To the attention of ROHU applicants!

The potential ROHU applicants are kindly asked to exclusively use the Jems link provided on the Programme’s website when developing the project applications in the context of the 1st Open Call for project proposals, launched June 28th, 2023 under Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme. Considering several Interreg Programmes have active calls using the same electronic system (Jems) for submitting the applications, special attention shall be paid to Interreg VI-A ROHU Programme’s identity elements (the logo and Jems link should include ROHU abbreviation).

The link on the Programme’s site opens Jems interface, displaying ROHU Programme’s Logo. After registering in the system, by creating an account, a project application can be opened, under an automatically generated ID, under the form: ROHUXXXXX.

The Programme also recommends applicants to consult the JEMS ROHU Manual beforehand, specially developed to guide ROHU applicants throughout the submission process. The document provides step-by-step indications on how to fill in the application fields in the system, supported by illustrative screenshots.

If needed, additional information on the submission process may be requested through the helpdesk by sending questions at [email protected].

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