No Project Code Axis Ip Project title Project Acronim START date END date STATUS Partner / Beneficiary Role Country County Total Project Value Total ERDF ERDF/partner ( Euro)
(last approved modification)
National Cofinancing Project's goal MAIN Sources of information
State Budget Own contribution Deliverables Results Indicators
Value €uro Value €uro
1 ROHU-7 PA1 6/c Joint Challenge and Joint Cooperation for the Management of Cross-Border Natural Heritage JCJCMCBNH 1-Mar-2018 31-Jul-2020 ended Don Orione Beneficence Charity Society LB RO BH 1,117,788.09 950,119.87 340,085.00 44,009.00 16,006.00 Improved conservation status for 386 hectars of habitats in Bihor and Bekes counties, development of competitive tourist attractions and raising awareness on the importance of the sustainable protection and development of natural heritage in the cross-border region. Finalized:
1) Construction of a tourist park in the village Zece Hotare and a Belvedere touristic refuge - Observer is in place;
2)The Tourist Info Point (TIP) in Bekescsaba was developed, acting as a bridge between the travelers and the local communities.;
3) Development of Cris/Körös Valley Visitor Centre and Animal Park - Szarvas, Bekes county, including a room for 50 people suitable for education, a warming kitchen, a chamber, the required social spaces, and a terrace facing the backwater where 40-50 individuals can have seats during educational occasions and temporary exhibitions to visit as well;
4) Grassland management along River Cris/Körös - Szentes, Csongrád county: 750 sqm constructed wooded hurdle for grazed cattles;
5) A Joint Tourist Strategy was delivered for promoting the joint tourist destination: The Crişul Repede/Sebes Koros Valley Road. is in place;
6) A number of 4 conferences aiming the main themes: tourism future trends; technology, legal, environmental, reaction to changes and innovation related to tourism were delivered;
7) A number of 6 cross-border trade-fairs having the general purpose to build strong relationships with local tourists business by supporting and encouraging quality of tourist services and products;
8) The Cross border Natura 2000 Official Surveys: Land-use survey, Landscape survey, Botanical survey, 2 Zoological surveys were delivered;
9) The conference ,,Conserving and Protecting Biodiversity and Natural Heritage", was in place.
10) Educational activities for children and young people were delivered:"School in nature",Survival classes for scouts,The importance of protected areas and Natura 2000 sites,Nature knowledge courses,Courses on nature protection.
Activities were focused on raising environmental awareness and developing eco-sustainable behavior. All these activities can be called ”green activities”;
11) A surface of 120 hectares was cleaned up of land on the Natura 2000 Crişu Repede Gorge – Craiului Forest site;
12) Two thematic routes were developed within this project:
- CAVE ROUTE - a 30,36 km route, which has the following itinerary: leave from Unguru Mare Cave, reach Mişidului Valley, pass on Izbucul Izbândiş and Izbândiş Cave, approaching Bătrânu Cave, passes by Recea Quarry, climb the Pojorâta cliff (point of view), arrive at the Tourist park in the village Zece Hotare and a Belvedere touristic refuge – Observer (Wachtower).
- FLORA ROUTE - a 1 km mini route on the field of LP (11 ha) wich will be dedicated to educational activities.
1) A number of 2 new buildings which will aid in hosting trainings on environmental and educational themes.
2) A total 486.5 hectars of habitats (Natura 2000 flora and fauna habitats) attained a better conservation status and will be protected through all the activities set up in Şuncuiuş, Bihor county, Romania and Körös Maros National Park, Bekes County in Hungary.
3) Joint program of habitat interventions which is aiming at promoting good ecosystem function, sustaining protected species and lands, and enhancing biodiversity.
4) Activities involving children and young people will encourage them to live a "greener" lifestyle, at home and at school. By teaching children at a young age to be environmentally aware, will be built lifelong habits that could potentially make a dramatic difference in the future of the earth.
6/c CO23 Nature and biodiversity: Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status

Number : 486.5 planned (386 haplanned )

Bekes County Chamber of Commerce and Industry PP2 HU BK 74,534.87 8,767.94 4,385.28

Koros-Maros National Park Directorate PP3 HU BK 535,500.00 94,500.00 0.00

2 ROHU-103 PA1 6/c Joint protection of cross-border natural values Carei-Nyiradony IRIS 1-Apr-2018 31-Jul-2020 ended Municipality of Carei LB RO SM 665,714.00 565,856.90 272,000.00 41,596.80 6,403.20 Improved natural conservation of the threatened species Iris
and improved promotion of cross-border natural heritage by linking Dendrological
Park of Carei, Nyíradony Szakolykert and Feny Forest through a thematic route,
leading to an increased competitive potential of the cross-border settlements.
1) Restored and preserved Dendrological Park from Carei (renovated brick fence, plantation of trees/bushes/flowers and purchasing a foldout mobile ice rink which will be used in summer for flowers exhibition) ;
2) Restored and preserved original habitat of Iris in the Forest Fény and a garden for native species at the Country house of Gencsy;
3) 2 workshops organized by the Hungarian partner with the participation of project partners and experts.
4) Iris thematic route coming from Hungary and having as terminal point the Dendrological Park in Carei;
5) Newly built fixed stage and service building and installed tent in the garden of Country house of Gencsy;
6) One project dissemination event.
1) Improved attractiveness and promotion of the rehabilitated areas as integrated tourism destination and raised number of visitors.
2) Iris planted in Forest Fény and a garden for native species at the Country house of Gencsy.
3) Higher awareness of the inhabitants of the cross-border area about natural values and their conservation.
4) Newly created Iris thematic route (video LED panel, sign posts, bicycle parking stand, purchased bicycles and mobile tent, developed mobile application with the map of the thematic route, info points, etc.)
6/c 1 CO23 Nature and biodiversity: Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status

Planned to be reached: 306.54 ha Reached: 306.54 ha

Gúth-Keled Non-profit Association for Tourism and Nature Protection PP2 HU HB 293,856.90 34,567.95 17,289.15​​​​​​​

3 ROHU-35 PA1 6/c Greening Footprints GREEFOP 1-Jun-2018 31-May-2020 ended Szent István University - Arboretum of Szarvas LB HU BK 1,663,232.70 1,413,747.79 756,542.24 133,507.46 0.00 Increased surface area of habitats on both sides of the border, and realising construction-renovation works for the benefit of protecting and promoting natural and cultural heritages of both scenes. Finalized:
1) Purchasing and installing equipment, furniture, technical tools and vehicles connecting to the walking path for trimming the trees and shrubs, and in case needed, control of pests, diseases on leaves, branches, trunks or at the soil level, cutting off dead trees, trees that are dangerously inclined, cutting the canopy, the dead branches, trimming the branches;
2) To preserve the environment represented by the park, several activities were performed, such as: cleaning the park of the unaesthetic foundation elements, scrapping existing asphalt; arranging the places for prayers – meditation - relaxation, by rehabilitating the existent pergolas and making them more intimate with climbing plants - Lonicera halliana; renovation of the open-air theater located behind the palace; rehabilitation of the pavement in front of main entries; restoration of the existent fence; the installation of a solar power station that would enable the charging of park maintenance equipment;
3) Construction and infrastructure works in the Arboretum of Szarvas (HU) cover the following topics: constructing a thematic walking path; designing a meditation area; Eco-Playpark- designed for children and adults also; creating an event place with a mobile stage.
4) Construction and infrastructure works in the Dendrological Park Baroque Palace (RO) cover the following topics: meditation place, walking paths, outdoor amphiteater.
5) Digital measures implemented to promote and highlight the achievements of the project: a webpage, information desk and pocket guide applications. A Study book and brochures in 5 languages were published/distributed within the project.
1) The protection and maintenance of cultural heritages are assured and are introduced to the wide public, preserving and supporting natural heritages.
2) The potential of the park, reveals environmental values uncared. Most of the existing built parts were deprecated, but an optimal balance between the natural and anthropic elements was given. Also, by preserving the environment represented by the park, an important impact was made on the people’s health, with trees older than 150 years.
3) The planned thematic route connects an unused and still separated and unvisitable part of the Arboretum to the already visited area; the farmhouse means an additional location where the knowledge will be transferred to the students and the public. With the newly implemented meditation place, the public building and the attractions presenting a historical, biblical period a huge part of the Arboretum became visitable and attractive for tourists. The territory of the directly affected area of the Arboretum is 82 Ha, and indirectly all the territory of Békésszentandrás (7745 ha) and Szarvas (16 157 ha) will be affected and will attain a better conservation status.
4) The Eco-Playpark gives adults and children access to nature, sports and a healthy lifestyle. Its topics are water, birds, crops and fruits, mammals, plants, insects and reptiles. Children and adults will be taught to know and respect the environment.
5) A mobile stage installed in the courtyard of the new community building, and events will take place in the park, in nature.
6/c CO09 Sustainable Tourism: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions

Number: 77267 visits

CO23 Nature and biodiversity: Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status

Number: 24599.69 ha
Project description:

Roman-Catholic Diocese of Oradea PP2 RO BH 657,205.55 100,506.06 15,471.39

4 ROHU-14 PA1 6/c Conservation, protection and promotion of the natural values from the Salonta-Békéscsaba crossborder area The nature corner 1-Mar-2018 30-Jun-2023 ended The Municipality of Salonta LB RO BH 2,997,387.86 2,547,779.68 1,551,314.60 237,241.63 36,519.77 Ensure the sustainable usage of joint natural heritage within the Salonta-Békés cross-border area, by improving the conservation status of the local natural heritage and by promoting natural values in an integrated way, through conservation measures regarding the Otis tarda and other species that live on the territory addressed by the project, including the reahabilitation of different areas and Natura 2000 sites, and by improving the community preparadness in protecting and using natural values.
Improving, conserving, rehabilitating natural values and then making them accessible to the wide public and jointly promoting them in an attractive manner.
1) 2 New visitor centers created: 1 in Bekes - Danfok, containing a conference room and an interactive exhibition hall, and 1 new visitor center built in Salonta (the Dropia Center);
2) the studies regarding the status of the protected areas addressed by the project were completed by the PB2 KVNE
3) the awareness rising ecology contest, involving 80 teachers and 500 pupils was organised by the PB3 Milvus, and was highly appreciated by the participants;
4) 6 km of medium voltage lines, which were crossing the great bustard's habitat and represented a great danger to their survival, were placed in the underground, in Salonta;
5) 3 visitors thematic tracks, created in Salonta and Bekes regions: a 1900 m long educational trail was created in Bekes, on the banks of the river Koros. The educational trail includes portable docks for pneumatics boats, for sailing on the Élővíz-csatorna channel - Koros river; a bicycle and a pedestrian tracks in Salonta;
6) a biological habitat and gene reserve park was created in Bekes, where native vegetation species are cultivated and preserved;
7) Construction of 1 tower for observing bustards and other species in Salonta;
8)2 joint exchanges of experience, for 12 representatives of all 4 project beneficiaries, regarding the conservation of the great bustard (Otis tarda), were organised;
9) 11 events/ workshops regarding ecological protection and conservation of protected species in the project’s area were organised;
10) 40 traps for the natural predators of the great bustrad (Otis Tarda) were installed in Salonta, and a stray animal management program was implemented;
11) 1 ecological restauration action in Bekes was completed;
12) The Eutroph Lake / Natura 2000 area in Salonta - 25.917 m2 water surface - ecologically restored;
13) GIS database of the protected areas addressed by the project;
14) Reports (8) on Monitoring Otis Tarda and the factors that contribute to its endangerment;
1) Improving, conserving and rehabilitating natural values and making them accessible to the wide public and jointly promoting them in an attractive manner, through cross-border private-public partnership in the field of conservation and promotion of the joint natural heritage of the area, resulting in a better conservation status for the local endangered species, mainly the Otis Tarda (Dropia/ Great Bustard);
2) Providing better information and better acces to the local natural and antropic attractions, creating the necessary infrastructure to attract visitors and support the local turism;
3) Increasing the number of visits in the area addressed by the project, therefore facilitating local development through turism;
4) Raising awereness and involving the local community in the ecological restauration and conservation activities;
5) Ensuring the environmental conditions necessary for the conservation of local endangered/ endemic species, including specific flora and fauna for the Eutrophic lake in Salonta;
6) Preservation of native species, by ensuring a specific habitat in the gene reserve park created within the project

6/c1 CO09 Sustainable Tourism: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions
Planned to be reached:
Number: 6355 visits/year
Number: 7543 visits/year
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 118.69%

6/c2. CO23 Nature and biodiversity: Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status
Planned to be reached:
Number:1519.41 ha
Number: 1519,41 ha
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.00%

Körösök Valley Nature Park Association PP2 HU BK 170,000.00 19,998.00 10,002.00

Milvus Transylvania West Association PP3 RO BH 164,878.75 25,214.82 3,881.43

Municipality of Békés PP4 HU BK 661,586.33 77,825.91 38,924.62

5 ROHU-115 PA1 6/c From One Bridge To Another - De La Un Pod La Altul – Hídtól Hídig FOBTA 1-Mar-2018 31-Dec-2023 ended Salacea Commune LB RO BH 1,611,547.26 1,369,815.16 958,558.06 146,591.73 22,565.58 Develop and promote a new integrated tourism destination, featured by a cross-border thematic route that connects and integrates the natural and anthropic heritage of Salacea and Hortobágy, emphasizing the importance of cross-border cooperation in conserving, protecting, developing and promoting the touristic objectives found in the cross-border area addressed by the project, in order to increase the number of visitors and of overnigt stays, as well as to attain a better conservation status of the Natura 2000 protected sites. Finalized:
1) Two 7 days nature protection volunteer camps, for a total of 40 people, organized in the area surrounding Hortobagy village, in the proximity of Hortobágy River.
2) New visitor infrastructure has been built in Hortobagy village, consisting of:
a) Creating and arranging a didactic route on Hortobágy River and the riverbank: nature conservation didactic route – river section (having 12 stations), nature conservation didactic route – riverbank section (having 9 stations), bird friendly garden at station 21. of the riverbank of the didactic; resting places and information panels;
b) Parking lot and service road rehabilitation: new access facility
c) Establishing a permanent exhibition presenting the Hortobágy River: exhibition hall with permanent exhibition;
3) Developing the light pollution free public illumination of Hortobágy Village:
a) Newly created bird-friendly illumination system near the Nine-holed Bridge;
b) Modernized, light-pollution free public illumination system of Hortobágy Village;
4) Establishment of Hortobágy River and its surroundings as protected area of local importance;
5) Conservation, enrichment and improvement of Salacea Pasture by forming an ecological corridor especially for amphibians and insects: creation of one ecological corridor set up in Salacea, connecting the two sides of Salacea Pasture and placing information panels presenting the species inhabiting Salacea Pasture;
5) One new visitor infrastructure facility built in Otomani natural park (Salacea commune), consisting of:
a) New building having the role of vistor center, reception and information point;
b) Parking area;
c) Theme park with pedestrian alley networks in Otomani natural park and resting place;
d) Educational and recreational area for children: wooden castle and thematic alley: educational alley made of different natural materials: gravel, tree bark, wooden discs, sand, clay, corn etc, making it easy for children to experiment the touch of nature;
e) suspended thematic and education track system between the trees;
f) Observatory: a wooden pavilion, with benches, information panels, trashcan, and panoramic binoculars.
6) Constructing a bike track and rehabilitating the brick bridge: bike tracks (488 m length) to connect the new visitor infrastructure from Otomani and the Brick Bridge and Salacea marshes touristic areas; rehabilitated Brick Bridge in Salacea.
7) New cross-border thematic route connecting two bridges, respectively the Nine-holed Bridge in Hortobágy and the brick bridge between the two sides of Salacea Pasture in Salacea:
a) 8 new tourist packages created to promote the newly established touristic thematic route, with different durations (1-7 days). The packages included: trilingual (HU/RO/EN) thematic route brochures with map, photo album presenting the natural values of Hortobágy and Salacea and booklets;
b) Mobile friendly webpage, available at, a travelling photo exhibition, and a documentary film.
1) Providing better information and better acces to the local natural and antropic attractions, creating the necessary infrastructure to attract visitors and support the local turism;
2) Increasing the number of visits in the area addressed by the project, therefore facilitating local development through turism;
3) Rehabilitation of Salacea Pasture, which is an integrated part of Natura 2000 sites ROSPA0016 Nirului Field - Ierii Valley and ROSCI0021 Ierului Field : better conservation status of the area surounding Salacea and Hortobagy villages;
4) Ensuring the environmental conditions necessary for the conservation of local endangered/ endemic species, including specific flora and fauna for the Salacea marshes;

6/c 1 CO09 Sustainable Tourism: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions
Planned to be reached:
Number: 5000.visits/year
Number: 5000 visits/year
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.00%

6/c 2. CO23 Nature and biodiversity: Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status
Planned to be reached:
Number: 968.0 ha
Number: 968.0 ha
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.00% Facebook LB(RO) Comuna Salacea: BP(RO) Comuna Salacea: The background study offers a detailed image regarding the natural heritage-based tourism potential of the cross-border area of Salacea and Hortobágy, as well as regarding the actual state of natural heritage-based tourism offers.

Local Government of Hortobágy Village PP2 HU HB 411,257.10 48,378.36 24,196.43

6 ROHU-68 PA1 6/c Creating a joint tourist destination in the cross-border area of Lugașu de Jos and Komádi, through cross-border protection of natural heritage values along the Crișul Repede Valley PRO-CRV 1-Apr-2019 30-Jun-2022 ended Lugasu de Jos Commune LB RO BH 904,905.47 769,169.64 489,934.87 74,925.46 11,533.64 Improving the conservation status of Natura 2000 site ROSPA0123, Tileagd lake, to ensure a favourable conservation status for species and habitats of this site and increasing the number of tourists visiting the natural sites along the Crisul Repede Valley, in the cross-border area of Lugasu de Jos(RO) and Komádi (HU), due to the improved visibility and attractiveness of the area( as joint, integrated cross-border tourism destination). Finalized:
1) 20 activities summing the elaboration of specific documents, awareness raising and events organized for creation of an ecotouristic thematic route along the Crisul Repede Valley (RO);
2) 1 package of landfill site greening execution works, in order to bring extra value to the natural area in the proximity of Tileagd accumulation lake (RO);
3) 8 lodges were installed, for creating a new infrastructure for visitors of Tileagd accumulation lake greened site (RO);
4) ornithological habitat on Varsánykerti lake that improves the conservation status of the lake by increasing the bird habitat diversity (HU);
5) 1 environmental friendly visitor infrastructure developed in Komádi (HU).
6) 1 day event - joint info day for farmers on tourism and sustainable agriculture (RO);
7) 2 days long event - joint workshop for tourism stakeholders (RO)
1 ) 1 cross border ecotouristic thematic route along the Crisul Repede Valley, which integrates into a joint cross-border touristic destination, the natural treasures of the Crisul Repede Valley, based on a joint thematic concept focusing on ecotourism.
2) 0.30 ha of greened landfill site, leading to Improving the conservation status of Natura 2000 site ROSPA0123, by developing and accessibilising natural heritage infrastructure.
3) 4.69 ha belonging to Varsánykerti lake, supported by a new visitor infrastructure, with a conservation status improved.
6/c CO23 Nature and biodiversity: Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status
Planned to be reached:
Number : 609.69 ha
Number: 609.69 ha
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.00% 2.

Local Government of Komádi PP2 HU HB 232,472.96 27,347.03 13,677.61 4. 3.

Pro Crisul Repede Valley Association PP3 RO BH 46,761.81 7,151.27 1,100.82 5.

7 ROHU-79 PA1 6/c Joint Conservation Management and Development of Information Infrastructure of Protected Areas along the Romanian and Hungarian Course of Tur River ROHU TURRIVER 1-May-2018 31-Dec-2020 ended Hortobágy National Park Directorate LB HU HB 643,759.50 547,195.57 270,485.72 47,732.78 0.00 Increased number of visitors in the natural protected areas along the inferior course of the Tur River in Romania and Hungary Finalized:
1) In order to carry out internal surveys, tools and equipment needed for research were purchased (eg. Electric Fishing Machine, electric engine, neoprene fishing clothes, fishfinder radar, kayak and accessories, canoe and accessories, off-road vehicle, stereo microscope and accessories...) ;
2) In order to preserve the riparian woodlands and wood pastures biodiversity is very important to put accent on the conservation of bats so, 245 artificial bat boxes were placed out in 39 different locations and a bat-presentation wall at the Cégénydányád Castle.
3) For the guiding of tourists who visit the bicycle route developed in the project, a system was made and now an upgrade of the app is needed to elaborate and add more information about the region - pocket-guide system TurGO!.
1) The surveys ensured the necessary information for the administrators of protected areas (partners in this project) in order to elaborate a common action plan for the conservation of natural values of the protected areas.
2) By assuring artificial bat roosts for bats a direct contribution was made to the conservation of these species and also of the woodlands from the target area.
3) Placing a so called bat-wall at the Visitor Center from Cégénydányád the region’s natural values among tourists and members of the local community is promoted.
The project contributes to the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy which aims to halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the EU and help stop global biodiversity loss. Surveys, realised by internal and external experts about the designation Natura 2000 habitats and species, invasive alien species and the presence of micropollutants in differents organisms, have been made.
4) The tourists will have more information about protected areas and surroundings: tourism routes and tracks, thematic paths, accommodation facilities, touristic service providers (bike rentals, kayak and canoe rentals, tourism guides), points of touristic interests (historical and architectural monuments, museums, restaurants), system TurGO.
6/c 1 CO23 Nature and biodiversity: Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status
Planned to be reached:
Number: 69574,75 ha
Number: 34571 ha reached

All the activities within the project have an impact on the same area, summing up an area of 34571 ha. Unfortunately, when the project was submitted, the output indicators were wrongly introduced into the system thus, the eMS doubled the value of the indicators, resulting in an area of 69574.75 ha. (this was the planned output value).
However, according to the supporting document of the Beneficiaries regarding the achievement of the indicators, through the implementation of the project activities, the total surface of a protected area with an improved conservation status achieved by the project is 94231,72 hectares (according to the supporting document attached

Transylvanian Carpathia Society - Satu Mare PP2 RO SM 276,709.85 42,317.08 6,514.07

8 ROHU-62 PA1 6/c Borderless Green Corridor JOINTGREENCORR 1-Apr-2018 31-Aug-2021 ended Odoreu Commune LB RO SM 1,025,642.00 871,795.70 513,689.00 78,558.16 12,092.84 Better conservation, protection and promotion status of the
natural heritage in the cross-border area of ‘Lower Somes’ and improved eco
tourist infrastructure, promoting thus sustainable tourism that contributes to the
development of the border counties of Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg.
1) Organized environmental events, contests on both sides of the border: World Water Day, World Day of Birds, Forest Month events, International Day of Biodiversity, World Environment Day, Earth Day, European Mobility Week, “The Most Successful Mascot” and “The Best at Recycling”; pedestrian bridge in Odoreu and pontoon in Csenger made of recyclable materials;
2) Opinion survey (made before the project start) and 1 workshop organized for economic operators authorized for activities of exploitation of the sand and gravel from the beds of Somes River (with 50 participants);
3) Reconstructed ecological species saving lake in Csenger (HU);
4) Revitalised old bed of Somes River in Odoreu (RO);
5) Eco tourist guide and promotional film for the promotion of the cross-border area.
1) Large public informed on environmental protection issues as a result of participation to the organized environmental events/contests/workshop.
2) Continuous water supply ensured by the well, increased life space of water-related animals in the lake from Csenger, informative presentation of the species to be protected, useful leisure programs for inhabitants from Csenger and the visiting guests;
3) Relatively constant level of water in all sectors of the dead arm of Somes River; optimal conditions for maintaining some breeding and feeding habitats for amphibians, otter and fish, and for developing a water vegetation of yellow water lily;
6/c CO23 Nature and biodiversity: Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status

Planned to be reached:
Number: 450 ha

Reached: Number: 450 ha

Self-government of Csenger City PP2 HU SB 337,094.70 39,654.24 19,833.06

Interaction 2050 Association PP3 RO SM 21,012.00 3,213.36 494.64

9 ROHU-29 PA1 6/c Conservation and protection of ecosystems endangered by lack of thermal and freshwater in crossborder area AQUARES 1-May-2018 28-Feb-2021 ended Oradea Metropolitan Area Intercommunity Development Association LB RO BH 1,346,941.55 1,144,900.31 267,070.00 40,842.86 6,287.14 Improved protection of underground thermal waters and better conservation status of thermal species in Bihor and Hajdu-Bihar Counties. Finalized:
1) The Metropolitan Center for Geothermal Development was rehabilitated
2) 1 Protected Area clean-up campaign- 30 participants organized a hygiene campaign in the Petea and Hidisel streams, the Petea brook, in the meadow and in the fenced area.
3) 1 Eco-tourism concept study finalized
4) 1 Bacteriological study elaborated
5) 1 Paleobotanical study elaborated
6) 6 Studies on restoration of thermal springs elaborated
7) 1 Renovated pool with thermal water lilies, where the protected species of thermal lilly will be relocated from the greenhouse.This pool mimic the natural conditions , a permanent course of geothermal water is provided.
1) Better conservation status of thermal species in Protected Areas in Romania and Hungary (372 ha in Petea Natural Park and 284 ha in „Pocsaj-kapu” Protected Area), especially of the thermal lily or dretea (Nymphaea lotus var. thermalis), the snail (Melanopsis parreyssii) and the Thermal Rudd (Scardinius racovitzai).
2) A renovated pool assuring better conservation conditions for the thermal lilies in Oradea University Camp.
3) 9 studies completed, helping the characterization and research of hydrogeological conditions necessary for restoration and operation of thermal springs, thus providing a better conservation status for thermal species in Romania and Hungary.
6/c 1 CO23 Nature and biodiversity: Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status

Reached: 656 ha

The implementation period has ended, the documentation to support the achievement of the output indicators was sent to MA on 02.12.2021.

Aqua Crisius Angling Association PP2 RO BH 104,178.55 15,931.97 2,452.48

University of Oradea PP3 RO BH 390,864.46 59,774.68 9,201.41

Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences PP4 HU HB 382,787.30 67,550.70 0.00

10 ROHU-126 PA1 6/c Nature preservation, protection and promotion on both sides of the Romainian-Hungarian border PRONATURE 1-Jul-2018 31-Dec-2023 ended Bihor County Council LB RO BH 2,656,585.69 2,258,097.82 1,217,853.28 186,245.59 28,669.70 Improved conservation status for 40 000 hectars of habitats, increased number of up to 50 000 tourists to supported sites, promotion of the sustainable tourism and of the environmental protection in Bihor and Hajdu – Bihar Counties. Finalized
1.Creating a nature monitoring and promotion centre by rehabilitating a building and equipping it with furniture and specific equipment in Vadu Crișului area, Romania;
2.Building a Visitor Information and Management Infrastructure in Korrosszegapati, Hungary;
3.Building the Centre for preserving local traditions Vadu Crisului;
4.Developing 3 thematic routes in the area and installation of information panels;
5.Organizing 2 workshops, “Protected areas as ecotouristical destinations”, “Preserving and protecting measures of the bio diversity in Natura 2000 sites.”;
6.Organizing a 7 days camp for junior-ranger children;
7.Organizing 5 thematic workshops in nature for children;
8.Organizing an Expert Protected Area course (at least 20 people attending the course and received certificates of protected areas);
9.Organizing public events to promote nature and nature-related traditions (Vama Sării Fair, climbing competition, rafting and tyrolean tours, via-ferata, Tzaran-Gyula memorial tour);
10.Organizing events in nature (for preschool, school children's nature conservation camps, adventure games, bicycle tours);
11.Making an educational film (broadcast in schools and in the online);
12.Making ecological education for the protection and conservation of nature (500 educational kit, 1000 passport for nature, 500 promotional sets, flyers, brochures, posters, etc);
13.Drawing up 1 quantitative and qualitative monitoring study of tourists;
14.Drawing up the Nature interpretation plan for the future Visitor centre of Defileul Crișului Repede Nature reserve and its surroundings;
15.Purchasing equipment for the monitoring and promotion centre of nature (20 bicycles, 1 4x4 off road vehicle, 1 trailer, 1 audio-guide system, 1 active audio system, 1 microphone, 1 video projector, 1 voltage stabilizer, 4 ups, 2 laptops, 5 LCD smart, 25 virtual glasses, 1 printer, 1 projection screen, 1 info touch, etc.);
16.Purchasing equipment for Visitor Information and Management Centre (2 notebooks, 1 LCD TV, 1 projector, furniture, 1 printer, 2 digital camera, 1 sound system, 7 binocular, etc.);
17.Creating the project website
1.Two buildings were completed, contributing to the enhancement of nature conservation, protection, and promotion efforts.
2.A total of 40,000 hectares of habitats were brought to a better conservation status and are now protected through various activities implemented in Vadu Crișului commune, Bihor County, Romania, and Korrosszegapati, Hajdú-Bihar, Hungary.
3.The number of tourists visiting supported sites increased, reaching up to 50,000 visitors.

6/c CO09 Sustainable Tourism: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions
Reached: 50,000 visits/year
Observation: According to the Methodology for defining the indicators, this indicator reflects the increase in a number of visits to a site in the year following project completion. According to those declared by the LB RO CJBH within PR17.3: “at the time of the submission of the AF, the statistics provided by The National Institute of Statistics showed that in 2013, the number of tourists visiting Pădurea Craiului was slightly above 950,000. The same statistic also mentioned in the Quantitative and qualitative monitoring system of the tourists-study developed by PP3 RO CAPDD showed that between 2013 and 2021 this number increased with over 180,000. The number of visitors is continuously increasing in the 2 natural protected areas, all project partners will take all the required measures to quantify the number of visitors in the year following project completion (2024).”

