
Romania - Hungary

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NEWS & EVENTS 2021 - 2027

ROHU VI-A InfoDay Caravan

The ROHU VI-A Information Day caravan, organized between 03 - 13 July in all 8 county seats of the Programme Area, was met with great interest: 288 participants joined the events.    The presentation of the active 1st Open Call (download link below) provided potential applicants with comprehensive information on the requirements, guidelines, and specific […]
17 July 2023

Launching the 1st Open Call for project proposals under Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme

The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme, launches today, June 28, 2023, the 1st Open Call for project proposals. Submission: Projects that do NOT include an infrastructure component for which a construction permit is required: 28.06.2023 – 27.9.2023, 23:00 (CET)/24:00 (EET); Projects that include […]
28 June 2023

INFO DAY sessions on the 1st Open Call for project proposals | 03.07 - 13.07.2023

In view of the launch of the 1st Open Call for project proposals, to support potential applicants in the preparation of projects to be submitted, the Joint Secretariat and the Info Points organise a series of Info Day events, during July 03 – 13, 2023. The Info Days will take place in each of the […]
28 June 2023

Launching the short public consultation on Applicant's Guide related to the 1st Open Call for project proposals, within the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme (2021-2027) – second round –

The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration, as the Managing Authority for the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme, launches today, June 7, 2023, a short public consultation (second round) on the Applicant's Guide related to the 1st Open Call for project proposals, the version approved by the Programme’s Monitoring Committee, during its first meeting. The […]
7 June 2023

The Monitoring Committee of the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme was officially constituted

The 1st Monitoring Committee (MC) meeting of the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme took place on Monday, May 22nd, 2023, in Szeged (Hungary). The designated members and observers of the two national delegations, representing both public institutions (central, regional, and local) and civil society (academic environment and NGOs), gathered to decide upon relevant documents meant to […]
24 May 2023

The Launching Conference of Interreg VI-A Romania – Hungary Programme

The Launching Conference of Interreg VI-A Romania – Hungary Programme was a real success. More than 100 stakeholders attended the event organized in Oradea, Romania, on Europe’s Day. Organized by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration (MDPWA), as Managing Authority, represented by H.E. the Minister of MDPWA, Mr Cseke Attila, the Conference was […]
12 May 2023

The Launching Conference of Interreg VI-A Romania – Hungary Programme, almost here!

Representatives of the Government of Romania , the Government of Hungary and the European Commission have confirmed their participation in the event, which will be further boosted by the invited keynote speakers within the panel and facilitated by Mrs Livia Banu, executive director of BRECO, the institution hosting of the Joint Secretariat and First Level […]
3 May 2023

Launching for public consultation of the Applicant’s Guide for the First Open Call within the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme 2021-2027

The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration, as Managing Authority for the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme 2021-2027, launches for public consultation, today, April 7th 2023, the Applicant’s Guide for the 1st Open Call for project proposals. The document intends to help the applicants to prepare the content of the project proposals to be submitted […]
7 April 2023

The Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme for 2021-2027 period was adopted!

The Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme was adopted by the European Commission on December 16, 2022. Having a total allocation of 175,940,025 EUR, out of which 140,752,020 EUR ERDF, the new Programme will be jointly implemented by Romania, as Managing Authority, hosted by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration and Hungary as National Authority, hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
11 January 2023

We’ve been visited by the representatives of the European Commission!

Between 17-18 May we had the pleasure to host the visit of our colleagues from the European Commission (EC), namely Mr. Pascal BOIJMANS, Head of Unit - Interreg, Cross-Border Cooperation, Internal Borders (DG Regio), and Ms. Anna-Monika MODZELEWSKA, our ROHU Programme’s desk officer.
20 May 2022

Public consultation on the strategic environmental assessment procedure

In the context of the Strategic Environmental Assessment procedure, The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration, as Managing Authority of the Interreg VI-A Romania Hungary Programme, hereby notifies the interested public on the availability of the Interreg VI-A Romania – Hungary Programme, as well as on the related Environmental Report and Appropriate Assessment Report.
6 April 2022

Approval of the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme, 2021-2027

We are pleased to announce that the Programming Committee approved the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme, during the 4th PC meeting held online on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022.
23 March 2022

