electronic (CD/DVD/Memory stick) și printat. După finalizarea programului de instruire se realizează testarea participanților, derularea procedurilor necesare pentru testarea și certificarea ANC a acestora, înmânarea certificatelor conform reglementărilor legale în vigoare.
Metodele de evaluare utilizate vor fi în conformitate cu prevederile Ordinului comun al Ministrului Muncii, Solidarității Sociale și Familiei și al Ministerului Educației, Cercetării și Tineretului nr. 501/5253/2003 pentru aprobarea metodologiei certificării formării profesionale a adulților cu
modificările și completările ulterioare.
3. Suportul de curs în format electronic (CD/DVD), se va prezenta utilizând fișiere de tipul *.doc, *.pdf., *.ppt (la alegere).
Prestatorul asigură semnalizarea locațiilor în care se vor desfășura sesiunile de formare. În cadrul fiecărei sesiuni de formare va fi inclusă o prezentare, cu durată de 60 minute, a Programului Interreg V-A România-Ungaria și a proiectului pusă la dispoziție de către Achizitor.
Pentru îndeplinirea contractului :
- pentru grupa de instruire va fi asigurat 1 formator;
- va fi asigurată transpunerea pe CD/DVD Memory stick /-uri a materialelor şi elaborarea formei finale a materialelor necesare formării;
Prestatorul se va asigura că va putea organiza cursurile și examenele finale în sistem clasic la sală, sau online, sau hibrid conform restricțiilor/măsurilor naționale de combatere și prevenire a pandemiei.

13/04/202250.954,10 lei cu TVA 
77313 din 05.04.202205/04/2022Parohia reformată Epsicopia BihorRo-Hu 398Szigeti Ferencz ,

Conform Documentației de atribuire și Caietului de sarcini ofertantul va realiza următoarele:
Organizare un eveniment - durata 1 zi,
realizarea de materiale promoționale , 100 de pixuri, 50 de pahare de vin personalizate, 1 banner, 2 afișe color A3
campanie de promovare a evenimentului online și outdor
realizare clip video
promovare online a evenimentului 1 transmisie video online
asigurarea participării a minim 4 , maxim 8 expozanți

08/04/202224946,40 fără TVA 
77416 din 05.04.202205/04/2022Parohia Reformată Epsicopia BihorRo-Hu 398Szigeti Ferencz ,

Conform documentației de atribuire și a caietului de sarcini ofertantul va trebui să realizeze următoarele:
1 ediție a evenimentului Targ de promovare a produselor artizanale locale în zona transfrontalieră Bihor-Hajdu Bihar
durata 1 zi , perioada mai iulie 2022
minim 5 maxim 15 expozanți
realizare de materiale de promovare
100 de pixuri de metal personalizate prin gravare
100 notes personalizate, minim 24 de file, coperta 300g model prindere cu arc metalic, format A5
1 banner color dimensiune 3x1
2 afișe color A3
realizare design pentru banner, afișe, pixuri, notes,
1 film post event - 6 minute
promovare online a evenimentului în timp real
amenajare spațiu de desfășurare eveniment

08/04/202245735,05 fără TVA 
77516 din 05.04.202205/04/2022Parohia Reformată Epsicopia BihorRo-Hu 398Szigeti Ferencz ,

Conform documentației de atribuire și a caietului de sarcini ofertantul va trebui să realizeze următoarele:
1 ediție a evenimentului Targ de promovare a produselor artizanale locale în zona transfrontalieră Bihor-Hajdu Bihar
durata 1 zi , perioada mai iulie 2022
minim 5 maxim 15 expozanți
realizare de materiale de promovare
100 de pixuri de metal personalizate prin gravare
100 notes personalizate, minim 24 de file, coperta 300g model prindere cu arc metalic, format A5
1 banner color dimensiune 3x1
2 afișe color A3
realizare design pentru banner, afișe, pixuri, notes,
1 film post event - 6 minute
promovare online a evenimentului în timp real
amenajare spațiu de desfășurare eveniment

08/04/202245735,05 fără TVA 
7763_2022_KMA09/04/2022Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Ráki-Soós Szilvia, 5711 Gyula, Külterület 4.,, +36 30 213 7223

Felnőttképzési szolgáltatás megrendelése: Élelmiszer eladói képzés 8-12 fő részére

13/04/20221.700.000 Ft 
777KÜL/1-46/202213/04/2022Békés Megyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraROHU-331Horváth-Debreceni Edit;

Event organisation services - organising professional vocational guidance related ROHU331 conference in Tótkomlós, Hungary as follows:
Booking a conference venue - requirements:
- capacity: 50 seats for the conference guests- suitable for the catering during the conference
Ensuring catering services for the conference:
- catering services for 50 participants with the following offer: fried bowl (with pork and poultry offer), 2 types of salad, mineral water, coffee
- during the conference professional staff shall be available for serving participants

778NA20/04/2022Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for medical services provided by two General Practitioners(GP) within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.

The Association organize cardiovascular, mammographic, dermatologic, prostate and gastroenterologic screening, with a mobile team, in different settlements of Satu Mare county, cities and rural settlements as well with the involvement and on the premises of local GP.
The project proposes the examination of 2,000 people from the population of Satu Mare county with the involvement of 20 GP, thus giving for each contracted General Practitioners 100 eligible people. To date, 18 contracts have been signed with family doctors from Satu Mare County, of which 9 with GP in rural areas and 9 with GP in urban areas.

In this respect, we are waiting for offers for medical services from General Practitioners in Satu Mare County. We intend to signee 2 contracts with General Practitioners, which will be involved in the project screening activity.

Term of services is 10 months.

The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl7JtrLG7gNGdh-75wg?e=p6RQcc
The estimated value of the acquisition is 29.200 lei, respectively 14.600 lei/contract concluded with a General Practitioner (representing 146 RON / person participating in the screening).
These services are exempt from VAT

Deadline: 03.05.2022, 14.00 p.m.

Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

03/05/202229200 without VAT. These services are exempt from VAT!Agumv-rdq5YGl7JtrLG7gNGdh-75wg?e=p6RQcc or 
779DA3052087104/05/2022NOJORID CommuneROHU 388BOC Ioana, Tel: 0259/393194, Fax: 0259/393192, e-mail:

Dirigintie de santier si SSM pentru investitia "Reabilitare, echipare si dotare Camin Cultural din Les in vederea infiintarii Centrului de Dezvoltare Durabila Les", Proiect ROHU 388 - CDDL

780200/04.05.202205/05/2022AMD BihorRo-Hu

Servicii de concepție, design, elaborare text, realizare fotografii și tipărire pentru materiale (Rețetar și GHID) în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398

În cadrul acestui contract, vor fi realizate două publicații. Un rețetar de produse/preparate culinare locale specifice județului Bihor, precum și un ghid care va descrie etapele și beneficiile înființării unui punct gastronomic local.

Furnizorul va realiza, într-o primă fază, concepția grafică și designul, lucrând în colaborare cu membrii echipelor de proiect pentru obținerea de sugestii, îmbunătățiri (text, materiale cartografice si fotografii).

În materiale, în funcție de cerințele achizitorului la momentul livrării conținutului, vor exista și inserții cu desene și/sau schițe realizate de către designeri în tehnica digitală.
Mai multe detalii în caietul de sarcini.

12/05/202252.404,05 fără TVA,,,ție.pdf
781200/04.05.202205/05/2022AMD BihorRo-Hu

Servicii de concepție, design, elaborare text, realizare fotografii și tipărire pentru materiale (Rețetar și GHID) în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398

În cadrul acestui contract, vor fi realizate două publicații. Un rețetar de produse/preparate culinare locale specifice județului Bihor, precum și un ghid care va descrie etapele și beneficiile înființării unui punct gastronomic local.

Furnizorul va realiza, într-o primă fază, concepția grafică și designul, lucrând în colaborare cu membrii echipelor de proiect pentru obținerea de sugestii, îmbunătățiri (text, materiale cartografice si fotografii).

În materiale, în funcție de cerințele achizitorului la momentul livrării conținutului, vor exista și inserții cu desene și/sau schițe realizate de către designeri în tehnica digitală.
Mai multe detalii în caietul de sarcini.

