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Conference on “EU Values Overcoming Borders”

We are pleased to invite you to a conference organised by the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme, in partnership with Ţării Crişurilor Museum Oradea to celebrate Interreg Cooperation Day 2024. This year’s theme, "EU Values Overcoming Borders" highlights the spirit of unity that has brought us together as European nations through cooperation, shared development, and community-building. […]
12 November 2024

Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme’s Evaluation Plan is approved!

A practical management tool for the implementation of the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme The Evaluation Plan (EvalPlan), has been developed by the Managing Authority (MA) in cooperation with the National Authority (NA), according to art. 35 of Reg. (EU) 1059/2021 provisions, and building on the input of the Evaluation Unit. The EvalPlan was approved by […]
25 January 2024

Annual Event 2023 – Celebrating the results of 7 years of Interreg ROHU cooperation

Yesterday, on December 12th, 2023, the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme officially closed its implementation in Baktalórántház, Hungary, during the Annual Event. Representatives from the European Commission, Managing Authority, and National Authority, as well as ROHU beneficiaries, came together to celebrate the achievements of 7 years of Romanian-Hungarian cooperation and the joint efforts to improve the […]
13 December 2023

The Monitoring Committee of the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme was officially constituted

The 1st Monitoring Committee (MC) meeting of the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme took place on Monday, May 22nd, 2023, in Szeged (Hungary). The designated members and observers of the two national delegations, representing both public institutions (central, regional, and local) and civil society (academic environment and NGOs), gathered to decide upon relevant documents meant to […]
24 May 2023

The Launching Conference of Interreg VI-A Romania – Hungary Programme, almost here!

Representatives of the Government of Romania , the Government of Hungary and the European Commission have confirmed their participation in the event, which will be further boosted by the invited keynote speakers within the panel and facilitated by Mrs Livia Banu, executive director of BRECO, the institution hosting of the Joint Secretariat and First Level […]
3 May 2023

The 10th meeting of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme’s Monitoring Committee

The Monitoring Committee of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme met on October 11th 2022, to discuss the programme's implementation status and to decide on the future use of the available ERDF.
12 October 2022

Annual Event 2022

CELEBRATING THE EUROPEAN YEAR OF YOUTH! What do you want to be when you grow up? ☕️ barista ✔️/ ❌ ?? doctor ✔️/ ❌ ?? astronaut ✔️/ ❌ Not sure yet❓ See what job other youngsters in your region chose and why they love it❗️
30 September 2022

Public consultation on the strategic environmental assessment procedure

In the context of the Strategic Environmental Assessment procedure, The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration, as Managing Authority of the Interreg VI-A Romania Hungary Programme, hereby notifies the interested public on the availability of the Interreg VI-A Romania – Hungary Programme, as well as on the related Environmental Report and Appropriate Assessment Report.
6 April 2022

Pentru toți beneficiarii de finanțare români cu achiziții de lucrări: a apărut Ordinul MDLPA nr. 1931/20.12.2021, însoțit de anexe

In the attention of Romanian beneficiaries with construction works: the MDPWA Order no. 1931 / 20.12.2021 is in force.
23 December 2021

Are you sure your hands are clean? Learning the correct techniques for washing and sanitizing hands in the schools of Hódmezővásárhely and Makó, within the project ROHU-361

Starting with November 2019, Arad County Council, together with Csongrád-Csanád County Health Care Center - Hódmezővásárhely - Makó is implementing the project ROHU- 361 “Joint prevention and surveillance of infectious diseases and hospital-acquired infections in Arad, Makó and Hódmezővásárhely”.
29 July 2021

The 37th project financed within the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme has been completed

March 31, 2021, marked the completion of the ROHU-84 Project “CROSSRISKS - Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion”, which is the 37th completed project, funded under the Interreg VA Romania-Hungary Program.
5 April 2021

Interreg Programme between Romania and Hungary (2021-2027) Online consultation workshops - 19-23.10.2020

Between 19 - 23 October 2020, a series of 6 on-line consultation workshops have been organized, in the context of finalizing the Territorial Analysis, a strategic document elaborated under the programming process related to the future Interreg Programme between Romania and Hungary (2021-2027).
17 November 2020

