DOCUMENTS FOR PROJECTS 2021-2027 IMPLEMENTATION Documents for sound implementation
Project Implementation Manual | pim Toolkit for successful project implementation, providing comprehensive guidelines to ensure effective and compliant project execution.
PIM Annexes Package contains Annexes no. 1, 4 - 12
National Control Package – for Romanian partners Annex 2 of the PIM
National Control Package – for Hungarian partners National Eligibility Guide with Annexes for Hungarian Partners | Annex 3 of the PIM
Project modification request Template for requesting project modification through Notification or Addendum
Financial Identification form Template
Jems Manual For guidance on reporting in Jems, please access the general manual, and follow: click User manual tab on the right side -- Application/project details -- Project Report. Or use the search bar on the top right corner and search for "report" key word.
Open Watch tutorial on Partner Reporting CONTRACTING Contracting templates
Contracting templates Mandatory templates for pre-contracting phase
Download ANTI-FRAUD The Programme is committed to minimize the risk of loss resulting from fraud and corruption originating both internally and externally.
Anti-fraud strategy Effective strategic framework to fight fraud
Anti-fraud practical guide Reccomandations for applicants and project partners
Download VISUAL IDENTITY TOOLKIT Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme has developed its visual identity based on a harmonised branding approach applicable to all Interreg programmes.
Visual Identity Manual This Visual Identity Manual | VIM regulates the mandatory graphic and visual appearance of communication materials to be prepared by beneficiaries, in compliance with EU regulations. It provides a clear and coherent structure for the graphical use of the visual elements.
Logos The emblem of the Union (the EU emblem) must be used as stipulated in Article 47 of the CPR, in accordance with its Annex IX.
Project Acronym Project acronym/logos are not a part of the Interreg logo but rather should be considered as an annexed element.
Poster template A3 Interreg ROHU provides pre-designed poster templates in three languages available for download
Download EN
Power Point Template Powerpoint templates in 3 languages are available for download
Billboard Template The billboard must be installed in a place readily visible to the public, either at the beneficiary’s premises or at the site of the investment
Plaque template The plaque must be installed in a place readily visible to the public, either at the beneficiary’s premises or at the site of the investment
Stickers Equipment procured within the project must bear a visible sticker pre-designed, provided by the Interreg ROHU.
Header A4 Word templates in 3 languages are available for download in vertical and horizontal versions.
List of participants Word templates in 3 languages are available for download in horizontal versions.
RO & HU Government emblems Partner State emblems
Icons of the Priorities The 3 types of logos/icons associated with the Programme's Priorities are available here.
Communication Toolbox for OSI A practical toolbox to inspire beneficiaries when communicating about operations of strategic importance.
Technical box Template to be added to every publication