12/05/202252.404,05 fără TVA,,,ție-1.pdf

Obiectivul contractului ce urmează a fi atribuit constă în achizitia Servicii de concepție, design, elaborare text, realizare fotografii și tipărire pentru materiale (Rețetar) și GHID,

În cadrul acestui contract, vor fi realizate două publicații. Un rețetar de produse/preparate culinare locale specifice județului Bihor, precum și un ghid care va descrie etapele și beneficiile înființării unui punct gastronomic local.
Furnizorul va realiza, într-o primă fază, concepția grafică și designul, lucrând în colaborare cu membrii echipelor de proiect pentru obținerea de sugestii, îmbunătățiri (text, materiale cartografice si fotografii).
În materiale, în funcție de cerințele achizitorului la momentul livrării conținutului, vor exista și inserții cu desene și/sau schițe realizate de către designeri în tehnica digitală.

După obținerea bunului de tipar din partea achizitorului, vor fi tipărite cele două publicații, după cum urmează (caracteristici minime) :
REȚETAR - Nr pagini: minim 40 PAGINI
- Format A4 portret sau landscape,
- tipar color (4+4), interior minim 36 pagini + 4 pagini coperta,
- minim 115 gr. interior,
- minim 250 gr. coperta, termolipită,
Minim 1500 bucăti

GHID - tip flyer
- tipar color (4+4)
- hartie minim 130 gr. Minim 1000 bucati
Pachet de fotografii Retetar Culinar - Realizarea de fotografii ce sa acopere subiectul Retetarului Culinar
- Fotografiile vor avea ca subiect atat procesul de productie al retetelor cat si produsul finit
1 set 200-300 fotografii predate în format RAW dar și editate conform unei palete coloristice specifice identității vizuale a proiectului Minim 200 buc
Pachet de Ilustrații Realizarea de desene/ilustrații în tehnică tradițională sau digital în concordanță cu tema rețetarului culinar și ghidului. Minim 24 de ilustrații
Traducere Retetar Culinar
Traducerea in limba maghiara si engleza a retetarului -
Tiparirea Retetarului conform caracteristicilor tehnice
- Tiparirea retetarului culinar versiunea romana – 1000 de buc.
- Tiparirea retetarului culinar versiunea engleza – 250 de buc.
- Tiparirea retetarului culinar versiunea maghiara – 250 de buc. Total minim 1500 bucati
Creare conținut text de calitate si relevant ce sa sustina intreg demersul proiectului In crearea textelor Retetarului Culinar se va tine cont de urmatoarele aspecte:
- Contextul geografic de unde a fost culeasa reteta culinara
- Aspectul antropologic si etnografic
- Detalii istorice, culturale, etc.
- Aspecte tehnice culinare (materii prime, tehnica prepararii, sugestii de servire) -
Macheta grafica Retetar Culinar - Abordare grafica contemporana
- Inserturi cu elemente grafice/ilustratii si desene ce sa ajute in discursul vizual al proiectului -

12/05/202252 404,05 fără TVA,,,
783NA11/05/2022Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Romania, 440114 Satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9,, 0755993311

Quote request for GASTROENTEROLOGY medical services provided within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.
The project aims to perform a predominant screening for cardiovascular and oncological disease (breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin and colon cancer) with a mobile team of 20 family doctors.
For the proposed activities it is necessary to assure some gastroenterological medical services for the diagnosis of the screened persons, at which appear signs/symptoms that may be affected by the potential malignancy of the digestive system. The requested gastroenterological services are in accordance with the technical specifications published in this announcement.
Gastroenterological services are:
- Gastroenterological consultation - initially
- Control consultation
- General abdominal ultrasound
- Upper digestive endoscopy
- Lower digestive endoscopy
Term of services is 6 months.
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website Achiziționarea unor servicii medicale de specialitate GASTROENTEROLOGIE – Centrul Fericitul Scheffler János ( and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl7QVDXBCE7fI6J0omg?e=fDigQp
The estimated value of the acquisition is 131.000,00 lei. These services are exempt from VAT
Deadline: 24.05.2022, 14.00 p.m.
Koncz Andrea, mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

24/05/2022131.000,00 RON without VAT!Agumv-rdq5YGl7QVDXBCE7fI6J0omg?e=fDigQp or Achiziționarea unor servicii medicale de specialitate GASTROENTEROLOGIE – Centrul Fericitul Scheffler János ( 
784180/18.05.202218/05/2022Development Agency of Bihor County - [RO] ADDJBHROHU-421Development Agency of Bihor County, Oradea, Lapusului street, no. 6, Bihor county, Romania, tel. +40 728 094 166; E-mail:

Event organization services, including the development of promotional materials, within the project: "Improve employment in Bihor County, Oradea and Hajduboszormeny through the development of local potential infrastructures" project code ROHU - 421.

The purpose of the Development Agency of Bihor County - [RO] ADDJBH is to organize the following events:
- 5 local employment initiatives - road shows (for which an estimated 100 participants / event = 500 participants) and
- 2 thematic training events (for which an estimated 50 participants / event = 100 participants).

Thus, the Development Agency of Bihor County - [RO] ADDJBH estimates a number of 600 participants in these events.

Also, within this contract, a Package of promotional materials will be made, which contains: flyers, umbrellas, information plates for “food truck” type vehicles, which will be made available to the provider for carrying out activity no. 3 - Road shows and A5 brochures, pens, notes, event bags, roll-ups for thematic training events / workshops. All promotional materials made must include the elements of visual identity according to the provisions of the Visual Identity Manual Romania-Hungary Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020, INTERREG VA.

Services with the following objective:
Activity 1. - Thematic training events / workshops
Activity 2. - Promotional Materials
Activity 3. - Road shows

25/05/202276573,89 RON fara TVA 
7856119/05/2022Fundatia pentru Cultură si Educație Ecologistă Ecotop

Achiziţia de servicii de eliminare plante invazive invazive și adventive de pe suprafața pajiștilor naturale pe teritoriul sitului de interes comunitar Betfia

Activitatea de eliminare vizează habitatele de interes comunitar 6240* Pajiști stepice subpanonice și 6210 Pajiști xerofile seminaturale și facies cu tufărișuri pe substrate calcaroase, precum și habitate non-Natura 2000, pe o suprafață totală fizică de 9,49 ha. Speciile țintă sunt:
- Calamagrostis epigeios (trestioară, trestie de câmp), care trebuie eliminată prin două activități succesive de cosire /tăiere manuală (coasă tradițională sau motocoasă sau mijloace mecanice ușoare) în perioada mai-iunie 2022, august-septembrie 2022 și, respectiv, în mai-iunie 2023, pe următoarele suprafețe: zona 1 - 2,15 ha, zona 2 – 1,22 ha, zona 3 – 2,31 ha; total suprafață de lucru vizând specia Calamagrostis epigeios / trestioară = 17,08 ha;
- Sambucus ebulus (boz)¸ care trebuie eliminată prin două activități de cosire / tăiere manuală (coasă tradițională sau motocoasă cu disc sau mijloace mecanice ușoare), câte o activitate în perioada mai-septembrie 2022 și mai-august 2023, pe următoarele suprafețe: zona 4 – 2,25 ha, zona 5 – 0,68 ha; total suprafață de lucru vizând specia Sambucus ebulus / boz = 5,86 ha;
- Ambrosia artemisiifolia (ambrozie, iarba pârloagelor), care se va elimina prin smulgerea manuală a plantelor înainte de perioada lor de înflorire în două activități succesive în perioada iunie-august 2022, iunie-august 2023, pe o suprafață din zona 6 de 0,88 ha; Suprafață de lucru totală pentru specia Ambrozia artemisiifolia / ambrozie = 1,76 ha.
- speciile de arbuști (Crataegus monogyna – păducel, Prunus spinosa – porumbar, Cornus mas – corn), doar acolo unde acestea tind să schimbe compoziția de specii a fitocenozelor de pajiști; Se vor elimina, la o singură intervenție, prin tăiere manuală sau cu mijloace mecanice ușoare numai exemplarele indicate de beneficiarcare tind să formeze pâlcuri pe suprafața pajiștilor;
Suprafața totală de lucru efectiv, pentru cele trei specii țintă: 24,69 ha.
Prestatorul trebuie să furnizeze eșalonat serviciile de eliminare a plantelor invazive prin metode de intervenție adecvate statutului de protecție a habitatului, în perioadele indicate mai sus, până la data de 30.08.2023. Suprafețele exacte și coordonatele terenului pentru zonele 1-6 unde se va interveni vor fi puse la dispoziția prestatorului la semnarea contractului.

