Survey among potential beneficiaries of the Programme, regarding the communication activities

Dear potential beneficiary of our Programme,

Your opinion counts!

We are kindly informing you that, in the upcoming period, between 6th and 15th of  September 2017, you might be contacted by ACZ Consulting and invited to participate in a survey or/ and interview, having as a main topic the communication activities already implemented by the Programme.

In the upcoming months, the contract ”Evaluation of the communication activity in order to support the potential beneficiaries of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme” is being implemented. ACZ Consulting, on behalf of the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds, acting as Managing Authority for the Programme, is conducting the evaluation of the communication activities carried out so far, with the purpose to identify the impact of those activities and make recommendations based on the findings.

In order to reach the desired objectives of the contract, we kindly ask you to support the team of experts from ACZ Consulting.

Please take a few minutes to respond briefly to the survey, which will be sent to you via email, or to participate in the interview. The Questionnaire is available in all three languages of the Programme and can be also accessed below:

English version / Romanian version  / Hungarian version

The survey is voluntary and anonymous. The information collected through it will be processed and aggregated by the experts of the consultant and will contribute substantially to enhancing the effectiveness of communication and information actions provided by the Programme.

We rely on your full cooperation and we thank you for your time and involvement!

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