6/c CO23 Nature and biodiversity: Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status
Reached: 40,000 ha (of protected area on the Romanian and Hungarian side - Natura 2000 site Crisul Repede - Pădurea Craiului and Natura2000 Berekböszörmény-Körmösdpusztai legelők HUHN 20103 site in Korrosszegapati, Hungary).

The implementation period has ended, and the documentation supporting the achievement of the output indicators was sent to the MA on 14.06.2024.

Vadu Crisului Town Hall PP2 RO BH 335,880.59 51,366.03 7,907.02

Center of Protected Areas and Sustainable Development Bihor Association PP3 RO BH 84,253.96 12,884.92 1,983.43

Körösszegapát Town Hall PP4 HU HB 620,109.99 72,946.83 36,484.35

11 ROHU-53 PA1 6/c Conservation and protection of the cross border natural heritage of Bihor - Hajdú-Bihar counties Na-Tu-Re 1-May-2018 30-Apr-2024 ended Sinmartin Commune LB RO BH 2,835,216.60 2,409,934.10 1,729,738.61 264,527.91 40,720.08 Setting up an active management tool for the protected species and habitats in the cross border area, by implementing joint methods of monitoring and conservation, as well as providing ecological education to the local communities, with the aim of attaining better understanding of the importance of protected species and habitats in day to day life, and of the means to maintain and improve the conservation status of the cross border biodiversity;
Achieving better organization of the traffic, visits and transit in the protected areas addressed by the project, by ensuring the necessary amenities and actions to harmonize the conservation efforts with the touristic approach.
1) a railing systems, fences (app. 2200 m length) and barriers were installed in the protected sites addressed by the project, in order to limit the acces into Petea protected site;
2) a drinking pool for bats (70 sqm) was set up in the Betfia Protected area;
3) 6 temporary aquatic water tanks/holes and ponds, for reproduction and feeding of the protected amphibian species, were set up in Betfia forest;
4) Billboards and informative panels were installed throughout the area addressed by the project and informative and promotional materials were distributed to the visitors/ local population, such as: flyers, brochures, photo albums, tourist maps, documentary short films, gameboards (box), colouring books, etc;
5) 189 events/ programs with impact on environmental education: volunteer camps, experience exchange events, awareness raising activities, indoor presentations of nature protection and conservation actions, fieldtrips, nature conservation competitions for children, training sessions for environmental professionals, elimination of illegal waste-dumps, etc, were organised;
6) 166 Studies and scientific reports/ journals regarding the species and habitats of conservation interest, invasive and problematic species and their management control, in the area addressed by the project, were carried out;
7) Regeneration of habitats in the protected sites addressed by the project: planting 87 500 forest seedlings, 10 100 herbaceous plants, and 800 shrubs in the area addressed by the project; removal of invasive species and ecology activities in Peta and Betfia protected sites, and in Debrecen-hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek forest, on a total surface of app 3000 ha;
8) Purchase of specific vehicles (4x4 van), tractor, equipment, tools for different ecological activities/ maintenance works in the area addressed by the project and IT/ office equipment for the project implementation teams;
9) Installing shelters and artificial nests for species of bats and birds: 80 pieces of bat shelters, 590 birds nests.
10) 4 terraces/ gazebos and 1 observation/ monitoring tower installed in Peta and Betfia protected sites;
11) Built infrastructure in the protected areas of Peta and Betfia: 1 monitoring centre with parking lot and toilets was built at the Betfia protected site border; an observation tower was build on Betfia hill, as well as 2 Access roads into Betfia and Peta Sites; Peta site was also enclosed with fencing, in order to limit the unautorised access, and 1 parking area, addressing the Peta site, was also built;
12) 80 artifical bat shelters and 590 birds nests, of differnet sizes, were installed in Betfia and Debrecen-Hajdúböszörményi tölgyesek forests;
13) specialised plantig tools and equipment, boats, eelectricity generators, as well as a tractor for performing maintenance works were also bought.
1) Better conservation status for the local endangered species has been partially achieved, through the project activities implemented so far. The reforestation of Valea Iadei protected site has an significat impact on the environemt and greatly contributes to achieving a better conservation status.
2) Tourists have better information on the local attractions, and better accees to the natural attractions from the area addressed by the project;
3) The local population is more aware and involved in the ecological conservation/ protection activties.
6/C 1. CO23 Nature and biodiversity: Surface area of habitats supported to attain a better conservation status

Reached: 5063.5 ha

Indicator fully achieved.

Aqua Crisius Angling Association PP2 RO BH 233,155.00 35,656.26 5,488.74

Foundation For Culture And Ecologist Education Ecotop PP3 RO BH 220,279.62 33,687.24 5,185.64

Green Circle – Friends of the Earth Hungarian member PP4 HU HB 226,760.87 26,675.09 13,341.54

12 ROHU-343 PA1 6/c Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cultural incubator for performing arts CBC Incubator 1-Aug-2019 31-Jan-2019 ended Csokonai Theatre - Debrecen LB HU HB 46,180.00 39,253.00 7,905.00 929.91 465.09 Developing of the Full Application, with every detail of the implementation and preparation of the supporting documents. Finalized:
1) Common elaboration of the Full Application with every detail of the implementation (detailed activities, specified deliverables, detailed budget, etc.);
2) Preparation of related supporting documentation;
3) Preparation and submission of the Full Application in the eMS system;
4) Regular meetings between partners during the implementation period of the Concept Note .
1) Elaborated and submitted Full Application(ROHU445 - CBC Incubator - Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cultural incubator for performing arts).
2)Prepared supporting documentation (mandatory-according to programme guidelines and other necessary documents).
No output indicators setup for the Concept Note phase.

Municipality of Debrecen PP2 HU HB 30,600.00 3,599.64 1,800.36

Szigligeti Theatre PP3 RO BH 748.00 114.39 17.61

13 ROHU-445 PA1 6/c Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cultural incubator for performing arts CBC Incubator 1-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2023 ended Csokonai Theatre - Debrecen LB HU HB 12,841,586.99 10,834,325.06 496,610.97 58,418.98 29,218.25 Improved attractiveness and utilization of intangible elements of the joint heritage created, strengthened cross-border cooperation between cultural institutions involving artists and cultural professional and consequently increased visibility of the common Romanian and Hungarian values at the European cultural scene.
1) 6 theoretical training programmes, 16 exchanged performances, 1 archive of performances, 7 “Actors and their languages” workshops, 15 translation workshops, two „2 countries – 2 theatre cultures” conference, one interactive exhibition, 8 acting workshops
2) Complex development of the Szigligeti Theatre in Oradea (reconstruction of stage infrastructure, machinery, technological and functional systems, fire protection infrastructure).
3) Series of online events organized by Csokonai Theatre
4) Newly created Romanian-Hungarian Cross-border Cultural Incubator for Performing Arts in Debrecen (a multifunctional cultural institution with variable and flexible stage technology)
1) Improved conditions for sharing, creating, protecting and promoting the common cultural values
2) Increased cultural mobility in the eligible area
3) Greater flexibility for cultural performances
4) Higher tourist attractiveness of the Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border area
5) A strengthened link between cultural organizations/professionals, which will contribute to promote the cultural diversity , intercultural dialogue, will stimulate creativity and will contribute to the enrichement of both cultures (RO and HU).
6/c CO09 Sustainable Tourism: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions

Planned to be reached:
Number: 18,462 visits/year
To be reached in the year following project completion (after 2023)

Municipality of Debrecen PP2 HU HB 9,030,223.88 1.062.273,05
531,295.87 Project website:

Szigligeti Theatre PP3 RO BH 1,307,490.21 199.937,41

14 ROHU-344 PA1 6/c Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Education Centre of Cultural and Historical Heritage EduCultCentre 1-Aug-2018 31-Jan-2019 ended Municipality of Debrecen LB HU HB 49,296.00 41,901.60 30,600.00 3,599.64 1,800.36 Developing of the Full Application, with every detail of the implementation and preparation of the supporting documents. Finalized:
1) Common elaboration of the Full Application with every detail of the implementation (detailed activities, specified deliverables, detailed budget, etc.);
2) Preparation of related supporting documentation;
3) Preparation and submission of the Full Application in the eMS system;
4) Regular meetings between partners during the implementation period of the Concept Note.
1) Elaborated and submitted Full Application (ROHU446 – EduCultCentre - Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Education Centre of Cultural and Historical Heritage).
2)Prepared supporting documentation (mandatory-according to programme guidelines and other necessary documents).
No output indicators setup for the Concept Note phase.

Csokonai Theatre - Debrecen PP2 HU HB 7,905.00 929.91 465.09

Țării Crișurilor Museum PP3 RO BH 2,510.90 384.00 59.10

Varad Cultural Journal PP4 RO BH 885.70 135.45 20.85

15 ROHU-446 PA1 6/c Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Education Centre of Cultural and Historical Heritage EduCultCentre 1-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2023 ended Municipality of Debrecen LB HU HB 10,462,922.51 8,629,852.73 5,076,838.18 597,215.36 298,697.26 Improved attractiveness and utilization of intangible
elements of the joint heritage created, strengthened cross-border cooperation
between cultural institutions involving artists and cultural professional and
consequently increased visibility of the common Romanian and Hungarian values
at the European cultural scene.
1) Newly established Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Education Centre of Cultural and Historical Heritage in Debrecen (event hall with a variable stage space, orpheum, ballet room, training rooms);;
2) Development of the Tarii Crisurilor Museum in Oradea (interior design works for establishing exhibition rooms on the history, ethnography and art sections; purchasing equipment, furniture, and software); the new art, etnography and history sections set up through the project are fully operational and in included in the visitor's circuits.
3) Construction of the Cultural House in Oradea is completed - the construction activity was taken over by "Gheorghe Sincai" Bihor County Libtrary, from the initial beneficiary - Varad Cultural Journal. The Cultural centre is operational and hosting cultural events.
4) Several cultural and artistic event were succesfully carried out; a new dance methodology was developed, and young, aspiring actors were supported through the project activities; conferences on artistic and cultural subjects were organised, as well as youth and children international camps, meetings, educational programmes.
5) Common cross-border cultural activities were organised:15 theoretical and practical training programmes, 3 conferences of drama pedagogy, 4 art camps, 2 art meetings for youths, 2 conferences and training sessions, 10 major cultural events recorded from the Romanian-Hungarian border, 3 international conferences of dance anthropology.
1)The conditions for sharing, creating, protecting and promoting the common cultural values are improved, through the construction of the CBC Cultural Centre in Debrecen Exchange of experiences and knowledge are ensured at a large scale.
2) The cultural mobility in the eligible area is increased: public from both sides of the borders participate in the events organised in the CBC Cultural Centre in Debrecen, in large numbers. The events organised by Csokonai theatre are also a success, and multinational participation is ensured.
3) Greater flexibility for cultural performances.
4) A significat increase in tourism hs been registered in the cross-border area, with an emphasis on the increased number of visitors to "Tarii Crisurilor Museum", as well as the Debrecen Forum.
5) Common theater performances, as well as intense collboration in other cultural areas (including museal and artefact restuaration activities) activity contributed to the protection of the existing cultural values, and succesfully promoted the creation of new, common, modern values.
6/c CO09 Sustainable Tourism: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions

Planned to be reached:
Number: 25,056 visits/year, in the year following project completion (by decembre 2024) - achievement to be calculated after the submision of the sustainability report

Csokonai Theatre - Debrecen PP2 HU HB 475,615.97 55,949.23 27,983.00 Project website:

Țării Crișurilor Museum PP3 RO BH 2,225,010.02 340,239.37 270,603.30

Varad Cultural Journal PP4 RO BH 852,388.56 130,353.17 112,029.09

16 ROHU-349 PA1 6/c Easing Access to Systemic Discovery of Our Origins and Resources EASYDOOR 1-Sep-2018 30-Nov-2019 ended Self-government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County LB HU SB 348,825.98 296,502.07 161,335.41 18,978.75 9,492.21 Developing of the Full Application, including the elaboration of the technical plans, of the necessary feasibility studies, as well as obtaining the needed building permits .
1) Elaboration of construction plans and feasibility studies for 15 churches from Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county;
2) Elaboration of construction plans and feasibility studies for the investments planned to be implemented in Full Aplication;
3) Contribution in planning of County Museum's renewal .
1) Elaboration of the Full Application for the LB.
No output indicators setup for the Concept Note phase.

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Regional Development and Environmental Management Agency Nonprofit Ltd PP2 HU SB 71,208.33 8,376.62 4,189.56

„KÖLCSEY” Television Program Service Nonprofit Limited Liability Company PP3 HU SB 42,708.33 5,024.02 2,512.75

Territorial Administrative Unit of Satu Mare County PP4 RO SM 21,250.00 3,249.75 500.25

Satu Mare County Museum PP5 RO SM - - 0.00

17 ROHU-456 PA1 6/c Easing Access to Systemic Discovery of Our Origins and Resources EASYDOOR 1-Oct-2020 31-Aug-2024 ended Self-government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County LB HU SB 13,677,807.48 11,518,497.93 4,362,620.39 513,198.14 256,676.05 Sustainable development of the target region by organizing a single, coherent cross-border touristic area, based on natural, historic, and cultural heritage resulted in the increased number of visitors. Finalized:
1) 3 interactive exhibitions established in Baktalórántháza, Érpatak and Nyíregyháza
2) 1 high-quality application developed aiming to present the attractions of the Szatmar – Satu-Mare region
3) 1 new concept for museum exhibitions developed within the Satu-Mare County Museum
4) 15 churches, a historical walk and resting place for pilgrims refurbished and restored
5) 1 developed Eco-Centre and visitor’s centre to exhibit natural values of the region and protecting the common natural heritages and values of the region
6) 3 Cross-border media and marketing centre refurbished and equipped in Kisvárda, Mátészalka and Fehérgyarmat
7) 1 refurbished and reorganized county museum building in Satu-Mare
1) Creating an integrated pool of tourism attractions in Szabolcs-Szatmár Bereg County, also by marketing the Szatmar – Satu-Mare area as an integrated tourist attraction
2) Developing a ‘Learning by entertainment’ method for re-discovering of the cultural and historic destinations within Szatmar-Satu-Mare area
3) Preserving the natural treasures and nature protection areas using eco-tourism tools
4) Increase of the attractiveness of the Satu-Mare County Museum, through a new concept for museum exhibitions and refurbishment
CO09 Sustainable Tourism: Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions

Planned to be reached: 30,000
To be reached in the year following project completion (in 2025)

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Regional Development and Environmental Management Agency Nonprofit Ltd PP2 HU SB 2,587,717.97 304,406.97 152,249.15

„KÖLCSEY” Television Program Service Nonprofit Limited Liability Company PP3 HU SB 1,877,368.47 220,844.80 110,455.52

Territorial Administrative Unit of Satu Mare County PP4 RO SM 2,664,866.10 407,566.00 189,337.92

Satu Mare County Museum PP5 RO SM 25,925.00 3,964.69 610.31

18 ROHU-208 PA1 6/b Improving Quality Management of Cross-border Rivers: Criș (Körös), Mures (Maros) and Tisa (Tisza) AQUALITY 1-Dec-2018 31-Dec-2024 ended Arad Water Company LB RO AR 4,060,327.24 2,549,744.47 1,728,197.37 264244.35 1,101,359.52 Improvement of ecological status of the cross-border rivers Cris (Körös), Mureş (Maros) and Tisa (Tisza), by increasing the quality of wastewater discharged from 6 wastewater treatment plants in the cross-border area addressed by the project, while also improving the coordination and implementation of water management tasks. Finalized:
1) Szegedi Vízmű Zrt. (PP2) completed the modernization of Szeged wastewater treatment plant, by installing all the relevant equipment; the influence of the modernization on the measuring points shall be assessed after all the equipment is placed in function.
2) The technical engineering was started for the building/ equipping of the 4 wastewater treatment plants in Arad County: the contract for the elaboration of the technical plans and construction works was concluded.
3) Renovation works at Algyo wastewater treatment plant completed by PP3.
4) Szegedi Vízmű Zrt. (PP2) carry out continuous research and analysis in order to develop a joint study of technological developments and changes on both sides of the border, and publish it in a final report
5) Development of 4 waste water treatment facilities in Romania:
a) Construction works, installations and equipment at the Lipova treatment plant;
b) Equipment for technological objects at Ineu treatment plant;
c) Equipment for technological objects at the Arad treatment plant
d) Construction of a new treatment plant at Gurahont, installation of the purchased equipment;
1) Improving the quality of the Crisul Alb, Mureş and Tisa rivers and ensuring the long-term sustainability of a proper water quality discharged into the landfill in accordance with the requirements of Directive 91/271 / EEC on urban waste water treatment as amended by Directive 98/15 / EC, aimed at ensuring that the requirements of Directive 2000/60 / EC establishing a Community policy framework water.
2) Increase the efficiency of waste water treatment processes at their facilities, to preserv and improve the water quality of surface and groundwater bodies;
3) Remove polluant and potentially toxic infectious substances in dissolved and floating form, most ofnitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the treated water discharged into various water courses (Cris, Mures, Tisa).
6/b 1 Number of measurement points positively affected by the interventions (after the completion of the project)
Planned to be reached:
Number:6 measurements points
Number: 6 measurments points

Waterworks Szeged PP2 HU CS 759,356.85 89,327.17 44,676.98

Local Government of Algyő PP3 HU CS 62,190.25 7,315.77 3,658.98

19 ROHU-224 PA1 6/b Development of the internal water system of common interest on the Mureşel Channel, Ier Connecting Channel and Ier Channel MURESE 1-Apr-2019 31-Dec-2023 ended National Agency of Land Improvements LB RO AR 1,890,017.55 1,606,514.91 1,212,588.79 213,986.26 0.00 Setting up an environmentally-friendly and effective water supply in the cross-border area, by improving quality management of cross border waters in the Arad and Bekes counties area, mainly of Cigányka-ér and affluent channels, including rehabilitation of the canal beds, unclogging and modernization works of hydrotechnical infrastructure. Finalized:
1)The reconstruction of Cigányka-ér main channel and Battonyai Nagy canal (dredging on 8 km and further 1421 m long section section);
2)Electrification of pumping station in the cross section 0+343 km of Cigányka-ér main canal
3)Building a monitoring station: portable discharge meter for small stream and ADCP device
4)Purchase of equipment for maintaining water management facilities (channel dredging accessories);
5)Dredging of 33893 linear meter of open channels: Muresel Channel: 9634 meters; Ier Channel: 22839 meters and Ier legator Channel: 1420 meters;
6)Rehabilitation of Muresel pumping station in Arad
7)Rehabilitation of 2 cantons and 1 administrative headquarters: Two cantons as well as the administrative building hosting ANIF Arad headquarters were rehabilitated;
1) Developping the bilateral cooperation on the protection and sustainable usage of cross-border rivers and water courses, subsurface cross-border aquifer layers, also on the the protection of  aquatic ecosystems and on the enviromment protection including to improve water quality.
2) Elimination of water losses through seepage from the channels, the removal of degradation occurring in the hydrotechnical constructions and reduction of costs for ensuring the operation to the initially design parameters
3) Water quality improvement at three measurement points in the ARAD and BEKES cross-border area: Pecica, Turnu, Battonya.
6/b 1 Number of measurement points positively affected by the interventions (after the completion of the project)
Planned to be reached:
Number: 3 measurements points
Number: 3 measurments points
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.00%

Lower Tisa District Water Directorate PP2 HU CS 393,926.12 69,516.38 0.00

20 ROHU-128 PA2 7/c Eco trans system - eco-frendly cross border transport in Socodor Ketegyhaza area ETS 1-Nov-2018 30-Apr-2022 ended Socodor Commune LB RO AR 1,481,134.00 1,258,963.90 836,801.20 127,971.52 19,699.28 Increasing the share of persons crossing the Romanian-Hungarian border who use non-polluting means of transport, respectively bicycles, combined with the use of public transportation, by establishing an efficient, attractive, accessible, and ecological transport system across borders, including a public transportation route and a cross-border bicycle rental system in the Socodor-Ketegyhaza cross border areas, which ensures the independence of the passengers once arrived by means of public transport in each locality of the neighboring countries.
1. Detailed technical plans for the entire bicycle track length have been elaborated;
2. Construction of 11.02 km of bike tracks in Socodor and Ketegyhaza;
3. Renovation of 6 bus stations in Socodor, as part of the new green transportation system;
4. Purchasing 60 bicycles as part of the new green transportation system;
5. Setting up a combined bicycle track/ public transportation system between Socodor and Ketegyhaza;
6. Setting up 3 maintenance workshops for the bicycles (one for Socodor and 2 for Ketegyhaza);
7. Organizing two cycling competition, one in Socodor and one in Ketegyhaza, In order to ensure the promotion of the bicycle transportation system set up within the project;
8. Establishing the common regulation framework for the alternative cross-border green transport system, in order to support the increase in the use of bicycles as a means of transport at the expense of a more polluting passenger car.
9. Purchase of 2 bicycle track maintenance equipment: one by Socodor and one by Ketegyhaza.
1) The project aims to reduce the level of noxes generated by the ways of transport in the Socodor - Ketegyhaza transfontalier area by arranging 11,2 km of bicycle tracks in the 2 localities, linked by public transport and by the joint rental service bikes set up as part of the project.
2) The approach of cross-border transport within the project, by combining bicycle transport, will reduce the share of those using personal cars.

7/c 2 Total length of newly built bicycle road
Planned to be reached:
Number: 11,2 km
Number:11.2 km
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.00%

Kétegyháza Administration PP2 HU BK 422,162.70 49,661.24 24,838.06

21 ROHU-140 PA2 7/c The development of the bike track from the Salonta - Békéscsaba cross border area WeBike 1-Dec-2018 31-Jul-2022 ended Sarkad Town LB HU BK 1,226,464.00 1,042,494.40 320,137.20 37,659.44 18,835.36 Increase in the proportion of passengers using sustainable forms of cross-border transport in the Salonta - Békéscsaba area by 1% in 30 months, by extending and completing the existing cross-border bicycle track. The construction of bicycle roads facilitating cross-border bike mobility clearly contributes to the specific objective of the programme. One dedicated infrastructure (8.78km connecting the track with Mădăras) will be provided for commuters and tourists and on the other hand, cycling will be promoted throughout the communities from the Salonta-Békéscsaba cross-border area. Finalized:
1) Extension of existing cross-border bicycle road in Sarkad. An additional separate two-way bicycle road along the existing cross-border bicycle road will be built in Sarkad, in total 3341 ml new built bicycle road;
2) Extension of existing cross-border bicycle road in Mădăras.A separate bicycle road will be built in Mădăras, continuing the cross-border bicycle road from Békéscsaba to Salonta (total lenght 5.33 km)
3) Extension of existing cross-border bicycle road in Salonta.The total length of the proposed bike track in Salonta is 745ml with an occupied surface of 1490 sqm.

1) Increasing the proportion of passengers using sustainable forms of cross-border transport in Salonta -Békéscsaba area, by extending and completing the existing cross-border bicycle track.
2) Increasing the population awareness regarding the importance of using low carbon emission and low noise transport vehicles.
3) The development of an environmentally-friendly bicycle road which connects Mădăras to Salonta-Békéscsaba will stimulate more people to use this way of transport more frequently.
4) Improving the possibility of more people to cross the border using environmentally-friendly means of transport such as bike, to the detriment of motorized road vehicles should be a stimulent for more people to take up biking for health, transport to work/education/other services and tourism.
7/c 2 Total length of newly built bicycle road
Planned to be reached:
Number: 9,42 km
Number of kilometers: 9,42 km
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.00%

Mădăras Village PP2 RO BH 549,936.40 84,101.46 12,946.14

The Municipality of Salonta PP3 RO BH 172,420.80 26,368.22 4,058.98

22 ROHU-422 PA2 7/c Green Transport - Development of Sustainable Mobility in the Twin Towns Jimbolia and Mórahalom E-Transport 1-Mar-2019 31-Aug-2023 ended Municipality of Jimbolia LB RO TM 779,715.90 662,758.51 455,354.26 69,637.07 10,719.57 Developing an environmentally friendly cross-border public transport system between Jimbolia and Morahalom by using low carbon emission and low noise vehicles (2 Electric buses in Romania and 1 in Hungary). Finalized:
1) 1 electric bus purchased by PP2 in Morahalom and 2 electric busses purchased by LB in Jimbolia;
2) Building the charging station, the necessary parking lots, and a solar Wi-Fi tree in Romania, and two charging stations and the parking lots in Hungary;
3) Awareness-raising organized for 4200 persons from both countries to promote environmental consciousness and the use of electric vehicles;
4) 1 local transport service in Jimbolia, 1 local transport service in Morahalom, and 1 cross-border transport system between Jimbolia and Morahalom using electric busses purchased within the project;
5) 1 professional conference organized with 50 persons to increase the cooperation between specialists and stakeholders from Romania and Hungary in the following domains: low carbon emission, low noise local, and cross-border transport service.
1) Increasing the population awareness regarding the importance of using low carbon emission and low noise transport vehicles through the awareness-raising campaign organized;
2) Increasing the cooperation between the 2 countries involved in the project implementation through the cross-border transport service developed.
7/c 1 Number of cross-border public transport services developed / improved

Planned to be reached:

Number: 1 cross-border public transport services developed / improved between Jimbolia and Morahalom using electric vehicles

Number: 1 cross-border public transport services developed / improved

The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.00%
Project description:

MÓRA-TOURIST Information and Services Non-Profit Limited Liability Company PP2 HU CS 207,404.25 24,398.06 12,202.69 Project web-site:

23 ROHU-390 PA2 7/c Improving the public transport service at the level of Oradea and Debrecen cross-border urban poles TRANSBORDER 1-Feb-2019 31-Dec-2021 ended Oradea Local Public Transport Company LB RO BH 2,930,600.00 2,491,010.00 1,651,465.00 250,634.10 40,800.90 Improving the quality of the public transport service in the cross-border area represented by the Oradea and Debrecen urban poles. Finalized:
1) 7 buses (6 Euro 6 new buses with a reduced level of CO2 emissions and 1 hybrid bus to be used on 7 bus lines by Oradea Local Public Transport Company) were purchased and delivered for improving the quality of the public transport and reduction of its negative impact on the environment.
2) 4 buses ( 2 midi-buses and 2 suburban Euro 6 buses) with a reduced level of CO2 emissions to be used on 4 bus lines by Debrecen Transport Company were purchased and delivered for improving the quality of the public transport and reduction of its negative impact on the environment.
3) A cross-border public transport route planner was developed (mobile application)
4) 1 Automatic Vehicle Location system and passengers information at the level of the City of Oradea was purchased and installed
5) Elaboration of a Passengers Traffic Flow Study on the public transport network and the setting up of an Origin-Destination Survey at the level of the City of Oradea,
6) Elaboration of a Public Transport Development Plan at the level of the public transport network operated by OTL
7) Elaboration of a Technical Study for improving the e-ticketing system through the development of a ticket validation system to be installed on the vehicles and the prototype design for Debrecen public transport network,
8) 2 events will be organized - the European Mobility Week campaign in all the represented localities in the project
9) 3 public transport stations in the City of Debrecen modernized through the procurement of real-time information panels, automatic ticket vending machines
1) Modernizing the public transport services at the level of Oradea and Debrecen cross-border urban poles and reduction of its negative impact on the environment.
2) Improving the analysis and planning framework regarding the modernizing of the Public Transport networks at the level of Oradea and Debrecen cross-border urban poles.
7/c 1 Number of cross-border public transport services developed / improved

Planned to be reached:
Number : 16.0

Number: 14.0
7 buses (6 Euro 6 new buses with a reduced level of CO2 emissions and 1 hybrid bus) to be used by Oradea Local Public Transport Company were purchased and delivered
1 Automatic Vehicle Location and passengers information system modernized
1 cross-border public transport route planner mobile application on Ios and Android platform was finalized and delivered
Studies and Plans for improving the public transport service operated by Oradea Local Public Transport Company have been finalized
4 buses with a reduced level of CO2 emissions to be used by Debrecen Transport Company were purchased and delivered

Reporting the output indicators- in progress.

The implementation period has ended, the documentation to support the achievement of the output indicators is under preparation.
Project description :

Transregio Intercommunity Development Association PP2 RO BH 42,245.00 6,411.30 1,043.70

Debrecen Transport Company PP3 HU HB 797,300.00 92,862.00 47,838.00

24 ROHU-329 PA2 7/b Connecting communities to the TEN-T infrastructure in the Romanian - Hungarian border area ConComTEN-T 1-Sep-2019 28-Feb-2019 ended Arad County LB RO AR 61,450.00 52,232.50 30,005.00 4,588.65 706.35 Developing of the Full Application, including the elaboration of the technical plans, of the necessary feasibility studies, as well as obtaining the needed building permits .
1)Documentations for Approval of Intervention Works / Feasibility Study, technical studies, traffic studies, translations, agreements and approvals;
2)Elaboration of Full Application.
Elaboration of the Full Application (ROHU 444).
No output indicators setup for the Concept Note phase.

Bekes County Foundation for Enterprise Development PP2 HU BK 3,527.50 414.96 207.54

Curtici Town PP3 RO AR 18,700.00 2,859.78 440.22

25 ROHU-444 PA2 7/b Connecting communities to the TEN-T infrastructure in the Romanian - Hungarian border area ConComTEN-T 1-Jul-2019 31-Dec-2024 ended Arad County LB RO AR 13,836,221.00 11,760,787.85 7,384,287.45 1,129,274.74 173,834.81 Improved direct access to the TEN-T infrastructure for communities on both sides of the border, through construction and upgrading of a total 32.2 km of roads, while delivering relevant traffic studies. Finalized:
1) The modernization works of road DJ 709B Curtici-Sanmartin has been completed including the reception;
2) Modernization works of road DJ 709B Sanmartin - Socodor has been completed including the reception;
2) Construction of road DJ 792 Socodor-Nadab has been completed including the reception;
3) Construction of South-North Motorway Bypass, City of Curtici - 7.30 km of new road, has been completed including the reception; The purchase of a multifunctional vehicle for road maintenance is completed;
4)The technical documentation (Preparation of technical TEN-T nodes designs and studies) for improved connection of 20 secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure in Bekes county is completed.

