Shaping the future of the cross-border cooperation

Shaping the future of the cross-border cooperation between Romania and Hungary for the period 2021-2027 remains our main interest, and collecting information/opinions by public consultations is one of the methods which could ensure an efficient programming process.

 In this context, we are resending the information regarding the fact that the questionnaire was posted on the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme. We would like to thank all those who responded to our previous invitation and answered our questions. Please note that the questionnaire is the same which was subjected to your attention in January 2020, so those who already answered earlier this year are kindly asked to ignore this message and not answer the same questions a second time. So, mainly we are addressing those who, in January 2020, haven’t got the opportunity to share with us their opinion on the proposed Policy Objectives, cross-border partnerships and project ideas.

 In order to involve as many stakeholders as possible, we hereby continue the process initiated beginning of this year, inviting those who haven’t already, to take a couple of minutes and fill in the questionnaire, at

 Your answers will help us to further shape the best possible financing cross-border fields of intervention.

 Thank you for your input!

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