News regarding 2020+ programming process and Territorial Analysis consultation

The programming experts, with the support of relevant Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme’s structures, are organizing a series of consultation workshops, to involve in the programming exercise the most important actors in the Programme’s area.  

As efficient programming is based both on professional expertise and the valuable input of the stakeholders, in order to integrate all relevant elements, the new series of consultation events is on-going this week, gathering representatives of the local, regional and national levels in Romania and Hungary.

In this context, invitations to participate in the workshops focusing on drafting the Territorial Analysis were sent out to relevant stakeholders, for online consultation events to be held between 19th and 23rd of October, 2020. Supporting guiding information was provided also, to enhance a structured context and facilitate the exchange of good practice form different point of views and competences (national or local).

The on-line workshops aim at:

  1. Enriching the data-driven findings of the territorial analysis with the qualitative information resulting from relevant professional experience;
  2. Discussing on the desk-based conclusions drawn from the analysis, from the perspective of the future policy objectives for the Romania-Hungary cross-border area;
  3. Discussing on lessons to be learnt from the experience of interacting with EU funding or the current Interreg Programme between Romania and Hungary 2014-2020;
  4. Collecting points of view in relation to cross-border interventions and their possible territorial impact, based on previous experience.

The events are organised following the timeline:

  • 19 October 2020: Arad and Satu Mare - 11:00 EET
  • 20 October 2020: Békés and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg - 11:00 CET
  • 21 October 2020: Csongrád-Csanád and Hajdú-Bihar - 11:00 CET
  • 22 October 2020: Central level institutions RO (11:00 EET) and HU (14:30 CET)
  • 23 October 2020: Bihor and Timiș - 11:00 EET.

Based on the content of the Territorial Analysis, the conclusions will integrate the findings resulted from the workshops as to ensure the highest quality document to be submitted to the Programming Committee for final contribution and approval.

The preliminary workshop guiding questions and the presentations can be accessed here.

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