Construction of South-North Motorway Bypass, City of Curtici - 7.30 km of new road;
Construction of road DJ 792 Socodor-Nadab - 4.84 km of new road;
Modernization works of road DJ 709B Curtici-Sanmartin- 8.6 km;
Modernization works of road DJ 709B Sanmartin - Socodor- 11.46 km.
7/b CO13 Roads: Total length of newly built roads

Planned to be reached:
Number: 12.14 km

Reached: 12.14 km

Total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads
Planned to be reached:
Number: 20.06 km

Reached: 20.14 km

Bekes County Foundation for Enterprise Development PP2 HU BK 839,392.00 98,742.13 49,385.87

Curtici Town PP3 RO AR 3,537,108.40 540,927.91 83,267.69

26 ROHU-382 PA3 8/b Youth Entrepreneurship Support YES 1-Mar-2019 31-Dec-2020 ended Association of Business Promotion in Romania LB RO BH 293,504.50 249,478.82 120,632.00 18,448.19 2,839.81 Increasing the youth employment rate in the Romanian-Hungarian border area, by teaching the young ones, entrepreneurship skills and creating a professional (online) framework, given that they already have the skills needed for independent activity, entrepreneurship and business creation. Finalized :
1) 1 cross-border strategy which includes a baseline report about the four counties of the project area and an Integrated development strategy;
2) Development of joint training methodology with : 1 Online competency test with creative tasks for the students, giving an automatic response for every person; ; 1 E-learning platform; 1 E-curriculum; 1 Bootcamp script and 1 practical guide to entrepreneurship training;
3) 5 Project videos, 1 Website to promote the projects activities and last but not least 3 social media accounts were created (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube) through which will be disseminate only information directly concerning the project.
4) To involve teachers and schools, 1 Caravan was organized by LB, with an expert speakers on entrepreneurship – visiting 6 cities in the four counties (and more than 8 high schools);
5) 2-day Cross-border teacher workshop was organized for 15 teachers in Romania so they could learn about the current and most effective tools and methods of entrepreneurship education;
6) Joint delivery (joint entrepreneurship training) which containes : 100 Online competency assessments for 100 students, 3 bootcamps meaning online simulation-based intensive training camps ( 1 in RO and 2 in HU).
The project raised the employment rate in the Romanian-Hungarian border area by supporting self-employment.
At the end of this project, 100 young students learned how to develop a creative business and become a strategic entrepreneurs.
8/b 1 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training
Number :100 participants

Project description: Baseline report:

Revita Foundation PP2 HU HB 128,846.82 15,156.94 7,580.74 Integrated development strategy:

27 ROHU-399 PA3 8/b Green Skills Platform for Sustainable Employment Development GREENSEED 1-Mar-2019 31-Oct-2021 ended Ioan Slavici Foundation for Culture and Education LB RO TM 363,800.00 309,230.00 127,797.50 19,544.00 3,008.50 Increased the cross-border employment initiatives and opportunities, through the joint training program developed for employers, employees, unemployed people, and people from rural areas. Finalized:
1) A Guide on Green Jobs at Environmentally Responsible Companies elaborated, printed (750 copies), and disseminated to persons from Timis and Csongrád-Csanád counties;
2) 1 Digital Tool for ”Green Jobs at Green Companies” and ”Green Skills” training developed, based on the training curricula;
3) 6 events - open days organized; 3 in Romania 3 in Hungary for more than 200 participants;
4) A "Green Jobs at Green Companies" training (for more than 300 persons) organized in both countries for employers, and managers who intend to coordinate environmentally responsible companies;
5) A "Green Skills" training for employees, unemployed people, and people from rural areas who also need a job (for more than 300 persons) organized in both counties to increase their opportunities in finding a job or a better job matching their experience, knowledge, and skills.
1) Increasing employment in the area by providing employees with skills for green companies;
2) Increased employment in the local area, by improving the business environment through integrated development measures and providing knowledge to employers, managers, entrepreneurs, and potential entrepreneurs to manage (open) more friendly environment businesses;
3) Facilitating the creation of more jobs that support climate change mitigation.
8/b 1 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Planned to be reached:
Number: 1,950 participants

Number: 1,743 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training.

The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 89.38%
Project description

Word-Square Association PP2 HU CS 83,555.00 9,829.02 4,915.98 Project web-site: Green Seed - Partneship for a better future (

Novum Association PP3 HU CS 97,877.50 11,513.85 5,758.65 Guide elaborated within project:

28 ROHU-348 PA3 8/b Bridge to the cross-border labor market BRIDGE 1-Mar-2019 30-Jun-2022 ended Diaspora Foundation LB RO TM 260,554.79 221,471.56 112,334.54 17,179.27 2,644.48 Increase the transnational labor mobility in Timis, Bekes and Csongrád-Csanád county, improve the access to the labor market, increase the employment opportunities in the cross-border area. Finalized:
1) The joint training methodology for teaching Romanian and Hungarian languages as foreign languages. The training material includes also parts for the legal basis in both countries;
2) Rehabilitation (renovation works, landscaping) of the training center from Bekes county and purchasing IT equipment for the training center from Csongrád-Csanád County;
3) Renovation of the training center in Timisoara and endowing with IT equipment;
4) Purchasing furniture set for the training room in Csongrad-Csonad County;
5) Purchasing furniture for the training center in Timisoara, the training center is fully equipped (the office and reception area);
6) Organizing trainings in order to enhance joint cross-border labor market and in order to learn the neighboring countries language and the significant employment law provisions. In Timisoara were trained 40 participants (3 groups of 12-15 participants/group), in Nagybanhegyes/ Bekes County were trained 24 participants (3 groups) and in Csongrád-Csanád County were trained 24 participants (3 groups);
1) increase the employment opportunities and enhance the inclusive growth of the border area through the trainings organized for local inhabitants in order to teach them the neighboring countries language.
2) Increase access to the information and training materials elaborated during the project by uploading them on the project bilingual webpage.

8/b 1 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Planned to be reached:
Number: 88 participants
Number: 91 participants

Chance for diaspora PP2 HU BK 62,280.77 7,326.43 3,664.30 Training material in Ro language:

Cultural and Recreational Association PP3 HU CS 46,856.25 5,511.95 2,756.80 Training material in Hu language:

29 ROHU-331 PA3 8/b Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region CAREER 1-Mar-2019 31-Dec-2023 ended Don Orione Beneficence Charity Society LB RO BH 2,941,627.20 2,500,383.12 1,240,951.04 189,777.92 29,213.44 The increasing cross-border employment rate in Bihor and Bekes counties, through the development of career orientation services, awareness raising, and develop competences of the youth to support career development. Finalized:
1) 4 Large Scale Job and Career Orientation Fairs, in Oradea and Bekes County were organized (more than 21.000 participants);
2) A Joint Action Plan for an Integrated Labour Market at the Romanian-Hungarian border was developed;
3) Two workshops for exchange experience, and best practices in the areas of interest of the project organized;
4) One conference with national and international participation organized;
5) Roadshow (63 events organized at 18 gymnasiums from Bekes County, providing information and consultations to the pupils (aged 15 or more) about the opportunities of accessing the labor market after graduation) organized;
6) 11 professional conferences on vocational training and 12 Professional events were organized in Bekes County; 15 short films developed which will present the advantages of getting a professional qualification;
7) A Follow-up survey on the vocational training system in Bekes County elaborated;
8) 2 Workshops for CBC transfer of knowledge organized;
9) The "Needs assessment of the labor market" survey elaborated;
10) 5 new training programs certified by ANC;
11) 4 Information Points for career guidance, in Szeghalom, Mezokovacshaza, Gyula, and Sarkad established (1827 consultations provided);
12) A building for hosting the Career Guidance, Counselling, and Methodological Center in Bekescsaba was renovated (963 beneficiaries with 1996 meeting organized);
13) A Career Guidance and Professional Training Center in Oradea, Bihor County, Romania constructed including the purchasing of IT and furniture for the center.
14) 3 new trained employees at the center from Oradea
15) Organization of 14 sessions of courses in the following domains: Computer Skills Course, Foreign languages: English, Italian, Hungarian, and Entrepreneurship for 300 persons in Oradea;
16) Organization of career guidance activities consisting of counseling and professional guidance activities and personal and professional development programs;
17) Organization of information and counseling actions in Bihor County;
18) Development of a Webpage and mobile application (interkarrier) that will provide useful, practical information related to employment, job seeking, and career orientation;
19) Development of software useful in the management activities and the presentation of this software in 20 selected high schools from all over Bekes County.
20) 1 mobile office set-up by AJOFM in Oradea, 62 visits in 59 communities for 1370 beneficiaries;
21) 1 1 Mobile Counselling Point in Career Orientation set-up by BMKH in Bekescsaba (123 visits and 680 individual counselling)
1) An enhanced level of accessibility for target groups to joint local employment initiatives and joint training in Bihor and Bekes Counties;
2) Developing the capacity of the target group for self-evaluation and self-knowledge, to identify their own motivational system, improving the skills of beneficiaries to orientate effectively in their careers, identify time management mechanisms and strategies, familiarize beneficiaries with coping mechanisms in anxiogenic and stressful situations.
8/b CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint trainings
Planned to be reached:
Number: 9,010 participants
Number : 15,950 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 121.98% ANOFM

Bihor County Employment Agency PP2 RO BH 379,754.50 67,015.50 0.00 Societatea de Binefacere „Don Orione” Oradea va beneficia de fonduri europene pentru implementarea proiectului ROHU331 CAREER – SOCIETATEA DE BINEFACERE DON ORIONE (

Békés County Chamber of Commerce and Industry PP3 HU BK 206,401.25 24,280.08 12,143.67 Proiect ROHU331,,Cross-border network to support the professional career development in the border region” – SOCIETATEA DE BINEFACERE DON ORIONE (



30 ROHU-380 PA3 8/b Adult education in the field of healthy life and sustainable living environment Verba Docent 1-Mar-2019 31-Dec-2022 ended Excelsior NGO, the Association for the Promotion of Natural and Cultural Heritage of Banat and Crisana LB RO AR 2,987,502.00 2,539,376.70 1,543,733.45 236,082.25 36,341.30 Increasing the occupancy level of the workforce in Arad and Bekes counties by organizing courses, job fairs, joint local brand development and promotion, and conferences mainly for unemployed persons, persons in search of a job, and socially marginalized persons. Finalized :
1) course groups organized in Romania and Hungary for more than 700 persons, such as: "Old aged caretaker", "Social entrepreneur", "Forklift operator", "English language", "Milking machine operator", "Brewer", "Entrepreneur skills", "Informatic skills", "Romanian language", "Agriculturalist", "Vegetable and fruit processor", "Tractor driver";
2) equipment purchased for the training activities;
3) 2 training centers constructed and equipped: the Social Center in Gyula and the "Verba Docent" Adult Education Center in Arad;
4) 9 job fairs organized in Hungary and Romania for more than 525 persons;
5) 1 joint cross-border brand developed and used for promoting more than 20 local products from the Crisul Alb/Feher Koros River valley.

1) Increasing the occupancy level of the workforce in Arad and Bekes counties;
2) Creating opportunities for the persons from Bekes and Arad counties to attend the courses and to participate in the job fairs organized through the project;
2) Offering continuous possibilities to intervene with more education and labor occupation activities within the "Verba Docent" Adult Education Center in Arad and the Social Center in Gyula.
8/b 1 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Planned to be reached:
Number: 960 participants

Number: 1171 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 121.98%
Project description Karriero – Karriero

Koros-Maros Foundation for Rural Development and Eco-agriculture PP2 HU BK 995,643.25 117,122.79 58,578.96 Proiecte – ONG EXCELSIOR ARAD

31 ROHU-385 PA3 8/b Helping the Employment of Youth in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties HEY! 1-Mar-2019 28-Feb-2022 ended AGES Association LB RO SM 446,278.80 379,336.98 209,924.50 32,103.64 4,941.86 Responding to specific issues and needs by: providing professional information and counseling services to enable the youth to increase their self-esteem, employing job search techniques, personalized professional guidance services, delivery of learning opportunities to develop the necessary skills required on the labor market.
1) The partners have implemented a research methodology and a strategy on cross-border accessibility to employment, with a focus on young people and vulnerable groups
2) A strategy on cross-border accessibility to employment of young people and multiple opportunities was developed to contribute to increasing employability in the region and a flexible and inclusive labour market.
3) Identifyied and made the most of the labour market characteristics in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties;
4) Were provided Workshops on career orientation, One-to-one guidance meetings and Professional training to get a driving license;
5) Basic training on entrepreneurship;
6) Couching and mentorship for developing small bussiness;
7) 2 experience exchanges (in Romania and Hungary) organized by the 2 project partners;
8) A programmme for gaining work experience that could be any of the following: internship, apprenticeship, employment, volunteering, / own business / transit employment program;
9) 2 job fairs organized, one in Satu Mare, the other in Szabalcs-Szatmar-Bereg;
10) partners developed an e-platform adapted to target group profile, specific needs in the area. The e-platform was structured in such a way that both employers and potential employees are able to create an account and either post job opportunities, or find them. Useful information on the application process, jobs and others are also posted in the frame of interviews, articles etc.
The project contribute to increased employment in the area of Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties, developing research and strategy that bring coherence to various actions planned by private and public actors, providing individual and group information and counseling services to respond to the lack of information on the labor market and the evolution of the occupations required, as well as on the methods of seeking a job. The project also responds to the lack of motivation and difficulties of integration into the labor market, as well as lack of specific occupational skills for employment, through individual counseling to identify a professional path or a job and through appropriate contexts to meet employers, to find more about the business environment and to learn from others.

Through the ROHU-385 project:
- the level of information about labour market challenges, at the level of stakeholders involved, increased;
- knowledge and skills of young people who participate in career orientation, professional training, counselling are improved and
- assistance for accessing and integrating on the labour market, through several types of learning opportunities and support are insured.

8/b CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Planned to be reached:
Number: 1430 participants
Number: 1490 participants

Idea for the Region Association PP2 HU SB 169,412.48 19,928.89 9,967.43

32 ROHU-398 PA3 8/b Creating And Developing A Crossborder Polycentric Network For Training And Support To Increase The Quality Of Tourist And Handcraft Cross-Border Services In The Counties Of Bihor And Hajdu Bihar ForTour BHHB 1-Mar-2019 30-Jun-2024 ended Bihor Destination Management Agency LB RO BH 2,718,105.80 2,310,389.91 342,461.50 52,372.45 8,061.94 Improvement of employment in the eligible area through the creation of 6 training and support centers in the field of training and/or specialization of employment, the training, and specialization of persons in the field of the tourist industry, tourism and culture, hospitality, encouragement through job fairs and the promotion of local products. Finalized:
1) courses organized in the field of tourism, culture, traditional crafts, and hospitality for more than 1,100 people in different domains such as local tourist guide, national tour guide/tour operator, hotel administrator, workers in agricultural households, entrepreneurial skills, chef, confectioner, patissier, cave guide, musical instrumentalists, knitter, landscaping worker/ florists, photographer, etc;
2) 6 cycling tours were organized to promote local tourist objectives and products;
3) The Workshops "Cross-border Tourism at the Beginning of the Third Millennium - Actuality, Trends, Perspectives” and “New Technologies and Their Applicability in Tourism Marketing" organized;
4) 2 "Wine and Bread - Cross-border gourmet employment and promotion of local gastronomic products" events organized to promote the traditional gastro products;
5) The "Eco Food - The gourmet local food " event organized to promote the gastro eco and bioproducts;
6) 1 site was created to promote the project: and 1 common online database with the human resources needs of tourism and hospitality - portal;
7) 1 Integrated Human Resource Management Strategy elaborated;
8) 6 training and support centers renovated/created/ equipped (AMD Bihor Tourism Training Center for Tourism, "Ars Ecumenica" Heritage and Tourism Support Center for Heritage and Tourism - Iosia, Oradea, "Renaissance" Körösszegapáti, the indoor and outdoor training center "Episcopia Bihor" and The permanent training center for traditional crafts and rural tourism "Izbuc-Călugări") and a church organ with tubes (patrimony piece) restored;
9) Online event to promote the local gastronomic products in Hajdu–Bihar–Bihor counties organized;
10) 2 editions of Varadinum Nostra- Classical / church music festival organized;
11) 12 local gastronomy products identified to be certified as guaranteed traditional specialties, 2750 copies of the recipe book containing the culinary products submitted to be certified as guaranteed traditional specialties, and other traditional recipes from Bihor County printed.
1) Improving employment in the cross-border area by training/specialization of human resources, aiming to increase the quality of tourism and hospitality services;
2) Promotion of local products and employment in the tourist, cultural, and hospitality sectors, through the events organized;
3) Increasing employment support, through the well-qualified human resources prepared in tourism, culture, traditional crafts, and hospitality domains and through the construction/rehabilitation/ endowment of the centers.
8/b 1 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Planned to be reached:
Number: 1020 participants

Number: 1101 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 107.94%
ROHU-398-EN.pdf ( Proiect ROHU 398 | Agentia de Management al destinatiei Bihor (

Körösszegapáti Orthodox Parish PP2 HU HB 543,384.74 63,921.23 31,970.20

Roman Catholic Bishopric of Oradea PP3 RO BH 356,319.97 54,491.81 8,388.19

Reformed Parish Bihor Episcopate PP4 RO BH 344,343.50 52,660.25 8,106.25

Romanian Orthodox Parish Oradea Ioșia-Nord PP5 RO BH 373,127.73 57,062.21 8,783.86

Izbuc Monastery PP6 RO BH 350,752.47 53,640.38 8,257.12

33 ROHU-406 PA3 8/b Effective cross-border co-operation for development of employment growths in Arad and Bekes County CROSSGROWING 1-Mar-2019 31-Dec-2023 ended Bekes County Foundation For Enterprise Development LB HU BK 899,406.06 764,495.14 336,267.35 39,556.92 19,784.38 Improving employment growth, to meet the labour market demands of the enterprises and to reduce the labour shortage by providing up-to-date information (through database) on investment areas and data and organizing several professional events through which businesses / investors can find workforce, while employees can find employment in a quality workplace on any side of the border. Finalized:
1. Professional Events: A total of 35 professional events were organized on both sides of the border. These events provided a platform for presenting good practices to jobseekers, stakeholders, businesses, and NGOs. 3,238 individuals attended the 21 events in Hungary, while 1,851 people participated in the 14 events held in Romania.
2. Joint Study: A joint study was conducted to assess the labor market situation in the region and develop a shared development strategy.
3. Investment Area Database: A comprehensive database was created to identify potential investment areas within the region.
4. Project Website: The project included the development of a dedicated website, providing a free database with essential information for both sides of the border (available in three languages—Hungarian, Romanian, and English). The website can be accessed at the following links:;;
5. Office Renovation and Furniture Procurement: the office renovation and procurement of furniture at BVVA. The purchased furniture included office and kitchen furniture, along with necessary equipment for the office kitchenette. The renovation was completed ahead of schedule, as it did not require a building permit. Completing the renovation earlier allowed for a functional office space to host project meetings and engage with target groups. The renovation included demolition work, electrical installations, technical building work, plastering, masonry, covering, insulation, painting, and the renovation of doors and windows.
6. Equipment for Professional Events: acquisition of equipment by CCIA, necessary for organizing professional events.

Observation: only 21 professional events have been organized by LB HU BVVA (out of 22 planned in the AF) and only 14 professional events have been organized by PP2 RO CCIA (out of 15 planned in the AF).
1.The project supported border residents by fostering employment growth through the organization of professional events in both countries, which were offered free of charge. This initiative ensured that everyone interested had access to valuable resources and opportunities.
2.The renovation and proper equipping of the office enabled BMVA to carry out its activities efficiently. This included providing financial and economic support to enterprises, as well as offering financing and counseling services.
8/b 1 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training
Reached: A total of 5,029 participants (out of the planned 5,200) were engaged in the project’s main output, O.T1.1—successfully implemented initiatives in the field of labor market, economy, and employment creation. This represents an achievement rate of 97.87%.
The implementation period has ended, and the documentation supporting the achievement of the output indicators was sent to the MA on 20.05.2024.
Project description:

Arad County Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture PP2 RO AR 428,227.79 65,488.64 10,080.98

34 ROHU-374 PA3 8/b Cross-border joint training centers TwinS 1-Mar-2019 31-Dec-2022 ended “Bartók Béla” Theoretical High School LB RO TM 1,269,162.83 1,078,788.40 492,647.95 75,340.37 11,597.51 Increase the transnational labor mobility and employment opportunities from the cross-border area, through the training organized: Cross-border Career orientation and planning, Social and civic competencies, and Entrepreneurial basic knowledge. Finalized:
1) 2 training organized in Timis County: Social and civic competencies training for approx. 150 young people (15-25-year-old) and Entrepreneurial basic knowledge training for approx. 80 persons;
2) 2 training organized in Csongrád-Csanád County: Cross-border career orientation and planning training for approx. 120 young people and Entrepreneurial basic knowledge training for approx. 80 persons;
3) Construction/rehabilitation of the Training Center in Zolt, Timis County including the necessary equipment for the training center;
4) Construction and equipping of the Training Center in Domaszek, Csongrád-Csanád County (containing training rooms and accommodation rooms for trainees).
1) increasing employment opportunities and enhancing the inclusive growth of the border area through the training modules: Cross-border Career orientation and planning, Social and civic competencies, and Entrepreneurial basic knowledge;
2) improving the cross-border access to the labor market for more than 430 persons participating in the training sessions: more than 230 Romanian and more than 200 Hungarian participants obtained diplomas.
8/b 1 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Planned to be reached:
Number: 430 participants

Number: 438 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 101.86%
Project description

Catholic House Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd PP2 HU CS 531,301.00 62,499.75 31,259.25 Project website:

Diaspora Foundation PP3 HU TM 54,839.45 8,386.57 1,290.98 PP3 website:

35 ROHU-425 PA3 8/b Joint Development of Human Resources in Cross-Border AreaJoint Development of Human Resources in Cross-Border Area HRArea 1-March-2020 31-Oct-2022 ended Paleu Commune LB RO BH 1,337,577.80 1,136,941.13 637,678.50 97,519.80 15,011.70 Increasing the employment in
cross-border area by developing
a rural development center in
Paleu Commune in which the
citizens can participate to labour
traing courses.
1) 3-floor Rural Development Center was built in Paleu, Bihor county, for training and re-qualification activities. The Center is finalized, equipped and furnished.
2) 1 greenhouse of 1,000 sqm for practical courses in agriculture and fruit growing was built and put in operation.
3) specific equipment for agricultural training was purchased: 10 pcs professional Clearing saws, 2 sets of motorized loppers, 4 pcs of chainsaws.
4) A Study for identiying the needs for training and consequently labor education programmes based on the identified needs, was completed for 100 people in Derecske, HU.
5) 6 Professional training courses were organized in Paleu, Bihor county: Social and civic competences skills, Specialist in cultivating and caring for trees, Green space cleaning worker, Housekeeping maid, Cook and operator for the harvesting and grooming of forest trees.
6) 5 workshop in Emotion Management, Conflict Management, Increasing personal efficiency, Management of change and transition, Stress management were organised within the project
7) 2 vehicles, for PP3-ProCariere Association and for LB Paleu Commune, were purchased and are in use.
1) A modern/fully equiped infrastructure for professional training corses was build in Paleu, and is now fully operational and ready to provide education to the local comunity
2) Better oportunities for people interested in professional retraining, focusing on the qualification of the citizens, with the purpose of increasing their capacity to get and/or maintain a job is esnsured in the area addressed by the project.
3) The quality of the services provided by the local public administration for their inhabitants, particularly youth ones, is improved, school attendance is increased, and a better educational and life environment is ensured.
4) Better employment posiibilities are ensured for the local population.
8/b CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Number: 461 unique participants were registered in the events organized within the project
target indicator was overachieved.
Project description:

Local Government of Derecske PP2 HU HB 270,610.93 31,833.40 15,921.47 Project webpage:

Pro Cariere Association PP3 RO BH 157,094.45 24,024.37 3,698.18

Oradea Metropolitan Area
Intercommunity Development
PP4 RO BH 71,557.25 10,943.21 1,684.54

36 ROHU-359 PA3 8/b Promoting An Integrated Approach Regarding The Improving Of The Employment Rate And Business Environment At The Level Of Marghita And Beretyoujfalu Microregions CROSSLOCALDEV 1-March-2020 31-December-2025 on-going The project was included in the non-functional category Marghita Municipality LB RO BH 2,615,165.66 2,222,890.81 1,436,069.90 219,617.33 33,806.77 Improving the employment rate and the business environment at the level of Marghita and Berettyoujfalu micro-regions. Planned:
1) Construction of an Agriculture and Agri-food Entrepreneurship and Training Centre in Marghita, Bihor County.

1) 3 Job fairs were organized for more than 700 persons from Bihor, Hajdu-Bihar, Szabolcs-Szatmar Bereg, and Satu Mare counties;
2) Training programs for supporting Entrepreneurship for more than 250 persons from Bihor County (Training Digital competencies, Training Entrepreneurial Skills, and Training Project Manager) and the Entrepreneurship Training programs in the field of agriculture and agri-food domains for more than 425 persons from Hajdú-Bihar County were organized;
3) Local Products Days Event organized in Berettyoujfalu for more than 90 people to improve the link between the producers and consumers;
4) Agri-Business Days Event dedicated to the professionals working in the agriculture and agri-food sectors from Romania and Hungary organized for 35 persons in Marghita;
6) Construction of the Berettyó - Bihar Agricultural Training Center in Berettyoujfalu, Hajdú-Bihar County.
1) Developing adequate infrastructure to enable cross-border sales of local products in Bihor County.

1) Setting up the appropriate training, employment, and economic development support tools;
2) Developing adequate infrastructure to enable cross-border sales of local products in Hajdú-Bihar County.
CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Planned to be reached:
Number: 1240 people

Number: 1294 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

The indicators were achieved in a percentage of 104.53%
Project description Projekt rövid összefoglalása.pdf (

Municipality of Berettyóújfalu PP2 HU HB 786,820.91 92,557.91 46,292.84

37 ROHU-421 PA3 8/b Improve employment in Bihor County, Oradea and Hajduboszormeny through the development of the local potential infrastructures CBC-EMPLOYMENT 1-May-2020 31-December-2026 on-going The project was included in the non-functional category Municipality of Oradea LB RO BH 5,357,143.66 2,549,531.04 1,724,035.36 263,576.39 2,374,825.91 Supporting employment-friendly growth in Oradea, Bihor County, and Hajduboszormeny, Hajdú-Bihar County areas through enhancement of the appropriate accessibility of people to the labor market. Planned:
1) Construction of the Entrepreneurial Center "Piata Cetate Entrepreneurial Center".

1) One Slaughter-house infrastructure and one Butcher's infrastructure created and equipped in Hajduboszormeny, Hajdú-Bihar County;
2) 2 Local employment initiatives - Job Fairs organized for more than 1,500 people;
3) 5 local employment initiatives - Roadshows - in Bihor County organized with the 4 special food-truck vans purchased to promote traditional food products from Bihor County for more than 750 people;
4) Thematic training events, information sessions to enhance the cooperation of local labor market actors and to improve entrepreneurial skills and employability, Employment initiatives, Entrepreneurship Day, Employment initiative - Workshops organized and more than 2700 persons attended.
1) Developing Entrepreneurship and Employment Infrastructure by creating the "Piata Cetate Entrepreneurial Center" in Oradea.

1) Developing the Entrepreneurial center by construction of the Slaughter-house and the Butcher's infrastructure in Hajduboszormeny in Hajdú-Bihar County and the Mobile Center for Supporting Local Producers in Bihor County;
2) Enhancing job opportunities and employability by developing employment initiatives and training on both sides of the border.

CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Planned to be reached:
Number: 2570 people
Number: 3334 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 129.73%
Project description

Development Agency of Bihor County PP2 RO BH 200,000.00 30,585.00 19,415.00 Fisa-proiect-ROHU421-_oradea.ro_EN_2024.pdf

Local Government of Hajduboszormeny City PP3 HU HB 599,995.68 70,581.26 44129.06

Bihor County Employment Agency PP4 RO BH 25,500.00 4,500.00 0

38 ROHU-420 PA3 8/b Create To Gather Create2Gather 1-December-2019 30-June-2023 ended Association for Business Promotion in Romania LB RO BH 1,132,937.85 962,997.17 500,984.90 76,615.33 11793.77 Increasing employment within the eligible area, by finding solutions for the key problems identified in the CB area in the creative industries field, in other words the lack of entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, the lack of well-defined identity and segmented marketing that contributes to the lack of interest regarding the consumers. Finalized:
1) 134 participants to entrepreneurial trainings carried out through the e-learning platform
2) 1 joint BHB cross-border creative industry brand and marketing strategy
3) 1 BHB Euroregion platform for creative industry operators in Hungarian and Romanian languages, presenting the creative industries operators
4) Marketing the BHB creative industries platform
5) 2 creative industries coworking makerspaces in Oradea and Debrecen and related equipment and furniture where the workshops and all the activities were held and will be held
6) 14 workshops creative industries workshops and know-hows and 62 creative industries trainings for beginners were held by both partners and also took place instruction regarding the use of the equipment for every member of the hub (167) to exchange know-hows and train the labour force as well.
7) 1 project website to present the activities performed within this project.

1) The development of the entrepreneurial expertise and spirit in the CB area through online trainings.
2) Developed a BHB Euroregion brand and marketing strategy with local linguistic variations that resulted in a highly transparent product and service supply that encourage both consumers and operators to turn towards quality value-added products.
3) Establishing two creative industries coworking spaces by the project partners that contribute to the facilitation and stimulation of value-added, quality product and service creation, and indirectly to the establishment of a creative industries network that help develop the local community.

CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Planned to be reached:
Number : 400 people

Number : 448 people

INNOVA Észak-Alföld Regional Development and Innovation Agency Nonprofit Limited Liability Company PP2 HU HB 462,012.27 54,348.96 27182.62

39 ROHU-388 PA3 8/b Center For Sustainable Development Les CDDL 1-March-2020 31-Oct-2023 ended Nojorid Commune LB RO BH 886,333.00 753,383.05 322,074.35 49,254.65 7,582.00 Increasing the number of persons with higher employment potential, through dedicated instruments, methods, standardised training programs. Finalized:
1) Strategic document regarding the labour market in the Oradea Metropolitan Area.
2) 2 strategical documents, namely the Békés County strategy regarding labor market and a Collection of best entrepreneurial practices.
3) 5 workshops organized for around 270 persons, that benefited from mentoring expertise and experience as well as from vocational counseling services.
4) Training courses to 314 participants, preparing the examination process, finalising the training courses / groups with exam session.
5) CDDL renovated building, where the activities was held.
6) the ground floor of the building located in Oradea, 47 Cazaban st. (248,73 sqm) was rehabilitated, equipped, and become the Metropolitan Department for Education.

1) 587 persons with higher employment potential after graduating certified training courses, in 2 disciplines, entrepreneurial skills and IT competences and attending specific dedicated workshops with mentors in entrepreneurial best practices, instruments, tolls;
2) A sustainable development centre, established and well equipped in rural area of Oradea Metropolitan Area, namely in Les Village and, Nojorid Commune
3) The Metropolitan Department for Education located in Oradea by rehabilitated and equipped the floor of the building from 47 Cazaban st. (248,73 sqm).
CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Planned to be reached:
Number : 603 persons

Number: 587 persons

Intercommunity Development Association Oradea Metropolitan Area PP2 RO BH 247,088.20 37,787.06 5,816.74

Békés County Foundation for Enterprise Development PP3 HU BK 184,220.50 21,670.84 10,838.66

40 ROHU-395 PA3 8/b Cooperation between Nyírbátor and Carei for improving employment and promoting development based on endogenous potential CO-LABOUR 1-February-2020 31-December-2023 ended Local Government of Nyírbátor LB HU SB 2,960,361.17 2,516,306.99 1,326,646.99 156,060.52 78,053.66 Increasing the employment in the common cross-border region of Nyírbátor and Carei by creating favourable conditions for a balanced labour market and for improved competitiveness of the local businesses on the long term. Finalized:
1) Elaboration of joint development strategy and action plan as a base for the common implementation, with clear labour market and economic focus.
2) Building of a training centre and a centre for local products and services in Nyírbátor
3) Training and exhibition center in Carei
4) Common labour forums to create opportunities for institutional networking to discuss common challenges, to define goals and to identify interventions necessary for achieving these goals jointly.

1) Joint development strategy and action plan as a base for the common implementation,
2) Promotion of local products and services and organization of trainings in the three buildings affected by investment.
3) Skilled workforce to satisfy the employers’ needs,
4) An improved cross-border networking and workforce mobility through Joint job fairs, labour market forums and database.
CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Planned to be reached:
Number: 966 persons

Number: 1177 persons

Municipality of Carei PP2 RO SM 1,189,660.00 181,934.01 28,005.99

41 ROHU-370 PA3 8/b Enhancing co-operation between chambers to improve employment in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county ENCOCH 1-Feb-2020 31-May-2023 ended Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County LB HU SB 1,413,969.00 1,201,873.65 633,274.65 74,495.45 37,258.90 The project aims to encourage the development of a common labour market and to improve labour mobility in the border region. Strengthening cooperation between labour market actors and creating the foundations of an active cross-border labour market forum is the first step towards tackling common labour market challenges and increasing the level of employment. Finalized:
1. Prepared strategies: Integrated development strategy and action plans, Best Practice Handbook, Local product and service Development Strategy, Joint Communication and Dissemination Strategy, Project Design Guidelines;
2. Common Complex Knowledge Base: Developed for economic development and investment promotion.
3. Labour Market Survey and Analysis: Comprehensive research to inform project strategies.
4. Online Database and Webpage: Created for accessible information sharing.
5. Procured equipment: 3 laptops; 1 tablet; digital projector; screen); portable loudspeaker system, Simultaneous interpretation and translation system; 109 chairs, 13 wooden cabinets with showcase; 1 wooden presidium table; 14 computer tables (desktop with monitor); 24 modular tables; 1 table for 6 persons; 10 seminar room tables, 20 chairs, 7 laptops; 1 tablet; 1 video projector; 1 multi-functional printer;
6. PLATO Study Tour: 8 professional staff and 22 entrepreneurs participated.
7. Labour Market Forums: 4 forums with 234 participants, 166 of whom were counted in the project’s main outputs.
8. Vocational Trainings: 8 training sessions with 82 participants counted in the project’s main outputs.
9. Factory Visits: 19 visits with 175 participants, 80 of whom were counted in the project’s main outputs.
10. Job Fairs: 8 job fairs with 1,350 participants, 1,223 of whom were counted in the project’s main outputs.
11. Cross-Border Entrepreneurial Programs: 2 programs, with 67 participants counted in the project’s main outputs.
12. Cross-Border Entrepreneurial Training Programs: 6 training sessions with 108 participants, 99 of whom were counted in the project’s main outputs.
13. Construction and Renovation Works: Cross-Border Mobility Centre in Satu Mare: Roof renovation, Interior renovations (classrooms)
Exterior building insulation and painting, Window and door replacements, Renovation of two seminar rooms, waiting area, and hall entrance, Repairing and painting the building’s external wall, Installation of central heating, flooring, and necessary electrical and plumbing systems. This structured approach highlights the project’s efforts in boosting employment, improving cross-border labor mobility, and providing essential infrastructure and resources to support these goals.
1) Creation of the proposed Cross-Border Mobility Centre, at the headqurters of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Satu Mare, through renovation of the building;
2) An integrated strategy and action plans that will make cross-border job seeking easier in both counties,
3) Enhancing job opportunities and employability by developing employment initiatives and trainings on both sides of the border,
2) Increase the employment opportunities for 1,303 persons participating in joint career orientation events, common labour market forums (166 participants);
3) 264 persons better trained and more prepared for the labour market after attending to cross-border entrepreneurial training programmes, joint vocational trainings and cross-border internship program;
CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training
Reached: 1,713 persons, out of 586 initially planned (293,32%) press releases:

Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Satu Mare PP2 RO SM 470,492.00 71,952.07 11,075.93 Elaborated strategy:

Chamber of Craftsmen Association PP3 RO SM 98,107.00 15,003.45 2,309.55

42 ROHU-391 PA3 8/b "Cross-border logistics: partnership in cooperation on employment" INTERLOGISTICS 1-February-2020 30-November-2023 ended Municipality of Ajak LB HU SB 2,560,685.71 2,003,111.70 1,003,131.75 118,003.70 59,019.55 The main overall objective of the project is to enhance the co-operation of local labour market actors in order to improve labour market capacity in the eligible cross-border area. Finalized:
1) Building of two logistic centres (for both the LB and PB), including storage for vegetables and fruits, for the storage of the products harvested by the locals.(state-aid under GBER)
2) Organising a number of 4 job fairs and 2 forums;
3) Elaboration of the joint survey regarding with the aim of exploring and assessing the needs of local job seekers, employers, the qualification of the existing work force in Ajak, as well as on the Romanian side.
4) Organising a number of 8 information lectures and workshops;
5) Common Strategy and Action Plan development;
6) Organising 4 Job Fairs and vocational trainings in Halmeu.
1) 2 logistic centres, one on each side of the border, have been created, inlcuidng cold storade facilities. The local traditional agricultural products are more eficiently produced and stored, due to training activities origanised within the project, as well as due to the increased and more qualitative storage capacity;
2) Over 700 persons have better skills and ar more competitive on the labour market, after benefiting from the joint events and cross-border cooperation organized within the project, in the targeted area.
CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Numer: 791 unique participants were registered in the events organized within the project
target indicator was overachieved.

Halmeu Commune PP2 RO SM 1,173,451.10 179,455.20 27,624.41 Elaborated common strategy:

43 ROHU-426 PA3 8/b Support to the local economy by encouraging alternative use of agricultural products ALTERAGRI 1-May-2021 31-Dec-2023 ended Bihor County Agricultural Direction LB RO BH 1,412,490.00 1,200,616.50 370,770.00 56,701.64 8,728.36 The project goal is to improve employment and promote labor mobility across borders.
The main objective of the project is to revitalise and to support the economic viability of professions and technologies which are related to agriculture and stem from the traditional socio-economic profile of the programme area, such as hemp (on the Hungarian side), technical plants and wool (on the Romanian side).
1) Organization of 2 training courses in the cultivation of technical plants and in the method of collecting and storing the wool.
2) Developing 1 Study and Action Plan for alternative use of agricultural products to support the local economy in the border area
3) Acquisition of dedicated software and computer equipment (software CRM - Informational system for citizen relationship management)
4) Organization of 4 professional events ( 3 thematic conferences) and a job fair in agriculture forum presentation technologies using eco materials;
5) Development of e-learning platform;
6) Organizing courses for the e-learning platform (computer operator courses, ICT and efficient management of the farm);
7) Organization of Conference: Innovative solutions based on ICT tools for agriculture;
8) Organization of 6 trainings for agricultural producers in using IT instruments;
9) Organization of 1 conference about pedology development in the cross border area;
10) Building rehabilitation and equipping of Agricultural Training Center Bihor;
11) Organization of 7 thematic conferences and 2 study tours in the Debrecen agricultural area;
12) Organization of 2 training courses on hemp utilization in construction;
13) Compilation of electronic databases: Detailed database of officially approved plant protection pesticide products and related basic knowledge and Detailed database of officially approved crop-enhancing substances and related basic knowledge;
14) Compilation of herbariums on weeds and seed collection, as well as symptom herbarium of the most common plant diseases and pests;
15) Field measurements and Study on the expected appearance of invasive species in the Carpathian Basin and estimation of the risk of their potential damage for the native plants in the cross border region.
1) The expected increased infrastructural capacity for training in traditional vocations in the corss border area was acchieved as planned, both through the rehabilitation and endowment of the building hosting the Agricultural Training Center of Bihor County, as well as through the endowmwnt of a IT training space in the headquarters of the Lead Beneficiary, Directia Agricola Bihor. The infrastructural capacity ws also significtnly improved by the ICT tools developed wiyhin the project: online training capacities were created, as well as a performant CRM system for the communication woth the local stakeholders and general population.
2) Over 1150 persons have obtained better qualifications and employment skills, after participating in the vocational training courses, thematic conferencies and professional events organized within the project.
3) Increased level of skills and know-how for the participants at the courses organized on the e-learning platform, courses related to the use of ICTs and to agriculture (management, agricultural, IT).
4) Improved knowledge on endemic, endangered and invasive plants in the cross border area, as well as detailed actionplans to ensure a viable environement, due to the studies and reports compiles within the project.
CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training


Number: 1463 unique participants were registered in the events organized within the project
target indicator was overachieved.

Bihor Office of Pedological and Agrochemical Studies PP3 RO BH 584,290.00 89,355.13 13,754.87

Science for Environment Public Foundation PP4 HU HB 245,556.50 28,886.12 14,447.38

44 ROHU-355 PA3 8/b Joint Employment-Driven Initiative JEDI 1-Oct-2018 30-Jun-2019 ended Szeged Center of Vocational Training LB HU CS 207,741.00 176,579.85 26,975.60 4,760.40 0.00 Developing of the Full Application, including the elaboration of the technical plans, of the necessary feasibility studies, as well as obtaining the needed building permits .
1) Elaboration of Feasibility Study and the technical design documentation, permits for the planned investment (reconstruction and extension of training building) in Kistelek;
2) Elaboration of Feasibility Study and technical design documentation, permits for the planned investment in Mórahalom;
3) Elaboration of the technical documentation including the Feasibility Study, other studies, legal agreements and approvals necessary (including the translation) for the planned investment in Timisoara.(construction of a training site);
4) Common elaboration of the Full Application with every detail of the implementation (detailed activities, specified deliverables, detailed budget, etc.);
5) 1 Joint cross border employment strategy elaborated
6) 1 Project Communication Plan elaborated
The Full Application (ROHU 452) submitted.
No output indicators setup for the Concept Note phase. Project description:

DKMT Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisa Euroregional Development Agency - Nonprofit Public Benefit Limited PP2 HU SZ 8,453.25 994.41 497.34 Joint employment strategy:

Roman Catholic Diocese of Szeged-Csanád PP3 HU CS 48,492.50 5,704.43 2,853.07 Joint communication plan:

Homokhát Euroinregration Regional Development Agency PP2 HU CS 84,413.50 9,930.01 4,966.49

Timiș County PP3 RO BH 8,245.00 1,260.91 194.09

Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture PP4 RO BH - - 0.00

45 ROHU-452 PA3 8/b Joint Employment-Driven Initiative JEDY 1-Feb-2020 31-Dec-2023 ended Szeged Center of Vocational Training LB HU CS 9,469,824.42 8,049,350.73 1,128,814.40 199,202.55 0.00 The project aimed to enhance the employment in the Romanian-Hungarian cross-border region through improving the conditions of vocational training and by implementing a set of activities to balance the supply and demand side of the labour market and enhance the mobility of the workforce in the targeted CB area. Finalized:
1) Building and equipping the catering training center, equipping the agricultural training site in Mórahalom, construction of the practicing hotel and training classroom, creation of pastry training site, creation of diet kitchen catering training site (state aid under GBER)
2) Development and reconstruction of a vocational school owned by the Bishopric of Szeged-Csanad with the aim of enlarging and transforming the kitchen of the school, in order to create a school kitchen training site (state aid under GBER)
3) Procurement of equipment and refurbishment of the vocational training center oinSzeged (state aid under GBER) where the vocational trainings in Csongrád county and in the whole region will be held
4) Building and endowment of the Community Center for Permanent Learning Timis
5) Orientation events, consultations and student exchange camps organized for students aiming to increase the cross-border mobility on both sides of the border.
6) Development of an employment sub-strategy based on local producers, a survey of job opportunities for Ukrainian refugees, a survey of disadvantaged, inactive workers, dissemination of skills for solar PV installation, development of an Inclusive Entrepreneurship Programme and Modern training structure and modern training structure
1) Creation and development of training sites in various area, connected with the labour market (kitchen training centers, hotel practicing sites, agricultural vocational training)
1) 1 refurbished and better equipped vocational training center in Szeged
2) 1 learning center build and equipped in Timisoara, to implement policies of lifelong learning at the community level
3) Mapping, networking and joint development of the labour market of the target area by connecting the jobseekers,and also the students with companies,
4) Creation of a unified cross-border labour market fabric through joint institutional cooperation in the field of employment and training.
CO44 Labour Market and Training: Number of participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training

Numer: 3310 participants (out of the 3330 planned)

DKMT Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisa Euroregional Development Agency - Nonprofit Public Benefit Limited PP2 HU CS 614,149.84 72,245.70 36,133.69

Roman Catholic Diocese of Szeged-Csanád PP3 HU CS 1,470,228.20 172,950.73 86,501.31

Homokhát Euroinregration Regional Development Agency PP4 HU CS 2,951,320.05 347,179.41 173,641.78

Timiș County PP5 RO TM 1,695,127.62 259,234.87 39,905.30

Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture PP6 RO TM 189,710.62 29,012.34 4,466.01

46 ROHU-396 PA4 9/a Cross-border cooperation in the prevention and complex treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases in Bekes-Timis counties Team-Cardio-Prevent 1-Jan-2019 31-Dec-2021 ended Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital Timisoara LB RO TM 2,707,466.44 2,301,346.47 1,219,445.45 186,489.08 28,707.18 Improved health-care services from Timis and Bekes counties in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases. Finalized:
1) 4 joint workshops organized for more than 40 medical staff to improve their competencies in screening, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases;
2) 20 cases of cardiovascular/peripheral vascular diseases discussed among the joint medical council established within the project;
3) Modern equipment purchased for 3 health care departments of Békés County Central Hospital and 3 health care departments of the Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital Timisoara;
4) 2 brochures elaborated by the medical experts and distributed (5000 copies) (one for the Romanian population and one for the Hungarian population) with easy-to-understand information on screening and diagnosis of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases;
5) 4 awareness forums organized in Timis and Bekes counties for more than 200 representatives, on lifestyle and the risk of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases;
6) more than 3000 cardio examinations free of charge, performed for the 2 counties population;
7) two new protocols elaborated by the Joint Medical Council.
1) Improved health-care infrastructure for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases in 2 institutions from Timis and Bekes counties through the modernized equipment purchased for 3 health-care departments within Békés County Central Hospital and 3 health-care departments within Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital from Timisoara;
2) Improved know-how of the 40 medical staff of Bekes and Timis counties in screening, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases;
3) Increased awareness of lifestyle and the risk of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases through the 5000 brochures disseminated in Bekes and Timis counties and through awareness forums organized for more than 200 persons;
4) Improved access of the population from the Timis-Bekes area to information regarding health and quality medical services for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services
Planned to be reached:
Number: 1,040,639 persons
Number: 1,090,826 persons having access to improved health services
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 104.82%

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
Planned to be reached:
Number: 6 health-care departments
Number: 6 health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.00%

Project description Team-Cardio-Prevent - Békés County Central Hospital (

Békés County Central Hospital PP2 HU BK 1,081,901.02 190,923.71 0.00 Project web-site:

47 ROHU-397 PA4 9/a New approaches in the prevention and therapy of common cancers 4C: Cure for Cervical and Colorectal Cancer 1-Mar-2019 31-Oct-2021 ended Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital Timisoara LB RO TM 3,452,844.43 2,549,775.91 1,039,631.54 158,990.25 24,474.14 Improving health-care services from Timis and Csongrád-Csanád counties in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cervical and colorectal cancer. Finalized:
1) 7 health care departments within the Emergency Municipal Clinical Hospital Timisoara (for 4 departments), of the University of Szeged (2 departments), and Emergency Clinical County Hospital Timis (1 department) affected by the modern equipment purchased such as a CT device, a Video endoscopy Kit, a 3D Full HD system for laparoscopic endoscopic surgery, a Plasma sterilizer, an ergonomic microscope, a Rotary microtome with manual operation, a High energy linear accelerator, a Treatment Planning System compatible with the existing radiotherapy system, a Software upgrade for the existing linear accelerator, an Advanced imaging license (Stand-alone), two colonoscopes and a Digestive Video endoscopy system with accessories (with 2 video-colonoscopes);
2) 4 joint workshops organized in Szeged and Timisoara on cervical and colorectal cancer for the medical staff from Csongrád-Csanád and Timis counties;
3) 10,000 brochures elaborated and disseminated to the persons from Timis and Csongrád-Csanád counties to inform them about a healthy lifestyle and prevention of cervical and colorectal cancer;
4) 5 awareness forums organized in Timis and Csongrád-Csanád counties for the general public (at least 250 persons) on a specific topic related to lifestyle, risk of cancer, prevention, and one health-themed TV broadcast focused also on healthy lifestyle and the risk of cancer;
5) Screening activities free of charge performed on colorectal cancer and cervical cancer for the population in the Timis and Csongrád-Csanád counties (for more than 2500 persons);
6) 2 medical protocols concluded on screening, diagnosis, and treatment of cervical and colorectal cancers;
7) 16 cases of cervical/colorectal cancer diagnosis and treatment procedures discussed by the medical experts of the three partners, for making the treatment of cross-border patients more effective.
1) Improved health-care infrastructure for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cervical and colorectal cancer within 3 institutions in Timis and Csongrád-Csanád counties (7 health-care departments);
2) Improved competencies for 40 medical staff of Csongrád-Csanád and Timis counties in screening, diagnosis, and treatment of colorectal and cervical cancers;
3) Increased awareness of health and prevention of cervical and colorectal cancer through brochures (10000 copies) disseminated to persons from Timis and Csongrád-Csanád counties, through awareness forums organized and through the health-themed TV broadcasted;
4) Improved access of the population in the Timis-Csongrád-Csanád area to information regarding health and quality medical services for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cervical and colorectal cancer.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services
Planned to be reached:
Number: 1,104,406 persons
Number: 1,155,901 persons having access to improved health services
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 104.66%

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
Planned to be reached:
Number: 7 health-care departments
Number: 7 health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.00%
Project description Proiecte europene - Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Urgenţă Timişoara

University of Szeged PP2 HU CS 1,340,585.99 236,491.98 453,190.08 Project web-site: PP3 website:

“Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara PP3 RO TM 169,558.38 25,930.47 3,991.60

48 ROHU-401 PA4 9/a Improving health-care standards in prevention, identification and treatment of cardiovascular and gynecological diseases in crossborder area
1-Mar-2019 31-Jul-2021 ended Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Timisoara LB RO TM 3,000,000.00 2,550,000.00 1,020,000.00 155,988.00 24,012.00 Improve the preventive and curative cardiovascular and gynecological health-care services across Timis, Bihor, and Hajdu-Bihar counties. Finalized:
1) Screening and free consultations performed for more than 900 persons from Timis, Bihor, and Hajdu-Bihar counties (including persons with low incomes and from disadvantaged groups);
2) Purchase of medical equipment for 3 medical departments (Sterilization, Cardiovascular Surgery, and Cardiology) within the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Timișoara, 2 medical departments (Gynecological surgery and Intensive Care) within County Emergency Clinical Hospital Oradea, and 2 medical departments (Obstetrics - Gynecology and Cardiology and cardiac surgery) within University of Debrecen;
3) Exchange of know-how and capacity-building activities for 80 medical staff in the gynecology and cardiac domain.

1) Improve the preventive and curative cardiovascular and gynecological health-care services across Timis, Bihor, and Hajdu-Bihar counties through the medical equipment purchased;
2) Increased and improved cardiovascular surgery capacity for adults in Timis County;
3) Improved gynecological surgery and intensive care capacity for women in Bihor County;
4) Improved health-care services for people through know-how exchange and capacity-building activities;
5) Improved access to health infrastructure for disadvantaged groups.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services
Planned to be reached:
Number: 1,601,222 persons
Number: 1,600,391 persons having access to improved health services
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 99.95%

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
Planned to be reached:
Number: 7 health-care departments
Number: 7 health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.00%
Project description PP3 website:

County Clinical Emergency Hospital Oradea PP2 HU BH 1,020,000.00 155,988.00 24,012.00 LB website:

University of Debrecen PP3 HU HB 510,000.00 90,000.00 0.00 PP2 website:

49 ROHU-407 PA4 9/a Cross-border access to high quality emergency services and primary medical assistance in small communities PrimCare RO-HU 1-Nov-2019 31-Oct-2021 ended City Hall of Ardud LB RO SM 545,102.11 463,336.77 320,079.92 48,949.65 7,535.05 The project’s overall objective was to develop cross-border coordinated community-based healthcare services within the medical permanence center of Ardud and the primary care practices from Napkor optimally addressing the population’s needs for emergency intervention, prevention, early identification and effective treatment, focusing on circulatory system diseases which represent the leading cause of death in the region and at EU level. In this regard a number of 3 health-care departments will be affected by improvement equipment, and an approximately 29.199 people will having access to improved health-care services. Finalized:
1) The medical permanence center of Ardud (RO) was renovated: replacement of cement and parquet flooring with PVC floor coverings; false ceilings emplacement; replacement of interior doors; replacement of indoor electrical installations; replacement of sanitary facilities (toilets, sinks); etc
2) New equipment (furniture, equipment&technology , medical devices) was purchased for 3 community-based primary healthcare practices (Ardud’s permanence center (RO) and 2 primary healthcare practices from Napkor(HU);
3) Training of primary healthcare units’ medical personnel in cardio-respiratory resuscitation;
4) Was developed a harmonized good practice guideline in resuscitation, at the primary healthcare providers’ level, focused on the following main themes: adult basic life support and automated external defibrillation; adult life support; pediatric life support; resuscitation and support of transition of babies at birth; pre-hospital resuscitation; post-resuscitation care; prevention of cardiac arrest and decisions about CPR; Peri-arrest arrhythmia; implementation of resuscitation procedures;
5) Was developed a harmonized good practice guideline in management of circulatory system diseases, at the primary healthcare providers’ level, including the following main themes: identification of the persons at risk (risk prediction charts: strengths and limitations, clinical assessment of cardiovascular risk), implementation of detailed programs of care at primary healthcare level (applying the prevention recommendation; modification of behaviour ; multiple risk factor intervention; blood pressure lowering; cost-effectiveness, feasibility and resource implications of antihypertensive and statin therapy), monitoring of treatment, measure outcomes of and achieve continuous quality improvement.
1) The infrastructure condition of 3 community-based primary healthcare practices (Ardud’s permanence center and 2 primary healthcare practices from Napkor) was improved, and ensure prevention, early identification and effective treatment of cardiovascular diseases across the border. As a result, an important part of patients, are effectively treated locally, facilitating rapid access of the population to safe medical care, provided according to standardized and comparable protocols in place across the border ensuring good quality service provision for all citizen in targeted area.
2) The project create a strong network of professionals from both sides of the border which work together enhancing the joint institutional capacity of the medical permanence center in Ardud and the primary medical units in Napkor to provide better and safer healthcare services based upon improved practice conditions, access to appropriate equipment and technology, harmonized medical protocols, health workforce development and sharing of good practices.
3) Population from the small communities along the border have access to high quality emergency services and primary medical assistance.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services
Number 31,046 persons

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
Number: 3 health-care departments

Napkor Local Government of the village PP2 HU SB 113,399.52 13,339.80 6,671.89

CREST Association PP3 RO SM 29,857.33 4,566.08 702.87

50 ROHU-386 PA4 9/a Improving cross-border health care services with modernized medical equipment within Dr. Gavril Curteanu Hospital in Oradea and Békés County Central Hospital CBC-HOSPEQUIP 1-Nov-2019 31-Oct-2021 ended Municipal Hospital Dr. Gavril Curteanu Oradea LB RO BH 2,954,338.00 2,511,187.30 2,086,187.30 319,039.40 49,111.30 Increased quality of medical services offered to the population of Bihor and Bekes counties, through the aquisition of performant equipment. Finalized:
1) Acquisition of 2 Telemedicine systems;
2) Medical Equipment purchased: 1 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 3 ultrasounds, 1 C-arm, 1 Digital Radiography - scope device, , 1 Full 3D Full HD Tower for Laparoscopic Endoscopic' Surgery, 1 Direct digital RTG imager, Direct digital work station, 1 Vacuum Transport System for Laboratory and Medicinal Samples; 5 High Performance Monitors; 5 High Performance Mechanical Ventilation Device; 31 High Performance Monitors; 23 infuzomats; 4 defibrilaters; 3 UPS equipment; 1 Ultrasound platform with 4 ultrasound modules; 4 DIVAS stations; 23 injectomats
1) Purchasing and installing the telemedicine systems in Oradea and in Bekes Hospitals
2) medical equipment purchased, contributing to the endownment of 6 medical departments
3) 6 medical departments will be modernized and equipped, thus patients will benefit from high-quality services / interventions, the recovery time will be reduced, early identification, prevention and quality treatment of illnesses will be ensured, easier and quicker accessibility of medical services in the eligible area will be facilitated, the ”the second opinion” tool will be possible through the telemedicine, thus contributing to a balanced system of treatment, which altogether has a positive impact also on anti-discrimination and social inclusion.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services

Planned to be reached:
Number: 180,000 persons
176560 by the end of the implementation period

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
Planned to be reached:
Number: 6 health-care departments
6 departments by the end of the implementation period

Békés County Central Hospital PP2 HU BK 425,000.00 75,000.00 0.00

51 ROHU-357 PA4 9/a Cooperation for high health-care standards in prevention, early identification and effective treatment of diseases in the Bihor-Hajdú Bihar Euroregion HEALTH_BHB 1-Nov-2019 31-Dec-2022 ended County Clinical Emergency Hospital Oradea LB RO BH 3,000,000.00 2,550,000.00 1,700,000.00 259,980.00 40,020.00 To improve the preventive, early diagnose and curative health-care services for all the population of Bihor and Hajdu-Bihar counties. In this area a number of 38 health-care departments were affected by modernized equipment and a number of 655,993 people having access to improved health-care services. Finalized:
1) Purchase and installation of necessary medical equipment for the Medical Analysis Laboratory of the County Clinical Emergency Hospital Oradea;
2) Promotional actions for health screening and providing information to prevent and diagnose diseases with high frequency in the eligible area were organized in Oradea ,Berettyóújfalu and Hajduboszormeny City. 5,661 people were informed about the LP's mobile app, over 2,075 people were informed through PP2's interactive webpage and 582 patients through PP3's interactive webpage.
3) Actions to improve access to health infrastructure for disadvantaged groups. 8369 people were informed regarding the health-care services they could benefit from.
4) Exchange of know-how and capacity building activities. 40 physicians and medical assistants from [HU] GTIK (PP2) and Hajdúböszörmény (PP3) participated to online study visits organized by [RO] SCJUO (LP) and 5 medical staff from [RO] SCJUO participated online to the international conference.
5) Purchase and installation of necessary medical equipment for medical departments from Grof Tisza Istvan Hospital located in Berettyóújfalu;
6) Purchase and installation of necessary medical equipment for two medical departments located in Hajduboszormeny City.

