On April 7, 2017 the Ministry of Regional Development Public Administration and European Funds, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme, launches for national public consultation, the draft of the Guide for Applicants for the second Open Call for proposals within the Programme.
In this context, stakeholders are invited to get involved in the consultation process and express their views and suggestions regarding the Guide, by sending them until the 14th of April 2017, to the following e-mail addresses: [email protected] and [email protected].
The documents (the Guide and Annexes) are available on the MRDPAEF’s website, under the section dedicated to Interreg V-A Romania – Hungary Programme and on the Programme’s website, here.
Within this second Open Call for proposals, projects under 3 Priority Axes may be financed, concerning investments in the water sector, development of environmental-friendly cross- border transportation system and last but not least, promotion of cross-border cooperation between institutions and citizens.
The total estimated budget of the present Open Call for normal projects to be financed within Investment Priority 6/b – investing in the water sector – is 4.411.764, 70 EUR, out of which 3.750.000,00 EUR represents financing from the ERDF, for Investment Priority 7/c – development and improvement of environmentally-friendly cross-border transport systems – the allocation is 3.000.000,00 EUR, out of which 2.550.000,00 EUR represents financing from the ERDF, and for projects to receive funding under 11/b – cooperation between citizens and institutions – the budget is 4.013.378,82 EUR, out of which 3.411.372,00EUR represents the ERDF.