27/05/202233208 lei + TVAwww.ecotoporadea.ro,,
786160 / 12.04.202226/05/2022Chamber of Commerce and Industry Satu Mare ROHU370 Alin Bucurestean +40720534997

Vocational training services

Vocational training services for 6 groups of 14 participants, a total of 84 students, within the ROHU370 ENCOCH project "Intensifying cooperation between chambers of commerce and crafts in order to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties".
Students will be insured by the beneficiary.
The courses will be obligatorily authorized by the National Certification Authority, at the latest until the date of the first day of the course.
The main topics of the courses:
1. Project manager
2. Responsible for GDPR
3. Human resources inspector
4. Expert accessing European structural and cohesion funds
5. Computer skills
6. Entrepreneurial competence
- Each course will have a minimum duration of 40 / maximum 180 hours, the estimated period being from the signing of the contract between the parties to the contract, estimated May 2022. The courses must be completed including the distribution of diplomas to students who passed the exam, until 01.11 .2022.
- It will ensure the training of 84 students organized in 6 groups of 14 participants in the courses listed above.
- The total cumulative number of class hours is at least 480 hours for all 6 groups, representing 6 different courses.
- The location will be Satu Mare, Satu Mare County. The spaces will be identified by the bidder; the location will be located in a central or semi-central area, which will have access to public transport to be accessible to students.

15/06/2022207,530.4 lei without VAT,,
787160 / 12.04.202226/05/2022Chamber of Commerce and Industry Satu Mare ROHU370Alin Bucurestean 0720534997

Vocational training services
Vocational training services for 6 groups of 14 participants, a total of 84 students, within the ROHU370 ENCOCH project "Intensifying cooperation between chambers of commerce and crafts in order to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties".

Students will be insured by the beneficiary.

The courses will be obligatorily authorized by the National Certification Authority, at the latest until the date of the first day of the course.

The main topics of the courses:

Project manager
Responsible for GDPR
HR inspector
Expert in accessing European structural and cohesion funds
Computer skills
Entrepreneurial skills

15/06/2022207,530.4 lei without VAT,,
78875/30.05.202230/05/2022Parohia Ortodoxa Română Iosia-Nord, OradeaROHU

Servicii de formare profesională: Curs BUCĂTAR, Cod CPV 80530000-8, în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398 - ForTour BHHB - 20 persoane
Organizarea şi desfășurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării/calificării de BUCĂTAR, Cod cor aferent.
În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiți 20 participanți selectați în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.
Oferirea de servicii de formare se va realiza pentru o grupă, respectiv o sesiune de formare pentru Programul de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de BUCĂTAR, organizat într-o locație de desfășurare situată în Oradea pentru cursuri pe durata a 7 luni.

Prestatorul va organiza sesiunea de formare în conformitate cu tematica (curicula) aferentă acestui tip de program. Prestatorul va elabora tematica (curricula) specifică şi suportul de curs integral, cu respectarea cerințelor minimale din prezentul caiet de sarcini. Prestatorul are obligația punerii la dispoziția cursanților a suportului de curs în format electronic, pe suport electronic (CD/DVD/Memory stick) și printat. După finalizarea programului de instruire se realizează testarea participanților, derularea procedurilor necesare pentru testarea și certificarea ANC a acestora, înmânarea certificatelor conform reglementărilor legale în vigoare.

07/06/202224739,5 cu TVA inclus 
789134408/06/2022Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-380Dragu Marian, Arad, str. Suceava 18, tel / fax 0257 210192,

Procurement of minibus, according to the specification
external length: between 5000 and 5500 mm
number of seats 8+1
cylinder between 1900 and 2200 cm3
Nominal minimum power: 105kw
number of minimum gearbox ratios: 6 speeds
chain distribution
minimum pollution standard euro6
combined consumption between 5,7 and 6,3
CO2 emissions (g/km) between 150 and 170
Rain and light sensor
Body protection kit under the car
Uncoupled seatbelt alert for all seats
ABS system
Central locking
Wheels minimum 16"
Driver airbag + front passengers
Tyre pressure monitoring system
ESP system
Engine Protection Shield
LED headlights
Fog lights
Electric and de-icing rear-view mirrors
Electric front windows
On-board computer
Height and depth adjustable steering wheel
Air conditioning for front seats, with manual adjustment
Sliding right side door with fixed glass
Rear parking assistance system
Complete set of mats
Towing hitch
Collars with a personalized design on an area of at least 2400 cm2

21/06/2022135962,75 RON without TVA 
790NA16/06/2022Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for medical equipment
In order to attain the goals proposed by the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450, it is necessary to purchase some medical equipment to achieve the screening goals proposed in the project.
In this respect, we are waiting for offers for the following equipment:
Lot 1. Ultrasounds
Ultrasound for gastrointestinal use / Color Doppler ultrasound – 1 pcs.
Ultrasound for complete diagnosis of breast pathology / Portable ultrasound – 1 pcs.

Lot 2. Medical equipment
Electrosurgery platform for the digestive endoscopy unit – 1 pcs.
Sterilizing equipment – 1 pcs.
UV lamp, bactericidal 360 degrees, with mounting on a mobile stand – 2 pcs.
Disinfectant, wall dispenser – 5 pcs.

Lot 3. Ergometer bike for exercise testing
Ergometer bike for exercise testing (Ergocyclometer) - 1 pcs

Lot 4. Transesophageal transducer
Volumetric matrix transesophageal transducer compatible with Philips Affiniti 50 ultrasound scanner – 1 pcs.
Delivery period: 45 days.
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website Achiziționarea unor echipamente medicale – Centrul Fericitul Scheffler János ( and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl7VzdRBTOg5W5tGCCw?e=3wOV7q
The total estimated value of the acquisition is 96.925,66,00 Euro without VAT.
The estimated values per Lot:
Lot 1 – 66.960,00 Euro + VAT
Lot 2 – 10.375,66 Euro + VAT
Lot 3 – 3.690,00 Euro + VAT
Lot 4 – 15.900,00 Euro + VAT
Deadline for offers: 28.06.2022, 14.00 p.m.
The address to which the offers will be submitted: 440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

28/06/202296.925,66,00 Euro without VAT!Agumv-rdq5YGl7VzdRBTOg5W5tGCCw?e=3wOV7q or 
79194/15.06.202217/06/2022Parohia Ortodoxa Română Iosia-Nord, OradeaROHU

Execuție de lucrări pentru realizarea investiției la obiectivul “Centrul suport de formare şi specializare pentru patrimoniu şi turism “Ars Ecumenica” - Ioşia, Oradea, jud. Bihor”, COD CPV 45453000-7 Lucrări de reparații generale și de renovare, în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398, acronim: ForTour BHHB ”Creating and developing a crossborder polycentric network for training and support to increase the quality of tourist and handcraft cross-border services in the counties of Bihor and Hajdu Bihar”, ”Crearea și dezvoltarea unei rețele policentrice transfrontaliere pentru formare și sprijin în creșterea calității serviciilor transfrontaliere turistice și de artizanat în județele Bihor și Hajdu Bihar”.

Necesarul estimat de executat este:
- șapa 5-7 cm pe o suprafață de 50 mp.
- placare marmură pardoseală pe o suprafață de 140 mp.
- placare marmură verde pe soclu în suprafață de 16 mp.
2.a) Materialele principale folosite sunt:
- piatră naturală, marmură conform cu modelul și calitatea celor existente deja;
- adeziv de marmură;
- beton pentru șapă.
Execuția lucrărilor:
- Turnarea șapei se execută după pregătirea corespunzătoare a locului;
- Lucrările de placare a pardoselii se execută după turnarea șapei, unde este cazul;
- Aplicarea plăcilor de marmură se face numai pe suprafeţe uscate, pregătite dinainte;
- Rostuirea se va face la un interval de 6-8 ore de la începerea aplicării placajului şi se va executa cu chit de rost cu burete şi cu şpaclu de plastic. După o oră de la rostuire se şterge suprafaţa placajului cu cârpă umezită cu apă.