1) A total of 38 health-care departments were endowed with modern equipment, enhancing the acces of the population from both sides of the border to improved medical services.
2) Early identification and effective treatment of diseases in the Bihor - Hajdu-Bihar euro region in order to ensure prevention. Patients have access to an appropriate level of healthcare services all across the two neighboring counties, regardless of their social status, financial situation or residence.
3) Improved competences for the medical staff of these 3 hospitals as a result of exchanges of experience and participation to international medical events.
4) The territorial proximity of cross-border communities also implies a regular incidence of patients that are in need of healthcare across the border and joint protocols were elaborated within the cooperation project to ensure good transfer and use of patient information and medical history.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services
Numer of people: 655,993 persons

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
Number : 38 health-care departments

Grof Tisza Istvan Hospital Berettyóújfalu PP2 HU HB 595,705.50 105,124.50 0.00

Local Government of Hajduboszormeny City PP3 HU HB 254,294.50 29,914.01 14,961.49

52 ROHU-392 PA4 9/a Integrated Response For Medical Assistance In The Cross-Border Region IRMA 1-Nov-2019 30-Apr-2022 ended Commune of Moftin LB RO SM 1,251,969.00 1,064,173.65 563,948.65 86,244.34 13,276.01 Increase the quality of health services in Moftin and Nyíradony and their surroundings and contribute to the local development of healthcare services, by reducing the inequalities in health status between urban and rural communities and facilitating the transition from institutional to community-based health services, through complex infrastructure investments and special equipment purchasing, which contributes to the establishment of adequate community health services in the border area. Finalized:
1) A total of 7 medical departments were modernised within the project: in Moftin, 6 health care departments positively affected:  3 family medicine departments (1 in Moftinu Mic, 1 in Moftinu Mare, 1 in Domăneşti), 1 functional explorations department, 1 laboratory medicine department, 1 stomatology department; in Nyiradony, an ambulance station was created
2) Development of a rural healthcare network (formed of 3 rural healthcare centers in 3 of the largest villages of the Moftin commune)
3) Acquisition of medical equipment
4) 12 events regarding health care measures for the population, including 3 screening actions, 2 cross border workshops on prevention and 1 first aid training event;
5) 1 Rural Health Care Network Web Page containing information on how to prevent several illnesses, advices for healthy life behaviour etc.
6) the Ambulance Service in Nyiradony was made operational
1) Increase quality of health services in Moftin and Nyíradony and their surroundings, by realizing a complex healthcare infrastructure, thus contributing to the establishment of adequate community health services in the border area.
2) Ensure local development of health care services, reduce the inequalities in health status and create the transition from institutional to community-based health services.
3) The project contributed to the improvement of the life-quality of people living in the area, to increase competitive potential of these localities and its middle-term result is the increase of the number of healthier citizens.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services
Planned to be reached:
Number: 54828 persons
56,623 persons having access to improved health services

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
Planned to be reached:
Number: 7 health-care departments
7 health-care departments

Nyíradony Town Self-Government PP2 HU SB 500,225.00 58,844.12 29,430.88

53 ROHU-361 PA4 9/a Joint prevention and surveillance of infectious diseases and hospital-acquired infections in Arad, Makó and Hódmezővásárhely StopGerms 1-Nov-2019 31-Dec-2023 ended Arad County Council LB RO AR 2,999,996.95 2,549,997.40 1,317,500.00 201,484.50 31,015.50 Improvement of health-care services and patient safety in three hospitals in Arad and Csongrád-Csanád counties through the rehabilitation/ reorganization works performed, medical equipment purchased, and the elaboration of the Strategy for improving hygiene conditions and prevention of hospital infections in CSMEK Hódmezővásárhely-Makó. Finalized:
1) New medical equipment for diagnosis and treatment purchased for the Infectious Disease Department of the Arad County Clinical Hospital (such as Hospital beds equipped with anti-slip mattresses, Ultrasound with two linear probes, EKG, Monitors for vital functions, Wireless monitoring stations, 1 CT container, including Covid -19 specific equipment) and new equipment for cleaning and sterilizing purchased for the hospital from Hungary (such as Dry-foggy disinfection devices, cleaning carts, cleaning tools);
2) The Surgery and Internal Medicine Department, at the Diosszilagyi Samuel Hospital in Mako was renovated, modernized & endowed with new equipment (such as Vein scanners, Blood and infusion warmers, Blood plasma heaters, Portable ultrasound device, Hand hygiene scanner, Sick beds, Patient lifts);
3) Workshops in Arad and Hungary organized, having the theme of advanced methods of prevention and treatment of infectious diseases (in Arad) and to exchange know-how on infection control and quality assurance through proper hygiene (in Hungary);
4) Campaigns for raising awareness in schools, about the importance of hand hygiene organized in Hungary;
5) Developing a strategy for the prevention and control of hospital-acquired infections.
1) Modernized department for Infectious Diseases of the Arad County Clinical Hospital with medical equipment for improving health-care services and patient safety;
2) Renovated, sanitized wards in the new wing and modern, small wards offering hotel conditions for hospitalized patients in the old wing, in Mako, Csongrád-Csanád, Hungary;
3) Increased awareness among schoolchildren about the importance of hand hygiene.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services
Planned to be reached:
Number: 442,155 persons
Number: 428,458 persons having access to improved health services
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 96.90%

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
Planned to be reached:
Number: 2 health-care departments
Number: 2 health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.00% rohu_-361_osszefoglalo_honlapra_v2.pdf

Csongrád-Csanád County Health Care Center – Hódmezővásárhely-Makó PP2 HU CS 1,232,497.40 217,499.55 0.00 Prevenirea şi monitorizarea bolilor infecţioase şi a infecţiilor intraspitaliceşti în Arad şi Mako-Hodmezovasarhely – ROHU 361 – CJArad

54 ROHU-400 PA4 9/a Joint prevention and surveillance of infectious diseases and hospital-acquired infections in Arad, Makó and Hódmezővásárhely ROHUNOVATION 1-Jan-2020 30-Jun-2023 ended The Emergency County Hospital "Pius Brinzeu" of Timisoara LB RO TM 2,935,100.00 2,494,835.00 1,245,335.00 190,448.35 29,316.65 Increased quality of medical services offered to the population of Timis and Csongrad counties, through the aquisition of performant equipment. Finalized:
1) 5 healthcare departments were modernised with medical equipments (3 departments from RO and 2 from HU),
2) 250 free of charge surgical robotic interventions and 4.893 screening and medical diagnosis,
3) 2 E-learning platform were developed for the exchange of patient information and medical history making the treatment of cross-border patients more effective,
4) 4 Trainings for medical staff, a number of 120 RO-HU surgeons in current clinical practice or in the preparation phase – medical residents and/or students and nursing staff - involved in the oncology field,
5) 4 standardized protocols of best practices + 10 scientific articles in the field of prevention, early detection and minimally invasive intervention in oncology ;
6) 4 cross-border awareness campaigns, to educate the target group about specific preventable cancers, importance of health status screening and the benefits of minimally invasive surgery versus classic approch.

1) 5 better equipped medical departments, serving the population from Csongrad and Timis Counties. A number of 250 free of charge surgical interventions will be performed for the population from the targeted area.
2) An improved access and quality of service for the population from Csongrad and Timis Counties, population will have access to measures of prevention, early identification and effective treatment of cancer, including people from disadvantaged groups.
3) Population from Csongrad and Timis Counties better informed about cancer issues, through the awareness campaigns organized within the project.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services
Number: 1.041.717 persons

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
Number: 5 health-care department

University of Szeged PP2 HU CS 1,249,500.00 220,500.00 0.00

55 ROHU-387 PA4 9/a Added Value in Cooperation for stroke situations AVC 1-Feb-2020 31-Dec-2025 on-going The project was included in the non-functional category Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospitals and University Hospital LB HU SB 2,707,819.29 2,301,646.39 1,550,321.02 273,586.07 0.00 Enabling necessary healthcare infrastructural environment for the early and highly detailed diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases among target area population Finalized:
1) Specific medical equipment for the stroke centres in Nyíregyháza and Mátészalka (64 Ct equipment with finder workstation, 128 Ct equipment with finder workstation, cardiovascular ultrasound device, portable TCD ultrasound device) 2) Newly established Stroke Unit at Satu Mare County Emergency Hospital in the existing infrastructure background;
3) Specialized medical equipment and instruments purchased for the Stroke Unit: Portable life functions monitors, Fixed life functions monitors, Holter EKG including software, Syringe pumps, Surgical aspirators, Pulse oximeters, Blood pressure meters, EEG instruments, Doppler ultrasonograph + with special probe, Medical ventilators, Astrup blood gas analysers, EMG instrument, EKG instruments, Defibrillators, Patient monitoring stations, Vein viewers for vein access, Non contact thermometers, Glucose meters, DVL (transcranial Doppler ultrasonograph with 2MHz probe), Medical fluid terminals, Bed urinal cleaning and disinfecting machinesModernising 31 medical departments;
4) Development of a common cross-border-area-focused stroke treatment protocol;
5) 1 public awareness raising campaign in regard to stroke situation is planned to be organized within the project.
6) 1 website created
7) 144 hours of informal training delivered.
8) 1 Awareness raising film
1) Raised awarness and better informed population about stroke and its implications and consequences
2) Better trained personnel in the area of stroke intervention
3) 32 modernized medical departments, from the two involved hospitals will provide improved health care services, will reduce the necessity of a longer treatment and rehabilitation period and will facilitate a successful recovery process of patients affected by stroke related diseases, especially in case of the population of the Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services

Planned to be reached:
Number: 903,000 persons
Reached: Number: 907,984

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment

Planned to be reached:
Number: 33 health-care departments
Reached: Number: 32 health-care departments

Satu Mare County Emergency Hospital PB2 RO SM 725,876.37 111,007.85 17,087.98

Satu Mare County Administrative-Territorial Unit PB3 RO SM 25,449.00 3,891.90 599.10

56 ROHU-339 PA4 9/a Romanian-Hungarian cross-border project with a wider focus on diagnostics related to infertility, healthy pregnancy and newborn care HEALTH-PREGN-RO-HU 1-May-2021 31-Dec-2023 ended University of Szeged LB HU CS 2,492,080.65 2,118,268.55 954,756.55 168,486.45 0.00 The main overall objective of this joint project is to improve screening, diagnostic, and preventive health care services in microbiology and human genetics aiming infertility, increasing maternal age, preconceptional, prenatal, and postnatal diagnostics in the Romanian-Hungarian cross-border area, through a strategic approach by investing in medical diagnostic infrastructure, including laboratory reconstructions, upgrading equipment and implementing new methods and by sharing experience, transferring knowledge and exchanging know-how between the cooperating partners for the benefit of large patient populations and for reducing health care inequalities. Finalized
1. Infrastructure Development and Laboratory Equipment Enhancements: Improvements, equipment purchases, and adaptations have significantly increased the efficiency of laboratory work (including testing, sample storage, and evaluation) across seven departments. The enhanced infrastructure has optimized workflows, raised professional standards, and facilitated the introduction of new methods and techniques. The departments impacted by these developments are:
-University of Szeged - Department of Medical Genetics (HU-6720 Szeged, Somogyi Béla Street 4)
-University of Szeged - Department of Medical Microbiology (HU-6725 Szeged, Semmelweis Street 6)
-University of Szeged - Department of Medical Microbiology (Educational and Research Center) (HU-6720 Szeged, Dóm Square 10)
-University of Szeged - Institute of Laboratory Medicine (HU-6725 Szeged, Semmelweis Street 6)
-Government Office of Csongrád-Csanád County - Public Health Service (HU-6726 Szeged, Derkovits Fásor 7-11)
-Emergency County Clinical Hospital Pius Brinzeu Timisoara - Clinical Microbiology Department (RO-300723 Timisoara, Bulevardul Liviu Rebreanu 156)
-Emergency County Clinical Hospital Pius Brinzeu Timisoara - Genomic Department (RO-300723 Timisoara, Bulevardul Liviu Rebreanu 156)
2. Knowledge Transfer: professionals were able to expand their knowledge on various topics and build stronger professional networks, including with cross-border partners. This was facilitated through a series of events such as conferences, seminars, workshops, and training sessions. These events provided participants with up-to-date information, enabling them to perform their tasks more efficiently and improve the quality of health services. The following professional events were held:
-International Medical Conference – 1 event
-Down Syndrome Symposium – 2 events
-Conference on Preconception and Pregnancy – 2 events
-Workshops – 8 events
-Trainings – 7 events
-Seminars – 7 events
-Seminar for District Nurses – 1 event
3. Communication of Results: A key objective throughout the project was to communicate the results to both professionals and the public. The goal was to engage as many professionals as possible to promote discourse and inform the general public about the project’s outcomes. Communication efforts included both professional and public-facing publications and events.
4. Professional Publications:
-Study on the Regional Microbiologic and Genetic Profile of Infertility
-6 Protocols
-Study on Developing the Business Environment
-12 Publications in Medical Journals
5. Public Communication Efforts:
-Project Launch Conference
-Final Project Promotion Conference
-Final Project Conference
-2 Press Conferences
-Project displayed online (website and Facebook page)
-4 Publications in online and printed media
-Promotional Materials (leaflets, billboards, roll-ups, brochures, and promotional sets)
These communication activities ensured broad dissemination of the project’s results, reaching both specialized audiences and the wider public.
1)Improved diagnostic services related to infertility, healthy pregnancy and newborn care
2)7 healthcare departments modernized and newly equipment in order to optimize bacteriological, serological and genetic testing for primary prevention, screening and diagnostic services
3) Increased awarness on reproductive issues and a higher demand for preventive care and health screening
4)An increased knowlegde basement of the medical staff involved in the project after attending the trainings and the know-how exchanges organized within the project.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services
Reached: 1,610,522 persons out of the planned 1,623,037 (99.23%).

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
Reached: 7 health-care department
The departments affected by modernized equipment are as follows:
University of Szeged (LB HU SZTE):
1. Department of Medical Genetics (HU-6720 Szeged, Somogyi Béla Street 4)
2. Department of Medical Microbiology (HU-6725 Szeged, Semmelweis Street 6)
3. Department of Medical Microbiology (HU-6720 Szeged, Dóm Square 10)
4. Institute of Laboratory Medicine (HU-6725 Szeged, Semmelweis Street 6)
Public Health Service of Government Office for Csongrád-Csanád County (PP2 HU CSCSVKH):
5. Public Health Service (HU-6726 Szeged, Derkovits Fásor 7-11)
Emergency County Clinical Hospital Pius Brinzeu Timisoara (PP3 RO SCJUPBT):
6. Clinical Microbiology Department (RO-300723 Timisoara, Bulevardul Liviu Rebreanu 156)
7. Genomic Department (RO-300723 Timisoara, Bulevardul Liviu Rebreanu 156)
The indicator was achieved at 100%.
The implementation period has ended, and the documentation supporting the achievement of the output indicators was sent to the MA on 22.05.2024.

Government Office of Csongrád-Csanád County PP2 HU CS 224,837.75 39,677.25 0.00

Emergency County Clinical Hospital Pius Brinzeu Timisoara PP3 RO TM 938,674.25 143,550.91 22,097.49

57 ROHU-240 PA4 9/a Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs DESP 1-Sep-2018 28-Feb-2019 ended Csongrád County Health Care Center Hódmezővásárhely - Makó LB HU CS 341,753.00 290,490.05 242,000.95 42,706.05 0.00 Developing of the Full Application, including the elaboration of the technical plans, of the necessary feasibility studies, as well as obtaining the needed building permits .
1)Elaboration of Local Impact Analysis Study;
2)Preparation of Construction Plans regarding the extension works of Csongrád County Health Care Center – Hódmezővásárhely-Makó.;
3)Common elaboration of the Full Application with every detail of the implementation (detailed activities, specified deliverables, detailed budget, etc.);
Delivery of Full Application (ROHU 450)
No output indicators setup for the Concept Note phase.

Association of Vincentian Sisters of Charity PP2 RO SM 48,489.10 7,415.41 1,141.49

58 ROHU-450 PA4 9/a Development and Testing of Efficient Screening and Prevention Programs DESP 1-Aug-2019 31-Dec-2023 ended Csongrád County Health Care Center Hódmezővásárhely - Makó LB HU CS 13,007,120.56 11,056,052.47 8,669,289.15 1,529,874.56 0.00 To mitigate the morbidity and mortality rates of cancer and circulatory diseases, to increase the efficiency of screening and to strengthen preventive healthcare and health awareness in the region, making possible the early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of different types of cancer; to mitigate against inequalities in health and social care infrastructure in the corss-border area addressed by the project, by improving access to health and social services (with a strong focus on people at risk of poverty and those populations living in poorer areas). Finalized:
1) New medical equipment for:
- 8 Departments of CSCSMEK, namely the Internal Medicine Department, Paediatrics, Pathology, Radiology, Dermatology and the Health Development Office in Hódmezővásárhely, plus the Dermatology and the Health Development Office in Makó;
- the Health Development Office in Hódmezővásárhely and the Health Development Office in Makó.
- 6 Departments from the János Hám Centre (Cardiology, Mammography/Oncology, Dermatology, Gastroenterology), and from the Blessed János Scheffler Centre screening Preterm Infants.
2) Two training courses for specialist - in connection to the new equipment purchased within the project;
3) 52 Information & Awareness raising Events: 12 Open Events for the population of Hódmezővásárhely and Makó, respectively 4 Workshops for General Practitioners (Family Doctors) and their assistants, respectively 36 events on the importance of regular screenings, living a healthy lifestyle, caring for children / preterm infants in Satu Mare.
4) 9 Screening programs carried out in 6 different areas (Dermatologic, Cardiovascular, Mammographic, Pulmonologic screenings, Gastroeneterologic and Preterm Infants screenings).
5) 21 training sessions and workshops for medical workers and Health Development OfficeRs from CSMEK and AVSC.
6) extension of the exisant health infrastructure: building two extra floors to house the Internal Medicine Department and Paediatrics in the Hódmezővásárhely Hospital

1) new medical equipment for 6 Departments from the János Hám Centre (Cardiology, Mammography/Oncology, Dermatology, Gastroenterology), and from the Blessed János Scheffler Centre screening Preterm Infants has been purchased and placed in function; one of the most notable results is the mobile mamography unit, which is fully operational and functional, and included in the National Brest Carncer Screening Programme, coordonated in the region by the Oncological Institute in Cluj-Napoca.
2) medical equipment for the Dermatology and Health Development Offices in Hódmezővásárhely and Makó have been purchased and placed in function.
3) screening equipment for Dermathology and Pulmonary oncologic pathologies, as well as cardio-vascular diseases, has been purchased for the Hospital in Hódmezővásárhely ;
4) the construction works of the 2 additional floors of the Hódmezővásárhely hospital, planned to house the Paediatrics and Internal Medicine departments, are completed. The Hospital is fully equippent and functional.
5) The screening programmes are ongoing on both sides of the border, and were received with great succes and public interest; for this reason, their number was increased with new specialities and more participants than initially planned.
6) training sessions, workshops, awareness raising events have been started and are ongoing.

1) Efficient screening and prevention programs were elaborated, tested and implemented, on both sides of the border.
2) Improved diagnostic and therapeutic background in the area addressed by the project is achieved, by the new operating medical equipment and new hospital sections in .
3) A larger number of population has access to improved health services.
4) The addressed health care facilities provide better medical services, and therefore ensure a better quality of the health-care services for the population in the area ddressed by the project.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services

Planned to be reached:
Number:1139644 persons
Reached: Number: 1036141

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment

Planned to be reached:
Number: 15 health-care departments
Reached: Number: 15 health-care departments

Association of Vincentian Sisters of Charity PP2 RO SM 2,386,763.32 365,006.32 56,187.21

59 ROHU-275 PA4 9/a Integrated project for sustainable development in the mountain area of Bihor County, improvement of access and development in health care services in case of medical interventions for emergency situations IPHEALTH - FA Phase 1-Oct-2018 31-Mar-2019 ended Bihor County Council LB RO BH 77,197.40 65,617.79 28,229.01 4,317.05 664.54 Developing of the Full Application, including the elaboration of the technical plans, of the necessary feasibility studies, as well as obtaining the needed building permits .
1)Preparation of Construction Plans regarding the construction works;
2)Common elaboration of the Full Application with every detail of the implementation (detailed activities, specified deliverables, detailed budget, etc.).
Delivery of Full Application (ROHU 449)
No output indicators setup for the Concept Note phase.

Local Government of Berettyóújfalu City PP2 HU HB 7,123.00 837.92 419.08

Municipality of Oradea PP3 RO BH 6,861.54 1,049.34 161.52

Municipality of Marghita PP4 RO BH 2,909.04 444.88 68.48

Municipality of Salonta PP5 RO BH 2,909.04 444.88 68.48

City of Alesd PP6 RO BH 2,909.04 444.88 68.48

Municipality of Beius PP7 RO BH 2,909.04 444.88 68.48

University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy PP8 RO BH 11,768.08 1,799.69 277.03

60 ROHU-449 PA4 9/a Integrated project for sustainable development in the mountain area of Bihor County, improvement of access and development in health care services in case of medical interventions for emergency situations IPHEALTH - FA Phase 1-Aug-2019 31-Dec-2025 on-going The project was included in the non-functional category Bihor County Council LB RO BH 13,049,572.49 10,706,344.21 1,442,829.94 220,629.44 460,535.83 Improved, quality medical services in the eligible area, that contribute to the medical welfare of approximately 700.000 people in the corss-border area of Bihor County and Berettyóújfalu, by establishing modern emergency medical services, an interconnected telemedicine infrastructure in Bihor county, as well as cross-border training and research in a modern learning centre for patient’s safety and security;
Reducing disparities between the two countries in regards to the quality of oncology and physical medicine, resulting in improved and balanced services provided by healthcare institutions in the eligible area.
1) two first aid points in the mountain area of Bihor County were established and equippe, in Padis and Stana de Vale; purchase of modern searching and rescue vehicles and equipment, first aid equipment was completed;
2) Medical equipment used in physical medicine and rehabilitation was purchsed and installed in Berretyujfalu border rea: treatment beds, doctor’s chairs, low frequency electrotherapy devices, laser showers, combined electrotherapy devices, vacuum therapy devices, ultrasound therapy devices, extension device, laser therapy device, interior exercise equipment: stationary bike, treadmill, wall bars, different devices and equipment used in balneotherapy: galvanic bath, carbonic acid bath, saturator, other tools for weight bath, massage bath,  EKG, defibrillator, ergotherapy devices and tools and other necessary items for the staff for the well-functioning of the phyisical medicine and rehabilitation department of the hospital;
3) Emergency and first aid vehicles and equipment were [urchased and installed in Bihor County: specialised ambulances for medical intervention, including one for patients in critical health risks wee added to the Bihor Couty Hospital fleet. 1 state-of-the art angio CT was installed in Bihor County Hospital, as well as 1 SPECT CT. Video laryngoscopes with LCD screen and data storage, digital radiology devices, CT devices, hospital beds for patients in intensive care units were also achieved;
4) SA telemedicine system with one datacenter and telemedicine kits used for collecting patient data ws established in Bihor County: all county, municipl and town hospitals were connected to County Clinical Emergency Hospital of Oradea, thus the medical professionals from the County Emergency Hospital are now able to perform online consultations and diagnosis, as well as to receice and consult digital images obtained through the ecography unites, in real time;
5) A cross-border medical training center was established within the Unoversity of Ordea, by reconstructing an existing building, and expanding it in order to provide the necessary space for the medical trainings. Apart from the construction, the partner also purchased all the necessary equipment for the learning process in eight different modules: anatomy, general medicine, surgery, echography, pharmacy, dental medicine, emergency medicine, endoscopy.
1) Localization of injured patients and the intervention of medical professionals in a shortened period of time is ensured, through the use of the specialised search and rescue equipment purchased within the project.
2) The quality of the emergency health care services in Oradea and its surrounding is improved, through the modern emergency screening equipment already purchased and put into operation through the project.
4) A larger number of population has better access to health care services, thus better mental and physical health of the target cross border population is ensured.
6) Medical trainings were provided for medical specialists in the area addressed by the project, in the majority of medical disciplines, focusing however on emergency medicine and oncology, with the help of the medical simulators already purchased within the project. The emergency health care and rescue services provided to the population have, as a result, a better quality.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services

Planned to be reached:
Number:700000 persons
To be calculated after the end of the extended implementation period (decembre 2025).

9/a2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
Planned to be reached:
Number: 9.0health-care departments

To be reached by the end of the extended implementation period (decembre 2025).

Local Government of Berettyóújfalu City PP2 HU HB 801,927.26 94,339.17 54,109.57

Municipality of Oradea PP3 RO BH 6,194,147.18 947,267.29 145,817.51

Municipality of Marghita PP4 RO BH 228,072.00 34,878.92 5,369.08

Municipality of Salonta PP5 RO BH 230,917.80 35,314.13 5,436.07

City of Alesd PP6 RO BH 228,072.00 34,878.92 5,369.08

Municipality of Beius PP7 RO BH 232,279.60 35,515.93 6,604.47

University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy PP8 RO BH 1,348,098.43 206,167.48 50,995.39

61 ROHU-138 PA4 9/a Babies Across Borders - Connecting Health Services In The Field Of Obstetrics - Gynecology And Neonatal Care Between Emergency Clinical County Hospital Pius Brinzeu Timisoara And The Pediatric Clinic Of Szeged BABYROHU 1-Oct-2018 30-Apr-2019 ended Timis County LB RO TM 68,387.00 58,128.95 34,000.00 5,199.60 800.40 Developing the Full Application, including the elaboration of the technical plans, of the necessary feasibility studies, as well as obtaining the needed building permits.
1) Feasibility Study for the construction of the new obstetrics-gynecology clinic in Timisoara, including field studies and permits related;
2) Two technical projects for the reconstruction of the Pediatric Clinic and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Szeged;
3) Documentation prepared for medical equipment that will be purchased for the new obstetrics-gynecology clinic in Timisoara.
The Full Application (ROHU-443) submitted.
No output indicators were set up for the Concept Note phase. Project description referring to both phases

University Of Szeged PP2 HU CS 24,128.95 4,258.05 0.00 Fisa-de-proiect-Maternitate-Faza-Nota-Conceptuala.pdf (

Emergency Clinical County Hospital "Pius Brinzeu" Timisoara PP3 RO TM - - 0.00

62 ROHU-443 PA4 9/a Babies Across Borders - Connecting Health Services In The Field Of Obstetrics - Gynecology And Neonatal Care Between Emergency Clinical County Hospital Pius Brinzeu Timisoara And The Pediatric Clinic Of Szeged BABYROHU 1-Dec-2019 31-Aug-2024 ended Timiș County LB RO TM 13,831,612.90 11,756,870.95 10,280,999.90 1,572,267.28 242,026.83 Improved prevention and health care services in the obstetrics-gynecology and neonatology services from Hungarian-Romanian cross-border area, through a strategic approach (medical infrastructure, equipment, and know-how exchange) to reduce health discrepancy between the quality of health-care services from Hungary and Romania. Finalized:
1) 6 joint obstetric and neonatal workshops organized online to exchange experiences, 3 hosted by the University of Szeged, Hungary, and 3 by the Clinic of Obstetrics, Timisoara;
2) 2 common medical recommendations and guidance in obstetrics-gynecology and neonatology specialization prepared;
3) 1 awareness-raising campaign was organized in Csongrad-Csanad County (brochures and flyers disseminated) and 1 awareness-raising campaign in Timis and Arad Counties (printed posters and brochures disseminated) to educate parents and people about the care of pregnant women, the importance of a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, the importance of vaccinations, and neonatal screening;
4) Construction of a new Obstetrics-Gynecology Clinic in Timisoara and purchasing the specific medical equipment and furniture for the Clinic;
5) Purchasing medical equipment for the Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology and a Pediatric Clinic of the University of Szeged.

1) Improved health-care services and prevention in the obstetrics-gynecology and neonatology field from the Hungarian-Romanian cross-border area planned to be archived through the construction and endowment of the new Obstetrics-Gynecology Clinic in Timisoara, and purchasing of medical equipment for the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Health Center and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and from Szeged.
2) Increased cooperation between Romanian and Hungarian medical experts in the obstetrics-gynecology and neonatology field.
9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services
Planned to be reached:
Number: 1,976,348 persons
Reached (only by the Hungarian partner):
Number: 705,587 persons having access to improved health services
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 35.70% by the end of 2023.
The implementation period has ended, and the documentation to support the achievement of the output indicators is under verification

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment
Planned to be reached:
Number: 15 Health-care departments
Reached (only by the Hungarian partner):
Number: 2Health-care departments equipped with modernized equipment
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 13.33% by the end of 2023.
The implementation period has ended, and the documentation to support the achievement of the output indicators is under verification
Project description referring to both phases

University Of Szeged PP2 HU CS 1,475,871.05 260,447.84 0.00 PP2 web site PP3 web site

Emergency Clinical County Hospital "Pius Brinzeu" Timisoara PP3 RO TM - - 0.00 LB website:

63 ROHU-236 PA4 9/a Cross-border health co-operation for effective prevention and better quality medical services and efficient rehabilitation and recreation in Békés and Arad counties HEALTHCBC 1-Jun-2019 31-Jan-2020 ended The Local Government of Békés County LB HU BK 308,660.00 262,361.00 250,819.70 29,505.25 14,757.05 Developing of the Full Application, including the elaboration of the technical plans, of the necessary feasibility studies, as well as obtaining the needed building permits .
1)Feasibility Study, Documentation for approval of intervention works
2)Preparation of technical documentation(DALI)+ obtaining the permits
3) Preparation of the full application
Delivery of Full Application (ROHU 453)
No output indicators setup for the Concept Note phase. Project description:

The Rescue Team Foundation for Emergency Situations of South Bekes PP2 HU BK - - 0.00

South East Hungary Special Emergency Service Association PP3 HU BK - - 0.00

Arad Council PP4 RO AR 11,541.30 1,765.01 271.69

64 ROHU-245 PA4 9/a ROcHUs - Care for health in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties ROcHUs 1-Sep-2018 28-Feb-2020 ended Satu Mare County Emergency Hospital LB RO SM 349,757.11 297,293.54 19,412.35 2,968.73 456.98 Developing of the Full Application, including the elaboration of the technical plans, of the necessary feasibility studies, as well as obtaining the needed building permits .
1) Feasibility study for the extending works at the main building of Satu Mare County Emergency Hospital;
2) Design documentation for execution of works at Hospital of Felso-Szabolcs;
3) Preparatory documents for public procurement for Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospitals and University Hospital;
4) Common elaboration of the Full Application with every detail of the implementation (detailed activities, specified deliverables, detailed budget, etc.).
1) Elaboration of the Full Aplication.
No output indicators setup for the Concept Note phase.

