
The list of first selected projects is published

The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme is pleased to announce the list of the first 19 projects selected for contracting and over-contracting after the 1st Open Call, worth a total of more than 22 million EUR, ERDF. The 1st Open Call was launched on December 29, 2016, for the following investment priorities: Ip 6/b - investments in the water sector, Ip 6/c - natural and cultural heritage, as well as Ip 5/b - disaster management and was open until June 30, 2017.
19 January 2018

Corrigendum 2 for the 3rd Open CfP is in force from 12.01.2018

We kindly inform potential applicants that the Guides for applicants and the Application package related to the 3rd Open Call for Proposals has been modified for the second time. The application package has been updated.
12 January 2018

Corrigendum 3 for the 3rd Restricted CfP is in force from 12.01.2018

We kindly inform potential applicants that the Guides for applicants and the Application package related to the 3rd Restricted Call for Proposals has been modified for the third time. The application package has been updated.
12 January 2018

Corrigendum 1 for the 3rd Open CfP is in force from 29.12.2017

We kindly inform potential applicants that the Guides for applicants and the Application package related to the 3rd Open Call for Proposals has been modified.
29 December 2017

Corrigendum 2 for the 3rd Restricted CfP is in force from 29.12.2017

We kindly inform potential applicants that the Guides for applicants and the Application package related to the 3rd Restricted Call for Proposals has been modified for the second time.
29 December 2017

Corrigendum 2 for the relaunched 1st Restricted Call is in force from 14.12.2017

We kindly inform potential applicants that the Guides for applicants and the Application package related to the relaunched 1st Restricted Call has been modified for the second time. The application package has been updated according to the new version of the Methodology and criteria for assessment and selection, approved by MC.
14 December 2017

Outcome of the assessment process, 1st round of Calls – list of non-compliant projects

In order to assure an open and transparent process for the selection of projects, we are publishing below the approved lists of non-compliant projects, after the administrative compliance and eligibility check
12 December 2017

The application deadline for the 3rd Restricted Call, for strategic project proposals has been extended

We kindly inform potential applicants that the application deadline for the 3rd Restricted Call, for strategic project proposals has been extended, until 15.01.2018, 16:00 hours, Bucharest time (EET).
28 November 2017

Application deadline extended for the relaunched 1st Restricted Call

We kindly inform potential applicants that the application deadline for the relaunched 1st Restricted Call, for strategic project proposals has been extended, until 15.12.2017, 16:00 hours, Bucharest time (EET).
28 November 2017

Facts and figures about the Calls with application phase completed

The Programme’s entire financial allocation, i.e. 177,790,352.00 EUR ERDF has been already launched, in the framework of three rounds of Calls, starting with December 2016 and ending with the two Calls launched in November 2017. 3 Calls out of a total number of 7 have the application phase already completed and are undergoing evaluation.
27 November 2017

Extending the application deadline for the relaunched 1st Restricted Call

The submission deadline for the relaunched 1st Restricted Call for proposals is about to be extended. The new deadline envisaged is December 15, 2017.
23 November 2017

Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme’s 3rd Open Call for Normal Project Proposals is launched

Application period: 03.11.2017- 31.01.2018 The Ministry of Regional Development Public Administration and European Funds in Romania, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme and the National Authority - Prime Minister’s Office in Hungary - are pleased to announce the launching of the 3rd Open Call, for normal project proposals.
3 November 2017

Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme’s 3rd Restricted Call for Strategic Project Proposals is launched

Application period: 03.11.2017- 08.01.2018 November 03, 2017 The Ministry of Regional Development Public Administration and European Funds in Romania, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme and the National Authority - Prime Minister’s Office in Hungary - are pleased to announce the launching of the 3rd Restricted Call, for strategic project proposals. How much funding is available? The amount of funding available for this Restricted Call for Proposals is 39,699,253.00
3 November 2017

Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme’s 1st Restricted Call for Strategic Project Proposals, is relaunched

The Ministry of Regional Development Public Administration and European Funds in Romania, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme and the National Authority – Prime Minister’s Office in Hungary announce the relaunching of the 1st Restricted Call for strategic project proposals. How much funding is available? The amount of funding available for this relaunched Restricted Call for Proposals is 13,925,083 EUR (ERDF), increased with the relevant Romanian and Hungarian state co-financing.
6 October 2017

Corrigendum 2 for the 2nd Restricted CfP is in force from 22.09.2017

We kindly inform potential applicants that the Guides for applicants and the Application package related to the 2nd Restricted Call for Proposals has been modified for the second time. The application package have been updated according to the new version of the Methodology and criteria for assessment and selection, approved by MC.
22 September 2017