27/06/202277.198,71 lei cu TVA 
792ROHU/A5701/07/2022Centru pentru Arii Protejate și Dezvoltare Durabilă Bihor ROHU-126IACABAȘ PAUL, telefon/fax: 0359 410 556, e-mail:

Elaborarea și livrarea de Pașapoarte în Natură, kituri educaționale, seturi promoționale, broșuri și pliante

12/07/2022133.573,61 LEI fără TVA
793120/06/2022Körösszegapáti Román Ortodox ParókiaROHU-398Mureșanu Sorin-Dumitru lelkész, 4135 Körösszegapáti, Kossuth u. 31., +40 745271705

„Apáti ízek” Online rendezvény a helyi gasztronómiai termékek népszerűsítésére és „Vidéki Határon Átnyúló Állásbörze” rendezvények lebonyolítása az ajánlatkérő által megvalósítandó ROHU398 azonosító számú (acronym: ForTour BHHB), „Creating and developing a crossborder polycentric network for training and support to increase the quality of tourist and handcraft cross-border services in the counties of Bihor and Hajdu-Bihar” című projekt keretében.

1. „Apáti ízek” Online rendezvény a helyi gasztronómiai termékek népszerűsítésére

o egy online esemény, ahol a helyi gasztronómiát ismertetik. A szakács hagyományos recept alapján birkapaprikást fog főzni, ezt leforgatják és online közvetítik. Az online esemény után egy promóciós videó készül, amelyet online reklámoznak „Apáti ízek” címmel, amely a projektet és Körösszegapátit népszerűsíti. Az eseményt a legalább 300 ember követi majd online. Időpont: 2022 július 1.


2. „Vidéki Határon Átnyúló Állásbörze” rendezvény lebonyolítása

o A projekt keretén belül egyetlen kiadásban fog megjelenni, amely a határmenti munkaadóknak és a munkát keresőknek szól, összesen legalább 300 résztvevővel. 200 liter babgulyás, 300 db 0,5l víz, illetve a rendezvényre legalább összesen 10 magyarországi és romániai határmenti munkaadó cég biztosítása Körösszegapáti, Tó utca 2 szám alatt épített képzőközpontban. Időpont: 2022 július 12.

23/06/20221764810 HUF  
794ROHU/A6004/07/2022Centru pentru Arii Protejate și Dezvoltare Durabilă Bihor ROHU-126IACABAȘ PAUL, telefon/fax: 0359 410 556, e-mail:

Servicii de organizare tabără junior-ranger

15/07/202232.707,77 lei fără TVA
795ROHU/A7903/08/2022Centru pentru Arii Protejate și Dezvoltare Durabilă Bihor ROHU-126IACABAȘ PAUL, telefon/fax: 0359 410 556, e-mail:

Servicii realizare Plan de interpretare a naturii, zona Defileul Crișului Repede, situl Natura 2000 Defileul Crișului Repede-Pădurea Craiului

15/08/202239.473,60 lei fără TVA
79648/11.08.202211/08/2022Parohia Reformată Episcopia-BihorROHU 398Szigeti Ferenț ,

Specificații tehnice:
• 1 ediție a evenimentului ” Târg de Promovare a activităților de amenajare peisagistică”,în perioada septembrie-octombrie 2022, 1 zi.
a. Locație:
- Oradea, strada Dealului, nr 20, Parohia Reformata Episcopia Bihor
- Să beneficieze de o suprafață delimitată de minim 2000 metri pătrați
- Să aibă acces facil la curent electric.
- Să aibă acces facil la apă curentă
- Să dispună de toalete în imediata proximitate
- Să dispună de sistem de colectare a deșeurilor
- Să fie dotate cu casute de prezentare sau stand-uri, unitare, cu însemnele evenimentului și finanțatorului și marcate cu datele ocupantului de stand, de minim 2/1 m
- Vor fi asigurate toate măsurile necesare pentru prevenirea răspândirii Covid-19, în conformitate cu legislația aplicabilă în domeniu la momentul organizării evenimentului
- Numarul total estimat este de minim 300 persoane, fizic sau online ( vizualizarii transmisiune live)
b. Durata evenimentului
- 1 ediție, o zi, în lunile septembrie-octombrie 2022, data va si stabilită de comun acord cu beneficiarul
- Programul evenimentului de la orele 12:00 la orele 18:00
c. Expozanții:
- Firme sau persoane care se ocupa cu echipamente si tehnici de ecologizare si intreținerea spațiilor verzi din judetul Bihor – minim 4 – maxim 8
- Participarea expozanților la eveniment trebuie să fie gratuită.

d. Promovare și materiale promoționale

Campaniile de mediatizare a evenimentului trebuie să aibă o durată minimă de 1 săptămâna si se vor desfasura online, după cum urmează:
- Platforme social media: canale proprii Facebook, Instagram, Youtube.
- Transmiterea pe canelele proprii a evenimentului in timp real pentru a ajunge la cat mai multe persoane. (canale proprii Facebook, Instagram, YouTube)
- film de prezentare post-eveniment de maxim 3 minute, de postat pe canalele proprii de social media
- 100 pixuri din metal, mină de culoare albastră, culoare: albastru, neagru sau galben. Personalizare prin gravare.
- 100 sacose pentru cumparaturi confectionate din bumbac 100%, cu toarta scurta de 350mm cu o greutate de 95g/mp. Dimensiunea 370x410, culoare crem, natur sau galbena.
- 100 notes personalizat – minim 30 de file, coperta minim 300 g, cu arc metalic. Format A5
- 1 banner dimensiuni 3 m x1m – print full color, Material mesh minim 130g/m2, capse pe toate laturile.
Designul banner-ului va fi executat de prestator și avizat de beneficiar. Textul banner-ului va fi pus la dispoziția prestatorului de catre beneficiar.
- 2 Afise A3 - full color.
- Se va asigura un bufet rece pentru participanti, bufet rece – 10 persoane
- 1 Coffe Brake – 10 persoane ( Apa plata/minerala, cafea, ceai)
Materialele realizate în cadrul evenimentului vor purta însemnele Programului Interreg V-A România – Ungaria 2014-2020.

e. ofertantul se va ocupa și de:
- contactul cu expozanți
- închiriere spațiu desfășurare eveniment, contracte de utilități (apă, canal, electricitate)
- producția, difuzarea și monitorizarea campaniei media pentru eveniment
- tipărirea biletelor de participare cu valoare 0 (zero) lei

f. raportarea de eveniment în vederea efectuării plății vă trebui să conțină:
- 1 raport narativ care să conțină: numărul de materiale de promovare a evenimentului, datele aparițiilor în media online și
printscreen-uri după aceste apariții sau copii după materialele tipărite, fotografii cu materialele tipărite (bannere, pixuri, bloc-notes) și locul de amplasament, fotografii de la amenajarea locației (minim 10), fotografii din timpul evenimentului (minim 100), filmări din timpul evenimentului (montaj de maxim 3 minute), raportul privind numărul de participanți la eveniment (se va dovedi cu bilete cu valoare zero) sau cu vizualizarile online a transmisiuni live pe pagina de Facebook a beneficiarului.

- Acestea vor fi predate beneficiarului atât în format fizic tipărit, cât și în format electronic pe un stick USB sau CD

22/08/202220731.92 RON fără TVA 
7974_2022_KMA17/08/2022Körös-Maros Vidékfejlesztési és Ökogazdálkodási AlapítványROHU-380Ráki-Soós Szilvia, 5711 Gyula, Külterület 4.,, +36 30 213 7223

Felnőttképzési szolgáltatás megrendelése: ECDL Base (4 modul) képzés 10-18 fő részére

24/08/20222.500.000 Ft 
798NA24/08/2022Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, Tel: 0755993311,, 440114 satu Mare, str. Stefan cel Mare nr. 9

Quote request for medical services provided by one General Practitioner(GP) within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.
The Association organize cardiovascular, mammographic, dermatologic, prostate and gastroenterologic screening, with a mobile team, in different settlements of Satu Mare county, cities and rural settlements as well with the involvement and on the premises of local GP.
The project proposes the examination of 2,000 people from the population of Satu Mare county with the involvement of 20 GP, thus giving for each contracted General Practitioners 100 eligible people. To date, 19 contracts have been signed with family doctors from Satu Mare County.

In this respect, we are waiting for offers for medical services from General Practitioners in Satu Mare County. We intend to signee a contract with a General Practitioners, who will be involved in the project screening activity.

Term of services is 8 months.

The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link!Agumv-rdq5YGl8IAYFc7yBp-D4nE9Q?e=jOolWK

The estimated value of the acquisition is 14.600 RON, representing 146 RON / person participating in the screening.

Deadline: 07.09.2022, 14.00 p.m.

Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

07/09/202214600,00 RON without VAT!Agumv-rdq5YGl8IAYFc7yBp-D4nE9Q?e=jOolWK or 
7991224/08/2022Izbuc MonasteryROHU-398Manastirea Izbuc, loc. Calugari, com Cărpinet,, 0744937769

Purchase of services for the organization of the course Worker in the agritourism household.

02/09/202217543,00 lei cu TVA 
8001777/09.09.202209/09/2022Episcopia Romano-Catolica OradeaROHU-398Ciorba Alexandru, Oradea, str. Sirul Canonicilor, nr. 2, CP. 410161,, 004-0771-125-909

Within the project "Creating and developing a crossborder polycentric network for training and support to increase the quality of tourist and handcraft cross-border services in the counties of bihor and hajdu bihar" (project code ROHU 398, acronym: ForTour BHHB) Roman Catholic Diocese Oradea announces the acquisition for the contracting of professional training services INSTRUMENTIST MUSICIAN, Code CPV 80530000-8, code COR 265230.

26/09/202262.664,34 RON VAT included,,,,
8011314/09/2022Parohia Ortodoxă Română Oradea Ioșia NordROHU-398Bicăzan Felix Vasile, str. Al. Cazaban 37a, loc. Oradea,, tel. 0757049990

Purchase of services for the organization of the course Patiser.

26/09/202257.770.45 lei cu TVA,,,,
8021314/09/2022Parohia Ortodoxă Română Oradea Ioșia NordROHU-398Bicăzan Felix Vasile, str. Al. Cazaban 37a, loc. Oradea,, tel. 0757049990

Purchase of service for the organization of the course PATISER.

26/09/202257.770.45 lei cu TVA,,,,
8031414/09/2022Parohia Ortodoxă Română Oradea Ioșia NordROHU-398Bicăzan Felix Vasile, str. Al. Cazaban 37a, loc. Oradea,, tel. 0757049990

Purchase of services for the organization of the course Confecționer – asamblor articole din textile, cod COR 821908, .

26/09/202240.871.88 lei cu TVA,,,,
8041414/09/2022Parohia Ortodoxă Română Oradea Ioșia NordROHU-398Bicăzan Felix Vasile, str. Al. Cazaban 37a, loc. Oradea,, tel. 0757049990

Purchase of services for the organization of the course Confecționer – asamblor articole din textile, cod COR 821908, .

26/09/202240.871.88 lei cu TVA,,,,
805150/14.09.202214/09/2022Parohia Ortodoxa Română Iosia-Nord, OradeaROHU

- Servicii de formare profesională: Curs PATISER, cod COR 751203, Cod CPV 80530000-8, pentru 30 de persoane,
- Organizarea şi desfășurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de PATISER, cod COR 751203, Cod CPV 80530000-8
În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiți 30 participanți selectați în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.
Oferirea de servicii de formare se va realiza pentru o grupă, respectiv o sesiune de formare pentru Programul de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de PATISER, cod COR 751203,, organizat într-o locație de desfășurare situată în Oradea pentru cursuri pe durata a 5 luni.

Prestatorul va organiza sesiunea de formare în conformitate cu tematica (curicula) aferentă acestui tip de program. Prestatorul va elabora tematica (curricula) specifică şi suportul de curs integral, cu respectarea cerințelor minimale din prezentul caiet de sarcini. Prestatorul are obligația punerii la dispoziția cursanților a suportului de curs în format electronic, pe suport electronic (CD/DVD/Memory stick) și printat. După finalizarea programului de instruire se realizează testarea participanților, derularea procedurilor necesare pentru testarea și certificarea ANC a acestora, înmânarea certificatelor conform reglementărilor legale în vigoare.

26/09/202257770,45 cu tva insclus 
806151/14.09.202214/09/2022Parohia Ortodoxa Română Iosia-Nord, OradeaROHU

Organizarea şi desfășurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de Confecționer – asamblor articole din textile, cod COR 821908, Cod CPV 80530000-8,
În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiți 30 participanți selectați în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.
Oferirea de servicii de formare se va realiza pentru o grupă, respectiv o sesiune de formare pentru Programul de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de Confecționer – asamblor articole din textile, cod COR 821908, organizat într-o locație de desfășurare situată în Oradea pentru cursuri pe durata a 5 luni.

Prestatorul va organiza sesiunea de formare în conformitate cu tematica (curicula) aferentă acestui tip de program. Prestatorul va elabora tematica (curricula) specifică şi suportul de curs integral, cu respectarea cerințelor minimale din prezentul caiet de sarcini. Prestatorul are obligația punerii la dispoziția cursanților a suportului de curs în format electronic, pe suport electronic (CD/DVD/Memory stick) și printat. După finalizarea programului de instruire se realizează testarea participanților, derularea procedurilor necesare pentru testarea și certificarea ANC a acestora, înmânarea certificatelor conform reglementărilor legale în vigoare.

26/09/202240.871.88 lei cu TVA inclus 

Obiectivul contractului ce urmează a fi atribuit constă în achizitia Servicii organizare evenimente - organizare ture cicloturism pentru promovare obiective turistice si introducerea lor in circuitele turistice

Durata serviciilor este de maxim 3 luni de la data semnarii contractului de achiziție publică de catre ambele parti, respectiv cele 4 ediții ale turului de cicloturism pentru promovarea obiectivelor și produselor turistice locale și introducerea lor în circuite, practică de teren pentru formarea ghizilor locali și naționali se vor desfășura în perioada Septembrie 2022 - Noiembrie 2022.

Furnizorul de servicii va trebui să implice un număr de cel puțin 6 ghizi certificați Agent de Turism - Ghid (cod COR 511331 sau echivalent) pentru fiecare tur. Participanții vor fi conduși și îndrumați de personal experimentat cu privire la obiectivele naturale și antropice care le vor fi prezentate. De asemenea, Prestatorul va asigura apă și gustări pentru participanții la eveniment, care vor fi in numar de aproximativ 100 de persoane la fiecare tur in parte.

Prestatorul, dupa semnarea contractului de servicii de catre ambele parti, va trebui sa propună 4 trasee în circuit după cum urmează:
- 2 trasee în zona metropolitană;
- 2 trasee în zona rurală.

Traseele vor trebui să cuprindă minim 2 obiective: 1 natural și unul antropic, care să poată fi vizitate, si puncte de popas, al caror număr va fi stabilit în funcție de dificultatea traseelor.

De asemenea va fi elaborat un program detaliat pentru fiecare ediție. Acesta va trebui să cuprindă ora de începere, locul de întâlnire, o hartă a traseelor, descrierea traseelor, lungimea, dificultatea, obiectivele ce urmează să fie vizitate, orele și locurile prevăzute de popas , ora și locul ( în cazul în care nu e traseu în circuit) de finalizare a ediției.

Data fiecărui eveniment va fi făcută publica cu cel puțin 2 săptămâni înainte de fiecare tură. Pentru fiecare tură organizatorul va realiza un formular de înscriere online. Data poate fi modificată în funcție de condițiile meteo sau alte eveimente neprevăzute și care nu depind de organizator.

Prestatorul trebuie să asigure toate elementele adiministrative necesare:
- Prestatorul va asigura apă și gustări pentru participanții la eveniment, care vor fi in numar de aproximativ 100 de persoane la fiecare tur in parte (total 400 de persoane);
- Realizare raport foto cu ocazia realizării fiecarui tur, astfel: Minim 12 poze de la fiecare ediție. Fotografiile vor conține imagini de pe trasee, de la obiectivele vizitate, de la popasurile unde va fi servită apa și gustarea;
- Listă cu semnăturile participanților de la fiecare ediție;
- Baza de date în format editabil care va conține datele din formularul de înscriere online a participanților de la fiecare ediție;
- Realizare raport final;
- Prestatorul este responsabil de obținerea tuturor avizelor necesare pentru organizarea fiecarui eveniment, in functie de zona traseului propus.

27/09/202216.355,27 lei fara TVA 
808466/04.10.202205/10/2022AMD BihorRo-Hu

Obiectivul contractului ce urmează a fi atribuit constă în achizitia Servicii organizare evenimente - organizare ture cicloturism pentru promovare obiective turistice si introducerea lor in circuitele turistice

Durata serviciilor este de maxim 3 luni de la data semnarii contractului de achiziție publică de catre ambele parti, respectiv cele 4 ediții ale turului de cicloturism pentru promovarea obiectivelor și produselor turistice locale și introducerea lor în circuite, practică de teren pentru formarea ghizilor locali și naționali se vor desfășura în perioada Septembrie 2022 - Noiembrie 2022.