Satu Mare County Administrative-Territorial Unit PP2 RO SM 254,082.89 38,856.75 5,981.41

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospitals and University Hospital PP3 HU SB 6,141.25 1,083.75 0.00

Hospital of Felső-Szabolcs PP4 HU SB 17,657.05 3,115.95 0.00

65 ROHU-457 PA4 9/a ROcHUs - Care for health in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties ROcHUs 1-Aug-2020 31-Dec-2025 on-going The project was included in the non-functional category Satu Mare County Emergency Hospital LB RO SM 6,205,884.28 5,275,001.63 3,060,958.57 468,110.60 72,058.56 Improved preventive and curative health-care services in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties. Planned:
1) two wastewater pre-treatment bases in the two locations of Satu Mare County Emergency Hospital (SMCEH) 2) general glazing change for the second location of SMCEH.

1) Procured and installed medical instrumentats in the Vascular Center of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospitals and University Hospital
2) Reduced door-to-balloon times by procuring performant medical instrumentation in the Vascular Center of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospitals and University Hospital 3) Refurbished and equipped general laboratory in Hospital of Felső-Szabolcs
4) Developed cross-border tele-diagnose network and new instrumentation put in function in the two county hospitals located on both sides of the border
5) Better trained medical specialists thanks to the annual Cross-border Medical Conference organized in Satu Mare
6) 7 departments of Satu Mare County Emergency Hospital endowed with medical equipment
1)Enhanced medical service level in 7 departments of Satu Mare County Emergency Hospital
2)Enhanced medical service level in 2 units of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospitals and University Hospital
3)Enhanced medical service level in 1 unit of Hospital of Felső-Szabolcs
4)Access to improved health services for the population of Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties.

9/a 1 Population having access to improved health services

Planned to be reached:
Number: 903,000 persons Reached: Number: 907,984 persons

9/a 2 Number of health-care departments affected by modernized equipment

Planned to be reached:
Number: 10 Health-care departments equipped with modernized equipment Reached: Number: 10 Health-care departments equipped with modernized equipment

Satu Mare County Administrative-Territorial Unit PP2 RO SM - 0.00 0.00

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospitals and University Hospital PP3 HU SB 1,272,850.43 224,620.67 0.00

Hospital of Felső-Szabolcs PP4 HU SB 941,192.63 110,717.48 55,375.34

66 ROHU-41 PA5 5/b Safer communities in the cross border area by improved disaster management SafeArea 1-Apr-2018 31-Dec-2019 ended Valcani Commune LB RO TM 434,151.60 369,028.86 170,715.36 26,107.40 4,018.84 Improved cross-border disasters and risk management in 11 localities: Valcani, Dudestii Vechi, and Sannicolau Mare from Romania and Foldeak, Ofoldeak, Pitvaros, Kiralyhegyes, Kiszombor, Apatfalva, Magyarcsanad and Csanadpalota from Hungary. Finalized:
1) 31 awareness-raising events were organized for more than 900 children and parents from the following localities: Valcani, Dudestii Vechi, Sannicolau Mare, Foldeak, Pitvaros, Kiszombor, Apatfalva, Csanadpalota, Kyralyheges, Magyarcsanad, and Kiszombor to prepare the participants in risk prevention, behavior in a risk situation, basic first aid techniques;
2) 6 public safety days were organized in Foldeak, Apatfalva, Csanadpalota, Valcani, Dudestii Noi, and Sannicolaul Mare for more than 750 participants to get used to the activities performed by the emergency services;
3) 1 Joint Protocol containing common action plans and intervention protocols regarding joint risk prevention and interventions of the volunteer firefighter units involved developed;
4) 3 joint practical exercises were organized to improve the capacity in risk prevention for 63 volunteer firefighters (33 from Hungary and 30 from Romania);
5) 2 equipped fire engines and protection equipment were purchased which are used by the volunteer units.
1) Improved risk-prevention and disaster management of the firefighter units from Valcani and Foldeak achieved through the 2-firefighting vehicles and protection equipment purchased;
2) Increased awareness of the population from Timis and Csongrád-Csanád County, in risk prevention management through the awareness-raising campaigns organized during the project implementation.
5/b 1 Population safeguarded by improved emergency response services:

Planned to be reached:
Number 36,900 persons

Number 36,749 persons safeguarded by improved emergency response services

The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 99.59%.
ROHU-41-EN-final.pdf (

Municipality of Földeák PP2 HU CS 198,313.50 23,328.67 11,667.83 Joint Protocol:

67 ROHU-80 PA5 5/b Cross-Border Integrated Monitoring, Risk Prevention And Disaster Management Centre JOINTRESCUE 1-Apr-2019 31-Mar-2020 ended Odoreu Commune LB RO SM 1,040,800.00 884,680.00 190,570.00 29,143.76 4,486.24 Better protection of the population in Satu Mare and Szabalcs-Szatmar-Bereg counties against accidents and disasters Finalized:
1) 3 Simulations of intervention in case of technological, ecological and road accidents were organized , in order to be shared professional experiences among the firefighters from the Voluntary Services for Emergency Situations from all the 5 communes ;
2) 35 awarness campaigns on civil protection measures were organized in schools and city halls;
3) Creation of a Best practice model on intervention in case of a forest fire;
4) 1 First aid training for 30 persons;
5) Purchase of 5 fire engines and related equipment for the 5 Voluntary Services for Emergency Situations located in each commune involved in the project.
1) Better protection in case of fire for civil population, through the acquisition of 5 equiped fire engines, serving the inhabitants from 16 localities from Tyukod-Mátészalka area (Hungary) and the Communes of Odoreu, Paulesti, Viile and Halmeu (Satu-Mare County, Romania).
2) Population from Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg and Satu-Mare Counties better informed about the civil protection measures and the interventions in case of disasters, as a result of the 35 awarness campaigns organised in schools and city halls.
3) 1 best practice model developed, related to the intervention in case of an ecological accident, to be applied in the Halmeu-Diakovo area (Romania-Ukraine).
5/b 1 Population safeguarded by improved emergency response services

Planned to be reached:
Number: 75,160 persons
Number: 74 910 persons

Volunteer Firefighters Association from Tyukod PP2 RO SM 172,805.00 26,426.97 4,068.03 Project section on Lead Beneficiary webpage:

Halmeu Commune PP3 RO SM 157,760.00 24,126.15 3,713.85

Viile Satu Mare Commune PP4 RO SM 161,415.00 24,685.11 3,799.89

Commune Paulesti PP5 HU SB 202,130.00 23,777.63 11,892.37

68 ROHU-11 PA5 5/b Flood risk management improvement on the Mures River in the cross border area FORMURES 1-Apr-2018 31-May-2022 ended Mures Water Administration LB RO AR 2,685,559.00 2,282,725.15 1,641,593.95 251,048.00 38,645.05 The project aims to improve cross border disaster and flood risk management in Mures River basin, by promoting intensive cooperation between Romanian and Hungarian water management authorities across national and administrative borders. Finalized:
1) Purchase of a GIS software, which provides interactive maps with location-based graphical and geographical representation, for the daily use for the Lead Beneficiary, in order to oversee the surface of the Mures river bank;
2) Technical documentation for the rehabilitation of the flood protection wall and of the river bank defence in Arad Municipality.
3) Purchase of 8 equipments by LB, necessary for the prevention of floods and/or for interventions in case of floods: Tracked excavator, Tractor equipped with mower, wood chopper and forestry winch, Equipment for topographical measurements GPS-GNNS, Equipment for resistivity measurement of dykes, Mobile water pump, Trailer for intervention team with equipments, 4-Axle Trailer and 8x8 Off-road vehicle for emergency interventions.
4) Reconstruction of the pressure pipe and waterside sluice of the Makó pumping station.
5) Rehabilitated flood protection wall of the Mures River, on the Romanian side, on a length of 2345 m, and of the river bank defence.
6) Report of LIDAR / UAV measurements, and ortophotogram for modelling the topographic measurements.
7) Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and a Report regarding Bathymetry topographic and GPS measurements, ortophotogram and 2D hydrological modelling and flood maps. All these analyses are the starting point in the elaboration of the flood maps.
8) Elaboration of the flood maps.
Population better safeguarded against floods, by:
1) Rehabilitation and reconstruction of the flood protection wall (Rehabilitation of the Arad's defence wall on a length of 2345 m and bank defence works on a length of 225 ml) located on the left bank of the Mures River’s Romanian section;
2) Reconstruction of the pressure pipe and waterside sluice at the Makó pumping station;
3) Elaboration of the hazard (flood) maps necessary for the flood protection actions, and for a better coordination for emergency response services.
5/b 1 Population safeguarded by improved emergency response services

Plan to be reached:
Number: 355,718 persons
Number: 333,864 persons reached (population according to updated census data/2022).
Project description:

Lower Tisa District Water Directorate PP2 HU CS 641,131.20 113,140.80 0.00

69 ROHU-28 PA5 5/b Development of flood protection centre of Szanazug and rehabilitation of the penstock and hydro-mechanical equipment in Tulca SZANAZUG-TULCA 1-Jul-2018 30-Sep-2021 ended Romanian Waters National Administration-Crișuri Water Basin Administration LB RO BH 1,961,546.22 1,667,314.28 1,098,193.08 167,946.03 25,852.75 The project aims are to ensure prompt actions related to emergency situations and disaster management in Crisul Repede and Crisul Negru cross-border basin, to develop the flood control infrastructure and to provide the necessary water in dry periods. Finalized:
1) Office equipment have been purchased, in case of both partners, to be used by their employes as well as by the flood experts involved in flood protection missions, in flood control time.
2) Szanazug Flood Protection Centre rehabilitated.
3)The two floating platforms along the bank of the river renovated.
4) Tulca dam existing construction rehabilitated. The existing hydro mechanical equipment for closing and opening the dam was replaced;
1) The rehabilitation of the existing dam in Tulca was made, and it ensure the protection of the inhabitants between Crisul Repede and Crisul Negru, and also of the socio-economic objectives in affected areas.
2) The renewed Flood Protection Centre of Szanazug developed by KÖVIZIG’s flood control infrastructure contributes to the defense against disasters in the cross-border area, increasing the efficiency of disaster prevention activities.
3) The project ensures prompt actions related to emergency situations and disaster management in Crisul Repede and Crisul Negru cross-border basin, sustainable development, and, as a secondary role, provide the necessary water in dry periods.
"5/b 1 Population safeguarded by improved emergency response services

Planned to be reached:
Number: 147,870 persons

Number : 149,335 persons

The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.99%.

Körös Valley District Water Directorate PP2 HU BK 569,121.20 100,433.16 0.00

70 ROHU-10 PA5 5/b Joint development of the voluntary emergency response and disaster management capacity in the eligible border area VOLUNTEER 1-Feb-2018 30-Sep-2020 ended Association for Business Promotion in Romania LB RO BH 1,406,367.00 1,195,411.95 611,687.20 93,544.97 14,399.83 Improved protection of the population against disasters caused by fire, in the north-western part of Bihor County and Hajdu-Bihar County Finalized:
1) Sets of equipments used for the firefighting contests and for firefighters trainings purchased;
2) 1 training programme for the professional standard of firefighter was organized. The training had a theoretical module composed of general firefighting training (40 h) and a course for developing competences in using the specific machines during interventions;
3) 1 Multifunctional Training Center for firefighters was built in Diosig, serving for providing theoretical and practical trainings to the voluntary firefighters from the two countries, and also as a headquarters for the voluntary emergency service unit from Diosig;
4) Purchase of 1 Water tanker truck equipped with all the necessary accessories specific for interventions in cases of fire, in line with the provisions of the national legislation (for Diosig intervention center);
5) 1 set of protocols and procedures have been developed, for regulating the organization and the interventions of the voluntary emergency situation service;
6) 18 interactive public demonstrations were organized with the aim of increasing the awareness about the voluntary firefighting units and the prestige of this noble vocation within the local population;
7) 1 E-learning platform was developed, containing the most important information needed for a voluntary firefighter during his work.
1) A functional Training Center for firefighters, newly built and well equipped, which facilitate the access to theoretical and practical trainings for the voluntary firefighters from the two countries.
2) A functional fire estinghuisher vehicle, allowing a better emergency response in case of fire in the Diosig Commune area.
3) A set of protocols and procedures for voluntary emergency services, regulating the organization and the interventions of the voluntary emergency situation service in Diosig Commune, incorporating the newest professional standards, developed based on the requirements of the national legislation, thus serving as best practice model for other localities.
4) A prepared corps of voluntary firefighters in Hajdu-Bihar and Bihor counties and an increased capacity and preparedness of the voluntary emergency intervention units , enhancing the quality of the overall emergency response system in the programme area
5) An approved training programme for firefighters, which will provide 105 voluntary firefighters with the neccessary information and practice for better preparedness in case of fire.
6) Population from targeted area better protected in case of emergency situations, due to investments in infrastructure , equipments and trainings realized within the project.
5/b 1 Population safeguarded by improved emergency response services

Planned to be reached:
Number: 245,160 persons

Number: 437,238 persons Project's website:

Diosig Commune PP2 RO BH 296,012.50 45,269.02 6,968.48 Equipment for emergency situations - Diosig Commune:

Hajdú Bihar Megyei Tűzoltószövetség PP3 HU HB 287,712.25 33,845.12 16,927.63 Facebook page of the project

71 ROHU-102 PA5 5/b Mitigating the negative effects of hail in Satu Mare county SILVER 1-Mar-2019 31-Aug-2025 on-going The project was included in the non-functional category Territorial Administrative Unit of Satu Mare County LB RO SM 1,377,415.02 1,170,802.76 595,000.00 90,993.00 14,007.00 Improved protection against devastating hail events for the
territory and population of Satu Mare county (4418 sq kms, 344,000 people) and
raised quality of joint risk management of the cross-border area, as the result
of the newly introduced risk mitigation unit.
1. Assuring the functionality of the hail suppression system – NOT STARTED
Observation: The activity initially foreseen by the project, to ensure the maintenance and operation of the county network for mitigating the effects of hail, will be finalized only after the county network created by the Silver project will be integrated into SNACP (National Anti-Hail and Precipitation Increase System).
On July 10, 2024, a Partnership Agreement was signed between LB [RO] UATSM and the National Authority for the Administration of the Anti-Hail and Precipitation Enhancement System (AASNACP) to outline collaboration terms. The procurement procedure for Operation and Maintenance Services has not been launched, as the documentation is still under development. This involves clarifying technical and financial conditions, identifying cost components, and establishing monitoring responsibilities, as this is without prior precedent or accumulated experience (with no standard documentation or previous models from other administrative units available).

1. Purchased and installed meteorological instruments in 9 meteorological stations located in all the 4 eligible counties in Hungary;
2. The county hail suppression network was completed by the provider in November-December 2023. The 44 ground generator units were manufactured, tested, and confirmed operational. The operation software was finalized and delivered in the second phase of the contract. After the trial period, the stations were returned to the provider, as their normal operation includes a winter break.

1) Enhanced hail prediction services and alerting .
2) Input data provided by the meteorological instruments installed on the Hungarian side of the border for the numerical now-casting model run by the Romanian partner, for producing reliable, scientifically grounded alerts for hail hazard situations.
3) Operational county-level hail suppression system based on ground generators offering the target group the foreseen protection level against hail events .
5/b 1 Population safeguarded by improved emergency response services
Planned to be reached: 350,000 persons
To be reached by the end of the implementation period. 

Hungarian Meteorological Service PP2 HU BU 575,802.76 101,612.26 0.00

72 ROHU-84 PA5 5b Integrated cross-border approach for improving the cooperation and joint preparedness on risk prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion CROSSRISKS 1-Apr-2019 31-Mar-2021 ended Association Service for Assistance in Special Situations {SARTISS) LB RO BH 1,207,339.00 1,026,238.15 559,469.15 85,559.29 13,170.56 The main overall objective of the CROSSRISKS project is to improve cross-border risk-prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion. This project aims to promote a multilevel integrated approach that would enable to pave the way to setup a more concrete agenda between the relevant actors involved in the risk prevention and disaster management from this cross-border area. Finalized:
1)Cross-Border Strategy for risks prevention and disaster management at the level of Bihor-Hajdu Bihar Euroregion was developed within the project;
2) Hungarian and English languages learning classes organized for 50 firefighters and other relevant key personnel, in the field of disaster management at the level of Bihor county;
3) Elaboration of the Technical Drawings for extending and endowing the Regional Cross-Border Training Centre for Integrated Preparedness for Interventions in Case of Emergencies based in Borș (RO);
4) 1 professional workshop in the frame of the "Search and Rescue" International Conference with participation of central authorities (Ministries, National Inspectorates, County Inspectorates), relevant European and other international networks (European Civil Protection Forum, European Union Fire Officers Associations, European Fire Fighters Union alliance), representatives from European institutions (EU Civil Protection Mechanism) in order to promote new initiatives of cooperation in the field of risk prevention and disaster management at the level of cross-border areas. This event had an attendance of 150 participants;
5) Hungarian and English languages classes were organized for 30 fire fighters and other relevant key personnel, working in the field of disaster management at the level of Hajdu-Bihar county;
6)The technical drawings necessary for the renovation of the Regional Cross-border Training Center for Integrated Preparedness for Interventions in Case of Emergencies based in Hajdúszoboszló;
7) A Regional Cross-border Training Center for Integrated Preparedness for Interventions in Case of Emergencies renovated and equipped located in Hajdúszoboszló.
8) A Regional Cross-border Training Center for Integrated Preparedness for Interventions in Case of Emergencies, renovated and equipped, located in Borș(RO);
9) Procurement and delivery of the Virtual Environment Training Platform to the LB;
10) Installation of the Virtual Environment Training Platform and the training of the internal staff who will use the training platform necessary for ensuring the preparedness at the level of the Regional Cross-border Training Center for Integrated Preparedness for Interventions in Case of Emergencies;
11) Joint protocols and interventions procedures, to be applied in case of main risks of disaster in Bihor Hajdu-Bihar Euroregion;
12) 1 Training program for professional and volunteers fire fighters from Hungary and Romania.
1) Increased quality of interventions through the development of regional level cross-border infrastructure in the field of emergency preparedness.
2)Population better safeguarded by improved emergency services in the cross border area, equipped with profesional equipment procured within the project, which remained in the property of the partners and it is used in case of different types of emergencies;
3) The Joint Strategy for Emergency Situations, languages learning classes, profesional workshop ensure a faster and more efficient response and a closer cooperation in case of disasters.

5/b 1 Population safeguarded by improved emergency response services

Planned to be reached
Number: 1,122,119 persons

Number: 1,143,330 persons

The indicator was achieved in a percetage of 101.89%

Hajdu-Bihar County’s Directorate for Disasters’ Management PP2 HU HB 466,769.00 82,371.00 0.00

73 ROHU-54 PA5 5b Cooperating on risk prevention and disaster management in the Zerind-Újkígyós cross-border area RiskMan 1-Apr-2019 30-Apr-2021 ended Zerind Village LB RO AR 489,230.00 415,845.50 220,345.50 33,697.31 5,187.19 Improvement of the quality of the existing system on addressing specific risks (prevention and management) and improving disaster resilience of the people from the Zerind - Újkígyós cross-border. Finalized:

1) 4 Joint mock drills for aprox. 70 participants , 2 trainings out of which 1 is certified, for 27 participants from Zerind-Ujkigyos target area, in order to improve the knowledge of the local population regarding the prevention and intervention, reaction in case of emergency situations;
2) A page on a social network was created for promoting the project and its activities - RISKMAN.
3) Purchase of equipment : 2 fire trucks, 1 rapid vehicle for romanian partner and safety equipment for both partners.
4) 3 Joint workshops for min. 30 stakeholders and participants amoung local population representatives;
5) 1 Joint risk prevention and management plan;
6) activities of awareness raising for the local population - Rescue Day - for min. 400 people from Zerind-Ujkigyos target area.They will have an improved knowledge about how to prevent and react in emergency situations, how emergency situations are handled by intervention teams, who are intervention team members etc.
1) Population will be better safeguarded by improved emergency services in Zerind -Újkígyós cross border area, equipped with profesional equipment procured within the project, which will remain in the property of the partners and will be used in case of different types of emergencies;
2) One Joint Plan for Emergency Situations and cooperation in case of disasters, including the methods and priority of use of the newly acquired equipment.
3) Increased awareness of the population from Zerind-Ujkigyos target area, in risk prevention management through the awareness raising campaigns organized during the project implementation.
5/b 1 Population safeguarded by improved emergency response services

Planned to be reached:
Number : 28,154 persons

Number : 34,601.00 persons;

Újkígyós Town PP2 HU BK 195,500.00 22,997.70 11,502.30 Project FB:

74 ROHU-48 PA5 5/b Development of an integrated response capacity to cross-border emergency situations DIRCCES 1-Oct-2019 30-Jun-2021 ended Alesd Town LB RO BH 485,400.00 399,532.74 185,197.50 28,323.46 11,479.04 The overall objective of the DIRCCES project is to enhance the human safety level of the populations from the cross-border region and thus, to reduce the social, economic and environmental costs of natural disasters in this territory. The project aims at gathering best practices of cross-border cooperation in the field of disaster management, in the prevention and dealing with cross-border natural or human-made disasters, identifying obstacles that prevent better coordination and use of resources. Finalized:
1) Partially, equipment for emergency response has been purchased : tents, beds and mattresses.
2)Equipment for emergency response will be purchased, as emergency vehicles, 4x4 intervention cars, professional motor pumps, inflatable dam , emergency tools had been purchased.
3) Equipment for emergency response will be purchased, as emergency vehicles, 4x4 intervention cars, professional motor pumps, inflatable dam , emergency tools ;etc
4 Elaboration of joint strategy to provide guidance for 6 communities from the cross-border area and related organizations that are involved in emergency and risk situations management;
5) 4 Joint events that consists of simulations and drills for around 40 people. The proposed simulations will be based on a scenario and script of realistic events and participants will be required to provide realistic responses based on existing procedures and resources.
6) Equipment for emergency response will be purchased, as emergency vehicles, 4x4 intervention cars, professional motor pumps, inflatable dam , emergency tools ;etc
7) Organisation of a number of 5 joint activities in Hungary related to disaster and risk management, expecting an attendance of approximative 500 people.
1) The 3 emergency situations services will be able to intervene quicker and more effective in disasters and incidents due to the improved infrastructure (equipment, vehicles and tools for fire-fighting, flood management, extrication, intensive snow removal, other type of environmental or man-made disasters),
2) A higher level of preparedness in case of approx. 100 people working on a contract base or voluntarily at the involved emergency situations services, obtained as a result of participation at joint events organized in this field.
3)To enhance community awareness and knowledge on disaster and risk management, and climate change adaptation.

5/b 1 Population safeguarded by improved emergency response services
Number: 37,909 persons

Sinteu Commune PP2 RO BH 90,870.24 13,897.38 5,632.38

Szarvas Town Self-Government PP3 HU BK 123,465.00 14,525.26 12,009.74

75 ROHU-72 PA5 5/b Cross - border network for disaster resilience and emergency situations risks management CBN 1-May-2019 30-Nov-2023 ended Inter - Community Development Association for the Emergency Situations Management LB RO TM 2,682,782.50 2,280,365.12 142,596.00 21,807.13 3,356.87 Improved cross-border disasters and risk management, institutional networking and prevention capacity in case of emergency situations, by improving disaster management systems in Arad, Csongrád and Timis counties Finalised:
1) Purchasing the equipment for emergency situation intervention in Timis County (3 complex intervention vehicles), Arad County (3 emergency care ambulance,1 firefighting vehicle,1 bus for the transport of personnel, 19 intensive care beds, 50 injectomats, 35 infusomats, 2 transport ventilators, 8 monitors for vital functions, 3 central monitoring stations, 5 transport monitors, 2 stretchers for transport of patients (economic), 2 stretchers for transport of patients (premium), 2 defibrillators, 1 difficult intubation and secretion aspirator set, 1 portable EKG machine, 25 perfusion stands, 2 medicine cabinets) and -Csongrad County (universal car with additional devices helping and providing multi-functional disaster management missions and applications);
2) Joint education activities were organized as follows: 3 trainings in the field of risk prevention and emergency situations, 4 Joint emergency situations competitions and camp for pupils and 2 Joint trainings for specialized and volunteer staff in emergency situations) for 574 participants;
3) 5 Joint exchange of experiences (Joint seminars for fire brigades from the 3 counties, study tour in Romania in order to investigate and test the new equipment, joint tactical exercises for operational brigades, raising awareness days for citizens related to optimum behavior in case of emergency situations) for 1990 participants;
4) 1 Joint formulation of Risks Management Strategy (how to develop the cross-border cooperation among the institutions responsible for risk management in Arad, Csongrád and Timis counties) through CB workshops attended by 252 participants.
1) Improved risk-prevention and disaster management of the emergency services in Timis County, Arad County and Csongrad County achieved through the special intervention equipment purchased.
2) Improved operational capacity of the brigades from the 3 counties through the 2 daylong seminar and practice in Mórahalom, 2-days study-tour in Romania and 2 Joint tactical exercise organized.
3) Increased awareness of the population from the Arad, Timis and Csongrad County in risk prevention management through awareness raising campaigns organized.

5/b 1 Population safeguarded by improved emergency response services

Number: 1,245,760 persons

Arad County Council PP2 RO AR 1,000,562.20 153,015.39 23,554.41

Timis County Council PP3 RO TM 749,354.90 114,598.41 17,640.69

DKMT Danube-Kris-Mures-Tisa Euroregional Development Agency - Nonprofit Public Benefit Limited PP4 HU CS 126,006.12 14,822.78 7,413.60

Volunteer Firefighter Association of Morahalom City PP5 HU CS 261,845.90 30,802.32 15,405.78

76 ROHU-200 PA6 11/b Crossborder events for crossborder citizens CCC 1-Dec-2019 30-Nov-2019 ended Toboliu Commune LB HU CS 77,000.00 65,450.00 25,925.00 3,964.70 610.30 Promoting the cooperation between citizens in order to bring communities closer and strengthen the relationship between them. Finalized:
1) Four Cooking Contest were organized, one by each partner , within the Cabbage Festival, with participation of contestants from Romania and Hungary. The meals produced were served for free to the citizens;
2) Four concerts were organized within the Cabage Festival, in each commune, with participation of Romanian and Hungarian interprets/bands. A number of approx 2)000 participants attended each event;
3) One mobile scene with convertible roof, including sound and lights system, was purchased within the project, and will be used by all partners in future events;
4) 7 wooden kiosks ,10 sets of wooden benches & tables and one pavilion for events were purchased for the activities organised within the project, and will be used by all partners in future events .

1) Increased awareness and knowledge of the citizens regarding the other county's traditions within the events organized in the project, thus preserving cultural diversity of the two countries.
2) The project aimed to promote the cooperation between citizens in order to bring communities closer and strengthen the relationship between them.The citizens of the two countries will be more aware of the specific traditions, and will interract actively in informal frame (concerts, cultural events).
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Number: 200 participants reached by implementing the project.