Corrigendum 2 for the 2nd Open CfP is in force from 15.09.2017

We kindly inform potential applicants that the Guides for applicants and the Application package related to the 2nd Open Call for Proposals has been modified for the second time. The application package have been updated according to the new version of the Methodology and criteria for assessment and selection, approved by MC.
15 September 2017

The application deadline for the 2nd Restricted Call extended until 30.09.2017

We kindly inform potential applicants that the application deadline for the 2nd Restricted Call, for strategic project proposals has been extended, until 30.09.2017, 16:00 hours, Bucharest time (EET).
13 September 2017

Survey among potential beneficiaries of the Programme, regarding the communication activities

Dear potential beneficiary of our Programme, Your opinion counts! We are kindly informing you that, in the upcoming period, between 6th and 15th of September 2017, you might be contacted by ACZ Consulting and invited to participate in a survey or/ and interview, having as a main topic the communication activities already implemented by the Programme.
6 September 2017

Support measure for Romanian beneficiaries: the advance payment from the national co-financing has been increased

Following the approval of Order No. 5687/1799/2017, for the modification and completion of the Methodological Norms regarding Government Ordinance 29/2015, the advance granted to Romanian beneficiaries from the national co-financing has been increased, from 60% to a maximum of 80% of the eligible value of the co-financing contract.
6 September 2017

The application deadline for the 2nd Open Call for Proposals has been extended, until 30.09.2017

We kindly inform potential applicants that the application deadline for the 2nd Open Call for Proposals has been extended, until 30.09.2017, 16:00 hours, Bucharest time (EET).
21 August 2017

Q&A meetings all across the Programme area, during August 2017

A series of Q&A meetings, for the 2nd round of active CfPs having as deadline for submission of applications the 31st of August, respectively the 20th of September takes place in all the 8 capital cities of the Programme area, in the period between 07- 18 August 2017. They are targeted at potential applicants of […]
3 August 2017

Missing documents which lead to the rejection of the application

Dear applicants, we do our best to facilitate your access to the public funds. Therefore, please be advised that your application needs to be formally compliant. In this regard, please check the relevant sections of the Guides for Applicants, to see which are the documents that if not attached, lead to immediate rejection of your project proposal.
21 July 2017

Designation of authorities for the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme

The Audit Authority within the Romanian Court of Accounts released the final audit report designating the authorities for the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme.
17 July 2017

State Aid Helpdesk

For the applicants submitting projects within Investment Priorities that fall under State aid incidence, the Joint Secretariat of Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary created a dedicated e-mail address: [email protected]. Feel free to submit your questions regarding State aid issues in order to get appropriate answers and recommendations!
5 July 2017

Public consultation (second round) of the Guide for Applicants for the third Open Call for normal project proposals - opened until the 30th of June 2017

On June 23, 2017 the Ministry of Regional Development Public Administration and European Funds, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme, launches for public consultation, the Guide for Applicants for the third Open Call for normal project proposals, within Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme. In this context, stakeholders are invited to get involved in the consultation process and express their views and suggestions regarding the Guide, by sending them until the 30th of June 2017, to the following e-mail addresses: [email protected] and [email protected].
23 June 2017

Public consultation (second round) of the Guide for Applicants for the third Restricted Call for strategic project proposals - opened until the 30th of June 2017

On June 23 2017, the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme, launches for public consultation, the Guide for Applicants for the third Restricted Call for strategic projects proposals, within Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme. In this context, stakeholders are invited to get involved in the consultation process and express their views and suggestions regarding the Guide, by sending them until the 30th of June 2017, to the following e-mail addresses: [email protected] and [email protected] .
23 June 2017


According to our latest tests, there is a technical error detected in what concerns the eMS application system. The application - in .pdf file - does not automatically retrieve some of the fields. Due to identified technical error - in assessment process, the electronic eMS version of the Applications will be prevailing in terms of content.
20 June 2017

2nd Restricted Call, for Strategic Project Proposals is launched

The Ministry of Regional Development Public Administration and European Funds in Romania, acting as the Managing Authority of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme and the National Authority - Prime Minister’s Office in Hungary - are pleased to announce the launching in the framework of the Programme of the second Restricted Call, for strategic project proposals.
31 May 2017

Deadline extended until 30.06.2017, for the 1st Open and 1st Restricted CfPs

We kindly inform potential applicants that the application deadline for the 1st Open and 1st Restricted Call for Proposals has been extended, until 30.06.2017, 16:00 hours, Bucharest time (EET).
31 May 2017

Start for eMS submission of projects within the 2nd Open Call

Dear Applicants, we kindly inform you that starting from today, May 22, 2017, 8.00 until August 31, 2017, 16:00 (EET), you can submit online, via eMS system, your applications for the 2nd Open Call, for normal projects.
19 May 2017