Furnizorul de servicii va trebui să implice un număr de cel puțin 6 ghizi certificați Agent de Turism - Ghid (cod COR 511331 sau echivalent) pentru fiecare tur. Participanții vor fi conduși și îndrumați de personal experimentat cu privire la obiectivele naturale și antropice care le vor fi prezentate. De asemenea, Prestatorul va asigura apă și gustări pentru participanții la eveniment, care vor fi in numar de aproximativ 100 de persoane la fiecare tur in parte.

Prestatorul, dupa semnarea contractului de servicii de catre ambele parti, va trebui sa propună 4 trasee în circuit după cum urmează:
- 2 trasee în zona metropolitană;
- 2 trasee în zona rurală.

Traseele vor trebui să cuprindă minim 2 obiective: 1 natural și unul antropic, care să poată fi vizitate, si puncte de popas, al caror număr va fi stabilit în funcție de dificultatea traseelor.

De asemenea va fi elaborat un program detaliat pentru fiecare ediție. Acesta va trebui să cuprindă ora de începere, locul de întâlnire, o hartă a traseelor, descrierea traseelor, lungimea, dificultatea, obiectivele ce urmează să fie vizitate, orele și locurile prevăzute de popas , ora și locul ( în cazul în care nu e traseu în circuit) de finalizare a ediției.

Data fiecărui eveniment va fi făcută publica cu cel puțin 2 săptămâni înainte de fiecare tură. Pentru fiecare tură organizatorul va realiza un formular de înscriere online. Data poate fi modificată în funcție de condițiile meteo sau alte eveimente neprevăzute și care nu depind de organizator.

Prestatorul trebuie să asigure toate elementele adiministrative necesare:
- Prestatorul va asigura apă și gustări pentru participanții la eveniment, care vor fi in numar de aproximativ 100 de persoane la fiecare tur in parte (total 400 de persoane);
- Realizare raport foto cu ocazia realizării fiecarui tur, astfel: Minim 12 poze de la fiecare ediție. Fotografiile vor conține imagini de pe trasee, de la obiectivele vizitate, de la popasurile unde va fi servită apa și gustarea;
- Listă cu semnăturile participanților de la fiecare ediție;
- Baza de date în format editabil care va conține datele din formularul de înscriere online a participanților de la fiecare ediție;
- Realizare raport final;
- Prestatorul este responsabil de obținerea tuturor avizelor necesare pentru organizarea fiecarui eveniment, in functie de zona traseului propus.

12/10/202216.355,27 lei fara TVA 

Servicii organizare evenimente - organizare ture cicloturism pentru promovare obiective turistice si introducerea lor in circuitele turistice în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398 -

Durata serviciilor este de maxim4 luni de la data semnarii contractului de achiziție publică de catre ambele parti, respectiv cele 4 ediții ale turului de cicloturism pentru promovarea obiectivelor și produselor turistice locale și introducerea lor în circuite, practică de teren pentru formarea ghizilor locali și naționali se vor desfășura în perioada Noiembrie 2022 - Februarie 2023.

În cadrul acestui contract, vor fi organizate 4 ediții ale turului de cicloturism pentru promovarea obiectivelor și produselor turistice locale și introducerea lor în circuite, practică de teren pentru formarea ghizilor locali și naționali. Aceaste ediții se vor desfășura în perioada Noiembrie 2022 - Februarie 2023. Acest eveniment se dorește a fi un eveniment școală utilizat atât de publicul larg, cât și de ghizii locali și naționali.

Furnizorul de servicii va trebui să implice un număr de cel puțin 6 ghizi certificați Agent de Turism - Ghid (cod COR 511331 sau echivalent) pentru fiecare tur. Participanții vor fi conduși și îndrumați de personal experimentat cu privire la obiectivele naturale și antropice care le vor fi prezentate. De asemenea, Prestatorul va asigura apă și gustări pentru participanții la eveniment, care vor fi in numar de aproximativ 100 de persoane la fiecare tur in parte.

Prestatorul, dupa semnarea contractului de servicii de catre ambele parti, va trebui sa propună 4 trasee în circuit după cum urmează:
- 2 trasee în zona metropolitană;
- 2 trasee în zona rurală.

Traseele vor trebui să cuprindă minim 2 obiective: 1 natural și unul antropic, care să poată fi vizitate, si puncte de popas, al caror număr va fi stabilit în funcție de dificultatea traseelor.

04/11/202216.355,27 lei fara TVA 

Servicii organizare evenimente - organizare ture cicloturism pentru promovare obiective turistice si introducerea lor in circuitele turistice în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398 -

Durata serviciilor este de maxim4 luni de la data semnarii contractului de achiziție publică de catre ambele parti, respectiv cele 4 ediții ale turului de cicloturism pentru promovarea obiectivelor și produselor turistice locale și introducerea lor în circuite, practică de teren pentru formarea ghizilor locali și naționali se vor desfășura în perioada Noiembrie 2022 - Februarie 2023.

În cadrul acestui contract, vor fi organizate 4 ediții ale turului de cicloturism pentru promovarea obiectivelor și produselor turistice locale și introducerea lor în circuite, practică de teren pentru formarea ghizilor locali și naționali. Aceaste ediții se vor desfășura în perioada Noiembrie 2022 - Februarie 2023. Acest eveniment se dorește a fi un eveniment școală utilizat atât de publicul larg, cât și de ghizii locali și naționali.

Furnizorul de servicii va trebui să implice un număr de cel puțin 6 ghizi certificați Agent de Turism - Ghid (cod COR 511331 sau echivalent) pentru fiecare tur. Participanții vor fi conduși și îndrumați de personal experimentat cu privire la obiectivele naturale și antropice care le vor fi prezentate. De asemenea, Prestatorul va asigura apă și gustări pentru participanții la eveniment, care vor fi in numar de aproximativ 100 de persoane la fiecare tur in parte.

Prestatorul, dupa semnarea contractului de servicii de catre ambele parti, va trebui sa propună 4 trasee în circuit după cum urmează:
- 2 trasee în zona metropolitană;
- 2 trasee în zona rurală.

Traseele vor trebui să cuprindă minim 2 obiective: 1 natural și unul antropic, care să poată fi vizitate, si puncte de popas, al caror număr va fi stabilit în funcție de dificultatea traseelor.

04/11/202216.355,27 lei fara TVA 

Obiectivul contractului ce urmează a fi atribuit constă în achizitia ervicii organizare evenimente - organizare workshop ”Noile tehnologii si aplicabilitatea lor in marketing turistic”,

Servicii organizare evenimente - organizare workshop ”Noile tehnologii si aplicabilitatea lor in marketing turistic”, în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398 .
În cadrul acestui contract, va fi organizat un workshop cu tema ”Noile tehnologii si aplicabilitatea lor in marketing turistic” in forma mixta (atat online, cat si cu prezenta fizica) si va aduce la aceeasi masa specialisti in marketing turistic din Romania si Ungaria. Workshop-ul va discuta subiecte de actualitate in domeniu pe sectiuni, iar concluziile prezentarilor si dezbaterilor vor fi facute in plen. Acest eveniment conduce la îmbunătățirea ratei ocupării forței de muncă, a capacității de angajare și a abilităților antreprenoriale pentru participanți si va ajuta la creșterea gradului de conștientizare a necesității dezvoltării economiei locale și tradiționale, adaptată cerințelor actuale de consum, de dezvoltare regională, aceasta fiind una dintre metodele care pot asigura o diversificare atât de necesară a surselor de venit. Totodată, printre beneficiarii prezentului proiect se regăsesc și turiştii, care vor beneficia de servicii de calitate, prestate de personal format și specializat, locuitorii județului Bihor și ai ariei de intervenție a programului, prestatorii de servicii etc.

Atelierul va fi organizat pe parcursul a 2 zile, respectiv două prezentări pe zi a cate o ora fiecare, la intervale de timp diferite pentru a permite participanților să participe la toate prezentările. De asemenea, va exista cate o sesiune de întrebări de minim 5 minute/prezentare si o pauză de 2 ore între prezentări.

Prestatorul va asigura logistica evenimentului, inclusiv lectori invitati, moderatori, echipamente si tehnologie. Va propune teme de discuții care să acopere minim 4 forme de turism de genul: aventură, ecoturism, balnear, cultural, medical, city break etc. De asemenea, prestatorul va propune o platforma online de sustinere a evenimentului care sa poata sustine participarea a cel putin 100 de participanti simultan, comunicand datele de acces pe platforma si va asigura promovarea atelierului in mediul online (retele sociale, website-uri etc.).