Körösnagyharsány Local Self Government PP2 HU BK 13,175.00 1,549.85 775.15

Girisu de Cris Commune PP3 RO BH 13,175.00 2,014.85 310.15

Nojorid Commune PP4 RO BH 13,175.00 2,014.85 310.15

77 ROHU-256 PA6 11/b Cross-border youth community CrossYounity 1-Dec-2018 31-Dec-2019 ended The Reformed Church from Nyirbátor LB HU SB 80,000.00 68,000.00 32,300.00 3,799.62 1,900.38 Sustainable and active bilateral cooperation between
communities living in the Nyírbátor - Cheț area by the inclusion of the youth
as a key social group involved in promoting and preserving cultural diversity
and common traditions through camps and religious music concerts.
1) One spring break youth camp for people aged 14-29, living in the Romania-Hungary cross-border area;
2) One musical youth camp for participants aged 14-29, living in the Romania - Hungary cross-border area;
3) 8 concerts organized on both sides of the border (planned in the Application Form: minimum 100 participants/concert, achieved: 855 people participating at the 4 concerts organized in 4 different locations in Romania and 754 people participating at the 4 concerts organized in 4 different locations in Hungary);
4) 1 team development training (2 days long) and 1 series of outdoor activities (5 days long).
1) Over 300 participants from the cross-border area at the youth camp organized in Romania, strenghtening the cooperation between communities involved and learning to promote and preserve the cultural diversity and commom traditions;
2) 50 cross-border participants (25-25 from both countries) at the musical youth camp organized in Hungary strenghtening the cooperation between communities involved and learning to promote and preserve the cultural diversity and commom traditions;
3) Improved camp participant’s knowledge in playing different musical instruments.
3) Repertoire of songs from different religious backgrounds which can be jointly played at concerts.
4) Over 1600 participants at concerts organized before Christmas 2019 in philharmonics, houses of culture, etc along the border, in 8 different locations.
5) A trained, motivated team of 50 volunteers enabling cooperation on the long run.
5) Purchased equipment for camps and musical equipment which provides the needed material conditions for continuing the collaboration of partners.
All the Events organized within the project aimed at promoting and preserving cultural diversity and common traditions, involving the local civil society in culture, youth and other leisure activities which are essential from social and cultural point of view to build active cooperation among CB communities.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives
Plan to be reached:
Number: 1150 participants
Number: 1934 participants

Kécenlét Association PP2 RO BH 35,700.00 5,459.58 840.42

78 ROHU-268 PA6 11/b Development of community cooperation through joint cultural and sport events between Fülöp and Buduslău Joint communities 1-Dec-2018 30-Nov-2019 ended Self-Government Of Fülöp Village LB HU HB 67,900.00 57,715.00 28,815.00 3,389.67 1,695.33 Increased number of citizens participating in cross-border
community programs (joint sport competitions and major public cultural events)
and lasting economic cooperation between the representatives of the
agricultural sector of the border region surrounding Fülöp and Buduslău localities.
1) 4 sport competitions on both sides of the border;
2) 2 public events (Day of the traditional meals from Hajdú Bihar and Bihor counties and Fest of the New Bread) organized on both sides of the border;
3) 2 expertise days on the topic of agriculture and joint possibilities, organized on both sides of the border
1) 2 football and 2 handball competitions organized in Buduslău and Fülöp with approx. 30 participants/competition, increasing the cooperation between the youth and the other members of the two communities.
2) A better knowledge of the traditions and cultures of the two villages through 2 public events, with over 1100 participants.Activities carried out through these events: cultural and traditional performances; prepared traditional meals; bread made out the wheat flour from Fülöp and from Buduslău.
3) Totally 100 participants at the expertise days organized in Fülöp and Buduslău informed about the possibilities of cooperation in the field of agriculture, processing, local and traditional products, custom policies, financial aid of the European Union, etc.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Plan to be reached:
Number: 1310 participants
Number: 1296 participants

Self-Government Of Buduslău Village PP2 RO SM 28,900.00 4,419.66 680.34

79 ROHU-271 PA6 11/b The Minority Question in the ROHU cross-border area: Slovak Culture, Tradition and History without Borders SCTH 1-Dec-2018 30-Nov-2019 ended Sinteu Commune LB RO BH 71,500.00 60,775.00 31,025.00 4,744.64 730.36 Promote the traditions, culture and common history of the Slovak communities, in the context of cross-border cooperation and relationship at the Romanian-Hungarian border. Finalized:
1) 4 cross-border events:
- 2 workshops regarding "The Slovak Minority Issue", one in Romania and one in Hungary;
- 2 “Living Slovak Museum: A Museum of Slovak Culture and Traditions” Events, gathering and presenting information about Slovak communities and organizations from the cross-border area, about the Slovak way of living in the past and in the present, about their history, their traditions, Slovak folk, Slovak food etc. ;
2) Purchase of equipment necessary for event organization: tents, wooden booths, outdoor furniture: benches and tables; photo and audio equipment;
3) Developing an online network of communities (set on the website, organizations, institutions, actors and groups that share a common interest in promoting and preserving Slovak culture and traditions.
1) Promoting the traditions, culture and common history of the Slovak communities, in the context of cross-border cooperation and relationship at the Romanian-Hungarian border.
2) Enhancing and expanding the cultural dimension of the local fairs/ festivals and their cross-border influence and impact (on preserving the cultural heritage related to local/ traditional products, production processes etc.).
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Plan to be reached:
Number: 2050 participants
Number: 2467 participants
Project description:

Organization of Slovaks from Csaba PP2 HU BK 29,750.00 3,499.65 1,750.35

80 ROHU-277 PA6 11/b CHESS START RO-HU - joint development of a cross-border chess-based social inclusion tool CHESS START RO-HU 1-Dec-2018 31-Dec-2019 ended CREST Association LB RO SM 69,996.42 59,496.94 22,676.30 3,467.88 533.82 Intensified sustainable cross-border cooperation of communities
from Satu Mare and Nyíregyháza through developing innovative solutions to
common problems of social inclusion of marginalized communities, using as a central element the potential of chess.
1) Training for the partners personnel and volunteers in teaching chess;
2) Training for the partners personnel and volunteers in life skill development programs
3) Building the innovative guide "Life skills development program through chess”;
4) Chess-themed life skills development activities with children (within partners' centres and joint chess camp and chess competitions).
1) Transferred know-how from the Hungarian partner to the Romanian ones in the field of teaching chess to children through a 5 day chess teaching training program for 12 participants organized in Hungary and printed manuals containing the training program guidelines
2) Transferred know-how from the Romanian partners to the Hungarian one in the field of life skill development programs through a 5 day training program for 12 participants organized in Romania and printed guides containing the methodology, the service delivery plan and working tools
3) 3 arranged chess-rooms (1 at each partner) with proper equipment and tools (chess sets, chess pieces + board /sheet +watch, mobile interactive whiteboard)
4) „Life Skills Development Program through Chess" - a newly built social service package containing the methodology, the service delivery plan and working tools (realized guide; guidelines presented to social organizations during the closing conference; guidelines can be adapted to the level of each organization according to the specific needs of target groups)
5) 100 children involved in chess activities within the partners' centres (50 children from Romania and 50 children from Hungary; 70% of these children were coming from vulnerable backgrounds;
6) 4 joint chess competitions (2 in Romania and 2 in Hungary) for the above-mentioned children involved in project activities
7) 5-day chess camp organized in Romania with 50 participants (25 from Romania and 25 from Hungary) ,
The activities involving children were implemented to create concrete opportunities for positive interactions through sport among community members and vulnerable people, thus contributing to changing mentality anchored in negative stereotypes about people from marginalized communities.
The project promoted equal opportunities fights against discrimination, offering opportunities to reduce the life skills development gaps that exists between children in difficulty and other children from the cross-border area, supporting their inclusion and access to development opportunities.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Planned and reached
Number: 112 participants
Project description:

STEA Association PP2 RO SM 18,085.79 2,765.86 425.76

DAVID Sport Club PP3 HU CS 18,734.85 2,203.89 1,102.27

81 ROHU-280 PA6 11/b Cultural Cooperation among Citizens from the Salonta-Gyula Cross-border Area Co-cultured 1-Nov-2018 31-Oct-2019 ended The Municipality of Salonta LB RO BH 80,000.00 68,000.00 34,000.00 5,199.60 800.40 Intensifying cooperation between cross-border communities, in Bihor and Bekes counties, while organizing joint cultural events. Finalized:
1) Cultural actions with joint cross-border participation in Salonta:
- Long Night of Museums;
- Theater festival ;
- Evening seating of local people with traditional singing;
- Film-screening;
2) Joint cultural cross-border actions in Gyula:
Joint creation of a film with the participation of amateur actors in Gyula, with Toldi as the main character.
There were 50 members of the film-making staff and minimum 500 spectators from Salonta and Gyula at the film screening.
Strenghtening cross-border connections for 2550 inhabitants from Salonta, Bihor County, Romania and Gyula, Bekes county, Hungary while participating at the cultural events organized between the two communities

11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Planned to be reached:
Number : 2050 participants
Number : 4927 participants

Gyula town PP2 HU BK 34,000.00 3,999.60 2,000.40

82 ROHU-316 PA6 11/b Tradition and Modernity - Crossborder Cultural Cooperation Traditions 1-Dec-2018 30-Nov-2019 ended Municipality of Jimbolia LB RO TM 76,690.00 65,186.50 27,305.40 4,175.80 642.80 The revival of multicultural tradition in the region where Romanians and Hungarians live in harmony and joint initiative of the participating localities to develop cultural relationships through the project. Finalized:
The project partners have organised: a folk dance camp (with dance classes, pottery, woodcarving, and painting activities), a youth camp, three gastronomy events (where the participants had the opportunity to show their skills in preparing the traditional food from their region and to exchange experiences), two religious events (to present religious music or ceremony), 2 cultural events and a conference for cultural experts.
The project speeded up the development of trilateral cooperation through joint cultural events by reviving the rediscovery of the values and traditions and the intercultural ethnic customs, transmitting cultural values to the young generation in order to preserve the local cultural heritage of the region, strengthening the cooperation between people living on both sides of the border.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Planned to be reached:
Number: 297 participants
Number: 357 participants

Project description:

Carpinis Commune PP2 RO TM 18,620.10 2,847.57 438.33

Municipality of Csanadpalota PP3 HU CS 19,261.00 2,265.78 1,133.22

83 ROHU-218 PA6 11/b Cooperation for the conservation and promotion of traditional gardening. Evergreen 1-Dec-2018 31-Jan-2020 ended Excelsior NGO, the Association for the Promotion of Natural and Cultural Heritage of Banat and Crisana LB RO AR 79,641.76 67,695.49 35,207.78 5,313.48 899.66 Intensifying cooperation between cross-border communities, in Arad, and Bekes counties, while promoting traditional gardening. Finalized:
1)"Seed exchange fair" organized, one in Arad and one in Gyula;
2) ”Seeds Collection Expedition” organized, one in Arad and one in Gyula;
3) ”Traditional school gardens” in schools from Arad County and Bekes County organized;
4) Demonstrative traditional gardens in Semlac, Arad County, and Gyula, Bekes County organized;
5) ”Traditional Gardening Manual” prepared for kids.
Strengthening cross-border connections for inhabitants in Arad and Bekes Counties, while involving mainly children and students, in activities to preserve and promote traditional gardening.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Planned to be reached:
Number: 620 participants

Number: 622 participants in cross-border cooperation initiatives

The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100.32%
Project description:

Koros-Maros Foundation for Rural Development and Eco-agriculture PP2 HU BK 32,487.71 3,783.30 1,949.83

84 ROHU-315 PA6 11/b ComSport-Together for the creation of an active social group COMSPORT 1-Dec-2018 31-Jan-2020 ended Municipality of Pusztaottlaka LB HU BK 80,000.00 68,000.00 34,000.00 3,999.60 2,000.40 Promote cultural, artistic and sports activities in the border area, by organising sports competitions for children and adolescents (football, tennis, handball, karate), folk dance competitions and cooking competitions. Finalized:
1) 4 cross-borders events, organised in Romania and Hungary, with cultural, artistic, and sport thematic sport contests between children's teams and old-boys teams (football, tennis, handball, karate), organization of folk dance competitions, organizing of culinary competitions;
2) Acquisition of necessary equiment: outdoor furniture, tents, catering equipment, fotball team equipment, folcloric costumes etc. ;
3) Rehabilitation of the sport base in Curtici Town..
1) Promotion of the cultural, artistical and sports life within the local comunities through the organization and the development of tcommon activities: the conservation and transmission of moral, artistical and sports values, the support for the amateur bands, for contests and festivals, including their participation at important cultural manifestations; the arousal of creativity and talent; the organization of gastronomical activities as well as sports competitions.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Number: 1100 participants
Project description:

Municipality of Curtici PP2 RO AR 34,000.00 5,199.60 800.40

85 ROHU-158 PA6 11/b Development of a Cross-Border Inclusive Space and Knowledge Center X-PARC 2.0 1-Dec-2018 29-Feb-2020 ended Green 14 - Association for Sustainable Development of Békés - Bihor Euroregion LB HU BK 74,725.00 63,516.25 39,656.75 4,665.04 2,333.21 Raised level of cooperation between communities living in the
border region of Arad-Békéscsaba through small-scale joint initiatives in the
fields of nature, environmental protection and culture (by organizing camps,
eco-clubs, Levander festival) with the aim of creating sustainable networks and
1) 2 eco-camps organized in summer 2019 at the LaReHUB (Békéscsaba) ;
2) 16 eco-camp actions organized in Ceala Forest Arad;
3) Lavender eco-festival;
4) Lavender Recreational HUB and Youth Inclusive Space in Békéscsaba;
5) 12 eco-clubs organized in the LaReHUB (Békéscsaba) and Visitor Center (Arad) with 240 cross-border participants who acquired theoretical knowledge and practical answers to the current environmental problems;
1) 220 cross-border participants to the camps who became stewards of healthy communities by learning to understand the natural world around them;
2) Summer Lavender eco-Festival with over 250 cross-border participants informed about the many benefits of lavender and local products;
3) Newly created and equipped recreational centre: Lavender Recreation HUB (LaReHUB) in Békéscsaba.The LaReHub is used not only for leisure activity - it is also hold community meetings. Youth space is defined as an outdoor activity space with free acces, designed for young people to encourage social and physical activity.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Planned to be reached:
Number: 980 participants Reached: Number: 822 participants
Project description:

”EXCELSIOR” (NGO), the Association for the Promotion of
Natural and Cultural Heritage of Banat and Crişana
PP2 RO AR 23,859.50 3,648.82 561.68

86 ROHU-179 PA6 11/b Administrative bridge between towns in the Romania - Hungary cross border region ABBTROHU 1-Dec-2018 29-Feb-2020 ended Town of Alesd LB RO BH 362,500.00 308,125.00 61,625.00 9,424.28 1,450.72 Better public services provision by small municipalities in the border area and improvement in the transparency of the public administrations Finalized:
1) 10 Cross-border meetings organized for the institutions involved in the project with the aim of changing experience and adopting models of good practices on cross-border level;
2) 1 Joint strategy for strengthening the cross-border cooperation among smaller municipalities from Romania and Hungary;
3) 1 SMS messaging system was developed, a system of sending SMS messages to the population which allows rapid interaction with the population in case of emergency situation and fast communication of important information related to the community's life;
4) 1 Surveillance system was configured and put into operation, increasing the feeling of security of the local population;
5) 1 Study on the use of IT tools as instruments for improving the data management in the local public administration;
6) 1 Software developed for increasing the data processing capacity;
7) 1 Digital education program was organized for people over 50 years, consisting of two courses focus on learning to use IT equipments (laptops, printers) ;
8) 1 Refurbished meeting room in Berettyoujfalu City Hall;
9) 1 Multilingual website developed in three languages - Hungarian, Romanian and English, which will allow public consultations.
1) A joint strategy serving the improvement of cross-border cooperation, which serves as a basis of collaboration between smaller localities from Romania and Hungary
2) Better servicies for population in case of emergency through a functional SMS messaging system for Sinteu Commune, which allow rapid interaction with the population in case of emergency situations and also the communication of important information related to the community's life.
3) Improved safety of the population through a functional surveillance system for supervising roads within the commune of Sinteu,
4) Better access to information related to community life and increased transparency for the citizens of municipality of Szarvas to
5) Improved conditions for participatory governance in the new refurbished meeting room in Berettyoujfalu City Hall.
11/b1 Number of institutions directly involved in crossborder cooperation initiatives

Number: 5 institutions

Project description:

Sinteu Commune PP2 RO BH 61,625.00 9,424.28 1,450.72

Municipality of Marghita PP3 RO BH 61,625.00 9,424.28 1,450.72 Project website

Szarvas Town Self-Government PP3 HU BK 61,625.00 7,249.28 3,625.72

Berettyoujfalu Town Self-Government PP4 HU HB 61,625.00 7,249.28 3,625.72

87 ROHU-180 PA6 11/b Drug prevention without borders NoDrugs 1-Dec-2018 29-Feb-2020 ended St Gellert Association for the support of abroad Hungarians LB HU CS 67,344.00 57,242.40 31,992.30 3,763.43 1,882.27 Improve cooperation between cross-border communities and increase the awareness of young people in terms of drug addiction and drug prevention through the events organized (club events, self-knowledge camps, Metamorphosis-drug exhibition). Finalized:
1) 8 club events were organized (4 in Hungary and 4 in Romania) for more than 600 persons to get acquainted with the harmful effects of the drugs, through different methods, and on the other hand to spend time usefully in the clubs;
2) 2 training sessions were organized (1 in Romania and 1 in Hungary) for 30 persons (15 persons/ training) having the following main topics: adolescent psychology, passion diseases, innovative drug prevention - contemporary help, adolescent deviances, community building techniques;
3) 6 self-knowledge camps were organized (2 in Romania and 4 in Hungary) for 200 young people from both countries to get familiar with the basics of contemporary help methods in the field of drug prevention and increase the cooperation between the cross-border communities;
4) Metamorphosis-drug exhibition organized for the youngsters to be familiarized with the disadvantages and bad examples of drug use with a total of 1152 visitors.
Raising awareness among young people from Romania and Hungary cross-border areas in terms of drug addiction through the events organized during the project (club events, an exhibition, camps).
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Planned to be reached:
Number: 2,230 participants

Number: 1,725 participants in cross-border cooperation initiatives

The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 77.35%.

Project description:

LB website:!/projektek Survey in Romanian language:

Diaspora Foundation PP2 RO TM 25,250.10 3,861.49 594.41 PP2 website: Survey in Hungarian language:

88 ROHU-267 PA6 11/b People to people - partnership for our common future PP-CBC 1-Dec-2018 31-Mar-2020 ended Madaras Commune LB RO BH 60,091.00 51,077.35 26,970.50 4,124.59 634.91 Intensifying cooperation between cross-border communities, in Bihor and Bekes counties, through organizing joint events. Finalized:
1) Organization of the Bakers and Pastry Festival in Madaras, including Baking contest, basketball and football seniors and juniors championship, Iron-man competition, theater play, folk concert and dances.
2) Organization of Cucumbers' Festival in Mehkerek, including Cooking competition, traditional dances festival, sports competition, Iron-man contest and agricultural forum.
Strenghten connections (social, cultural and economic relations) for the inhabitants from Madaras, Bihor County, Romania and Mehekerek, Bekes county, Hungary while participating at the cross-border jointly organized events of the two communities.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Planned to be reached:
Number: 200 participants

Number : 200 participants
Project description:

Mehkerek Commune PP2 HU BK 24,106.85 2,835.82 1,418.33

89 ROHU-156 PA6 11/b Traditions over the time and across the border OLDNEW 1-Dec-2019 31-Oct-2020 ended Pecica Town LB RO AR 79,200.00 67,320.00 39,950.00 6,109.53 940.47 Intensified cross-border cooperation between the communities from Pecica and Mórahalom in the cultural field, aiming to present, preserve, and promote old and new local traditions on both sides of the border. Finalized:
1) 7 events were organized to present and promote local traditions from both partners, among the population of both cities: for the presentation of summer, autumn, and winter traditions (such as the exhibition of decorations for Christmas, Presentation of traditional Christmas desserts), an exhibition of old and new photos related to local traditions, an exhibition of the creations of the contemporary artists from Pecica and Morahalom, etc;
2) A collage of traditions - photo/video presentations elaborated;
3) Two bilingual publications, a book and a calendar about local traditions from Pecica and Mórahalom disseminated.
1) Strengthening the relationships and improving the efficiency of institutional cooperation in preserving traditions and promoting the local traditions from each side of the border– mostly from the old to the young generation;
2) Establishing a network aiming to support the presentation of artists' works by involving them in joint events organized;
3) Creating the opportunity for the people from Pecica and Morahalom to know, promote, and preserve the local traditions in the cross-border area through the events organized within the project.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Planned to be reached:
Number: 1450 participants

Number: 1492 participants in cross-border cooperation initiatives

The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 102.90%
Project description: SKM_C22719012114362 (

Local Government of MORAHALOM PP2 HU CS 27,370.00 3,219.68 1,610.32 Pécska and Mórahalom got acquainted with vintage traditions - Details - Mórahalom (

90 ROHU-161 PA6 11/b O-IKT (Sport-Health-Tourism-Youth) O-IKT-SETI 1-Dec-2018 31-Dec-2020 ended Regional Telecottages Public Association of South Hungarian Plain LB HU CS 64,939.00 55,198.15 20,555.55 2,418.06 1,209.39 Intensifying cooperation between cross-border communities, from Arad and Csongrád-Csanád county, and promoting a healthy lifestyle through sport. Finalized:
1) A bilingual portal was developed to promote the natural and cultural values, the sports events (orienteering sports events), and virtual routes of the 8 cross-border areas selected;
2) Map corrections for the 5 Romanian areas (Casoaia, Moneasa, Baile Felix, Sannicolau de Munte, and Vartop) and 3 Hungarian areas (Ásotthalom, Sándorfalva, and Ópusztaszer Memorial Park) selected (32 square km of mapped areas);
3) 8 orienteering sports events organized in Romania and Hungary;
4) 1 Orienteering map correction training organized for 14 participants;
5) Webinar organized in 8 locations and online.

1) Promoting the touristic attractions, cultural heritage, and natural environment from the 5 Romanian and 3 Hungarian local areas selected;
2) Increasing the people's awareness regarding a healthy lifestyle, the importance of practicing sport, agro-tourism, and ecotourism through the events organized during the project.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Planned to be reached:
Number: 274 participants

Number: 330 participants in cross-border cooperation initiatives

The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 120.44%.
Project description :

For Orienteering Foundation PP2 HU CS 17,148.75 2,017.30 1,008.95 Project Facebook:ájékozódási-futás-O-IKT-Sport-Egészség-Turizmus-Ifjúság-298081621116869/

The touristic association Condor Club Arad PP3 RO AR 17,493.85 2,057.90 1,029.25 Project web-page:

91 ROHU-162 PA6 11/b Cluster for Geography, Heritage and Sustainable Development in Bihor - Hajdu Bihar Crossborder Area GEOCLUSTERBHB 1-Dec-2018 31-Oct-2020 ended University of Oradea LB RO BH 216,266.70 183,826.69 92,609.79 14,162.77 2,180.14 Intensified sustainable cooperation of institutions and communities through joint activities based on the local geography and heritage in Bihor and Hajdu-Bihar counties. Finalized:
1) 1 Workshop on Destination Management - Models and good practices;
2) 1 Workshop on Use of digital geographic data and free GIS software;
3) 1 Workshop on Problems of environmental geography;
4) 1 Workshop on Modern techniques and methods of teaching / learning Geography in schools;
5) 1 Atlas of Bihor County Local Geographic Horizon;
6) 1 Heritage Album of the Hajdu-Bihar County;
7) 1 Integrated System - GIS and WEB Portal and mobile phone application were developed. Databases is available in ESRI, where information about targets, routes, and categories are stored. the mobile application is used for browsing and receiving messages (goal and event notifications) from IT administrators.
8) 1 Short Documentary Film about heritage in crossborder area.
1) Modern technological tools and techniques in teaching and applying geographical data created.
2) Resources on local heritage in the cross-border area created (a local
Atlas and a Heritage Album published, a documentary produced), to be
used in schools in Hajdu-Bihar and Bihor Counties in order to increse
the knowledge of local specificities.
3) This project aimed to outline the role of geography and territorial
planning within the rural, urban or architectural landscape and within
the social and economic fields of our society.
11/b2 Number of institutions directly involved in crossborder cooperation initiatives

Number: 3 institutions

Project description: Project's website:

Bihor Destination Management Agency PP2 RO BH 46,900.45 7,172.46 1,104.09

Érmelléki Folk-High School (EFHS) PP3 HU H B 44,316.45 5,213.18 2,607.37

92 ROHU-181 PA6 11/b Improve cross-border cooperation between public institutions of Nădlac-Sântana-Elek-Doboz NSED-coop 1-Dec-2018 31-Jul-2020 ended Nadlac City LB RO AR 296,890.00 252,356.50 61,803.50 9,451.58 1,454.92 Improvement of the cooperation between the four institutions involved in the project by increasing their involvement in joint activities in the administrative, cultural, and sports fields through investment in repairs and acquisition of high-performance equipment which will be used at all future activities and meetings. Finalized :
1) 1 Open Day - "Local administration - unknown for students" where 96 persons from RO and HU found out about the functioning of a public institution in Romania and Hungary
2) 2 team buildings with the ”Development the new created relationships together” subject, were organized on each side of the border; 88 persons participated;
3) Modernizing (in Nadlac) and equipping the meeting rooms with furniture, IT, sound, video, and stage equipment in Nadlac, Elek, Sintana and renovating a sports dressing room in Doboz.
4) 5 thematic seminars, with topics related to Local Public Administration, were organized by each partner, with an attendance of 287 persons from RO and HU.
Achieved :
1) Local Public Institutions have modern equipped meeting rooms where Local Public Administration representatives can organise events or hold meetings with the locals;
2) The result of these investments leads to better public services offered to the population by the four public institutions involved in the project;
3)Partners of this project propose to fructify common cultural values and traditions from all four localities. Project actions enable better service delivery through activities implemented (capacity development, exchange of information, knowledge transfer).
11/b1 Number of institutions directly involved in crossborder cooperation initiatives

Number : 4 institutions
Output indicators were reached by the end of the implementation period.

Project description:

Santana City PP2 RO AR 63,733.00 9,746.66 1,500.34

Municipality of Elek PP3 HU BK 60,843.00 7,157.29 3,579.71

Municipality of Doboz PP3 HU BK 65,977.00 7,761.23 3,881.77

93 ROHU-183 PA6 11/b SAFE BORDER, SAFER LIFE SAFEBOR 1-Dec-2018 31-Aug-2020 ended Prefecture of Bihor county LB RO BH 287,904.85 244,719.12 61,580.96 10,867.23 0.00 Improved RO-HU cross-border cooperation of institutions in migration management by enhancing administrative capacity of the institutions involved in the project: Prefecture of Bihor County, Hajdu Bihar County Police, Oradea Regional Border Police and Bihor County Police Finalized:
1) 8 pieces of mobile and IT equipment: mobile phones, laptops, video projector, mobile screen;
2) 1 modernized shooting range at Bihor County Police;
3) 22 pieces of equipment for border police officers: passport/document readers, thermal imaging scopes, night vision monoculars;
4) 6 training sessions and modules for police workers on both sides of the border, having the foolowing themes:
- European Legislation regarding migration (fundamental rights and authorized national institutions).,
-Border control technology and border surveillance.
-Strategies and work procedures regarding migration.
-Legal use of force and firearms.
5) 1 info-point on migration, fully equiped, settled at the Prefecture of Bihor county that will host activities developed in the post-implementation period of the project.
6) complete technical devices system (audio and video) used for the training sessions of the police officers, at Hajdú-Bihar County Police HQ
7) the Hajdú-Bihar County Police HQ rehabilitated
1) Improved RO-HU cross-border cooperation of institutions in migration management in the Bihor-Hajdu-Bihar cross-border region.
2) Common framework developed, for theoretical and practical training and exchange of best-practices for the personnel involved in border management and public order activities.
3) Better preparation to face the migration phenomen, due to the equippment aquisitions made through the project and the trainings organized for police workers.
11/b1 Number of institutions directly
involved in crossborder cooperation

Number : 4 institutions

The implementation period has ended, the documentation to support the achievment of the output indicators was sent to MA on 23.03.2021.

Hajdú-Bihar County police PP2 HU HB 61,235.41 10,806.25 0.00

Regional Border Police Oradea PP3 RO BH 61,081.00 10,779.00 0.00

Bihor County Police PP4 RO BH 60,821.75 10,733.25 0.00

94 ROHU-198 PA6 11/b Open Doors for Culture and Tradition in EUrope ODCTEU 1-Jul-2019 30-Sep-2020 ended Alesd Town LB RO BH 74,055.00 62,946.75 34,850.00 5,329.59 820.41 The main objective of the project is to strengthen the connections between the local communities of Alesd and Kaba in order to facilitate the increase of the intensity of future cross-border cooperation’s. The project will support the mutual understanding and acceptance between the two communities and will create the bridges of trust, necessary in order to upgrade the existing relations to a higher level. A common ground for cooperation is the recognition of the similarities of the cultural heritage of the two partner cities. Finalized:
1) The “Open Borders festival” was organized in Alesd to present and promote the beauty and richness of the folk dances specific for the nationalities from the cross-border area. The cultural program of the festival was complemented by a series of gastronomic and sports competition;
1) Acquisition of the equipment needed for the sport competitions, the gastronomic festival and the cultural performances organized in Alesd;
2) Electric power generator equipment 20 kW purchased .It was needed during the events organized, in order to ensure the energy supply for all the activities of the festival.
3) Cross-border community events were organized in Kaba: Asszonyboldogito archery contest , Autumn Fest .
4) Football equipments for different age categories for children that will be used by the kids participating in the football competition organized during the Kaba Youth Soccer Competition event.
5) 10 booths houses purchased for the logistics of Open Border Festival
1) Better cooperation between citizens; a close and strong relationship between communities.
2) Aware citizens of the two countries of the specific traditions, increased active interraction of citizens in informal frame (concerts, cultural and sport events), preservation of the cultural diversity of the two countries.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Planned to be reached:
Number: 200 people

Reached: 2208 people

The implementation period has ended, the documentation to support the achievment of the output indicators was sent to MA on 26.02.2021.

Kaba Town Self-Government PP2 HU HB 28,096.75 3,305.17 1,653.08

95 ROHU-202 PA6 11/b Mures/Maros that binds us seruMaros 1-Aug-2019 31-Oct-2021 ended Diaspora Foundation LB RO TM 60,495.00 51,420.75 27,693.00 4,235.08 651.92 Raised awareness for the communities placed on the shore of Mures River (Igris, Cenad, Pecica, Semlac in Romania and Deszk, Magyarcsanad, Maroslele, Ferencszallas in Hungary) regarding common interests, identity, and opportunities to improve the relationship between their residents by participating at events related to the local traditions Finalized:
1) 8 local clubs for children were created; 4 in Romania (in Cenad, Pecica, Igris, Semlac) and 4 in Hungary (in Deszk, Magyarcsanad, Maroslele, and Ferencszallas) to be involved in workshop activities such as painting, crafting, photo collage, poetry, film, etc;
2) joint cultural events organized such as a workshop for club leaders, 2 picnics for the target groups from both sides of the border, including the thematic bilingual workbook about Mures elaborated;
3) a film produced, as a virtual exposition, where each of the 8 localities presented their activities and elaborated works.
1) Establishing a cross-border framework that facilitates cohesion of the communities and provides opportunities for cooperation mainly to residents of localities placed on the Mureș/Maros River shores.
2) Increasing the cross-border communities' opportunities for creating cross-border partnerships and improving the collaboration between the 2 communities.

11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Planned to be reached:
Number: 104 participants

Number: 134 participants in cross-border cooperation initiatives

The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 128.85%.