Modification of the Cooperation Programme

The European Commission approved on the 7th of March 2019 the modification of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme. Following the launching of all available funds and on the basis of a detailed analysis carried out with external expertise, on the 10th of August 2018, the Managing Authority initiated a modification request of the Cooperation Programme through the Commission's electronic data exchange system.
12 March 2019

Seminars and eMS trainings for the beneficiaries of the projects funded under the 2nd Open Call

The Joint Secretariat, together with the Information Points and the First Level Control bodies in Romania and Hungary, organize a series of seminars and eMS trainings, on both sides of the border, dedicated to the beneficiaries of the projects funded under the Second Open Call. These trainings will take place as follows:  BENEFICIARY SEMINARS,  IN […]
22 January 2019

4th Monitoring Committee (MC) Meeting

The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme is pleased to announce that with the occasion of its 4th Monitoring Committee (MC) Meeting, held on June 28-29, 2018 in Arad, Romania, very important decision has been made in what concerns the financing of 10 Concept Notes, under the Restricted Calls, worth 50% of the total ERDF programme budget, i.e. more than 94,5 mil. EUR, ERDF.
2 July 2018

Lead Beneficiary Seminars Summary

As we already announced on our website, the first financing contracts of the approved projects from the 1st Open Call were signed by all parties, thus marking the start of the implementation of the projects. While this is a beginning of a very exciting period, it is fair to state that from now on beneficiaries have to obey several regulations and provisions through all implementation period.
26 April 2018

Seminars for the lead beneficiaries of the projects funded under the first Open Call.

The Joint Secretariat, together with the Information Points and the First Level Control bodies in Romania and Hungary, organize a series of seminars on both sides of the border, dedicated to the lead beneficiaries of the projects funded under the first Open Call. These trainings will take place as follows: ORADEA– on April 23, 2018, at 11:00 DEBRECEN – on April 24, 2018, at 11:00
16 April 2018

Signing of the first 11 financing contracts within the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme

The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme announces the signing by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration of Romania as Managing Authority of the first 4 financing contracts related to the first Open call, the total value of the projects exceeding 4.5 million Euros.
6 April 2018

Summary of the 3rd round of Info Days and of the Partner Search Forum

We are happy to announce that with the launching of the 3rd round of Calls, the entire remaining Programme financial allocation, i.e. 90,595,062.00 EUR ERDF, has been made available, for both normal and strategic projects. In this context, the Programme organised, between November 06-10, 2017, a series of 8 Information seminars, 1 for each of the two active Calls, in 4 different locations, and a Partner Search Forum, for the Open Call. A total number of 228 participants, from both countries attended the events.
14 November 2017

State Aid Helpdesk

For the applicants submitting projects within Investment Priorities that fall under State aid incidence, the Joint Secretariat of Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary created a dedicated e-mail address: [email protected]. Feel free to submit your questions regarding State aid issues in order to get appropriate answers and recommendations!
5 July 2017

Public consultation of the Guide for Applicants for the third Restricted Call for strategic project proposals - opened until the 6th of June 2017

On May 05 2017, the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme, launches for public consultation, the Guide for Applicants for the third Restricted Call for strategic projects proposals, within Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme. In this context, stakeholders are invited to get involved in the consultation process and express their views and suggestions regarding the Guide, by sending them until the 6th of June 2017, to the following e-mail addresses: [email protected] and [email protected] .
5 May 2017

Joint meeting of mayors from Bihor and Hajdú-Bihar counties

At the invitation of Oradea Metropolitan Area, the Joint Secretariat participated yesterday, on the 1st of March 2017, in a joint meeting of mayors from Bihor and Hajdú-Bihar counties. The meeting took place in Borş Commune and gathered about 60 participants coming from both countries, Romania and Hungary.
2 March 2017

Weekly eMS help desk sessions

Do you have questions regarding eMS? Starting from next week, on each Wednesday, between 11.00 and 13.00 o’clock, you can get a personal appointment with our colleague, at the premises of the JS, to get familiar with the system.
2 March 2017

Summary of the Info Days in Romania and Hungary and of the Partner Search Forum

Between February 06-09, 2017 the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme organized a series of four Information seminars, in Oradea (06.02.2017), Debrecen (07.02.2017), Szeged (08.02.2017) and Arad (09.02.2017), for each of the two active Calls for proposals.
14 February 2017

Monitoring Systems


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