Survey questionnaire addressing the stakeholders of the INTERREG Programme between Romania and Hungary 2021-2027

❗Deadline for survey extended to September 20❗ The aim of the survey is to collect additional details from the perspective of the potential beneficiaries and former beneficiaries during projects’ preparation, motivations for future involvement as potential beneficiaries of the Programme 2021-2027 and, in particular, existing project ideas.
23 August 2021

The new cohesion policy legislative package for the 2021-2027 period has been published

The new cohesion policy legislative package for the 2021-2027 period, adopted on 24.06.2021, has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
1 July 2021

The Policy Objectives of the future Interreg Programme between Romania and Hungary have been selected

On Monday, June 14, 2021, the Programming Committee (PC) of the Interreg Programme between Romania and Hungary, for the period 2021-2027 approved the selection of the Policy Objectives (PO) and relevant Interreg Specific Objective (ISO) to be financed in the next programming period.
15 June 2021

The Territorial Analysis was approved by the Programming Committee

The Territorial Analysis (TA) is the strategic document based on which the future Interreg Programme between Romania and Hungary, for the period 2021-2027, is elaborated.
12 March 2021

Interreg Programme between Romania and Hungary (2021-2027) Online consultation workshops - 19-23.10.2020

Between 19 - 23 October 2020, a series of 6 on-line consultation workshops have been organized, in the context of finalizing the Territorial Analysis, a strategic document elaborated under the programming process related to the future Interreg Programme between Romania and Hungary (2021-2027).
17 November 2020

News regarding 2020+ programming process and Territorial Analysis consultation

The programming experts, with the support of relevant Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme’s structures, are organizing a series of consultation workshops, to involve in the programming exercise the most important actors in the Programme’s area.
19 October 2020

Shaping the future of the cross-border cooperation

Shaping the future of the cross-border cooperation between Romania and Hungary for the period 2021-2027 remains our main interest, and collecting information/opinions by public consultations is one of the methods which could ensure an efficient programming process.
10 July 2020

Programming 2020+

Structures of the Interreg V-A RO-HU Programme, particularly representatives of the Managing Authority (Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration, Romania), the National Authority (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary) and the Joint Secretariat (BRECO Oradea), gathered in Gyula (Hungary) for a brainstorming session on the technicalities for future programming process.
5 March 2020

News & Events 2014 - 2020

Strategic use of public procurement in the implementation of Interreg programmes and projects

The European Commission encourages the strategic use of public procurement in Interreg programmes and projects, by ensuring the widespread adoption of green, innovative and social criteria to procurements all across Europe. This type of procurement plays a key role in the EU's attempt to reduce environmental pollution, to become a resource-efficient economy, and to create […]
10 May 2021

The Territorial Analysis was approved by the Programming Committee

The Territorial Analysis (TA) is the strategic document based on which the future Interreg Programme between Romania and Hungary, for the period 2021-2027, is elaborated.
12 March 2021

Interreg Volunteer Youth, IVY initiative continues in 2021

Are you a project beneficiary of Interreg? Are you looking for a volunteer to support, promote and report the achievements of your cooperation project? Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) is the answer!
4 February 2021

The decommitment target for 2020 was exceeded

In accordance with the obligations imposed by Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, Annex XII, section 2.1.2 (f), on the responsibilities of the Member State and the Managing Authority to provide updated information on the implementation of the Programme, including its main achievements, we are pleased to inform you that the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme has exceeded the decommitment target set for the year 2020.
5 January 2021

The 8th Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme

The 8th meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme was held on 17 December 2020. The Monitoring Committee meeting was exceptionally held online due to the restrictive conditions imposed by the current epidemiological situation Covid-19.
18 December 2020

The European Commission has approved the modification of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme

The European Commission approved the modification of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme, on November 16th, 2020. The Management Authority of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary has initiated and obtained the approval of the third revision of the Cooperation Programme. Thus, the fourth version of the Programme allows for increasing the ERDF co-financing rate to 100%, for expenditures declared in payment applications during the accounting year starting July 1st 2020 and ending June 30th 2021.
19 November 2020

Interreg Programme between Romania and Hungary (2021-2027) Online consultation workshops - 19-23.10.2020