Southern Great Plain Regional Research Society for Social Sciences PP2 HU CS 23,727.75 2,791.23 1,396.02 Proiectul seruMaros – Fundaţia Diaspora (

96 ROHU-204 PA6 11/b Shared problems, joint solutions - improving cooperation between Arad and Bekes public administration WorkMix 1-Dec-2018 31-Oct-2023 ended Arad County LB RO AR 217,500.00 184,875.00 115,031.52 17,591.71 2,707.97 Intensifying the level of cross-border cooperation between institutions, through joint working groups, while delivering a joint Action plan for the Arad and Bekes counties, renovating the venues for the meetings and promotion of common cultural heritage Finalized:
1) The Bekes County Brand created;
2) Study tour in Bekes County, to promote and present county values, tourist attractions, gastronomy, and mutual presentation of cultural and natural values and to establish the agenda and schedule of the professional meetings;
3) 5 Professional meetings in Arad (focusing on: Risk and disaster management, Tourism, Health, Culture, heritage and cross-border relations, Transport and infrastructure) and 4 Professional meetings in Bekes County were held;
4)The Dictionary of Local Culinary Treasures was printed in 400 copies in Romanian and 400 copies in Hungarian and includes articles related to local dishes and culinary traditions, identified, proposed and selected by the three partners;
5) The brochure of Békés County cultural values was published in three languages, 2000 copies (in three languages: 1000 pieces Hungarian, 500 pieces Rumanian and 500 pieces English) in order to promote the local treasures;
6) Realization of one Travelling exhibition / Exhibition of Hungarian values;
7) Renovation of a 205 sqm meeting hall, located in a historic building in the center of Arad city;
8) Renovation of 2 storage rooms for the exhibition equipments in Bekes County;
9) Realization of one media campaign (consisting of articles, radio and online articles to promote the common cultural heritage) by Bekes County;
10)2 day long workshop organized in Arad for the elaboration of 2 year Action Plan for Arad Bekes Joint Committee;
11) The public presentation of the Dictionary of Local Culinary Treasures was held in Arad;
12) The sound system for the Iuliu Maniu Hall was purchased and installed;
13) Equipping the Iuliu Maniu meeting hall with furniture.
1) Improved cross-border cooperation between public institutions in Arad and Bekes counties, common values promotion, identifying the problems faced by organizations and the population in both counties and boost the activity of the Arad-Bekes Joint Committee.  
2) Promotion of common cultural heritage through the Dictionary of Local Culinary Treasures prepared within the project, travelling exhibition and media campaign.

11/b1 Number of institutions directly involved in crossborder cooperation initiatives
Planned to be reached:
Number: 3 institutions
Number: 3 institutions
The indicator was achieved in a percentage of 100%.
Project description:

Békés County Government PP2 HU BK 58,938.32 6,933.23 3,467.65

“Alexandru D. Xenopol” Arad County Library PP3 RO AR 10,905.16 1,667.72 256.72

97 ROHU-215 PA6 11/b Developing common solutions for increasing the drinking water quality 4FORH2O 1-Nov-2018 30-Apr-2020 ended Apa Canal Nord Vest S.A. LB RO BH 267,488.00 227,364.80 65,747.50 10,054.73 1,547.77 Increased technical and institutional capacity of the 4 involved partners by developing common solutions for a higher quality of the drinking water through equipment purchase and training sessions. Finalized:
1) A mobile unit equipped with water analysis equipment, with utility trailer - water analysis laboratory with conveyor;
2) A mobile unit for water loss detection;
3) A video and alarm monitoring system for the waste water cleaning plant in Valea lui Mihai;
4) A UDM 300 easy-to-use device for temporary flow monitoring;
5) One inspection camera system package;
6) Two water pumps;
7) 4 series of trainings (theoretical part + site visits) were organized with a total of approx. 36 participants;
8) 2 open-days were organized with a total of approx. 45 participants
1) Higher performance in testing and analysing the drinking water in the cross-border area.
2) Increased human capacity of the involved institutions (better understanding of the newly purchased equipment and water characteristics in the targeted region).
3) Informed pupils about the partner institutions, the functioning of the newly purchased equipment and better understanding of water as a vital resource.
11/b1 Number of institutions directly involved in crossborder cooperation initiatives

Number: 4 institutions
Project description:

Intercomunitary Association Nord West Area PP2 RO BH 66,523.55 10,173.41 1,566.04

Bors Commune PP2 RO BH 38,080.00 5,823.56 896.44

ALFÖLDVÍZ Regional Water Utility Services Ltd. PP3 HU BK 57,013.75 6,706.83 3,354.42

98 ROHU-217 PA6 11/b Institutional cooperation in research activities for specialists, training and usage of computational intelligence for fundamenting companies financial decisions CIFIDE 1-Dec-2018 31-Jul-2020 ended University of Oradea - Faculty of Economic Sciences - Department of Finance - Accounting LB RO BH 217,867.00 185,186.95 124,444.25 19,031.19 2,929.56 Creating modern and innovative tools, with the help of computational intelligence, for improved financial management of the companies in the border area. Finalized:
1) 1 Analysis of the regulatory background for the enterprises in the Romanian-Hungarian Border, which contain data regarding the needs of the SMEs from the border region and the bottlenecks which hinder their activity and the development of the cross-border local economy. The data is elated to legal, social and economic conditions;
2) 5 Courses on Computational Intelligence with applicability in the finance area were organized for training University staff and specialists in this field ;
3) 6 Softwares for analysis of financial decision.
4) 1 Guide for usage of computational intelligence in the financial management of the companies in order to share the expertise acquired in the institutional co-operation process as well as to develop the specialized skills needed for the research activities.
1) A better cross-border private initiative background for developing entreprises in the area of Romanian-Hungarian border.
2) Development of modern tools in the finance-related area, through the use of computational intelligence.
3) Increased institutional cooperation between University of Oradea and University of Debrecen by ensuring the jointly training of the staff in the field of computational finance decision making process and by this creating a specialized core of experts which can later spread knowledge in the field towards students and companies and can offer consultation in using the specialized software.
4) Financial management decision algorithms were developed for the economic operators from Bihor-Hajdu-Bihar Euregion which are put at the disposal of all interested parties,
5) Share of the expertise acquired in the institutional co-operation process, as well as to develop the specialized skills necessary for the research activities jointly undertaken by the University of Oradea and University of Debrecen, by developing and publishing a guide for using computational intelligence in the financial management .
11/b2 Number of institutions directly involved in crossborder cooperation initiatives

Number: 2 institutions

Project description:

University of Debrecen - Faculty of Economics and Busines PP2 HU HB 60,742.70 10,719.30 0.00 Project section of Lead Beneficiary's website

99 ROHU-265 PA6 11/b Let'S Celebrate Our Traditions Together TOGETHER 1-Nov-2018 30-Apr-2020 ended Cetariu Commune LB RO BH 70,400.00 59,840.00 29,325.00 4,484.66 690.34 Long-term sustainable cooperation between communities of Cetariu (RO) and Kaba (HU), by using cross-border local resources: traditions, customs, and habits, in order to create an annual calendar of events that will strengthen the relationship of the communities involved. Finalized:
1) 13 pieces of equipment: 1 mobile scene, 2 specific electric systems: 1 sound and 1 illumination system, 10 sets of tables and wooden benches necessary for the events organized within the project;
2) 5 annual events were organized in Cetariu and Kaba, 2 in Cetariu and 3 in Kaba. Folk groups and artists from both sides participated in events in Cetariu and also sportive competitions between teams from both communes were organized. The annual events organized in Cetariu were held in summer (youth&children) and in autumn of 2019 (Grapes Festival), while the events in Kaba were related to the New Bread Feast and Advent celebration in 2019 and Carnival in February 2020.
1) Adequate equipping of the 2 communes with the necessary endowments, in order to be able to organize annual events for the local communities.
2) Increased promotion of the cooperation between citizens, in order to bring communities closer and strengthen the relationship between them. The citizens of the two countries will be more aware of the specific traditions and will interact actively in informal frame, such as concerts and cooking contests.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Planned to be reached:
Number: 400 participants

Reached: 825

The implementation period has ended, the documentation to support the achievement of the output indicators was sent to MA on 21.12.2020.
Project description:

KABA City Local Government PP2 HU HB 30,515.00 3,589.65 1,795.35

100 ROHU-283 PA6 11/b Sustainable cross-border cooperation for citizens between Marghita and Berettyóújfalu municipalities CCC_MB 1-Dec-2018 30-Nov-2020 ended Marghita Municipality LB RO BH 80,000.00 68,000.00 40,800.00 6,239.52 960.48 Intensified sustainable cooperation of institutions and communities from Marghita and Berettyóújfalu obtained through the increased number of cultural cross-border events and participants to these events
1) 8 active NGO's (4 in RO/4 in HU) brought together in identifying cultural needs and planning local and cross-border cultural activities between the 2 localities: Marghita and Berettyóújfalu;
2) 4 joint cross-border cultural events organized in Marghita and Berettyóújfalu to preserve and promote cultural diversity and traditions;
3) 2 technical equipments: stage cover and concert stage
1) Engaging civil society from Marghita and Berettyóújfalu in common cultural activities enable institutions and citizens to come closer together, to create networks and to strengthen the existing cross-border cooperation
2) Cultural diversity and traditions promotion in order to preserve and promote cultural diversity and common cultural traditions.
3) The equipments purchased ensure the durability of the cross-border events by allowing an increased number of individuals to participate in sustainable cooperation initiatives for citizens.
11/b2 Number of people participating
in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Planned to be reached:
Number : 2000 participants

Number : 6120 participants

The implementation period has ended, the documentation to support the achievment of the output indicators was sent to JS on 27.04.2021 for verification and, afterwards was sent to MA for verification on 10.06.2021.

Berettyó Cultural Center PP2 HU HB 27,200.00 3,199.68 1,600.32

101 ROHU-285 PA6 11/b Healthy Traditions - science for next generation TSH TradScienceHealth 1-Dec-2018 31-Aug-2021 ended Iris Research Association LB RO AR 67,671.09 57,520.41 26,151.26 3,999.30 615.63 Intensifying cooperation between cross-border communities, in Arad, Timis and Bekes counties, while raising awareness on cultural heritage. Finalized:
1)Cultural heritage workshop ""Walk with your ancestors"" ;
2)Culinary workshop ""Cook with your ancestors"".
3)Scientific workshop ""Understand with your ancestors"";
4) Realization of a bilingual calendar where each month will have specific recipes, remedies or customs;
5)Interviewing at least 15 people/ village, contributing to the project's total of 300 interviews, collecting traditional gastronomic recipes, natural remedies and religious or national holidays customs from the inhabitants;
6) Organizing an event in Gyula with at least 500 participants
7) Publishing a bilingual culinary guide in 1000 copies each.
1) A number of 500 persons from Arad, Timis and Bekes counties participating to the cultural event "Meals, remedies and traditions", therefore engaging the cross-border community in the cross-border cooperation initiatives;
2) Strenghtening connections for 300 inhabitants from Arad, Timis and Bekes counties, while raising awareness on cultural heritage.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Number: 745 (out of the 800 participants planned)

Project description:

West University of Timişoara PP2 RO TM 12,553.77 1,919.85 295.53

„Nicolae Balcescu” Primary School and College PP3 HU BK 18,815.38 2,213.36 1,107.01

102 ROHU-289 PA6 11/b Connecting the traditions of the Crisul Repede Valley CCRV 1-Dec-2018 31-May-2020 ended Local Government of Vadu Crișului LB RO BH 79,999.00 67,999.15 36,026.40 5,509.50 848.10 Cooperation initiatives to bring institutions closer to people, build cooperation and strengthen relationships, by the organization of cross border cultural events in the CB area of Vadu Crisului (RO) and Körösszegapáti (HU),in the context of small-case cooperation initiatives in the field of culture Finalized:
The cross border cultural events organized within the project are:
1) Cross border handcrafts camp;
2) Cross border Ecumenical choir festival;
3) Folk dance camp;
4) Celebration of the Salt Customs.
5)Training camp;
6)Event Kun László Festival at Kőrösszegapáti.
1) Cultural diversity helps people between RO-HU sides, become respectful of the multitudes of cultures and people that they’ll interact. Cultural diversity teaches people that differences in viewpoint and culture are to be cherished and appreciated rather than judged and feared.
2) The project has a positive impact on local populations cultural attitude; outcomes of the project increase the cultural understanding and tolerance of both settlements, and willingness to participate in the cultural events.
The project aims to help cooperation initiatives that bring institutions closer to people, build cooperation and strengthen relationships, by the organization of cross border cultural events in the CB area of Vadu Crisului (RO) and Körösszegapáti (HU), in the context of small-case cooperation initiatives in the field of culture.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Plan to be reached:
Number: 130 participants
Number: 140 participants

Project description:

Körösszegapáti Local Government PP2 HU HB 31,972.75 3,761.13 1,881.12

103 ROHU-292 PA6 11/b Strengthening cooperation between communities in the Körös Valley CultUmbrella 1-Dec-2018 30-Sep-2020 ended Körösök Valley Nature Park Association LB HU BK 65,362.00 55,557.70 28,050.00 3,299.67 1,650.33 Better cooperation between small communities in the border area, through the promotion of common cultural events, folk crafts and traditions. Finalized:
1) 4 events (Körös Valley Festival) of crafts and folk arts in the cross-border area were organized in 2019 and 2020; the participants were informed about the ecotourism and natural attractions of the area through leaflets, brochures, and thematic maps.
2) 37 pieces of equipment: 1 specific sound technique, 6 pop-up tents, 30 bench sets provide the material conditions for events organising within the project.
1) Improved cross-border cooperation through the involvement of 2070 persons in common events, which contributed to the strengthening of community relationships and the preservation of local identity.
2) The activities organized within the project strengthened the linkage between culture/ tradition and economic activities and had a major positive impact on cross-border collaboration by reinforcing cultural & economic relations, promoting local products and developing tourism activities and tourist flow.
3) All the activities involved green ideas and solutions for the community, aiming at increasing the responsibility of people in the field of environmental protection and culture conservation.
4) Promoting the traditional products and production in the Cris / Körös Valley through common cross-border initiatives.
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives

Reached: 2070 persons (out of the 1200 planned)

Project description:

The municipality of Zerind PP2 RO AR 27,507.70 4,206.74 647.56 Project section on Lead Beneficiary's website

104 ROHU-297 PA6 11/b A Cross-Border Open Model of A Digital Museum Database COMODI 1-Dec-2018 31-Aug-2020 ended Jósa András Museum LB HU SB 390,775.00 332,158.75 139,497.75 16,409.86 8,207.39 Intensified cross-border cooperation with the involvement of 6 partners (3 from Hungary and 3 from Romania) fostering the creation of an integrated local pool of experts and cultural managers, with the potential to sustain and expand the project results.
1) Developed digital model for public collections (joint digital model for effective and competitive museums);
2) Practical applications of digital museums (through cooperation between professionals and by involving culturally aware citizens);
3) Expanded conventional museums into the virtual sphere (through attractive new exhibitions and conferences).
4) 4 professional workshops (focusing also on the issues of new trends and opportunities in ICT, virtual and digital applications in museums and public collections), 3 cultural guides, 2 monographs, 2 professional international publications, 1 database-related training for 20 participants, 1 practical training with site visits and fieldwork for 30 participants and 1 brochure;
5) 2 travelling exhibitions (focusing on the holographic presentation), 1 virtual exhibition, 1 equipped permanent local exhibition in Vetiş (Satu Mare County) and a film presenting the opportunities created by the new databases;
6) 2 international conferences (one in Nyíregyháza-Geszteréd and one in Satu Mare, with 40-40 participants);
7) Complex, microregional exploration, intrusive prospection, geophysical research, analysis of materials and cross-border archaeological field research.
1) The general public and higher education&research institutions are better informed about Szatmar/Satu Mare region’s history and culture, through new digital solutions implemented, workshops, professional applications, cultural guides, brochures, etc. All the implemented activities allowed the promotion of relevant regional attractions contributed to the preservation of shared cultural assets and strengthened cross-border cultural and institutional cooperation.
2) The 2 compatible museum databases developed on both sides of the border (of approx. 1700 records and 2500 documents) provide state-of-the-art solutions for museums in order to effectively use the technology of the modern era, and to be competitive in both professional and tourism spheres.

11/b1 Number of institutions directly involved in crossborder cooperation initiatives

Number: 6 institutions

Project description:

County Museum of Satu Mare PP2 RO CSM 125,026.50 19,120.23 2,943.27

Municipality of Csenger PP3 HU SB 13,986.75 1,645.34 822.91

Geszteréd Aranyszablya Society PP4 HU CB 11,394.25 1,340.37 670.38​​​​​​​

Administrativ Territorial Unit, Tasnad Town, Satu Mare County PP5 RO SM 21,169.25 3,237.41 498.34

Territorial Administrative Unit, Vetiș Comune, Satu Mare County PP6 RO SM 21,084.25 3,224.41 496.34​​​​​​​

105 ROHU-300 PA6 11/b Common challenges - common solutions: institutional development in the field of tourism ProTourism 1-Dec-2018 31-May-2020 ended Municipality of Jimbolia LB RO TM 209,368.00 177,962.80 70,056.15 10,713.65 1,649.20 Intensified cross-border collaboration between three local public authorities: Jimbolia, Carpinis and Csanadpalota, in the field of tourism promotion by creating tourist information points and common tourism-promoting materials for the involved localities. Finalized:
1) Joint professional activities organized for 9 people (persons from staff) in order to gain new skills and knowledge in the tourism field;
2) 3 workshops were organized, with the theme of tourism entrepreneur skills;
3) 3 tourist info centers were created and equipped, one by each partner, which function as a unit of each institution;
4) 3 public meetings in the field of rural tourism development and promotion;
5) 1 Joint tourism promoting strategy;
6) 4600 promotional materials consisting of presentation albums with CD and brochures of the three localities where the project is implemented: Jimbolia, Carpinis and Csanadpalota, and a presentation film, to promote tourist attractions of each area.
1) Development of the human resources of the three institutions involved in the project, through workshops and exchange of best practices.
2) Strengthen cooperation between the participating local public administrations through the thematic workshops organized, which were focused on tourism entrepreneur skills, rural tourism development and tourism promotion, including IT skills.
3) Promotion of the touristic attractions and the touristic services, through the 3 touristic information centers created, which function as units of the institutions.
4) Development of tourism promotional materials, which will be used in the promotion of the region.
11/b1 Number of institutions directly involved in crossborder cooperation

Number: 3 institutions

The implementation period has ended, and the documentation to support the achievement of the output indicators was sent to MA on 11.02.2021.
Project description: FB Jimbolia:

Carpinis Commune PP2 RO TM 48,504.40 7,417.75 1,141.85 FB Carpinis:  

Municipality of Csanadpalota PP3 HU BH 59,402.25 6,987.81 3,494.94 FB Jimbolia:

106 ROHU-122 PA6 11/b Cross-border climbing CBC 1-Jun-2019 28-Feb-2022 ended Sport Club Gecko LB RO BH 79,861.50 67,882.27 34,311.52 5,247.25 807.73 Cooperation initiatives that bring civil organizations closer to people, build cooperation and strengthen relationships, by establishment of a cross border climbing league and the organization of cross border climbing events in the CB area of Oradea (RO) and Zsombó (HU),in the context of small-case cooperation initiatives in the field of sports. Finalized:
1. Establishment of a Cross-Border Climbing League: A professional network was created to provide existing sports clubs in the region with opportunities to promote themselves and offer competition opportunities to their members.
2. Cross-Border Climbing Competitions in Hungary: Two competitions were organized at the headquarters of the climbing club in Zsombó, Hungary: 24-27 June 2021: 57 participants; 7-8 August 2021: 50 participants
3. Open Climbing Days for Children in Hungary: Children from four selected schools participated in four open climbing days: 28 May 2021 (Hódmezővásárhely) – 26 participants; 5 June 2021 (Zsombó) – 20 participants; 9 June 2021 (Berettyóújfalu) – 43 participants; 12-13 June 2021 (SZTE Sagvari Gyakorlo Gimnazium) – 22 participants;
4. Climbing Camp in Zsombó, Hungary: A climbing camp was organized in Zsombó from 28 June to 2 July 2021.
5. Climbing Camp for Children with Special Needs in Hungary: A specialized climbing camp for children with special needs was held in Zsombó from 9-13 August 2021, with 12 participants.
6. Movement Therapy for Children with Special Needs in Hungary: 12 Hungarian children with special needs participated in an 8-month movement therapy series, with monthly sessions held in Zsombó at the Meteora Climbing Club headquarters.
7. Purchase of Climbing Equipment: The Romanian partner purchased a mobile climbing wall, which became the main accessory for the open climbing days.
8. Cross-Border Climbing Competitions in Romania: Two climbing competitions were organized at the headquarters of Sport Club Gecko in Oradea, Romania: 18 September 2021; 25 September 2021. A total of 100 competitors from Romania participated.
9. Open Climbing Days in Romania: Four open climbing days were successfully organized: 15-16 November 2019; 21-23 January 2020
2-3 October 2020; 23-24 October 2020. A total of 80 students from Romania participated.
10. Climbing Camp for Children with Special Needs in Romania: A cross-border climbing camp for children with special needs was organized in Oradea, Romania, from 24-28 November 2021, with 12 participants.
11. Movement Therapy for Children with Special Needs in Romania: 12 Romanian children with special needs participated in an 8-month movement therapy series, with sessions held monthly at the headquarters of Sport Club Gecko in Oradea.
12. Climbing Courses for Beginners: A climbing course for beginners was held in Oradea, Romania, at the Sport Club Gecko on 2 October 2021, with 32 participants.
13. Project Launch Conference: The project launch conference took place in Oradea, Romania, on 28-29 June 2019, with 100 attendees.
14. Project Closing Conference: The closing conference was held online on 27 February 2022 due to the COVID-19 emergency measures, with participants from Hungary.
15. Promotional Materials: The following promotional materials were produced: 2 roll-ups; 2 permanent billboards; Stickers
16. Project Website: The project website was created and is accessible at:
The implementation of this project helped cooperation initiatives that bring civil organizations closer to people, built cooperation and strengthen relationships, by establishment of a cross border climbing league and the organization of cross border climbing events in the CB area of Oradea (RO) and Zsombó (HU), in the context of small-case cooperation initiatives in the field of sports. The new cross- border cooperation of institutions and communities created programs/activities for children who are continually obstructed in the learning processes, or suffer from hyperactivity, attention deficiency, dyslexia;
11/b2 Number of people participating in cross-border cooperation initiatives
Reached: 246 participants
The Project Output Indicator was overachieved, 246 out of 138 persons participated in the sports activities.
The implementation period has ended, and the documentation supporting the achievement of the output indicators was sent to the MA on 29.11.2022.

Project description:

Meteora Mászócsapat PP2 HU CS 33,570.75 3,949.11 1,975.14

107 ROHU-281 PA6 11/b „Heritage of Csanád, bridge of schools” - cross-border cooperation of Catholic schools Heritage of Csanád, bridge of schools 1-Jan-2020 31-Dec-2021 ended Savio Saint Dominic Catholic Elementary School and Nursery School LB HU BK 210,350.00 178,797.50 89,526.25 10,531.45 5,267.30 Better cooperation between communities by promoting the common local ethnographic and cultural traditions in the Békés - Banat region. Finalized:
1. Creation of Cross-Border Cultural Spaces: The partners aimed to establish spaces attached to schools where the traditions of the cross-border area could be studied by both children and adults, as well as hosting joint events:
-LB HU: A community space was converted (95 m²), including courtyard pavement and a new outdoor stage for performances and concerts (150 m²).
-PP2 RO: The school’s ceremonial room was renovated, and a 32 m² indoor stage was constructed.
2. Local Courses and Events Organized by LB HU Savio:
-110 Enamel Art Courses for pupils (1-3 classes/week), led by a Master of Folk Arts, with necessary equipment purchased.
-150 Folk Dance Courses for pupils (3-4 classes/week), led by professional dancers, with necessary equipment purchased (folk dance costumes, stage sound system, camcorder, laptop, CD player).
-National Attire Presentation: A school event with 118 pupils participating, held on 27 April 2021.
-Spice and Herb Garden Setup in the schoolyard, with related equipment acquired.
-Sustainability Days on the topic of herbal gardens, organized from 1 to 3 June 2021, with 395 pupils participating. The necessary equipment was purchased (composter, hand tools, leaf blower, lawnmower).
-Open-Air Stage Ceremony: A hand-over ceremony for the new outdoor stage, held on 14 June 2021, with the entire pupil community of 146 participants. Equipment purchased included outdoor chairs.
3. Cross-Border Events Organized by LB HU Savio:
-Christmas in Békéscsaba, 26 November 2021: A one-day event with 20 teachers (10 from Jimbolia and 10 from Békéscsaba) and 44 students (24 from Jimbolia and 20 from Békéscsaba).
-Experts' Day in Békéscsaba, 14 December 2021: A one-day event with 40 teachers (20 from Jimbolia and 20 from Békéscsaba).
-Cavalcade in Békéscsaba, 11 October 2021: A one-day event with 20 teachers (10 from Jimbolia and 10 from Békéscsaba) and 40 students (20 from Jimbolia and 20 from Békéscsaba).
4. Local Courses and Equipment Purchased by PP2 RO Gimnaziala Jimbolia School:
-Icon Painting Courses for Children: 20 courses, each attended by 20 children.
-Skilful Hands Courses: Organized 20 times, each attended by 20 children.
-Folk Dance Courses: 20 courses, with 40 children participating per event.
-Gardening Event: 82 pupils participated in planting 162 plants in the vertical garden.
5. Cross-Border Events Organized by PP2 Jimbolia:
-Cultural Cavalcade in Jimbolia, 27 September 2021: A one-day event with 20 teachers (10 from Jimbolia and 10 from Békéscsaba) and 40 pupils (20 from Jimbolia and 20 from Békéscsaba).
-Exchange of Good Practices for Promoting Local History, 15 December 2021: A one-day event attended by 20 teachers from each school, Jimbolia and Békéscsaba.
-Study Tour, 23-24 August 2021: A two-day event attended by 20 teachers from each school, Jimbolia and Békéscsaba.
6. Equipment Purchased by PP2 Jimbolia:
-Audio and video equipment
-Vertical herb garden with accessories
-Folk costumes
-Tables, chairs, cabinets
1) A better access of the population to community spaces, through the transformation of unused buildings into functional public events places.
2) Better cooperation between communities, through the development of arts and crafts and other traditional arts courses.
3) The two schools learned from each other’s best practices and adapted them in their own institutions. Both partners created a community space attached to the school where they perpetuate the collected traditions to school-age children and adults and where they can organise joint events.
11/b1 Number of institutions directly involved in crossborder cooperation initiatives
Reached: 2 institutions
The implementation period has ended, and the documentation supporting the achievement of the output indicators was sent to the MA on 23.11.2022.
Project description: LB:

Gimnaziala Jimbolia School PP2 RO TM 89,271.25 13,652.20 2,101.55

108 ROHU-319 PA6 11/b Joint Program For Youth Cross – Border Cooperation 4 YOUTH 1-Dec-2020 30-Jun-2023 ended UAT Comuna Paleu LB RO BH 173,500.00 147,475.00 52,020.00 7,955.39 1,224.61 Intensified cross-border sustainable collaboration between the involved local public authorities: Paleu, Cetariu and Hosszúpályi by developing their institutional capacity to provide better services towards citizens.
Finalized: Creating a common network of best practices in administration;
LB RO Paleu:
1. Opening Conference: Organized on 19th October 2021 to promote the project with 32 participants.
2. Second Experience Exchange Event: Organized and hosted by LB RO Paleu on 9th February 2023 with 24 participants from the other two partners.
3. Youth Festival in Paleu: Held on 10th June 2023 with 60 participants.
4. Equipment Purchased: One laptop set with mouse, Office, and Windows and 2 vehicles - one car necessary for transportation of 5
persons and one vehicle necessary to carry equipment - single cab chassis type.
5. Promotional Materials: 30 folders for the press conference, 1 roll-up, 100 pens
PP2 HU Hosszúpályi:
6. First Experience Exchange Event: Organized and hosted by PP2 HU Hosszúpályi on 31st May 2022, attended by the other two partners (24 participants).
7. Closing Conference: Held in Hosszúpályi on 18th May 2023 with 30 participants.
8. Equipment Purchased: Two minibusses for transportation (8+1 seats); One laptop with necessary software (Windows, Office)
9. Promotional Materials: 30 folders for the press conference; 1 roll-up; 100 pens
PP3 (Romania):
PP3 RO Cetariu:
10. Third Experience Exchange Event: Organized and hosted by PP3 RO Cetariu on 24th February 2023, attended by the other two partners (25 participants).
11. Online Meeting: Held on 28th September 2022.
12. Equipment Purchased: One vehicle (6+1 crew cabin chassis with tipper), Teleconference system (Laptop with Windows, Office, mouse, Monitor/TV, Webcam with microphone, speaker, remote control)
13. Promotional Materials: 1 roll-up, 100 pens
1) The involved partners hosted each of them one experience exchange and attended the other 2 organised by the other partner. Also, an online technical meeting was organised at the initiative of PP3 RO Cetariu Commune. During the 4 meetings, representatives from each commune institutions – local councils, schools a.s.o., visited the partners and shared the best practices and common challenges, in order to create a common network of good practice. They exchanged experiences on area of interest such as: education, traditions & tourism economic opportunities, financial, acquisitions, investment, agricultural a.s.o., improving their expertise level by taking the good practice model from partner institutions and replicate where applicable.
2) The equipments (vehicles) acquired will be used for further development of local institutions. These vehicles will give the opportunity to the beneficiaries to be able to transport persons as well as equipment, to all the events planned not only in the context of the current project, but also as sustainability instruments, in all activities implemented for the community.

11/b1 Number of institutions directly involved in crossborder cooperation
Reached: 3 institutions
The implementation period has ended, and the documentation supporting the achievement of the output indicators was sent to the MA on 08.02.2024.

Project description:

Hosszúpályi Commune PP2 HU HB 48,195.00 5,669.44 2,835.56

UAT Comuna Cetariu PP3 RO BH 47,260.00 7,227.45 1,112.55