Strategic use of public procurement in the implementation of Interreg programmes and projects
The European Commission encourages the strategic use of public procurement in Interreg programmes and projects, by ensuring the widespread adoption of green, innovative and social criteria to procurements all across Europe. This type of procurement plays a key role in the EU's attempt to reduce environmental pollution, to become a resource-efficient economy, and to create […]
The decommitment target for 2020 was exceeded
In accordance with the obligations imposed by Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, Annex XII, section 2.1.2 (f), on the responsibilities of the Member State and the Managing Authority to provide updated information on the implementation of the Programme, including its main achievements, we are pleased to inform you that the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme has exceeded the decommitment target set for the year 2020.
The European Commission has approved the modification of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme
The European Commission approved the modification of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme, on November 16th, 2020.
The Management Authority of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary has initiated and obtained the approval of the third revision of the Cooperation Programme. Thus, the fourth version of the Programme allows for increasing the ERDF co-financing rate to 100%, for expenditures declared in payment applications during the accounting year starting July 1st 2020 and ending June 30th 2021.
Team-Cardio-Prevent is the Medical Team of the Year
The ROHU-396 Team-Cardio-Prevent squad from the Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital Timișoara was awarded the Romanian Healthcare Awards Diploma of Excellence and the Medical Team of the Year trophy for the project named ”Cross-border cooperation in the prevention and complex treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases in Békés -Timiș counties”.
New version of the Visual Identity Manual!
The Visual Identity Manual of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme is a document addressing both the beneficiaries and the management structures, with regards to the visibility rules to comply with when designing communication materials.
Shaping the future of the cross-border cooperation
Shaping the future of the cross-border cooperation between Romania and Hungary for the period 2021-2027 remains our main interest, and collecting information/opinions by public consultations is one of the methods which could ensure an efficient programming process.
New financing contracts concluded in the frame of the Programme
The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme announces the signing, by the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration in Romania, as Managing Authority, of 3 new financing contracts, for projects falling under state aid, receiving funding under the 3rd Open Call.
Also, it was signed the financing contract for the strategic project ROHU452, being financed in the frame of the 3rd Restricted Call.
The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme supports hospitals in managing the COVID-19 pandemic
The Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme announces the signing, by the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration in Romania (MPWDA), as Managing Authority, of the first amendments to the financing contracts for the projects in the field of healthcare and risk and disaster management. The approved modifications will allow the purchase of medical equipment that is so very needed in the treatment of COVID-19.
Programming 2020+
Structures of the Interreg V-A RO-HU Programme, particularly representatives of the Managing Authority (Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration, Romania), the National Authority (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary) and the Joint Secretariat (BRECO Oradea), gathered in Gyula (Hungary) for a brainstorming session on the technicalities for future programming process.
5 THEMATIC WORKSHOPS dedicated to new policy objectives for 2020+
The next Interreg Programme between Romania and Hungary, for the period 2021-2027 is under preparation and it is now the time to make sure that our future projects beneficiaries are well informed with regards to the development priorities of the cross-border region, so that there are good premises for properly documented, mature projects, adding value to the addressed areas of intervention.