Public consultation of the Guide for Applicants for the third Open Call for normal project proposals - opened until the 6th of June 2017

On May 05 2017 the Ministry of Regional Development Public Administration and European Funds, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme, launches for public consultation, the Guide for Applicants for the third Open Call for normal project proposals, within Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme. In this context, stakeholders are invited to get involved in the consultation process and express their views and suggestions regarding the Guide, by sending them until the 6th of June 2017, to the following e-mail addresses: [email protected] and [email protected].
5 May 2017

Public consultation of the Guide for Applicants for the third Restricted Call for strategic project proposals - opened until the 6th of June 2017

On May 05 2017, the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme, launches for public consultation, the Guide for Applicants for the third Restricted Call for strategic projects proposals, within Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme. In this context, stakeholders are invited to get involved in the consultation process and express their views and suggestions regarding the Guide, by sending them until the 6th of June 2017, to the following e-mail addresses: [email protected] and [email protected] .
5 May 2017

Second Open Call for Normal Project Proposals, is launched.

The Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds in Romania, acting as the Managing Authority of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme and the National Authority - Prime Minister’s Office in Hungary - are pleased to announce the launching in the framework of the Programme of the second Open Call, for normal project proposals. Application period: 22.05.2017-31.08.2017.
27 April 2017

Application deadline extended until 31.05.2017

We kindly inform potential applicants that the application deadline for the two active Calls for Proposals has been extended until 31.05. 2017, 16:00 hours Bucharest time (EET).
21 April 2017

Extending the application deadline!!!

Considering the large number of requests regarding the extension of the submission deadline for applications for the two active calls, the Managing Authority has started the necessary procedure to extend the application deadline until 31.05.2017.
19 April 2017

Second round of public consultation - Guide for Applicants for the second Restricted Call, strategic projects

On April 12 2017, the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme, launches for the second round of public consultation, the Guide for Applicants for the second Restricted Call for strategic projects proposals, within Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme. In this context, stakeholders are invited to get involved in the consultation process and express their views and suggestions regarding the Guide, by sending them until the 20th of April 2017, to the following e-mail addresses: [email protected] and [email protected] .
12 April 2017

Second round of public consultation - Guide for Applicants for the second Open Call, normal projects

On April 7, 2017 the Ministry of Regional Development Public Administration and European Funds, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme, launches for national public consultation, the draft of the Guide for Applicants for the second Open Call for proposals within the Programme.
7 April 2017

The Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) initiative

Want to make a difference? Join the Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) initiative to promote solidarity & cooperation among regions in Europe!
6 April 2017

Facts and figures on project generation activities

Lately, the JS has been very busy meeting with potential project applicants interested in the active CfPs and also in the upcoming ones. In the past 5 months, we have travelled all across the eligible area and met more than 1260 people, on 73 occasions, in 30 localities.
6 April 2017

Live online RoHu Help Desk Sessions!

Do you have questions regarding our 2 active CfP? You are too busy to visit us at our headquarters or branch offices? Here is the perfect solution for you!
22 March 2017

Corrigendum no. 2

We kindly inform potential applicants of the two active Calls for Proposals that on 21 March 2017 the Guides for applicants and the application packages had been modified for the second time.
21 March 2017

Public consultation - Guide for Applicants for the second Open Call, normal projects

On March 1, 2017 the Ministry of Regional Development Public Administration and European Funds, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme, launches for national public consultation, the draft of the Guide for Applicants for the second Open Call for proposals within the Programme.
1 March 2017

Public consultation - Guide for Applicants for the second Restricted Call, strategic projects

On February 01 2017, the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme, launches for public consultation, the Guide for Applicants for the second Restricted Call for strategic projects proposals, within Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme. (01.02.2017)
1 February 2017

Corrigendum no 1

We kindly inform potential applicants of the two active Calls for Proposals that on 20 January 2017 the Guides for aplicants and the application packages had been modified.
20 January 2017

First Restricted Call for Strategic Project Proposals is launched -December 29, 2016

The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration in Romania, acting as the Managing Authority of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme and the National Authority - Prime Minister’s Office in Hungary - are pleased to announce the launching in the framework of the Programme of the first Restricted Call for strategic project proposals. - December 29, 2016
29 December 2016

First Open Call, for Normal Project Proposals, is launched

The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration in Romania, acting as the Managing Authority of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme and the National Authority - Prime Minister’s Office in Hungary - are pleased to announce the launching in the framework of the Programme of the First Open Call, for normal project proposals. December 29, 2016
29 December 2016

Monitoring Systems


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