Launching the public consultation on the Applicant’s Guide for Operations of Strategic Importance

The Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration, acting as the Managing Authority for the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme, after consulting the National Authority from Hungary, is pleased to announce the launch of a public consultation on the draft of the Applicant’s Guide for Operations of Strategic Importance (OSI) within the Programme.

Stakeholders and interested parties are invited to share their feedback and contributions to enhance the Guide content by November 6th, 2024.

Recommendations should be sent via email to:  and .

The programme area covers eight counties: four in Romania (Arad, Bihor, Satu Mare, and Timiș) and four in Hungary (Békés, Csongrád-Csanád, Hajdú-Bihar, and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg).

The total budget of the Programme is €175,940,025, (€140,752,020 ERDF).

For the 2021-2027 period, OSIs funded under the Programme are expected to significantly impact the achievement of the Programme’s objectives while adhering to key horizontal principles.

The total ERDF budget available for OSIs is €70.37 million.

All relevant documents, including the Guide for Applicants and its annexes, are available for consultation here and on the Ministry’s website, under the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme section ( ).

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