Furnizorul de servicii va trebui să implice un număr de cel puțin 2 lectori specialisti in marketing turistic, care vor propune teme de discuții care să acopere minim 4 forme de turism de genul: aventură, ecoturism, balnear, cultural, medical, city break etc. De asemenea, va trebui sa implice si un moderator, care va gestiona din punct de vedere administrativ desfasurarea evenimentului, atat din punct de vedere logistic, cat si din punct de vedere al conversatiilor, dezbaterilor si incadrarea prezentarilor in programul stabilit.

Prestatorul trebuie să asigure toate elementele administrative necesare:
- logistica evenimentului, inclusiv lectori invitati, moderatori, echipamente si tehnologie;
- Realizare raport foto, astfel: Minim 12 poze. Fotografiile vor conține imagini atat de la atelierul desfasurat in mod fizic, cat si print-screen-uri de pe platforma online de sustinere a evenimentului, cu participantii, lectorii si moderator;
- Listă care sa faca dovada trimiterii de invitatii;
- Prezentarile continand temele dezbatute in format editabil;
- Realizare raport final.

Mai multe detalii despre cerințele de calificare în caietul de sarcini

03/11/202210.395,16 lei fara TVA 
812146227/10/2022Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-380Dragu Marian, Arad, str. Suceava 18, tel / fax 0257 210192,

Floor constructions made of tiles

300 square meters of tiles will be purchased and installed, including cement, plinth putty, etc. according to the specifications

08/11/202250458,74 RON without TVA 
813146227/10/2022Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Valorilor Naturale şi Culturale ale Banatului şi Crişanei ExcelsiorROHU-380Dragu Marian, Arad, str. Suceava 18, tel / fax 0257 210192,

Floor constructions made of tiles
300 square meters of tiles will be purchased and installed, including cement, plinth putty, etc. according to the specifications

08/11/202250458,74 RON + TVA 
81405/09.01.202309/01/2023PAROHIA REFORMATĂ EPISCOPIA-BIHORRO398Szigeti Ferenț ,

Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de ,,Confectioner – asamblor articole din textil ” Cod COR:8286.1.2
Durata 360 ore.
În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 10 participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.
Oferirea de servicii de formare se va realiza pentru 1 grupă, respectiv 1 sesiune de formare pentru Programul de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de ,,Confectioner – asamblor articole din textile” Cod COR:8286.1.2, organizate într-o locație de desfășurare situată în Oradea pentru cursuri/teorie și la orice zonă amenajată pentru practică, pe durata a maxim 5 luni.

20/01/202314556.76 RON fără TVA 
81505/09.01.202309/01/2023PAROHIA REFORMATĂ EPISCOPIA-BIHORRO398Szigeti Ferenț ,

Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de ,,Confectioner – asamblor articole din textil ” Cod COR:8286.1.2
Durata 360 ore.
În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 10 participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.
Oferirea de servicii de formare se va realiza pentru 1 grupă, respectiv 1 sesiune de formare pentru Programul de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de ,,Confectioner – asamblor articole din textile” Cod COR:8286.1.2, organizate într-o locație de desfășurare situată în Oradea pentru cursuri/teorie și la orice zonă amenajată pentru practică, pe durata a maxim 5 luni.

20/01/202314556.76 RON fără TVA 
8168/09.01.202309/01/2023PAROHIA REFORMATĂ EPISCOPIA-BIHORROHU398Szigeti Ferenț ,

Irrigation works - CPV code: 45232120-9

Irrigation works in the garden located between the main building and the tower, both buildings rehabilitated in the project.

20/01/202349762,79 RON fără TVA 
817Nr. 29 din 25.01.202325/01/2023PAROHIA REFORMATĂ EPISCOPIA-BIHORROHU398Szigeti Ferenț ,

Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de ,,Confectioner – asamblor articole din textil ” Cod COR:8286.1.2
Durata 360 ore.
În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 10 participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.
Oferirea de servicii de formare se va realiza pentru 1 grupă, respectiv 1 sesiune de formare pentru Programul de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de ,,Confectioner – asamblor articole din textile” Cod COR:8286.1.2, organizate într-o locație de desfășurare situată în Oradea pentru cursuri/teorie și la orice zonă amenajată pentru practică, pe durata a maxim 5 luni.

03/02/202317322.55 lei TVA inclus 
818Nr. 32 din 25.01.202325/01/2023PAROHIA REFORMATĂ EPISCOPIA-BIHORROHU398Szigeti Ferenț ,

Organizarea şi desfăşurarea unui Program de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de ,,Cameristă Hotel” Cod COR:516201
Durata 360 ore.
În cadrul acestui program vor fi instruiţi 10 participanţi selectaţi în urma unui anunț public și înscriși în baza de date a beneficiarului.
Oferirea de servicii de formare se va realiza pentru 1 grupă, respectiv 1 sesiune de formare pentru Programul de formare în vederea obținerii certificării/atestării de ,,Cameristă Hotel” Cod COR:516201, organizate într-o locație de desfășurare situată în Oradea pentru cursuri/teorie și la orice zonă amenajată pentru practică, pe durata a maxim 5 luni.

03/02/202315837.76 lei TVA inclus 
819Nr. 35 din 25.01.202325/01/2023PAROHIA REFORMATĂ EPISCOPIA-BIHORROHU398Szigeti Ferenț ,

Irrigation works - CPV code: 45232120-9

Irrigation works in the garden located between the main building and the tower, both buildings rehabilitated in the project.

10/02/202349762,79 RON fără TVA 
820326/01/2023Izbuc MonasteryROHU-398Izbuc Monastery, Loc. Călugări, nr. 249, Cărpinet, Bihor,

professional training service ”Hotel maid”

03/02/202317570 lei 
821326/01/2023Izbuc MonasteryROHU-398Izbuc Monastery, Loc. Călugări, nr. 249, Cărpinet, Bihor,

professional training service ”Hotel maid”

03/02/202317570 lei 
822631/15.02.202315/02/2023AMD BihorRo-Hu

Obiectivul autorității contractante este de a achizitiona Servicii organizare evenimente - organizare ture cicloturism pentru promovare obiective turistice si introducerea lor in circuitele turistice în cadrul proiectului ROHU 398, avand specificatiile tehnice minime conform descrierii de mai jos.

În cadrul acestui contract, vor fi organizate 4 ediții ale turului de cicloturism pentru promovarea obiectivelor și produselor turistice locale și introducerea lor în circuite, practică de teren pentru formarea ghizilor locali și naționali. Aceaste ediții se vor desfășura în perioada Martie 2023 - Mai 2023. Acest eveniment se dorește a fi un eveniment școală utilizat atât de publicul larg, cât și de ghizii locali și naționali.

Furnizorul de servicii va trebui să implice un număr de cel puțin 6 ghizi pentru fiecare tur. Participanții vor fi conduși și îndrumați de personal experimentat cu privire la obiectivele naturale și antropice care le vor fi prezentate. Prestatorul va trebui sa propună 4 trasee în circuit după cum urmează:
- 2 trasee în zona metropolitană;
- 2 trasee în zona rurală.
Traseele vor trebui să cuprindă minim 2 obiective: 1 natural și unul antropic, care să poată fi vizitate, si puncte de popas, al caror număr va fi stabilit în funcție de dificultatea traseelor. De asemenea va fi elaborat un program detaliat pentru fiecare ediție. Acesta va trebui să cuprindă ora de începere, locul de întâlnire, o hartă a traseelor, descrierea traseelor, lungimea, dificultatea, obiectivele ce urmează să fie vizitate, orele și locurile prevăzute de popas , ora și locul ( în cazul în care nu e traseu în circuit) de finalizare a ediției.
Data fiecărui eveniment va fi făcută public cu cel puțin 2 săptămâni înainte de fiecare tură. Pentru fiecare tură organizatorul va realiza un formular de înscriere online. Data poate fi modificată în funcție de condițiile meteo sau alte evenimente neprevăzute și care nu depind de organizator.

