Launching the 1st Open Call for project proposals under Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme

  • The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration, acting as Managing Authority for the Interreg VI-A Romania-Hungary Programme, launches today, June 28, 2023, the 1st Open Call for project proposals.


  • Projects that do NOT include an infrastructure component for which a construction permit is required: 28.06.2023 – 27.9.2023, 23:00 (CET)/24:00 (EET);
  • Projects that include an infrastructure component for which a construction permit is required: 28.06.2023 – 27.12.2023, 23:00 (CET)/24:00 (EET).

What is financed? 

Projects contributing to the following 6 Specific Objectives within the 3 Priorities of the Programme may be summited:

Under Priority 1: Cooperation for a greener and more resilient cross-border area

Specific objective (OS) 2.2promoting renewable energy in accordance with Directive (EU) 2018/2001, including the sustainability criteria set out therein;

  • Allocation – EUR 5,558,763 ERDF

Specific objective (SO) 2.4promoting climate change adaptation, disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account ecosystem approaches;

  • Allocation – EUR 2,318,977 ERDF

Specific objective (OS) 2.7enhancing the protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity, and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution;

  • Allocation – EUR 7,366,461 ERDF

Under Priority 2: Cooperation for a more social and cohesive cross-border area

Specific objective (OS) 4.5 – ensuring equal access to healthcare and fostering resilience of health systems, including primary care, and promoting the transition from institutional to family- and community-based care;

  • Allocation – EUR 10,640,394 ERDF

Specific objective (OS) 4.6enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation;

  • Allocation – EUR 10,842,062 ERDF

Under Priority 3: More sustainable, community-based and efficient cross-border cooperation

Interreg Specific Objective (OSI) 6.3 Build up mutual trust, by encouraging people-to-people actions;

  • Allocation – EUR 6,090,897 ERDF

Who can apply?

Public entities (national, regional or local authorities), organisations equivalent to those governed by public law, non-governmental organisations (e.g. associations) and European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTCs) are eligible for financing under the Programme. Only projects with cross-border partnership are eligible for funding. The Applicant’s Guide sets the eligibility criteria for applicants, actions and expenses.

The Programme Area covers the counties of Arad, Bihor, Satu Mare and Timis in Romania, respectively Békés, Csongrád-Csanád, Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, in Hungary.

Submission procedure:

Applications will be submitted exclusively online via the Jems system, using the access link:

For more details on the Call for proposals, please refer to the Applicant’s Guide and its annexes (

Potential applicants can participate in online events meant to support them in preparing and submitting the project proposals, such as partner search forums, Jems tutorial, Q&A sessions, etc. Also, throughout the submission period, the Joint Secretariat (SC) and the Info Points (IP) will provide help-desk technical assistance. The applicants may transmit to SC/IP their questions about the Call rules, no later than 21 working days before the relevant submission deadline, at the following e-mail address: [email protected]. All questions and answers will be published on the Programme’s website at least 11 working days before the relevant submission deadline.

Between 03-13.07.2023, 8 Info Day sessions, dedicated to this 1st Open call for project proposals, will take place in each of the counties composing the Programme Area. Details on the events and the registration form are available here.



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