Between 19 - 23 October 2020, a series of 6 on-line consultation workshops have been organized, in the context of finalizing the Territorial Analysis, a strategic document elaborated under the programming process related to the future Interreg Programme between Romania and Hungary (2021-2027).
17 November 2020

News regarding 2020+ programming process and Territorial Analysis consultation

The programming experts, with the support of relevant Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme’s structures, are organizing a series of consultation workshops, to involve in the programming exercise the most important actors in the Programme’s area.
19 October 2020

Team-Cardio-Prevent is the Medical Team of the Year

The ROHU-396 Team-Cardio-Prevent squad from the Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital Timișoara was awarded the Romanian Healthcare Awards Diploma of Excellence and the Medical Team of the Year trophy for the project named ”Cross-border cooperation in the prevention and complex treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases in Békés -Timiș counties”.
5 October 2020

New version of the Visual Identity Manual!

The Visual Identity Manual of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme is a document addressing both the beneficiaries and the management structures, with regards to the visibility rules to comply with when designing communication materials.
5 August 2020


In the context of the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), preventive actions are recommended, concerning public health risks. In the eligible area of the Romania-Hungary Programme, regarding the border crossing points between Romania and Hungary new restrictions have been introduced from the 15th of July 2020.
14 July 2020

Shaping the future of the cross-border cooperation

Shaping the future of the cross-border cooperation between Romania and Hungary for the period 2021-2027 remains our main interest, and collecting information/opinions by public consultations is one of the methods which could ensure an efficient programming process.
10 July 2020

New financing contracts concluded in the frame of the Interreg V-A Romania–Hungary Programme

In the frame of Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme, the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration in Romania, as Managing Authority, concluded 2 new financing contracts, for projects ROHU359 and ROHU421, receiving funding under the 3rd Open Call.
19 June 2020

The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme continues to support hospitals in managing the COVID-19 pandemic

The Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration in Romania (MPWDA), as Managing Authority of the Programme, announces the approval of a new amendment to the financing contract, for project ROHU-401, in the field of healthcare. The approved modification will allow the purchase of medical equipment that is so very needed in the treatment of COVID-19.
6 May 2020

New financing contracts concluded in the frame of the Programme

The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme announces the signing, by the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration in Romania, as Managing Authority, of 3 new financing contracts, for projects falling under state aid, receiving funding under the 3rd Open Call. Also, it was signed the financing contract for the strategic project ROHU452, being financed in the frame of the 3rd Restricted Call.
5 May 2020

The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme supports hospitals in managing the COVID-19 pandemic

The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme announces the signing, by the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration in Romania (MPWDA), as Managing Authority, of the first amendments to the financing contracts for the projects in the field of healthcare and risk and disaster management. The approved modifications will allow the purchase of medical equipment that is so very needed in the treatment of COVID-19.
16 April 2020

INFORMATION FOR BENEFICIARIES of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme regarding project implementation in the context of coronavirus disease COVID-19

In the context of the current outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), as the pandemic was declared on 11th of March 2020 by the World Health Organization, preventive actions are recommended, with respect to the public health risks.
13 March 2020

Programming 2020+

Structures of the Interreg V-A RO-HU Programme, particularly representatives of the Managing Authority (Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration, Romania), the National Authority (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary) and the Joint Secretariat (BRECO Oradea), gathered in Gyula (Hungary) for a brainstorming session on the technicalities for future programming process.
5 March 2020

Thematic Workshops dedicated to the 5 Policy Objectives - Proposed for the programming period 2021-2027 -

In the context of programming process, the Managing Authority of Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme, with the support of National Authority, the Joint Secretariat and Information Points in Hungary, organized a new series of events, aiming at providing relevant information on the 5 Policy Objectives provided for in the draft regulations.
2 March 2020

5 THEMATIC WORKSHOPS dedicated to new policy objectives for 2020+

The next Interreg Programme between Romania and Hungary, for the period 2021-2027 is under preparation and it is now the time to make sure that our future projects beneficiaries are well informed with regards to the development priorities of the cross-border region, so that there are good premises for properly documented, mature projects, adding value to the addressed areas of intervention.
4 February 2020

Key programme figures

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