23/02/202316.489,05 lei fara TVA 
823Nr. 684 / 08.03.202308/03/2023AMD BihorRo-Hu

Vor fi organizate 4 ediții ale turului de cicloturism pentru promovarea obiectivelor și produselor turistice locale și introducerea lor în circuite, practică de teren pentru formarea ghizilor locali și naționali. Aceaste ediții se vor desfășura în perioada Martie 2023 - 15 Iunie 2023. Acest eveniment se dorește a fi un eveniment școală utilizat atât de publicul larg, cât și de ghizii locali și naționali.

Furnizorul de servicii va trebui să implice un număr de cel puțin 6 ghizi certificați Agent de Turism - Ghid (cod COR 511331 sau echivalent) pentru fiecare tur. Participanții vor fi conduși și îndrumați de personal experimentat cu privire la obiectivele naturale și antropice care le vor fi prezentate. De asemenea, Prestatorul va asigura apă și gustări pentru participanții la eveniment, care vor fi in numar de aproximativ 100 de persoane la fiecare tur in parte.

Prestatorul, dupa semnarea contractului de servicii de catre ambele parti, va trebui sa propună 4 trasee în circuit după cum urmează:
- 2 trasee în zona metropolitană;
- 2 trasee în zona rurală.

Traseele vor trebui să cuprindă minim 2 obiective: 1 natural și unul antropic, care să poată fi vizitate, si puncte de popas, al căror număr va fi stabilit în funcție de dificultatea traseelor.

De asemenea va fi elaborat un program detaliat pentru fiecare ediție. Acesta va trebui să cuprindă ora de începere, locul de întâlnire, o hartă a traseelor, descrierea traseelor, lungimea, dificultatea, obiectivele ce urmează să fie vizitate, orele și locurile prevăzute de popas , ora și locul ( în cazul în care nu e traseu în circuit) de finalizare a ediției.

Data fiecărui eveniment va fi făcută publica cu cel puțin 2 săptămâni înainte de fiecare tură. Pentru fiecare tură organizatorul va realiza un formular de înscriere online. Data poate fi modificată în funcție de condițiile meteo sau alte evenimente neprevăzute și care nu depind de organizator.

Prestatorul trebuie să asigure toate elementele adiministrative necesare:
- Prestatorul va asigura apă și gustări pentru participanții la eveniment, care vor fi in numar de aproximativ 100 de persoane la fiecare tur in parte (total 400 de persoane);
- Realizare raport foto cu ocazia realizării fiecarui tur, astfel: Minim 12 poze de la fiecare ediție. Fotografiile vor conține imagini de pe trasee, de la obiectivele vizitate, de la popasurile unde va fi servită apa și gustarea;
- Listă cu semnăturile participanților de la fiecare ediție;
- Baza de date în format editabil care va conține datele din formularul de înscriere online a participanților de la fiecare ediție;
- Realizare raport final;
- Prestatorul este responsabil de obținerea tuturor avizelor necesare pentru organizarea fiecarui eveniment, in functie de zona traseului propus.

17/03/202316.537,12 fara TVA 
8241850/AJOFMBH/14.03.202316/03/2023AJOFM BihorROHU-331Mrs Livia Baruta, tel 0359800960, e-mail

The object of the acquisition is the service of organizing a job fair and career orientation event within the project.
The event will be organized with the participation of at least 80 private companies, institutions, educational institutions (high schools, vocational schools and universities) and vocational training providers.The estimated number of participants is 2.000 (young people, parents, teachers). The event will be organized in partnership with the School Inspectorate of Bihor County. The event will last two days.The organization service of this event will be contracted with an event organization company with experience in organizing fairs/exhibitions. The following will be provided: exhibition spaces (rooms, tents, etc.) totaling 1000 sqm, parking for cars and buses, testing platforms for companies that want to do practical demonstrations, triage/visitor registration area, feed-back area, specific logistics (furniture, stands, access to utilities), transport of young people with buses / minibuses from around the county to Oradea and return, providing a meal for exhibitors, promotional materials, materials for the participants, the provision of photo-video services, promotion media (respecting the program's visibility manual) .An open announcement will be made to inform potential exhibitors about the organization of job fairs.

27/03/2023183403 lei + TVA 
825721105/05/2023APS AQUA CRISIUSRO-HU53ANDREI TOGOR, ORADEA STR. MIHAI EMINESCU, NR. 15, TEL. 0359416011,0752270140, E-MAIL:

1 event will be organized on the Day of the Carpathian Lilac and promotional materials. More details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

12/05/2023 100.840,34 RON without VAT 
826721105/05/2023APS AQUA CRISIUSRO-HU53ANDREI TOGOR, ORADEA STR. MIHAI EMINESCU, NR. 15, TEL. 0359416011,0752270140, E-MAIL:

1 event will be organized on the Day of the Carpathian Lilac and promotional materials. More details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

12/05/2023 100.840,34 RON without VAT 
827721105/05/2023APS AQUA CRISIUSRO-HU53ANDREI TOGOR, ORADEA STR. MIHAI EMINESCU, NR. 15, TEL. 0359416011,0752270140, E-MAIL:

1 event will be organized on the Day of the Carpathian Lilac and promotional materials. More details about the object of the procurement can be found in the task book and in the participation invitation.

12/05/2023 100.840,34 RON without VAT 
828NA05/05/2023Asociația Surorile de Caritate Sfântul VicențiuROHU-450Koncz Andrea, 0755993311, Date de contact: 440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9

Quote request for medical equipment
In order to attain the goals proposed by the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450, it is necessary to purchase some medical equipment to achieve the screening goals proposed in the project.
In this respect, we are waiting for offers for the following equipment:

Lot 1. Electrosurgery platform (electrocauter) for the digestive endoscopy unit
Electrosurgery platform (electrocauter) for the digestive endoscopy unit – 1 pcs.
Delivery period: 2 month

Lot 2. Sterilizing equipment
Sterilizing equipment – 1 pcs.
UV lamp, bactericidal 360 degrees, with mounting on a mobile stand – 2 pcs.
Disinfectant, wall dispenser – 5 pcs.
Delivery period: 2 month

Lot 3. UV lamp and Disinfectant (wall dispenser)
UV lamp, bactericidal, with mounting on a mobile stand – 2 pcs.
Disinfectant (wall dispenser) – 5 pcs.
Delivery period: 2 months

Lot 4. Transesophageal transducer
Volumetric matrix transesophageal transducer compatible with Philips Affiniti 50 ultrasound scanner – 1 pcs.
Delivery period: 5 months
The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the website and on the link

The total estimated value of the acquisition is 26.186,00 Euro without VAT.
The estimated values per Lot:
Lot 1 – 5.730,00 Euro + TVA
Lot 2 – 3.584,00 Euro + TVA
Lot 3 – 242,00 Euro + TVA
Lot 4 – 16.630,00 Euro + TVA

Deadline for offers: 16.05.2023, 14.00 p.m.

The address to which the offers will be submitted: 440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9

16/05/202326.186,00 Euro without VAT or 
829NA09/06/2023ASOCIATIA SURORILE DE CARITATE SFÂNTUL VICENTIUROHU-450Koncz ANdrea, 440114 Satu Mare, str. Ștefan cel Mare nr. 9, +40755993311,

Quote request for medical services provided by two General Practitioners(GP) within the project Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs - DESP” ROHU-450.

The Association organize cardiovascular, mammographic, dermatologic, prostate and gastroenterologic screening, with a mobile team, in different settlements of Satu Mare county, cities and rural settlements as well with the involvement and on the premises of local GP.
The project proposes the examination of minim 2,800 people from the population of Satu Mare county with the involvement of 28 GP, thus giving for each contracted General Practitioners 80-100 eligible people. To date, 20 contracts have been signed with family doctors from Satu Mare County.

In this respect, we are waiting for offers for medical services from General Practitioners in Satu Mare County. We intend to sign 10 contracts with General Practitioners, which will be involved in the project screening activity.

Term of services is 6 months.

The technical specifications, including the technical and eligibility requirements, can be accessed on the websites
Achiziționarea unor servicii de experți externi – medici de familie, pentru încheierea a 10 contracte cu cabinete medicale de medicină de familie – Centrul Fericitul Scheffler János (

and on the link

The estimated value of the acquisition is 116.800,00 lei, respectively 11.680,00 lei/contract concluded with a General Practitioner (representing 146 RON / person participating in the screening).

Deadline: 22.06.2023, 14.00 p.m.

Koncz Andrea,mobil: 0755993311
440114 Satu Mare, Str. Ștefan cel Mare, nr.9
Tel./fax: 0361-408872, 0730-162336, 0756855819

22/06/2023116800,00 RON or